Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
• At the end of this lecture, student will be able to explain
• DM is a heterogeneous group of syndromes characterized by an elevation of fasting blood glucose caused by
absolute or relative deficiency of insulin
• may be caused by autoimmune attack of b-cells of the pancreas, viral infection or toxin
• Rapid symptoms appear when 80-90% of the b-cells have been destroyed
Onset of type 1 DM
Due to:
Decreased glucose uptake by muscles & adipose tissues (by GLUT-4) & Increased hepatic gluconeogenesis (&
- In stress states demanding more insulin (as during infection, illness or during surgery Uncontrolled DM)
- No comply with therapy (intake of meals with no insulin medication i.e. Uncontrolled DM)
Diagnosis of DKA
1- History (for a cause of DKA)
2- Clinical Examination
4- Potassium is given with insulin treatment as insulin induces K+ entry into cells
Triacylglycerol is secreted from the liver in VLDL to blood (with liver cholesterol)
Chylomicrons (from diet fat) accumulates (due to low lipoprotein lipase activity as a result of low or absent
Diagnosis of type 1 DM
• Clinically:
• Laboratory diagnosis:
Strategies of Treatment
1- Standard Treatment
1- Standard Treatment:
AIM: Mean blood glucose level 225-275 mg/dl (normal: 110 mg/dl)
HbA1c is proportional to average blood concentration over the previous several months
So, it provides a measure of how proper treatment normalized blood glucose in diabetic over several months
It will more closely normalize blood glucose to prevent chronic complications of existence of hyperglycemia for a long
Advantage: Reduction in chances of occurrence of chronic complications of DM: e.g. retinopathy, nephropathy &
neuropathy by about 60%
No epinephrine (with progression of the disease diabetic autonomic neuropathy with inability to secrete epinephrine in
response to hypoglycemia)
• Elderly people: as hypoglycemia can cause strokes & heart attacks in older people
• Develops gradually
Causes of Type 2 DM
Insulin Resistance & Dysfunctional b-cell
Insulin resistance is the decreased ability of target tissues, such as liver, adipose tissue & muscle to respond properly to
normal circulating insulin
- Substances produced by fat cells as leptin and resistin may contribute to development of insulin resistance
HOWEVER, Most people with obesity & insulin resistance do not develop DM!!
1- In the absence of defect in b-cell function, nondiabetic, obese individuals can compensate for insulin resistance by
secreting high amounts of insulin from b-cell (i.e. Hyperinsulinemia)
2- In late cases, b-cell dysfunction with low insulin secretion occurs due to increased amounts of free fatty acids &
other factors secreted by fat cells (as leptin & resistin) may end in development of type 2 DM (hyperglycemia).
In Type 2 DM
Initially (In early stages: with Insulin resistance) the pancreas retains b-cell capacity
b-cells become dysfunctional (low function) (due to harmful effects of FFAs & substances released by increased fat
1- Hyperglycemia
2- Hypertriacylglyceridemia
The osmotic diuresis causes loss of water in excess of sodium leading to very high plasma osmolality (with
hypernatremia) & marked dehydration
No ketgenesis due to presence of sufficient insulin to prevent DKA (or sometimes there is minimal ketogenesis with
minimal metabolic acidosis i.e. Bicarbonate is not much lowered as in DKA)
Chronic Effects of DM
The long-standing hyperglycemia causes the chronic complications of DM
For avoiding these complications, long-term control of hyperglycemia is recommended for all types of DM
In cells where entry of glucose is not dependent on insulin (eye lens, retina, kidney, neurones)
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetic Neuropathy
Treatment of Type 2 DM
• AIM:
• Lines of treatment:
2- Exercise
3- Dietary modification
4- Hypoglycemic agents
Case Study
Parents of a 15 years old boy was reported by his school that he was found drowsy & they have got to take him to
hospital according to the advice of his school doctor.
In the hospital, his mother told the doctor that her son seemed unusually thirsty for the last 3 months & she thought
that he had lost weight. She admitted also that on the morning before leaving for school, he was complaining of
abdominal pain & discomfort.
On examination:
BP: 90/50
Cold extremities
Urine Analysis:
- Glucose +++
- Ketone +++
- Albumin ++
• Type 1 is insulin depended
• Lab abnormalities
– Proteinuria
– HbA1C