Chemical Kinetics Paper

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Q 1. For an endothermic reaction where ∆� represents the

enthalpy of the reaction in kJ/mol; the minimum value
for the energy of activation will be (c)
(a) Less than ∆�
(b) Zero
(c) more than ∆�
(d) Equal to ∆�

Q 2. Chemical reaction occurs as a result of collision (d)

between reacting molecules. Therefore, the reaction
rate is given by
(a) Total number of collisions occurring in a
unit volume per second
(b) Fraction of molecules which possess energy
less than the threshold energy.
(c) Total number of effective collisions Q 7. The decomposition of a hydrocarbon follows the
(d) Temperature equation k = (4.5 × 1011 s-1) e-28000 K/T. What will
be the value of activation energy?
Q 3. The rate of reaction increases to 2.3 times when the (a) 669 kJ mol-1
temperature is raised from 300 K to 310 K. If K is the
(b) 232.79 kJ mol-1
rate constant at 300 K then the rate constant at 310 K
will be equal to- (c) 4.5 × 1011 kJ mol-1
(a) 2k (d) 28000 kJ mol-1
(b) k
(c) 2.3 k Q 8. The rate constant for a first order reaction at 300°C for
(d) 3 k2 which Ea is 35 kcal mol-1 and frequency constant is
1.45 × 1011 s-1 is
Q 4. An exothermic reaction X ⟶ Y has an activation
energy 30 kJ mol-1. If energy change (∆�) during the (a) 10 × 10-2 s-1
reaction is − 20 kJ, then the activation energy for the (b) 5.37 × 1010 s-1
reverse reaction is- (c) 5 × 10-4 s-1
(a) 10 kJ (d) 7.94 × 10-3 s-1
(b) 20 kJ
(c) 50 kJ Q 9. Match the column I with column II and mark the
(d) −30 kJ appropriate choice.

Q 5. The activation energy for a chemical reaction depends Column I Column II

upon- (A) Zero order (1) � = ��−�� /��
(a) Temperature (B) First order (2)
(b) Nature of reacting species
(c) Concentration of the reacting species
(d) Collision frequency

Q 6. Which graphs shows zero activation energy?

(a) (C) Endothermic (3) 2.303 �

�= log � 0
reaction �

(D) Arrhenius (4) �=

� 0− �


(a) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

(b) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
(c) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(d) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
Q 10. Which of the following statements about the catalyst is (c) Rate is inversely proportional to the surface
true? coverage
(a) A catalyst makes the reaction feasible by (d) Rate is independent of the surface coverage
making ∆� more negative.
(b) A catalyst makes equilibrium constant more Q 17. The half-life of a first-order reaction having rate
favourable for forward reaction. constant K = 1.7 × 10-5 s-1 is
(c) A catalyst accelerate rate of reaction by (a) 12.1 ℎ
bringing down the activation energy. (b) 9.7 ℎ
(d) A catalyst always increases the rate of (c) 11.3 ℎ
reaction. (d) 1.8 ℎ

Q 11. The increase in concentration of the reactants lead to Q 18. A first-order reaction was started with a decimolar
change in solution of the reactant, 8 minutes and 20 seconds later
(a) ∆� its concentration was found to be M/100. So the rate
(b) collision frequency constant of the reaction is
(c) activation energy (a) 2.303 × 10-5 sec-1
(d) equilibrium constant (b) 2.303 × 10-4 sec-1
(c) 4.606 × 10-3 sec-1
Q 12. For a certain reaction, a large fraction of molecules has (d) 2.606 × 10-5 sec-1
energy more than the threshold energy, still the rate of
reaction is very slow. The possible reason for this Q19. A substance with an initial concentration of 'a' mol
could be that dm-3 reacts according to zero-order kinetics. The
(a) the colliding molecules could be large in size. time it takes for the completion of the reaction is
(b) the colliding molecules must not be properly (� = rate constant)
oriented for effective collisions. (a) �/�
(c) the rate of reaction could be independent of (b) �/2�
the energy. (c) �/�
(d) one of the reactants could be in excess. (d) 2�/�
Q20. Consider the following two competing first-order
Q 13. The half-life period of a first-order reaction is 1386 reactions:
�1 �2
seconds. The specific rate constant of the reaction is P A + B; Q C+D
(a) 5.0 × 10-3 s-1 If 50% of the reaction of P was completed when
(b) 0.5 × 10-2 s-1 96% of Q was completed, then the ratio �2 /�1
(c) 0.5 × 10-3 s-1 will be:
(d) 5.0 × 10-2 s-2 s-1 (a) 4.6
(b) 4.06
Q 14. The rate of the reaction 2NO + Cl2 ⟶ 2NOCl is (c) 1.123
given by the rate equation rate = k [NO]2[Cl2] (d) 2.303
The value of the rate constant can be increased by
(a) Increasing temperature Q 21. The decomposition of ammonia on tungsten surface at
(b) Increasing the concentration of NO 500 K follows zero-order kinetics. The half-life period
(c) Increasing the concentration of the Cl2 of this reaction is 45 minutes when the initial pressure
(d) Doing all of these is 4 bar. The half-life period (minutes) of the reaction
when the initial pressure is 16 bar at the same
Q 15. When the initial concentration of a reactant is doubled temperature is
in a reaction, its half-life period is not affected. The (a) 120
order of the reaction is (b) 60
(a) First (c) 240
(b) Second (d) 180
(c) More than zero but less than first
(d) Zero Q 22. From the following which is a second-order reaction
(a) � = 5.47 × 10-4 sec- 1
Q 16. The decomposition of phosphine (PH3) on tungsten at (b) � = 3.9 × 10-3 mole lit sec-1
low pressure is a first order reaction. It is because the (c) � = 3.94 × 10-4 lit mole-1 sec-1
(a) Rate of decomposition is very slow (d) � = 3.98 × 10-5 lit mole-2 sec-1
(b) Rate is proportional to the surface coverage
H+ (a) 4:1
Q 23. CH3COOC2H5 + H2O CH3COOH + C2H5OH is
(b) 2:1
an example of ________ order
(c) 16 : 1
(a) zero
(d) 1:2
(b) second
(c) third Q 28. If the rate of reaction between A and B is given by
(d) Pseudo first order
rate = k A B 2 , then the reaction is
(a) first order in A
Q 24. Which equation is correct for first order reactions
(b) second order in B
(a) �1/2 ∝ �−1 (c) third order overall
(b) �1/2 ∝ � (d) all are correct
© �1/2 ∝ �0 Q 29. The rate of reaction, A + B ⟶ Products, is given by
(c) �1/2 ∝ �1/2 the equation, r = k[A][B]. If B is taken in large
excess. The order of reaction would be
Q 25. In a reaction, the concentration of a reactant changes
(a) 2
from 0.2 mole L−1 to 0.15 mol L−1 in 10 min. Avg.
(b) 1
rate of reaction
(c) zero
(a) 0.05
(d) unpredictable
(b) 0.0005
(c) 0.5 Q 30. Select the rate law that corresponds to the data
(d) 0.005 shown for the following reaction:
Q 26. The rate of reaction that does not involve gases, is
Expt. No. [A]0 [B]0 Initial rate
not dependent on
(a) pressure 1. 0.012 0.035 0.10
(b) temperature 2. 0.024 0.070 0.80
(c) concentration 3. 0.024 0.035 0.10
(d) catalyst 4. 0.012 0.070 0.80

Q 27. The rate of the gaseous reaction: (a) rate = k[B]3

dx (b) rate = k[B]4
A(g) + B(g) ⟶ Product is given by expression − dt
(c) rate = k[A][B]3
= k[A][B] (d) rate = k[A]2[B]2
If the volume of the reaction vessel is suddenly
reduced to one-fourth of the initial volume, the ratio of
the final rate to the initial rate is

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