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1. The total no of phases in a compiler design is a. 3 b. 4 c. 7 d. 6 2. Which of the following is not a bottom up parser? a. LALR b. predictive parser c. canonical parser d. SLR 3. Which of the following function is applicable for non-terminals a. FIRST only b. neither FIRST nor FOLLOW c. either FIRST or FOLLOW d. FOLLOW 4. In LL(1) parsing the second L refers to a. left most derivation b. left to right c. lexical analyser d. logical analysis 5. The output of --------------is absolute machine code a. preprocessor

b. loader link editor c. assembler d.compiler 6. Intermediate code generation is ----------phase in compiler design a. 2 b. 1 c. 4 d. 3 7. An operator is --------------if the same operator name is used for two different operations a. enhanced b. overload c. substituted d. converted 8. In n tuple notation---------------fields are used to represent operands a. n b. n-1 c. n-3 d. n-2 9. BNF stands for---------a. Backus normal form b. binary normal form c. Backus nous form d. binary nous form 10. The action of passing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known as

a. lexical analyzer b. syntax analysis c. interpretation analysis d. parsing 11. Shift reduce parsers are a. may-be top down or bottom up b. top down parsers c. predictive parser d. bottom up parsers 12. Access time of the symbol table will be logarithemic if it is implemented by a. hash table b. search tree c. linear list d. self organization list 13. A collection of syntactic rules is called a----------------a. grammer b. NFA c. sentence d. language 14. Any transcription error can be repaired by a. deletion alone b. insertion and deletion alone c. insertion alone d. replacement alone

15. Semantic analysis is related to------------phase a. neither analysis nor synthesis b. analysis and synthesis c. analysis d. synthesis 16. A grammar will be meaningless a. if the left hand side of a production is a single terminal b. if terminal set and non terminal se are disjoint c. if the left hand side of a production has more than two terminals d. if the left hand side of a production has non terminal 17. In a language like----------the data types are dynamic. a. C b. PASCAL c. FORTRAN d. LISP 18. System program such as compiler are designed so that they are a. re enterable b. serially usable c. recursive d. non reusable 19. Which of the following is related to synthesis phase a. syntax analysis b. code generation c. lexical analysis

d. semantic analysis 20. The minimum value for k in LR(K) is a. 1 b. 0 c. 2 d. 3 21. In bottom up parsing shift operation performs ---------a. only push b. either push or pop c. neither push or pop d. only pop 22. Which of the following is true. a. LALR (1) requires less space compare with LR(1) b. LALR (1) is more powerful than LR(1) c. LALR (1) requires more space compare with LR(1) d. LALR (1) is as powerful as an LR(1) 23. FOLLOW is applicable for -------a. only non terminal b. either terminals or non terminals c. only terminals d. neither terminals nor non-terminals 24. Parsing in compiler design is--------------phase a. 2 b. 4

c. 1 d. 3 25. The input to ------------is a target assembly program a. assembler b. preprocessor c. loader link editor d. compiler 26. Consider the following grammar S -->A> S a> S b> In the above grammar ------------is an unreachable non-terminal a. b. c. d. A a S B

27. In an incompletely specified automata a. start state may not be there b. from any given state there can t be any token leading to two different states c. some states have no transition on some tokens d. no edge should be labeled epsilon 28. YACC specification consists------------sections. a. zero b. one c. three

d. five 29. Which of the following reasons an interpreter is preferred to a compiler. a. debugging can be slower b. it is much helpful in the initial stages of program development c. it takes less time to execute d. it needs less computer resources 30. In lexical analysis the original string that comprises the token is called a ------------a. pass b. LEX c. lexeme d. phase 31. In C language void pointer is capable to store------------type a. int only b. char only c. float only d. any type 32. Pick the old man out a. FORTRAN b. PASCAL c. C d. LISP 33. A grammar will be meaningless a. it terminal set and non terminal se are disjoint b. if the left hand side of a production has non terminal

c. if the left hand side of a production has more than two non terminal d. if the left hand side of a production is a single terminal 34. Which of the following symbol table implementation makes efficient use of memory a. self organizing list b. search tree c. list d. hash table 35. Indirect triples are used to implement ----------a. infix notation b. postfix notation c. three address code d. prefix notation 36. The cost of developing a compiler a. is inversely proportional to the complexity of the architecture of the target machine b. is inversely proportional to the flexibility of the availability instruction set c. is inversely proportional to the complexity of the source language d. is proportional to the complexity of the source language 37. Which of the following translation program converts assembly language programs to object program a. b. c. d. Assembler Compiler Linker preprocessor

38. FORTRAN is a----------a. regular language

b. turing language c. context sensitive language d. context free language 39. Pick the odd man out a. syntax tree b. triples c. quadruples d. indirect triples 40. in bottom up parsing shift always---------a. pushes a token and also advances the input b. does pop operation c. advances the input d. pushes a token 41. The output of lexical analysis is----------a. a sequence of patterns b. a sequence of lexemes c. a sequence of tokens d. a sequence of characters 42. Which of the following symbol table implementation makes efficient use of memory a. search tree b. self organizing list c. list d. hash table

43. Prefix notation for (A+B) is----------a. B+A b. BA+ c. +AB d. AB+ 44. Which of the following is not related to analysis phase a. semantic analysis b. code generation c. syntax analysis d. lexical analysis 45. A top down parsing name is used because the implied traversal of the parse tree is ------------traversal a. b. c. d. out order inorder post order pre order

46. Which of the following uses backtracking a. predictive parser b. LL(1) c. SLR d. recursive descent 47. DAG stands for-----------------a. dynamically acyclic graphs b. dynamically allocated graphs c. directly allocated graphs

d. directed acyclic graphs .

48. Indirect triples are used to implement -------------------a. infix notation b. prefix notation c. postfix notation d. three address code 49. Attributes that can be bound-----------the execution are called static a. immediately to b. during c. prior to d. after 50. A top down parser generates a. left most derivation b. left most derivation in reverse c. right most derivation d. right most derivation in reverse 51. Uniform symbol table a. Contains all constants in program b. Is a permanent table of decision rules in the form of patterns for matching with the uniform symbol table to discover syntactic structure? c. Consists of full or partial list of tokens as they appear in program created by lexical analysis and used for syntax analysis and interpretation

d. A permanent table which lists all key words and special symbols of language in symbolic form

52. When inserted the characters of the string: KRPCSNYTJM into hash table of size 10 by using hash function H (X) = (ORD (X)-ORD ('A') + 1) mod 10 and linear probing to resolve collisions. Insertions that cause collisions are a. C, S b. Y, M c. J, M d. S, T 53. A hash function is defined as F(key) = key mod 7 with linear probing is used to insert the keys 37,38,72,48,98,11,56 into a hash table indexed from 0 to 6 .Then in which location the key 11 is stored. a.6 b.5 c.1 d.4 54. A hash function is defined as F (key) = key mod 7 with linear probing is used to insert the keys 37,38,72,48,98,11,56 into a hash table indexed from 0 to 6 .Then following key is stored as the last element a.98 b.56 c.11 d.48 55. The storage strategy in which activation record is maintained even after the execution of a procedure is completed is a. Stack allocation b. Heap allocation

c. Static allocation d. Dynamic allocation 56. Time is independent of no of entries in a symbol table among a. Linear list b. Search tree c. Hash table d. Self-organizing lists 57. The following symbol table implementation has the minimum access time. a. hash table b. search tree c. linear list d. self-organizing list 58. A data structure which is used to store information about various source languages constructs is a. parse tree b. synthesized grammar c. symbol table d. derivation tree 59. The names referenced frequently will be at the front among the following implementation of the symbol table a. search trees b. hash tables c. self-organizing lists d. linear lists

60. Requirement of storage for an organization using the variable length entries to the fixed length entries is a. less b. more c. equal d. can't compare 61. In linked list, to insert 'n' names and 'm' enquiries in the symbol table, the total work is a.cnm b.m+n d.c m (n + m) 62. On an average, the time required per operation to insert 'n' names and 'm' enquiries in the symbol table by hashing requires a. cn(n+m) b. c m (n + m) c. constant d. no 63. The following allocation can become stack allocation by using relative address for storage in activation records a. Static b. Heap c. Dynamic d. Hash 64. The allocation strategy in which only one occurrence of each object is allowable at a given moment during program execution is a. Stack

b. Static c. Register d. Heap 65. During compile time it is impossible to determine the number of times recursive procedure is going to be involved in the following allocation strategy a. Stack b. Static c. Register d. Heap 66. The allocation in which the activation record is fixed at compile time in memory is a. Static b. Dynamic c. Heap d. Stack 67. The following is not possible in static storage schema a. Fixed length strings b. Nested procedures c. Switch statements d. Structures 68. The allocation strategy in which if names are bounded, then there is no need for a runtime support package is a. Stack b. Static c. Register d. Heap

69. The allocation which manages storage for all data objects at compile time is a. Dynamic b. Static c. Heap d. Stack 70. The allocation strategy in which the size of each object must be known at compile time is a. Static b. Stack c. Register d. Heap 71. FORTAN has the following storage allocation strategy a. Stack b. Static c. Heap d. Register 72. In the following memory allocation program variables remain permanently allocated irrespective of their accessibility at any stage of programs execution. a. Stack b. Static c. Heap d. Register 73. Data structures cannot be created dynamically in the following allocation a. Static b. Stack

c. Heap d. Register 74. Language that does not support dynamic allocation is a. ALGOL b. FORTAN c. PASCAL d.PL/I 75. Dynamic allocation of storage areas with VSAM files is accomplished by a. Hashing b. Control splits c. Overflow areas d. Relative recording 76. The following allocation can become stack allocation by using relative address for storage in activation records. a. Static b. Heap c. Dynamic d. Hash 77. The allocation in which the array base address is not known at compile time. a. Static b. Dynamic c. Register d. Paged 78. The storage allocation followed for Strings in SNOBOL is.

a. Stack b. Heap c. Register d. Static 79. In stack allocation a new activation record is pushed into the stack for each exception of a. Data base b. Assignment statement c. Procedure d. MACRO 80. When the procedure ends in stack allocation the record is a. Pushed b. Popped c. Peeped d. Displayed 81. When there is reference to storage that has been allocated, then this may occur a .Dangling b. Indexed c. Offset d. Virtual 82. The allocation which is useful for implementing data whose size varies as the program is running is a. Stacks b. Static c. Heap

d. Register 83. The following manages runtime storage as stack a. Static b. Dynamic c. Heap d. Stack 84. The allocation strategy which allocates and deallocates storage as needed at runtime from heap data area is a. Static b. Stack c. Heap d. Register 85. Heap allocation is required for languages that a. support recursion b. support dynamic data structure c. use dynamic scope rules d. use dynamic programming 86. storage for names local to the procedure appears in a. Activation record b. Symbol table c. Hash table d. Process table 87. the call statement in the intermediate code is implemented by a.MOV

b. GOTO c. MOV and GOTO d. HALT 88. The allocation which is useful for handling recursive procedure is a. Stack b. Heap c. Static d. Register 89. A region of validity every name possesses in the source program is a. scope b. life time c. binding d. Domain 90. A following for the procedure is a number that is obtained by standing with a value of one for the main and adding one to it every time we go from an enclosing to enclosed procedure. a. Nesting loop b. Nesting depth c. line numbering d. Recursion 91. At a point in a program if the value of variable can be used subsequently, then that variable is a. Live b. Dead c. Duplicate d. Aliasing

92. In analyzing the compilation of a program 'machine independent optimization' is associated with a. Recognition of basic syntactic construction through reduction b. Recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols c. Creation of more optimal matrix d. Use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code 93. The following is used as the key to accessing the scope information from the symbol table a. Procedure name b. Procedure name, nesting depth c. Nesting depth d. Usage count 94. The following of a procedure is a number that is obtained by standing with a value of one for the main and adding one to it every time we go from an enclosing to enclosed procedure a. Nesting loop b. Nesting depth c. Nesting breadth d. Recursion 95. Generation of intermediate code based on a abstract machine model is useful in Compilers because a. It makes implementation of lexical analysis and syntax analysis easier b. Syntax directed translations can be written for intermediate code generation c. It enhances the portability of front end of compiler d. It is not possible to generate code for real machines directly from high level Language programs 96. An optimized compiler

a. Is optimized to occupy less space b. Is optimized to take less time for execution c. Optimized the code d. Optimized to small typing font 97. The following refers to the techniques a compiler can employ in an attempt to produce a better object language program than the most obvious for a given source program is a. Code generation b. Code optimization c. Code execution d. Code debugging 98. The "90-10" rule states that a.90 % of code is executed in 10 % of time b.90 % of time is spent in 10 % of code c.90 % of time is spent in correcting 10 % of errors d.10 % of time is spent in correcting 90 % of errors 99. The most heavily travelled parts of programs are a. Inner loops b. Constants c. Static variables d. Global variables 100. Machine independent code optimization can be applied to a. Source code b. Intermediate representation c. Object code

d. Run-time output

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