ثغرة الطاقة
Q:What is the effect of increasing temperature on the electrical conductivity
of conductors and semiconductors? Explain this .
Q: Explain the effect of temperature rise on the electrical conductivity of each
of the materials (conductor, semiconductor)
A: The electrical conductivity of conductors decreases as their temperature
increases as a result of the increase in their electrical resistance.
As for semiconductors, when their temperature increases, the electrical
conductivity increases due to the increase in the generation of
(electron-hole) pair
Q: What is the effect of placing a huge electric field or heat onto the insulator?
A: might lead to collapse of the insulator and flow of a very little current
through insulator
ثغرة الطاقة
Q: How can make intrinsic semiconductor ( like silicon ) have electric
conductivity by thermal effect ?
A: when the temperature of the intrinsic semiconductor increases to room
temperature ( 300K ) , valence electrons gain sufficient energy to break some
of covalent bonds from the source of ( thermal energy ) that enables them to
move from valence to conduction band through forbidden energy gap Then
these electrons are free movement through conduction band .
Q5(question of chapter ) | Define the followings :
4. Hole in semiconductor , and how it generates .
A: The hole: a space devoid of electrons that behaves like a positive charge
with an amount of electron charge
generated by: removing one electron from a silicon or germanium atom as a
result of thermal or light effect, or generated by removing one electron from a
silicon or germanium atom as a result of doping the semiconductor material
with acceptor atom impurity
Q6(question of chapter) What does the amount of the followings
depend on ?
b . The rate of creating electron - hole pair in an intrinsic semiconductor ?
A: 1. Temperature of semiconductor . 2. Type of semiconductor material .
Q: what is the forbidden energy gap amount of intrinsic silicon and germanium
1) room temperature 300 𝐾 ? 2) 0 𝐾
A: 1) the amount will be (𝟏. 𝟏𝐞𝐕 for intrinsic silicon) and (𝟎. 𝟕𝟐 𝐞𝐕 for intrinsic
2) the amount will be (𝟏. 𝟐𝐞𝐕 for intrinsic silicon) and (𝟎. 𝟕𝟖 𝐞𝐕 for intrinsic
Note : at room temperature (300 𝐾), for the intrinsic semiconductor: the
concentration of positive holes generated in valence band is equal to free
electrons in conduction band.
Q: What is the effect of imposing an electric field on the sides of intrinsic
semiconductor crystal like silicon at room temperature ( 300 𝐾) ?
A: free electrons are attracted easily to the positive side . As a result of free
electron movement in the intrinsic semiconductor material it creates a current
is called electron current . Another current is created in valence band , it is
called holes current , the direction of positive holes inside the crystal is toward
the direction of the electric field while the electrons move in the opposite
direction of the electric field applied this means that holes move in the opposite
direction of the electrons
Note : The total current flowing through the intrinsic semiconductor is the
sum of electrons currents and holes current . Both electrons and holes are
called Charge carriers .