GCU 1.13.Manuel
GCU 1.13.Manuel
GCU 1.13.Manuel
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Installing the software............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1. Installing the GCU.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Installing the Sentinel............................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Placing the dongle in position.............................................................................................................................................................. 11
4. Activating the dongle ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
5. Modifying a configuration..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6. Using the software............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.1. Usage instructions ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
6.2. Menus & icons ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.2.1 Transfer ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.2.2 Printing .................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
6.2.3 Languages ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
6.2.4 Help ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.3. Programming Methodology .................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.4. Presentation of tabs ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.4.1 Application Settings ............................................................................................................................................................... 19 Manufacturer............................................................................................................................................................. 20 IO Settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Modules .................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Programmable Thresholds........................................................................................................................................ 23 Analogue Modules .................................................................................................................................................... 24 Time scales............................................................................................................................................................... 27 Factory Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 System thresholds .................................................................................................................................................... 29 System delay times................................................................................................................................................... 31
6.4.2 IO System Configuration........................................................................................................................................................ 32 Input Function Codes................................................................................................................................................ 35 Output Function Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 36
6.4.3 System Programming ............................................................................................................................................................ 37 GCU.......................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Input / Output modules.............................................................................................................................................. 50
6.5. Table of Events ...................................................................................................................................................................... 52
7. Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.1. The installation does not launch automatically....................................................................................................................... 53
7.2. Microsoft Framework. NET is not installed............................................................................................................................. 54
7.3. The “Licence expired” message is displayed ......................................................................................................................... 55
8. Solutions.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 56
8.1. Create a short cut .................................................................................................................................................................. 56
8.2. Configure a printer ................................................................................................................................................................. 57
8.3. Sort the titles in the GCU software......................................................................................................................................... 59
8.4. Uninstall the GCU software.................................................................................................................................................... 59
9. Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
9.1. Factory Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 62
9.2. System thresholds ................................................................................................................................................................. 64
9.3. System delay times................................................................................................................................................................ 66
9.4. Input Function Codes ............................................................................................................................................................. 67
9.5. Output Function Codes .......................................................................................................................................................... 71
1. Introduction
The GCU (Genset Control Unit) configuration software is used to define and create a configuration for a TELYS control unit. It is used to
access the TELYS and to modify its parameters.
A blue dongle (or ‘Sentinel’ key) must be used to set parameters or create a configuration.
The blue dongle, which is designed for the After-Sales service and agents, has a one year term of validity.
The licence can be renewed using a computer file (enabling it to be sent by mail).
Each dongle is registered and protected against modifications to the operating system date and time.
The GCU configuration software and dongle can only be used after having completed appropriate training.
2. Confirm by clicking on “Suivant” (Next).
3. Enter your name and the name of your company and select "Tous les utilisateurs du système” (All system users).
4. Click on “Suivant” (Next) to confirm where to save the installation.
6. Do not select “Launch GCU*”, click on “Terminer” (Finish).
Installation of the GCU configuration software is complete. The dongle recognition software (Sentinel) must now be installed. If Sentinel
is not installed, you will not be able to use GCU.
2.2. Installing the Sentinel
The dongle recognition software must be installed manually (‘Sentinel’ keys).
Right click,
2. In the “Sentinel” file, double-click on “Setup 722.exe”
¾ Installation begins.
¾ You may cancel the installation at any point by clicking “Cancel”.
3. Click on “Next”;
4. Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click on “Next”;
5. Check that the “Complete” box is checked and click on “Next”;
6. Click on “Install”;
7. Click on “Yes”;
¾ Installation begins.
8. Click on “Finish”.
The installation procedure is complete. The CD can be removed from the drive.
Before running the GCU configuration software, connect the dongle to the USB port on your computer. To access the GCU configuration
software more easily, you can set up a shortcut on the desktop (refer to How To….Create a shortcut).
3. Placing the dongle in position
The dongle is an electronic lock which connects to the USB port on the computer.
The dongle must always be inserted before running the GCU configuration software in order to be
able to access the configuration parameters.
In general, the dongle is activated during the TELYS training.
Request a new licence from SDMO if activation is not successful, if it does not work or if the
licence validity has expired.
- Keep the identification file and the licence file, you will be asked for them during renewals.
- Save the two files in folders with different names so that the files are not erased.
1. Copy the dongle identifier displayed on the screen when opening the GCU;
Button to save directly to a folder
2 ID code
3. Save the new licence.
Once the licence has been received, indicate the location for saving the licence file (create a “Dongle licence” folder) and click on
After the dongle has been activated, the date when the validity expires is displayed each time the software is opened.
5. Modifying a configuration
In the interests of continuous product improvement, it is essential to send all of the configuration files which have been
modified to your SDMO representative.
Warning! SDMO will not be held responsible for the consequences of any configuration changes.
Clearing the
5. Click on the “Transfer” menu and “Open GCU Configuration”;
6. Indicate the access path for the configuration to be modified.
¾ The configuration (6 .dat files) must be at the root of the folder selected.
7. Check the generating set serial number (given at the bottom, left of the window);
8. Perform and save the modifications (“Transfer” menu and “Save GCU Configuration”);
9. Store the 6 ".dat" files for the new configuration at the root of the USB key;
10. Upload the configuration in TELYS for checking.
The dongle cannot be used at a time previous to the last use. If the time on the computer is earlier than the time of last use, the licence
renewal window will appear on the screen. To reactivate the software, simply wait until the stated time of use occurs or renew the
licence provided by the SDMO training service.
(E.g.: using the dongle on PCs with different times to prolong the validity of the licence, etc.).
To close the software, click on the red cross at the top right-hand corner of the window or click on the shortcut icon.
The following paragraphs describe the menus and tabs, and are presented in logical programming order.
6.2. Menus & icons
The Transfer, Printing, Languages and Help menus present the software functions (uploading a configuration, saving, etc.).
6.2.1 Transfer
When you click on “Open GCU configuration”, a search window for the “Package Import” folder is displayed. Select the folder to be
If there is no configuration in the file, or if the configuration is saved in a sub-folder, an error message is displayed.
> Save GCU Configuration (Ctrl+E)
This function enables a new configuration to be saved.
The software saves the configuration under the generating set serial number.
Specify the save path and the name of the folder if necessary.
If the generating set serial number has not been saved, a ‘Manufacturer Properties’ save window opens; enter the generating set serial
number and the Default Power ON Language. The dongle reference number is the key number of the person who saved the
configuration. The ‘Code Affaire’, ‘N° Ligne’, ‘Type config’ and ‘Prod’ are specific to SDMO and will be completed automatically.
6.2.2 Printing
> Parameters: prints factory parameters, system delay times, analogue sensors, time scales and programmable thresholds.
> Programming: prints according to the configuration; prints GCU allocation (I/O) and I/O modules (if present), GCU programming
> Event stack: the event stack should be uploaded in the software to be printed (“copy all” from TELYS, open the “Log” file and upload
the “PileEvent.dat” folder).
6.2.3 Languages
6.2.4 Help
> About...: indicates the software version and the dongle validity date.
> Upgrade licence: enables a request to made to upgrade the licence before the expiry date.
19/74 Manufacturer
The “Manufacturer” tab enables the manufacturer's properties to be read and modified.
Enter the generating set serial number (composed of 8 digits, if the number entered is less than 8 digits, a number of zeros (0) will
automatically be added in front of the first digit to obtain a total of eight digits).
This serial number is permanently visible on the software, it appears at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
You can also give the Default Power ON Language. The dongle reference number is the key number of the person who saved the
configuration. The ‘Code Affaire’, ‘N° Ligne’, ‘Type Config.’ and ‘Prod.’ are specific to SDMO and will be completed automatically.
Power ON Language: this is the language which will be used when the configuration is activated (TELYS). The choice is made using a
dropdown menu.
- Supervision date: PC date when configuration was created; this is activated automatically when the serial number is declared.
- ‘Sentinel’ reference: dongle number which was used to create the configuration. Each dongle is nominative. IO Settings
The “IO Settings” tab allows the TELYS COMM ports to be configured.
y A Serial link: requires an RS232 COM port, an RS232/RS485 converter, a cable with a Sub DB9 connector at one end and a 3-point
connector at the other end and software to read the JBus table. The JBus port for the serial link can be configured on the PC and on
the TELYS. By default, it is fixed at 5 (go to menu 251 in the TELYS to consult this, 311 to modify it). The minimum and maximum limits
are from 1 to 254.
Note: for operation and diagrams, refer to the user's manual for the JBus software.
- Ethernet: configuration of the Ethernet connection, the parameters can be entered manually (information supplied by the computer
department) or automatically by activating the DHCP function (the router allocates an IP address to TELYS when the latter is connected to the
network). Modules
The “Modules” tab is used to state the modules. All of the modules must be stated before a configuration is created.
22/74 Programmable Thresholds
Programmable thresholds are used with comparison equations. There are 10 thresholds for 10 equations. Like the modules, the
threshold names can be modified (designation column). There are minimum and maximum values for these parameters. The threshold
value does not have a unit.
Set point
Deactivation of the power-off command
23/74 Analogue Modules
The “Sensor selection” tab allows the sensors to be chosen (temperature, pressure, level or current), which can then be activated in the
“Application Settings” B Factory Settings” B “index 320 to 325” tab.
-Sensor type: clicking once on opens a dropdown menu which enables the sensor type being configured to be selected:
- Sensor choice: clicking once on opens a dropdown menu which enables the sensor being configured to be selected:
- Specifications, for information: the curve of the sensor selected is displayed automatically.
The sensor curves are saved in Microsoft Excel files. Other curves can be added (existing curves or curves created for a specific
sensor). In order to create a curve, you just need to know the sensor specifications, then open a new Microsoft Excel file and save it in
the “Sensors” folder. How accurately a non-linear curve can be read will depend on the number of points on this curve.
The Microsoft Excel tables can be found in the GCU configuration software folder (C:\Program Files\GCU\ConfigTool\Sensors)
This is a curve indicating the battery charge current for a charging alternator. The analogue input is from 0/100 mV for an indication of
0/100 A.
Warning! The indications given by TELYS may be incorrect if the curves are modified.
SDMO will not be held responsible for the consequences of any configuration changes.
To create a Microsoft Excel table for a new sensor:
1. Open a Microsoft Excel® file and select the type of sensor which will be used;
3. Save the file under a new name in the “Sensors” folder (File > Save as; to prevent the original from being deleted);
5. Restart GCU;
6. In the “Analogue modules”, click on the sensor type and select the new sensor.
New sensor
26/74 Time scales
The “Time scales” tab enables the time scales to be programmed quickly and displayed all together.
27/74 Factory Settings
The “Factory settings” tab is used to access the factory function codes:
The suffix for the factory settings begins with 3XX. The designation of the function code for the factory settings is U followed by the
parameter designation (e.g.: UTYM: function code: Factory, Type of Engine).
All of the factory function codes are described in the “FACTORY SETTINGS” appendix.
@ Min: minimum parameter limit. If there is no minimum value, the possible values will be displayed in a dropdown menu in the
“values” column. If the value entered is outside the limits, an exclamation mark will appear in the box concerned.
Example: If the minimum number of pairs of pole 1 is entered as 0, it is outside the limits. The minimum terminal is therefore saved as 1
and signalled with an exclamation mark.
The suffix for the system thresholds begins with 2XX. The designation of the function code for the system thresholds is S followed by
the parameter designation (e.g.: SNTD1: Starter 1 Attempt Number Threshold).
All of the function codes for the system thresholds are described in the “SYSTEM THRESHOLDS” appendix.
@ Min: minimum parameter value. If this box is empty, the possible values will be displayed in a dropdown menu in the “values”
column. If the value entered is outside the limits, an exclamation mark will appear in the box concerned.
@ Max: identical to min. Example: If the maximum number of attempts is limited to 6 and the number 7 is entered (outside limits), the
number 6 is saved and is indicated by an exclamation mark.
@ Active: the system threshold is active if the box is ticked. The tick cannot be removed from a greyed out box. An active threshold is
written in normal blue writing whereas a deactivated threshold is written in grey italic.
30/74 System delay times
The “System delay times” tab enables the delay times to be set.
The suffix for the system thresholds begins with 1XX. The designation of the function code for the system delay times is T followed by
the parameter designation (e.g.: TPA: Air Preheating Delay).
All of the system delay time function codes are described in the “SYSTEM DELAY TIMES” appendix.
6.4.2 IO System Configuration
This tab gives access to all of the logic programming for the input and output system on the basic board and the I/O modules if present.
In the “Input Function Codes” and “Output Function Codes” tabs, the function codes and their designations are displayed.
In the “GCU” and “Input/Output Modules” tabs, the function codes which have been selected are displayed.
To allocate a code, select it and slide it into the right-hand section of the window (“GCU” or “Input/Output modules” tabs).
The italic titles displayed in grey have been cleared or moved and cannot be modified.
NB. The basic rules for configuring the windows are described in the paragraph “Tab; IO System Configuration”.
An input can only be programmed once. When it has been configured, it no longer appears in the list of input function codes.
An output can be programmed as many times as necessary.
Integrated logic
(generating set operation)
Programmable logic
CFE (system programming) CFS
Communicating engines have specific characteristics depending on the engine make and type. Not all of the information
passes via the CAN Bus (starting order, preheating, etc.). For this type of engine, it is necessary to acquire the necessary
information before performing any configurations.
Example for programming a generating set equipped with:
- oil pressure fault
- coolant temperature fault
- loss of coolant preheating alarm
- general alarm report
- general fault report
- water preheating control
- Logic inputs:
Preheating control
(see CFE title in appendix)
- Logic outputs:
34/74 Input Function Codes
The “Input Function Codes” tab lists all of the input functions codes. The input function codes can be programmed once on the main
board (GCU) or on the input/output modules. After the codes have been used, they are no longer displayed in the list.
All of the input function codes are described in the “INPUT FUNCTION CODES” appendix.
In versions 1.11 & 1.13 of the GCU configuration software, the input function codes “Remote Start Order”, “Fault:
Emergency Stop” and Fault: Ext Emergency Stop” are displayed in the list: these codes MUST NOT BE USED. They
have already been configured to ELH01, ELH16 and ELH17.
35/74 Output Function Codes
The “Output Function Codes” tab lists all of the output function codes. The output function codes can be programmed as many times as
necessary on the main board (GCU) or on the input/output modules. After the codes have been used, they are no longer displayed in
the list.
All of the input function codes are described in the “OUTPUT FUNCTION CODES” appendix.
6.4.3 System Programming
The “System Programming” tab enables the system programming to be accessed (logic equations, comparisons, etc.).
When opening this tab, the “GCU” and “Programmable components” sub-tabs are displayed by default.
Logic Equations
Custom Time Delay
Custom Index
Custom remote control
circuit breaker
The GCU and Input/Output modules tabs (if present in the configuration) contain the inputs and outputs to be used for the logic
equations, delays, index and remote control circuit breaker.
The variables for programming the logic equations, delays, index (counter) and remote control circuit breaker are only available
in the “Available Inputs” and “Available Outputs” tabs
The variables for programming the comparison equations are only available in the “Analogue Variables” tab. It is advised that the
programming variables are written in upper case to differentiate them from other variables, so that they can be found easily.
The “Analogue Variables” tab enables logic equations, comparison equations, delays, counters and remote control circuit breakers to
be programmed.
In the “Programmable Components” tab, select the variable to be configured and double-click it. The programming window will open.
Drag the variables into the “Variable” boxes to create the equations.
Double click
You can display all of the I/O programming in the “GCU“ tab, Input/Output modules tabs (if present); the logic/comparison equations,
delays, indices and remote control circuit breakers are displayed in the right-hand side of the window.
Reminder about the logic equations.
- Operators:
Or Xor
- Brackets:
The brackets are selected by clicking in the box before or after the variable. A single click opens a bracket, a second click in the same
box opens a second bracket and so on until 4 brackets have been opened. A fifth click clears the brackets.
- Configuring an equation:
To configure an equation, take the variables in the “Available Inputs” and “Available Outputs” tabs. Click on the component and drag
it to its position in the equation.
Warning! If a variable already exists, it will be replaced by the new saved variable.
To clear a variable, click in the box of the variable. To clear the comparison, click on “Clear”.
- Writing contact equations/logic:
Example of equations:
Note: on the basic board, an input variable takes the name of the input (e.g.: ELH02) whereas an output variable takes the output
function code (e.g.: CST_CFS).
Notes: on an I/O module, an input or output variable takes the input or output name (e.g.: M1E1 for an input and M1S2 for an output).
- Take care when writing the equation and positioning the brackets! (An “OR” sends the following variable to the next line whereas an
“AND” positions it after the previous).
The box in the “Conf.” column can only be activated by the software.
Comparison Equations.
- Configuring a comparison:
To configure a comparison, simply take a variable in the “Analogue Variables” tab. Click on the component and drag it to its position in
the equation.
To clear a variable, right-click it. To clear an equation, click on “Clear”.
Warning! If a variable already exists, it will be replaced by the new saved variable.
The delay time (optional) is intended to delay the equation result.
The programmable thresholds can be configured before or after configuring the comparison (however, it is easier to find a threshold
configured with a title than the opposite).
Example of a comparison equation:
Programmable threshold
When the programmable threshold is less than or equal to the HT coolant temperature measurement, the comparison equation output
is activated.
- There is less of an error risk when the threshold is programmed before configuring the comparison and the title has been entered.
- The variables take the function code name (e.g.: ITEH-ANA, SPRGO-ANA)
To clear a variable, click in the box of the variable. To clear the comparison, click on “Clear”.
- The time delay enables a stable state to be validated.
- It is impossible to configure a logic variable. The comparison result can be used in a logic equation.
- Contrary to the logic equation, it is not possible to configure the inverse variable.
The box in the “Conf.” column can only be activated by the software.
To configure a delay, take a variable in the “Available Inputs” and “Available Outputs” tabs. To configure a comparison, take a variable
in the “Analogue Variables” tab. Click on the component and drag it to its position in the equation (it is impossible to position a variable
at a defined location).
To clear a variable, click in the box of the variable. To clear the comparison, click on “Clear”.
Warning! If a variable already exists, it will be replaced by the new saved variable.
The box in the “Conf.” column can only be activated by the software.
- A time delay has the same programming specifications as a logic equation (GCU input variable and input/output for a module = input or
output address, GCU output variable = output function code, etc.).
A counter is composed of 2 variables (a command variable and a reset variable) and an activation threshold. This threshold
increases incrementally at each rising edge of a command variable signal.
To configure a counter, take the variables in the “Available Inputs” and “Available Outputs” tabs. Click on the component and drag it to
its position in the equation (it is impossible to position a variable at a defined location).
To clear a variable, click in the box of the variable. To clear the comparison, click on “Clear”.
Warning! If a variable already exists, it will be replaced by the new saved variable.
The threshold window indicates the value at which the counter will be activated.
Example of counter:
- A counter has the same programming specifications as a logic equation (GCU input variable and input/output for a module = input or
output address, GCU output variable = output function code, etc.).
- Counter operation:
The box in the “Conf.” column can only be activated by the software.
Remote control circuit breaker
A remote control circuit breaker is composed of a single variable; this facilitates the 0/1 function with the same command.
To configure a remote control circuit breaker, take the variable in the “Available Inputs” and “Available Outputs” tabs. Click on the
component and drag it to its position in the equation (it is impossible to position a variable at a defined location).
To clear a variable, click in the box of the variable. To clear the comparison, click on “Clear”.
- A remote control circuit breaker has the same programming specifications as a logic equation (GCU input variable and input/output for
a module = input or output address, GCU output variable = output function code, etc.).
The box in the “Conf.” column can only be activated by the software.
45/74 GCU
Programmable Components
The programmable component suffix begins with 6XX. The designation of the function code for programmable components differs
according to whether it is a logic equation, a comparison equation, a delay, an index or a remote control circuit breaker:
To configure one of these programmable components, double-click on the line of the component to be programmed. The confirmation
box (Conf column) is activated by the software once the equation has been configured.
Logic equation
6 variables (variable or inverse), 3 operators (And, Or and Xor) and 4 brackets.
Close equation
Comparison equation
2 variables, 6 operators (<=, >, <, =, != (≠) and >=).
Close the equation
Clear equation
Delay the equation output
Example of a delay
Clear equation
Custom index (counter)
1 counting variable, 1 reset variable and a configurable threshold.
Close the equation
Example of an index
Clear equation
Clear equation
Available Inputs
Left clicking the “GCU” and “Available Inputs” tabs opens the following window:
All of the available inputs can be used in the programmable components except the comparison equations. It is not possible to allocate
a logic input in an analogue equation.
Available Outputs
Left clicking the “GCU” and “Available Outputs” tabs opens the following window:
All of the available outputs can be used in the programmable components except the comparison equations. It is not possible to
allocate a logic output in an analogue equation.
Analogue Variables
All of the analogue variables are displayed under the “GCU” tab.
All of the analogue variables can be used in comparison equations and only in comparison equations. It is not possible to allocate a
logic input or output in an analogue equation.
49/74 Input / Output modules
When the “Input Function Codes” window is open, it is possible to access the basic board input settings (GCU) and I/O modules if
The settings characteristics are identical on the basic board and on the I/O modules
If the function has been entered when the I/O module(s) are declared, this information appears in the dropdown menu, otherwise the
I/O modules will be marked M1 to M5.
When the “Output Function Codes” window is open, it is possible to access the basic board output settings (GCU) and I/O modules if
The output setting functions are identical to the input setting functions.
The settings characteristics are identical on the basic board and on the I/O modules.
Left clicking the “I/O modules” and “Inputs” tabs opens the following window:
- if there is no I/O module declared:
All of the inputs can be used in the programmable components except the comparison equations. It is not possible to allocate a logic
input to an analogue equation.
Left clicking the “I/O modules” and “Output” tabs opens the following window:
- if there is no I/O module declared:
All of the outputs can be used in the programmable components except the comparison equations. It is not possible to allocate a logic
output to an analogue equation.
6.5. Table of Events
Using this tab, it is possible to load an event file.
This file summarises all of the events saved by the GCU concerning the generating set: alarms, faults, etc.
7. Troubleshooting....
Right click,
2. Double-click on “Setup.exe”.
7.2. Microsoft Framework. NET is not installed
If Microsoft Framework.Net is not installed:
1. Accept for Microsoft Framework.Net to be installed by clicking on “Yes”;
¾ Installation begins.
3. A message indicating that the installation is complete is displayed; click on “OK”;
8. Solutions...
Right click
8.2. Configure a printer
If the printer has not been configured correctly, an error message is displayed. Add the printer to the computer's peripherals.
To add a printer:
1. Close the GCU software, ensuring that you save your modifications;
4. Click on “Next”;
5. Select the printer to be added and click on “Next”;
¾ If you add the printer as a default printer, it will be automatically selected for all printing requests made from the
6. Click on “Finish”.
¾ The installation procedure ends. Restart the GCU software, the printer appears in the list of printers configured.
8.3. Sort the titles in the GCU software
To facilitate the search, you can sort and arrange the titles in alphabetical or numerical order.
Click in the box corresponding to the title to be categorised (ind. B numerical order, code or designation B alphabetical order).
3. Click on “Next” and select “Delete”;
5. Click on “Terminer ” (Finish).
¾ GCU is uninstalled.
In the directory ‘C:\Program Files\’, you can delete the “GCU” FOLDER.
9. Appendix
Suffix Code Access Level Designation Comments
326 UGAV PC 2 Speed Adjustment Gain Configuring the wheel resolution for speed adjustment
327 UOAV PC 2 Speed Adjustment Offset Setting the speed adjustment signal offset
328 UAAV PC 2 Speed Adjustment Amplitude Configuring the speed adjustment amplitude
329 UGAT PC 2 Voltage Adjustment Gain Configuring the wheel resolution for voltage adjustment
330 UOAT PC 2 Voltage Adjustment Offset Configuring the voltage adjustment signal offset
331 UAAT PC 2 Voltage Adjustment Amplitude Configuring the voltage adjustment amplitude
332 URN PC 2 Neutral speed For information only, see generating set data screen on IHM (no effect on operation)
333 UGBF PC 2 Bi-Frequency Genset Gives access on IHM to the frequency & nominal voltage menus in settings
337 UAV PC 2 Speed Adjustment Activates the speed adjustment menu in settings on IHM
338 UAT PC 2 Voltage Adjustment Activates the voltage adjustment menu in settings on IHM
339 UTNA PC 2 Alternator Nominal Voltage
340 UPNAG PC 2 Apparent Nominal Power of the Genset Warning: in 1/10 kVA
341 URTC PC 2 Alternator Current Transformer Ratio For a CT of 100/5, this gives 20
342 URTT PC 2 Alternator Voltage Transformer Ratio Used for alternator voltages >= 500Volts with voltage transducer. Warning, values in 1/10
343 UCHTG PC 2 Genset Total Working Hours Counter
Only modify in order to change a current value (e.g. when changing TELYS), otherwise, leave the default
344 UCAETG PC 2 Genset Total Active Energy Meter value, the counters will not be modified. The value 4000000000 does not modify the TELYS counters
when changing the config
345 UCERATG PC 2 Genset Total Reactive Energy Meter
9.2. System thresholds
Suffix Code Access Level Designation Comments
200 SNTD1 PC 2 Starter 1 Attempt Number Threshold Number of starting attempts with starter 1
201 SNTD2 PC 2 Starter 2 Attempt Number Threshold Number of starting attempts with starter 2
Threshold for nominal voltage set in the Factory menu when the min alternator
202 SAMITA HMI 1 Min Alternator Voltage Alarm Threshold
voltage alarm is activated
Threshold for nominal voltage set in the Factory menu when the min alternator
203 SDMITA HMI 1 Min Alternator Voltage Fault Threshold
voltage fault is activated
Threshold for nominal voltage set in the Factory menu when the max alternator
204 SAMATA HMI 1 Max Alternator Voltage Alarm Threshold
voltage alarm is activated
Threshold for nominal voltage set in the Factory menu when the max alternator
205 SDMATA HMI 1 Max Alternator Voltage Fault Threshold
voltage fault is activated
Threshold for nominal frequency set in the Factory menu when the min
206 SAMIFA HMI 1 Min Alternator Frequency Alarm Threshold
alternator frequency alarm is activated
Threshold for nominal frequency set in the Factory menu when the min
207 SDMIFA HMI 1 Min Alternator Frequency Fault Threshold
alternator frequency fault is activated
Threshold for nominal frequency set in the Factory menu when the max
208 SAMAFA HMI 1 Max Alternator Frequency Alarm Threshold
alternator frequency alarm is activated
Threshold for nominal frequency set in the Factory menu when the max
209 SDMAFA HMI 1 Max Alternator Frequency Fault Threshold
alternator frequency fault is activated
Threshold for Vcc supply voltage when the min battery voltage alarm is
210 SAMITB HMI 1 Min Battery Voltage Alarm Threshold
211 SDMITB HMI 1 Min Battery Voltage Fault Threshold Threshold for Vcc supply voltage for the min battery voltage fault
Threshold for Vcc supply voltage when the max battery voltage alarm is
212 SAMATB HMI 1 Max Battery Voltage Alarm Threshold
213 SDMATB HMI 1 Max Battery Voltage Fault Threshold Threshold for Vcc supply voltage for the max battery voltage fault
Maximum engine speed threshold for nominal speed configured in the Factory
214 SDSU PC 2 Overspeed Fault Threshold
215 SAS HMI 0&1 Overload Alarm Threshold Threshold for the generating set nominal current
216 SAPH PC 2 Oil Pressure Alarm Threshold Can only be activated if Telys displays the indicator
217 SATE PC 2 Coolant Temperature Alarm Threshold Can only be activated if Telys displays the indicator
218 SAMPE PC 2 Loss of Preheating Alarm Threshold Can only be activated if Telys displays the coolant temperature indicator
Suffix Code Access Level Designation Comments
219 SATH PC 2 Oil Temperature Alarm Threshold Can only be activated if Telys displays the indicator
220 SANHF PC 2 High Fuel Level Alarm Threshold Can only be activated if Telys displays the indicator
221 SANBF PC 2 Low Fuel Level Alarm Threshold Can only be activated if Telys displays the indicator
222 SACPF HMI 1 Fuel Pump Command Activation Threshold On condition that the "Fuel Pump Exterior Tank" function is = NO
223 SDCPF HMI 1 Fuel Pump Command Deactivation Threshold Can only be activated if Telys displays the fuel indicator
224 SACB PC 2 Ballast Command Activation Threshold Genset nominal active power threshold which activates the ballast control
225 SDCB PC 2 Ballast Command Deactivation Threshold Genset nominal active power threshold which deactivates the ballast control
226 SARPA PC 2 Active Power Return Alarm Threshold Active power return alarm activation threshold for nominal active power
227 SDRPA PC 2 Active Power Return Fault Threshold Active power return fault activation threshold for nominal active power
228 SARPR PC 2 Reactive Power Return Alarm Threshold Reactive power return alarm activation threshold for nominal reactive power
229 SDRPR PC 2 Reactive Power Return Fault Threshold Active power return fault activation threshold for nominal reactive power
232 SDSO PC 2 Underspeed Fault Threshold Minimum engine speed threshold
233 SCDE PC 2 Electric Starter Cut-off Threshold Electric starter cut-off speed
234 SCDP PC 2 Pneumatic Starter Cut-off Threshold Pneumatic starter cut-off speed
9.3. System delay times
Suffix Code Access Level Designation Comments
100 TPA HMI 0&1 Air Preheating If air preheating control is activated
101 TT HMI 0&1 Test
102 TMC HMI 0&1 Micro Disconnection Time between activation of remote order input and genset start
103 TRS HMI 0&1 Mains Return Time between deactivation of remote order input and genset cooling
104 TPE HMI 0&1 Notice (For France only) Time before the genset starts when the input is activated
105 TPTE HMI 0&1 For France only For France only - deactivation acknowledgement delay
106 TIPH PC 2 Oil Pressure inhibition on startup Oil pressure fault and alarm inhibition time on startup
107 TISU PC 2 Inhibition Overspeed on startup Overspeed fault inhibition time on startup
108 TNBE PC 2 Low coolant Level Time before low coolant level fault is declared
109 TNBEA PC 2 Low air cooler coolant level Time before air cooler low coolant level fault is declared
110 TAMR HMI 1 Cooling Engine Stop Generating set cooling time after operating in automatic mode
111 TADTE HMI 1 Coolant Temperature Gradual Stop Time for which the generating set is cooled following detection of a coolant temperature fault
112 TADS HMI 1 Overload Gradual Stop Time for which the generating set is cooled following detection of an overload fault
113 TSUF HMI 0&1 V and F stabilisation Time before min/max voltage and min/max frequency faults are recognised
114 TMITA HMI 1 Min Alternator Voltage Time before alternator min voltage fault is declared
115 TMATA HMI 1 Max Alternator Voltage Time before alternator max voltage fault is declared
116 TMIFA HMI 1 Min Alternator Frequency Time before alternator min frequency fault is declared
117 TMAFA HMI 1 Max Alternator Frequency Time before alternator max frequency fault is declared
118 TMITB HMI 1 Min. U Batt. Time before battery min voltage fault is declared
119 TMATB HMI 1 Max. U Batt. Time before battery max voltage fault is declared
Time Delay for the Normal switch to change to the
120 TBNS PC 2 Time for switching between normal and emergency changeover switches
Emergency switch
121 TBSN PC 2 Switching from emergency switch to the normal switch Time for switching between emergency and normal changeover switches
122 TPDM PC 2 Motorised circuit breaker control Motorised circuit breaker closing and opening control activation time
123 TCINS PC 2 Normal / Emergency One-Touch Control Normal and emergency one-touch opening and closing control activation time
124 TVMG PC 2 Gas engine ventilation Gas engine ventilation time before startup
125 TTDE PC 2 Electric starter attempt Start attempt time for an electric starter
126 TTDP PC 2 Pneumatic starter attempt Start attempt time for a pneumatic starter
127 TIT PC 2 Time delay interval between attempts Time between each starting attempt
128 TVRD PC 2 Restarting Lock Time for locking the stopped genset before restarting (activated from 7.5Hz)
129 TK HMI 0&1 Horn off Activation time of the horn for Faults and Alarms and interval between two horn activations
130 TCCE PC 2 Damper valve control Damper valve control time
131 TMV HMI 0&1 Standby Time before screen backlighting goes out if no action
9.4. Input Function Codes
Suffix Code Designation Comments
1 OED_CFE Remote Start Order Genset on load start control in auto mode
2 THE_CFE Coolant thermostat Water preheating control
3 MPF_CFE Fuel pump on Fuel pump control on external info
Locks the inverter changeover switch in emergency position even if
4 PE_CFE For France only
genset faulty (France only)
5 TE_CFE For France only Genset on load start control in Auto mode (France only)
6 PVE_CFE For France only Genset no load start control in Auto mode (France only)
7 EJ_CFE J-1 For France only Alarm (France only)
Inhibits all engine faults except emergency stop fault, external
8 IS_CFE Inhibit Safety Device
emergency stop fault, overspeed fault
9 START_CFE START Function identical to IHM START button (One-touch control)
10 STOP_CFE STOP Function identical to IHM STOP button (One-touch control)
11 MA_CFE Auto Mode Used to switch to Auto mode (One-touch control)
12 DAU_CFE Emergency stop fault
13 DAUE_CFE Exterior emergency stop fault
14 ACPI_CFE CPI activation alarm
15 DCPI_CFE CPI activation fault
16 ABR_CFE Bulk Tank Alarm
17 DBR_CFE Bulk Tank Fault
18 ADPF1_CFE Fuel pump 1 activation alarm
19 DDPF1_CFE Fuel pump 1 activation fault
20 ADPF2_CFE Fuel pump 2 activation alarm
21 DDPF2_CFE Fuel pump 2 activation fault
22 APH_CFE Oil pressure alarm
23 DPH_CFE Oil pressure fault
24 ATH_CFE Oil temperature alarm
25 DTH_CFE Oil temperature fault
26 ANBH_CFE Low oil level alarm
27 DNBH_CFE Low oil level fault
28 ATEH_CFE HT coolant temperature alarm
29 DTEH_CFE HT coolant temperature fault
Suffix Code Designation Comments
30 ATEB_CFE LT coolant temperature alarm
31 DTEB_CFE LT coolant temperature fault
32 AMPE_CFE Loss of coolant preheating alarm
237 DMPE_CFE Loss of coolant preheating fault
33 ANBE_CFE Low coolant level alarm
34 DNBE_CFE Low coolant level fault
35 ANBEAR_CFE Air Cooler Low Coolant Level Alarm
36 DNBEAR_CFE Air Cooler Low Coolant Level Fault
37 ANTHF_CFE Very high fuel level alarm
38 DNTHF_CFE Very high fuel level fault
39 ANHF_CFE High fuel level alarm
230 DNHF_CFE High fuel level fault
40 ANBFRJ_CFE Daily service tank low fuel level alarm
229 DNBFRJ_CFE Daily service tank low fuel level fault
41 AAC_CFE Charging alternator alarm
42 AGM_CFE Engine general alarm
43 DGM_CFE Engine general fault
232 ASCA_CFE Alternator short-circuit or overload alarm
44 DSCA_CFE Alternator short-circuit or overload fault
45 RK_CFE Reset Horn Enables the horn to be reset remotely (One-touch control)
46 RAZFLT_CFE Reset current faults Enables the faults to be reset remotely (One-touch control)
47 MM_CFE Manual Mode Used to switch to Manual mode (One-touch control)
48 ABM_CFE Max coil circuit breaker alarm
49 DBM_CFE Max coil circuit breaker fault
50 ACHB_CFE Battery charger alarm
51 DCHB_CFE Battery charger fault
52 ACHBD_CFE Charger starter battery alarm
53 DCHBD_CFE Charger starter battery fault
54 ACE_CFE Damper valve alarm
55 DCE_CFE Damper valve fault
56 ACCPI_CFE CPI Relay Connection Alarm
57 DCCPI_CFE CPI Relay Connection Fault
58 ACRD_CFE Earth fault relay alarm
Suffix Code Designation Comments
59 DCRD_CFE Earth fault relay connection
60 ACNO_CFE Mains switch open alarm
61 DCNO_CFE Mains switch open fault
62 ACSO_CFE Genset switch open alarm
63 DCSO_CFE Genset Switch Open Fault
64 ADEV_CFE Local water flow alarm
65 DDEV_CFE Local water flow fault
66 ADD_CFE Earth fault alarm
67 DDD_CFE Earth fault
68 ADI_CFE Fire detection alarm
69 DDI_CFE Fire detection fault
70 ADGO_CFE General circuit breaker open alarm
71 DDGO_CFE General circuit breaker open fault
72 ADAR_CFE Air cooler circuit breaker alarm
73 DDAR_CFE Air cooler circuit breaker fault
74 AFF_CFE Fuel tank leak alarm
75 DFF_CFE Fuel tank leak fault
76 AFH_CFE Oil leak alarm
77 DFH_CFE Oil leak fault
78 AMCE_CFE Loss of coolant circulation alarm
79 DMCE_CFE Loss of coolant circulation fault
80 AMPH_CFE Loss of oil preheating alarm
227 DMPH_CFE Loss of oil preheating fault
81 AMTBD_CFE Starting Battery Min Voltage Alarm
82 DMTBD_CFE Starting Battery Min Voltage Fault
83 ANBFC_CFE Low tank fuel level alarm
84 DNBFC_CFE Low tank fuel level fault
228 ANHHM_CFE Engine oil level too high alarm
85 DNHHM_CFE Engine oil level too high fault
231 ANTBF_CFE Very low fuel level alarm
86 DNTBF_CFE Very Low Fuel Level Fault
87 APCAO_CFE Air cool door open alarm
88 DPCAO_CFE Air cool door open fault
89 APMO_CFE Circuit breaker door open alarm
Suffix Code Designation Comments
90 DPMO_CFE Circuit breaker door open fault
91 APAD_CFE Starter Air Pressure Alarm
92 DPAD_CFE Starter Air Pressure Fault
93 ATC_CFE Cylinder head temperature alarm
94 DTC_CFE Cylinder head temperature fault
95 ATEC_CFE Thermostat input temperature alarm
96 DTEC_CFE Thermostat input temperature fault
97 ATS_CFE Stator temperature alarm
98 DTS_CFE Stator temperature fault
233 ARMT_CFE Magneto-Thermal Relay Alarm
234 DRMT_CFE Magneto-Thermal Relay Fault
235 ATP_CFE Bearing temperature alarm
236 DTP_CFE Bearing temperature fault
9.5. Output Function Codes
Suffix Code Designation Comments
1 to 10 EQLOGX_CFS Logic Equation from 0 to 9 Logic equation output configuration
11 to 20 EQCOMPX_CFS Comparison Equation from 0 to 9 Comparison equation output configuration
21 to 30 TMPX_CFS Custom delay from 0 to 9 Delay output configuration
31 to 35 NDXX_CFS Custom index from 0 to 5 Counter output configuration
Remote control circuit breaker from 0
36 to 40 TELX_ CFS Remote control circuit breaker output configuration
to 5
99 CD1_CFS Starter 1 control
100 CD2_CFS Starter 2 control
101 CST_CFS Start Control Communicating engine identical to STOP order sent by engine CAN bus
102 CEF_CFS Fuel solenoid valve control
103 CSP_CFS Stop Control 1 when the engine is stopped, 0 during the stopping sequence
Control of communicating engine emergency stop on CAN bus rupture
104 CAU_CFS Emergency stop control
=1 when normal, =0 CAN bus fault or emergency stop
105 CR_CFS Reset Control Communicating engine identical to RESET order sent by CAN bus
106 CVN_CFS Nominal Speed Control Activated with the bi-frequency parameter to change the engine speed and the alternator LAM
107 CPA_CFS Air Preheating Control Engine air inlet preheating before genset startup
108 CO_CFS Override Control Information report for override operation
109 CDGN_CFS Diagnostic Control With Volvo D12, used in the frequency change sequence
110 POSR_CFS Network Position Reverse Switch
111 POSG_CFS Generating set position reverse switch
112 POSN_CFS Zero Position Reverse Switch Used with reverse switches in zero position
113 CFDM_CFS Motorised break close control
114 CODM_CFS Motorised break open control
115 CPF_CFS Fuel Pump Control
116 CPE_CFS Water preheating control Activated either by THE_CFE or Coolant temperature indicator < 50°C
If UPR=0, only activated with an overspeed fault. If UPR=1, activated with an emergency stop fault, external
117 CCE_CFS Damper valve control
emergency stop fault or overspeed fault
Suffix Code Designation Comments
121 DAU_CFS Emergency stop fault Report
122 DAUE_CFS Exterior emergency stop fault Report
123 DOED_CFS Remote start order fault Report
124 ACPI_CFS CPI activation alarm Report
125 DCPI_CFS CPI activation fault Report
126 AEJ_CFS J-1 alarm For France only Report
127 ABR_CFS Bulk Tank Alarm Report
128 DBR_CFS Bulk Tank Fault Report
129 ADPF1_CFS Fuel oil pump cutoff alarm 1 Report
130 DDPF1_CFS Fuel pump 1 breaker fault Report
131 ADPF2_CFS Fuel oil pump cutoff alarm 2 Report
132 DDPF2_CFS Fuel pump 2 breaker fault Report
133 APH_CFS Oil pressure alarm Report
134 DPH_CFS Oil pressure fault Report
135 ATPH_CFS Oil pressure sensor alarm Report
136 ATH_CFS Oil temperature alarm Report
137 DTH_CFS Oil temperature fault Report
138 ATTH_CFS Oil temperature sensor alarm Report
139 ANBH_CFS Low oil level alarm Report
140 DNBH_CFS Low oil level fault Report
141 ATEHT_CFS HT coolant temperature alarm Report
142 DTEHT_CFS HT coolant temperature fault Report
143 ATEBT_CFS LT coolant temperature alarm Only on MTU 4000 and by CAN Bus
144 DTEBT_CFS LT coolant temperature fault Only on MTU 4000 and by CAN Bus
145 ATTE_CFS Coolant temperature sensor alarm Report
146 AMPE_CFS Loss of coolant preheating alarm Report
147 ANBE_CFS Low coolant level alarm Report
148 DNBE_CFS Low coolant level fault Report
149 ANBEAR_CFS Air Cooler Low Coolant Level Alarm Report
150 DNBEAR_CFS Air Cooler Low Coolant Level Fault Report
151 ANTHF_CFS Very high fuel level alarm Report
Suffix Code Designation Comments
152 DNTHF_CFS Very high fuel level fault Report
153 ANHF_CFS High fuel level alarm Report
154 ANBFRJ_CFS Daily service tank low fuel level alarm Report
155 AAC_CFS Charging alternator alarm Report
156 ATB_CFS Battery voltage alarm Report
157 DTB_CFS Battery voltage fault Report
158 AUALT_CFS Alternator voltage alarm Report
159 DUALT_CFS Alternator voltage fault Report
160 AFALT_CFS Alternator frequency alarm Report
161 DFALT_CFS Alternator frequency fault Report
162 ARP_CFS Active power return alarm Report
163 DRP_CFS Active power return fault Report
164 ARQ_CFS Reactive power return alarm Report
165 DRQ_CFS Reactive power return fault Report
166 ASURC_CFS Overload alarm Report
167 AGMOT_CFS Engine general alarm Report
168 DGMOT_CFS Engine general fault Report
169 DSURV_CFS Overspeed fault Report
170 DSOUV_CFS Underspeed fault Report
171 AECU_CFS ECU alarm Report
172 DSCA_CFS Alternator Overload or Short Circuit Fault Report
173 DNDEM_CFS Non-starting fault Report
174 DCAN1_CFS CAN 1 Bus fault (Input/output module) Report
175 DCANM_CFS Engine CAN BUS fault Report
176 to 188 AELHX_CFS Not available Only visible if the associated input is configured
189 to 192 AELHM1EX_CFS Identical at input on I/O module no.1
193 to 196 AELHM2EX_CFS Identical at input on I/O module no.2
197 to 200 AELHM3EX_CFS Identical at input on I/O module no.3
201 to 204 AELHM4EX_CFS Identical at input on I/O module no.4
205 to 208 AELHM5EX_CFS Identical at input on I/O module no.5
209 FLTGEN_CFS General fault internal variable Report
Suffix Code Designation Comments
210 ALGEN_CFS General alarm internal variable Report
219 VI_REAC_CFS Genset cooling internal variable in Auto mode after on load operation Report
220 VI_READ_CFS Genset cooling internal variable on gradual stop time delay Report