IAS Brochure - English

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GUIDE 2021

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Administrative Service Police Service Trade Service Audit and Accounts Service
Service Service Accounts Service
Incredible results since 2013

5 Ranks 62 Ranks
in top 50 in the final list
CSE 2013

Rank 9 Rank 12 Rank 23 Rank 40 Rank 46

Divyanshu Jha Neha Jain Prabhav joshi Gaurang Rathi Udita Singh

6 Ranks 12 Ranks 82 Ranks

in top 50 in top 100 in the final list
CSE 2014

Rank 4 Rank 5 Rank 16 Rank 23 Rank 28 Rank 39

Vandana Rao Suharsha Bhagat Ananya Das Anil Dhameliya Kushaal Yadav Vivekanand T.S

5 Ranks 14 Ranks 162 Ranks

in top 50 in top 100 in the final list
CSE 2015

Rank 20 Rank 24 Rank 25 Rank 27 Rank 47

Vipin Garg Khumanthem Chandra Pulkit Garg Anshul
Diana Devi Mohan Garg Agarwal

8 Ranks 18 Ranks 215 Ranks

in top 50 in top 100 in the final list
CSE 2016

Rank 2 Rank 5 Rank 12 Rank 30 Rank 32

Anmol Sher Abhilash Tejaswi Prabhash Avdhesh
Singh Bedi Mishra Rana Kumar Meena

5 Ranks 34 Ranks 236 Ranks

in top 50 in top 100 in the final list
CSE 2017

Rank 3 Rank 6 Rank 8 Rank 9 Rank 10

Sachin Koya Sree Anubhav Soumya Abhishek
Gupta Harsha Singh Sharma Surana

11 Ranks 28 Ranks 183 Ranks

in top 50 in top 100 in the final list
CSE 2018

Rank 11 Rank 16 Rank 21 Rank 24 Rank 31

Pujya Priyadarshni Dhodmise Trupti Ankush Rahul Jain Anuraj Jain Mainak Ghosh
Outstanding performance by BYJU’S
students in IAS 2019
Congratulations to our toppers

04 Ranks in
Top 10 09 Ranks in
Top 20 13 Ranks in
Top 50 22 Ranks in
Top 100


Pratibha Verma Vishakha Yadav Abhishek Saraf Sanjita Mohapatra


Nupur Goel Ajay Jain Anmol Jain Gunjan Singh Shresta Anupam


Nidhi Bansal Abhishek Jain Pari Bishnoi Apurv Chauhan Om Kant Thakur


Pankaj Saurav Pandey Navneet Mittal Anil Kumar Jivani Kartik
Rathore Nagjibhai


Shubhank Mishra Hardik Aggarwal Y Megha Swaroop
Why choose the BYJU’S IAS Learning Program?

Classroom Sessions BYJU’S IAS Tablet Mentor Support

Prepare for Prelims and Mains with Prepare at your own convenience, A dedicated mentorship helpline
India’s leading IAS trainers anywhere and anytime with the for one-on-one mentoring

Study Material Current Affairs Webinar

In-depth coverage of syllabus which includes the following study material: Indian Twice a week live webinar classes
Polity by M Laxmikanth, India’s Ancient Past by R S Sharma, History Of Modern India to discuss current affairs followed
by Bipan Chandra, Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude by P N Roy Chowdhury and G by handouts
Subba Rao +14 more titles

Student Portal Test Your Knowledge Current Affairs Updates

Get access to recorded Perfect your exam writing skills and Regular and in-depth current
sessions of the Weekly knowledge with - modular tests (MCQ and affairs updates
Webinar, Issues in News, descriptive), question paper discussions,
Current Affairs Magazine, Gist personalised analysis of answers and answer
of Yojana and Practice Sets writing strategies

Additional Features

• Daily Video Analysis of The Hindu • Current Affairs Magazine

• YouTube Videos: Geography This Week, • Test Series – Prelims and Mains
Economy This Week, etc
• Interview Guidance
• Objective and Descriptive Type Unit Tests

• Daily Updates on Free IAS Prep Website:

Comprehensive News Analysis, PIB
Summary, Gist of Yojana and Kurukshetra
Explore the features of the
BYJU’S IAS Learning Program
c. Monthly Magazine:
The BYJU’S IAS Tablet is pre-loaded with lectures recorded by
India’s leading IAS trainers. The topics relevant to all three Monthly Current Affairs Magazine is the consolidation of
levels of the examination are comprehensively covered in all the important newspaper articles of the month
these lectures. The lectures are also followed by topic-wise analysed in detail and classified into various topics as
quizzes to test the student’s level of understanding of the per the UPSC syllabus.
Unit Tests
Mentorship Assistance In order to inculcate the habit of answer writing in
Every student will get access to a dedicated mentorship students and constantly test their preparedness for the
helpline. Complete guidance is provided by the mentor exam, fortnightly unit tests are conducted. The tests are
throughout a student’s UPSC preparation. To begin with, your conducted in both objective and descriptive formats.
mentor designs a customised study plan and a preparation Detailed feedback is provided, highlighting the areas
strategy as per your requirement, after understanding crucial that need improvement, points to be included in the
details such as the number of hours you can dedicate for answer that could fetch you extra marks, irrelevant
preparation, interest in a subject, your strengths and details that could have been avoided, right usage of
weaknesses etc. The mentors will also clear all your doubts and diagrams and flow charts in the answers etc.
queries on a real-time basis.
Prelims Test Series
Standard Books BYJU’S Prelims Test Series is India’s Largest IAS Prelims
A set of comprehensive study materials compiled by subject Test Series with the largest number of test takers, giving
matter specialists, covering the entire syllabus of UPSC Prelims you a platform to evaluate yourself amongst 20,000+
and Mains examination along with standard reference books candidates. We have a track-record of more than 70% of
such as Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth, India’s Ancient Past by UPSC prelims questions coming from our Prelims Test
R S Sharma, History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra, etc will Series and Study Material. It includes 20 tests (sectional
be provided. and full-length tests) followed by online paper
Webinar Lectures
Mains Test Series
Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for live Webinar lectures
BYJU’S presents the most comprehensive IAS Mains test
on Current Affairs. The webinars cover sources such as The
series in the country. The test series includes 15 tests
Hindu, Economic Times, The Indian Express, Yojana, Rajya
with 10 modular tests (2 for each GS paper + 2 essays), 4
Sabha TV Discussions. Special lectures on Economic Survey,
simulated full-length tests and one essay writing test.
India Yearbook, the Union Budget and CSAT lectures are also
Live webinars are scheduled for paper discussion. Each
conducted. The lectures are followed by a doubt clearing
paper is carefully evaluated and detailed feedback is

Current Affairs Updates Student Portal

a. YouTube Videos:
Student portal provides a platform through which
YouTube videos cover the topics relevant for the exam in a crisp students can access recorded sessions of the Weekly
and well-explained format that will definitely aid your Webinars. Also, get exclusive access to Current Affairs
understanding of the concept and also provide you handy Magazine, Issues in News, Gist of Yojana, Gist of
insights and tips for framing and writing answers. Initiatives like Kurukshetra, Practice Sets, etc through the student
The Hindu Daily Video Analysis, Economy This Week, and portal.
Geography Through Maps etc. will not only help you thoroughly
cover the current affairs section for the IAS exam but also help
you prepare for the Mains.
Target IAS
Target IAS is an initiative intended to encourage answer
b. BYJU’S Website: writing practice among students. Students can pick and
choose any number of questions or topics from the
The BYJU’S Free IAS Prep website is one of the most popular
BYJU’S website or any other source, write answers and
websites for UPSC Exam Preparation. It provides the right
send them across for evaluation. Each answer is
strategy and material for preparation through daily updates.
evaluated and marks are provided along with feedback.
Here is a complete list of the initiatives on the website:

i. Daily News Analysis BYJU’S App

ii. PIB Summary and Analysis The BYJU’S App consists of a repository of 10000+
iii. Gist of Yojana Magazine MCQs. The question bank helps you assess your level of
iv. Gist of Kurukshetra Magazine preparation. It also ensures access to daily current
v. Gist of EPW Magazine affairs updates, The Hindu News Analysis, PIB Summary
vi. NCERT Books and Notes and Analysis as well as the Video Analysis of The Hindu
vii. Weekly Quiz newspaper.

01 IAS Tablet Program

Get access to the best lectures


500+ hours of pre-loaded One-on-one mentorship Comprehensive and

lectures covering all the support and personalised up-to-date study material
topics in the Prelims and feedback from our mentors including standard books
Mains syllabus

Live webinar lectures twice a week Student portal access with

for comprehensive coverage of the webinars, monthly
important issues in news followed magazines and practice sets
by handouts

02 BYJU’S Online Classroom for IAS

Get the benefits of both Live Online Lectures as well as the Tablet Program

Choose a slot - Weekday Attend live classes by India’s Get a consolidated PDF of answers
(Morning/Evening) and Weekend leading IAS trainers from to all the doubts raised during the
(Saturday and Sunday) the comfort of your home live class after the session

Complementary IAS Tab pre-loaded with Comprehensive and up-to- One-on-one Mentor Support
500+ hours of video lectures covering date study material including to guide you throughout your
both Prelims and Mains syllabus standard books preparation

Live webinar lectures twice a week for Student portal access with Evaluate your performance
comprehensive coverage of the important webinars, monthly magazines through weekly MCQ based
issues in news followed by handouts and practice sets and descriptive tests
Prelims Test Series
03 20 tests covering the entire syllabus of
General Studies Paper-I and CSAT Paper

General Studies: 14 sectional General Studies Paper II General Studies Paper I: 4

tests (12 GS I and 2 GS II) (CSAT): 2 full-length tests complete simulated
full-length tests

Special emphasis on Current Micro-level analysis of the Paper discussion for all
Affairs paper and all-India ranking tests – live and recorded
after each test videos will be provided

Available in online mode

Mains Test Series

04 15 tests covering 4 General Studies Papers and Essay

10 Sectional Tests (Essay + 5 Simulated Full-length Online Essay Orientation

General Studies Paper I-IV) Tests (Essay + General Class
Studies Paper I-IV)

Access to Current Affairs of Available in online mode

the past 12 months

05 Optional Subject Coaching

for Sociology

Video Lectures
Online video lectures covering both
Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the optional
subject Test Series
Test Series to improve your answer
writing skills and boost your
Mentorship Assistance confidence

Mentorship assistance on a
real-time basis to clear all your
doubts and queries
Exam Guide
Civil Services Exam is conducted by the The UPSC releases notification for the
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Examination, a few months
every year. It has three stages. prior to the Prelims Exam.

Civil Services Examination

Preliminary Mains Personality

Examination Examination Test

100 Questions 80 Questions
200 Marks 200 Marks

• Current Affairs - Current events of national and • Comprehension

international importance • Interpersonal skills including communication skills
• History - History of India and Indian National • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
• Decision-making and problem-solving
• Geography - Indian and World Geography -
• General mental ability
Physical, Social, Economic, Geography of India
and the world • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations,
orders of magnitude etc. - Class X level), Data
• Indian Polity and Governance - Constitution,
interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data
Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy,
sufficiency, etc. - Class X level)
Rights, Issues, etc
• Economic and Social Development -
Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion,
Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc
• Environment - General Issues on Environmental Note 2
Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change The questions will be of multiple choice and objective type.
• Science - General Science It is important to note that there is negative marking for each wrong
answer. A wrong answer will attract a penalty of 1/3rd of the marks
allotted to that particular question.

Note 1 Note 3
Questions relating to English Language Comprehension Skills of CSAT Paper II has been made qualifying from 2015. A candidate has
Class X level (last item in syllabus of CSAT-II) will be tested through to score a minimum of 33% of the marks to qualify in this paper. The
passages in English Language only, without providing Hindi marks scored in this paper will not be added to the marks scored in
translation thereof in the question paper. GS Paper I to arrive at the cut-off to clear Prelims.
Note 4 Note 5

A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years on • An attempt at a Preliminary

1st August, of the year he/she is appearing in the Examination shall be deemed to
Preliminary Examination. be an attempt at the examination.

Number of attempts: • If a candidate actually appears in

any one paper in the Preliminary
Examination, he/she shall be
Category Age Limit Attempts deemed to have made an attempt
General 32 6 at the examination.
OBC 35 9 • Notwithstanding the
SC/ST 37 Unlimited disqualification/cancellation of
candidature, the fact of
Disabled (PH) (General) 42 9 appearance of the candidate at
Disabled (PH) (Other category) 42 As per the candidate’s
the examination will count as an

Note 6

Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination shall be held for recruitment to the
Services and Posts mentioned below:

(i) Indian Administrative Service (xv) Post of Assistant Security Commissioner in

Railway Protection Force, Group ‘A’
(ii) Indian Foreign Service
(xvi) Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’
(iii) Indian Police Service
(xvii) Indian Information Service (Junior Grade),
(iv) Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service, Group ‘A’
Group ‘A’
(xviii) Indian Trade Service, Group 'A' (Gr. III)
(v) Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
(xix) Indian Corporate Law Service, Group ‘A’
(vi) Indian Revenue Service (Customs and
Central Excise), Group ‘A’ (xx) Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service,
Group ‘B’ (Section Officer’s Grade)
(vii) Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
(xxi) Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
(viii) Indian Revenue Service (IT), Group ‘A’ Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra &
Nagar Haveli Civil Service, Group 'B'
(ix) Indian Ordinance Factories Service, Group ‘A’
(Assistant Works Manager, Administration) (xxii) Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra &
(x) Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’ Nagar Haveli Police Service, Group 'B'
(xi) Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group ‘A’ (xxiii) Pondicherry Civil Service, Group 'B'
(xii) Indian Railway Traffic Service, Group ‘A’ (xxiv) Pondicherry Police Service, Group 'B'
(xiii) Indian Railway Accounts Service, Group 'A'

(xiv) Indian Railway Personnel Service

Weightage for Current Affairs
in previous years’ UPSC Prelims
Here is an analysis of the number of questions from each subject in the last nine UPSC
Prelims (General Studies I) Exams:

Science &
Current Affairs History Geography Polity Economy Environment

2011 13 11 11 12 19 19 15

2012 26 17 12 11 13 9 12

2013 28 11 9 13 15 11 13

2014 20 17 12 11 10 13 17

2015 29 14 14 13 13 7 10

2016 27 15 7 7 18 8 18

2017 34 14 7 22 8 4 11

2018 28 15 8 13 16 7 13

2019 22 17 14 15 14 7 11

* Analysis by BYJU’S IAS

Mains Examination
(Subjective/Descriptive Type)

Qualifying Papers to Be
Papers Counted for Merit

Paper - A Paper - B Paper - 1 Paper - Paper -

2 to 5 6&7
(One of the Indian Languages English
to be selected by the 300 Marks Essay GS 1 Optional
candidate from the (3 hrs) 250 Marks (4 Papers) (2 Papers)
languages included in the (3 hrs)
Eighth Schedule to the
300 Marks (3 hrs)

General General General General

Studies – I Studies – II Studies – III Studies – IV
250 Marks (3 hrs) 250 Marks (3 hrs) 250 Marks (3 hrs) 250 Marks (3 hrs)
(Indian Heritage and (Governance, (Technology, Economic (Ethics, Integrity and
Culture, History and Constitution, Polity, Development, Aptitude)
Geography of the Social Justice and Biodiversity,
World and Society) International Relations) Environment,
Security and Disaster

Optional Paper-1 Optional Paper-2

250 Marks (3 hrs) 250 Marks (3 hrs)
Mains Examination Syllabus

GS Paper I
History Geography
Art & Culture World & Indian Physical Geography
• Salient aspects of art forms literature and • Salient Features of the world's physical geography
architecture from ancient to modern times
• Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia
• Ancient & medieval history and the Indian sub-continent)

• Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector
industries in various parts of the world (including India)
Modern History
• Mid 18th century to present- significant
Important Geophysical Phenomenon
events, personalities and issues • Earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic activity, cyclone, etc
• The freedom struggle - its various stages • Geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical features
and important contributors/contributions (including water-bodies) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes
from different parts of the country

• Post-independence consolidation and

re-organisation within the country Social Issues
World History • Salient feature of Indian society, Diversity of India
• History of the world will include events • Role of women & women empowerment
from the 18th century such as industrial • Population and associated Issues
revolution, world wars, redrawal of • Poverty & developmental Issues
national boundaries, colonisation, • Urbanisation
decolonisation, political philosophies like
• Effects of Globalisation on Indian society
communism, capitalism, socialism, etc,
and their forms and effects on the society • Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism

GS Paper II
Indian Polity
• Indian Constitution - historical underpinnings, evolution, features, • Salient features of the Representation of People's Act
amendments, significant provisions and basic structure
• Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions
• Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies
and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of
powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein • Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies

• Separation of powers between various organs, dispute

redressal mechanisms and institutions Governance
• Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of • Important aspects of governance, transparency and
other countries accountability, e-governance applications, models,
successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters,
• Parliament and State Legislatures - structure, functioning, transparency & accountability and institutional and other
conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising measures
out of these
• Role of civil services in a democracy
• Structure, organisation and functioning of the Executive and the
Judiciary, Ministries and Departments of the Government;
pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their
role in the Polity
International Relations Social Justice
• India and its neighbourhood relations • Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by
the Centre and States and the performance of these
• Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and bodies
involving India and/or affecting India's interests. Effects of policies constituted for the protection and betterment of these
and politics of developed and developing countries on India's vulnerable sections
interests, Indian diaspora
• Issues relating to development and management of social
• Important international institutions, agencies and their structure, sector/services relating to health, education and human
mandate resources

• Issues relating to poverty and hunger

GS Paper III

Economy Science and Technology

• Indian economy and issues relating to planning, mobilisation of • Science and Technology- developments and their
resources, growth, development and employment applications and effects in everyday life

• Inclusive growth and issues arising from it • Achievements of Indians in Science & Technology;
indigenisation of technology and developing new
• Government budgeting technology

• Major crops, cropping patterns in various parts of the country, • Awareness in the fields of IT, space, computers, robotics,
different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to
transport and marketing of agricultural produce and issues and intellectual property rights
related constraints; e-technology in the aid of farmers

• Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and

minimum support prices; Public Distribution System-
objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping; issues of buffer
stocks and food security; Technology missions;
economics of animal-rearing

• Food processing and related industries in India- scope and

significance, location, upstream and downstream
requirements, supply chain management

• Land reforms in India

• Effects of liberalisation on the economy, changes in industrial

policy and their effects on industrial growth

• Infrastructure: energy, ports, roads, airports, railways etc.

• Investment models
Enviornment & Ecology: Internal Security
• Conservation • Linkages between development and spread of extremism
• Environmental pollution and degradation
• Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to
• Environmental impact assessment internal security

• Challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media

Disaster Management: and social networking sites in internal security challenges
• Disasters and disaster management
• Basics of cyber security; money-laundering and its prevention

• Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of

organised crime with terrorism

• Various security forces and agencies and their mandate

GS Paper IV
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude:
• Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants • Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public
and consequences of ethics in human actions; administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns
dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and public and dilemmas in government and private institutions;
relationships. Human values – lessons from the lives laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of
and teachings of great leaders, reformers and ethical guidance; accountability and ethical
administrators; role of family, society and educational governance; strengthening of ethical and moral
institutions in inculcating values values in governance; ethical issues in international
relations and funding; corporate governance
• Attitude: content, structure, function; its influence and
relation with thought and behaviour; moral and • Probity in Governance: Concept of public service;
political attitudes; social influence and persuasion Philosophical basis of governance and probity;
Information sharing and transparency in government,
• Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, Right to Information, Codes of Ethics, Codes of
integrity, impartiality and non-partisanship, objectivity, Conduct, Citizen’s Charters, Work culture, Quality of
dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and service delivery, Utilization of public funds,
compassion towards the weaker sections challenges of corruption

• Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities • Case studies on the above issues
and application in administration and governance

• Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers

from India and world
List of Optional Subjects
(Candidates may choose any optional subject from amongst the list of subjects given below)
Group 1 Group 2

1. Agriculture 16. Mechanical Engineering 1. Assamese 16. Punjabi

2. Animal Husbandry 17. Medical Science 2. Bengali 17. Sanskrit
and Veterinary Science 18. Philosophy 3. Bodo 18. Santhali
3. Anthropology 19. Physics 4. Dogri 19. Sindhi
4. Botany 20. Political Science and 5. Gujarati 20. Tamil
5. Chemistry International Relations 6. Hindi 21. Telugu
6. Civil Engineering 21. Psychology 7. Kannada 22. Urdu
7. Commerce and Accountancy 22. Public Administration 8 Kashmiri 23. English
8. Economics 9. Konkani
23. Sociology
9. Electrical Engineering 10. Maithili
24. Statistics
10. Geography 11. Malayalam
25. Zoology
11. Geology 12. Manipuri
12. History 13. Marathi
13. Law 14. Nepali
14. Management 15. Oriya
15. Mathematics

Personality Test
(Interview Test)
The candidate who has cleared the Mains examination will be interviewed by a board who will have
before them a record of his/her career. He/she will be asked questions on matters of general
interest. The objective of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a
career in public services by a board of competent and unbiased observers. The test is intended to
judge the mental calibre of a candidate. In broad terms, this is really an assessment of not only
his/her intellectual qualities but also social traits and his/her interest in current affairs. Some of the
qualities to be judged are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical
exposition, balance of judgement, variety and depth of interest, ability for social cohesion and
leadership, intellectual and moral integrity.

The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination but of a natural, well directed
and purposive conversation which is intended to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate. The
interview test is not intended to be a test either of the specialised or general knowledge of the
candidates which has already been tested through their written papers. Candidates are expected to
have taken an intelligent interest not only in their special subjects of academic study but also in the
events which are happening around them both within and outside their own state or country as well
as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of
well-educated youth.

Note: The interview carries 275 marks Grand Total: 2025

Incredible results year after year!
Selected candidates from BYJU'S

165 out of
2018 829 vacancies
183 out of
2017 812 vacancies
2016 236 out of
1058 vacancies
2015 215 out of
1209 vacancies
162 out of
2014 1164 vacancies

2013 82 out of
1364 vacancies
62 out of
1228 vacancies

To book a free counselling session

with our IAS Mentors call:
+91 9241333666
Visit https://byjus.com/ias/ for more details

Courses Available



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