The DIN rail mountable 500NMD50 is a managed plug
and play layer-2-switch providing:
• 4x Gigabit Ethernet auto-negotiating RJ45 ports with
auto MDI/X (Automatic Crossover Detection and
Tunnel CFG
• 1x RS-232 interface suitable for tunneling of serial
protocols. Configuration
The switch is able to provide redundant topologies by and Monitoring
the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP / RSTP / MSTP).
A connection to PVST+ networks is also possible.
Alternatively, the Ethernet Ring Protection Switching Intelligent Switch
protocol (ITU-T G.8032 ERPS) can be used. VLAN (Layer 2 or 3)
segments and serial data tunneling are supported.
Ethernet may be distributed within a station through the
fourfour RJ45 ports of the switch.
P1 P2 P3 P4
For documentation purposes, the Ethernet ports are
labeled from 1 to 4. There is no specific uplink port. All
ports are equal in function. Link and speed status of each
Ethernet connection are displayed by status indicators.
Time synchronization
Fibre optic
Fibre optic A SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) time server can
Ethernet 500NMD64 500NMD62
be configured as time source in the 500NMD50. In this
case the device time will be synchronized with the server.
The protocol Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) is 1KGT038903R0001 BiDi singlemode 20 km 100
supported as well. Mbps
500SDM20 R0001
1KGT038904R0001 BiDi singlemode 20 km 100
Security Mbps
500SUM20 R0001
Access to the configuration interfaces of the 500NMD50
is controlled by a two-level password protection. The 1KGT038905R0001 BiDi singlemode 40 km 100
first level enables the user to access parameters in
500SDM40 R0001
read-only mode and has to be entered as soon as a
connection is established. To read and write parameters, 1KGT038906R0001 BiDi singlemode 40 km 100
the device has to be put in a configuration mode that
500SUM40 R0001
requires an additional password. Any password can be
disabled. Some security sensitive information, such as the 1KGT038930R0001 BiDi singlemode 40 km 100 /
configuration file, are not available in read-only mode. 500SDM41 R0001 Mbps
Besides the two-level password protection, users may be 1KGT038931R0001 BiDi singlemode 40 km 100 /
authenticated by a standard RADIUS server. 1000
500SUM41 R0001 Mbps
Devices can be authenticated via optional IEEE 802.1X 1KGT038932R0001 BiDi singlemode 80 km 100 /
support using a central authentication server (RADIUS). 1000
500SDM81 R0001 Mbps
Access control lists provide packet filtering and class-of-
1KGT038933R0001 BiDi singlemode 80 km 100 /
service rewriting on a per port basis.
500SUM81 R0001 Mbps
Compatible SFPs 1KGT038923R0001 SFP Module - km 2048
The 500NMD50 is designed for operation with following G.703 kbps
500SGM32 R0001
SFPs. Further information about the SFPs can be found in
the SFP Selection Guide.
Emission test
Radiated emissions - EN 55022/ CISPR 22 class
enclosure ports (30 Mhz to A
1 GHz), CISPR 16-2-3/ EN
Radiated emissions - EN 55022/ CISPR 22 class
enclosure ports (1 to 6 A
GHz), CISPR 16-2-3/ EN
Immunity test
Electrostatic discharge, 8 kV air / 6 kV contact (level
IEC 61000-4-2 3), criterion A
Immunity test Power supply input (X1, X3)
Radiated radio-frequency 80 MHz to 800 MHz: 10 V/m Conducted, common 30 V continuous distur-
electromagnetic field, (level 3), criterion A mode disturbances in the bance/ 300 V short duration
IEC 61000-4-3 frequency range 0 Hz to 150 disturbance (level 4),
800 MHz to 1 GHz: 20 V/m kHz, IEC 61000-4-16 criterion A
(level x), criterion A
Ripple on DC power supply, 10% Un, criterion A
IEC 61000-4-17
1 GHz to 2 GHz: 10 V/m
(level 3), criterion A Damped oscillatory wave, 2.5 kV line to earth, 1 kV
IEC 61000-4-18 line to line @ 1 MHz (level
2 GHz to 6 GHz: 5 V/m 3), criterion A
(level 2), criterion A
2 kV line to earth @ 10 MHz
Power frequency magnetic 100 A/m (level 5), criterion A
(level 3), criterion A
field, IEC 61000-4-8
1000 A/m for 1 sec (level 5) Voltage dips, short interrup- 70% Un: 20 ms; 40% Un:
Impulse magnetic field, 300 A/m (level 4), criterion A tions and voltage variations, 1000 ms; 0% Un: 1000 ms,
IEC 61000-4-9 IEC 61000-4-11 criterion A, powered by CP-
E 48/5.0
Conducted emissions - EN 55011/ CISPR 11 class
Mean time between failure (MTBF) asymmetrical DC ports, A
common mode (0.15 MHz to
Calculation according to 384 years @ 40 °C 30 MHz), CISPR 16-2-1/ EN
Telcordia II 40°C 55016-2-1
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