AD5_EPR_Tarhlendirme teknigi2_KAr
AD5_EPR_Tarhlendirme teknigi2_KAr
AD5_EPR_Tarhlendirme teknigi2_KAr
Radiometric Dating
uses continuous decay to measure time since rock formed
only possible since late 1890’s -- radioactivity discovered in 1896
7 + -
K/Ar Dating method
The potassium-argon (K-Ar) isotopic dating method is especially useful for
determining the age of lavas. Developed in the 1950s, it was important in
developing plate tectonics and in calibrating the geologic time scale.
Potassium-argon dating, method of determining the time of origin of rocks
by measuring the ratio of radioactive argon to radioactive potassium in the
rock. This dating method is based upon the decay of radioactive potassium-
40 to radioactive argon-40 in minerals and rocks
Potassium is the eighth most abundant element in earth’s crust and forms
numerous minerals. It has three natural isotopes.
K/Ar Dating method
After helium, argon is the second most abundant noble gas in the rocks and the
minerals of the earth.
Potassium is always tightly locked up in minerals whereas argon is not part of
any minerals. Argon makes up 1 percent of the atmosphere. So assuming that
no air gets into a mineral grain when it first forms, it has zero argon content.
That is, a fresh mineral grain has its K-Ar "clock" set at zero.
Potassium-Argon dating has the advantage that the argon is an inert gas that does not
react chemically and would not be expected to be included in the solidification of a
rock, so any found inside a rock is very likely the result of radioactive decay of
potassium. Since the argon will escape if the rock is melted, the dates obtained are to
the last molten time for the rock. Since potassium is a constituent of many common
minerals and occurs with a tiny fraction of radioactive potassium-40, it finds wide
application in the dating of mineral deposits. The feldspars are the most abundant
minerals on the Earth, and potassium is a constituent of orthoclase, one common form
of feldspar.
K/Ar Dating method
For a radioactive decay which produces a single final product, the decay time can be calculated
from the amounts of the parent and daughter product by
where N0 and N are the initial and final numbers of the parent isotope, λ is the decay constant and T is the half-
life. But the decay of potassium-40 has multiple pathways, and detailed information about each of these
pathways is necessary if potassiun-argon decay is to be used as a clock. This information is typically expressed in
terms of the decay constants.
40K Decay Constants
The measured amount of radiogenic 40Ar* in terms of the current measured amount of 40K can be expressed as
Pathway Decay constant (10-10yr-1)
λβ , decay to 40Ca 4.962
λEC , decay to 40Ar 0.581
λtotal = λβ + λEC 5.543
This can be solved for the time t
When the values for the decay constants in the table above are used, the expression for the radiometric age becomes
Here, it is useful to make use of the series representation of ln(x+1), which may be approximated by x if x<< 1:
Since the population of 40Ar* is usually quite small, the approximation of ln(x+1)≈x gives
1.When the radiometric clock was started, there was a negligible amount of 40Ar in the sample.
2.The rock or mineral has been a closed system since the starting time.
3.The closure of the system was rapid compared to the age being determined.
* 40K is quantified with flame photometry or atomic absorption spectroscopy.
* 40Ar is quantified with mass spectrometry.
* 40Ar / 40K ratio is shown the age.
K/Ar Dating method
-Limited to dating volcanic rock (eg. The rock and not the artefact)
-Human interaction can interfere with dating
-Cannot date recent objects earlier than a 100000 years.
-Mainly based on assumptions
-Long process (1-2 weeks per sample)
-Costly (Few hundred dollars per sample)
1.Absolute Age Determination / Mebus A.Geyh- Helmut
2. http://hyperphysics.phy-
3. Radiometric Dating / Dr.Roger C. Wiens (2002)
4.Science Based Dating in Archeology / Martin Jim Aitken