( For the partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Technology Degree in Computer Science &
Engineering / Information Technology)
Submitted By –
Deepanshu Kamboj (Section- H / 1918317)
Chirag Goel (Section-H/ 1918307 )
Ayush Kumar (Section-H/ 1918287)
Ankita Sharma (Section-H/ )
Technologies Used :
Problem Statement :
Solution :
In most of the existing applications, they provide only live video session,
they can’t provide the chatting during the session and can’t watch the
videos in the platform . Our application provides the live video session ,play
videos and games during the call with the help of machine learning it's
possible to make a platform , It provide entertainment to the user.
Technology used:
In Front end: ReactJs
In backend: NodeJs, flask
Database maintained by MongoDB and firebase
Motivation :
The real motivation behind this project is to develop a platform where the
group of friends connect watch the movies ,chatting with each other in
secure manner play games watch videos . Hence the motivation is to
develop a platform where the group of friends entertain through the
application while watching movies play games with our friends virtually.
Problem Statement:
Develop an application on which user can connect with his friends or
strangers with similar interests and can enjoy various features while
connected online, like watching movies, listening to music, or play the
games while connected together. The application will also recommend
different games, music, and movies as per the user interest.
The main objective behind the project is to provide an entertainment
application on which the user would be able to meet his friends virtually
and could enjoy his free time with them. As most of the time when people
watch movies or play online games they might feel lonely especially in the
games which do not provide real time live voice chatting, so to overcome
this problem we build this project. The main objective is to provide such an
interface to the user that in which the whole group of friends will get
movies, games or music recommendations as per the similar interest of the
whole group combined. The users will also be able to chat with each other
while watching the movie or playing any online game.
Literature Survey
Web Development :
In this particular domain, the primarily task to develop full stack
website which would contain registration page for user to register
themselves they can register by filing simple form or can-do
registration direct by google.
A login page by which user can authenticate them selves to use the
features of website they can login them selves by filling simple login
for or direct by google.
What user see after login.
After authentication user redirect to home page where user see their
dashboard and option to make the group and can invite our friend to
join the group where they can do conference call by clicking on meet
button and can chat with our friends and there is button of movie
recommendation and game recommendation.
Networking :
Machine Learning :
Technology Involved :
React JS :
ReactJS gaining quick popularity as the best JavaScript framework
among web developers. It is playing an essential role in the front-end
ecosystem. The important features of ReactJS are as following.
▪ Virtual DOM
▪ One-way Data Binding
▪ Components
▪ Performance
NodeJS :
Socket programming will be used while developing Realtime Video
Conferencing tool. NodeJS contains library which allows to
perform socket programming easily and efficiently in Nodejs. Nodejs
also allows to create the backend of the project along with the
ExpressJS for making server of project used to validate user in
Python :
Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It is the
top choice of all programmers when it comes to Machine Learning.
Python contains libraries such as Tensorflow, Keras, etc for machine
learning. It also provides libraries such as Matplotlib, etc for
generating graphs and plots for analysis part of the data. We will be
using Python to develop our machine learning model which will help
us to recommend movies, games and music based on the present
searched content by the user. Python’s Machine Learning model will
also recommend movies to the user.
MongoDB/Firebase Database:
MongoDB stores data in the form of documents, collections.
MongoDB is a No-SQL Database. It also provides an online platform
named MongoDB Atlas that is also called the online version of the
MongoDB. The user’s data can be stored here and accessed from
Dataset involved
The dataset will be needed to train the machine learning models to
recommend books and courses
Layout of website
Use Case Diagram of Student
To conclude the project, it would be a single platform where the friends
could meet with each other online, play games while on call and could also
chat during the same. The user would be able to make new friends with
similar interests and could connect with them through the groups. The user
will get recommendations of movies, games and music as per his personal
Future Scope:
• In the upcoming future, we will probably use some secure database
like blockchain technology so that it provides more security to the
user data.
• We will also try to update our application in such a way that the users
will be able to watch the movies on the same application only i: e they
will not require to screen share to watch the movies or shows.
• Since as of now only five to six members can join in our application in
one group and this is a sort of limitation so we would surely like to
overcome this in near future by increasing the quantity of members in
a group.