Advances in Intelligent Tutori
Advances in Intelligent Tutori
Advances in Intelligent Tutori
Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 308
Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk
Systems Research Institute
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Newelska 6
01-447 Warsaw
Vol. 293. Anthony Brabazon, Michael O’Neill, and Vol. 305. Stefania Montani and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.)
Dietmar Maringer (Eds.) Successful Case-based Reasoning Applications, 2010
Natural Computing in Computational Finance, 2010 ISBN 978-3-642-14077-8
ISBN 978-3-642-13949-9
Vol. 306. Tru Hoang Cao
Vol. 294. Manuel F.M. Barros, Jorge M.C. Guilherme, and Conceptual Graphs and Fuzzy Logic, 2010
Nuno C.G. Horta ISBN 978-3-642-14086-0
Analog Circuits and Systems Optimization based on Vol. 307. Anupam Shukla, Ritu Tiwari, and Rahul Kala
Evolutionary Computation Techniques, 2010 Towards Hybrid and Adaptive Computing, 2010
ISBN 978-3-642-12345-0 ISBN 978-3-642-14343-4
Vol. 295. Roger Lee (Ed.) Vol. 308. Roger Nkambou, Jacqueline Bourdeau, and
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Riichiro Mizoguchi (Eds.)
Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2010 Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2010
ISBN 978-3-642-13264-3 ISBN 978-3-642-14362-5
Roger Nkambou, Jacqueline Bourdeau, and
Riichiro Mizoguchi (Eds.)
Prof. Roger Nkambou Prof. Riichirio Mizoguchi
Knowledge Management Laboratory Institute of Scientific and
Computer Science Department Industrial Research
University of Quebec at Montreal Osaka University
201, avenue du Président-Kennedy 8-1 Mihogaoka
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DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-14363-2
c 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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We are grateful to all contributors, for their willingness to work with us on this
book which focuses both on basic concepts of Intelligent Tutoring Systems as well
as on current developments in research on Artificial Intelligence in Education
(AIED). Writing this book was particularly challenging, due to the interdiscipli-
nary nature of AIED research. We were however fortunate to work with a very
good team of contributors. We would like to thank all of them.
We would also like to thank Prof. Gordon McCalla from the University of Sas-
katchewan, Canada, for his very articulate, kind and inspiring Foreword.
Special thanks go to our Springer contact in Heidelberg, Germany, Dr. Thomas
Ditzinger for his assistance and editorial guidance during the entire editing process.
Many thanks go to Othalia Larue and Natacha Vandereruch for their efficient
and generous help with the final editing of this book. We also gratefully acknowl-
edge the contribution of Carol Harris, Judith Campbell and Mary Linonge in the
English revision of several chapters in this book.
This book is dedicated to our families for allowing us to spend so much time on
this project, especially, Joelle Laurence, Arielle, Presley, Audrey Camille, Marthe-
Sarah and Roger Jr. for their patience and faithful support of the first editor, who
spent literally all holidays working on this book instead of spending quality time
with them.
and new data mining and statistical algorithms lead to the possibility of making
sense of learner performance by analyzing this interaction data. The key, how-
ever, to being able to leverage this rich data source is to understand the user’s
goals and his or her broader context, Vassileva et al (2001), McCalla (2004). Oth-
erwise, there are just too many statistical patterns lurking in the data that swamp
any possibility of distinguishing the relevant from the irrelevant. AIED allows
such context capture more readily than other areas of interactive systems research,
since the aim of learning something new usually makes both the learner’s goals
and broader contextual elements more explicit. Often learners have specific learn-
ing goals, are working on known tasks, are encountering known misconceptions,
are at a specific point in exploring the domain, etc. Knowing these things, an ITS
can much more readily decide what a given pattern of learner behaviour means “in
context”. And, the ITS can react appropriately, now choosing from a significantly
expanded set of pedagogical strategies ranging from “traditional” tutoring ap-
proaches (eg. teaching and coaching), through to various just-in-time learning
strategies (eg. finding a web resource, suggesting a peer helper, offering the learn-
er an opportunity to reflect on the state of their understanding by showing them
part of their learner model, etc.) Once again, AIED has the right forcing functions
for exploring the highly interactive, information rich, and socially networked
modern world enabled by information and communications technology.
It is likely that AIED research will continue to be a leader in exploring how ad-
vanced techniques from computer and social science can be deployed to support
human interactions in and with a constantly evolving “cyberspace”. Certainly, the
constraints that learning imposes will continue to allow ITSs to reason more deep-
ly about their users than other interactive systems without such constraints.
Moreover, learning itself as a main goal for people will, if anything, be of increas-
ing importance, as revolutionary change impacts most areas of human life and
forces everybody into a race to keep abreast of new developments in most fields of
human activity. This is probably why a recent trend to study “life long learning”
issues seems to be taking hold in AIED. Two recent workshops have studied is-
sues raised by the general goal of building life long learning companions, Lane
(2008), and the specific implications of life long user modelling, Kay and Kum-
merfeld (2009).
While it is too early to say whether this new trend will have lasting traction, the
contours of the research activities that will be pursued are emerging. Learner
modelling will be central, but the learner model is likely to be computed as needed
from a vast amount of (often contradictory) coarse and fine grained data about a
learner that is constantly accumulating. This means that data mining will be of in-
creasing centrality to AIED – the growth of an explicit educational data mining
community, EDM (2010), suggests that this trend is already firmly ensconced.
Recommender system technology (also a newly hot emerging field of its own with
the recent creation of its own conference series, Amatriain and Torrens (2010)) is
also likely to be important, as people need help in sorting through the vast amount
of information now available on the web to find the subset relevant to their needs.
Social networking will also be crucial as people seek other people to help them in
specific situations and as groups of learners form virtual learning communities to
X Foreword
support each other on an on-going basis (the area of Computer Supported Collabo-
rative Learning, Stahl et al (2006), which emerged from the HCI community, will
thus be a key part of the greater AIED enterprise). A unifying pursuit for this next
generation of AIED research could be the development of learning companions, at
a person’s side for life, helping them fulfill their individual learning needs “just in
time” through access to the vast array of resources and people available in an in-
creasingly ICT-saturated world. Sort of Tak-Wai Chan’s pioneering “The Prince”
learning companion, Chan and Baskin (1990), meets novelist Neal Stephenson’s
“Primer” at the side of Nell, a little girl who is the main protagonist in the novel
Diamond Age, Stephenson (1995). This thus unites AIED’s future with its roots
in the one-on-one tutoring paradigm: after all isn’t the best tutor a companion to
the learner, a wise and sensitive supporter of that individual’s particular learning
And, finally, it is possible to carry out a reality check on the credibility of my
prognostications in this Preface. I wrote a paper entitled “The Fragmentation of
Culture, Learning, Teaching, and Technology” that appeared in a special issue of
the AIED Journal kicking off the new millennium in 2000, McCalla (2000). In
this paper, I speculated on what issues AIED researchers would be exploring in
2010. You might want to compare what I said back then and what we are actually
doing these days. I am too afraid to do so myself!
The papers in this volume explore some of the issues I have discussed, and also
many other interesting issues, that arise when building an ITS. The papers also il-
lustrate many of the clever insights AIED researchers have provided into these is-
sues, insights that should be generally useful beyond AIED. The papers not only
look backward at successes already achieved, but also forward to new terrains be-
ing explored by AIED. Enjoy reading this volume, a “just-in-time” contribution to
an area of research on the cusp of many major trends in both social science and
computer science as the information revolution accelerates.
Gordon McCalla
University of Saskatchewan
Foreword XI
Amatriain X, Torrens M (2010) Chairs, 4th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems.
Barcelona, Spain.
Brown JS (1988) Invited Talk at 1st International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Sys-
tems, Montréal. Paper appeared as “Toward a New Epistemology for Learning”. In:
Frasson C and Gauthier G (eds) Intelligent Tutoring Systems: At the Crossroad of Arti-
ficial Intelligence and Education. Ablex, Norwood, NJ.
Chan T-W, Baskin AB (1990) “Learning Companion Systems”. In : Frasson C and
Gauthier G (eds) Intelligent Tutoring Systems: At the Crossroad of Artificial Intelli-
gence and Education. Ablex, Norwood, NJ.
EDM (2010). Educational Data Mining community homepage.
Kay J, Kummerfeld R (2009) Chairs, Workshop on Lifelong User Modelling, 1st and 17th
Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization. Trento, Italy.
Lane C (2008) Chair, ICT Workshop on Intelligent Lifelong Learning Companions, Insti-
tute for Creative Technologies. Marina del Rey, CA.
McCalla GI (2000) The Fragmentation of Culture, Learning, Teaching and Technology:
Implications for the Artificial Intelligence in Education Research Agenda in 2010, In-
ternational Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 11(2):177-196
McCalla GI (2004) The Ecological Approach to the Design of E-Learning Environments:
Purpose-based Capture and Use of Information about Learners. Journal of Interactive
Media in Education (JIME), Special Issue on The Educational Semantic Web, T. Ander-
son and D. Whitelock (Guest Eds.) (1),
Stahl G, Koschmann T, Suthers D (2006) Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: An
Historical Perspective. In : Sawyer RK (ed) Cambridge handbook of the learning sci-
ences. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Stephenson N (1995) The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer. Bantam,
Vassileva J, McCalla GI, Greer JE (2001) Multi-Agent Multi-User Modeling in I-Help,
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal. 3(1):1-31
13 Student Modeling…………………………………………………………267
Beverly Park Woolf
13.1 Introduction........................................................................................267
13.2 Motivation for Building Student Models ...........................................268
13.2.1 Representing Student Knowledge .........................................269
13.2.2 Updating Student Knowledge ...............................................269
13.3 Alternative Methods for Building Student Models............................270
13.3.1 Cognitive Science Methods ..................................................271
13.3.2 Artificial Intelligence Methods .............................................273
13.4 Discussion and Future Research on Student Models .........................275
References ...................................................................................................277
Index ...................................................................................................................507
Part I
Domain Modeling
Chapter 1
Introduction: What Are Intelligent Tutoring
Systems, and Why This Book?
Abstract. This introductory chapter opens the doors to the field of Intelligent Tu-
toring Systems (ITS) and ITS research. A historical perspective provides insight
into the genesis of the field, which is a prerequisite for understanding the recent
advances presented in the book. Challenges specific to the field are introduced,
and the community and its dynamics are described. The chapter ends with a pres-
entation of the book’s contents and organization.
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 1–12. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
2 R. Nkambou, J. Bourdeau, and R. Mizoguchi
some understanding of the main ideas and facts in the field of ITS. The book is di-
vided into five parts. The introductory chapters to these parts, which summarize
foundations, developments, strengths and weaknesses in each of the areas covered,
are addressed to all readers. For those who want more in-depth knowledge, we
give the floor to researchers who present their work, their results, and their view of
what the future holds. It is our hope that all readers will find the book informative
and thought-provoking.
The next sections contain a summary of the origin of ITS, its foundations and
goals, its architecture, its success stories and challenges, the people who have been
contributing to the field, and the community that has formed over the years, in a
close relationship with the Artificial Intelligence and Education (AIED) Society.
The chapter ends with a presentation of the book’s contents and organization.
All ITSs share the same goal: to provide tutorial services that support learning.
That being said, they show a vast variety of ways to conceptualize, design and
develop these services. Efforts in this direction first began in the 1960s and ’70s,
with the development of what was called Intelligent Computer-Assisted Learning
(ICAI) by Carbonell (1970). The term “Intelligent Tutoring Systems” was coined
by Sleeman and Brown in their volume of the same title (1982). The first ITS
conference (1988) provided an opportunity to share and consolidate ideas, and it
evolved into a biannual conference with full proceedings. Several research labs
would dedicate their work to ITS, raising considerable funds and deploying their
systems in real settings. These achievements are summarized in the following
In 1990, 20 years after its birth, the field had passed its infancy and could reflect
on the first generation of contributions, as evidenced by two publications that ap-
peared in that year: an overview of the field (Nwana 1990) and a position paper
(Self 1990). In 2008-2009, a generation later, further evolution is described in two
volumes: one that reflects the latest developments (Woolf et al. 2008) and one that
provides a broad, in-depth survey of the ITS field (Woolf, 2008). These landmark
publications will guide our description of a field that has been growing for three
To understand the first generation, from 1970 to 1990, it is essential to be
aware of the climate of the time and the motivations underlying the field’s emer-
gence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was in full bloom and seeking applications for
its advanced techniques in both computer and cognitive science. Computer-
Assisted Instruction (CAI) was a mature and promising technology with a target
Introduction: What Are Intelligent Tutoring Systems, and Why This Book? 3
market. The educational system was looking for solutions to overcome its limita-
tions in order to deal with large groups in schools. Visionary scientists and pio-
neers imagined that merging AI with CAI could yield solutions to improve school
instruction (Carbonell 1970). In 1984, Bloom published an article demonstrating
that individual tutoring is twice as effective as group teaching. AI researchers saw
a solid foundation upon which they could create intelligent systems that would
provide effective tutoring for every student, tailored to her needs and pace of
learning. Nwana has reviewed the systems produced by this generation and
counted 43 (Nwana 1990). The dream at that time was that children would “have
access to what Philip of Macedon’s son had as royal prerogative: the personal ser-
vices of a tutor as well informed as Aristotle” (Suppes, quoted in Nwana 1990).
In 1990, Self published an article in the first volume of the Journal of Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED), after a provocative talk at the 4th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, in which he called for theoreti-
cal foundations for ITS (Self 1990). In his article, Self (who was to become the
first president of the AIED Society in 1993) claimed that in order to attain the
status of a scientific field, ITS research needs scientific foundations. In his view,
pursuing the goal of ITS as human teacher was overstretching an analogy and tak-
ing a wrong direction. He suggested viewing ITS as an engineering design field,
which should equip itself with the theories, methods and techniques appropriate
for a design field.
Some twenty years later, the field of ITS shows signs of vitality and self-
confidence. Has it answered Self’s call? There can be no doubt that it has. The
AIED journal, the biannual AIED conference and the now biannual ITS confer-
ence all feature high-level theoretical and technical papers, presenting implemen-
tations in schools and other settings, and bold, innovative developments (Woolf et
al. 2008; Woolf 2008). These results are reflected in the chapters of this book.
The domain model (also called expert knowledge) contains the concepts, rules,
and problem-solving strategies of the domain to be learned. It can fulfill several
roles: as a source of expert knowledge, a standard for evaluating the student’s per-
formance or for detecting errors, etc. It is sometimes organized into a curriculum,
a structure including all the knowledge elements linked together according to
pedagogical sequences. Each knowledge unit can be more or less detailed and the
curriculum can be practically organized in a dynamic model, according to various
structures such as hierarchies, semantic networks, frames, ontology and produc-
tion rules. The crucial problems concern the capability to reason with the model
and gradually adapt the explanation of the reasoning to the learner.
The student model is the core component of an ITS. Ideally, it should contain
as much knowledge as possible about the student’s cognitive and affective states
and their evolution as the learning process advances. The student model is usually
viewed as a dynamic model that implements several functions. Wenger (1987) as-
signed three main functions to the student model: 1) it must gather explicit and
implicit (inferred) data from and about the learner; 2) it must use these data to cre-
ate a representation of the student's knowledge and learning process; and 3) it
must account for the data by performing some type of diagnosis, both of the state
of the student's knowledge and in terms of selecting optimal pedagogical strategies
for presenting subsequent domain information to the student. In the same vein,
Self (1988) identified six major roles for the student model: 1) Corrective: to help
eradicate bugs in the student's knowledge; 2) Elaborative: to help correct 'incom-
plete' student knowledge; 3) Strategic: to help initiate significant changes in the
tutorial strategy other than the tactical decisions of 1 and 2 above; 3) Diagnostic:
to help diagnose bugs in the student's knowledge; 5) Predictive: to help determine
the student's likely response to tutorial actions; 6) Evaluative: to help assess the
student or the ITS. These functions and roles have been both expanded and diver-
sified in the years since then.
The tutoring model receives input from the domain and student models and makes
decisions about tutoring strategies and actions. Based on principled knowledge, it
must make such decisions as whether or not to intervene, and if so, when and how.
Content and delivery planning are also part of the tutoring model’s functions.
Introduction: What Are Intelligent Tutoring Systems, and Why This Book? 5
science in order to achieve deep integration. Some have difficulty bridging the
gap between bodies of knowledge and cultures from two or more disciplines;
others prefer not to address the problem. Some stay and some leave; that’s life!
C’est la vie!
The future will see the field of ITS continue to embrace new technologies and
adapt itself to new generations of researchers and graduate students. ITS will con-
tinue to spawn new domains, as it has the fields of qualitative reasoning, hyper-
media systems, and educational data mining.
efficient and effective authoring tools, or by using machine learning to infer models
from author-provided examples or student log data.
Chapter 4, by Mitrovic, describes the constraint-based modeling approach.
Stellan Ohlsson proposed constraint-based modeling (CBM) in 1992 as a way to
overcome some problems in student modeling. Since then, the approach has been
extended and used in numerous intelligent tutoring systems, which authors refer to
as constraint-based tutors. CBM is now an established methodology for modeling
instructional domains and for representing students’ domain knowledge and
higher-level skills. Authoring support for constraint-based tutors is now available,
as well as mature, well-tested deployment environments. The chapter presents
CBM, its foundations and extensions, and various types of instructional domains it
has been applied to, and concludes with avenues for future research.
Chapter 5, by Founier-Viger et al., presents methods for coping with what have
been termed “ill-defined domains”: domains where classical approaches for build-
ing tutoring systems are not applicable or do not work well. The chapter provides
an updated overview of the problem, and solutions for building intelligent tutoring
systems for these domains. In its presentation, it considers three complementary
and important perspectives: the characteristics of ill-defined domains, the ap-
proaches for supporting tutoring services in these domains, and suitable teaching
models. Throughout the chapter, numerous examples are given to illustrate the
Part 1 ends with Chapter 6, by Zouaq and Nkambou, which gives more details
about the ontology-based approach to domain modeling. With the advent of the
Semantic Web, the field of domain ontology engineering has gained increasingly
in importance. This innovative field may have a big impact on computer-based
education and will certainly contribute to its development. The chapter presents a
survey on domain ontology engineering and, especially, domain ontology learn-
ing, with a particular focus on automatic methods for ontology learning. After
summarizing the state of the art in natural language processing techniques and sta-
tistical and machine learning techniques for ontology extraction, the chapter ex-
plains how intelligent tutoring systems may benefit from this engineering, and
talks about the challenges the field is facing.
In Chapter 8, Dubois et al. offer a thorough analysis of the way tutoring deci-
sions are made in cognitive tutors. The chapter describes how AI techniques are
utilized in artificial tutoring systems to reach decisions on when and how to inter-
vene. Particular attention is given to the path of “natural” AI for tutoring systems,
using human cognition as a model for artificial general intelligence. One tutoring
agent built over a cognitive architecture, Conscious Tutoring System (CTS), illus-
trates this direction. The chapter concludes with a brief look at what may be the
future for artificial tutoring systems: biologically-inspired cognitive architectures.
In Chapter 9, Olney, Graesser and Person present their work on conversational
interaction in human tutoring and their attempts to build intelligent tutoring sys-
tems to simulate this interaction. They address the strategies, actions and dialogue
of novice tutors and describe how novice tutoring has been implemented in an ITS
called Autotutor, with learning gains comparable to those seen with novice human
tutors. They also describe how they have recently extended their investigation to
highly accomplished expert human tutors. Their goal is to understand what it is
about accomplished, expert human tutors that produces outstanding learning gains.
The chapter elaborates on the contrast between novice and expert, both in terms of
human tutoring and in the ITS components required to mimic the interaction of
novice and expert human tutors.
Chapter 10, by Woolf, describes the automatic recognition of and response to
human emotion found in intelligent tutors. The chapter describes how tutors can
recognize student emotion with more than 80% accuracy relative to student self-
reports, using wireless sensors that provide data about posture, movement, grip
tension, facially expressed mental states and arousal. Pedagogical agents have
been used that provide emotional or motivational feedback. Students using such
agents increase their math value and show improved self-concept and mastery ori-
entation, with females reporting more confidence and less frustration. Low-
achieving students—one-third of whom have learning disabilities—report higher
affective needs than their higher-achieving peers. After interacting with affective
pedagogical agents, low-achieving students improve their affective outcomes and
report reduced frustration and anxiety.
Chapter 11, by Mizoguchi et al., is about the use of ontology in modeling the
tutoring process. The chapter calls for the extensive modeling of tutoring knowl-
edge by providing in-depth declarative knowledge and higher-level reasoning ca-
pabilities. It describes the achievements of a ten-year research project aimed at
developing an ontology of education (OMNIBUS), which offers a common
framework to be shared by all ITSs, regardless of paradigm or technology. It also
describes some recent advances in ontology-based learning design (SMARTIES),
and provides access to educational strategies inspired by educational theories or
This part ends with Chapter 12, by vanJoolingen et al., which presents an ap-
proach for modeling knowledge in simulation-based inquiry learning. The ap-
proach requires a model of the domain that is executable, as well as a model of the
learners’ knowledge about the domain. An intermediate level is formed by models
of the domain that are created by students, as is done in modeling environments.
An approach is presented for generating student-created models from drawings.
Introduction: What Are Intelligent Tutoring Systems, and Why This Book? 9
This approach requires drawing segmentation, shape recognition and model gen-
eration, which are performed based on density-based clustering and elementary
shape recognition combined with a shape ontology and model fragment composi-
tion, respectively. The final result is an executable model that can be used to
generate simulation outcomes based on learners’ conceptions. The role of such a
system is discussed, especially with respect to the diagnosis of misconceptions and
the generation of tutoring interventions based on confronting learners with the
consequences of their conceptions.
key directions in which research is needed in order for educational data-mining re-
search to reach its full potential.
This part ends with Chapter 17, by Frasson and Chalfoun. They point out the
role of emotions in learning, discussing the different types and models of emotions
that have been considered to date. They also address an important issue concern-
ing the different means used to detect emotions. They describe recent approaches
which measure brain activity using the electroencephalogram (EEG) in order to
determine the learner's mental state, how long this state can exist, and what event
can change it. The authors also present the main components of an emotionally in-
telligent tutoring system capable of recognizing, interpreting and influencing
someone’s emotions. In conclusion, they look at future perspectives and new di-
rections in the area of emotional learning.
the results, may be why so few randomized, controlled experiments are conducted
in education. One of the goals of the ASSISTment System is to alleviate some of
these difficulties. The chapter describes web-based tools that allow researchers to
easily design, build and compare different ways to teach children. These tools can
administer randomized controlled experiments to large numbers of students.
Chapter 21, by VanLehn et al., presents one of the most popular ITSs: Andes.
The Andes physics tutoring system demonstrates that student learning can be sig-
nificantly increased merely by upgrading the homework problem-solving support.
Five years of experimentation at the United States Naval Academy indicates that
Andes significantly improves student learning compared to doing the same home-
work with paper and pencil. Andes’ key feature appears to be the grain size of in-
teraction. The chapter describes Andes’ behavior, the system design and imple-
mentation, evaluations of pedagogical effectiveness, and recent progress on
Carbonell, J.: AI in CAI: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Computer-Assisted Instruc-
tion. IEEE Tr. On Man-Machine Systems 11, 190–202 (1970)
Nwana, H.: Intelligent Tutoring Systems: An Overview. Artificial Intelligence Review 4,
251–277 (1990)
Self, J.A.: Student models: What use are they. In: Ercoli, P., Lewis, R. (eds.) Artificial In-
telligence Tools in Education. North Holland, Amsterdam (1988)
12 R. Nkambou, J. Bourdeau, and R. Mizoguchi
Self, J.: Theoretical Foundations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. JAIED 1(4), 3–14 (1990)
Sleeman, D.H., Brown, J.S. (eds.): Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Academic Press, New
York (1982)
Wenger, E.: Artificial Intelligence and Tutoring Systems: Computational and Cognitive
Approaches to the Communication of Knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.,
Los Altos (1987)
Woolf, B., Aimeur, E., Nkambou, R., Lajoie, S. (eds.): ITS 2008. LNCS, vol. 5091.
Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
Woolf, B.: Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Student-centered strategies for revolu-
tionizing e-learning, p. 480. Morgan Kaufmann, Burlington (2008)
Chapter 2
Modeling the Domain: An Introduction to the
Expert Module
Roger Nkambou
2.1 Introduction
The purpose of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) is to enable learners to acquire
knowledge and develop skills in a specific domain. To provide such tutoring ser-
vices effectively, these systems must be equipped with an explicit representation
of the domain knowledge that is the subject of the learning activity. It must also
be equipped with the mechanisms by which the representation can be used by the
system for reasoning in order to solve problems in the domain.
Acquiring and representing a domain knowledge model is a difficult problem
that has been the subject of numerous Artificial Intelligence research projects
since research in this field began (Clancey 1985; Brachman and Levesque 2004;
Russell and Norvig 2009). Knowledge-based systems and expert systems, in par-
ticular, must explicitly represent the knowledge and inferences associated with the
expertise in this domain.
Intelligent tutoring systems must also possess a domain-specific expert module
that is able to generate and resolve domain problems and provide access to such
knowledge in order to facilitate the dissemination (Wenger 1987; Woolf 2008)
and acquisition of this knowledge by learners. Hence, developing an explicit
model of domain knowledge with sound reasoning mechanisms is an important is-
sue in the field of ITS research. The expert module of an ITS should provide the
basis for interpreting learner actions (Corbett et al. 1997). It is therefore important
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 15–32. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
16 R. Nkambou
to consider not only the nature and value of the domain knowledge, but also the
formalisms used to represent and apply it.
Many solutions have been put forward in an attempt to provide an explicit rep-
resentation of domain expertise. The solutions presented have been drawn from
fields such as philosophy, psychology, AI and education sciences. Philosophy,
psychology and education sciences tend to focus on knowledge from an epistemo-
logical perspective which is essential for its treatment (Piaget 1997; Gagné 1985;
Winograd and Flores 1986; Merrill and Twitchell 1994), whereas AI and cognitive
sciences provide solutions that facilitate the expression and computational imple-
mentation of knowledge (Anderson 1996; Collins and Quillian 1969; Minsky
1975; Sowa 1984). From the perspective of AIED, it is important to incorporate
the above-mentioned approaches so as to effectively meet the requirements asso-
ciated with the development of a rich knowledge model and the inferential mecha-
nisms associated with ITSs.
The goal of this chapter is to provide a brief overview of the means available
for developing the expert module of ITSs. First, we present the epistemological
perspective by addressing its importance in the domain knowledge modeling proc-
ess for the purposes of learning. Next, we explore various languages that are
available to represent knowledge and are frequently used to develop domain mod-
els for ITSs. We focus on the expressiveness, inferential power and cognitive
plausibility of these formalisms and provide examples of the ITSs in which they
have been used. We also present two examples of languages which have a strong
pedagogical emphasis. We conclude the chapter with an introduction to subse-
quent chapters in this part of the book, each of which deals with a specific ap-
proach to domain modeling.
A black box model is a completely inexplicit representation providing only the fi-
nal results (Nwana 1990). It fundamentally describes problem states differently
than those described by the student. A classic example of a black box model
system is SOPHIE I (Brown and Burton 1974), a tutoring system for electronic
troubleshooting that uses its expert system to evaluate the measurements made by
students when troubleshooting a circuit. The expert system comprises a simulated
troubleshooting model based on sets of equations. The tutor makes decisions by
solving these equations. It can recommend optimal actions for each problem-
solving context, but it is up to the student to construct a description of the prob-
lem-solving context and his/her rationale for the appropriate action.
A glass box model is an intermediate model that reasons in terms of the same do-
main constructs as the human expert. However, the model reasons with a different
Modeling the Domain: An Introduction to the Expert Module 19
control structure than the human expert. In this model, each reasoning step can be
inspected. A classic example of a glass box model system is GUIDON (Clancey
1982), a tutoring system for medical diagnosis. This system was built around
MYCIN, an expert system for the treatment of bacterial infections. MYCIN con-
sists of several hundred "if-then" rules that probabilistically relate disease states to
diagnoses. These rules reference the same symptoms and states that doctors em-
ploy in reasoning, but with a radically different control structure, i.e., an exhaus-
tive backward search. During learning sessions, GUIDON compares the student's
questions to those which MYCIN would have asked and critiques him/her on
this basis.
Whether the selected model is a black box model, a glass box model, or a cogni-
tive model, careful consideration must be given to the means (languages) to be
used in representing and using knowledge. These means are numerous and the
representation thereby obtained may be symbolic (formal or informal), connec-
tionist, or hybrid. As a result, it is not easy for system developers to choose a lan-
guage. Their selection should take four important points into consideration: the
expressivity of the language, the inference capacity of the language, the cognitive
plausibility of the language (in terms of language representation, as well as rea-
soning) and the pedagogical orientation of the language (i.e., the manner in which
the specific learning context is considered).
20 R. Nkambou
Production rules is one of the most popular and widely used knowledge represen-
tation language. Early expert systems used production rules as their main knowl-
edge representation language. One such example is MYCIN.
A production rule system consists of three components: a working memory, a
rule base and an interpreter. The working memory contains the information that
the system has acquired concerning the problem. The rule base contains informa-
tion that applies to all the problems that the system may be asked to solve. The in-
terpreter solves the control problem, i.e., it determines which rule to execute on
each selection-execute cycle.
Modeling the Domain: An Introduction to the Expert Module 21
such as “Tell me more about Brazil” simply invoke a retrieval of facts stored in
the semantic network. However, the strength of this representation schema lies in
its ability to answer questions for which answers are not stored. For example, it is
not necessary to store in the semantic network that “Lima is in South America,”
provided that the program which interprets the network can make the relevant in-
ference. In other words, the program must know about the attributes concerned,
“location” and “capital,” and, in particular, that if X is the capital of Y and Y is lo-
cated in Z, then X is in Z: This is the rule of inference.
The semantic network form of knowledge representation is especially suitable
for describing the taxonomic structure of categories for domain objects and for
expressing general statements about the domain of interest. Inheritance and other
relationships between such categories can be represented in and derived from sub-
sumptive hierarchies. In contrast, semantic networks are not ideal for representing
concrete individuals or data values, such as numbers or strings. Another major
problem with semantic networks is the lack of clear semantics for the various net-
work representations (despite the word “semantic”) (Sharples et al. 1989). For ex-
ample, Figure 2.1 can be interpreted as a representation of a specific bird named
Tweety, or it can be interpreted as a representation of some relationship between
Tweety, birds and animals.
Many variants of semantic networks have been used in ITS applications, in-
cluding concept/topic maps (Albert and Steiner 2005; Murray 1998; Garshol 2004;
Kumar 2006) and conceptual graphs (Sowa 1984). The latter is presented in the
next paragraph.
This formalism (Sowa 1984) is based on semantic networks but is directly linked
to the language of first-order predicate logic from which it takes its semantics.
A simple conceptual graph is a bipartite (not necessarily connected) graph
composed of concept nodes that represent entities, attributes, states or events, and
relation nodes that describe the relationships between these concepts. Each
concept node c of a graph G is labelled by a pair (type(c), ref(c)), in which ref(c) is
either the generic marker * corresponding to the existential quantification or an
individual marker corresponding to an identifier. M is the set of all individual
markers. Each relation node r of a graph G is labelled by a relation type, type(r),
and associated with a signature identifying the constraints on the types of concepts
that may be linked to its arcs in a graph. For example, the conceptual graph given
in Figure 2.2 represents the information: “the experiment E1 carries out an interac-
tion I1 between Nisin and Listeria Scott A in skim milk and the result is reduction.”
Concept types (respectively relation types of the same arity) create a set TC
(resp. TR) partially ordered by a generalization/specialization relationship ≤c (resp.
≤r ). (TC, TR, M ) is a lattice defining the support upon which conceptual graphs
are constructed. A support thus represents the ontological knowledge that provides
the ground vocabulary on which the knowledge base is built.
The semantics of conceptual graphs rely on the translation of both conceptual
graphs and their support into first-order logic formulas. For instance, the "kind-of"
relationships between types in the support are translated into logical implications.
Modeling the Domain: An Introduction to the Expert Module 23
Fig. 2.2 A Sample Conceptual Graph (Adapted from Dibie-Barthélemya, Haemmerléa and
Salvatc 2006). Frame-Based
Frame-based systems (Minsky 1975) are based on the notion of frames or classes
which represent collections of instances (the concepts underlying ontology). Each
frame has an associated collection of slots or attributes which can be filled by val-
ues or other frames. In particular, frames can have a "kind-of" slot which allows
for the assertion of a frame taxonomy. This hierarchy may then be used for the in-
heritance of slots, thereby allowing for a sparse representation. In addition to
frames representing concepts, a frame-based representation may also contain in-
stance frames, which represent particular instances.
An example of the frame-based model is Open Knowledge Base Connectivity
(OKBC), which defines an API for accessing knowledge representation systems.
OKBC also defines most of the concepts found in frame-based systems, object da-
tabases and relational databases. The OKBC API (Chaudhri et al. 1998) is defined
in a language-independent manner, and implementations exist for Common Lisp,
Java and C.
Frames generally provide quite a rich set of language constructs but impose
very restrictive constraints on how they can be combined or used to define a class.
Moreover, they only support the definition of primitive concepts, and taxonomy
must be hand-crafted.
COCA (Major and Reichgelt 1992) is a shell for building ITSs in which domain
knowledge is represented using the frame approach with a number of user-defined
attributes and attribute values. Attribute values may be primitive data types (e.g.,
text strings), procedures to be run, or pointers to other frames.
clear separation between the ontology layer and the rule layer. Semantic Web Rule
Language (SWRL) is a standard language that extends OWL to include Horn-like
rules, making it possible to define procedural knowledge linked to the domain on-
tology as shown in Chi (2010).
In conclusion, there is no standard means of correctly integrating procedural
knowledge and linking it to the declarative domain knowledge. What is important
is the fact that these two levels of knowledge should be “loosely coupled” to make
computation easier (as in ACT-R).
Knowledge units are implemented as schemas and are connected using six types
of links constrained by specific grammar rules. Two examples of these rules are:
1) All abstract knowledge entities (concepts, procedures and principles) may be re-
lated by an instantiation link to a set of facts representing individuals called respec-
tively examples, traces and statements. 2) All abstract knowledge entities
(concepts, procedures and principles) may be specialized or generalized to other
abstract knowledge by means of specialization links. Knowledge units connected
by means of links form the domain knowledge model which can be exported into
OWL to “become” a formal ontology model. Domain knowledge produced with
MOT was used mainly as a semantic basis for learning object semantic referencing.
Modeling the Domain: An Introduction to the Expert Module 27
(neither completeness nor completion within a reasonable time). Note that for the
two languages cited as examples, cognitive plausibility is not an issue and has no
For these reasons, it is difficult to see how such languages could be adequate
for use in an open ITS. Their relatively meagre semantics do not give rise to any
logical foundation on the basis of which inferences may be made regarding the
constructed models. However, they may prove to be very effective in certain very
specific contexts. For instance, in the case of MOT, the resulting structure serves
as a valuable “semantic” base which is available to developers for the purpose of
learning design or learning object semantic annotation. In addition, a knowledge
model like CREAM can support effective content planning in order to meet spe-
cific training needs (Nkambou et al. 1998).
2.4 Conclusion
Although numerous solutions exist to represent domain knowledge and the
reasoning mechanisms that operate them, there is no consensus on what can be
considered an ideal approach. Even if such a consensus may be difficult to achieve,
current approaches need to be analyzed using well-defined criteria. Such analyses
could advance ITS developers’ knowledge and make their choices easier. In this in-
troductory chapter, we first pointed out the importance of determining the nature
and value of domain knowledge and subsequently described some existing solu-
tions for representing the expert module of an ITS in light of four criteria: expres-
sivity, inferential power, cognitive plausibility and pedagogical considerations. We
also stated that the AIED community should determine relevant criteria to be con-
sidered in selecting a representation language for a given tutoring context.
Furthermore, and in this era of Semantic Web and Web 2.0, ontology can easily
be defended as the formalism of choice for several reasons: 1) it offers several levels
of expressiveness that can be adapted to needs and inferential constraints; 2) it al-
lows for the integration of multiple views and enables interoperability; and 3) it is
built on well-defined semantics resulting from description logic, which provides for
sound reasoning mechanisms. However, ontology remains essentially a declarative
approach used in the creation of the domain semantic memory. For a procedural
learning domain, such semantic memory has to be supplemented by operational and
procedural knowledge that refers to its elements. Therefore, another language is
needed to build this procedural level on top of the ontology level.
The next three chapters in this part explain specific techniques for representing
the expert module. The following two chapters describe two approaches in the
field of AIED that are gaining in popularity. First, Chapter 3 presents the “cogni-
tive-tutor” approach which is based on the need for balance between the domain
structure and a theory of cognition (in this case, ACT-R). Second, Chapter 4 de-
scribes the CBM approach which is based on the need to focus not on an explicit
representation of all elements of a domain, but on a definition of a set of principles
as constraints that govern the field. One can question the validity of these two ap-
proaches in ill-defined domains. Chapter 5 discusses this case and presents appro-
priate solutions. Finally, given the importance of the ontology-based approach,
Modeling the Domain: An Introduction to the Expert Module 29
Chapter 6 describes how ontology can serve as domain knowledge. Chapter 6 also
focuses on how such domain ontology can be automatically learned (extracted)
from textual learning resources with a very limited solicitation of domain experts.
The current chapter does not address the problem of the acquisition of domain
knowledge. Indeed, regardless of the nature of knowledge, the approach or the
representation language, the knowledge that the system uses must be acquired.
Such knowledge is usually held by human experts. It can also be found in knowl-
edge sources such as documents. Knowledge acquisition is a major concern in the
field of AI and several solutions have been proposed, including automatic extrac-
tion approaches using machine-learning or data-mining techniques. The other
chapters in this part describe how this problem is addressed in the context of ITSs.
Specific tools are generally provided for facilitating the domain knowledge acqui-
sition process. For example, CTAT (cf. Chapter 3) provides tools to facilitate the
creation of domain knowledge in the form of production rules. ASPIRE (cf. Chap-
ter 4) provides tools that simplify the implementation of constraints in a given
domain. Moreover, automatic learning tools are sometimes used for the acquisi-
tion of domain ontology (cf. Chapter 6) or procedural knowledge (cf. Chapter 5).
Part 4 of this book describes other examples of authoring tools to facilitate the de-
velopment of ITSs and their expert modules.
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Chapter 3
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent
Tutoring Systems
Vincent Aleven
3.1 Introduction
Cognitive modeling has long been an integral part of ITS development. Cognitive
modeling is the activity of producing a detailed and precise description of the
knowledge involved in student performance in a given task domain, including
strategies, problem-solving principles, and knowledge of how to apply problem-
solving principles in the context of specific problems. We do not mean to restrict
the term “cognitive model” only to models that are executable on a computer, al-
though executable models are the focus of the current chapter. Rather, any precise
and detailed description of human knowledge is a cognitive model.
Cognitive models are useful in many ways in ITS development. They summa-
rize the results of analysis of data on student thinking, which often precedes sys-
tem design and implementation. A cognitive model can also serve as a detailed
specification of the competencies (or skills) targeted by an ITS, and as such, can
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 33–62. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
34 V. Aleven
guide many aspects of the design of the ITS. A deep and detailed understanding of
the competencies being targeted in any instructional design effort is likely to lead
to better instruction (Clark et al. 2007). Further, when a cognitive model is imple-
mented in a language that is executable on a computer, it can function as the
“smarts” of the ITS driving the tutoring.
Two types of cognitive models used frequently in ITS are rule-based models
(Anderson et al. 1995; Crowley and Medvedeva 2006; Koedinger and Aleven
2007; VanLehn et al. 2005) and constraint-based models (Mitrovic et al. 2001).
Whereas rule-based models capture the knowledge involved in generating solu-
tions step-by-step, constraint-based models express the requirements that all solu-
tions should satisfy. Both types of models have been used in successful real-world
ITS. For each type of model, mature and efficient authoring tools exist (Aleven et
al. 2006; Mitrovic et al. 2009). The current chapter focuses on the models used in
Cognitive Tutors, a widely used type of ITS (Anderson et al. 1995; Koedinger et
al. 1997; Koedinger et al. 2006). Tutors of this type use a rule-based model, essen-
tially a simulation of student thinking that solves problems in the same way that
students are learning to do. The tutor interprets student performance and tracks
student learning in terms of the knowledge components defined in the cognitive
model. Cognitive Tutors have been shown in many scientific studies to improve
student learning in high-school and middle-school mathematics courses, and at the
time of this writing, are being used in the US by about 500,000 students annually.
A key concern when developing cognitive models is the degree to which a
model faithfully mimics details of human thinking and problem solving. Cognitive
scientists have long used rule-based models as a tool to study human thinking and
problem solving (Anderson 1993; Newell and Simon 1972). Their models aim to
reproduce human thinking and reasoning in significant detail. Often, they take great
care to ensure that their models observe properties and constraints of the human
cognitive architecture. Outside of basic cognitive science, accurately modeling de-
tails of human cognition and problem solving is important in tutor development.
We find it helpful to distinguish two main requirements. First, a model used in a tu-
tor must be flexible in the sense that it covers the sometimes wide variety in stu-
dents’ solution paths within the given task domain, as well as the different order of
steps within each path. This kind of flexibility ensures that the tutor can follow
along with students as they solve problems, regardless of how they go about solv-
ing them. Second, it is important that a model partitions the problem-solving
knowledge within the given task domain in accordance with psychological reality.
We use the term cognitive fidelity to denote this kind of correspondence with hu-
man cognition. As discussed further below, a model with high cognitive fidelity
leads to a tutor that has a more accurate student model and is better able to adapt its
instruction to individual students. To achieve flexibility and cognitive fidelity, it
helps to perform cognitive task analysis as an integral part of model development.
This term denotes a broad array of methods and techniques that cognitive scientists
use to understand the knowledge, skills, and strategies involved in skilled perform-
ance in a given task domain, as well as the preconceptions, prior knowledge, and
the sometimes surprising strategies with which novices approach a task (Koedinger
and Nathan 2004). Although cognitive task analysis and cognitive modeling tend to
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 35
be (and should be) closely intertwined in ITS development (Baker et al. 2007), the
current chapter focuses on cognitive modeling only.
A third main concern in the development of cognitive models is ease of engi-
neering. ITS have long been difficult to build. It has been estimated, based on the
experience in real-world projects, that it takes about 200-300 hours of highly-
skilled labor to produce one hour of instruction with an ITS (Murray 2003; Woolf
and Cunningham 1987). Some approaches to building ITS, such as example-
tracing tutors (Aleven et al. 2009) and constraint-based tutors (Mitrovic 2001),
improve upon these development times. Rule-based systems, too, have become
easier to build due to improved authoring tools (Aleven et al. 2006) and remain a
popular option (Corbett et al. 2010; Roll et al. 2010). Nonetheless, building tutors
remains a significant undertaking. In creating tutors with rule-based cognitive
models, a significant amount of development time is devoted to creating the model
itself. It may come as no surprise that ITS developers carefully engineer models so
as to reduce development time. Further, being real-world software systems,
ITS must heed such software engineering considerations as modularity, ease of
maintenance, and scalability. Thus, the models built for real-world ITS reflect
engineering concerns, not just flexibility and cognitive fidelity. Sometimes, these
aspects can go hand in hand, but at other times, they conflict and must be traded
off against each other, especially when creating large-scale systems.
We start with a brief description of Cognitive Tutors and the way they use rule-
based models to provide tutoring. We describe two examples of cognitive models
used in Cognitive Tutors. The first example describes a model for a relatively
simple cognitive skill, fraction addition, and emphasizes flexibility and cognitive
fidelity. The second example illustrates how the cognitive model of a real-world
tutor, the Geometry Cognitive Tutor, is (arguably) a happy marriage between flex-
ibility, cognitive fidelity, and ease of engineering. Although we have tried to make
the chapter self-contained, some knowledge of ITS and some knowledge of pro-
duction rule systems or rule-based programming languages is helpful. Although
many excellent descriptions of model tracing and Cognitive Tutors exist (Ander-
son 1993; Anderson et al. 1995; Koedinger and Aleven 2007; Koedinger et al.
1997; Koedinger and Corbett 2006; Ritter et al. 2007), the current chapter focuses
in greater detail than many previous articles on the requirements and pragmatics of
authoring a model for use in a Cognitive Tutor.
hints, usually made available at the student’s request, and (e) individualized prob-
lem selection, based on a detailed assessment of each individual student’s prob-
lem-solving skill (“cognitive mastery learning” (Corbett et al. 2010)). A Cognitive
Tutor for geometry problem solving is shown in Figure 3.1. This tutor, a precursor
of which was developed in our lab, is part of a full-year geometry course, in which
students work with the tutor about 40% of the classroom time.
A number of studies have shown that curricula involving Cognitive Tutors lead
to greater learning by students than the standard commercial math curricula used
as comparison curricula (Koedinger and Aleven 2007; Koedinger et al. 1997).
Cognitive Tutors also have been successful commercially. A Pittsburgh-based
company called Carnegie Learning, Inc., sells middle-school and high-school
mathematics curricula of which Cognitive Tutors are integrated parts. At the time
of this writing, about 500,000 students in the US use Cognitive Tutors as part of
their regular mathematics instruction.
Cognitive Tutors are grounded in ACT-R, a comprehensive theory of cognition
and learning (Anderson 1993; Anderson and Lebiere 1998). A key tenet of this
theory is that procedural knowledge, the kind of knowledge that is exercised in
skilled task performance, is strengthened primarily through practice. ACT-R stipu-
lates further that production rules are a convenient formalism for describing the
basic components of procedural knowledge. Each production rule associates par-
ticular actions with the conditions under which these actions are appropriate. The
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 37
actions can be mental actions (e.g., a calculation in the head, or a decision which
part of the problem to focus on next) or physical actions (e.g., writing down an in-
termediate step in problem solving). Production rules are commonly written in IF-
THEN format, with the “THEN part” or “right-hand side” describing actions and
the “IF-part” or “left-hand side” describing conditions under which these actions
are appropriate.
Reflecting the roots of this technology in the ACT-R theory, each Cognitive
Tutor has a rule-based cognitive model as its central component. The models used
in Cognitive Tutors are simulations of student thinking that can solve problems in
the multiple ways that students can (or are learning to). The models can also be
viewed as detailed specifications of the skills targeted in the instruction with the
tutor. Cognitive Tutors use their cognitive models to provide tutoring by means of
an algorithm called model tracing (Anderson et al. 1995). The tutor assesses and
interprets students’ solution steps by comparing what the student does in any giv-
en situation against what the model might do in the same situation. The basic idea
is straightforward: After each student attempt at solving a step in a tutor problem,
the tutor runs its model to generate all possible next actions that the model can
produce. The student action is deemed correct only if it is among the multiple ac-
tions that the model can take next. If the student action is not among the potential
next steps, it is deemed incorrect. When a student action is deemed correct, the
production rules that generate the matching action serve as an interpretation of the
thinking process by which the student arrived at this step. This detailed informa-
tion enables the system to track, over time, how well an individual student masters
these skills. A popular method for doing so is a Bayesian algorithm called knowl-
edge tracing (Corbett and Anderson 1995; Corbett et al. 2000), which provides an
estimate of the probability that the student masters each targeted skill. Some
cognitive models contain rules that are represent incorrect behavior, enabling the
tutor, through the same model-tracing process, to recognize commonly occurring
errors and provide error-specific feedback.
Fig. 3.2 Demo tutor for fraction addition being built with CTAT
share a common denominator, adding the converted fractions, and (if necessary)
reducing the resulting fraction to the lowest possible denominator. The converted
fractions and the unreduced sum are written out as intermediate steps, as illus-
trated in the window on the left in Figure 3.2. In order to be useful for tutoring, the
model must capture all valid ways of solving a problem. For example, when add-
ing 1/6 and 3/8, the model is capable of generating all possible options for the
common denominator, including 24, 48, and 624. The model must be flexible in a
different way as well: It must (and does) generate the steps required to solve a
fraction addition problem in any reasonable order, not just in a single fixed order.
Where the task naturally imposes an order on the steps, on the other hand, the
model captures that order (so the tutor enforces the order). For example, the model
works on the main subgoals (converting the fractions, adding, reducing) in se-
quence, since each subgoal depends on the previous. But the tutor should not
impose any constraints on the order of steps within each of these subgoals. For ex-
ample, when converting the two fractions, there is no reason to require that stu-
dents enter the two numerators and the two denominators in any particular order.
Therefore the model is able to generate these observable actions (four in total) in
any order.
Now let us look at the model. The main components of a production rule model
are its working memory and production rules. In general, working memory com-
prises a set of data structures, designed specifically for the given task domain, that
represent the main entities in a problem and the current state of problem solving.
These structures are called “facts,” “chunks,” or “working memory elements” de-
pending on the production rule language being used. The fraction addition model
was implemented in Jess so we will use the Jess-specific term “facts.” Each fact
has “attributes” or “slots” that contain values, which can be other facts, atomic
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 39
values such as numbers or strings, or lists of such values. The working memory
representation for a given fraction addition problem (see Figure 3.3) contains a
fact with key information about the problem itself as well as six additional facts
representing six fractions: the two given fractions, the converted versions of these
fractions, the unreduced sum, and the final answer (i.e., the reduced sum). Each
fraction fact has slots for the numerator and denominator. These slots contain fur-
ther facts that represent the text fields in the tutor interface in which the student
enters the numerator and denominator of the various fractions (shown on the left
in Figure 3.2), including the values that these text fields may contain. The pres-
ence of these facts in working memory reflects a common practice when building
production rule models for Cognitive Tutors: working memory typically includes
a representation of the interface, however rudimentary. The purpose of doing so is
illustrated below, when we discuss the tutor’s model-tracing algorithm.
In addition to the types of facts described so far, working memory contains
facts representing the three types of subgoals mentioned above: to convert a frac-
tion to a different denominator, to add two fractions with the same denominator,
and to reduce a fraction to a lower denominator. These working memory facts can
be viewed as representing subgoals that the student holds in her head. At the out-
set of a problem, only the given fractions are stored in working memory (as in
Figure 3.3). The subgoals are generated by the rules in the course of solving a
fraction addition problem.
40 V. Aleven
Now let us consider the rules that implement the simple strategy described
above, that of solving the three subgoals in order. We start with the first subgoal,
that of converting the two given fractions. As mentioned, the model captures mul-
tiple possible choices for the common denominator. One such choice (the standard
strategy often taught in American schools) is to use the least common multiple of
the two denominators. This solution approach is captured in the following rule
(the first line indicates the name of the rule; capitalized, italicized font indicates
variables that are bound to problem-specific values when the rule is used in a
given problem):
IF there are no subgoals
and D1 is the denominator of the first given fraction
and D2 is the denominator of the second given fraction
Set LCD to the least common denominator of D1 and D2
Add subgoals to convert the fractions to denominator LCD
Add a subgoal to add the two converted fractions
Due to space limitations, we do not present the Jess versions of these rules. The
interested reader could download CTAT from, install it,
and explore the demo model. The DETERMINE-LCD rule models a first thinking
step in solving a fraction addition problem. The conditions of this rule, that there
are two given fractions and no subgoals, are met at the beginning of each problem.
On its right-hand side, the rule sets a number of subgoals, meaning that it creates
facts in working memory that represent these subgoals. In this way, the model
models unobservable mental actions, namely, a student’s planning, in their head,
of the things they need to do in order to solve the problem. The DETERMINE-
LCD rule does not actually model how to determine the least common multiple of
two numbers – instead it uses a function call on the right-hand side of the rule. It is
assumed that the student has learned how to determine the least common denomi-
nator prior to learning fraction addition, and therefore detailed modeling of that
skill is not necessary.
In addition to the DETERMINE-LCD rule, the model contains three rules that
capture alternative solution approaches and one rule that captures a common error.
A rule named DETERMINE-PRODUCT uses the product of the two denomina-
tors as the common denominator, rather than their least common multiple, but is
otherwise the same as DETERMINE-LCD. A second rule named DETERMINE-
COMMON-MULTIPLE uses any common multiple. Although this rule is the
same “in spirit” as the previous two, its implementation is different, due to the fact
that it must generate any value that is a common multiple of the denominators. Ra-
ther than generate a random value for the common denominator (which would al-
most never be the value that the student actually used, meaning that such a rule
would be useless for model tracing), the rule always “happens” to use the value
that the student is actually using, provided it is a common multiple of the two de-
nominators. One might say the rule guesses right as to what the student is doing.
(It is able to do so because the actual student value is made available to the model
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 41
by the tutor architecture. The demo model that comes with CTAT (version 2.9 and
later) provides further detail.) Third, when the denominators of the two fractions
are the same, no conversion is necessary. A rule called SAME-
DENOMINATORS applies in this particular situation. Finally, the model captures
a rule that models the common error of adding the denominators rather than com-
puting a common multiple. This rule, called BUG-DETERMINE-SUM, is the
same as DETERMINE-LCD and DETERMINE-PRODUCT, except that it sets the
common denominator to the sum of the two denominators. This rule is marked as
representing incorrect behavior, simply by including the word “BUG” in the name
of the rule. The model contains two more rules corresponding to the subgoal to
convert the fractions. These rules take care of converting the numerator and
of writing out the converted fractions, once a common denominator has been
IF there is a subgoal to convert fraction F so that the denominator is D
And the denominator for the converted fraction has not been entered yet
Write D as the denominator of the converted fraction
And make a note that the denominator has been taken care of
IF there is a subgoal to convert fraction F so that the denominator is D
And the numerator for the converted fraction has not been entered yet
And the (original) numerator of F is NUM
And the (original) denominator of F is DENOM
Write NUM * (D / DENOM) as the numerator of the converted fraction
And make a note that the numerator has been taken care of
The conditions of these two rules require that a common denominator has been de-
termined and a “convert-fraction” subgoal has been created. That is, these rules
are not activated (i.e., do not match working memory) until one of the “DETER-
MINE-…” rules described above has been executed. On their right-hand-side, the
rules model physical actions (“Write …”), namely, the action of entering the value
for the denominator or numerator into the relevant text field in the tutor interface.
These actions are modeled as modifications of facts in working memory that cor-
respond to the relevant interface component, although that fact is hard to glean this
from the pseudo code. The reader may want to look at the actual Jess code. In ad-
dition to the rules described so far, the model contains a number of other rules re-
lated to the other main subgoals, but we do not have the space to describe them.
Let us now look at how the model-tracing algorithm uses the model to provide
tutoring (Anderson et al. 1995 and 1991). This algorithm is specific to ITS; it is
not used in standard production rule systems. As discussed below, model tracing is
somewhat similar to, but also very different from, the standard conflict-resolution
method used in production rule systems. Simply put, model tracing is the process
of figuring out, for any given student action in the tutor interface, what sequence
42 V. Aleven
of rule activations (if any) produces the same action. Therefore, just as standard
conflict resolution, model tracing is about choosing from among possible rule ac-
tivations. (A “rule activation” is the combination of a production rule and a set of
bindings for its variables. Rule activations are created when a rule is matched
against working memory. Different production rule languages use different termi-
nology for this notion. “Rule activation” is a Jess term.) For example, at the outset
of our example problem 1/6 + 3/8, a student might, as her first action, enter “24”
as the denominator of the second converted fraction. (Note that this denominator
is the least common multiple of the two denominators 6 and 8.) The fraction addi-
tion model can generate this action, starting with the initial working memory rep-
resentation, by executing an activation of rule DETERMINE-LCD followed by
one of CONVERT-DENOMINATOR, both described above. As an alternative
first action, an (adventurous) student might enter “624” as the numerator of the
first converted fraction. The model can also generate this action, namely, by exe-
cuting activations of DETERMINE-COMMON-MULTIPLE and CONVERT-
NUMERATOR. Third, a students might (erroneously) enter “14” as the numerator
of one of the converted fractions. The model can generate this action by executing
nally, a fourth student might enter “9” as the denominator of the first converted
fraction. The model cannot generate this action. No sequence of rule activations
produces this action.
As mentioned, the purpose of model tracing is to assess student actions and to
interpret them in terms of underlying knowledge components. The first two of our
example actions can be “modeled” by rules in the model that represent correct be-
havior. Therefore, they are deemed correct by the model tracer (and tutor). The
production rules that generate the observable action provide an interpretation of
the student action in terms of underlying skills. Interestingly, the different actions
are modeled by different rules; in other words, they are interpreted as involving
different skills. The third student action is modeled also, but one of the rules that
is involved represents incorrect behavior. This action is therefore considered to be
incorrect. The tutor displays an error message associated with the rule. (“It looks
like you are adding the denominators, but you need a common multiple.”) Since
the model cannot generate the fourth action, the tutor will mark it to be incorrect.
To figure out what sequence of rule activations will produce a given action, the
model-tracing algorithm must explore all solution paths that the model can gener-
ate. Since it is not possible to know in advance what the result of executing a rule
activation will be, without actually executing it, the model tracer must in fact exe-
cute rule activations as part of this exploration process. Thus, the algorithm (as
implemented in CTAT) does a depth-first search over the space of rule activations,
expanding each sequence of rule activations up to the point where it results in an
observable action. The algorithm fires rule activations to examine their conse-
quences (i.e., the changes made to working memory). When it backtracks, changes
made to working memory are undone. The search stops when an action is found
that matches the student action, or when all sequences of rule activations (up to a
certain depth) have been tried. The space of rule activations searched by the
algorithm can be displayed graphically as a “Conflict Tree.” CTAT provides an
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 43
essential debugging tool for this purpose (Aleven et al. 2006), shown in Figure
3.4. As illustrated in this figure, at the outset of our fractions problem 1/6 + 3/8,
four different rules can be activated, DETERMINE-LCD, DETERMINE-
SUM. Each of these activations can be followed by four different rule activations,
(The Conflict Tree does not contain activations of these rules following BUG-
DETERMINE-SUM, because the search stops before that part of the search space
is reached.) Appropriately, the Conflict Tree does not show any activations of the
SAME-DENOMINATORS rule; this rule’s condition, that the two denominators
are the same, is not met.
Whenever the model tracer, in the process of building/exploring the Conflict
Tree, encounters a rule activation that generates an observable action, it compares
that action to the student action being evaluated. To make this comparison possi-
ble, the student action and the model actions are encoded in a shared language.
Specifically, they are encoded as selection-action-input triples, the components of
which represent, respectively, the name of the GUI component (e.g., convertDe-
nom1), the specific action on this component (e.g., UpdateTextField), and the
value (e.g., “624”). The result of each comparison is displayed on the left side of
the Conflict Tree tool (see Figure 3.4), in three columns that represent the three
components – selection, action, and input. The many rows in the Conflict Tree that
have “×”s indicate model actions that do not match the student’s action, reflecting
the fact that the model captures many solution paths that this particular student did
not actually take. The highlighted row shows a match between student action and
model action. The match is indicated by three check marks (“√”), although the
highlighting makes the check marks difficult to see. The pop-up window shows
the details of the comparison of the student action and the model action, informa-
tion that is often helpful to a model author.
44 V. Aleven
by a single rule. By modeling them as separate rules, the model reflects the con-
jecture that they represent different skills that a student learns separately, as op-
posed to being different surface manifestations of the same underlying student
knowledge (e.g., special cases of a single unified strategy). These two possibilities
lead to markedly different predictions about learning and transfer. If skills are
learned separately, then practice with one does not have an effect on the other. On
the other hand, if seemingly different skills reflect a common strategy, then prac-
tice with one should lead to better performance on the other. Since we do not
know of a “grand unified denominator strategy” that unifies the different ap-
proaches, we make the assumption that the different strategies indeed reflect sepa-
rate cognitive skills that are learned separately. To the extent that this assumption
is correct, the current model (with separate skills) can be said to have greater cog-
nitive fidelity than a model that models the strategies with a single rule.1 It parti-
tions the knowledge in a way that reflects the psychological reality of student
thinking and learning, and presumably leads to accurate transfer predictions.
Incidentally, the model does not contain a separate rule for the situation where
one denominator is a multiple of the other. In this situation, the larger of the two
denominators could serve as the common denominator, and there is no need to
compute the product or to try to compute the least common denominator. It is
quite possible that this strategy is learned separately as well. If so, then a model
that modeled this strategy with a separate rule would have greater cognitive fidel-
ity than the current model.
Why does such detailed attention to cognitive fidelity matter? Cognitive fidelity
helps in making sure that a student’s successes and errors in problem solving are
attributed to the appropriate skills or are blamed on the appropriate lack of skills.
In turn, appropriate attribution of successes and errors helps the tutor maintain an
accurate student model through knowledge tracing. In turn, a more accurate stu-
dent model may lead to better task selection decisions by the tutor, since (in Cog-
nitive Tutors and many other ITS), these decisions are informed by the student
model (Corbett et al. 2000). Therefore, greater cognitive fidelity may result in
more effective and/or more efficient student learning. So far, this prediction has
not been tested empirically, although this very question is an active area of re-
search. We return to this point in the final section of the chapter.
Ideally, the assumptions being made about how students solve fraction addition problems
would be backed up by data about student thinking gathered through cognitive task analy-
sis, or by results of mining student-tutor interaction data. We return to this point in the
final section of the chapter.
46 V. Aleven
Fig. 3.5 Examples of geometry problems that the geometry cognitive model is designed to
solve. Student input is shown in hand-writing font
The geometry problems used in the tutor typically can be solved in multiple
ways, using different theorems. The order of the steps may vary as well. For
example, the first of the two problems in Figure 3.5 can be solved (as shown in
Figure 3.5) by first finding m∠IGT using the Vertical Angles theorem2, and then
finding m TGH by applying the Linear Pair theorem3 . It could also be solved by
doing these two steps in the reverse order. Or it could be solved by applying
The Vertical Angles theorem states that opposite angles formed at the intersection point of
two lines are congruent.
The Linear Pair theorem states that adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines are
supplementary, meaning that the sum of their measures equals 180º.
48 V. Aleven
Linear Pair to find m TGH, and then applying Linear Pair again to find m IGT.
Likewise, the second problem can be solved as shown in Figure 3.5, by using the
Triangle Exterior Angle theorem4 to infer the measure of ∠SED (an exterior angle
of triangle DEW) from the two remote interior angles (∠EDW and ∠DWE). Al-
ternatively, the student could solve the problem without using this theorem, by ap-
plying Triangle Sum5 to find ∠DEW and then Linear Pair to find m∠SED. The
complex problem shown in Figure 3.6 also allows for multiple solution paths; we
have not counted them. In order for the tutor to be “flexible,” its cognitive model
must (and does) capture all these solution variants.
In order to use geometry theorems in the types of problems illustrated in Fig-
ures 3.5 and 6, students must learn to recognize the applicability conditions of
these theorems as well as to derive quantitative relations from (application of)
these theorems. This understanding includes the visual meaning of geometric con-
cepts referenced by each theorem (e.g., “adjacent angles” or “transversal” or
“isosceles triangle”). In particular, they must be able to recognize, in diagrams, in-
stances of these concepts, so as to recognize when each theorem applies (and does
not apply). For example, to understand the Triangle Exterior Angle theorem,
students must learn concepts such as the exterior angle of a triangle, or its remote
interior angles, so that they can recognize instances of these concepts in actual dia-
grams and can recognize when this theorem applies (e.g., the second problem in
Figure 3.5). When the theorem applies, they must infer an appropriate quantitative
relation (i.e., that the measure of the exterior angle is equal to the sum of the
measures of the remote interior angles). The key skills targeted in the tutor’s an-
gles unit are the ability to apply the 17 theorems in the manner just described. That
The Triangle Exterior Angle theorem states that the measure of an exterior angle of a tri-
angle (i.e., an angle between one side of a triangle and the extension of another side of
that triangle) is equal to the sum of the two remote interior angles of the triangle.
The Triangle Sum theorem states that the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a
triangle equals 180º.
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 49
is, the tutor interprets student performance and tracks student learning largely at
the level of applying individual theorems.
It was decided early on during the design process that the tutor interface would
prompt the student for each step in the process of solving a geometry problem, as
can be seen in Figures 3.1 (which is a later version of the same tutor), 5, and 6. That
is, for each problem in the tutor, an empty table is given at the outset, with the la-
bels for the angle measures visible. The student completes the problem by filling
out in the table, for each step, a value (typically, the measure of an angle) and a jus-
tification for the value by citing the name of a theorem. (The value of having stu-
dents provide justifications for their steps was confirmed by subsequent research
(Aleven and Koedinger 2002).) Typically, the steps need not be done strictly in the
order in which they appear in the table. Rather, the step order must observe the
logical dependencies among the steps, meaning that any given step can be com-
pleted only when the logically-prior steps have been completed. Typically, the or-
der of the quantities in the table observes the logical dependencies (and so going in
the order of the table usually works), but other orders may be possible as well. The
purpose of listing the steps in advance, rather than letting the student figure out
what the steps are was to minimize the cognitive load associated with searching for
solution paths in diagrams. This kind of search (and the concomitant cognitive
load) was thought to hinder the acquisition of problem-solving knowledge. This de-
sign was loosely inspired by work by Sweller, van Merriënboer, and Paas (Sweller
et al. 1998), who showed that completion problems and goal-free problems lead to
superior learning during the early stages of skill acquisition, compared to problem
solving. Prompting for steps significantly reduces the need for students to search
the diagram in the process of solving a problem. Although experts are adept at
searching a diagram in a strategic manner, it was thought that strategic diagram
need not be in the foreground in the Geometry Cognitive Tutor. The kinds of highly
complex problems in which sophisticated search strategies would pay off were
deemed to outside of the scope of the instruction.
These key design decisions had a significant impact on the cognitive model.
The model captures a problem-solving approach in which the student, in order to
generate a problem-solving action (i.e., the next step in a given problem), takes the
following four mental steps:
1. Focus on the next quantity to solve (e.g., by looking at the table). For
example, consider a student who works on the first problem in Figure
3.5, at the point after she has filled out the first row the table (m∠LGH
equals 82º as given in the problem statement). Looking at the table, the
student might decide to focus on m∠TGH as the next quantity to
solve; let us call this quantity the “desired quantity.” (Note that this
quantity is listed in the third row of the table. The student skips one of
the quantities in the table.)
2. Identify a quantitative relation between the desired quantity and other
quantities in the problem, justified by a geometry theorem. Find a way
of deriving the value of the desired quantity. For example, searching
the diagram, our student might recognize that ∠LGH and ∠TGH form
a linear pair and she might derive, by application of the Linear Pair
50 V. Aleven
Fig. 3.7 Excerpt from the model’s hierarchy of quantitative relation types
example, quantitative relations that state that two quantities are equal are modeled
as “equal-quantities-relation.” The subtypes of this relation differ with respect to
the geometry theorem that justifies the relation, such as the Vertical Angles and
Alternate Interior Angles theorems. As another example, relations that state that
some function of certain quantities (usually, their sum) equals another quantity or
a constant are modeled as “N-argument-function.” The (leaf) subtypes of this type
are (again) differentiated based on the geometry theorem that gives rise to the rela-
tion, such as Triangle Exterior Angle or Linear Pair.
The quantitative relations for any given problem are stored at the start of the
problem and therefore a complete set – for the given problem – must be provided
by the problem author. It may be clear that these quantitative relations contain in-
formation about the solution of the problem and not just problem definition infor-
mation. That is, quantitative relations are normally derived in the course of solving
a geometry problem; they are not given at the outset. Thus, the model can be said
to pre-store certain solution information, a common technique for engineering
cognitive models that can make them easier to build, as discussed further below.
As a final comment about the organization of working memory, we note that it
does not contain a symbolic representation of the diagram. Given the decision that
diagram search is not a main instructional objective, such a representation was un-
necessary. As a result of this decision, the model was simplified considerably, and
the initial working memory configuration that must be provided for each problem
was reduced.
Turning to the second key component of the geometry cognitive model, the
production rules, a large set of rules implements the basic four-step problem-
solving strategy described above, and implements the key skills involved in these
steps. Roughly speaking, each of the mental steps in the four-step strategy is
modeled by one or more production rules. The first mental step in generating a
problem-solving action (i.e., a single step in a tutor problem) is to decide which
quantity to focus on next (i.e., the desired quantity). This mental step is captured
52 V. Aleven
by a single rule that models a student’s checking the table in the tutor interface to
find a quantity (any quantity) whose value has not yet been determined:
IF Q is one of the key quantities in the problem
And the value of Q has not been determined yet
Set a goal to determine the value of Q (i.e., focus on Q as the desired quantity)
Importantly, this rule generates a match with working memory (i.e., a rule activa-
tion) for each quantity whose value has not been determined yet, which is crucial
if the model is to generate all acceptable next actions. As discussed, modeling all
solution paths is a major precondition for models used for tutoring (by model trac-
ing). Although in this first mental step, any key quantity whose value has not been
determined yet can be chosen, the later mental steps impose additional restrictions.
That is, not all choices for the desired quantity made in this first step will “sur-
vive” the later steps. As a final comment about this rule, there are other possible
ways, besides looking at the table, in which a student might decide on the next de-
sired quantity. For example, a student might search the diagram for an angle
whose measure can be determined next. Such diagrammatic reasoning is not mod-
eled, however, as discussed above.
The second mental step has two parts, namely, (a) to identify a quantitative re-
lation that can be applied to find the desired quantity, justified by a geometry theo-
rem, and (b) to determine a set of “pre-requisite quantities” from which the value
of the desired quantity can be derived. For example, assume that the model is
working on the first problem in Figure 3.5, at a point where it has determined that
m∠LGH = 82°. (This value is given in the problem statement.) If in mental step 1,
the model selects m∠TGH as the desired quantity, then in mental step 2 (the cur-
rent step), it may infer that the desired quantity can be derived from the quantita-
tive relation m∠LGH + m∠TGH = 180°, justified by Linear Pair, once m∠LGH
and the constant 180° are known (i.e., the latter two quantities are the pre-requisite
quantities). Presumably, the student would recognize the applicability of Linear
Pair by searching the diagram. The cognitive model does not capture this kind of
diagrammatic reasoning, however. Instead, it looks for a quantitative relation in
working memory that involves the desired quantity – as mentioned, all quantita-
tive relations for the given problem are pre-stored. Having found a relation from
which the desired quantity can be derived, the model determines the pre-requisite
quantities through quantitative reasoning. To model this kind of reasoning, the
model contains a separate rule (or rules) for each quantitative relation defined at
the intermediate levels of the hierarchy. For example, application of Linear Pair
(as well as application of Angle Addition, Complementary Angles, etc.) yields a
“two-argument function” (e.g., m∠LGH + m∠TGH = 180°). This kind of relation
asserts that a function of two quantities, called “input quantities,” is equal to a
third quantity or constant, called “output quantity.” The relation may be applied
either forwards or backwards. In our running example, the relation must be
applied backward to derive the desired quantity:
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 53
This rule and the many other rules like it model the quantitative reasoning in-
volved in geometry problem solving. The use of the hierarchy of quantitative rela-
tions is a significant advantage in defining these rules (which was the main reason
for creating it in the first place). Because the rules are defined at the intermediate
levels of the hierarchy, we need far fewer of them than if rules were defined sepa-
rately for each geometry theorem, which are found at the lowest level of the hier-
archy. Importantly, the set of rules as a whole is capable of identifying all ways of
deriving the value of the desired quantity from the quantitative relations in work-
ing memory, which is crucial if the model is to generate a complete set of solution
The model also contains rules that “determine” the geometric justification of
any given quantitative relation. All these rules do is “look up” the geometric justi-
fication pre-stored with the quantitative relation, which as mentioned is encoded in
the relation type – recall that the leaf nodes of the hierarchy are differentiated
based on the geometry theorems. There is one rule exactly like the following for
every relation type at the bottom of the types hierarchy:
It may seem odd to have a rule with no action part, and it may seem odd to derive
(as this rule does) a geometric justification from a quantitative relation. In normal
problem solving, of course, each quantitative relation is justified by the applica-
tion of a geometry theorem, not the other way around. It is the pre-storing of
information, that makes it possible to (conveniently) turn things upside down.
Further, the reason why we need these rules without an action part is because they
signal which theorem is being applied. As mentioned, the educational objective of
the tutor is for students to learn to apply a relatively large set of targeted geometry
theorems. In order for the tutor to track student learning at the level of individual
geometry theorems, the model must have a separate rule that represents applica-
tion of each individual theorem. That is exactly what these action-less rules are.
The third mental step in generating a problem-solving action is to check that the
values of the pre-requisite quantities have been determined already. Continuing
our example, having decided that m∠LGH and the constant 180° are pre-requisite
It is of course equally crucial that, for the given problem and the given set of key quanti-
ties, all quantitative relations have been pre-stored in working memory.
54 V. Aleven
quantities for deriving the value of the desired quantity m∠TGH, the model ascer-
tains that both pre-requisite quantities are known. Constants are always known (by
definition), and a value for m∠LGH has already been entered into the table. The
following rule (which is slightly simpler than the actual rule) models a student
who checks that pre-requisite quantities have been found by looking them up in
the table in the tutor interface:7
Incidentally, although this rule imposes a strong constraint on the order in which
the key quantities in the problem can be found, it does not necessarily lead to a
single linear order, as discussed above.
The fourth and final mental step is to determine the desired quantity’s value
from those of the pre-requisite quantities. The student must apply the quantitative
relation that has been selected to derive the desired quantity’s value. The model,
by contrast, relies on having values pre-stored with the quantities, another exam-
ple of the common engineering technique of pre-storing solution information,
discussed below.
This description highlights the model’s main components and structure. Many de-
tails are left out, and the model is much larger than may be evident from the current
description, but we hope to have illustrated how the model is suitable for tutoring.
The model does not model “thinking ahead,” meaning, solving a few key quantities in
one’s head and then entering the last one (and get tutor feedback on it) before entering the
logically-prior ones (e.g., the pre-requisite quantities). As the tutor was designed to mini-
mize cognitive load for the student, it seemed reasonable to try to steer the student toward
a “low load” strategy in which the student always records logically-prior steps in the table
(which reduces cognitive load because it obviates the need for remembering the steps).
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 55
main educational objective is for students to come to understand and recognize the
applicability conditions of the theorems, including the visual meaning of geomet-
ric concepts referenced by each theorem (e.g., “adjacent angles” or “transversal”).
A second objective is for students to learn to derive and manipulate the quantita-
tive relations that follow from application of these theorems. As discussed, the
Geometry Cognitive Tutor does not reify diagram search, meaning that it does not
make explicit or communicate how the student should go about searching a dia-
gram in the course of problem solving (e.g., to find the next possible step, or a
theorem to apply). The tutor’s step-by-step approach to problem solving reduces
the need for diagram search, as it was thought that the extraneous cognitive load
induced by this kind of search would get in the way of the tutor’s main instruc-
tional objectives, to obtain a solid understanding of the theorems targeted in the
Although we have glossed over many details, this case study illustrates our
main themes related to cognitive modeling for ITS. First, the model is fully flexi-
ble. Within the targeted set of geometry theorems, the model accounts for all dif-
ferent ways of solving the targeted problems, which enables the tutor to follow
along with students, regardless of which solution path they decide to take. In addi-
tion, the model is flexible in terms of step order: it models any step order that ob-
serves the logical dependencies between the steps. As for the model’s cognitive
fidelity, as mentioned, the model partitions the knowledge based on the geometry
theorem that is being applied. This decision is based largely on theoretical cogni-
tive task analysis. It is a very reasonable decision. In order how to do even better,
one would need to analyze student log data as described in the next section. In one
place, the model has less than full cognitive fidelity, and this choice reflects engi-
neering concerns (and resource limitations). In particular, the tutor does not reify
detailed reasoning about how a particular geometry theorem applies to the
diagram. It abstracts from such reasoning. For example, when applying Alternate
Interior Angles, students do not communicate to the tutor which two lines are par-
allel, which line or segment is a transversal that intersects the two lines, and
which angles formed form a pair of alternate interior angles. This kind of reason-
ing falls within the tutor’s educational objectives, and presumably students engage
in this kind of reasoning when deciding whether the theorem applies. The decision
not to reify this reasoning followed primarily from a desire to keep down the cost
of interface development. Not modeling this reasoning drastically simplified the
model and also made it easier to author problems for the tutor, because the initial
working memory configuration for each problem did not need to contain a repre-
sentation of the diagram. Later research with the Geometry Cognitive Tutor how-
ever indicated that students do acquire a deeper understanding of geometry when
reasoning about how the geometry theorems apply is reified in the tutor interface
(Butcher and Aleven 2010; 2008 and 2007). This facility required very significant
extensions of the tutor interface (i.e., an integrated, interactive diagram in which
students could click to indicate how theorems apply). Therefore, it is fair to say
that not reifying this reasoning in the original tutor was a reasonable trade-off.
56 V. Aleven
student learning with multiple versions of the same tutor that have cognitive
models of varying degrees of cognitive fidelity), though it seems only a matter
of time.8
Throughout the chapter, we have emphasized that a model used in a tutor must
have flexibility and cognitive fidelity. A model’s flexibility is perhaps the less
problematic requirement, as it deals with observable phenomena. A model must be
complete and flexible enough to accommodate the alternative solution paths and
variations in step order that students produce, at least the ones that are pedagogi-
cally acceptable. To illustrate this flexibility requirement, we discussed how both
the fraction addition model and the geometry model accommodate a full range of
student strategies and step order. Lack of flexibility occurs when a model is not
correct or complete; perhaps students use unanticipated strategies in the tutor in-
terface that the model does not capture. Perhaps the model developer has not done
sufficient cognitive task analysis to be aware of all variability in student behavior,
or has inadvertently restricted the order in which steps must be carried out.
In addition to flexibility, a model must have cognitive fidelity. It must partition
knowledge into components (e.g., production rules) that accurately represent the
psychological reality, that is, correspond closely to the knowledge components
that the students are actually learning. For example, in the fraction addition model,
we conjecture that students learn the different strategies for finding the common
denominator separately, instead of learning a single (hypothetical) overarching
strategy of which these strategies may be different surface level manifestations.
This conjecture implies that a student may know one strategy but not know the
other. It implies also that practice with one strategy does not help a student get
better in using the other strategies (at least not to the same degree). Accordingly,
the model contains separate rules for these different strategies, even though from
an engineering perspective, it would have been easier to capture all strategies with
a single rule. In general, lack of cognitive fidelity means that a model’s rules do
not correspond to actual student knowledge components. Lack of fidelity may oc-
cur when students “see” distinctions that the model developer has overlooked. For
example, perhaps unbeknownst to the model developer, novice students view an
isosceles triangle in its usual orientation (i.e., a fir tree) as distinct from one that is
“upside down” (i.e., as an ice cream cone). In algebraic equation solving, they
may view the term x as distinct from 1x. In fractions addition, students may de-
velop a separate strategy for dealing with the case where one denominator is a
multiple of the other, which the model developer may not have captured. Alterna-
tively, a model may fail to capture generalizations that students make. For exam-
ple, in Excel formula writing, absolute cell references (i.e., using the “$” sign in
cell references) can be marked in the same way for rows and columns (Mathan
and Koedinger 2000). It is conceivable that a modeler would decide to model
A classroom study by Cen et al. with the Geometry Cognitive Tutor tested part of this
“causal chain:” it demonstrated that a more accurate student model can lead to more effi-
cient learning (Cen et al. 2007). In this study, the improved accuracy of the student model
was due not to greater cognitive fidelity, but to tuning the (skill-specific) parameters used
by Bayesian knowledge-tracing algorithm that updates the student model after student
58 V. Aleven
these skills with separate rules, whereas there is empirical evidence that students
can learn them as one. In addition to a model being too fine-grained or too coarse-
grained, it could (at least in principle) happen that students’ knowledge compo-
nents are different from a model’s without strictly being either more specific or
more general, but it is difficult to think of a good example.
How does a modeler detect ensure that a cognitive model is sufficiently flexible
and that it has sufficient cognitive fidelity? Careful task analysis in the early
stages of model development, helps greatly in achieving flexibility. One result of
cognitive task analysis should be an accurate and comprehensive understanding of
the variety of ways in which students solve problems, which can then be captured
in the model. It is helpful also to carefully pilot a tutor before putting it in class-
rooms. Any lack of flexibility remaining after model development is likely to re-
sult in a tutor that sometimes (incorrectly) rejects valid student input, which may
be caught during piloting. If not caught during model development and tutor pilot-
ing, lack of flexibility will surely result in complaints from students and teachers
who are using the system, and one obviously prefers not to catch it that way! Fi-
nally, careful scrutiny of tutor log data may help as well. For example, analysis of
student errors recorded in the log data may help in detecting instances where the
tutor incorrectly rejects correct student input, although again, one prefers not to
find out that way.
Cognitive fidelity can be harder to achieve and ascertain than flexibility, given
that it deals with unobservable phenomena rather than observable. Cognitive task
analysis (such as the think-aloud methodology) may help in identifying different
strategies that students use. But what is needed in addition is a determination
whether seemingly different (observable) strategies represent a separate psycho-
logical reality or are in fact unified in the student’s mind. Although think-aloud
data may hold clues with regard to the psychological reality of different strategies,
in general it is very difficult to make a definitive determination based on think-
aloud data alone. A somewhat more definitive determination of the psychological
reality of hypothesized skills can be made using a cognitive task analysis tech-
nique called “Difficulty Factors Analysis” (Baker et al. 2007). It also helps to test
a model’s cognitive fidelity using tutor log data, either “by hand” or through
automated methods, currently an active area of research within the field of educa-
tional data mining (Baker and Yacef 2009). In essence, all methods test whether
the transfer predictions implied by a model are actually observed in the log data.
When a cognitive model has high cognitive fidelity, one expects to see a gradual
increase over time in the performance of students on problem steps that – accord-
ing to the model – exercise one and the same knowledge component. Psychologi-
cal theories in fact predict the shape of the curve (we will use the term “learning
curve”) that plots the accuracy (or speed) of execution of a given knowledge com-
ponent on successive opportunities (Heathcote et al. 2000; Newell and Rosen-
bloom 1981). A time-honored method for analyzing cognitive models is simply to
extract learning curves from tutor log data, plot them, and inspect them visually. If
the curve looks smooth, then all is well. On the other hand, when learning curves
visibly deviate from the curves that cognitive theories predict, this deviation is an
Rule-Based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems 59
indication that the model has limited cognitive fidelity. For example, when a
knowledge component in the model is overly general, compared to psychological
reality, the learning curve for this knowledge component will include measuring
points in which the actual knowledge component (as it exists in the student’s
head) is not involved. Instead, these measuring points represent use of one or more
other knowledge components (as they exists in the student’s head). Since students’
mastery of these other knowledge components is, in principle, unrelated to that of
the plotted knowledge component, these points will generally not align with the
rest of the curve. The curve may look “ragged.” Conversely, when a modeled
knowledge component is overly specific, compared to the actual knowledge com-
ponent in the student’s head, the learning curve will not include all opportunities
for exercising this knowledge component, and will not be fully smooth. When de-
viations are evident, the modeler might take a closer look at the tutor log data and
the tutor problems to develop hypotheses for why it might be lacking. Good tools
exist that help with this analysis, such as the DataShop developed by the Pitts-
burgh Science of Learning Center (Koedinger et al. ).
A second method for evaluating the cognitive fidelity of a model is by fitting
the learning curves extracted from log data against the theoretically-predicted
function. If the fit is good, the model has high cognitive fidelity. This method is
particularly useful when comparing how well alternative models account for given
log data. The DataShop tools mentioned above also support “what-if” analyses to
easily compare the fit of alternative models. Thus they help not only in spotting
problems with cognitive fidelity, but also in finding models with greater fidelity.
Recent and on-going research aims to automate (parts of) this process of model re-
finement. This work has led to semi-automated methods for revising models based
on log data, such as Learning Factors Analysis (Cen et al. 2006). Much work is
underway in educational data mining that focuses on learning models entirely
from data (Baker and Yacef 2009). We expect that automated methods will be-
come a very valuable addition to traditional cognitive task analysis. We do not
foresee that they will replace traditional cognitive task analysis methods entirely,
because the kinds of information that these methods produce are complementary.
Also, cognitive task analysis can be done with small numbers of students, whereas
data mining typically requires larger data sets.
To conclude, tutors using rule-based cognitive models have a long and rich his-
tory, and there is much reason to think that there will be many interesting devel-
opments yet to come. In particular, research focused on increasing the cognitive
fidelity of models will help make this kind of tutoring system both easier to de-
velop and (even) more effective in supporting student learning.
Acknowledgments. Albert Corbett and Laurens Feenstra gave very helpful comments on
an early draft of the chapter. The work is supported by Award Number SBE-0836012 from
the National Science Foundation to the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. Their sup-
port is gratefully acknowledged. All opinions expressed in this chapter represent the opin-
ion of the author and not the funding agency.
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Chapter 4
Modeling Domains and Students with
Constraint-Based Modeling
Antonija Mitrovic
4.1 Introduction
It has been fifteen years since the initial work on SQL-Tutor, the first ever con-
straint-based tutor, started. Since then, we have extended CBM from the original,
theoretical proposal (Ohlsson 1992) to a thoroughly tested and widely used meth-
odology and have accumulated significant experience developing constraint-based
tutors in a variety of instructional domains (Mitrovic et al. 2007). CBM has at-
tracted significant attention and debate, and more and more researchers are adopt-
ing it for developing their own Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) – see e.g.
(Galvez et al. 2009; Oh et al. 2009; Le et al. 2009; Siddappa and Manjunath 2008,
Menzel 2006; Petry and Rosatelli 2006; Riccucci et al. 2005; Rosatelli and
Self 2004).
In this chapter, we start from the basic idea and the psychological foundation of
CBM, and present various extensions we have made over the years. We focus on
how domain models can be represented in terms of constraints, and then present
various kinds of student models based on them. We then turn to the implications
of CBM for pedagogical decision making, and discuss various approaches to pro-
viding feedback, selecting problems, supporting higher-order skills and affect.
CBM is a flexible approach which can be used in a wide variety of instructional
domains, to support many teaching strategies.
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 63–80. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
64 A. Mitrovic
condition is met, but the satisfaction condition is not, then the student’s solution is
incorrect. Therefore, the general form of a constraint is:
If <relevance condition> is true,
Then <satisfaction condition> had better also be true.
The origin of a mistake is not crucial for generating pedagogical interventions, as
the tutoring system can give feedback to the student about the domain principle
that was violated, without knowing exactly what kind of incorrect knowledge gen-
erated the mistake. Constraint-based tutors normally attach feedback messages di-
rectly to constraints.
It is important to point out the difference between constraints and production
rules. Although the (English) statement above seems similar to an IF-THEN pro-
duction rules, it is of a very different nature. A production rule proposes an action
to be taken if the goal and the situation specified in the IF part are met. On the
contrary, a constraint specifies conditions for a solution state to be correct. The
two conditions in a constraint are not linked with logical implication, but with the
“ought to” connective, as in if Cr is true, Cs ought to be true as well (Ohlsson and
Mitrovic 2007). Production rules are of generative nature, while constraints are
evaluative, and can be used for making judgment.
A set of constraints represent features of correct solutions explicitly. Any solu-
tion violating one or more constraints is incorrect; therefore the constraint set
models errors indirectly, without enumerating them. As the consequence, CBM al-
lows the student to explore the solution space freely; any correct approach to solv-
ing a problem will be supported, as there are no constraint violations. CBM is not
sensitive to the radical strategy variability (Ohlsson and Bee 1991), which is the
observation that students often use different strategies for solving the same prob-
lems. CBM allows for creativity: even those solutions that have not been consid-
ered by the system designers will be accepted by constraints, as they do not violate
any domain constraints. Any problem-solving strategy resulting in a correct state
will be recognized as such by CBM.
situations, if declarative knowledge is missing, the person cannot identify the mis-
take on his/her own, and would need help, provided in terms of feedback. This
feedback might come from the environment itself, or from the teacher, and enables
the student to correct the procedural knowledge. The feedback from a tutor, be it a
human or an artificial one, consists of identifying the part of the action/solution
which is incorrect (blame assignment) and the domain principle that is violated by
it. Therefore, the theory states that declarative knowledge is represented in the
form of constraints on correct solutions. Such knowledge can be used to correct
faulty knowledge, by making it more general or more specific. Computer simula-
tions have shown that using constraints for correcting procedural knowledge is a
plausible mechanism. For a detailed account of how constraints allow the correc-
tions of procedural knowledge, please see (Ohlsson 1996).
Some examples1 of syntax constraints from SQL-Tutor are given in Figure 4.1.
Constraint 2 is the simplest constraint in this system: the relevance condition is
always true, and therefore the constraint is relevant to all solutions. Its satisfaction
condition requires that the SELECT clause is specified. In other words, every
query must list some expression(s) to be returned from the database.
Constraint 110 focuses on the FROM clause; the constraint is relevant when
this clause contains the JOIN keyword. This keyword is used to specify a join
condition, and the syntax requires the ON keyword to be specified in the same
clause. Notice that this constraint does not check for other elements of the join
condition – it simply specifies that those two keywords must appear in the same
clause. There are other constraints in SQL-Tutor that check for other elements of
the join condition. Such low-level of granularity allows for feedback messages to
be very specific. In the case of constraint 110, the feedback message will remind
the student that the JOIN and ON keywords need to be used at the same time.
This point is further illustrated by other constraints from Figure 4.1. Constraint
358 builds upon constraint 110: both conditions from 110 are in the relevance
condition of constraint 358, and therefore its relevance condition is more restric-
tive than the one of constraint 110. Its satisfaction condition matches the FROM
clause to the given pattern, which specified the general form of a join condition. It
allows any number of elements at the beginning and at the end of the FROM
clause (wildcards ?*d1 and ?*d2), but somewhere in the clause there must be a
value that will be allocated to variable t1, optionally followed by another value
(s1, which corresponds to an alias assigned to a table), which is followed by the
JOIN keyword, another value (which will be assigned to t2), another optional
value (which, if exists, will be assigned to s2), the ON keyword, one value (as-
signed to a1), the equal sign, and another value (a2). This constraint does not
check the values assigned to the variables, but simply checks that the clause is of
the specified form. The feedback message attached to this constraint can be more
specific about how join conditions are specified.
The following constraint (399) is even more specific: now the relevance condi-
tion requires the student’s FROM clause to match general form of the join condi-
tion, and the satisfaction condition checks that both t1 and t2 are valid table names
from the current database. There are other constraints in SQL-Tutor that further
check that a1 and a2 are valid attributes, and that the types of those two attributes
match each other.
Constraint 11 has all the previously discussed tests in its relevance condition,
and its satisfaction condition checks whether the types of attributes used in the
join condition are the same. All of those checks can be done on the basis of syntax
knowledge, independently of the problem requirements.
However, students do not make only syntax errors. Often their solutions are
syntactically correct but the answer is not correct for the problem at hand, and the
student should be alerted about that too. Therefore, it is necessary to check the
semantic correctness of the solution, and for that reason we introduced semantic
We present the constraints in their English form. The constraints as specified in the con-
straint language used in SQL-Tutor are given in (Mitrovic 1993).
68 A. Mitrovic
constraints (Mitrovic 1998a, 1998b, 1998c; Mitrovic and Ohlsson 1999). A se-
mantic constraint compares the student solution and the correct solution to the
same problem, again focusing on a single domain principle. Semantic constraints
check whether the student’s solution is the correct solution for the problem at
hand. The semantics of the particular problem is captured in the ideal solution; in
SQL-Tutor, the teacher specifies an ideal solution for each problem. This ideal so-
lution is carefully selected to illustrate some important features of the language.
However, in SQL there are often several correct solutions for the same prob-
lem, as the language is redundant. Therefore, semantic constraints cannot simply
check whether the student’s solution is identical to the ideal one; they need to
check for equivalent ways of solving the problem.
Figure 4.2 illustrates some semantic constraints from SQL-Tutor. Constraint
207, for example, is relevant when the ideal solution has a join condition specified
in the FROM clause, and the student’s solution has an empty WHERE clause and
more than one table in FROM. In general, if a query uses more than one table in
FROM, a join condition is necessary. Join conditions in can be specified either in
FROM or in WHERE; this constraints focuses on the FROM clause only, and re-
quires (in the satisfaction condition) that the student specified the join condition in
Modeling Domains and Students with Constraint-Based Modeling 69
FROM. Note that the satisfaction condition does not check for the complete join
condition: it only requires the JOIN keyword to be used in FROM. If the student
made a syntax error when specify the join condition in FROM, it would be caught
by the syntax constraints we discussed previously.
Constraint 387 is relevant when the student specified a join condition in the
FROM clause, but the ideal solution contains a join condition in the WHERE
clause. The relevance condition of this constraint establishes correspondences be-
tween the table and attribute names used in the ideal and the student solution, and
the satisfaction condition checks that the corresponding attributes are equal. Note
that there are other constraints that will be checking for different combination of
The constraints need to be specified on a low-level of granularity in order for
feedback to be specific. As the consequence, a set of constraints is required to fully
specify one domain principles. SQL-Tutor contains a large number of constraints
(currently over 700) and it still does not cover all of SQL; the completeness of a
constraint set is not necessary for the ITS to be useful. It is important that the con-
straint set allows for the diagnosis of solutions for a given set of problems. The ad-
dition of new problem types would require the constraint set to be extended. But it
is easy to add problems of similar types: at the moment SQL-Tutor supports 13 da-
tabases, and about 300 problems defined for them. To add another database and the
corresponding set of problems, all that is necessary is to add problem text for each
problem, its solution, and the information about the database.
design tasks. EER-Tutor (Suraweera and Mitrovic 2002, 2004; Mitrovic et al.
2004; Zakharov et al. 2005) teaches conceptual database design, another ill-
defined task. The student needs to design an EER diagram for a specific situation
starting from the requirements specified in the form of English text. Although the
EER data model is well-designed and relatively simple, the actual task of design-
ing a conceptual schema for a database is ill-defined (Suraweera and Mitrovic
2004). The requirements are often incomplete, and the student needs to use their
general knowledge in order to design the EER diagram. There is no algorithm to
use to identify the necessary components of the solution. Furthermore, the goal
state (i.e. the solution) is defined in abstract terms, as an EER diagram that satis-
fies the requirements. An example syntax constraint from EER-Tutor checks that
every regular entity type has at least one key attribute. Semantic constraints make
sure that the student has identified all the necessary entities, relationships and at-
tributes, at the same time allowing for alternatives. For example, an attribute of a
1:N relationship may be alternatively represented as an attribute of the entity on
the N side of the relationship. Semantic constraints check for such equivalences
between the student and the ideal solution.
Another constraint-based tutor for a design task is COLLECT-UML, a tutor
that teaches object-oriented software design, by requiring students to design UML
class diagrams from textual descriptions (Baghaei et al. 2006, 2007). In all of
those instructional tasks, the domain itself is well defined (i.e. the domain theory
is well-specified in the terms of the underlying model), but the instructional task is
However, CBM is not only capable of capturing domain knowledge for design
tasks – it can also be used for procedural tasks, for which problem-solving
algorithms are known. We have developed several tutors of this type. NORMIT
(Mitrovic 2005) is a constraint-based tutor that teaches data normalization in rela-
tional databases. The domain is well-defined and so is the task: there is an algo-
rithm that students need to learn and apply correctly. NORMIT breaks the task
into a series of steps, and requires the student to apply a step correctly before mov-
ing on to the next step. This was a deliberate decision, as we wanted to stress the
importance of the correct order in which the steps are applied. However, CBM
could also be used in the same task in a less restrictive way, by specifying con-
straints in a slightly different way. We developed another version of NORMIT, in
which the student can apply the steps in any order, but constraints check that the
student has calculated all the necessary parts of the solution before attempting
ones which depend on the previous steps. We refer to such constraints as the path
ERM-Tutor (Milik et al. 2006) is another example of a constraint-based tutor
that teaches a procedural task – this time, the student needs to transform an EER
diagram into a relational schema. We also developed a lot of tutors for procedural
tasks within ASPIRE, our authoring system discussed later in this chapter. An ex-
ample of such tutors is CIT, a constraint-based tutor that teaches students how to
make decision on capital investments (Mitrovic et al. 2008).
In a recent paper (Mitrovic and Weerasinghe 2009), we presented a classifica-
tion of ITSs in terms of two dimensions, instructional domains and instructional
Modeling Domains and Students with Constraint-Based Modeling 71
tasks. Both of these can be ill- or well-defined. CBM has previously been applied
to well-defined domains, with both ill-defined tasks (SQL-Tutor, EER-Tutor,
COLLECT-UML) and well-defined tasks (NORMIT, ERM-Tutor). In the case of
ill-defined domains, the tasks can still be ill- or well-defined. CBM can be applied
to well-defined tasks no matter what kind of domain is at hand; an example of ill-
defined domain and a well-defined task is psychological assessment. In such cases,
CBM would be applicable, but so would model-tracing. The latter approach how-
ever cannot be applied in the case of an ill-defined task and an ill-defined domain,
such as essay writing or artistic tasks. CBM can still be used in such situations.
Let us consider architectural design. If the task is to design a house with three
bedrooms for a given piece of land which needs to be eco-friendly and energy ef-
ficient, there can be a set of designs which satisfy the minimal requirements. Con-
straints that need to be satisfied involve the problem specification and the norms
for energy consumption and ecological consequences – but the designs will differ
in terms of aesthetics and personal preferences of the designer. The constraint set
will capture the minimal requirements, and still allow for a variety of solutions.
Therefore, in ill-defined domains the student has the freedom to include solution
components to make the solution aesthetically pleasing or more to their prefer-
ences, and the ITS will still accept it as a good solution for the problem. It is also
possible to have weights attached to constraints, with highest weights being as-
signed to mandatory constraints, and lower weights assigned to constraints that
need not necessarily be satisfied as they correspond to optional elements.
In the case of ill-defined domains and ill-defined tasks, more attention needs to
be devoted to the feedback provided to the student. In well-defined domains, feed-
back generation is straightforward: the student violates some constraints, and
feedback on violated domain principles is provided. In model-tracing tutors,
buggy production rules provide feedback on errors, and hints can be generated on
the next step the student is to take. However, in ill-defined domains, the declara-
tive knowledge is incomplete: the constraint set consists of a set of mandatory
principles and some heuristics. Therefore, the feedback mechanism needs to be
sophisticated, so that feedback does not confuse the student. If the solution is not
complete, feedback becomes even more crucial, as the ITS should discuss only the
issues the student has worked on so far.
Ill-defined domains and tasks are very complex, and therefore, ITSs need to
scaffold learning, by providing as much information as possible without making it
trivial. The common ITS techniques can also be used in ill-defined domains
(e.g. visualizing goal structure and reducing the working memory load, providing
declarative knowledge in the form of dictionaries or on-demand help etc). Fur-
thermore, the ITS can simplify the process by performing one part of the task for
the student automatically or by restricting the actions students can take. Further-
more, solution evaluation can be replaced with presenting consequences of student
actions or supporting a related, but simpler task, e.g. peer review.
from production models, and generally easier to develop (Mitrovic et al. 2003).
However, the process still requires a careful analysis of the target task.
Syntax constraints are generally easier to develop than semantic constraints, but
they still require attention. The granularity of constraints is crucial for the effec-
tiveness of the system. If the constraints are on a too coarse level, the feedback
would be too general and not useful for the student. For example, we could have
had only one constraint instead of a set of constraints such as those presented in
Figure 4.1, which focus on the join conditions in the FROM clause. In that case,
the only possible feedback message would be that there is something wrong with
the FROM clause. Such feedback, of course, is not very useful.
Therefore, for constraints to be pedagogically effective, they need to focus on a
very small aspect of a domain principle. There are potentially many constraints
necessary to specify all the student should know about a single domain principle.
The most important criterion in this process is the pedagogical importance: how
specific is the feedback attached to a constraint?
of the list of satisfied constraints and (potentially) the list of violated constraints.
Violated constraints allow the constraint-based tutor to provide feedback to the
student. The feedback states that the action/solution is wrong, points out the part
of the solution which is wrong, and then specifies the domain principle that is vio-
lated. The error correction is left to the student to perform.
Feedback generation is only one of the pedagogical actions ITSs provide. Most
often, feedback is generated on the basis of the last action the student performed,
although previous performance can also be taken into account. However, ITSs
also require long-term student model in order to generate other adaptive actions,
such as selecting problems or topics to be covered in an instructional session. We
therefore extended CBM by proposing several different ways of representing the
long-term model of the student’s knowledge.
In our early work (Mitrovic, 1998a, 1998b, 1998c), the long-term model of the
student’s knowledge was represented in terms of the overlay model. This is the
logical extension of Ohlsson’s initial proposal of CBM. A set of constraints repre-
sents what is true in the domain. Therefore the model of an expert would be
equivalent to the whole constraint set, while a novice will only know some con-
straints. For each constraint the student has used, our tutors store the history of its
usage, which allows us to track the student’s progress on that constraint. Of
course, over time the student’s knowledge improves, and therefore the system
cannot use the complete history always. A simple way to use such histories is to
select a window of a particular size – say last five attempts on a constraint – and
calculate the frequency of correct usage. This can be done for each constraint in
the student model, and an estimate of the student’s knowledge can be based on
that. We have used such simple long-term models in most of our constraint-based
A more sophisticated approach is to develop a probabilistic, Bayesian model of
the student’s knowledge, as we have done for SQL-Tutor (Mayo and Mitrovic
2000) and CAPIT, a system that teaches elementary school children about
punctuation and capitalization rules in English (Mayo and Mitrovic 2001). We
also experimented with training an artificial neural network and using it for prob-
lem selection (Wang and Mitrovic 2002).
them to the domain principles which are violated. In this way, CBM can be used
to provide feedback to students. Such feedback can be provided immediately, after
each action the student performs, or in a delayed fashion, after the student is done
with a problem. The choice of the timing of feedback is therefore flexible.
As stated previously, feedback is attached to constraints; when the student vio-
lates a constraint, the attached feedback message can be given to student. How-
ever, there are many additional considerations taken into account when presenting
feedback, such as timing of feedback, content, type, presentation and adaptation.
Timing of feedback: In our tutors that teach design tasks, the student can decide
when they want to get feedback. The solution is analyzed on student’s request, and
the whole solution is analyzed at once. The tutor does not diagnose individual stu-
dent actions. Such an approach puts the student in control of their learning, while
still providing necessary guidance when the student requests it. For procedural
tasks, we typically break them into steps, and analyze a group of activities within a
step. The student is required to complete one step correctly before going on to the
next step. CBM can also be used to provide immediate feedback, by analyzing
each action the student performs. The decision on the timing of feedback depends
on the nature of the task performed: for design tasks it is more natural to diagnose
the whole solution at once.
Amount of feedback: Another important pedagogical decision is related to feed-
back: how much information should be given to the student? Our tutors typically
provide several levels of feedback. For example, SQL-Tutor offers the following
feedback levels: correct/incorrect, error flag, hint, all errors, partial solution, and
complete solution. On the first submission, the feedback only informs the student
whether the solution is correct or not. The following submission points out the part
of the solution which is incorrect; for example, the system might identify the
FROM clause as being wrong. Such feedback is useful for the student to correct
slips. If there is a deeper misunderstanding, the hint-level feedback will present
the message attached to the violated constraint. If there are several violated con-
straints, the student can see the hint messages attached to them at the All errors
level. The partial solution provides the correct version of the clause that was not
right in the student’s solution, while the full solution is available on the highest
level of feedback. The system will automatically increase the feedback level on
each submission until it reaches the Hint level; it will then stay on that level. The
student, however, can ask for higher-level feedback whenever he/she desires.
Feedback content: The feedback messages we defined for early versions of our
tutors were based on our intuition – we were thinking of what a good human tutor
would say to the student violating a particular constraint. Such intuitive feedback
does not have a theoretical foundation, and can result in feedback of variable qual-
ity. We therefore turned to the psychological theory of learning CBM was derived
for. The theory says that effective feedback should tell the student here the error
is, what constitutes the error and re-iterate the domain principle violated by the
student. For example, the feedback message might say that the error is in the sum
that the student computed, and point out that the sum is 93, but since the numbers
are percentages, they should add up to 100.
Modeling Domains and Students with Constraint-Based Modeling 75
Each problem in SQL-Tutor has a static problem complexity level specified by the teacher
(ranges from 1 to 9).
Modeling Domains and Students with Constraint-Based Modeling 77
4.7 Conclusions
In the last fifteen years, CBM has grown from a theoretical proposal to a fully de-
veloped, mature methodology for building ITSs. We have used CBM successfully
in many instructional domains, with students of different ages and backgrounds, in
real classrooms at universities and in schools. Additionally, three of our database
tutors have been available to students worldwide via the Addison-Wesley’s Data-
basePlace3 Web portal since 2003, and have been used by more than 10,000 stu-
dents worldwide. We have performed more than 30 evaluation studies, which
proved the effectiveness of this modeling approach.
Constraint-based tutors, as discussed above, do not require runnable expert
models in order to diagnose student solutions; this feature enables CBM to be ap-
plicable in ill-defined tasks/domains, where model-tracing tutors cannot be ap-
plied. Constraints can capture whatever is known about the ill-defined domain and
the problem specification, thus begin able to evaluate the mandatory parts of the
solution. Such a tutor can provide feedback to student, while still allowing for
multiple solutions differing in non-essential elements, such as aesthetical and
personal preferences.
CBM also does not require bug libraries and consequently constraint-based tu-
tors require less effort than model-tracing ones. CBM has a strong theoretical
foundation, which provides guidelines for generating feedback content.
CBM is a flexible approach, but it is not the only possible way of developing
ITSs. Many questions have been answered, but many more are still open. Our cur-
rent work focuses on improving authoring support, modeling affect and student
engagement, as well as meta-cognitive skills. We do not believe that only a single
representation (constraint or production rules) is superior in all respects and situa-
tions. Hybrid systems, using combinations of different representations have a
much higher probability of supporting different kinds of instructions and different
78 A. Mitrovic
Acknowledgments. The work reported here could not have been done without the wonder-
ful bunch of students and colleagues at the Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group (ICTG).
Thank you all for all the discussions and friendship over the years – I have been privileged
to work with you.
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Chapter 5
Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for
Ill-Defined Domains
5.1 Introduction
In recent years more and more research has focused on building Intelligent Tutor-
ing Systems (ITS) for domains that pose new challenges, i.e., where traditional
approaches for building tutoring systems are not applicable or do not work well.
Such domains have been termed "ill-defined domains” by the Artificial Intelli-
gence in Education (AIED) community (Aleven 2003; Aleven et al. 2006; Aleven
et al. 2007). Research on ill-defined domains has given rise to several solutions.
Some are domain-specific, while others tend to be more generic. Despite the nu-
merous papers published on this topic and the three workshops presented at recent
conferences (Aleven 2003; Aleven et al. 2006; Aleven et al. 2007). the definition
of an “ill-defined domain” is still under debate and none of the proposed solutions
are appropriate for all domains (Aleven 2003; Aleven et al. 2006; Aleven et al.
2007). This chapter aims to clarify the definition of an “ill-defined domain,” to of-
fer various solutions for building tutoring systems for these domains, and to pro-
vide insight into current research. It provides an updated overview of the research
on ill-defined domains, the previous synopsis having been published in 2006
(Lynch et al. 2006).
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 81–101. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
82 P. Fournier-Viger, R. Nkambou, and E.M. Nguifo
The chapter is organized into four main sections. Sections 2, 3 and 4 corre-
spond to three complementary and important perspectives that need to be consid-
ered to build ITSs for ill-defined domains. Section 2 addresses the characteristics
of ill-defined domains, which is important to identify in order to categorize solu-
tions for domains with similar features. Sections 3 and 4 next discuss the ap-
proaches to represent and reason with domain knowledge in these domains and
suitable teaching models. As will later be explained, some approaches and models
are more appropriate for certain types of ill-defined domains, which ease consid-
erably the task of building ITSs. Lastly, Section 5 provides a detailed case study of
an ITS called CanadarmTutor. This case study illustrates the advantages and limi-
tations of several approaches discussed in the chapter.
(1) The indefinite starting point: The instructions or information necessary for
solving the problem are incomplete or vague.
(2) The indefinite ending point: The criterion that determines if the goal has
been attained is complex and imprecise. There could be multiple and controversial
solutions (Aleven et al. 2008).
(3) Unclear strategies for finding solutions: There are no clear strategies for
finding solutions at each step of the problem-solving process.
This definition is formulated in general terms and can thus cover a wide variety of
domains. It is also consistent with the definition by Lynch et al. (whose definition
was partly inspired by that of Simon) (Lynch et al. 2006). In the next section, we
use both definitions to present the principal approaches to represent and reason
with domain knowledge in ill-defined domains.
Model-tracing tutors are recommended for tasks in which the goal is to evaluate
the reasoning process rather than simply determining if the learner attained the
correct solution. MT-Tutors generally assume that the starting and ending points
of a problem are definite. The main limitation of model-tracing with respect to ill-
defined domains is that, for some domains, there are no clear strategies for finding
solutions, and it can therefore be difficult to define an explicit task model. More-
over, for complex domains, one would need to determine a large number of rules
and solution paths, and designing a set of rules or a state space for a task would be
very time-consuming.
A strategy for using the MT paradigm in ill-defined domains is to describe only
the well-defined part of a task with a task model (Lynch et al. 2006). This strategy
is used, for example, in CanadarmTutor, an ITS used to teach astronauts how to
operate a robotic arm [11]. Another strategy for enabling the MT to operate ITSs
in ill-defined domains is to use an iterative approach to design task models (Ogan
et al. 2006). Initially, a rough model is created by domain experts. The model is
then evaluated empirically several times to see if it correctly predicts user-
behavior. It is subsequently adjusted until a satisfactory model is attained. This
strategy was used to build an ITS which enables the learner to distinguish verb
tenses in the French language (Ogan et al. 2006).
evaluated, the CBM-Tutor may be unable to distinguish that a learner may have
intentionally or unintentionally answered a question correctly.
Despite these limitations, CBM has been applied successfully to some ill-
defined domains, in particular, to problem-solving and design tasks (see (Mitrovic
et al. 2007) for an overview of CBM applications). An example of a CBM-Tutor is
KERMIT/EER-Tutor, an ITS used to teach design entity relationship diagrams
(Mitrovic et al. 2007). Designing such diagrams is an ill-defined task because it
involves creativity (it is a design task), there is no clear strategy for performing it,
problems statements are generally ambiguous and for one problem there can be
many acceptable and controversial solutions. When applying CBM in KERMIT,
approximately 100 constraints were defined and KERMIT's interface was
designed to restrict the learner to select terms from problem descriptions to name
diagram elements. The latter restriction greatly reduces the scope of possible solu-
tions. It also illustrates a popular design strategy for building ITSs in ill-defined
domains, in general, i.e., forcing a structure into a domain so as to transform it into
a better defined form. However, a drawback of this strategy, from a pedagogical
perspective, is that the learner eventually has to learn to perform tasks in less-
structured problem-solving environments (Moritz and Blank 2008).
The last approach for representing and reasoning on domain knowledge is to com-
bine two or more of the aforementioned approaches. The goal of this approach is
to combine the advantages of different approaches in order to overcome their limi-
tations for ill-defined tasks. The motivation behind having the hybrid approach is
that different approaches can be better suited for different parts of the same ill-
defined task so as to offer common or complementary tutoring services. For ex-
ample, in CanadarmTutor, an expert system (Kabanza et al. 2005), a cognitive
model (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2008) and the partial task model approach (Fournier-
Vigier et al. 2009) are integrated to provide assistance for different parts of the
arm manipulation task. The result is tutoring services which greatly exceed
what was possible to offer with each individual approach, for this domain
(Fournier-Vigier et al. 2009). According to Lynch et al. (Lynch et al. 2006), the
hybrid approach is one of the most promising ways of supporting tutoring services
in ill-defined domains.
In conclusion, Section 4.3 describes five approaches for representing and rea-
soning on domain knowledge in ill-defined domains for ITSs. The description of
these five approaches provides a general overview of the techniques available.
90 P. Fournier-Viger, R. Nkambou, and E.M. Nguifo
cultural behavior is based on the interpretation of events and language, and, al-
though some rules exist, there is not a complete formal theory (Walker et al.
2008). A student who uses the system by Walker et al. is asked to watch clips of a
French movie that relate to immigration. He/she is then required to answer ques-
tions about the clips. Lastly, he/she must contribute to a forum discussion. Each
time the learner contributes to the forum, the system uses keyword analysis algo-
rithms to evaluate the writing. The evaluation is based on five quality measures,
for example, if the writing is on topic and if it shows awareness of different points
of views. The ITS then generates advice for improvement. The learner is subse-
quently required to make at least one revision to the post before publishing it.
Although the system has no domain model of what constitutes intercultural com-
petence skills, it fosters learning by promoting good learning behavior (writing
posts which satisfy quality measures) (Walker et al. 2008). The system of Walker
et al. uses an expert system approach to support metacognition. However, MT and
CBM (Mitrovic et al. 2007) can also be used to support metacognition.
(Easterday et al. 2007). Policy problems are ill-defined because there are no objec-
tively correct answers and no agreed upon strategies for representing problems
(Easterday et al. 2007). Easterday et al. observed that novices and experts who
solve policy problems sometimes: (1) disregard the overriding evidence because
they rely on their background knowledge; and (2) speculate about the outcomes
because they are influenced by their background knowledge. To handle these
types of errors, Easterday et al. proposed several solutions: (1) to ask the student
to reason with the evidence and with his/her background knowledge separately be-
fore reasoning with both; (2) to design user interfaces that allow the learner to add
his/her background knowledge; and (3) to ask the learner to articulate his/her rea-
soning and to identify at what point his/her background knowledge intervenes.
Recently, Easterday et al. proposed PolicyWorld (Easterday), an ITS for teach-
ing deliberation for policy problems. PolicyWorld supports deliberation for policy
problems by supporting searching for evidences and comprehending them, build-
ing interpretation of policy problems as causal diagrams, relating these diagrams
to evidences, synthesizing diagrams, and taking decisions based on them. Poli-
cyWorld does not allow the learner to enter his/her background knowledge. How-
ever, the tutoring services provided can indirectly handle errors that are caused by
the learner's background knowledge. For example, they can check if the learner’s
beliefs appear consistent with the evidence collected. PolicyWorld uses the hybrid
approach to represent and reason on domain knowledge by combining MT, CBM
and the expert system approach. It relies on an inquiry-based teaching model.
5.5.1 CanadarmTutor
CanadarmTutor is an ITS that we have developed (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2008 and
2009; Kabanza et al. 2005) (depicted in Figure 5.1.a). It is a simulation-based
94 P. Fournier-Viger, R. Nkambou, and E.M. Nguifo
Fig. 5.1 (a) The CanadarmTutor user interface, (b) a path-planner demonstration
tutoring system to teach astronauts how to operate Canadarm2, a robotic arm de-
ployed on the International Space Station (ISS) that provides 7 degrees of freedom.
As previously explained, the main learning activity in CanadarmTutor is to move
the arm from a given configuration to a predetermined configuration. Operating
Canadarm2 is a difficult task since operators do not have a direct view of the scene
of operation at the space station and must rely on cameras mounted on the manipu-
lator and on strategic places in the environment where it operates. To move the
arm, the operator must select at every moment the best cameras for viewing the
scene of operation. Moreover, an operator has to select and perform appropriate
joint rotations to move the arm, while avoiding collisions and dangerous configura-
tions. To provide domain expertise to CanadarmTutor, the three following ap-
proaches were applied (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2008 and 2009; Kabanza et al. 2005).
To sustain more effective learning, a cognitive task analysis was performed, and
an effective problem space that captures real user-knowledge was defined (Four-
nier-Vigier et al. 2008). To model the manipulation of Canadarm2, we were in-
spired by the research on spatial cognition, which states that spatial representa-
tions used for complex spatial reasoning are encoded as semantic knowledge
(Fournier-Vigier et al. 2008). We used a custom cognitive model including a se-
mantic retrieval mechanism to model the recall of spatial knowledge during the
task (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2008). To model the spatial knowledge, we discretized
the 3D space into 3D sub spaces called elementary spaces (ES). Spatial knowledge
was then encoded as relationships, such as: (1) a camera can see an ES or an ISS
module; (2) an ES contains an ISS module; (3) an ES is next to another ES; and
(4) a camera is attached to an ISS module. The procedural knowledge of how to
move the arm to a goal position was modeled as a loop in which the learner must
recall a set of cameras to view the ESs containing the arm, select the cameras, ad-
just their parameters, retrieve a sequence of ESs to go from the current ES to the
goal, and move to the next ES. CanadarmTutor detects all the atomic actions, such
as camera changes and entering/leaving an ES. Performing model tracing with the
cognitive model allows CanadarmTutor to offer the following six important tutor-
ing services (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2008).
First, the learner can freely explore the task model to learn how to operate the
arm. The learner can also consult the declarative knowledge associated with the
task model to learn about the properties of the space station, the cameras and Ca-
nadarm2. Second, model-tracing allows CanadarmTutor to evaluate the knowl-
edge acquired by the learner during the arm manipulation exercises. After a few
exercises, CanadarmTutor builds a detailed learner profile that shows the strengths
and weaknesses of the learner in terms of mastered, missing and buggy knowl-
edge. The third tutoring service evaluates the declarative knowledge linked to the
task model by asking direct questions, such as “Which camera can be used to view
the Node02 ISS module?” The fourth tutoring service provides hints and demon-
strations on request during arm manipulation exercises. The next step is suggested
by model-tracing. CanadarmTutor can give messages, such as: “If you have fin-
ished adjusting the third monitor, then you should start moving the arm.” Demon-
strations are generated dynamically due to model-tracing. The fifth tutoring ser-
vice generates personalized exercises based on the student model. During a
training session, CanadarmTutor relies on the student model to generate exercises
that progressively involve new knowledge and knowledge judged to be not yet
mastered by the learner. For instance, CanadarmTutor can suggest an exercise
involving a camera that has been rarely used by the learner. The sixth and last tu-
toring service offers proactive help to the learner. When the proactive help is acti-
vated, CanadarmTutor, for example, warns the learner that another camera should
be selected if the arm has moved to an area that is not visible by the currently se-
lected cameras. This type of help is particularly appreciated by beginners.
96 P. Fournier-Viger, R. Nkambou, and E.M. Nguifo
Table 5.2 Some frequent patterns extracted from the dataset of Table 1 with a minsup
of 33 %
The second phase extracts partial task models from user plans. In order to
accomplish this, CanadarmTutor applies a custom sequential pattern mining
algorithm that we developed (see (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2009) for more details),
which takes a database of user solutions as input and a user-defined threshold
called minsup. The output is the set of all subsequences that appears in at least
minsup sequences of the database. When applying the algorithm, it is possible to
specify time constraints on subsequences to be discovered (see (Fournier-Vigier et
al. 2009) for detailed information). For example, Table 5.2 shows some
subsequences (also called patterns) found from the database shown in Table 5.1
with minsup = 33 %. When taking pattern P3 into consideration, pattern P3
represents doing action b one time unit immediately after action a. The pattern P3
appears in sequences S1 and S3 of Table 1. It has thus a support of 33 % or two
sequences. Moreover, the annotations for P3 tell us that this pattern was performed
by expert users who possess skills “Skill_1”, “Skill_2” and “Skill_3” and that P3
was found in plans that failed, as well as plans that succeeded.
The third phase uses the partial task model for supporting tutoring services. We
implemented three tutoring services (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2009). The two first
tutoring services rely on a plan recognition algorithm, which after each learner
action during an exercise, identifies the patterns that best match the last actions
performed (see (Fournier-Vigier et al. 2009) for details on the algorithm).
98 P. Fournier-Viger, R. Nkambou, and E.M. Nguifo
The first tutoring service is to assess the profile of the learner (expertise level,
skills, etc.) by looking at the patterns applied. If, for example, 80 % of the time a
learner applies patterns with a value "intermediate" for the dimension “expertise,”
then CanadarmTutor can assert with confidence that the learner's expertise level is
"intermediate." In the same way, CanadarmTutor can diagnose mastered and miss-
ing/buggy skills for the user who demonstrated a pattern by looking at the “skills”
dimensions of patterns applied (e.g., “Skill_1” in Table 2).
The second tutoring service is to guide the learner. This tutoring service con-
sists of determining the possible actions from the set of patterns and proposing one
or more actions to the learner. In CanadarmTutor, this functionality is triggered
when the student selects "What should I do next?" in the interface menu. Cana-
darmTutor then identifies the set of next actions possible according to the match-
ing patterns found by the plan recognition algorithm.
Finally, a tutoring service was implemented in CanadarmTutor to enable the
learner to explore patterns so as to discover possible methods to solve problems.
Currently, the learner can explore a pattern with an interface that lists the patterns
and their annotations and provides sorting and filtering functions (for example to
display only patterns leading to success).
the student model (the student model is now shared by the cognitive model and the
partial task model).
During a learning session, CanadarmTutor uses the student model to generate
exercises that progressively integrate knowledge that is judged to be not yet mas-
tered by the learner. Generated exercises are questions about the cognitive model
and its declarative knowledge, or manipulation exercises.
When the learner asks for help regarding the next step of a manipulation exer-
cise, three different types of system assistance is provided. First, the cognitive
model gives a general procedure that should be followed to move the arm. For ex-
ample, the cognitive model might say to the student, “If you have finished adjusting
the third monitor, then you should start moving the arm.” This assistance is gener-
ated by model-tracing with the cognitive model. In the same window, the patterns
from the partial task model that match the current user solution are then displayed
to the learner. These patterns provide information pertaining to the joint rotations
that should be performed to move the arm. If no pattern matches the current learner
solution, a demonstration generated by the path-planner is shown to the learner to
illustrate a possible solution path. This information is complementary.
The learner can also explore patterns from the partial task models, as explained
earlier, which illustrate possible alternatives for solving problems. The learner can
also explore the cognitive model to learn the general procedure for moving the
arm. In addition, at any time, the learner can ask for demonstrations from the path-
planner or the cognitive model.
Lastly, as previously discussed, CanadarmTutor can use the cognitive model to
generate proactive help to the learner, such as giving suggestions on selecting
We recently conducted a preliminary evaluation of the new version of Cana-
darmTutor with five users who had experience using the previous versions of
CanadarmTutor. The study consisted of having each user try the new version for
one hour. We then interviewed them regarding their experience using the new ver-
sion of CanadarmTutor. All users agreed that the new version of CanadarmTutor
is more comprehensive in all aspects of the manipulation task than are the previ-
ous versions they had used. They unanimously agreed that integrating the three
approaches into CanadarmTutor resulted in better tutoring services. We are cur-
rently working on enhancing CanadarmTutor with more elaborated pedagogical
strategies. We are also preparing an extensive empirical study to evaluate formally
how the newest version of CanadarmTutor contributes to fostering learning.
5.6 Conclusion
Research on ill-defined domains presents many challenges to ITS researchers.
However, it is an exciting area of research as many domains are unexplored and
remain ill-defined. Research on ill-defined domains will undoubtedly result in the
creation of ITSs in domains which, until recently, have been overlooked in ITS
100 P. Fournier-Viger, R. Nkambou, and E.M. Nguifo
In this chapter, we provided a synopsis of the problems and solutions for build-
ing ITSs for ill-defined domains. Three complementary and important perspec-
tives were taken into consideration when creating ITSs for ill-defined domains: (1)
the characteristics of ill-defined domains; (2) the approach for representing and
reasoning on domain knowledge; and (3) the teaching models. Throughout the
chapter, we presented several examples of ITSs in order to illustrate their different
approaches and to highlight some of their advantages and disadvantages. We spe-
cifically presented the case-study of CanadarmTutor in order to compare four ap-
proaches for representing and reasoning on domain knowledge in the same ITS.
We believe it is important for future researchers, to further investigate domain-
specific and general approaches to represent and reason on domain knowledge,
since the former can be more effective in specific domains. We also believe that
creating hybrid models for representing and reasoning on domain knowledge, such
as that used in CanadarmTutor, is a promising approach which needs to be
explored in greater depth.
Acknowledgments. Our thanks go to the NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
search Council), and the FQRNT (Fond Québécois de Recherche sur la Nature et les Tech-
nologies) for their logistic and financial support.
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Part II
Tutor Modeling and Learning
Chapter 6
A Survey of Domain Ontology Engineering:
Methods and Tools
Abstract. With the advent of the Semantic Web, the field of domain ontology en-
gineering has gained more and more importance. This innovative field may have a
big impact on computer-based education and will certainly contribute to its devel-
opment. This chapter presents a survey on domain ontology engineering and espe-
cially domain ontology learning. The chapter focuses particularly on automatic
methods for ontology learning. It summarizes the state of the art in natural lan-
guage processing techniques and statistical and machine learning techniques for
ontology extraction. It also explains how intelligent tutoring systems may benefit
from this engineering and talks about the challenges that face the field.
6.1 Introduction
As described in chapter 2, the expert module is responsible for the learning con-
tent which indicates what can be taught by the ITS (the domain model). In this re-
gard, some of the most important research issues that need to be addressed are:
how the expert module can be effectively modeled, what kinds of knowledge rep-
resentations are available and what kind of knowledge acquisition techniques are
applicable. In fact, one of the main obstacles to ITSs development and wide
dissemination is the cost of their knowledge base and particularly the cost of pro-
ducing the domain model from scratch. Faced with these knowledge acquisition
challenges, many attempts have been made to create automated methods for do-
main knowledge creation. However, these attempts have not been as successful as
one would wish them to be. Moreover, these efforts have not led to reusable and
standard methods and formalisms for knowledge base creation and update.
With the advent of the Semantic Web, new research avenues have been created,
especially within the domain ontology engineering field. The research community
now acknowledges the need to create domain ontologies in a (semi)automatic
way. Representing knowledge using domain ontologies has two main advantages:
first, their standard formalism makes it possible to share and reuse ontologies
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 103–119. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
104 A. Zouaq and R. Nkambou
seed words that triggers the ontology learning process. However, Zouaq and
Nkambou (2009a) proposed the use of an automatic keyword extractor to help
automate this task.
Usually, NLP-based approaches are not used alone and require statistical filtering.
Statistical approaches consider all important terms in a domain as potential con-
cepts and require quantitative metrics to measure the weight of a term. Such quan-
titative measurements include the popular TF*IDF (Salton and Buckley, 1988)
and C-value/NC-value (Frantzi et al., 1998). The employed measurements can dif-
fer depending on the application.
Clustering techniques based on Harris’ distributional hypothesis (Harris,
1954), can also be used to induce semantic classes (Almuraheb and Poesio, 2004;
Lin and Pantel 2001). Here, a concept is considered as a cluster of related and
similar terms. Harris’ hypothesis, which is the basis of word space models, states
that words that occur in similar contexts often share related meaning (Sahlgren
2006). Term similarity can be computed using collocations (Lin 1999), co-
occurrences (Widdows and Dorow, 2002) and latent semantic analysis (Hearst and
Schutze, 1993). For example, Lin and Pantel (2001) represent each word by a fea-
ture vector that corresponds to a context in which the word occurs. The features
are specific dependency relationships coupled with their occurrence in the corpus.
The obtained vectors are then used to calculate the similarity of different terms us-
ing measurements such as mutual information (Hindle, 1990; Lin, 1998) and to
create clusters of similar terms. Comparable approaches include Formal Concept
Analysis (such as the approach presented in (Cimiano, 2006)) and Latent Semantic
Indexing algorithms (e.g. Fortuna et al., 2005). These approaches build attrib-
utes/values pairs that correspond to concepts.
Statistical approaches can also be used on top of NLP-based approaches to
identify only relevant domain terms by comparing the distribution of terms be-
tween corpora (Navigli and Velardi, 2004). Another approach used by (Velardi et
al., 2005) linguistically analyses WordNet glosses (textual description) in order to
extract relevant information about a given concept and enrich its properties. This
analysis can help detect synonyms and related words and can contribute to concept
definition. In fact, concept learning requires not only that conceptual classes be
identified but also makes it necessary to describe concepts through the identifica-
tion of attributes, sub-classes and relationships. This is further explained in the fol-
lowing sections.
and Poesio (2005) presented another scheme for classifying attributes into quali-
ties, parts, related-objects, activities and related-agents.
In this chapter, attributes designate a data type property such as id, name, etc.,
in contrast with object properties which are considered as conceptual relation-
ships—these are addressed in the Conceptual Relationships Extraction section.
According to Poesio and Almuhareb (2005), the right meaning of attributes can be
found by looking at Wood’s linguistic interpretation (Wood, 1975): Y is a value of
the attribute A of X if it is possible to say that Y is an A of X (or the A of X). If it is
not possible to find a Y then A cannot be an attribute. In order to comply with this
linguistic interpretation, linguistic patterns are also proposed for the detection of
attributes. Following Woods (1975), Almuhareb and Poesio (2005) suggested the
use of the following patterns in order to search for attributes of a concept C:
• “(a|an|the) * C (is|was)” (e.g.: a red car is…).
• “The * of the C (is|was)” (e.g.: the color of the car is…)
• “The C’s * R” (e.g.: The car’s price is…) where R is a restrictor such as “is”
and the wildcard denotes an attribute.
Cimiano (2006) proposed another set of patterns for attribute extraction based on
adjective modifiers and WordNet and presented a number of interesting patterns
describing attributes and their range according to syntax (parts-of-speech).
Statistical and machine learning approaches for taxonomy learning rely on Harris’
distributional hypothesis, just as those used in concept learning. Hierarchical clus-
tering algorithms are used to extract taxonomies from text and produce hierarchies
of clusters. Maedche et al. (2002) describe the two main approaches that can be
used to implement hierarchical clustering: the bottom-up approach which starts
with individual objects and groups the most similar ones, and the top-down ap-
proach, where all the objects are divided into groups. This approach has been used
in many works such as Bisson et al. (2000), Carabello (1999), and Faure and
Nedellec (1998). Typically, as highlighted by Cimiano et al. (2004), a term t is a
subclass of t2 if all the syntactic contexts in which t appears are also shared by t2.
The syntactic contexts are used as feature vectors and a similarity measure is ap-
plied. For example, in order to compute the relation is_a (t, t2), Cimiano et al.
(2004) applied a directed Jaccard coefficient computing the number of common
features divided by the number of features of term t.
Cimiano et al. (2004) propose also the use of multiple sources of evidence and
techniques in order to learn hierarchical relationships. Similarly, Widdows (2003)
proposes the use of unsupervised methods combining statistical and syntactic in-
formation to update an existing taxonomy with new terms.
Most of the work on relation extraction combines statistical analysis with more or
less complex levels of linguistic analysis. For example, Zouaq and Nkambou
(2009b) use typed dependencies to learn relationships and statistical measure-
ments which in turn are used to determine whether or not the relationships should
be included in the ontology.
Other machine learning techniques for learning qualia structures include the
work of Claveau (2003) using inductive logic programming or Yamada and Bald-
win (2004) whose work relies not only on lexico-syntactic patterns but also on a
maximum entropy model classifier. Cimiano and Wenderoth (2007) developed an
algorithm for generating a set of clues for each qualia role: download the snippets
of the first 10 Google hits matching the generated clues, part-of-speech-tagging of
the downloaded snippets, matching regular expressions conveying the qualia role
of interest and finally weighting the returned qualia elements according to some
An interesting technique for learning non labeled relationships is the use of as-
sociation rule learning, where association rules are created from the co-occurrence
of elements in the corpus. This technique has been adopted by the Text-to-Onto
A Survey of Domain Ontology Engineering: Methods and Tools 111
system (Maedche and Staab, 2001). However, these relationships should be manu-
ally labeled later and this task is not always easy for the ontology engineer.
There are a number of approaches that use NLP-based techniques for ontology
population. A pattern-based approach similar to the one presented in the taxonomy
extraction section relies on Hearst patterns (Hearst, 92; Schlobach et al., 2004;
Zouaq and Nkambou, 2009b; Etzioni et al., 2004) or on the structure of words
(Velardi et al., 2005). These approaches try to find explicitly stated “is-a” relation-
ships. Other linguistic approaches are based on the definition or the acquisition of
rules. For example, the work of (Amardeilh et al., 2005) proposes the definition of
acquisition rules that are activated once defined linguistic tags are found. These
tags are mapped onto concepts, attributes and relationships from the ontology and
help find instances of these elements.
There are supervised and weakly supervised techniques for ontology population
(Tanev and Magnini, 2006). Among the weakly supervised techniques, Cimiano
and Volker (2005b) used vector-feature similarity between each concept c and a
term to be categorized t. Cimiano and Volker evaluated different context features
(word windows, dependencies) and showed that syntactic features work better.
Their algorithm assigned a concept to a given instance by computing the similar-
ity of this instance feature vector and the concept feature vector. Tanev and
Magnini (2006) used syntactic features extracted from dependency parse trees.
Their algorithm required only a list of terms for each class under consideration as
training data.
Supervised techniques for ontology population ensure higher accuracy. How-
ever, they require the manual construction of a training set, which is not scalable
(Tanev and Magnini, 2006). An example of a supervised approach is the work of
Fleischman (2001); Fleischman and Hovy (2002) which involved designing a ma-
chine learning algorithm for fine-grained Named Entity categorization. Web->KB
(Craven et al., 2000) also relies on a set of training data, which consists of anno-
tated regions of hypertext that represent instances of classes and relations, used to
extract named entities. Based on the ontology and the training data, the system
learns how to classify arbitrary Web pages and hyperlink paths.
112 A. Zouaq and R. Nkambou
Natural language techniques for axiom extraction rely on the syntactic transforma-
tion of natural language (definitions) into description logic axioms (Volker et al,
2008). This supposes the availability of such definitions. Volker et al (2008) also
focus on learning a particular axiom which is disjointedness by a lexico-syntactic
pattern used to detect enumerations. Their underlying assumption is that terms
which are listed separately in an enumeration mostly denote disjointed classes.
Zouaq and Nkambou (2009b) describe a pattern for defining equivalent classes.
This pattern is based on the appositive grammatical relationship between two
terms to indicate that these terms are similar and denote the same concept. An-
other interesting work is the Lin and Pantel (2001) approach (which uses of paths
in dependency trees to learn similar relationships. This makes it possible to create
inverse properties for these relationships, such as X solves Y and Y is solved by X.
To the best of our knowledge, there are very few machine learning approaches for
learning axioms. A machine learning classification approach has also been used by
Volker et al. (2008) to determine disjointedness of any two classes. They auto-
matically extract lexical and logical features that provide a basis for learning dis-
jointedness by taking into account the structure of the ontology, associated textual
resources, and other types of data. The features are then used to build an overall
classification model.
question. Other interesting questions not dealt with here include: ontology match-
ing and alignment (Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2008).
Ontology evolution can target each component of the ontology learning proc-
ess. From the NLP side, enriching an existing concept with new attributes and re-
lationships has been done in the work of Velardi et al. (2005) by searching the
concept in WordNet and reusing its Synsets to enrich the ontology. This involves
word meaning disambiguation. For more on instance extraction, we refer the
reader to section 3.6.
From the statistical and machine learning side, there has been attempts to add
new concepts to the ontology taxonomy. Updating the ontology with a new
concept involves placing it correctly in the hierarchy and retrieving appropriate
parents. A number of categorization techniques have been used to augment
an ontology with a new concept: the k-nearest neighbor method (kNN), the
category-based method and the centroid-based method (Maedche et al., 2002).
These methods use vector-based features for representing concepts based on
co-occurrence and word windows. The new concept can then be placed in the hi-
erarchy according to similarity metrics with existing concepts in the ontology.
Maedche et al. (2002) provide a good review about these methods.
alignment and matching. These different areas still need to mature. It is especially
important to make available an environment entirely dedicated to ontology engi-
neering involving all the different aspects of the ontology lifecycle.
The general challenges of ontology engineering impact the specific ITS-related
challenge of building a domain model. In fact, successful attempts to build an ITS
domain model automatically have been limited (Suraweera et al., 2004). Ontology
engineering can help satisfy this need and contribute to the wider adoption of In-
telligent Tutoring Systems. Moreover, ontology engineering can contribute to
building a bridge with the eLearning community by making eLearning resources
the main material for building the ITS domain model (Zouaq and Nkambou,
2009a). Similarly, eLearning can benefit from this domain model for indexing
learning resources and developing more “intelligent” techniques for training
6.7 Conclusion
We have described the field of domain ontology engineering, focusing on ontol-
ogy learning techniques and highlighting how intelligent tutoring systems may
benefit from this ontology engineering. One of the main advantages of this engi-
neering is that it can provide a solution to two issues: first, the difficulty of build-
ing an ITS domain model from scratch for each domain and second, the difficulty
of sharing and reusing the available representations. As standard knowledge repre-
sentations, ontologies can support the ITS community in producing ITS compo-
nents more easily and at lower costs. However, this involves the availability of a
unified framework for the entire ontology lifecycle, including ontology learning,
evolution, alignment, matching and evaluation.
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Chapter 7
Modeling Tutoring Knowledge
7.1 Introduction
In the field of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), the research on ITSs
has attempted to develop, implement, and test systems that contain AIED princi-
ples and techniques. The "I" in ITS represents "intelligence" (AI techniques), the
"T" is an abbreviation for "tutor," and the "S" signifies the application "software."
In this chapter, the challenges of modeling tutoring knowledge are addressed,
along with the problems that have arisen and have been dealt with, the solutions
that have been tested, and the open questions that have been raised. This chapter
begins by defining the term "tutoring", first, to distinguish it from education, in-
struction, and teaching, and, second, to place it in the context of ITS research. This
chapter also provides insight into the following three main processes involved in
building ITSs: modeling, developing, and evaluating the aspects and behavior of
the tutoring system. This chapter concludes with a series of open questions.
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 123–143. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
124 J. Bourdeau and M. Grandbastien
as well as its functions and variables. We lastly attempt to understand better why
tutoring is the foundation of ITS research.
with the degree of interactivity. That is, the more interactive the tutoring, the
larger the learning gains produced. Thus, the most interactive form of tutoring
(face-to-face human tutoring) should be the most effective. However, VanLehn’s
review suggested that there may be diminishing returns, and that after interactivity
reaches the level of step-based tutors (VanLehn 2006), learning gains no longer
increases with interactivity. That is, there is an Interaction Plateau. This contro-
versy indicates how active this area research has become.
Nonetheless, the original challenge of matching the success of good human tu-
tors remains constant in ITS research. The research agenda is vast: The objectives
are, first, to define and, as much as possible, to reproduce the tutoring functions
and the tutoring variables; second, to find out what “causes” success; and, third, to
determine how to measure success within and while interacting with an ITS.
motivation, goals, culture, learning difficulties, etc. Knowing the learner is a nec-
essary condition for adapted and adaptive tutoring. ITS research has long focused
on how to induce the cognitive states of the learner. The emotional state of the
learner is a new variable that has only recently been taken into consideration. De-
tecting emotions in real time and taking them into account in adapting the tutor is
a broad field for investigation.
The second question that an ITS researcher should ask is: What is being tu-
tored? The second variable is defined as the contents, subject matter, curriculum,
or the "what-to-learn" in the OMNIBUS ontology (see 11). Classifications of this
variable include the characteristics of the domain (math, science, language, atti-
tude learning), the topics (concept or rule learning), the skills (problem solving,
reading, writing), and the competencies.
The third question that an ITS researcher should ask is: How is the content to be
tutored? This variable corresponds to tutoring strategies, such as scaffolding/fading,
single or mixed initiative in dialogue, eliciting knowledge, errors or plans, diagnos-
ing, planning, feedback/remediation, steps/hints, intervening/refraining, stimulated
and support learning from errors, providing multiple visualizations, orchestrated col-
laborative learning, manipulation of variables, and selecting an assessment strategy.
Most of the fundamental questions concern not only the adaptability of the system,
but also the effectiveness of the tutoring, such as: "When are tutorial dialogues more
effective than reading?" (VanLehn et al. 2007).
The last question that an ITS researcher should ask is: In what context is the tu-
toring taking place? This last variable can be interpreted in several ways: the phys-
ical context (i.e., classroom, workplace, home environment, distance learning,
mobile learning, and web-based learning), the cultural context (see Chapter 24),
the cognitive context, or the affective context. Whereas the first three categories of
variables have been extensively used in existing ITSs, the fourth one is more re-
cent. Indeed, the context has been implicitly limited to one learner in front of one
computer. The limited knowledge of the context appears to be a major drawback
in ITS development at this point.
In distance learning (e.g., Tele-University), the learning activities and contents of a course
are designed by a professor to allow for independent study, and the dialogue with the stu-
dent is conducted by a human tutor over the phone or by e-mail.
Modeling Tutoring Knowledge 127
became the challenge of many AIED researchers. However, this focus soon be-
came the subject of controversy due to its tutor-centered view. The ITS commu-
nity has since been open to different perspectives (Vassileva and Wasson 1996;
Lajoie 2000) and has evolved in such a way that tutoring has come to include
many approaches to foster and assess learning. These approaches are presented in
the following chapters.
Several researchers in the field of ITSs have based their work directly on cogni-
tive theories (see Chapter 8), or on collaborative and social learning theories
(Greer et al. 1998). The main theories that have been used as sources of tutoring
knowledge are the following: Bloom’s Mastery Learning, Anderson’s Cognitive
Theory – ACT-R- (Koedinger and Corbett 2006), Vigotsky’s Zone of Proximal
Development (Luckin and duBoulay 1999), and Gagne’s instructional design the-
ory (Pirolli and Greeno 1988; Nkambou et al. 2003; Murray 2003). Sources of
theoretical knowledge on learning and instruction were reviewed in Greeno et al.
(1996) and, more recently, in the collection of theories edited by Sawyer (2006).
Sources of practical teaching knowledge pose serious difficulties in terms of for-
malizing and modeling (Grandbastien 1999; duBoulay and Luckin 2001), since
teaching practice is ill-defined and hard to systematize. Moreover, the idea of
merging theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge into a united knowledge
model remains an open problem. However, studies continue to be conducted in
the areas of the observation and systemization of the behavior of tutors and teach-
ers in ITS research. The structuring of a simple tutor dialogue was the basis for
AutoTutor (Graesser et al. 2001), and the concept of map modeling has been pro-
posed for building the Guru system (Chapter 9).
Another source of knowledge that may improve ITS behavior originates from
the data collected from the learner’s interactions with the system. The challenges
for data mining and machine learning techniques in ITS research are well-
documented in Part III and in Woolf's recent book (2009). Educational Data
Mining (EDM) has recently evolved as an autonomous field of research. This
field gives its own conferences, even if most researchers contribute to both ITS
and EDM.
Making knowledge explicit from all sources contributes to the domain of
AIED, just as it would for any domain, and contributes to the advancement of the
learning sciences; it is also instrumental in building tutoring systems. Declarative
knowledge, as in ontology, provides a better opportunity for criticism than proce-
dural knowledge, and promotes discussions which can be consensus-building.
Given the heterogeneity of the various sources of knowledge, it is difficult to
characterize and define tutoring.
of multi-step problem in technical domains. (…) [T]he two loop structure can still
be imposed on the behavior of the system, but the nature of what counts as a step
and a task may differ." Lester supported duBoulay's statement by describing what
he called "the KVL Tutoring Framework" He stated that VanLehn has "distilled
more than three decades of research into a generic procedure defined by two
nested loops that iterate over tasks and steps," and this framework "marks the arri-
val of AI in education as a mature field." However, he imagined that, in the fu-
ture, one could question "the lack of ill-defined task domains and the dearth of
fielded systems." He concluded by saying that this framework implicitly provides
a research agenda and could serve as a roadmap for AIED researchers.
In an earlier article, Graesser, VanLehn et al. (2001) reflected on the complex
nature of tutoring and proposed the Interaction Hypothesis. They conducted a de-
tailed analysis of interactions in several developed ITSs. They described how
these interactions were structured and expressed and how the student's expressions
were predicted, interpreted and assessed. The tutoring strategy in Graesser’s Au-
toTUTOR is based on structured dialogues in natural language with an "under-
standing" of the student’s expression. The dialogue is guided by an agent that
gives encouragement, approval, or other feedback. The interactive strategy in
VanLehn’s ANDES for problem solving in physics relies upon model tracing. It
tracks the student’s actions and adapts the dialogue accordingly. It should be
noted that Graesser et al.'s (2001) conclusions drew upon dialogues in natural lan-
guage and may not apply to systems that use speech recognition, such as LISTEN
(Mostow et al. 2001), or sketch recognition (see Chapter 12).
Characterization of ITSs remains a constant concern, as illustrated above by
VanLehn and Graesser’s efforts. Its definition, therefore, continues to evolve, as
presented in the next section.
(e.g., teachers, students, workers) can be in the loop, but they are external and un-
recognized by the system, except in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL) and in Social Learning.
In 1988, Chan proposed tutoring one student first with a computer agent called
“The computer as a learning companion,” then with “Reciprocal Tutoring” and
then with “Distributed learning companion systems” (Chan and Buskin 1988;
Chan 1992; Chan et al. 1996). This line of research has further developed within
ITS research under CSCL, which was presented in the "Special Issue on Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning" of IJAIED Journal (1998), and has since been
presented in all ITS Proceedings. It has evolved into an independent field, with a
number of researchers working in both ITS and CSCL, for example, on ontologies
for structuring group formation (Isotani and Mizoguchi 2008) and intelligent
agents to support collaborative learning (Wasson 1998; Chen and Wasson 2003).
In CSCL environments, learning activities are often not seen as “tutored." How-
ever, several teams have worked on activities in scenarios or scripts so as to create
a way of integrating guidance. In CSCL research, an attempt to build adaptive
scripts and to use learners' data for this adaptation is seen as equivalent as seeking
adaptability in ITS research (see Chapter 22).
Modeling Tutoring Knowledge 131
Fig. 7.1 Components of machine learning techniques integrated into an intelligent tutor
(Woolf, 2009, reprinted with permission)
The issue regarding architecture arises from the following questions and relates
is to the paradigms used to create the IT'S: 1) Which cognitive architecture would
be the most beneficial in the view of the designer? 2) What does she think are the
appropriate sources for tutoring knowledge? 3) Should tutoring exist autono-
mously, or should it be incorporated in the student model or in the curriculum
model? These fundamental choices govern the architectural design, the design of
the tutoring functions and the consideration given to the tutoring variables. Tutor-
ing is defined as having two main functions: fostering and assessing. It is mod-
eled according to the cognitivist, contructivist paradigms used, the sub-functions
(whom, what, where, when and how), and the design of tutoring interactions or
dialogues. The instructional design decisions are modeled depending on one's the-
ory, be it ACT-R, piagetian, vitgoskyan, or any other cognitive, learning or as-
sessment theory. The challenges regarding the coordination of the interdependence
between the components of emerging and specific knowledge also depend on
one's fundamental choices, i.e., paradigms. In other words, modeling tutoring can
be defined as a series of decisions made on how to foster and assess the learning
of knowledge, skills and competencies. These choices emphasize either the cogni-
tive, meta-cognitive, or emotive dimensions; the individual consciousness, the
context, or the collaboration; or very complex issues, such as cognitive diagnosis.
again acknowledging the key role that tutoring knowledge plays in making tutor-
ing decisions. Grandbastien (1999) reclaimed practical teaching knowledge; Hef-
fernan (2001) as well as Virvou (2001) modeled human instructors; Pirolli &
Greeno (1988) and Murray (1999, 2003) had instructional design knowledge
as being central to ITSs; Hayashi et al. (2009) claimed that theoretical tutoring
knowledge is a foundation to decision-making regarding tutorial strategies and in-
structional design tasks. This debate has been a productive one and has allowed
for diversity. However, it has also limited the sharing and reusing when authoring
ITSs, as this debate has fostered ‘idiosyncratic’ implementations.
professional tools in the same way that craftsmen need theirs. In order to give hu-
man tutors these tools, the tutor model should be opened to them. However, the
following questions would need to be addressed:
In what context could the tutor model be opened?
The opening could involve the preparation of the learning sequence (e.g., add-
ing or replacing exercises), and of the behavior of the system during the learning
sequence itself (e.g., weighing strategies in accordance with personal preferences),
and the exploitation of post-session feedback.
For whom and for what purpose could the tutor model be opened?
Attempts to give more initiative to teachers to tailor ITSs to their needs are not
new. For instance, in their paper entitled Teachers implementing pedagogy
through REDEEM, Ainsworth et al. (1999) explained that REDEEM could be used
as an authoring tool by teachers who had no previous experience, but it was still
authoring. Current initiatives aim at providing flexible environments to meet the
various needs expressed by educators: the PEPITE system (Delozanne et al.
2008), which includes a multi-criteria automatic assessor for high school algebra,
and the ASSISTment Builder (Razzaq et al. 2009a; see Chapter 20). The PEPITE
system provides the teacher a with a range of possibilities starting from building a
complete set of assessment exercises to retrieving an exercise from an existing
bank and using it as provided, or adapting the statement of the exercise by filling
out forms. In addition to the raw answers, the teacher obtains an overall view of
each student’s competency in algebra, as well as the competencies of groups of
students with similar student profiles. Once tailored to the user's needs, the envi-
ronment may also be used independently by the learner to check her competencies
and to access exercises adapted to her profile.
In the aforementioned specialized authoring tools, the tutor modeling aims to
give more initiative to teachers. Moreover, opening the tutor model emphasizes
the significance of opening the learner model, which has been investigated in
much more depth (see Chapter 15). Consequently, further investigation is re-
quired to determine in which contexts and for which categories of learners the
opening of the tutor model could improve learning.
7.6.1 Technology
The technological dimension of ITS tutoring continues to benefit from the pro-
gress made in Natural Language Processing (NLP software libraries), computer
graphics (new interfaces), virtual agents and human-like avatars. Significantly im-
provement in natural language dialogue facilities has been and remains a crucial
issue since dialogue is an essential component of human tutoring (Graesser et al.,
2001). In addition to natural language, sketching is a common means for people to
interact with each other in certain domains, and sketch modeling has become a
new model for tutoring dialogues (see Chapter 12). Systems, such as Cog Sketch
by Forbus (2009), also offer software that provides human-like visual and spatial
New interfaces (e.g., complete immersion, haptic systems with force feedback)
allow for the creation of new professional training environments which permit the
authentic practice for real world skills that were not previously within the scope of
computer-supported learning. Some interfaces include tutoring components, such
as described in VR for Risk Management (Amokrane et al. 2009a, 2009b).
Johnson, Rickel and Lester (2000) were the first to propose animated pedagogi-
cal agents. Recent techniques allow for the use of animated agents which have so-
phisticated and realistic facial expressions. In conjunction with virtual reality and
virtual agents which act in the cultural environment of the learner, Johnson has
developed Alelo’s Tactical Language and Cultural Training Systems (TLCTS).
Some of these systems, such as Tactical Iraqi ™ and Tactical French ™, are
widely being used (Johnson and Valente 2009). As a partial summary of their ex-
periences, Lane & Johnson (2008) summarize principles that provide guidance in
immersive and virtual learning environments. These systems have gone far be-
yond the aforementioned learning applications. It is due to the development of the
videogame industry that the use of virtual reality and avatars is so widespread. The
potential use of digital games in education is further discussed in Section 6.3.
More research in the field of the use of virtual agents and human-like avatars in
ITSs is of increasing interest.
determine and to record what the student is doing. It is also possible to improve
the given product. Indeed, an in-depth understanding of a student’s interests, in-
tentions and emotions obtained from observing him/her while interacting on a
website can improve the effectiveness of tutoring. Research in this area is signifi-
cant and promoting new research will undoubtedly result in a new generation of
systems that recognize the affective dimension of human behavior. However,
(Conati and Mitrovic 2009) point out that “we are still lacking from [sic] strong
theories on how to use affect in pedagogical interactions and strong evidence that
taking affect into account when interacting with student will actually improve
learning.” The situated cognition dimension is increasingly being implemented in
virtual learning environments so as to promote learning activities in authentic so-
cial and physical contexts (Lane and Johnson 2008).
As tutoring decisions may lead to a wide variety of activities for the learner,
developing environments in which the built-in tutor and the classroom teacher
complement each other, so as to optimize the support offered to the learner, is an-
other possible means of implementing tutoring decisions. Integrating ITSs and the
teacher results in opening the systems to the human tutor, and keeping the human
tutor in the ITS design loop and the learning phase. It also means providing the
human tutor with an overview of the learner's previous activities and results, as
performed in the PEPITE system (Delozanne et al. 2008) and the ASSISTment
system (Razzaq et al. 2009a) .
Although tutoring is mostly seen as a 1/1-3 process, from a social perspective,
more collaborative environments are being proposed, thus making it possible to
bridge tutoring systems and social web systems (Greenhow et al., 2009). Tutoring
groups of online learners need new tutoring skills that can be recorded and imple-
mented. ITSs should be instrumental in creating what McCalla called a “learning
ecology” in his 2000 vision paper (McCalla 2000).
With the semantic Web, tutoring knowledge is no longer limited to the tutoring
module in ITSs. It is spreading. For instance, it can be embedded in the Learning
Management System (LMS) and in Learning Objects Repositories (LOR) through
tagging learning resources to fill metadata fields.
Lastly, investigating the empirical research in the neurosciences would be per-
tinent to researchers in the field of ITSs so they could better understand the overall
learning process (cognitive, meta-cognitive, affective, social dimensions), e.g.:
IRMf techniques. In fact, efforts to bridge education and neuroscience are under-
way (Varma et al. 2009) so as to bring a new light on the physical phenomenon of
learning on the human brain by providing dynamic data and a systemic view of
brain functions.
involved in human instruction and integrated learning that could improve tutoring
systems? Can they develop the ability to tutor? How can tutor modeling help re-
searchers to understand more about human instruction? Should the tutor demon-
strate emotions and a sense of consciousness? Can the fields of neuroscience and
brain science inspire researchers in their future studies of ITSs?
7.7 Conclusion
In 2010, ITS research is developing with respect to the design of tutoring func-
tions in planning, dialogue, and tutorial interaction design. Recent progress has
been obtained with the design of systems based on machine-learning techniques
that enable reasoning on student data. Among the challenges that remain are: a)
integration as a means to obtain adaptability and effectiveness in tutoring; b) us-
ing real-time and other elements of context; c) improving accessibility and
affordability; and, c) evaluating methodologies and tools to assess the many
dimensions of tutoring in and with ITSs.
After a generation of research in cognitive-oriented ITSs, the use of emotions in
ITSs is now being studied so as to have a deeper understanding of the student’s
cognitive-emotive state so that the tutor can better adapt to her state. With the ad-
vances in brain research in relation to social intelligence, are we going to see more
effort to include this dimension in ITS research? Although the social Web has al-
lowed for multiple (both teaching and non-teaching) activities based on social in-
teractions, we have not yet seen research that focuses on the social dimension of
learning with the same depth as the cognitive and emotive dimensions of learning.
Integrating the cognitive and emotive aspects in ITSs is already proving to be
quite a challenge. Research in the field of IT'S could prove to be all the more
challenging if social intelligence were added to the equation. If the basis of ITS
research pertains to models (Baker 2001), and if “social intelligence is the new
science of human relationships" (Goleman 1996), then the field of ITS needs
computational models of social intelligence, either as part of the student model,
the tutoring model, or the interaction model.
In conclusion, our goal is to achieve a tutoring intelligence that gives rise to and
evaluates learning, provides complete, in-depth support and is able to provide a
service that is at least as good as that of an excellent human tutor.
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Chapter 8
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems
Abstract. Human teachers have capabilities that are still not completely uncov-
ered and reproduced into artificial tutoring systems. Researchers have nevertheless
developed many ingenious decision mechanisms which obtain valuable results.
Some inroads into natural artificial intelligence have even been made, then aban-
doned for tutoring systems because of the complexity involved and the computa-
tional cost. These efforts toward naturalistic systems are noteworthy and still in
general use. In this chapter, we describe how some of this AI is put to work in arti-
ficial tutoring systems to reach decisions on when and how to intervene. We then
take a particular interest in pursuing the path of “natural” AI for tutoring systems,
using human cognition as a model for artificial general intelligence. One tutoring
agent built over a cognitive architecture, CTS, illustrates this direction. The chap-
ter concludes on a brief look into what might be the future for artificial tutoring
systems, biologically-inspired cognitive architectures.
8.1 Introduction
Human teachers have features and capabilities that remain beyond the reach of
current computer-based tutoring systems, but artificial systems continue to im-
prove. Many approaches have been explored and a number of artificial intelli-
gence algorithms were developed which yield interesting results and often
mimic human actions, even attitudes, quite well. But they still lag on the commu-
nicative aspects (perception, language), in transfer of abilities across domains, in
sociability and emotions, and even autonomy. If the goal is to offer human-level
capabilities, why not have systems work the way humans do? Well, for one thing,
understanding humans is not so easy, as the multiplicity of psychological theories
demonstrates. Also, at the neuronal level, the computational brute force required is
impressive, with the brain's hundred billion neurons, each with thousands of con-
nections to other neurons. We have yet to decipher how the neural "modules" op-
erate and interact, but research delivers new insights by the week. Theories about
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 145–179. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
146 D. Dubois et al.
the mind are being proposed and refined, and incorporate more and more of the
biological aspects.
In his 1987 book about artificial intelligence and tutoring systems, Wenger
(1987) presents a surprising number of early but nonetheless advanced research
efforts aimed at going beyond action-reaction tutoring. From the outset, they ex-
plored various aspects of the goal of rendering human cognition: presenting the
appropriate content, conversing, storing factual knowledge, using procedural
knowledge, diagnosing, and so on. Initial steps were taken by Carbonell in 1970
when he introduced the idea of information-structure-oriented CAI (Carbonell
1970). He applied Quillian’s (1968) semantic networks to knowledge modeling in
learning systems as an accurate model of how people store and access informa-
tion. From this seminal idea, he derived SCHOLAR, in which domain knowledge
was separate from tutorial capabilities. Collins collaborated with Carbonell to ex-
tend SCHOLAR with better inference and dialog capabilities (Collins et al. 1975),
yielding WHY (Stevens and Collins 1977). That system implemented the human
Socratic strategy (orienting the learner through a series of questions leading to
general principles and contradictions) with production rules as a succession of
simple decisions. Self, for his part, addressed the need for explicit modeling of the
learner, and more importantly, the need to implement the model as a set of pro-
grams that would than play an active role in the tutor’s decision-making (Self
1974). The two psychologists Donald Gentner and Donald Norman set out to build
artificial tutors to further investigate the ramifications of their theories about
memory organization as a network of schemata or prototype concepts (Norman et
al. 1976). In 1979, O’Shea produced the QUADRATIC tutor (O’Shea 1979), after
observing with Sleeman (O’Shea and Sleeman 1973) that intelligent tutoring sys-
tems should be able to self-improve their set tutorial strategies.
The stake was to achieve systems capable of adapted actions without having to
prepare ahead of time for all combinations of constraints. Indeed, adapting to the
student’s inferred state of knowledge and presentation preferences, rapidly be-
comes a gigantic undertaking in frame-based systems, even without trying to adapt
the interaction in line with a chosen pedagogical theory. Yet, it remains true that
having learners build lasting knowledge can best be achieved when the context is
appropriate, including high motivation. The teacher needs sensitivity to various
factors, and the ability to decode, weigh and infer, and prioritize. Reproducing this
requires much more than what is traditionally implemented in artificial systems.
This is where human-inspired processing may really shine. Anderson, in his Adap-
tive Control of Thought – Rational (ACT-R) theory of cognition (Anderson 1976,
1993) and Newell with SOAR, his own version of the mind as a production-
system (Newell 1973, 1990), went a step further with regard to cognition and pro-
duction rules, both proposing unified theories of how the mind works. In their
proposals, at a conceptual level and even at some physical level, things get proc-
essed and moved via the action of a large collection of simple rules. This is an in-
stantiation of Fodor's physical symbol system hypothesis (Fodor 1975; 1983),
which states that every general intelligence must be realized by a symbolic sys-
tem. This principle offers a unified framework upon which to build complete cog-
nitive systems. However, arbitrary processes and algorithms can result from these
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 147
It will keep being used in classrooms and niche applications for a long time. But
such instruction isn't sufficient for complex domains, in higher education and for
learners that are not highly autonomous. It cannot sustain strong adaptation and
yet provide effective tutoring. Plain frame-oriented systems are not sufficient be-
cause flexible, adaptive tutoring systems have to build decisions, all the time,
about lots of things. Some of their intelligence is geared toward the aim of adapt-
ing to the user, by means that may be simple or more elaborate. Ideally, as the user
of an intelligent tutoring system (ITS), I would like human-level support with all
its richness: seeing the tutor understanding what I really mean when I answer, in-
teracting with me in the way I prefer, sensing from my voice and my face when I
am struggling, showing empathy, adapting to my affective state, joking with me,
guiding my efforts to resolve problems, finding out what keeps me motivated, in-
venting creative ways of helping me to learn. I would like the artificial agent not
to respond solely on the basis of observed events, but to try and understand what is
happening in my mind. These are goals for intelligent tutoring systems. And some
of these call for human-inspired decision mechanisms.
But here again, the term "intelligent tutoring system" is widely applicable. As
long as a system adapts in some significant way to the learner, to fall into this cat-
egory. And any that use human-inspired mechanisms can be called cognitive.
Real-world observation of tutors does not exert much pressure toward changing
this "all-inclusive" categorization: looking at how some human tutors tackle their
task, one may be surprised to discover how little inexperienced tutors use complex
and involved approaches while still making a difference (Graesser et al. 2005).
However, accomplished tutors perform better than naive ones (Merrill et al. 1995;
Cohen et al. 1982). This observation underlies the subject of this chapter: architec-
tures that can yield results on a par with those of skilled human tutors.
Although the idea of cognitive architectures may seem novel and strange to
most people in the computer science field, quite a few research efforts for min-
gling cognition and AI have been ongoing at the same time as the work on ACT-R
and SOAR , although they may not have achieved the same level of recognition
(Wenger 1987). Recent years have seen the development of more such systems,
often with common features, and each with its own merits. In an updated and ex-
tended version of their 2002 article (Langley et al. 2009), Langley, Laird and
Rogers offer a recent and well documented account of the field. Wikipedia
( adds some interesting items
to their list. Giving an account of their similarities and specificities would exceed
the scope of this chapter. We will limit ourselves to offering an illustration of such
an architecture. This chapter proposes a view of the way some recent intelligent
tutoring systems, cognitive and otherwise, make tutoring decisions, and how
human-like architectures may support these processes. A sample system, CTS, is
described in some detail. We also offer a glimpse of the emerging trend of bio-
logically-inspired architectures that may close the gap between so-called intelli-
gent tutoring systems and their human mentors.
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 149
Brief description. In the 1990s, most products and research in the cognitive field
were based on the ACT-R software system (grounded in the ACT-R theory of
cognition). The tutors were developed using the Tutor Development Kit (TDK),
itself based on the Tertl production rule engine (Choksey and Heffernan 2003).
Descriptions of some artificial tutors based on ACT-R can be found in (Anderson
et al. 1995). From early 2000 onward, work on most new tutors in the line has
been based on the JESS production rule engine, notably in the Cognitive Tutor
Authoring Tools (CTAT) environment (Aleven et al. 2009). In both systems, how-
ever, production rules and model tracing are central.
Decision mechanisms
Model tracing over production rules
The model-tracing algorithm, as mentioned above, does its best to trace a student's
cognitive steps in resolving a problem. It is given the following inputs:
• The student model, further divided into 1) the current state of working memory
(composed of working memory elements) and 2) a set of relevant production
• The student's last input in the user interface
The working memory elements are facts related to a problem. Following an
example in (Heffernan 2001), such facts can be named-quantities in a problem
and operators linking them (e.g. "distance to shore", "boat speed", the division
Production rules are if-then statements composed of actions to be taken when
some conditions are met. The conditions refer to elements in working memory
(including goal elements), while actions can, notably, alter those elements or cause
a message (hint, error feedback) to be displayed. The model-tracing algorithm
tries to find rules which can lead to the current student's input. For example, if the
student altered an algebraic expression from "7+2*g" to "7+(2*g)", a production
rule causing the addition of parentheses to a sub-expression would be returned by
the algorithm (given that such a rule was input to the algorithm).
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 151
Importantly, "buggy" rules are used to model students' expected errors, and
helpful error messages can be included in the "action" part of these rules. The tutor
sends the student the error message when the system runs the rule identified by the
algorithm. Additionally, hints can be associated with rules and be provided to the
student upon request, based on rules that, as computed, could lead to the solution.
When the model-tracing algorithm finds a correct rule (or a chain of such rules)
matching the student operation, it provides visual feedback in the user interface,
highlighting the step as correct. In the alternative case of the step being matched
by a buggy rule, the tutor instead displays an error message. Although the mes-
sages are contextual in the sense of referring to the cognitive operations performed
by the student (provided the model-tracing model encompasses the specific path),
there is no other consideration by the tutor beyond the fact that the student has uti-
lized the buggy rule. For instance, help will be offered whether it has already been
given or not, it will not be adapted to the learner profile of the student, and it will
not support the learner's cognition beyond the superficial evidence of the faulty
knowledge. Some of these limitations can be addressed by adding a completely
separate set of tutorial rules embodying pedagogical and tactical knowledge to
provide deeper remedial guidance, as explored by Heffernan in Ms. Lindquist
(Heffernan 2001), which is the system we will examine next.
From a practical standpoint, it should be noted that the production rules must be
created manually for the domain at hand (algebra, geometry, etc.) The difficulty of
this task led to the creation of authoring environments such as CTAT and auto-
mated systems such as Demonstr8, which tries to infer rules from demonstrations
by experts (Blessing 1997).
Knowledge tracing:
Starting with version 3.0 of ACT-R, new principles were added and others were
modified. Such changes include modularization of the architecture, a set of "sub-
symbolic" principles associating weights to rules and to (the equivalent of) work-
ing memory elements, and the compilation of new rules on-the-go, by the engine
itself. However, it appears these features are not used in the TDK. Even though
such capabilities might seem to be good candidates for modeling some further
aspects of student learning, things did not evolve that way. Instead, knowledge
tracing was pursued as a more efficient way (in terms of development effort and
computationally) of implementing knowledge about the learner (Koedinger, per-
sonal communication, 2009). In knowledge tracing, each rule is assigned a prob-
ability of being known by the student. As new problems are worked out by the
student, rules that are correctly used (or those that should have been used) have
their probability adjusted through a bayesian learning formula. The tutor then uses
the resulting estimated level of mastery for each rule to select which problem
should be presented to the student (Koedinger and Aleven 2007).
Cognitive aspect. The way the word cognitive applies to these tutors may not be
the obvious one for a newcomer to the field. They are not cognitive in the sense
that they are built on a cognitive architecture (see our comment about cognitive
architectures in the introduction). For reasons of efficiency, they leave aside many
cognitive operations (sub-symbolic modeling in declarative memory, chunking,
152 D. Dubois et al.
Brief description. Ms. Lindquist (Heffernan 2001; Heffernan et al. 2008) offers
web-delivered tutoring on writing expressions for algebra "story" problems (sym-
bolization). The behaviors it manifests are inspired by the experience of the real
Ms. Lindquist and by Heffernan’s own teaching. It offers dialog-based sessions in
which the learner's inputs are examined for errors, and the observed difficulty is
then broken down into simpler steps. Resolution is promoted by asking questions
rather than directly giving hints and advice. The tutoring relies on an explicit cog-
nitive model of the tutoring process, and allows for multi-turn tutorial strategies.
Decision mechanisms. Pursuing the approach taken in the ACT-R cognitive tu-
tors, Ms. Lindquist uses the same model-tracing mechanism for its student model
and primary diagnosis tool, and the same bayesian knowledge-tracing. However, it
supplements these primary mechanisms by adding more involved tutoring capa-
bilities, with tutorial behaviors arising from selection rules. Following the stu-
dent's input, the model-tracing algorithm analyzes the content and transfers its
conclusions to the tutorial model. The selection rules of the latter decide on the
appropriate reaction, which may be to use a tutorial strategy, display a buggy
message or provide a hint. Tutorial strategies are contained in plans called
Knowledge-Construction Dialogs (KCD) and, in more specific ones called
Knowledge-Remediation Dialogs (KRD). Selection rules try out the possible reac-
tions, where relevant, in the following order: KRD, buggy message, KCD, hint.
The heuristic behind this ordering is to offer the most contextual response possible
(KRD and buggy messages), then use a tutorial strategy (KRD or KCD) before
folding back to buggy messages or hints. In multi-step interventions (based on a
KRD or a KCD), an agenda data structure keeps a memory of the dialog history
for questions still awaiting a correct answer from the student, and the remaining
steps in the plan (questions that the tutor is planning to ask later on). The steps
chosen from the KCD or KRD by the selection rules are added to the agenda. The
action at the top of the agenda dictates the next action, usually asking a question.
Cognitive aspect. Ms. Lindquist utilizes a cognitive model for its student model-
ing, based on ACT-R theory, and a cognitive model of pedagogical interventions
for its decisions on tutoring; both operate on a rule-based engine. KRDs and
KCDs, replicate questions human tutors ask themselves (their thinking) before
posing acts toward the student.
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 153
Brief description. Andes (VanLehn et al. 2005) is a tutoring system for Newto-
nian physics, computer literacy, and critical thinking skills. Its philosophy is to
maximize student initiative and freedom during the pedagogical interaction. In-
tended solely as a homework support, its user interface tries to stay close to the old
paper and pencil environment, letting the student process aspects of the problem
and enter information in any order. However, it goes beyond paper and pencil to
offer multiple levels of help, providing immediate feedback by coloring correct
entries green and incorrect ones red, responding to “What’s wrong with that?”
help requests and supporting “What should I do next?” queries. It can solve alge-
braically the equations that the student has entered, provided the student has en-
tered enough correct ones. It implements these capabilities via some specific user
tools: the Conceptual Helper displays mini lessons on defective knowledge, the
Self-Explanation Coach guides the student through a solved physics problem, and
the Procedural Helper responds to help requests while the student is solving prob-
lems. A more complete description is found in Chapter 21.
physical quantities involved in the problem, and principle application nodes relat-
ing to these quantities. Also attached to each principle application node is a
method graph containing the series of steps that can realize each principle applica-
tion. To decide how good the learner's inputs and equations are and what help to
offer, Andes2 uses multiple AI techniques, primarily revolving around the bubble
graph. The reader is referred to Chapter 21 for details.
facts and hypotheses, and computes their weighted value to determine whether
they amount to a critical mass of valid support. Then, these observations are com-
pared to the expert rules database. A rule issues an advice or a question when it
corresponds to some logical flaw, a lack of supporting data or a missing interme-
diate step, etc. Rules can also move the learner to another place (to suggest an-
other tool, bring up artifacts, etc.). The generic decision process is subject to the
author's (teacher's) settings, such as how many arguments are required to support a
specific conclusion, whether such and such rule is desired in the domain, which of
the five types of feedback he wants his students to receive, or the order in which
they should be offered. Teachers can also influence how the Coach uses the expert
knowledge by specifying the priority of content to be presented when needed.
Cognitive aspect. As in Andes, rules and algorithms implement expert and tutor-
ing knowledge. While the system is effective in building knowledge in the learner
(with some sort of student knowledge modeling), there is no cognitive processing
in the tutor.
Brief description. AutoTutor (Graesser et al. 2008; Graesser et al. 1999) is a tu-
toring system concerned with computer literacy, qualitative understanding of
Newtonian physics and critical thinking skills. Its aim is to support the learner in
his construction of knowledge, helping him express what he knows about the as-
pect currently focused on. The dialog is central in this process of active learning
(see Chapter 9). As an initial contribution, the learner is asked to compose a para-
graph about his understanding of a problem and his proposed solution. A complete
and correct answer is generally obtained after a series of corrections and additions,
with the conversational partners taking turns in a mixed-initiative dialog. Support-
ing, guiding and encouraging the learner's self-expression on the subject is what
AutoTutor is about.
Fig. 8.1 AutoTutor relies on a number of mechanisms in analyzing the student's input and
preparing a response. Source: Graesser et al. (2005)
Cognitive aspect. The central element in AutoTutor, its Dialog Management module,
relies on inputs from many algorithms and mechanisms. Some of these (the state ob-
ject that is collaboratively enriched and used by multiple modules; the production
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 157
rules) do recall cognitive processes; others (those performing natural language inter-
pretation) simply mimic their effects through artificial AI mechanisms.
Work on extending AutoTutor's reach with respect to the learner has been pursued in
the past few years to include the learner's emotional and motivational states (D’Mello
et al. 2009). While still under development, two emotion-sensitive versions of Auto-
Tutor represent serious advances in these directions. It is interesting to see how the
architecture could be stretched, very simply, to include the new parameters.
states of the learner, but not to his emotional states. The newly designed fuzzy
production rules map dynamic assessments of the student's cognitive and affective
states with tutor actions: feedback delivery (positive, negative, neutral), a host of
dialogue moves (hints, pumps, prompts, assertions, and summaries), and facial
expressions and speech modulation by AutoTutor’s embodied pedagogical agent
(EPA). These are triggered in the following order: (a) feedback for the current an-
swer, (b) an empathetic and motivational statement, (c) the next dialog move, (d)
an emotional display on the face of , and (e) emotional modulation of the voice
produced by AutoTutor’s text-to-speech engine. Five parameters in the learner
model influence the decisions: (a) the current emotion detected, (b) the confidence
level of that emotion classification, (c) the previous emotion detected, (d) a global
measure of student ability (dynamically updated throughout the session), and (e)
the conceptual quality of the student’s immediate response.
systems, processes currently in the forefront, etc. The situation brought to con-
sciousness is described by coalitions of processors presenting various aspects.
Many such coalitions may try to have their information broadcast, but only one
can have access to the broadcasting facility at a time, as only one situation can oc-
cupy the conscious "space" (one is conscious of only one idea, aspect, situation at
a time). Thus, there is "competition" for access to this global workspace. Con-
sciousness appears as a key element in "strong" adaptability.
Baars described this arrangement in his Global Workspace (GW) theory of the
mind, which he first proposed in 1988. It provides a neuropsychological account
and a high-level functional architecture that unifies many of the previous re-
searchers’ work on describing and modeling the human mind and consciousness.
This theory proposes a general framework describing the essential roles of atten-
tion and consciousness in human beings.
Before examining how the agent makes decisions, we will now look at the
architecture of CTS, which is rooted in that of IDA, extended to support tutorial
situation more fully, and then the resulting teams compete for access to broadcast-
ing by consciousness. Central to the architecture are Working Memory and "Ac-
cess Consciousness", which form the hub for most communications. These are a
fundamental element of the architecture, and are placed in the center of the dia-
gram. Working Memory receives input from all sources, and Access Conscious-
ness copies the information selected by Attention to every processing resource.
Processing is organized by a cognitive cycle comprising eight steps (nine for
LIDA), going from capturing external stimuli to performing an action. These steps
specify when resources are solicited and allowed to contribute information (by
sending it to Working Memory). In accordance with Baars' GW theory and ex-
perimental results indicating that performing a simple action normally requires
about 200 ms, these steps are repeated 5 times per second in an endless cycle.
However, since processing the information in a particular subsystem may take
more or less time, depending on complexity or other factors, complete treatment
of a piece of information may require idle cycling, at least with respect to that spe-
cific information (parallel processing of other information in overlapping cycles
can, however, continue simultaneously).
Before going into more detail, it is appropriate to interrupt the presentation
briefly to present the external environment and application CTS has been adapted
for in its current instantiation. This will help in understanding some of the specific
goals we have set.
CTS has been developed in a collaborative project with the Canadian Space
Agency to coach astronauts in need of training on manipulating the Canadarm2
(Nkambou et al. 2005). Since the robotic arm is a crane built with seven degrees
of freedom, it is not easy to predict how a given part will actually move when a
joint is activated. What makes matters even more difficult is that the Arm and the
162 D. Dubois et al.
Fig. 8.3 Astronauts have to deal with three camera views and a complementary textual
source of information for figuring out Canadarm's situation. NASA
Fig. 8.4 A screenshot of the CanadarmTutor user interface. The red path is the course of ac-
tion suggested by the path planner.
Space Station can be observed only via three computer monitors that show limited
view-provided by cameras located at fixed positions (Fig. 8.3). Astronauts need
precisely honed spatial awareness, because they have to operate in a setting
very different from terrestrial operations, one in which "up" and "down" have
little meaning. However, tutoring resources are scarce. An ITS would provide a
welcome support in numerous respects, facilitating learning of concepts and
procedures (system of axes, manipulation rules and safe procedures), suggesting
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 163
Senses and Perception. CTS currently possesses two sensing channels for textual
inputs, linked to two input buffers, one for the user interface and one for messages
from the simulator. After the incoming message has been rearranged in a hierar-
chical tree by a syntactic parser, the perceptual Codelets (to be explained in the
Behavior Network section below) scan the buffer and activate nodes in the Percep-
tual Network (PN) while simultaneously transferring to them the data they have
164 D. Dubois et al.
recognized. These nodes represent the information as concepts the agent can rec-
ognize (“Canadarm2 manipulation”, “user answer”, etc.). Nodes already stimu-
lated receive a new partial boost.
Working Memory (WM). In the GW theory, consciousness is associated with
a global workspace in the brain – a fleeting memory capacity whose focal con-
tents are widely distributed ("broadcast") to many unconscious specialized net-
works (Baars and Franklin 2003). The architecture depicts WM as a short-term
"storage place" (figuratively speaking) where information Codelets from all
sources meet, form associations and eventually become part of coalitions that may
broadcast. Attention constantly hovers around WM and selects one of the compet-
ing coalitions. WM is an information hub between modules, which usually have
no direct relation, and for Codelets that need to communicate information (in the
form of an information Codelet that they create). Information that lands in WM is
copied to Long-Term memories which, like other modules, return the coalition
with information complements. The WM in CTS implements important aspects of
the Blackboard principles, although modules do not pick what they find of interest
to them, but only receive what has been selected by Attention.
Attention. Attention is primarily the mechanism that selects the most promi-
nent (activated) information in WM and supplies it to Access Consciousness for
global broadcasting. It corresponds to the spotlight used by Baars in his theater
metaphor. This selection mechanism is involuntary and uncontrollable. Indeed,
one cannot choose what comes to mind, except by making a conscious and diffi-
cult effort to focus attention, giving preeminence to some specific information.
That voluntary focusing of attention is implemented in CTS with attention
Codelets that add activation to information Codelets that correspond to their
Access Consciousness. Access Consciousness "publishes" the information se-
lected by the Attention mechanism to make it available to all (unconscious)
modules. It allows all "actors" to become aware of the situation. During delibera-
tions, this publishing returns to all actors the information contributed by one of
them in WM. This mechanism is crucial for the collaboration of the parts in com-
plex, conscious processing, for instance in elaborating a progressive diagnosis.
Transient Episodic Memory (TEM). TEM receives broadcasts and makes a
record of them. It can then be probed for recent events by time of occurrence.
Associative Memory (AM). Implements relations between events at the con-
ceptual level. Events can be retrieved via keyword. AM could also contain knowl-
edge of the Domain Model but, for practical reasons, the DM is left as a separate
The Behavior Network (BN). Tutorial behavior is stored in a three-tiered Be-
havior Network. This is based on an original algorithm from Pattie Maes, which
she called MASM (Maes' Action Selection Mechanism; Maes 1989), as reimple-
mented by Franklin and his team. We have reorganized it to include ideas
expressed in BEETLE (Zin et al. 2002). It retains Maes' idea of a network with
competence modules; there are pre- and post-conditions for each node, bi-
directional links between them through their preconditions and effects, and both
logical conditions and activation levels for deciding on the next behavior to select.
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 165
External resources use privileged communication channels that make them virtu-
ally part of the architecture. An interface bidirectionally transforms information
into information Codelets. These modules and external agents react to information
they "hear" from the broadcasts just the same; they also volunteer information
when they deem appropriate, eventually priming some “motivators” in the agent
(see section C-7).
168 D. Dubois et al.
not happen at every cycle, in the sense of taking an action on the exterior world,
until the deliberation has ended.
Deliberation constitutes the most complex decision processing. Except in very
special activities (dangerous situations, meditation), context is not a given from
the external or the internal environment alone; ideas, points of view, hypotheses
and preferences usually supplement the raw information from the outside to form
a richer environment for human decisions. Deliberation in CTS is the gathering
and analysis of information, including "opinions", through reflection loops made
possible by Access Consciousness and its broadcasting of selected information to
all actors in the architecture. In CTS, the Behavior Network is not the lone deci-
sion-maker that dictates what to do next. All the actors have input, sometimes sig-
naling a situation that may need attention, sometimes opposing a suggested course
of action, supplying alternatives, or helping to adapt the proposed intervention.
When a proposition is opposed, new suggestions are sought, initiating a new round
of deliberative cycles.
The three levels are interlinked, activation passing sustaining the selection of
information toward broadcasting, and broadcasting allowing the multiple loops
that form a deliberation.
Decisions in CTS may involve another aspect that we have not mentioned until
now, a facet that is very humanly: emotions. They are the last component of CTS
involved in decision-taking. We now turn our attention to this aspect.
These two routes are implemented in CTS and work in parallel. Emotions that
become conscious as well as those that remain unconscious (follow the “short”
route) excite emotional nodes located in the Behavior Network. The short route in-
fluences the selection of Behaviors (by priming some of them), even sometimes
squarely causing a Behavior to fire before the longer, analytic process comes to a
conclusion and selects the “logical” choice.
We’ll look at the involvement of emotions in conscious action decisions before
contrasting it to the unconscious influence of emotions. You may look at Error!
Reference source not found. 8.6 to accompany the coming descriptions. It illus-
trates both the cognitive cycle in CTS and emotional processing. As we will de-
scribe, emotions get involved at many points in the cycle.
Emotions influencing conscious decisions in CTSIn step 1 of the cognitive
cycle, the collective interpretation work made by the perception Codelets results in
a percept, which is temporarily stored as the active nodes of the Perceptual
Network. The percept becomes part of Working Memory as a single network of
information Codelets (step 2), but is looked upon by the Coalition Manager as
multiple possible coalitions of Codelets, each describing various aspects of the
situation. During the Coalition Manager's processing, emotion Codelets inspect
the informational content of each coalition and infuse it with a level of activation
proportional to its emotional valuation. They also graft an information Codelet
that tags them with the classification of the emotional energy. The activation sup-
plement increases the likelihood of some coalitions to draw Attention to them-
selves. The emotionally-reinforced coalition may then become the information
CTS considers in a forthcoming deliberation (if that coalition is selected and
broadcast). In a nutshell, emotions influence the focus of attention. For example,
imagine the situation where the learner does not acknowledge repeated prompts
from CTS. The tutoring agent has learned in past occasions that this may be a sign
of annoyance, so it should “feel” sorry for taking this course of action and tag this
situation as negative.
When an emotionally-reinforced coalition is selected (step 4) and broadcast
(step 5), its content is received by the Transient Episodic Memory which stores it
with its emotional tag and value. When TEM is later probed for concepts or events
relating to the current situation, emotional valuation heightens the salience of
stored events, influencing which is restored to Working Memory (step 3). Here,
too, emotions influence the decision making in CTS by modifying what is memo-
rized and recalled.
The broadcast coalition is also received by the Behavior Network. Some emo-
tional motivator Codelets should react to the emotional aspect of the information
and infuse the Behavior nodes they are connected to with some activation, in this
case inhibitory, lowering their probability of further being selected (step 6). This is
a third involvement of emotions in CTS.
These direct (reaction to WM content) and indirect (memory recall) emotional
interventions in WM is how the Amygdala gets involved in CTS' analytical long
Emotions causing reflex actions. In the short route (Fig. 8.5, ESR rectangles),
emotional involvement occurs sooner, but based on a rough evaluation of the
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 171
Fig. 8.5 CTS' cognitive cycle states when the various actors of the architecture may do their
processing of information. Emotions impact CTS cognition at various points. This influence
may happen unconsciously, either to promote the selection of a specific behavior, of to en-
hance memorization.
foresee motor actions being modified in their amplitude and rapidity by the emo-
tional value of the coalition that sparked them.
Emotional reinforcement. Instinctive reactions do not block the longer ana-
lytical process; they merely step in first. Eventually, however, a better idea of the
situation is worked out (following complete interpretation by Perception) and may
come to consciousness, allowing normal action selection to take place. The instan-
taneous, emotional reflex initiated by the "short route" is then compared by expec-
tation Codelet(s) to the action that has been selected in the BN in the "normal"
way. If the two roughly correspond, the expectation Codelet does two things: it
grafts an information Codelet with a strong negative valence onto the action
proposition in WM (to prevent a repetition of the action); it also grafts a confirma-
tion stating the correspondence, which will serve, when broadcast, as a reinforcer
to the emotion Codelet(s) that was or were instrumental in setting off the reflex. In
effect, this will cause CTS' "pseudo-amygdala" to reinforce its relevant "rule".
However, when the initial reaction diverges from the behavior proposed by the
more methodical analysis, some mechanism must be in place to control the incor-
rect reflex action. Indeed, according to Rolls (2000), the amygdala never unlearns
a rule, always reacts to the same stimulus and needs cortical interventions to tem-
per it (Morén 2002). From a neurological point of view, control over actions is the
role of cortical areas. We implement the cortical controls here with inhibition
Codelets, which are generated by the expectation Codelet(s) that spotted the dis-
crepancy. These Codelets attach themselves to a behavior node in the action selec-
tion mechanism (BN) and constantly subtract activation from it.
focusing their attention on what counts, their linguistic capabilities remain want-
ing, they are still awaiting a reasonable foundation of knowledge for real-world
"common-sense" reasoning and lack the framework for integrating diversified
knowledge (Dutch et al. 2008; Samsonovich et al. 2008). They also fare poorly
with regard to autonomy, in its widest ramifications, are pretty clumsy about emo-
tional intelligence (Picard 2007) and remain very limited in their social ability,
which may impede their potential for finding solutions and knowledge whose
relevance has been tested and validated by other artificial agents. Fidelity to the
human model remains remote, biologically speaking, and the explanatory power
of the architectures is limited. A match closer to biology may be wished for. But
does any of this really matter? Why insist on copying the way humans process in-
formation, and why even attempt to reproduce it at the lower levels of processing?
From a negative standpoint, applying non-human-readable artificial neuron
networks to accomplish some chain of processing is much harder and not within
anyone's reach, at least given the current state of authoring tools. The same may be
true even for symbolic-level tools and architectures. On the positive side, having
"living" models of biological theories is a good way of testing them, finding their
limits and loopholes. In this way, research gains improved theories, and also be-
comes better able to predict the impact of surgical or psychological interventions.
These are some of the reasons prompting the pursuit of biologically-inspired cog-
nitive architectures, known increasingly under the acronym BICA.
We will now present a brief Q&A on the subject, and end by revisiting the
question that is the focus of this chapter: "How will this impact an artificial intel-
ligent tutor?"
How does BICA differ from current cognitive architectures? Well, it depends
on where an architecture is positioned on the "biological fidelity scale". Research has
produced, and is maintaining and developing, systems that use representation and
computation means at varying degrees of "natural fidelity". Many existing architec-
tures, such as ACT-R and LIDA/CTS, seek mind-level natural validity, with some
functional correspondence to brain structures and mathematical reproduction of neu-
ral learning; others, such as CLARION (Sun 2004) and SOVEREIGN (Gnadt and
Grossberg 2008), tend to add a lower-level biological explanatory level (with bio-
logically-inspired structures and processing that cause and explain the results, with
respect to biologically-inspired parameters and mathematical computations that jus-
tify the results). In other words, biologically-inspired architectures are not constrained
to purely and essentially reproducing biological processing; they may incorporate
"artificial AI" techniques, some being more difficult to justify in biological terms
than others. What is really new is the interest for creating complete architectures that
rely on low-level fidelity to biological processes ("complete architectures" meaning,
here, "systems that cover all of the human nervous system"). Samsonovich proposes
an excellent feature-by-feature overview of many cognitive architectures (online at, showing, among other
things, their correspondence with brain structures and their level of modeling. The
reader is also referred to the article by Dutch et al. (2008) reviewing current symbolic
cognitive architectures and emerging paradigms.
174 D. Dubois et al.
What is to be gained with BICA? One thing that has constantly eluded AI re-
search efforts is artificial general intelligence (AGI), that is, the ability to adapt
and react to unknown situations in unconstrained domains, by applying existing
knowledge in new ways or acquiring new knowledge. AI has produced solutions
that often outperform humans in specific tasks or on limited problems, but they are
either not meant for general applicability or cannot transfer to other domains.
What has set humans apart from other species is, for one, our ability to adapt, but
more than that, our ability to learn and to set goals for this learning through self-
monitoring, self-regulation and valuation of goals. Being able to judge its own
lack of knowledge, to determine ways for acquiring that knowledge, to store it in a
meaningful and usable manner, and have the motivation to do these things, would
allow an artificial system to walk in the footsteps of a human baby and become
better at whatever tasks it has been assigned, on its own. Researchers believe that
strong ties to the human model, at the biological level, are currently our best bet
and that we should pursue "strongly" biology-inspired cognitive architectures
(Berg-Cross 2008).
What impact will it have on artificial teachers? One trait that is fundamental
in a good teacher is his (her) ability to learn and better adapt to his (her) students.
While this sounds simple enough, in reality it calls for a collection of abilities that
are well integrated in good human teachers/tutors, both as high-level processes
and as low-level mechanisms sustaining them. Reproducing their interplay re-
quires an architecture capable of capturing and making sense of subtle signals, and
bringing together various information sources, decision centers, and motivational
mechanisms. Motivation fuels a good part of the process of taking action, and this
naturally connects to values and emotions. Being interested in the learner's per-
formance may be woven into the fabric of an ITS, but deciding to devote some at-
tention to the learner's emotions and motivational state at some point, rather than
solely to his knowledge state, is a more of a human game. And it is touchy. Strik-
ing the right balance in different situations, with a variety of learners, requires
dynamic adaptation, and dynamic learning too, all done under the supervision of
metacognition. Each situation has something to teach about the efficiency of at-
tempts with respect to a specific learner (read: his personality profile). It is only
through constant learning (and self-supervision) that an artificial teacher can im-
prove. At some point, human designers can no longer be of much help. The agent
has to see for itself, make attempts and gauge the results. Samsonovich and col-
leagues' Cognitive Constructor relies on these premises (Samsonovich et al. 2008).
We would love to see scenarios where the artificial teaching agent decides to
take innovative actions to get out of a situation judged as an impasse. For instance,
the agent might conclude that the learner just doesn't get it (results do not improve
significantly) in spite of all the effort on both sides, and begin showing demotiva-
tion and anger. A clueless agent could keep repeating the same theory and
exercises over and over again, or it could simply go on with the next subject after
storing the poor grades in its database. An AGI teacher might, instead, detect dis-
tress and anger, evaluate the signals as deserving priority of attention, "feel" com-
passion at the sight of the effort the learner has expended and disappointment at
Decision-Making in Cognitive Tutoring Systems 175
the results, and become motivated ("feel" the urge) to devote more resources to
finding a solution. In view of the global context (learner profile, past perform-
ances, valid goals), it might then try applying current abilities, such as communi-
cating over the Internet, to a search for pedagogical solutions, or decide to consult
other similar pedagogical agents about their proven solutions to similar situations.
A reward system ("pleasure") would reinforce the tendency to use the newly cre-
ated creative path or, conversely, increase the resistance to it. In the latter case
(unsuccessful new solution path), the motivation for supporting the learner would
remain highly activated and another plan for the creative application of current
abilities would therefore be devised. In that scenario, we see the usefulness of
emotions in orienting decisions and generating amplitude in the reaction. Besides
endowing the agent with more social grace, emotions are a quick way of integrat-
ing multiple sources of information − somewhat akin to intuition − , reinforcing
decisions and orienting the next action.
As we are coming to understand more and more, emotions are not irrelevant to
performance; they are not simply something that's nice to have. They truly are part
of intelligence. Plain logic and hard facts usually do not suffice to build lasting re-
lationships among humans. At times, it may become irritating to deal with a sense-
less or otherwise poker-faced teacher. An ITS meant for long-term interventions
(accompanying students year after year) needs to address learners' emotions. Em-
pathy is sometimes sought, and a lack of it may demotivate the learner. Thus, the
artificial agent should be able to detect, aptly deal with, and display emotions. It
takes time, practice and fine observation to find what works in which situation,
and it takes the appropriate memory structures to store emotions in a significant
and useful way. Humans possess these, and they work quite well in most situa-
tions. Along with our perception and communication abilities, our metacognitive
mechanisms and our goal-setting autonomy, they are yet another good reason to
take a long, hard look at the human model.
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Zinn, C., Morre, J.D., Core, M.G.: A 3-tier Planning Architecture for Managing Tutorial
Dialogue. In: Cerri, S.A., Gouardéres, G., Paraguaçu, F. (eds.) ITS 2002. LNCS,
vol. 2363, p. 574. Springer, Heidelberg (2002)
Chapter 9
Tutorial Dialog in Natural Language
Abstract. This chapter reviews our past and ongoing investigations into conversa-
tional interaction during human tutoring and our attempts to build intelligent tutor-
ing systems (ITS) to simulate this interaction. We have previously modeled the
strategies, actions, and dialogue of novice tutors in an ITS, called AutoTutor, with
learning gains comparable to novice tutors. There is evidence, however, that ex-
pert human tutors may foster exceptional learning gains beyond those reported for
some categories of human tutors. We have undertaken a rigorous, large scale study
of expert human tutors and are using these data to create Guru, an expert ITS for
high school biology. Based on our analyses, expert human tutoring has several dis-
tinctive features which differ from novice human tutoring. These distinctive fea-
tures have implications for the development of an expert ITS, and we briefly
describe how these are being addressed in Guru.
9.1 Introduction
The empirical evidence that one-to-one human tutoring is extremely effective
compared to classroom environments is well known (Bloom 1984; Cohen et al.
1982; Corbett 2001; Graesser and Person 1994). The effectiveness of one-to-one
tutoring raises the question of what makes tutoring so powerful. Three different
hypotheses, known as the tutor-centered, student-centered, and interaction hy-
potheses, have been proposed to answer this question (Chi et al. 2001; Chi et al.
2008). The tutor-centered hypothesis claims that effective tutoring stems primar-
ily from the actions of the tutor, specifically, the tutor's pedagogical moves are
tailored to a given student. In contrast, the student-centered hypothesis places the
emphasis on the student, highlighting that students are active participants in
the construction of their own knowledge rather than being mere information
Interest in the interaction hypothesis is growing (Chi et al. 2001 ; Chi et al. 2008).
However, the interaction hypothesis has long-standing roots in the tutoring litera-
ture. An early meta-analysis on a large sample of studies compared human-to-
human tutoring with classroom environments and suitable comparison conditions
(Cohen et al. 1982). The vast majority of the tutors in these studies were untrained in
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 181–206. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
182 A.M. Olney, A.C. Graesser, and N.K. Person
tutoring skills and had moderate domain knowledge; they were peer tutors, cross-age
tutors, or paraprofessionals, but rarely accomplished professionals.
These «unaccomplished" human tutors enhanced learning with an effect size of
a .4 standard deviation unit (sigma), or approximately a half letter grade.
As one might expect, unskilled human tutors are not prone to implement so-
phisticated tutoring strategies that have been proposed in the fields of education,
the learning sciences, and developers of ITSs (Graesser et al. 1995; Graesser et al.
2009; Person et al. 1995).
This chapter reviews our work on conversational interaction during human tu-
toring and our attempts to build intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) to simulate this
interaction.To date, the bulk of our research addresses the strategies, actions, and
dialogue of novice tutors (Graesser et al. 1994; Graesser et al. 1995; Person et al.
1994). We have implemented novice tutoring in an ITS, called AutoTutor, with
learning gains comparable to novice tutors (Graesser2004; VanLehn et al. 2007).
More recently, we have expanded our investigation to highly accomplished expert
human tutors (Cade et al. 2008; D’Mello et al. in press). Our shift in emphasis is
driven by a desire to understand what makes accomplished expert human tutors
produce exceptional learning gains, as has been previously reported (Bloom
1984). We have undertaken a rigorous, large scale study of accomplished human
tutors, and we are using these data to create Guru, an expert ITS for high school
biology. In the following sections we further elaborate this contrast between nov-
ice and expert, both in terms of human tutoring and the ITS components required
to mimic interaction with novice and expert human tutors.
Using the coding scheme in Tables 9.1 and 9.2, Graesser and Person's analyses
of the RMC and AC uncovered three frequent dialogue structures (Graesser et al.
1994; Graesser et al. 1995; Graesser et al. 2005a). These same structures have fea-
tured prominently in the work of other researchers conducting fine-grained analy-
ses of tutoring (Chi et al. 2001; Chi et al. 2004; Chi et al. 2008; Litman and
Forbes-riley 2006; Shah et al. 2002). These three dialogue structures are:
1. 5-step Tutoring Frame
2. Expectation and Misconception Tailored (EMT) dialogue
3. Conversational Turn Management (which includes tutor pedagogical modes)
These three structures are multiply embedded: 3 is embedded in 2, which in turn is
embedded in 1. There are two common features across all three of these structures.
The first is that the tutor, rather than the student, tends to initiate and guide the
conversational interaction. The second common feature is that all three of these
structures exist at the level of the problem, rather than across larger spans of the
tutorial discourse.
Additional example
Easier Tutor provides student an easier ex-
ample than the previous
Asks question
Error-repair Tutor asks question speci_cally re-
lated to student error.
Directed-Activity Tutor asks question in order to redi-
rect student's activity.
Leading Tutor asks question to expose stu-
dent's misconception.
Counter-clarification Tutor requests clari_cation of stu-
dent's previous statement.
Tutorial Dialog in Natural Language 185
Solution Tutor rearticulates the current prob-
lem's solution.
Representation Tutor rearticulates the problem's
Own ability Tutor comments on his or her own
The 5-Step Tutoring Frame can be better understood by contrasting it with the
Initiate-Respond-Feedback (IRF) sequence typically used in classrooms (Sinclair
and Cloutard 1975). The first three steps occur in classroom IRF, but the questions
are easier short-answer questions. The classroom IRF sequence consists of the
teacher initiating a question, the student giving a short-answer response, and the
teacher giving a positive or negative feedback of the response. For example, con-
sider the following IRF example for Newtonian physics.
TEACHER: According to Newton's second law, force equals mass times
STUDENT: acceleration
TEACHER: Right, mass times acceleration. Or
STUDENT: velocity
TEACHER: Wrong, it's not velocity, it is acceleration.
As the above example illustrates, IRF does not facilitate conversational interac-
tion. The 5-Step Tutoring Frame goes beyond IRF by posing more difficult ques-
tions that stimulate the collaborative interactions found in step 4.
9.3 AutoTutor
AutoTutor simulates a novice human tutor by holding a conversation with the
learner in natural language. The pedagogical framework of AutoTutor was in-
spired by three bodies of theoretical, empirical, and applied research. These in-
clude explanation-based constructivist theories of learning (Aleven and Koedinger
2002; Chi et al. 2001; Chi et al. 1994; VanLehn et al. 1992), intelligent tutoring
systems that adaptively respond to student knowledge (Anderson et al. 1995;
VanLehn et al. 2002a), and empirical research that has documented the collabora-
tive constructive activities that routinely occur during human tutoring (Chi et al.
2001; Fox 1993; Graesser et al. 1995; Moore 1994; Shah et al. 2002). The peda-
gogical strategies of AutoTutor are modeled on the novice human tutoring
Tutorial Dialog in Natural Language 189
strategies described in Section 9.2, including the 5-Step Tutoring Frame, EMT
dialogue, and conversational turn management.
AutoTutor implements the 5-Step Tutoring Frame by presenting a series of
challenging questions or problems that require approximately a paragraph of in-
formation to answer correctly. An example question in conceptual physics is,
«When a car without headrests on the seats is struck from behind, the passengers
often suffer neck injuries. Why do passengers get neck injuries in this situation?"
Although a perfect answer to this question is approximately 3-7 sentences in
length, the initial answers by actual human learners are typically only 1 word to 2
sentences in length. The conversational interaction afforded by tutorial dialogue is
particularly helpful when the student's answer is incomplete. AutoTutor uses the
5-Step Tutoring Frame to assist the learner in the evolution of an improved answer
by drawing out more of the learner's knowledge that is relevant to the answer. The
dialogue between AutoTutor and the learner typically lasts 50-200 turns (i.e., the
learner expresses something, then the tutor, then the learner, and so on), which is
on par with the interactivity in human tutoring.
AutoTutor uses expectations and misconceptions as an integral part of its
domain model, and selects dialogue moves that elicit expectations and address
misconceptions. More specifically, the goal of AutoTutor is to elicit the correct
answer from the student. Since the correct answer is a paragraph of information,
this goal reduces to eliciting each sentence, an expectation, in the correct answer
paragraph. In order to elicit each expectation, AutoTutor generates tutorial dia-
logue moves including pumps, hints, prompts, and assertions:
Pumps. AutoTutor pumps the student for more information during the early
stages of answering a particular question (or solving a problem). The pump signals
the student to keep talking, for example using positive feedback (e.g., right, yeah,
dramatic head nod), neutral back channel feedback (uh-huh, okay, subtle head
nod), and explicit requests for more information (What else?, Tell me more). By
encouraging the student to say more, pumping helps expose the student's knowl-
edge while giving the student an opportunity to construct knowledge by herself.
Hints. When the student is having problems answering a question or solving a
problem, the tutor gives hints by presenting a fact, asking a leading question, or
reframing the problem. Hints cue the student to some relevant feature of the prob-
lem without revealing the role of that feature in answering the problem.
Prompts. AutoTutor supplies the student with a discourse context and prompts
them to fill in a missing word or phrase. Prompting is a scaffolding device for stu-
dents who are reluctant to supply information. Students are expected to supply
more content and more difficult content as they progress in learning the domain
Assertions. AutoTutor gives a summary to an expectation. This summary
serves the function of succinctly codifying a lengthy, multi-turn, collaborative
exchange when an expectation is covered or a problem step is completed.
It is worth noting the continuum of information provided by the tutor in differ-
ent types of moves. Moves at the beginning of the list, i.e. pumps and hints, pro-
vide less information to the student than moves towards the end of the list, i.e.
prompts and assertions. By only giving more information when the learner is
190 A.M. Olney, A.C. Graesser, and N.K. Person
them to parents and students. The criteria for being an expert tutor in our project
are as follows:
Have a minimum of five years of one-to-one tutoring experience (most of the tutors in our
study have 10+ years of tutoring experience)
Have a secondary teaching license
Have a degree in the subject that they tutor
Have an outstanding reputation as a private tutor
Have an effective track record (i.e., students who work with these tutors show marked
improvement in the subject areas for which they receive tutoring)
All of the students in our study were having difficulty in a science or math course
and were either recommended for tutoring by school personnel or sought profes-
sional tutoring help.
We created our expert tutoring corpus by observing our expert tutors in one-on-
one tutoring sessions. Fifty one-hour tutoring sessions were videotaped and tran-
scribed. All of the videotapes were transcribed according to strict transcription
guidelines and were verified for accuracy. To capture the complexity of what tran-
spires during a tutoring interaction, three coding schemes were developed to clas-
sify every tutor and student dialogue move in the 50 hours of tutoring. In the
analyses we conducted, a dialogue move was either a speech act (e.g., a tutor
hint), an action (e.g., student reads aloud), or a qualitative contribution made by a
student (e.g., partial or vague answer). Multiple dialogue moves could occur with-
in one conversational turn.
Two coding schemes were used to classify the tutor dialogue moves, the Tutor
Pedagogical Scaffolding scheme and the Tutor Motivational Dialogue scheme.
The Pedagogical Scaffolding scheme included 14 categories and was inspired by
previous tutoring research on pedagogical strategies and dialogue moves (Graesse-
ret al. 1995; Cromley and Azevedo 2005). The Tutor Motivational Dialogue
scheme included 13 categories that were either reported previously in the literature
or were extrapolated from the INSPIRE model (Lepper and Woolverton 2002).
Each tutor dialogue move was classified as either pedagogical or motivational.
The Tutor Motivational and Pedagogical Schemes are presented in Table 9.3 and
Table 9.4.
A 16 category coding scheme was also developed to classify all student dia-
logue moves. Some of the student move categories captured the qualitative nature
of a student dialogue move (e.g., Correct Answer, Partially Correct Answer, Error-
ridden Answer), whereas others were used to classify types of questions, conver-
sational acknowledgments, and student actions (e.g., reading aloud or solving a
problem). The Student Dialogue Move Scheme is presented in Table 9.5. Four
trained judges coded the 50 transcripts on the three dialogue move schemes.
Cohen's Kappas were computed to determine the reliability of their judgments.
The Kappa scores were .96 for the Tutor Motivational Scheme, .88 for the Tutor
Pedagogical Scheme, and .88 for the Student Move Scheme. Approximately
47,000 dialogue moves were coded.
In addition to these dialogue move coding schemes, we also developed a coding
scheme for larger units of the tutoring session. We call these units modes (Cade et
al. 2008). Two trained judges coded the 50 transcripts and found eight modes, in-
cluding Introduction, Lecture, Highlighting, Modeling, Scaffolding, Fading, Off-
Topic, and Conclusion, with Kappa above .80 for each mode. Each mode can be
characterized by a specific kind of interaction:
Introduction. Expert tutoring sessions usually begin with an Introduction that
contains greetings and establishes an agenda for the rest of the session.
Lecture. Approximately 20% of the sessions consist of direct instruction. We call
these modes Lecture, but they are usually highly customized, just-in-time, and in-
teractive, unlike traditional classroom lecture.
Highlighting. When a student encounters difficulty while problem solving, High-
lighting draws attention to a problem solving step.
Modeling. In this mode, the tutor works a problem while the student watches.
Tutorial Dialog in Natural Language 195
topics/problems that students are having difficulty with and by asking questions
about the students' performance on quizzes, homework, and exams. After this
data collection phase, the tutor decides where to begin the session and what
material will be covered. Expert tutors do not begin a session with any pre-
planned teaching agenda, but rather base their instruction on students' particular
needs at the time of the tutoring session.
3. Expert tutors give more discriminating feedback than non-expert tutors. Non-
experts are just as likely to give positive feedback to wrong answers as negative
feedback (Person et al. 1994), but this is not true of expert tutors.
4. Expert tutors primarily rely on just-in-time direct instruction and evaluative
feedback when responding to student dialog moves.
5. Expert tutors are task-oriented, direct, and do not appear to adhere to Lepper
INSPIRE motivational model.
6. Particular tutoring modes (defined by tutor dialogue move frequencies and pat-
terns) are evident in expert tutoring, including Introduction, Lecture, Highlight-
ing, Modeling, Scaffolding, Fading, Off-Topic, and Conclusion.
9.5 Guru
Guru, like AutoTutor, is designed to simulate a human tutor by holding a conver-
sation with the learner in natural language. However, Guru is design to simulate
an expert human tutor rather than a novice human tutor. The characteristics of ex-
pert human tutors described in Section 9.4 are informative when considering the
design of Guru, and how it should differ from AutoTutor.
First and foremost, our analyses revealed that expert tutors do not use curricu-
lum scripts. However, curriculum scripts are a central element of AutoTutor. They
contain all the EMT dialogue for a problem as well as the expectations which are
used to track the student's progress and understanding. If curriculum scripts and
EMT dialogue are not characteristic of expert human tutoring, then Guru requires
a new way of tracking student understanding and organizing knowledge about the
Second, in terms of dialogue structure, expert tutors rely a great deal on evalua-
tive feedback and just-in-time direct instruction. Contrast this to the hints,
prompts, and elaborations that constitute the bulk of AutoTutor's dialogue. Guru
cannot soley rely on hints, prompts, and elaborations but rather must incorporate
tutor dialogue moves into a new model for just-in-time direct instruction.
Third, experts are precise with their feedback. In AutoTutor, feedback is calcu-
lated by comparing the student's responses with the expectations from the curricu-
lum script. Again, expert tutors do not appear to use such a script. Furthermore,
the traditional way of comparing student answers with expectations in AutoTutor,
LSA (Graesser2004; VanLehn et al. 2007; Graesser et al. 2005b), is relatively im-
precise: to LSA, "do you want to drive me" and "do you want me to drive" mean
the same thing. To model the precise feedback of expert human tutors, it is neces-
sary to incorporate a more sensitive technique than LSA.
Fourth, expert tutors maintain highly accurate student models. In AutoTutor,
the student model is simply the set of LSA comparisons of the student's input to
each expectation in the curriculum script. Not only do expert tutors not use
198 A.M. Olney, A.C. Graesser, and N.K. Person
curriculum scripts, but LSA also doesn't have the precision to match an expert tu-
tor. Therefore Guru should apply a different methodology for student modeling.
Fifth, expert tutors use a variety of tutoring modes and clusters within modes
that have no clear correlates in AutoTutor. Contrasted with the linear hint-prompt-
assertion cycle used in AutoTutor, the expert tutoring modes are both more
numerous and more complex. Fortunately, the dialogue management used in
AutoTutor is extremely powerful (Graesser et al. 2005), so a new approach to dia-
logue management per se for Guru is not required.
In summary, Guru needs a new way to model the domain, model the student,
interpret student utterances, and generate direct instruction. We are working on a
unified approach to all of these tasks, which is based on a single knowledge repre-
sentation. Using a single knowledge representation for multiple purposes like
these is not uncommon in an ITS. For example, overlay student models typically
assume a domain decomposition in which chunks of content can be marked as un-
derstood by the student, rather like checking items off a list. An overlay student
model is so called because it lays over the domain model in a rather transparent
way, i.e. each element of the domain model is on the checklist for the overlay stu-
dent model.
Clearly an overlay student model first requires a domain model. In the same
way, interpretation of student input and the generation of direct instruction can
also be yoked to a domain model. However, the creation of a domain model is
sufficiently challenging to require special authoring tools and many man-hours to
develop (Murray 1998; Corbett 2002; Aleven et al. 2006). Thus for Guru we have
been particularly interested in unsupervised and semi-supervised knowledge
representation techniques that can extract semantic representations from raw text.
Although we still find LSA useful for some tasks, we have been developing a new
technique for concept map extraction, which we believe holds promise for domain
modeling, student modeling, interpretation of student utterances, and generation of
direct instruction.
Our unique concept map definition is a synthesis of previous work in both the
psychology and education literatures (Graesser and Franklin 1990; Gordon et al.
1993 ; Fisher et al. 2000). The education literature, particularly relevant from an
ITS point of view, has promoted relatively small, human-readable maps, such as
the SemNet map (Fisher et al. 2000). The key feature that makes these concept
maps easy to understand is that they are radial, with a core concept in the middle
of the map and a single layer of links radiating from that concept. End nodes
linked to the core concept can potentially be the centers of their own maps, but
each map is coherent by itself. From the psychology literature, we adopt a limited
set of edges linking two nodes in the concept map (Graesser and Franklin 1990;
Gordon et al. 1993 ). Discrete sets of edges are also common in ontologies, e.g. is-
a or has-part. For Guru, a salient advantage of having a restricted set of edges is
that they facilitate both generating questions and answering questions from the
map (Graesser and Franklin 1990; Gordon et al. 1993 ).
Recently, we developed a semi-supervised procedure for extracting concept
maps with radial structure and discrete set of edges (Olney in press). The proce-
dure operates on a textbook, using a semantic parser and post processing to trans-
form the semantic parse into concept maps. More specifically, the LTH SRL
Parser (Johansson and Nugues 2008) outputs a dependency parse annotated with
semantic roles derived from Propbank (Palmer et al. 2005) and Nombank (Meyers
et al. 2004) for each sentence in the textbook. For each syntactic or semantic rela-
tion found by the parser, we require that the start node be a key term in our do-
main. Key terms are defined as those terms existing in the glossary or index of the
book. If the start node is a key term, a corresponding end term is found in the
parse, and then the relation linking them is classified using a hand-built decision
tree. Some relations are syntactic, e.g. is-a is determined by the presence of a "be"
main verb as in "an abdomen is the posterior part of an arthropod's body." Other
relations are semantic and are classified using the semantic information returned
by Nombank or Propbank, e.g. has-part is determined by "body" in the example
above because "body" is a Nombank predicate whose sense gloss is "partitive
part." This process of concept map extraction is semi-supervised because the key
terms and edge relations have been manually defined for our domain, but the rest
of the procedure is unsupervised.
calculate a coverage score based on the number of triples a student has appeared to
master. Although each chunk may be considered as a kind of expectation, or bun-
dle of expectations, the overall structure of the concept map-based domain model
is different from the script based model of EMT dialogue described in Section 9.2,
in at least three ways. First, the concept map expectations are not attached to a
particular problem, but instead are general to the domain. Second, rather than a
limited set of expectations, the concept map (in theory) includes all of the salient
relations in the biology textbook. Finally, the concept map relations, consisting of
triples, are more structured than AutoTutor expectations, which are undifferenti-
ated LSA vectors. In other words the concept map-based domain model appears to
be more general, have broader coverage, and be more structured than curriculum
script based EMT dialogue.
We are currently building richer links between the standards for high school bi-
ology instruction in our state and concept maps we've extracted from the state
textbook. This will allow us to better focus the domain and student models of
Guru to the content covered by state-wide standardized testing, which in turn will
make it easier to integrate Guru into classroom activities.
9.5.5 Limitations
In this section, we have outlined some of the major dimensions in which we be-
lieve expert human tutors differ from novice human tutors, and the implications
for these differences on the design of an expert ITS. The major differences that we
have emphasized, the domain model, the student model, interpretation of student
utterances, and generation of direct instruction, appear to be well supported by a
concept map knowledge representations. However, although our preliminary ob-
servations are plausible, these applications have yet to be rigorously evaluated.
9.6 Conclusion
This chapter described our previous and ongoing investigations into the conversa-
tional interaction that defines human tutoring. Both our analyses of novice and ex-
pert human tutors are corpus-based, driven by extensive collections of human tu-
toring dialogues. Our goal is to better understand the representations and processes
of human tutoring by building computational models in the form of intelligent
tutoring systems that embody our theory.
202 A.M. Olney, A.C. Graesser, and N.K. Person
For novice human tutoring, we have identified three major dialogue structures,
including the 5-Step Tutoring Frame, EMT dialogue, and conversational turn man-
agement. These three structures are nested such that each occurs within its preced-
ing structure. These three structures are comprehensive enough that they can be
used to specify the runtime of an ITS, and we have done so in the ITS AutoTutor.
The 5-Step Tutoring Frame defines the overall structure of a problem, the EMT
dialogue defines the components of a problem, and conversational turn manage-
ment defines how each tutor turn is constructed in a conversationally appropriate
way. In experimental evaluations of learning gains, AutoTutor yields an approxi-
mately .8 effect size increase relative to control conditions. Relative to the .4 ef-
fect size for novice human tutoring reported in a meta-analysis (Cohen et al.
1982), AutoTutor appears to be convincing as a model of novice human tutoring
both in terms of its structure and its effectiveness.
Our recent collection and analysis of expert human tutoring has revealed some
differences which may be attributable to the difference between expert and novice
human tutors. The expert tutors in our study manifested very complex conversa-
tional interaction relative to novice human tutors, including dialogue modes, func-
tional clusters of dialogue moves within modes, and finally the dialogue moves
themselves. As discussed in Section 9.4, there is no clear correspondence between
these dialogue structures and the structures associated with novice human tutoring.
Moreover, our analyses of expert human tutoring suggest that expert human tutors
utilize more precisely defined and well-organized domain and student models, are
more precise in evaluating and responding to student answers, and utilize a just-in-
time direct instruction that is highly adapted to the student's current knowledge state.
We have proposed a particular formulation of concept maps to address these
four issues, and we have outlined how these concept maps can be extracted from a
textbook, alleviating the burden of domain model authoring. Using the concept
map representation, we have further proposed several strategies for addressing the
four salient phenomena in our analysis of expert human tutoring, including the
domain/student model, interpretation of student utterances, and generation of di-
rect instruction. Though our current assessments are promising, these strategies
await a more rigorous evaluation.
Moreover, since the goal of any ITS is to produce learning gains, the conclusive
evaluation of the concept map representation and associated strategies is a learning
outcome study. We are currently engaged in curriculum development, usability stud-
ies, and unit testing in preparation for a learning outcome study. If we have properly
identified and represented the differences between expert and novice human tutors,
then this should be reflected in a corresponding difference in learning gains.
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Chapter 10
Affective Tutors: Automatic Detection of and
Response to Student Emotion
10.1 Introduction
Affect is a central component of human cognition and strongly impacts student
learning (McQuiggan et al. 2008; Goleman 1995; Efklides and Petkakim 2005;
Brand et al. 2007). If computers are to interact naturally with humans, they must
recognize affect and express social competencies. Affect has begun to play an im-
portant role in intelligent tutors (Conati and MacIaren 2004; D’Mello et al. 2007)
and affective tutors seem to increase the effectiveness of tutorial interactions and,
ultimately learning. The field of affective tutors investigates techniques for ena-
bling computers to recognize, model, understand and respond to student emotion
effectively. One obvious next frontier in computational instruction is to systemati-
cally examine the relationships between student affective state and learning out-
comes (Shute 2008).
While early learning theories ignored the importance of emotion in learning,
recent research has created a link between emotion and learning and the claim has
been made that cognition, motivation and emotion are the three components of
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 207–227. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
208 B.P. Woolf et al.
learning (Snow et al. 1996; D’Mello et al. 2007). Various classroom studies have
linked interpersonal relationships between teachers and students to increased stu-
dent motivation over the long term (Wentzel and Asher 1995; Royer and Walles
2007).One goal of affective computers is to recognize affect or identify the affec-
tive state of people from a variety of physical cues that are produced in response
to affective changes in the individual (Picard et al. 2004).
When humans use affect within one-to-one teaching relationships, the result is
very powerful. For example, in their research on ‘thin slices,’ Ambady and Rosen-
thal demonstrated that based on a short segment of video, as little as six seconds of
a teacher’s first interactions with a student, participants could predict that
teacher’s effectiveness and student end-of-term grades based on the teacher’s ex-
hibited use of affect (Ambady and Rosenthal 1992). Wentzel (1997) has shown
that caring bonds between middle schoolchildren and their teachers are predictive
of learners’ performance. This chapter looks at the role new technology plays in
automatic recognition of and response to student affect. Affective interventions
encourage learning, lessen student humiliation and provide support and motivation
that outweighs or distracts from the unpleasant aspects of failure. Section 2 de-
scribes real-time automatic recognition of emotions exhibited during learning,
while Section 3 describes attempts to automatically generate appropriate responses
to student emotion. Section 4 describes ways to evaluate these recognition and re-
sponse mechanisms and to integrate them into educational practice. This research
is based on efforts at the University of Massachusetts, Arizona State University
and the MITMedia Lab.
(Cooper et al., 2009). These sensors collect raw data about physical activity and
state of a student and the challenge remains to map this data into models of emo-
tional states and use this information productively.
Fig. 10.1 Sensors used in the classroom (clockwise): mental state camera, skin conductance
bracelet, pressure sensitive mouse, pressure sensitive chair.
Skin Conductance Bracelet. The Affective Computing Group at the MIT Media
Lab has been advancing the development of wireless wearable skin conductance
sensors for over a decade. Various implementations include the galvactivator, a
glove that could illuminate an LED when its user had heightened levels of skin
conductance (Picard and Scheirer 2001); HandWave which used a custom built
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and 9V battery to provide blue tooth wireless trans-
mission of skin conductance data at rates up to5 Hz (Strauss et al. 2005).
The current system used in our research employs the next generation of Hand
Wave electronics developed at MIT, providing greater reliability, lower power re-
quirements through wireless RFID transmission, and a smaller form. This smaller
form was redesigned to minimize the visual impact and increase the wearable
210 B.P. Woolf et al.
Pressure Sensitive Mouse. The pressure mouse was originally developed by the
Affective Computing Group at MIT. It uses six pressure sensors embedded in the
surface of the mouse to detect the tension in users' grip and has been used to infer
elements of users' frustration(Qia and Picard 2002; Dennerlein et al. 2003). We
replicated MIT's pressure mouse through a production of 30 units. The new design
minimized the changes made to the physical appearances of the original mouse in
order to maintain a visually non-invasive sensor state.
In our framework, each feature source from each student is a separate stream of
data. Hence we have streams of data that each report asynchronously and at differ-
ent rates. In order to merge all of the data sources, an ID from each student, and a
time of the report was needed from each source. We have a database table with a
row for every time stamp and wrist ID pair, and a column for each reported sensor
value and tutor data value. Each cell in a row represents the latest report of the
data source.
Fig. 10.2 Pedagogical Agents act out their emotion and talk with the student expressing full
sentences of cognitive, meta-cognitive and emotional feedback.
the human peer-tutoring case; however, computer control does allow for careful
testing of hypotheses about how to use virtual peer support for learning (Fig. 10.2)
(Picard et al. 2004).
Peer learning companions can create adaptable vicarious experiences for
students (Burleson and Picard 2008; Baylor 2005; Chan and Baskin 1990). Com-
panions can create adaptable vicarious experiences that are difficult to create in
classrooms and observation of peers succeeding may enhance the observing stu-
dent’s self-efficacy (McQuiggan et al. 2008). Verbal persuasion is a common mo-
tivational tool used by tutors both human and automated (Lepper et al. 1993).
Companions that express confidence in a student’s abilities can have profound
effect on the student’s own self-efficacy beliefs. The impact is determined by
the value the student places on the persuader, so an established relationship be-
tween tutor and the student makes verbal persuasion all the more powerful
(McQuiggan et al. 2008).
One goal of modeling and responding to student affect is to impact the stu-
dent’s affective state and subsequent changes in student physiology (Bandura
1997). Research has shown that strategies that guide students toward affective
states with lower arousal levels will diminish the adverse effects of high-arousal
physiological responses on student efficacy. Affect recognition can use pedagogi-
cal companions to take action when situations of arousal and low self-efficacy oc-
cur (McQuiggan et al. 2008).
Cooper et al. 2009). These learning companions (LCs) are empathetic in that they
visually reflect the last emotion reported by the student (queried within the system
every five minutes); as long as that emotion is not negative, e.g., companions do
not mirror frustration or boredom. Companions act out their emotion and talk with
students expressing full sentences of meta-cognitive and emotional feedback.
They are non-intrusive — they work on their own computer to solve the problem
at hand, and react only after the student has answered the question. Agents re-
spond with some of Carole Dweck’s (2002) recommendations about disregarding
success and valuing effort. This adds a new dimension to the traditional feedback
regarding success/no-success generally given to students.
We measured the impact of LCs on student motivation and achievement and in-
tegrated controlled exploration of their communicative factors (facial expression
and mirroring postures) as the student/agent relationship developed. Empirical
studies show that students who use LCs increased their math value (e.g., questions
such as “Mathematics is an important topic”), self-concept (e.g., “I am good in
mathematics”) and mastery orientation, see Sections 10.4.4-10.4.5. Students tend
to become more bored (less interested) towards the end of any instructional session.
Yet students using LCs maintain higher levels of interest and reduced boredom af-
ter 15 minutes of tutor use. They reported a higher mean confidence, interest and
excitement. Despite the fact these results were not significant, this relative advan-
tage for LCs indicates that they might alleviate students’ boredom as the session
The characters were highly positive, in the sense that they displayed encourag-
ing gestures (e.g., excitement and confidence). Negative gestures (appearing frus-
trated or bored) were not effective and were eliminated by researchers. Characters
behaviorally mimicked student self-reported emotions, which is a form of a
non-verbal empathetic response (e.g., learning companions appeared excited in
response to student excitement, see Fig. 10.3, right). In this experiment the compan-
ions occasionally expressed non-verbal behaviors of positive valence only, the un-
derlying goal being to make them appear life-like and engaged and to impart some
of their enthusiasm to the students. The next three types of interventions described
are verbal messages tailored according to the tutors modeling of students’ effort.
Fig. 10.3 The Wayang Tutor with Jane, the female affective learning companion
214 B.P. Woolf et al.
from physiological data from the sensors. Students produced self-reports of emo-
tions and all queries include valid data from at least one sensor.
Another set of studies quantitatively analyzed the benefit of learning compan-
ions on affective and cognitive outcomes. The subjects included one hundred and
eight (108) students from two high schools 1 (one low and the other high achiev-
ing) in the state of Massachusetts and involved 9th and 10th graders. Two thirds of
the students were assigned to a learning companion of a random gender, and one
third to the no learning companion condition. We obtained complete data (pre and
posttest survey and math test) for a smaller subset of subjects. Students took a
mathematics pretest before starting, and completed a survey that assessed their
general attitude towards mathematics.1The pretest covered general attitudes to-
wards math and learning, such as likes/dislikes of math, how much was math val-
ued as important, and how students felt when they solved math problems (anxiety,
confidence, frustration, boredom, excitement). Four questions asked about student
feelings towards problem solving before they began to work with the tutor, includ-
ing interest/boredom, frustration, confidence/anxiety, excitement (e.g. how frus-
trated do you get when solving math problems). For the next three days, students
used the Wayang instead of their regular mathematics class. Approximately every
five minutes, students were asked to provide information on one of the four target
emotions (e.g. how frustrated do you feel?). At the start of a student’s interaction
with Wayang, learning companions introduced themselves and when students
needed help during problem solving, the companions reminded students about the
“help button,” which provided multimedia based support in the form of animations
with sound. Characters spoke out the messages as described in the previous sec-
tion, occasionally at the beginning of a new problem or after a correct or incorrect
attempt to solve the problem. After students used the tutoring module for three
days, they took a mathematics post-test, and answered the same questionnaire they
had received prior to using the tutor. In addition, the post-survey included five
questions about the student’s perceptions of the Wayang tutoring system (Did you
learn? Liked it? Helpful? Concerned? Friendly?). Several student behaviors were
logged, e.g., success at problem solving and use of tools and help. Students’ self-
report of their emotions within the tutor were logged, as well as students behavior,
e.g., muting the characters (using a mute button), and whether they abused help or
The pre-test included 3 items for self-concept in math ability, e.g., students compared
themselves to other students in their math ability and compared mathematics to other sub-
jects; 3 items to address subjective mathematics liking/value).
Affective Tutors: Automatic Detection of and Response to Student Emotion 217
self-concept than does a user model based on the tutor logs alone. The models
were further expanded to classify four ranges of emotional self-concept including
frustration, interest, confidence, and excitement with over 78% accuracy. We used
stepwise regression analysis with each of the emotions as the dependent variable,
and tutor and sensor features as the independent variables. Results from the re-
gression show that the best models for the emotions confidence, frustration, and
excitement came from the subset of examples where all of the sensor data was
available, and the best model for interested came from the subset of examples with
mouse data available.
Table 10.2 shows that the best classifier of each emotion in terms of Accuracy
ranges from 78% to 87.5%. By using Stepwise Regression we have isolated key
features for predicting user emotional responses to four categories of emotion.
These results are supported by cross validation, and show improvement using a
very basic classifier.
Table 10.2 This table shows the results of the best classifier of each emotional response.
Accuracy of no classifier is a prediction that the emotional state is not high. Values in pa-
rentheses include the middle values in the testing set as negative examples.
The sensor data described above provides emotional predictions that are a first
step for intelligent tutor systems to create sensor based personalized feedback for
each student in a classroom environment. While many researchers have created af-
fective agents, e.g., (Baylor 2005; Lester et al. 1999), evaluation of their impact on
learning has not been conclusive.
Our studies targeted several population demographics. First we evaluated the
differences between male and female approaches to learning with the tutor.
Second we focused on low–achieving students particularly students with learning
disabilities. For each of these populations, we evaluated students’ affect and cog-
nition both before and after using the tutor. Within each population, we addition-
ally examined high school (HS) and undergraduate (UG) populations, which can
be summarized as follows. HS students had less math incoming ability than UG.
Students in the HS study were more “pessimistic” than the UG study, both in pre-
test surveys and self-reports of emotions, while UG students were not generally
frustrated, HS students reported more frustration, and less interest, confidence and
excitement. The combination of both populations provided an interesting mix of
students with different feelings and math abilities. Both populations learned based
on post-pre test tests; they improved an average 10% in math performance (25%
proportional learning gain). The details of our gender studies and evaluation of
students who are low achieving continues below.
Table 10.3 Significant Post-Tutor Outcomes: Main and interaction effects for Affective and
Cognitive Outcomes. Key: H-A—High-Achieving students; L-A –Low-Achieving students;
LC —Learning Companions;∅— No significant difference across conditions; ∅ MathAbil-
ity —No significant MathAbility effect or MathAbilityxLC interaction effect
Table 10.4 Significant emotion within and after using the tutor. Key: LC–Learning Com-
panions; H-A—High Achieving; L-A –Low Achieving; ∅—No significant difference
across conditions; ∅MathAbilityxLC—No significant MathAbilityxLC interaction ef-
fect/MathAbility effect.
Table 10.3 shows the results for general post-tutor outcomes, while Table 10.4
presents the results for affect-related and other variables measured within the tu-
tor. As far as emotions, we include findings both on students’ self-reported emo-
tions within the tutor, and post test differences in survey responses (note that in
Table 10.2, we reported how students were feeling before they interacted with
Wayang, while Tables 10.3 and 10.4 look at how interaction with Wayang influ-
enced these feelings).
Our covariates consisted of the corresponding pretest baseline variable (e.g., we
accounted for students’ pretest baseline confidence when analyzing confidence
while using the tutor or afterwards). Independent variables corresponded to condi-
tion, specifically learning companion (LC) present vs. absent and LC type (Female
(Jane) vs. Male (Jake) vs. no-LC). We analyzed both main effects and interactions
for achievement level (MathAbility) and conditions over all student data (see sec-
ond and last columns of Tables 10.3 and Table 10.4). In addition, because of the
special affective needs of the targeted group (e.g., females or low-achieving), we
repeated the ANCOVAs for that population only, for a “targeted effect,” Table
10.4 (third column). Results showed that all students demonstrated math learning
after working with Wayang, with low-achieving students learning more than high
achieving students across all conditions (Table 10.3). Learning companions did
not affect student learning directly, but successfully induced positive student be-
haviors that have been correlated to learning, specifically, students spent more
time on hinted problems (Arroyo and Woolf 2005) (see “Productive behavior”
row, Table 10.4). The beneficial effect of learning companions was mainly on af-
fective outcomes, particularly on confidence (see “Confidence” row, Table 10.4).
Low-achieving students who received learning companions improved their
confidence while using the tutor and at post test time more than students with no
learning companions, while their counterparts in the no-LC condition tended to
decrease their confidence (Table 10.4).
more productive behaviors in the tutor: they spent more time than did males on
“helped problems” compared to females in the no-LC condition; they “gamed”
less when characters were present (a significant interaction effect revealed that the
opposite happens for males).
Low-achieving students were defined as those who scored lower than median
grade on the math pretest. One third of these low-achieving students had been pre-
viously diagnosed as having a specific learning disability in math or reading and
had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), a document that identifies a student's
academic, physical, social and emotional needs. Most students with IEPs (95%)
are part of this low-achieving group. Table 10.5 shows that low-achieving students
disliked math more, valued it less, had worse perception of their math ability, and
reported feeling worse when solving math problems. Since low achieving students
(both with and without disabilities) struggle with math, our conjecture was that all
low achievers could require additional affective support. Thus, the first goal of the
study was to examine the affective needs of both low achieving and learning dis-
ability students in our data (15% of subjects).
learning companion condition. At the same time, Table 10.4 shows that students
receiving the female learning companion reported significantly higher self-concept
and liking of math at posttest time. Students receiving Jane also reported higher
confidence towards problem solving and in post-tutor surveys. One reason why
Jake was at a disadvantage compared to Jane might be the fact that the male char-
acter was muted twice as much as was the female character. If students mute the
characters, then the experimental condition turns out to be highly similar to the
control condition (no learning companion) thus diminishing its effect. While sig-
nificant results are limited to affective outcomes —learning companions did not
impact learning—we are impressed given the short exposure of students to the tu-
toring system.
tutors will ultimately identify desirable (e.g. flow) and non-desirable (e.g. bore-
dom) student states. Different interventions will be tested in an attempt to keep
students in desirable states as long as possible (e.g. a confused student might be
invited to slow down, reread the problem and ask for a hint). Part of this approach
includes embedding user models into tutors to provide instructional recommenda-
tions. Interventions algorithms are being developed based on tutor predictions, e.g.
mirror student emotion, support student effort, provide more immediate feedback
on student progress, and allow students increased control of their experience.
Modeling gender and student achievement level are potentially powerful as
they can enrich the predictive power of the student model and improve teaching
power at a very low cost. The importance of including gender and achievement
level in a user model is not a mere hypothesis, but is based on extensive research,
for examples on gender differences and learning at the K-12 level (Sax 2005; Beal
1994) Some research suggests that girls and boys have different approaches to
problem solving (Fenneman et al. 1998; Carr and Jessup 1997) and even that they
should be taught differently (Sax 2005). While this literature involves gender dif-
ferences in the classroom, we have found empirical evidence over the years that
gender differences exist when males and females use tutoring systems at the K-12
level (Arroyo and Woolf 2005).
Research on affective tutors may ultimately lead to delicate recommendations
about the type of support to provide for individual students. Should male students
receive affective support at all? Should all females be provided with learning
companions? Should students with learning disabilities use learning companions?
These are harder questions to answer from these experimental results. While our
results suggest that high school females will affectively benefit more than high
school males when exposed to learning companions, we cannot conclude that
males in general should not receive affective learning companions. We might sug-
gest that low achieving students (males and females) will highly benefit from af-
fective learning companions. It was only high achieving males who clearly did not
benefit from affective learning companions, though our data set is not large
enough to provide statistically significant results on the impact of learning com-
panions for a combination of math ability and gender characteristics of students.
Further studies with larger number of students might result in more nuanced rec-
ommendations about how to modulate the feedback to individualize instruction in
affective tutors.
Acknowledgement. This research was funded by two awards (1) National Science Founda-
tion, #0705554, IIS/HCC Affective Learning Companions: Modeling and supporting emo-
tion during teaching, Woolf and Burleson (PIs) with Arroyo, Barto, and Fisher; and (2)
U.S. Department of Education to Woolf, B. P. (PI) with Arroyo, Maloy and the Center for
Applied Special Technology (CAST), Teaching Every Student: Using Intelligent Tutoring
and Universal Design To Customize The Mathematics Curriculum. Any opinions, findings,
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.
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Chapter 11
Ontology-Based Formal Modeling of the
Pedagogical World: Tutor Modeling
11.1 Introduction
Advanced information processing technology, and especially knowledge process-
ing, has influenced the design of learning support systems. Advances that have
played a central role in the Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) area include applica-
tions of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to learner modeling and the genera-
tion of tutoring actions that can be adapted to the state of the learner, based on the
learner model. In both of these applications, inference techniques are the key tech-
nology. However, knowledge processing has not been focused on as the main
technology, despite the fact that inference cannot work without knowledge.
Intelligence is attributed to adaptive actions of a system. Such actions can only
be generated by a system that has been designed to change its actions adaptively to
a situation. Researchers in ITS have placed greater emphasis on building the
learner model than on modeling the tutor to perform intelligent tutoring actions.
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 229–247. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
230 R. Mizoguchi, Y. Hayashi, and J. Bourdeau
(Hayashi et al., 2009c). Here, we explain the philosophy underlying the modeling
of learning actions as well as our policies for ontology building. The next section
presents the background of this study, followed by a brief overview of our project
in Section 3. Section 4 gives a detailed explanation of the process of ontology
building in OMNIBUS, with eight policies. In Section 5, we introduce a
next-generation authoring tool named SMARTIES in the context of these policies.
Section 6 discusses how SMARTIES works, demonstrating its unique architecture
(which is different from that of conventional expert systems), and ends with some
concluding remarks.
11.2 Background
The aim of the OMNIBUS/SMARTIES project includes the design of learning
and tutoring actions for an intelligent authoring system. OMNIBUS is an ontology
of learning and instructional theories, which models learning and tutoring (instruc-
tional) actions implicitly or explicitly.
One might think that expert system technology would be a promising approach
when someone is asked to build such an intelligent authoring system. He/she
would try to interview experts in instructional design and/or learning theories to
uncover how they design learning/instructional scenarios and on what model of
the learning/instructional world these scenarios are based. After a series of suc-
cessful interviews, he/she would build a rule base that nicely simulates the behav-
ior of experts in authoring learning/instructional scenarios.
Now, we would like to pose a question about how we can evaluate such a rule-
based intelligent authoring system. It will show reasonable performance when the
KB is built well. But the issue here is whether we can say that the system is wise
enough to understand learning and instruction or not. We believe that the wisdom
lies not with the system but still with those experts who gave their knowledge to
the system. This is because the system does not “know” what learning/instruction
is, and because it is not built based on a good model of learning actions.
Building a truly intelligent authoring system is a really challenging goal, one
worthy of the attempt. We have tackled this problem by investigating learn-
ing/instructional theories rather than expert heuristics, motivated by the strong be-
lief that ontological engineering is more powerful than expert system technology.
We have set the following seven goals for our long-term research project:
1. Building a system that “understands” a good number of learning/instructional
2. Devising a function to support the generation of a learning/instructional sce-
nario justified by learning/instructional theories;
3. Capturing prescriptive aspects of learning/instructional theories in a declarative
4. Avoiding the use of expert heuristics;
5. Avoiding the use of procedural modeling in any circumstances;
6. Being able to explain the theories it has and the rationale for the learn-
ing/instructional scenarios it generates;
7. Being able to add new theories easily.
232 R. Mizoguchi, Y. Hayashi, and J. Bourdeau
It is apparent that form-oriented AI research would not be useful here. The is-
sue is not the reasoning but the content modeling, which conventional AI research
has not yet tackled seriously. However, the situation is improving currently,
thanks to the emergence of ontological engineering, which provides theories and
techniques to build a fundamental model of the target world. What we must
address is the modeling of learning and tutoring/instructional actions, as
target-world modeling, that is necessary in order for a system to perform infer-
ence. Ontology engineering provides us with theories and techniques for modeling
the world of interest. Technologically, its central feature is its use of a declarative
description to build a model, in a computer-understandable manner, as objectively
as possible. This is why we have decided to adopt ontological engineering in our
project. However, while ontological engineering thus appears to be a powerful
methodology that can be applied to our research, an issue remains: the modeling
of prescriptive aspects of instructional theories that relies heavily on the model of
learning and tutoring/instructional actions. We have decided not to use procedural
modeling. How, then, can we tackle this problem?
The OMNIBUS project was motivated partially by the desire to build an innova-
tive authoring system aware of learning/instructional theories. It is also expected
to be able to produce IMS-LD-compliant learning/instructional scenarios. Named
SMARTIES, it satisfies all of these aforementioned requirements as well as being
able to connect Learning Objects (LO) available through GLOBE1 with the gener-
ated scenarios.
The heart of SMARTIES is Instructional_Learning event (I_L event) decompo-
sition, described in 4.5. OMNIBUS prepares all concepts necessary for performing
I_L event decomposition interactively with the author (designer). The prescriptive
aspects of learning/instructional theories are organized as unit operations of I_L
event decomposition. The unit should be understood as a unit of instructional
strategy. I_L event decomposition is done by proposing candidates for decomposi-
tion by the system, and then having authors perform a selection among the candi-
dates. The authors could also choose to input their own strategies, in which case
SMARTIES proposes tutoring actions and learner’s states as terms it understands
by which authors can describe their strategies. This allows SMARTIES to under-
stand the author-input strategies. In selecting among system-provided candidates,
authors can blend theories to select a candidate derived from theories other than
those that prompted past selections. Note here, however, that justification for such
blending is not supported by theories. It must be done at the author’s risk.2
The Global Learning Objects Brokered Exchange (GLOBE),
A description of how SMARTIES works can be found at WS_Invited.pps
Ontology-Based Formal Modeling of the Pedagogical World: Tutor Modeling 233
11.4.1 Overview
The following are some of the difficulties that must be overcome in building an
ontology of learning/instructional theories:
1. Defining what exactly an ontology of theories is.
2. Reconciling the, long-lasting conflicts among theoretical paradigms: Behavior-
ism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and Socio-constructivism have been compet-
ing for long years. It seems impossible to find a common ground on which to
describe them.
3. Modeling the variety of instructional strategies in a declarative form.
4. Selecting terms/concepts to include in the ontology.
As these difficulties suggest, the project was a real challenge. We could say that
capturing prescriptive aspects of theories was the hardest part of our whole enter-
prise. After struggling with this issue, we were fortunately able to come up with a
powerful solution. The idea is a good example of knowledge transfer across
domains, since the solution was devised by using a technique developed for
capturing the functional structure of engineering artifacts (Kitamura, 2004). This
technique will be discussed in detail below, because it has a strong potential to be-
come a standard way of capturing human problem-solving actions in general in a
declarative manner.
For the moment, let us move on to the discussion of how to build an ontology.
Contrary to what most people believe, building an ontology does not mean build-
ing an is-a hierarchy of the target concept. What an ontology should be is an is-a
hierarchy of all the related concepts, to capture the target concept. An is-a hierar-
chy of the target concept is just one of them. To put it in terms of our problem, the
OMNIBUS ontology should comprise an is-a hierarchy not only of theories but
also of actions, states, events and strategies.
The next biggest difficulty is reconciling the learning paradigms. We should
not create new theories; we have to respect the existing theories. But this does not
mean that we should blindly follow what experts claim. We as ontologists need to
keep a domain-neutral attitude so as to capture reality with the highest fidelity, in
order to get rid of possible non-moderate views originating in domain-specificity.
In addition, we have to be empowered by sound ontological theories.
While the notion of “learning” is not shared by theorists across paradigms, we
firmly believe it has to be. This is the starting point and the solid ground on which
we can build an ontology of learning and instructional theories. To justify this
view, let us consider a situation where we deploy learning/instructional theories in
a classroom instruction situation. With what degree of accuracy can we ensure that
each learner enjoys the learning conditions a particular theory requires in such a
situation? Each learner is in a different state of comprehension, motivation, etc.
We have to apply one instructional strategy uniformly to all the learners; that is
the reality of doing education in a classroom. This clearly suggests that we have to
234 R. Mizoguchi, Y. Hayashi, and J. Bourdeau
Basic Formal Ontology (BFO),
DOLCE: a Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering,
The new updated version is called YAMATO. See: library/upperOnto.htm
Ontology-Based Formal Modeling of the Pedagogical World: Tutor Modeling 235
hierarchies. Common world includes action (process), state, event, etc. These three
constitute the core of our conceptualization of the learning/instructional world and
will be explained in detail in the next subsection.
Policy 1: All occurrents except events are modeled in terms of state change.
Policy 2: Events are modeled using processes as material. An event is a unitary
whole in the temporal space. Actions are modeled in the minimalist way to be used
for event description.
State modeling is very important in OMNIBUS for the following two reasons:
1. It provides infrastructure to enable us to model all the theories on a common
2. It allows us to express all phenomena occurring during learning and instruc-
tional processes, and hence it guarantees that all the application programs based
on OMNIBUS work in a uniform way.
Of course, we are aware that there are quite a few people who oppose these
claims. In particular, many of the theorists would like to raise counterarguments
such as, “It seems almost impossible for you to implement my theory in a com-
puter without losing the deep understanding about learning that I have put into it.”
We are ready to agree with such a theoretician. But, we would like to reply, “That
236 R. Mizoguchi, Y. Hayashi, and J. Bourdeau
use them to help build theory-compliant scenarios. In the light of this goal, the
granularity should be fine enough to explain theories and coarse enough to pro-
duce easy understandable and manageable behavior on the part of the authoring
When we pay attention to the kinds of events, we find two primitive types:
learning event and instructional event. In the former, a learner performs a learning
action and changes his/her state, under some conditions which the learning theo-
ries take care of. In the latter type, on the other hand, an instructor performs an in-
structional action to facilitate a learning action, in order to cause a planned change
in the learner. When we view these two kinds of events as a unified entity, we
come up with a composite event, which we call I_L event, in which “I” stands for
Instruction and “L” for Learning. An I_L event thus consists of a triple of <in-
structional action, learning action, state change>. If we can represent all the pos-
sible event sequences occurring in the course of learning/instruction, then I_L
event can be thought of as the core of the model of prescriptive aspects of theories.
The above discussion is summarized in Policy 4:
Policy 4: Try to find event units with maximal granularity, under the condition
of keeping the capability of modeling all the possible phenomena under
Policy 4 works well for tackling the modeling of procedural knowledge in gen-
eral. It is apparent that state-based modeling works well when the modeling of ac-
tions is the main interest. As we noted above, however, we have to be careful
about the granularity issue. It should be neither too small nor too large, but just the
right size to represent the phenomena under consideration with maximal under-
Educational event is divided into several sub-events, as shown in Figure 11.4,
in which definitions of I_L event and learning event are also shown. I_L event is
further divided into simple event, reciprocal I_L event and influential I_L event.
Preparing learning condition, a subclass of influential I_L event, consists of three
slots: I event, effective L event, and prepared L event. I event influences learning
action, which causes learning effect, which in turn serves as a precondition for
the next learning action, defined in the required state of learning slot of prepared
L event.
Help L. learn
Constructivism theory
Behaviorism theory
Function (action) Behaviorism
Decomposition way
vism way
Play & Build
Stimulus response
Although people believe to weld is a function, it is not correct from our theory. It
is a composite concept of to join and fusion way. To join is achieved by not only
fusion way but also by bolt&nut way or glue way. What is important here is that to
join is a concept, independent of the way it is implemented. It even possesses high
domain-independence. We call to join a part of what to achieve and fusion way a
part of how to achieve it. To cut is not a function either. It is a composite of to
separate and sharp tool way. To wash is another example that is not a function. It
is a composite of to clean and water way. We have thus defined function as the
what to achieve part, detaching the how to achieve part from the original concept.
This decomposition purifies the functional concept and we end up with only about
90 functional concepts.
Conceptualization of how to achieve is also of value, and we introduce the no-
tion of way for it. This is not a conceptualization of a sequence of sub-functions
such as <put them together, melt, cool>, the sequence usually considered as an
implementation for achieving to weld. The conceptualization of this sequence of
actions as a “sequence of sub-functions” is not interesting at all because it is still a
process. What we have done is different. We conceptualize it as a principle of why
the sequence of sub-functions makes sense, rather than as a sequence. In terms of
ontology, we conceptualize how to achieve as a relation between the original func-
tional concept and the derived sequence of sub-functions, e.g., the relation be-
tween to weld and <put them together, melt, cool> in our case.
Let us come back to the topic of learning with the notions of function and way in
mind. What to achieve corresponds to Help learners learn, and how to achieve
corresponds to, say, constructivism way, etc. Figure 11.5 shows a diagrammatic
explanation of this relation. To achieve the goal by the constructivism way, when
we read the diagram in a top-down manner, it says “I_L event of Help learner
learn is decomposed into three sub-events: prepare an environment, put learner
into the environment and let learner build knowledge”. This is the second type of
decomposition in terms of granularity, which is explained in 4.6.
This implies that learning/instructional theories are understood as how to
achieve, that is, a way for achieving learning goals in our conceptualization. In
fact, as Figure 11.5 suggests, the same goal “Help learners learn” can be achieved
by the behaviorism way, the cognitivism way, the constructivism way, etc. This is
240 R. Mizoguchi, Y. Hayashi, and J. Bourdeau
what we want to do with learning/instructional theories, that is, they are modeled
in the system as alternatives to one another rather than competing and conflicting
with one another. We can summarize the above discussion in Policy 5 below.
Policy 5: In the case of capturing actions and processes, detach how to achieve
from them to obtain what to achieve, and organize each separately. The latter
should be conceptualized as “purified action” and the former as “way”.
Of course, the quality of the goal achieved is influenced by the way which has
been applied to it. If two sheets of metal are welded, they cannot be separated,
whereas if the bolt&nut way is used, they are detachable. The strength of the joint
must be different from the way used. This would be the very point that experts are
concerned with. That is, the difference would be their justification for loudly pro-
claiming the distinction between theories. Note, however, that we do not intend to
neglect such differentiation between theories/ways. What we would like to do is to
find a common background for theories so that users have a chance to access theo-
ries and compare them in order to choose the best one for their goals. So, we in-
tentionally leave freedom of choice to the users, and the system would propose
possible theories usable in the situation the users are in.
composed by intermediate nodes will give you the design rationale of the
scenario, since each I_L event in it represents the goal of the corresponding
In functional ontology research, it is well known that accumulation of ways, or-
ganized in a good structure, is beneficial for understanding a design methodology.
In fact, while purified functions embody domain- and implementation-
independent goals, ways contain rich domain-specific information which is worth
analyzing. Ways contain the justification of the decomposition as well as a se-
quence of sub-actions. In the case of the I_L event decomposition tree, each way is
a compact description of instructional/learning strategy elaborated in theories.
Therefore, analyzing ways extracted from theories contributes to understanding
them from innovative perspectives. In fact, we can organize these pieces of way-
knowledge in an is-a hierarchy and each of them is defined by referring to states
and actions which are already defined in the ontology (Hayashi et al., 2009b).
Such an organization of ways gives us very different perspectives from a taxon-
omy of theories. What is most interesting is that each of the ways is interpreted as
a unit of strategy for instructional activity and can be directly used to build learn-
ing/instructional scenarios by decomposing the starting I_L event.
Imagine a situation where a lot of ways are stored and are used to author a
learning/instructional scenario. As explained thus far, all the ways are described in
terms of I_L events that are defined by referring to states and actions defined in
the ontology. Therefore, the computer can easily find applicable ways to decom-
pose the target I_L event by simple pattern-matching, and then it proposes all the
candidates to the user. The user selects one he/she likes from among them and
decomposes the I_L event to get finer-grained I_L events. This decomposition
process is continued until executable actions are reached, to obtain a learn-
ing/instructional scenario. The scenarios thus obtained are necessarily justified by
theories, and hence they should be reliable, generic and articulate. The above dis-
cussion is summarized in three policies:
242 R. Mizoguchi, Y. Hayashi, and J. Bourdeau
object (LO) (f) The explanation of
node (3) I_L event WAY-knowledge
(b) Scenario setting window
explanation (2) Ontology viewer
(8) LO repository
(7) The preview of LO e.g. GLOBE (
(this LO is from
authors has been involved in ontology building for collaborative learning and its
use for group formation and authoring learning materials for collaborative learning
(Isotani et al. 2009; Isotani et al. 2010). A good thing is that both ontologies are
based on the I_L event, so that they semantically interoperate and can be inte-
grated into a unified framework. The key issue here is that interaction in collabo-
rative learning can be viewed as any participant learns through interaction, and
that view allows us to see that the other participant who gives a stimulus to the
participant who learns is playing the role of “instructor” in the broad sense,
whether or not he/she intends to do so. This is the reason why I_L event can be the
core of an ontology of collaborative learning. The first result of this integration is
available at (Hayashi et al., 2009a). We believe that this challenge will help to
open up a new world of learning/instructional activity modeling.
Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R., Hayashi, Y., Psyche, V., Nkambou, R.: When the Domain of
the Ontology is Education. In: Proc. of LORNET 2007, User Centered Knowledge Envi-
ronments: from theory to practice, The fourth annual LORNET conference I2LOR 2007
of the LORNET Research Network (2007),
Collins, A., Brown, J.S., Newman, S.E.: Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of
reading, writing & mathematics. In: Resnick, L.B. (ed.) Knowing, learning, & instruc-
tion: Essays in honor of Robert Glaser. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale (1989)
Gagne, R.M., Briggs, L.J.: Principles of Instructional Design, 2nd edn. Holt, Rinehart &
Winston, New York (1979)
Galton, A., Mizoguchi, R.: The water falls but the waterfall does not fall: New perspectives
on objects, processes and events. Journal of Applied Ontology 4(2), 71–107 (2009)
Hayashi, Y., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R.: Toward a Learning/Instruction Process Model
for Facilitating Instructional Design Cycle. In: Proc. of 9th IFIP World Conference on
Computers in Education (WCCE 2009), pp. 138–147 (2009a)
Hayashi, Y., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R.: Towards Better Understanding of Learn-
ing/Instructional Design Knowledge with Strategy-centered Structuring. In: Proc. of
ICCE 2009, pp. 91–98 (2009b)
Hayashi, Y., Isotani, S., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R.: Using Ontological Engineering to
Organize Learning/Instructional Theories and Build a Theory-Aware Authoring System.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 19(2), 211–252 (2009c)
Hozo: ontology editor,
Isotani, S., Inaba, A., Ikeda, M., Mizoguchi, R.: An Ontology Engineering Approach to the
Realization of Theory-Driven Group Formation. International Journal of Computer-
Supported Collaborative Learning 4(4), 445–478 (2009)
Isotani, S., Mizoguchi, R., Inaba, A., Ikeda, M.: The foundations of a theory-aware author-
ing tool for CSCL design. International Journal of Computers and Education 54(4), 809–
834 (2010)
Kitamura, Y., Koji, Y., Mizoguchi, R.: An Ontological Model of Device Function: Indus-
trial Deployment and Lessons Learned. Journal of Applied Ontology 1(3-4), 237–262
Ontology-Based Formal Modeling of the Pedagogical World: Tutor Modeling 247
Mizoguchi, R., Bourdeau, J.: Using Ontological Engineering to Overcome Common AI-ED
Problems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 11(2), 107–121
Mizoguchi, R., Hayashi, Y., Bourdeau, J.: Inside Theory-Aware & Standards-Compliant
Authoring System. In: Proc. of SWEL 2007, pp. 1–18 (2007)
Mizoguchi, R.: Yet Another Top-level Ontology YATO. In: Proc. of the Second Interdisci-
plinary Ontology Meeting, pp. 91–101 (2009)
Murray, T., Blessing, S., Ainsworth, S.: Authoring Tools for Advanced Technology Learn-
ing Environments: Toward Cost-Effective Adaptive, Interactive & Intelligent Educa-
tional Software. Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
Reigeluth, C.: Instructional Design Theories in Action. Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale
Part III
Student Modeling
Chapter 12
Using Drawings in Knowledge Modeling and
Simulation for Science Teaching
University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede,
The Netherlands
12.1 Introduction
In inquiry learning with the help of simulations and modeling, knowledge is mod-
eled at three levels. First there is the level of the authored simulation (van
Joolingen and de Jong 2003) in the form of an executable model that drives the
simulation as a main resource for inquiry. The second level is that of models cre-
ated by students, in the form of concept maps, system dynamics models or stated
hypotheses and conclusions (Novak 1998; Penner 2001; Schwarz et al. 2007;
Wilensky and Reisman 2006; Wilensky and Resnick 1999). The third level is that
of models the system makes of learners’ knowledge. Although these levels of
knowledge modeling serve different purposes and therefore need to satisfy differ-
ent requirements, they also have much in common as they rely on similar repre-
sentations representing relations between variables in the domain. In many cases
representations at all three levels need to be simulated. At the level of the simula-
tion this is obvious. It has also been known that for the level of learner created
models a simulation based on a learner generated model can have a beneficial
effect on the learning process (Alessi 2000; Bliss 1994; Ergazaki et al. 2007;
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 249–264. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
250 W.R. van Joolingen, L. Bollen, and F.A.J. Leenaars
Feurzeig and Roberts 1999; Sins et al. 2005). At the level of the model of learn-
ers’ knowledge simulation of a model can help to identify conflicts between learn-
ers’ hypotheses and predictions on one side and the model that the learner is
studying on the other. Differences in models generate difference in simulation re-
sults which are opportunities to confront and discuss with learners in the knowl-
edge building process.
In the current chapter we focus on the middle level, the representation of mod-
els by learners. As noted, learners can use many different kinds of representation
to express their own models. Some of those representations, such as system dy-
namics models allow to be simulated right away, but have the drawback of being
quite formal and requiring prior knowledge of the variables and relations in the
domain, as well as knowledge about the notation and syntax of system dynamics.
Other representations such as concept maps can be helpful, but cannot be simu-
lated. Moreover, concept maps are good for building conceptual structures, but
they are not really geared towards representing computational operations. Finally,
concept maps also impose a kind of formalism on the kind of representations to
use by students. Learning environments such as Cool Modes (Bollen et al. 2002)
try to combine different visual languages like system dynamics, UML diagrams,
freehand drawing etc. in one workspace, but these languages rarely interoperate,
and especially freehand-drawings are only integrated on a visual level.
We try to address the problem for representing learners’ models by letting learners
make drawings representing their understanding of the domain. Using freehand draw-
ings and sketches provides the most representational freedom, but it usually lacks any
form of operational semantics. Recent sketch recognition systems try to include this
kind of modeling support to drawings, e.g., for drawing logic diagrams (Alvarado and
Lazzareschi 2007) or for recognizing mathematical expressions (LaViola and
Zeleznik 2004), but they also inherit the limitations and restriction from the domain
they are trying to support and from the language they try to recognize.
The approach presented in this paper brings together representational freedom
and operational semantics. This approach allows learners to externalize and visu-
alize their ideas on a phenomenon by using freehand drawings, which can be used
to intelligently support the creation of a quantitative model by means of segmenta-
tion support to recognize coherent components in a drawing, sketch recognition
for detecting basic shapes (e.g. arrows, links between components) and labeling to
provide a means to the user to identify and tag relevant characteristics and proper-
ties of sketch components.
in a model and be represented as one or more variables (Van Meter and Garner
2005). Therefore, drawings can form a bridge between initial ideas and a formal
model of a system. An example may make this clearer.
Suppose learners study the water cycle, that represents the origin of rainfall
(water evaporates from the sea, condensates, flows to land where it forms rain-
drops and it starts to rain). Rain water comes together in rivers that feed back to
the sea. A drawing of such a system could look like Fig. 12.1. Such a drawing by
no means qualifies as a computational model as it is inaccurate and ambiguous
(for instance there are several arrows that all have different meanings, and impor-
tant concepts, such as the temperature of the water, are not represented. However,
the drawing does represent relevant components of the system – sea, water in
various states, wind, the sun as energy source – as well as processes (evaporation,
flow, condensation) and could help in arriving at a model such as the system dy-
namics model represented in Fig. 12.2, that can be used to simulate the water cy-
cle and investigate the influence of parameters such as the intensity of the Sun’s
radiation. On the other hand, the drawing conveys concepts and details that may
not be included in a formal system dynamics model, like spatial relations between
components (e.g. mountain, river, sea).
The basic idea of our approach is to support learners in transferring their ideas,
as expressed in a drawing, into a formal model; either by translating the drawing
into a formal language such as system dynamics, or by adding information to the
drawing in such a way that it becomes a computational model.
In the first case, a model such as the one presented in Fig. 12.2 would be cre-
ated using the drawing as a means of support for creating the model elements, in
252 W.R. van Joolingen, L. Bollen, and F.A.J. Leenaars
Fig. 12.2 Possible system dynamics model of the water cycle (created with Co-Lab (van
Joolingen et al. 2005))
the second case, the drawing itself could be the model, meaning for instance that
the drawing elements could be animated, based on the state of the model. For in-
stance, the cloud could grow as more water evaporates and it could move onto the
land area.
In order to make this work, the drawing must be used to identify objects, vari-
ables and processes that will be components of the model. In our drawing there are
objects recognizable as containers of water (the sea, clouds above the sea, clouds
above the land, the river). Each of these objects has a pictorial representation.
Moreover, there are processes such as heating the sea water, transporting water
through wind or flow, and rain. These processes are represented as arrows (such as
the wind) or icons (such as the raindrops). An executable model would require
formulation in terms of variables and relations (such as computational functions or
differential equations). In the system dynamics formalism, this would come down
to stocks (variables that represent a state of a container (e.g. the amount of water in
a cloud), a flow, representing the rate of change of one or two states (e.g. water
evaporating from the sea influences the amount of water in the sea as well as the
amount of water in the clouds), or an influence, such as the temperature of the sea
water influencing the evaporation rate.
Understanding learners’ drawings can be supported by a system that under-
stands the drawing to a certain extent. For such support to work it is necessary that
Using Drawings in Knowledge Modeling and Simulation for Science Teaching 253
the system (1) recognizes elements in the drawing, (2) enters a dialogue with the
learner about the meaning of these elements and helps formalizing them into a
model and (3) supports the simulation based on the model. The purpose of such a
support system would be to bring modeling approaches within the reach of stu-
dents that have not been trained in formal modeling techniques. Also drawings
can support beginning modelers in learning such a formalism and potentially also
help experienced modelers in dealing with models of complex systems. The next
section will elaborate on the details of this support.
drawings. For example, the trees, the sea and the clouds in Fig. 12.1 are not identi-
fiable with reasonable effort. Still, sketch recognition approaches as proposed in
(Tracy Hammond & Davis, 2003) are expected to be helpful to find basic and
typical elements like arrows, geometric shapes, connecting lines, etc. that can be
used in combination with grouping and labeling approaches as described in the
next sections.
Labeling is a manual way to add descriptive tags to elements of a drawing, as
shown in Fig. 12.3 below. Adding labels serves two purposes: (1) It helps a
learner to externalize his ideas and to think about the meaning and characteristics
of his sketch, and (2) it may be used to automatically deduce initial, draft models
from a drawing, using the labels as variables and parameters. A leaner may be in-
structed to use labels in a specific way, as mentioned above.
Ten participants used a graphics tablet to create their drawings. They worked in a
specifically created sketch collection environment, which integrates drawing, la-
beling and simulation tools. The simulation tool was based on SimQuest (van
Joolingen and de Jong 2003; van Joolingen et al. 1997). Descriptions of real world
systems were presented to participants as short case texts along with a simulation
that allowed participants to manipulate a number of variables. Extensive logs were
kept of all the participants’ actions in this application. This environment also of-
fered tutorials to familiarize participants with both the graphics tablet and the
software. Figure 12.3 shows a screenshot of this environment.
256 W.R. van Joolingen, L. Bollen, and F.A.J. Leenaars
Fig. 12.3 Screenshot of the sketch collection environment. The right side of the picture
shows a short case description and a simulation, the left side shows a labeled sketch that
was drawn based on this information
Using Drawings in Knowledge Modeling and Simulation for Science Teaching 257 Results
First results show that although there was quite some variety in the way partici-
pants represented the described systems, there were many similarities as well.
About half the participants drew a solid house, while the other half drew a house
that was ‘see-through’, so they could show the thermostat and radiator. Another
interesting pattern was that all participants represented the table / rubber band / toy
car system with the table on the left side and the car driving away to the right.
While interesting in itself, this is the kind of result that could be very useful for
distinguishing and identifying objects in an automated system.
Participants used labels to indicate which parts of their drawings they believed
had an influence on a specified variable. Labels were not used to identify other ob-
jects that were drawn. For example the tree in Figure 12.3 is not labeled because it
is not believed to influence the temperature in the house, but the window (specifi-
cally the surface area of the window) is labeled. During the course of the study
participants were asked to give more information in the labels. E.g. instead of just
mentioning that the surface area of the windows affects the temperature in the
house, participants were later asked to write in more detail about the direction of
this effect. When labels are used to identify as many objects as possible in the
drawing, this can be of great help during clustering and sketch recognition. During
the clustering phase, the labels can serve as seed points for the clustering algo-
rithm and the text in the labels can be scanned for domain specific words to help
in the sketch recognition phase. For instance, if a label containing the string ‘win-
dow’ is used to identify a rectangular shape; this is quite strong evidence that this
shape in fact represents a window. A drawback of this approach is that it would
require domain specific lexicons containing description strings of the objects to be
Other interesting results have already been found by the clustering algorithm,
which was at times able to very accurately detect different parts of the drawing.
Figure 12.4 shows the results of applying the LSDBC algorithm to four different
drawings of a toy car connected to a table with a rubber band. The clustering algo-
rithm accurately detected different parts of the sketch in all but the bottom-right
drawing. The algorithm was able to distinguish the rubber band from the table by
using time information. While this leads to good results when the drawing order is
table – car – rubber band, it fails when the drawing order is table – rubber band –
car, as it was in the bottom-right drawing. The current clustering algorithm could
be further improved by using color and stroke information.
Recent developments used the participants’ drawings as training data for a Na-
ïve Bayes Kernel Distribution approach, using the RapidMiner / YALE libraries
(Mierswa et al. 2006). This approach turned out to be more accurate than the
LSDBC clustering approach to identify distinct objects in a sketch.
Fig. 12.4 Four drawings of a toy car connected to a table by a rubber band. The colors were
added by the clustering algorithm, with each color representing a different cluster.
creating a large library of model elements that can cover a number of domains. In
the examples listed above, elements could be, for instance, house, car, or cloud.
Apart from manual labeling by students, there are two ways in which shapes can
be recognized. The first is based on the sketch recognition algorithm as devised by
Hammond (Hammond & Davis, 2005; Paulson & Hammond, 2008). This algo-
rithm identifies elementary shape elements such as lines, ellipses and spirals.
These elements can be combined into more complex shapes such as squares, ar-
rows and more by specifying rules in the LADDER language (“Language for De-
scribing Drawing, Display, and Editing for use in sketch Recognition”). LADDER
rules use concepts such as above/below, perpendicularity of lines, joint points etc.
These complex shapes can again be reused to define even more complex shapes.
For instance, a house can be defined in terms of a rectangle, with a triangle on top
of it. A rectangle in its turn is defined as four lines, that meet in four points under
straight angles. As we are dealing with freehand drawings, all rules include an
amount of tolerance. However, as a trade-off, the more objects you define, the less
tolerant your rules have to be to avoid ambiguity. As a consequence, a drawing
has to be very accurate to be still recognizable.
A second approach for sketch identification would be using a database of draw-
ings that are manually classified and, using data mining techniques, match the
characteristics of a learner’s drawing to that database. For this, basic shapes such
as horizontal and vertical strokes, ellipses, etc. still need to be classified, but there
is no need for defining the complex shapes. It may be expected that data mining
techniques prove less sensitive to variation in details of the drawing (for instance
to the exact shape of a cloud) and more tolerant to mistakes than those based on
pure shape recognition.
Using Drawings in Knowledge Modeling and Simulation for Science Teaching 259
To achieve the kind of support mentioned in the previous chapter, and to integrate
sketching and modeling, a number of different approaches are being implemented
and evaluated. As we aim for a generic, domain-independent modeling support,
there will be no single, ideal solution, but a number of different approaches will
act together to provide flexible, yet powerful assistance to the learner. In the fol-
lowing, various approaches are introduced and discussed. Together they form a
step-by-step plan to generate a model out of a learner’s drawing.
Fig. 12.5 A simple drawing in the domain of heating a house. The coloring originates from
automatic grouping, the labels stem from automatic shape recognition
In a trial with data collected from the students in the study described above, a
LADDER-based algorithm was capable of positively identifying shapes such as
house, sun and arrow. The main addition to the standard LADDER algorithm was
that the recognition took place after partitioning the drawing into distinct, smaller
objects. The advantage of this approach is that interference of different shapes is
avoided, and that parts of the shape (e.g. a window in the house) that are not part
of the definition can be included in the shape. This allows for a ‘loose’ definition
of shapes, e.g. the house reducing to just four lines that indicate two walls and a
roof. This results in a very accurate recognition of shapes, as is shown in Figure
12.5. The robustness of this approach needs to be tested on larger shape libraries
with more shapes.
260 W.R. van Joolingen, L. Bollen, and F.A.J. Leenaars
canConnectTo neighbouringBody : ThermalBody (0..N)
public property Temperature : temperature (K)
internal property HeatCapacity : thermalcapacity (J/K)
internal property ThermalEnery : energy (J)
connection(neighbouringBody) property HeatLossCoefficient :
thermalpower (W/K)
Temperature = ThermalEnergy / HeatCapacity
Var TotalHeatLoss =
SUM-OVER-ALL(neighbouringBodies) {
(self<->neighbouringBody).HeatlossCoefficient *
neighbouringBody.Temperature – Temperature
dThermalEnergy/dt = TotalHeatLoss
end ThermalBody
The basic idea behind the model generation is the use of model fragments and
connectors. For the example of the house heating this will be explained. First of
all, an object such as house as identified by the sketch recognition mechanism is
hardly useful for modeling. In order to make it useful, physical properties have to
be added. This is done by creating a hierarchical ontology that can classify a house
as a thermal-body, that associates with a model fragment that identifies the proper-
ties of that physical object as well as the connections it can have to other objects.
These connections in their turn can have properties of their own. In Fig. 12.6 the
model fragment for a thermal body is given. Note statements that specify that a
thermal body can connect to any number of other thermal bodies, representing the
exchange of heat. This adds flexibility compared to standard functional block ap-
proaches in which the number of connections is fixed for each object. Also each
connection can have its unique properties, in this case the heat loss coefficient that
determines how much heat is transferred over the link per unit of time.
Using Drawings in Knowledge Modeling and Simulation for Science Teaching 261
Based on the layout of the drawing, model fragments can be combined. For in-
stance, let us assume that we model a system consisting of a house and its
environment. From the drawing a connection between the environment (ENV) and
the house (HOUSE) can be inferred. This means that two thermal object model
fragments can be instantiated, including a link between them. This instantiation
leads to the set of equations that is presented in Fig. 12.7. This is a set of two
ODE’s and four algebraic equations that can be fed into a simulation engine such
as available in – for instance – the SimQuest simulation system (van Joolingen &
de Jong, 2003).
This – relatively simple – example shows how the final step from drawing to
model can be made. For more complex systems, of course the number of elements
and links will grow, but given the complexity of an average drawing, we do not
expect computational problems.
Presenting both simulation results and indicating the differences can result in a
dialogue with the learner. Agents in the learning environment can use this infor-
mation to adapt the learning environment, and for instance suggest experiments
that provoke thought on their misconceptions, in the line of Posner and colleagues
(Posner et al. 1982). This can best be illustrated by an example. A common mis-
conception in astronomy is that the seasons are caused by the earth being closer to
the sun in summers than in winters. This a misconception that can easily be picked
up from a drawing. Agents can then respond in several ways:
• Tell the learner that the reality is different.
• Ask questions about the misconception and especially what this would mean
for the times of seasons for the northern and southern hemispheres.
• Generate a simulation and run it to show that this would also mean that the
summer would become shorter and that the temperature on the whole earth
would rise and fall.
The option that would be chosen would be dependent on the pedagogical strat-
egy, and on the level of the learner, but it is clear how the sketch-based modeling
would enlarge the repertoire of ITSs, by extending the possibilities for diagnosis
and feedback, including simulation-based feedback.
The work presented here is in progress. The segmentation part is up to a level
that it can be used in practice. The recognition step can be covered for simple
shapes, but there is a need for building and analyzing a large corpus of drawings to
extract rules for more complex shapes than houses and suns. Once the corpus has
been built, data mining techniques can be used to create and test classification
rules. In the long run this should lead to a large library and ontology of learner
generated shapes that can be used for identification of drawings, and become a
learning system when it is also fed with the results of manual labeling by learners
and experts.
The model generation part, finally, is rather straightforward once the shapes
and their relations have been identified. Equations like the ones generated in the
example presented above can be processed with existing simulation engines such
as those available for SimQuest (van Joolingen and de Jong 2003). However,
identifying relations is tricky, and strongly dependent on the way learners repre-
sent them. So far we need to rely on pre-stored relations and drawn arrows by
In the long run, the outlook for drawing based modeling systems is that they
can form an integrated part of inquiry-based environments that offer intelligent
support for the learner. A traditional issue in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, includ-
ing those based on inquiry learning, such as Co-Lab (van Joolingen et al. 2005)
and SCY (de Jong et al. in press) is that of estimating the learners’ knowledge
level. The way we use drawings as described in this chapter provides a natural in-
put for the knowledge modeling systems Drawings can form an excellent means
of sharing and communicating knowledge, with fellow learners as well as with the
tutoring system. If drawings can be augmented by a simulation, the learning envi-
ronment can become a partner in the learning process, by detecting and acting
Using Drawings in Knowledge Modeling and Simulation for Science Teaching 263
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Chapter 13
Student Modeling
Abstract. This chapter describes how to build student models for intelligent tutors
and indicates how knowledge is represented, updated, and used to improve tutor
performance. It provides examples of how to represent domain content and de-
scribes evaluation methodologies. Several future scenarios for student models are
discussed. For example, we envision that student models will support assessment
for both formative issues (the degree to which the student has learned how to learn
– for the purposes of improving learning capacity and effectiveness) and summa-
tive considerations (what is learned– for purposes of accountability and promo-
tion). We envision that student models will track when and how skills were
learned and what pedagogies worked best for each learner. Moreover, they will in-
clude information on the cultural preferences of learners, their personal interests,
learning goals, and personal characteristics. Ultimately, student model servers will
separate student models from tutors and will be a part of wide area networks, serv-
ing more than one application instance at a time.
13.1 Introduction
Student models in intelligent tutoring systems represent student competencies and
learning achievements. Modeling may involve techniques to represent content
skills (e.g., mathematics, art history), knowledge about learning (e.g., metacogni-
tive knowledge), and affective characteristics (e.g., emotional state). Although
students’ general knowledge might be determined quickly from quiz results, their
learning style, attitudes, and emotions are less easily determined and need to be
inferred from long-term observations. Models may be used for assessment by
measuring changes in the student in any or all three of these areas. Student models
generally represent inferences about users (e.g. their level of knowledge, miscon-
ceptions, goals, plans, preferences, beliefs), relevant characteristics of users (ste-
reotypes) and users' records, particularly past interactions with the system.
A student model in an intelligent tutor observes student behavior and creates a
qualitative representation of her cognitive and affective knowledge. This model
partially accounts for student performance (time on task, observed errors) and rea-
sons about adjusting feedback to the student. By itself, the student model achieves
very little; its purpose is to provide knowledge that is used to determine the
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 267–279. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
268 B.P. Woolf
conditions for adjusting feedback and it supplies data to other tutor modules, par-
ticularly the teaching module. One long-term goal of the field of AI and Education
is to support learning for students with a range of abilities, disabilities, interests,
backgrounds, and other characteristics (Shute et al. 2005).
This chapter describes how to build student models for intelligent tutors and
indicates how knowledge is represented, updated, and used to improve tutor
performance. The chapter first clarifies how to build a student model and then po-
sitions student models in the context of tutor system research. The chapter con-
cludes with a series of open questions about the future of student models.
possibly partial (not fully accounting for all aspects of student behavior). In other
words, tutor development focuses on computational utility rather than on cognitive
fidelity (Self 1994). A more accurate or complete student model is not necessarily
better, because the computational effort needed to improve accuracy or complete-
ness might not be justified by any extra pedagogical leverage obtained. Two issues
need to be considered when building student models: representing and updating
student knowledge.
naïve student toward that of an expert over several sessions. Conceptually these
two data structures are distinct, but practically they may be very similar. Student
models typically miss some knowledge contained in domain models or have addi-
tional knowledge in terms of misconceptions. Comparison methods are used to
update knowledge in the two models, assuming an overlay model. In some cases,
the tutor generates models of faulty behavior by using slightly changed rules (mal-
rules) to reproduce the results produced by a student with misconceptions. Student
knowledge can be updated by plan recognition or machine learning techniques,
which uses data from the problem domain and algorithms to solve problems given
to the student. Plan recognition might be used to determine the task on which a
student is currently working, for example by predicting student behavior, refined
stereotypes, and using plan recognition techniques to recognize which planning
behaviors were relevant for updating the student model. If the student is pursuing
plans or a recognizable set of tasks, plan recognition techniques construct the stu-
dent model and compare student behavior to expert procedures to indicate on
which plan the student is working. For example, the Andes tutor used updated
Bayesian belief networks to infer which new topics the student might know but
had not yet demonstrated (see chapter 14 in this part of the book).
The operative principle for model-tracing tutors is that humans (while learning)
and student models (while processing student actions) are input-output equivalents
of similar processes (i.e., both humans and the model have functionally identical
architectures). Cognitive methods place a premium on the empirical fit of student
actions to psychological data. At each opportunity for students to employ a cogni-
tive rule, simple learning and performance assumptions are employed (encoded as
production rules) to update an estimate of the probability that the student has
learned the rule (Corbett and Anderson 1995). Cognitive tutors for algebra and
geometry tutors have had a large impact on educational practice and are used by
more than 500,000 students in over 1400 school districts across the U.S.
Whereas model-tracing assumes that human learning processes can be accu-
rately modeled by computer techniques, constraint-based modeling (CBM)
assumes the opposite. CBM methods are based on the assumption that learning
cannot be fully recorded and only errors (breaking constraints) can be recognized
by a computational system. For example, constraints in the field of adding
fractions might check that all denominators in the problem and solution are equal
before a student adds fractions. Thus the tutor checks that in adding fractions, stu-
dents submit answers where the numerator equals the sum of operand numerators,
and the constraint is satisfied when all denominators (a, d, and n) are equal. CBM
methods are particularly powerful for intractable domains, in which students’
knowledge cannot be exactly articulated, student approaches cannot be sufficiently
described, and misconceptions cannot be fully specified. Many disciplines are in-
tractable, e.g., programming languages, music composition, legal reasoning. In
many domains, student input is limited to a few steps (graph lines, variable names,
and equations) and this input might include a great deal of noise (student actions
unrelated to learning because of a lack of concentration or tiredness) (Mitrovic
1998). Constraint-based methods are based on a psychological theory of learning
that asserts that procedural learning occurs primarily when students catch them-
selves (or are caught by a third party) making mistakes (Ohlsson 1996, 1994; Self
1990). Students often make errors even though they know what to do because their
minds are overloaded with many things, hindering them from making the correct
decision. In other words, they may already have the necessary declarative knowl-
edge, but a given situation presents too many possibilities to consider when de-
termining which one currently applies (Martin 2001). Thus, merely learning the
appropriate declarative knowledge is not enough; students must internalize that
knowledge and know how to apply it before they can master the chosen domain.
Constraints represent the application of declarative knowledge to a current situ-
ation. Each constraint is an ordered pair of conditions that reduce the solution
space. These conditions are the relevance condition (relevant declarative knowl-
edge) and satisfaction condition (when relevant knowledge has been correctly ap-
plied): IF relevance condition is true THEN satisfaction condition will also be
true. The relevance condition is the set of problem states for which the constraint
is relevant, and the satisfaction condition is the subset of states in which the
constraint is satisfied. If the constraint is violated, the student does not know this
concept and requires remedial action.
Student Modeling 273
When constraints are violated, an error is signaled that translates into a stu-
dent’s incomplete or incorrect knowledge. CBM reduces student modeling to pat-
tern matching or finding actions in the domain model that correspond to students’
correct or incorrect actions. In the example above the tutor might say: Do you
know that denominators must be equal in order to add numerators? If the denomi-
nators are not equivalent, you must make them equal. Would you like to know
how to do that?
Constraint-based models are radically different from model-based tutors in both
underlying theory and resulting modeling systems. Although the underlying theories
of model-tracing (Anderson 1983) and of Ohlsson’s performance errors (Ohlsson
1996) may be fundamentally different in terms of implementing intelligent tutors,
the key difference is level of focus. Model-tracing tutors focus on the procedures
carried out and faithfully model procedures to be learned, whereas performance er-
ror–based tutors are concerned only with pedagogical states and domain constraints
and represent just the pedagogical states the student should satisfy, completely ig-
noring the path involved (Martin 2001). CBM tutors represent only basic domain
principles, through constraints, not all domain knowledge (Mitrovic 1998; Ohlsson
1994). They detect and correct student errors and do model the whole domain. Thus
no expert model or a bug library is needed; the process is computationally efficient
and neutral with respect to pedagogy (Mitrovic et al. 2004).
Several constraint-based intelligent tutors were developed for university stu-
dents learning database programming (Mitrovic 1998; Mitrovic and Ohlsson
1999). One system teaches structured query language (SQL, pronounced
“Seguel”), and another teaches database techniques, e.g., design and databases
(Mitrovic 1998). Web-enabled versions of the Database Tutors have been avail-
able at DatabasePlace since 2003, and tens of thousands of students have used
them. In addition to the SQL-Tutor, two other database tutors were evaluated:
NORMIT, a tutor to normalize a database, and Entity-Relationship (EER), a tutor
on database design for generating a database schema. Remote students have used
the database tutors on the Internet completely independently from the courses in
which they were enrolled. These students demonstrated equivalent learning even
though they had no human teacher in the loop.
logic and decision theory, see Woolf (2009) for a description. This section first
describes reasoning under uncertainty, which is an underlying principle for many
ML techniques and then describes, Bayesian belief networks.
ML techniques describe the probability of an event occurring. Probability the-
ory is used to reason about student knowledge and to predict future action by use
of data techniques based on prior or current data. ML techniques enable tutors to
reason about the probability of events as a way to draw useful conclusions about
We describe Bayesian belief networks as used in intelligent tutors. Bayesian
theory can roughly be boiled down to one principle: To see the future, one must
look at the past (Leonhardt 2001). Bayesian methods reason about the probability
of future events, given their past and current probabilities. They are based on the
understanding that the world is rife with uncertainty and often not suited to clean
statistical tests. Bayesian belief networks (BBNs) enable computers to combine
new data with prior beliefs about data, make subjective decisions about how
strongly to weigh prior beliefs, and provide a policy for keeping new information
in the proper perspective (Leonhardt 2001). They provide a graphical method to
design probabilistic models based on conditional probabilities and the Bayes
BBNs are used in intelligent tutors to support classification and prediction,
model student knowledge, predict student behavior, make tutoring decisions, and
(combined with data about student’s proficiencies) determine on which steps stu-
dents will need help and their probable method for solving problems (Mayo and
Mitrovic 2001). They represent curriculum sequencing, e.g., skills in a domain.
Tutors decide among alternatives, within a probabilistic model of student knowl-
edge and goals, which problem to present next. They seek out propositions that are
both part of a solution path and ones that students are likely to know. A basic for-
mulation of BBNs represents causal networks among hidden skills and observed
actions. Building a BBN in an intelligent tutor begins by recognizing that human
teachers have uncertain knowledge of students and learning and they have only
explicit knowledge about observed student actions (problems solved, equations
submitted, or questions answered). Like most ML techniques, BBNs begin with
observed actions and infer the probability of unobserved (hidden) skills (e.g., top-
ics that students know).
Defining the structure of a BBN begins with a statement of probability:
P (student_knows (S) | student_knows (R)) _ .95
which says that most students who know S also know R. is a graphical repre-
sentation of the probability
P (Answer Problem044 | Skilla ) _ .95
and means that the probability is high that people who know Skill a are very
likely to answer Problem 044 correctly. The BBN represents the observed variable
as well as the unobserved variable (Skill a). An arc lists the probability that one
variable can be inferred from another (e.g., skill from answer). If an arc joins two
nodes, it means the probability of all possible values for the pointed-at-node de-
pends on the value of the previous node. If no arc joins two nodes, it means that
Student Modeling 275
the values for these nodes do not influence each other. Bayesian belief networks
involve supervised learning techniques and rely on the basic probability theory
and data methods. Graphical models are directed acyclic graphs with only one
path through each (Pearl 1988). In intelligent tutors, such networks often represent
relationships between prepositions about the student’s knowledge and tutoring de-
cisions. Nodes often represent the state of the teaching world (topics, level of skill,
or correctness of questions).
Many BBNs have been developed to model student knowledge in intelligent
tutors. One category of student model BBN is expert-centric or networks and con-
ditional probabilities specified either directly or indirectly by experts (Mayo and
Mitrovic 2001). Experts create the network structure or topology, draw the arcs,
and defi ne the conditional probability of the arcs. Consider a naïve representation
of student knowledge of physics, which states that student success on Problem 023
indicates understanding of Newton’s law and that understanding Newton’s law
may result from reading the text.
A second example expert-centric student model is HYDRIVE (Mislevy and Gi-
tomer 1996), which used a highly abstract method similar to Andes. HYDRIVE
trained personnel to troubleshoot aircraft hydraulics involved in flight control,
landing gear, and aerial refueling. It simulated features of troubleshooting by
presenting students with a video sequence problem in which a pilot described the
aircraft malfunction to technicians (e.g., “ The rudders do not move during the
preflight check”). The student performed troubleshooting procedures by accessing
video images of aircraft components.
A second category of student model BBNs is data-centric models or networks
that are specified from real-world data (e.g., log data) (Mayo and Mitrovic 2001).
The structure and conditional probabilities are learned primarily from data col-
lected from real-world evaluations of the tutor. This involves mining data from
previous users of the system and classifying relationships (e.g., between solution
of a problem and inferred student skill). Confirmation that a student really has a
particular skill might come from evaluating student performance on simple prob-
lems that require only this skill. Several tutors used a data-centric approach. In one
tutor, the hidden parameters of a Bayesian network were inferred using expecta-
tion maxima, an ML technique that deals with missing data (Ferguson et al. 2006).
In another system, much of the student model was inferred from data (Johns and
Woolf 2006).
current research trends in student models and speculative at best. No one can
know the future of student models nor accurately specify solutions for their devel-
opment due, in part to the rapidly changing nature of software, languages, net-
works and hardware. Yet, we list considerations about likely future capabilities for
student models and identify technologies that seem promising for their future
We envision that future student models will be complex, not only representing
what students know, probably do and have abilities for, but other factors too. For
instance, student models will probably track when and how skills were learned
and what pedagogies worked best for each learner (Bredeweg et al. 2009). More-
over, student models might include information on the cultural preferences of
learners, their personal interests, learning goals, and personal characteristics and
will be able to select the optimal mix of learning environments, pedagogy, visuali-
zations, and contexts that maximize engagement, motivation and learning out-
comes for each individual. When the learner is part of a group, the model should
provide the best estimate among the individuals who are part of the group, to
attribute authorship.
We also envision that future student models will support assessment for both
formative issues (the degree to which the student has learned how to learn – for the
purposes of improving learning capacity and effectiveness) and summative consid-
erations (what is learned–for purposes of accountability and promotion). In this
regard, approaches to student modeling are needed that lead to valid and reliable in-
ferences about student learning that are both diagnostic and predictive. Such a per-
spective concurs with the view that assessment should be dynamic over time.
We expect that in the future privacy issues in educational student models will
be adequately addressed. Student privacy concerns and national and international
privacy legislation have a considerable impact on what education applications may
do. Strict privacy enhancing software tools and Internet services are needed. Ge-
neric student modeling systems will facilitate compliance with such regulations, as
well as support privacy-enhancing services.
Currently student modeling techniques are developed and encoded into each in-
dividual educational program. For example, to measure a specific construct (e.g.,
algebra skills, persistence, help-seeking behavior) requires a substantial amount of
effort to construct the relevant conceptual and statistical models (Shute et al.
2009). The construction cost of such models is about one year’s time for a gradu-
ate student. The current approach does not scale to the increasing numbers of
electronic learning environments that should have student models. We suggest that
future student models will be developed as shells that exist independent of the in-
structional software and attached to the software only after they have been acti-
vated (Kobsa 2007). The term “shell” is borrowed from the field of expert systems
and describes environments containing the basic components of expert systems
(Nii 2009). Associated with each shell is a prescribed method for building a stu-
dent model by configuring and instantiating encoded components. Shells support
construction of knowledge bases through use of inference engines. Instead of
building a student model for each instructional system, generic models will define
their basic functionality and then be further constructed during development time.
Student Modeling 277
These generic student models will serve as separate components and include a
representation system for expressing the particular domain knowledge (e.g., logic
formalism, rules, or simple attribute-value pairs) and a reasoning mechanism for
deriving assumptions about users from existing models.
Most likely, future student model servers will be readily available for educa-
tion. Servers are similar to generic student models in that they are separate from
the application and will not run as part of it (Kobsa 2007). Student model servers
will probably be part of local or wide area networks and serve more than one ap-
plication instance at a time.
It is likely that educational data mining (EDM) and machine learning (ML)
techniques will play larger role in augmenting student models automatically.
These new approaches are presented in chapter 16 of this book. ML refers to a
system’s ability to acquire and integrate new knowledge through observations of
users and to improve and extend itself by learning rather than by being pro-
grammed with knowledge (Shapiro 1992). These techniques organize existing
knowledge and acquire new knowledge by intelligently recording and reasoning
about data. For example, observations of students’ past behavior will be used to
provide training examples that will form a model designed to predict future ac-
tions (Webb et al. 2001). These techniques have been used to acquire models of
individual students interacting with educational software and group them into
communities or stereotypes with common interests. ML techniques are promising
in cases where very large sets of usage data are available, like educational soft-
ware on the Web (Kobsa 2007). These techniques improve teaching by repeatedly
observing how students react and generalizing rules about the domain or student.
These paradigms enable tutors to adapt to new environments, use past experience
to inform present decisions, and infer or deduce new knowledge. Teaching envi-
ronments will use ML techniques to acquire new knowledge about students and
predict their learning (Arroyo and Woolf 2005; Johns and Woolf 2006).
One last prediction is that student models will probably adapt to new student
populations. Obviously students have a variety of learning needs (e.g., exceptional
students learn beyond their age group, special needs students require accommoda-
tions). Yet educational software is often built for the average student, expecting all
students to be at the same academic level and be ready to learn. This is not so.
Students are at various levels, have different skills and different learning abilities.
No single instructional method works for all students and all disciplines. ML tech-
niques can help enable software to acquire knowledge about distinct student
groups and add that information to the tutor. Techniques can make decisions based
on experience with prior populations and enable software to reason “outside” the
original variables that made up the system.
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Chapter 14
Bayesian Student Modeling
Cristina Conati
Abstract. Bayesian networks are a formalism for reasoning under uncertainty that
has been widely adopted in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Student modeling, i.e., the
process of having an ITS build a model of relevant student’s traits/states during in-
teraction, is a task permeated with uncertainty, which naturally calls for probabil-
istic approaches. In this chapter, I will describe techniques and issues involved in
building probabilistic student models based on Bayesian networks and their exten-
sions. I will describe pros and cons of this approach, and discuss examples from
existing Intelligent Tutoring Systems that rely on Bayesian student models
14.1 Introduction
One of the distinguishing features of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is that
it is capable of adapting its instruction to the specific needs of each individual
student, as good human tutors do. Adaptation can be performed at different
levels of sophistication, from responding to student observable performance (e.g.,
errors), to targeting student assessed knowledge (or lack thereof), to helping
students achieve specific goals (e.g., generate a given portion of a problem
solution), to reacting to student emotions, to scaffolding meta-cognitive abilities
(e.g., self-monitoring).
The more an ITS needs to know about its student to provide the desired level of
adaptation, the more challenging it is for the ITS to build an accurate student
model (see chapter by Beverly Woolf) based on the information explicitly avail-
able during interaction, because this information usually provides only a partial
window on the desired student states. In other words, student modeling can be pla-
gued by a great deal of uncertainty. In this chapter, I will illustrate an approach to
handle this uncertainty that relies on the sound foundations of probability theory:
Bayesian networks (Pearl 1988). Since the late eighties, Bayesian networks have
been arguably the most successful approach for reasoning under uncertainty in AI,
and have been widely used for both user modeling and student modeling. The rest
of this chapter starts by providing some basic definitions. Next, it introduces Dy-
namic Bayesian networks, an extension of Bayesian networks to handle temporal
information, and provides case studies to illustrate when and how to use static vs.
dynamic networks in student modeling. The last part of the chapter discusses two
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 281–299. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
282 C. Conati
main challenges in using Bayesian networks in practice: how to choose the net-
work structure and how to specify the network parameters. For each of these chal-
lenges, the chapter illustrates a variety of solutions and provides examples of how
they have been used in applications to student modeling.
Figure 14.1 shows a simple Bayesian network representing the following do-
main: the nodes Explanation A and Explanation B (indicated as EA and EB in the
relevant CPTs) are binary variables each representing the probability that a student
receives a corresponding explanation of concept C. The two explanations are pro-
vided independently, e.g., one at school by a teacher and one at home by a parent.
The node Concept C (indicated as C in the relevant CPTs) is a binary variable rep-
resenting the probability that a student understands the corresponding concept.
The nodes Answer 1 and Answer 2 (indicated as A1 and A2 in the relevant CPTs)
Bayesian Student Modeling 283
are binary variables each representing the probability that a student responds
correctly to two different test questions related to concept C. The links and
conditional probabilities in the network represent the probabilistic dependencies
between receiving each of the two possible explanations for the concept, under-
standing it and then being able to answer related test questions correctly.
Dynamic Bayesian networks (Dean and Kanazawa 1989), on the other hand,
track the posterior probability of variables whose value change overtime given se-
quences of relevant observations. A Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBN from now
on) consists of time slices representing relevant temporal states in the process to be
modelled. For instance, Fig. 14.2 shows two time slices of a dynamic version of the
network in Fig. 14.1. The first slice to the left represents the state of the variables
Concept C, Explanation A and Explanation B from Fig. 14.1 after observing a stu-
dent’s answer to the first test at a given time ti. The second slice represents the state of
the same variables after observing a student’s answer to the second test at a succes-
sive time ti+1 . The link between the variables for Concept C at times ti and ti+1 models
the influence of time on knowledge of this concept. It can be used, for instance,
to model forgetting by adding to the CPT for Concept C at time ti+1 a non-zero
probability that the student does not know concept C at that time given that she knew
it at time ti.
A key difference between the static network in Fig. 14.1and the dynamic network
in Fig. 14.2 is in how evidence on student test answers is taken into account to update
the posterior probability of Concept C. In Fig. 14.1, two subsequent observations on
Answer 1 and Answer 2 would have the same weight in updating the probability of
284 C. Conati
Concept C, which makes sense if the true value of that variable does not change as
the observations are gathered. In Fig. 14.2, the effect of having observed Answer 1 at
ti on the probability of Concept C at ti+1 is mediated by the probability of Concept C at
time ti, while having observed Answer 2 at ti+1 has a direct effect. This makes sense if
the true value of Concept C can change overtime, because more recent observations
are better reflections of the current state of a dynamic process than older ones.
Fig. 14.3 A physics problem and a segment of the corresponding Bayesian network in the
Andes tutoring system
(task-specific network from now on). For instance, Fig. 14.3B shows a (simplified)
section of the task specific network for the problem in Fig. 14.3A, involving the
application of Newton’s second law to find the value of a normal force. Nodes in
this network represent (i) facts corresponding to explicit solution steps (nodes la-
beled with a F- prefix in, Fig. 14.3B); (ii) problem solving goals (nodes labeled
with a G- prefix); (iii) physics rules (nodes labeled with a R- prefix) that generate
these facts and goals when applied to preceding facts and goals in the solution.
Specific rule applications are indicated by nodes labeled with a RA- prefix in Fig.
14.3B. Alternative ways to solve a problem are represented as alternative paths to
one or more solution steps in the network. Students can perform problem solving
steps in their heads as they desire. When a problem solving step is entered in
the Andes interface, Andes retrieves the corresponding fact node in the current
task-specific Bayesian network, sets its value to true and computes the posterior
probability of the other nodes in the network given this new evidence. All nodes
involved in generating this step (i.e., all ancestors of the corresponding fact node)
may be influenced by this update, with strength dictated by the probabilistic de-
pendencies defined in the network’s CPTs. Essentially, the task-specific Bayesian
network allows Andes to guess which implicit reasoning has generated a
given step, with the accuracy of the guess being influenced by how many steps
286 C. Conati
the student has kept in her head and how many alternative ways to generate each
step are represented in the network.
It should be noted that the task-specific network that Andes uses to track how a
student solves a specific problem is not dynamic. Instead, Andes uses a form of
dynamic network to track the evolution of student knowledge from one solved
problem to the next. In particular, Andes maintains a long-term student model that
encodes the posterior probability of each physics rule known by the system given
all the solutions that a student has generated to so far. When the student starts a
new problem, Andes generates the task-specific network for that problem as in
Fig. 14.3, and initializes the prior probabilities of the rule nodes in the network us-
ing the posterior probabilities of the corresponding rules in the long-term model.
As soon as the student terminates the problem, Andes discards its task-specific
network, but saves the posterior probability of each of the network’s rule nodes in
the domain-general student model. This probability will then become the prior of
the rule node in the task-specific network for the next problem that uses that rule.
This process essentially corresponds to having a DBN where each time slice con-
tains a rule node for each rule in the Andes’ knowledge base; a new time slice is
created when the student opens a new problem, and spans the time it takes the stu-
dent to terminate problem solving. Removing a time slice when problem solving is
over and saving rule posteriors to be used as priors in the next time slice is a form
of recursive filtering (or roll-up). This process allows for maintaining at most two
time slices in memory, as opposed to all the time slices tracked (Russel and
Norvig 2010).
An alternative to the approach used in Andes is to create a new time slice every
time a student generates a new action. We did not adopt this approach in Andes
because the roll-up mechanism can be computationally expensive when performed
after every student action on networks as large as Andes’. While this approxima-
tion may prevent Andes from precisely tracking learning that happens in between
solution steps, it did not prevent Andes and its student model to perform well in
empirical evaluations (Conati et al. 2002). Because, in the worst-case scenario,
probabilistic update in Bayesian networks is intractable, simplifications like the
one discussed here must often be made to ensure that the networks are usable in
practice, and their impact/acceptability must be verified empirically. (Murray et al.
2004) describe an approach that does create a new slice after every student actions
in networks comparable to Andes’. Despite adopting techniques to make network
structure and CPTs more compact, performance testing based on simulated
student actions showed that exact inference on the resulting models was not
feasible. Using algorithms for approximate inference (Russel and Norvig 2010)
improved performance, but still resulted in delayed response times on the larger
networks tested.
An example of a DBN-based student model that creates time slices after every
action and that has been used is practice is found in Prime Climb, an educational
game to help students learn number factorization.
In Prime Climb students in 6th and 7th grade practice number factorization by
pairing up to climb a series of mountains. Each mountain is divided into numbered
sectors (see Figure 4), and each player can only move to a number that does not
Bayesian Student Modeling 287
share any common factors with her partner’s number, otherwise s/he falls. To help
students with the climbing task, Prime Climb includes a pedagogical agent (see
Figure 4) for each player, that provides individualized support, both on demand
and unsolicited, when the student does not seem to be learning from the game. To
provide well-timed and appropriate interventions, the agent must have an accurate
model of student learning, but maintaining such model is hard because perform-
ance tends to be a fairly unreliable reflection of student knowledge in educational
games. PrimeClimb uses DBNs to handle the uncertainty involved in this model-
ling task. More specifically, there is a DBN for each mountain that a student
climbs (the short-term student model). This DBN assesses the evolution of a stu-
dent’s number factorization knowledge during game play, based on the student’s
game actions. Each time slice in the DBN includes a Factorization node Fx for
each number that is relevant to make correct moves on the current mountain (i.e.,
there is a node for each number on the mountain and for each of its factors). Each
of these factorization nodes represents whether the student has mastered the
factorization of that number. A new time slice is created after every new student
action, e.g., after the student clicks on a number x to move there. The one-slice-
per-action approach is feasible in Prime Climb because each time slice rarely con-
tains more than a few dozens nodes. We will provide more details of the nature of
the Prime Climb’s DBNs in a later section.
Bayesian network, it is sufficient to specify for each node with k parents the mk
entries of the associated CPT. If k << n, i.e., if the variables to be represented
are sparsely connected, then the Bayesian network brings a substantial saving
in the number of parameters that need to be specified.
• Algorithms have been developed that exploit the network’s structure for com-
puting the posterior probability of a variable given the available evidence on
any other variable in the network. While the worse case complexity of prob-
abilistic inference in Bayesian networks is still exponential in the number of
nodes, in practice it is often possible to obtain performances that are suitable
for real-world applications.
• The intuitive nature of the graphical representation facilitates knowledge
engineering. It helps developers focus on identifying and characterizing the
dependencies that are important to represent in the target domain. Even when
dependencies are left out to reduce computational complexity, these decisions
are easy to track, record and revise based on network structure, facilitating an
iterative design-and-evaluation approach to model construction.
• Similarly, the underlying network structure facilitates the process of generating
automatic explanations of the results of probabilistic inference, making Bayes-
ian networks very well suited for applications in which it is important that the
user understands the rational underling the system behavior, as it is often the
case for Intelligent Tutoring systems (e.g., Zapata-Rivera and Greer 2004).
• Finally, Bayesian networks lend themselves well to support decision making
approaches that rely on the sound foundations of decision theory. This means
that selection of tutorial actions can be formalized as finding the action with
maximum expected utility given a probability distributions over the outcomes
of each possible action and a function describing the utility (desirability) of
these outcomes (e.g., Murray et al. 2004; Mayo and Mitrovic 2001).
As is the case for any representation and reasoning paradigm, however, the bene-
fits brought by Bayesian networks come with challenges. The two that arguably
have the highest impact on the effort required by adopting this technology are:
how to select a suitable structure and how to set the necessary network parameters.
The next section discusses these two challenges and solutions proposed in the con-
text of using Bayesian networks in student modeling.
reality, the only constraint on structure is that every variable be (or can be
reasonably assumed to be) independent of all its non-descendant nodes in the
network, given its parent nodes. What is true is that structuring the network in the
direction of causality makes it easier to satisfy the above constraint, because ef-
fects are independent of any previous influence given their immediate causes. In
the domain represented in Fig. 14.1, for instance, whether the student understands
or not concept C fully defines the probability that the student be able to answer
questions about that concept, regardless of which explanation, if any, the student
Furthermore, defining links in the causal direction generally results in a more
sparsely connected network. In our example, because understanding the concept
fully specifies the probability of each answer, there is no direct dependency be-
tween the answers and thus there is no need for a link between the corresponding
nodes. There is also no need for a direct link between the two explanation nodes,
because we said they are provided independently.
On the other hand, if we define the network as in Fig. 14.5, things change. We
need a direct link between the two answer nodes because, given no other informa-
tion, the belief that a student can generate a correct answer to a test is affected by
whether or not the student can generate a correct answer to a different test that
taps the same knowledge. Similarly, we need a direct link between the two expla-
nation nodes because they are dependent if we know the true state of the student
understanding of concept B. For instance, knowing that the student understands
the concept and did not receive explanation A should increase the probability that
the student received explanation B. This relationship between explanation A, ex-
planation B and the understanding of concept C is fully captured by the structure
in Fig. 14.1, but needs the extra arc between EA and EB in Fig 14.5. Still, the two
networks in Fig 14.1 and Fig. 14.5 are equivalent if their CPTs are specified so
that they represent the same JPD over the five variables involved. Which structure
to select depends mostly on how much effort is required to specify the necessary
network parameters (i.e., probabilities in the CPTs). Sparser networks include
fewer parameters, but it is also important to consider how easy it is to quantify the
needed probabilities.
290 C. Conati
In Andes, for instance, network structure is purely causal, capturing the follow-
ing basic relation between knowledge of physics principles and problem solving
steps: in order to perform a given problem solving step, a student needs to know
the related physics rule and the preconditions for applying the rule. If a step can be
derived from different rules, the student needs to apply at least one of them. As we
will see in more detail in the next section, this causal structure yields very intuitive
CPTs that can be specified via a limited number of parameters.
Matters are bit more complicated with the student model for the Prime Climb
educational game. As we mentioned in a previous section, the student’s progress
on a Prime Climb mountain is tracked by a DBN that includes factorization nodes
Fx for all the numbers on that mountain and their factors. Click nodes Cx are intro-
duced in the model when the corresponding actions occur, and are set to either true or
false depending upon whether the move was correct or not. Fig. 14.6 illustrates the
structure used in the model to represent the relations between factorization and click
nodes. The action of clicking on number x when the partner is on number k is repre-
sented by adding a click node Cx with parent nodes Fx and Fk (see Fig. 14.6b).
Fig. 14.6 Factorization nodes in the Prime Climb student model, where Z=X*G and
Y=V*W*X; b: Click action
Fig. 14.6a) is defined so that the probability of the node being known is high when all
parent factorization nodes are true, and decreases proportionally with the number of
unknown parents.
Fig. 14.7 Fragment of the goal assessment network in (Zhou and Conati 2003)
that relies on these goals as one of the elements to infer student emotions (Conati
and Maclaren 2009). Arroyo and Wolf (2005) use a similar approach to learn the
structure of the Bayesian network that relates interaction behaviors to user atti-
tudes, mentioned in section 14.3.1.
One approach that can help reduce the effort of parameter specification is to
reduce the number of parameters by approximating the necessary conditional
Bayesian Student Modeling 293
probabilities via probabilistic variations of standard logic gates. This is the ap-
proach used by Andes to define the conditional probabilities in its task-specific
Recall from section 14.3.1 that a task-specific network in Andes represents one
or more solutions to a problem in terms of how each solution element derives from
a physics rule and from the solution elements that are preconditions for rule appli-
cation. Solution elements are either physics facts or problem solving goals, (col-
lectively identified for convenience as propositions nodes PROP- in Fig. 14.8).
Specific rule applications are represented in the network by rule application nodes
(Rule-Appl nodes in Fig. 14.8).
Fig. 14.8 probabilistic relations among rules, rule applications and their effects in Andes's
task specific network
The parents of each Rule-application node include exactly rule, and a number
of Proposition nodes corresponding to the rule’s preconditions (see Fig. 14.8). A
Rule-application node’s value is true if the student has applied or can apply the
corresponding rule to the propositions representing its preconditions, false other-
wise. The probabilistic relationship between a Rule-application node and its par-
ents is a Noisy-AND probabilistic gate (Henrion 1989). Here the Noisy-AND
models the assumption that, in order to apply a rule, a student needs to know the
rule and all its preconditions, although there is a non-zero probability α (the noise
in the Noisy-AND), that the student will fail to apply the rule when s/he can, be-
cause of an error of distraction or some other form of slip. Thus, the α in Andes’
Noisy-AND gates is an estimate of how likely it is that a student commits a slip,
and it is the only parameter that needs to be specified to define the CPTs of rule-
application nodes, regardless of how many parents they have.
Proposition nodes have as many parents (rule-application nodes) as there are
ways to derive them. Thus, if there are two different rule applications that lead to
the same solution element, then the corresponding Proposition node will have two
parents (see Fig. 14.8). In Andes, the conditional probabilities between Proposi-
tion nodes and their parents are described by a Leaky-OR relationship (Henrion
1989), as shown in the lower part of Fig. 14.8. In a Leaky-OR relationship, a node
294 C. Conati
is true if at least one of its parents is true, although there is a non-zero probability
β of a “leak,” that the node is true even when all the parents are false. This leak
represents in Andes the probability that a student can derive a step via guessing or
in some other way not represented in the network, and it is the only parameter that
needs to be specified to define the CPTs of proposition nodes, regardless of how
many alternative ways to derive a step the network encodes.
While the use of probabilistic logic gates in Andes greatly reduces the number
of parameters that need to be specified, assessing the probability of a slip for each
rule application and the probability of a guess for each solution element can still
be a daunting task. The approach used in Andes follows a strategy that is often
helpful when using Bayesian networks: make one or more simplifying assump-
tions that facilitate model definition and verify empirically whether the resulting
model still yields an acceptable performance. The simplifying assumption made in
Andes with respect to network parameters is that all slip and guess parameters are
the same in the task-specific networks. Model adequacy was verified indirectly via
empirical evaluations of the complete Andes system. The most extensive evalua-
tion involved an experimental condition with 140 students using Andes for home-
work activities over the course of several weeks, and a control condition with 135
students doing homework without Andes. Students in the Andes condition scored
significantly higher on a midterm exam covering relevant material. The accuracy
of the Andes model was also analyzed directly by studying its performance in as-
sessing the knowledge profile of simulated student (VanLehn and Niu 2001). This
evaluation focused on performing sensitivity analysis on the Andes models to
identify the factors that most impact model performance. The analysis revealed
that the factor with the highest impact is, not surprisingly, the number of solution
steps available as evidence to the model. I contrast, varying slip and guess pa-
rameters showed to have little effect on accuracy, confirming that the assumption
of uniform slip and guess parameters was an acceptable one to make in light of the
savings that it brings in effort for model specification.
When all nodes in a Bayesian networks are observable, the entries for the network’s
CPTs can be learned via maximum-likelihood parameter estimation from frequency
data (Russel and Norvig 2010). Unfortunately, in student modelling it is often the
case that the variables of interest are not observable (e.g. student knowledge). Even
when the variables are in theory observable (e.g., student goals, emotional states), in
practice it can be very difficult to collect data on them,. Still, learning parameters
from data is desirable because it eliminates the need to resort to the subjective judg-
ment of experts. This judgement is not only hard to obtain and possibly fallacious, it
can also be altogether unavailable when trying to model novel phenomena such as the
relationships between student interaction with an ITS and student emotional states.
For this reason, there has been increasing interest in investigating how to ex-
ploit data-based techniques for parameters definition in student modeling. One ap-
proach, pioneered by Mayo and Mitrovic (2001), is to include in the student model
only variables that are easily observable from interaction events with the tutoring
system. In (Mayo and Mitrovic 2001) these variables model success or failure in
Bayesian Student Modeling 295
Fig. 14.9 Simple Bayesian network to predict self-explanation from action latency and gaze
patterns in ACE
A second approach to learning the parameters of a student model from data relies
on conducting empirical studies designed ad hoc to collect data on variables not ob-
servable from basic interaction events (we’ll call these variables “hard-to-observe”, to
distinguish them from truly unobservable variables such as knowledge). For instance,
Conati et al. (2005) conducted a study to collect data for a DBN that assesses student
self-explanation behaviour from action latency and gaze patterns while the student is
using an interactive simulation of mathematical functions. Self-explanation is the
process of clarifying and elaborating instructional material to oneself, and it generally
has a strong impact on learning (Chi 2000). In the context of studying interactive
simulations, self-explanation relates to the effort a student makes to explain the ef-
fects of the manipulations performed on simulation parameters. The ACE system
(Bunt et al. 2001; Conati and Merten 2007) aims to track student effort in self-
explanation and provide adaptive interventions to increase this effort when needed.
The study in (Conati et al. 2005) collected verbal protocols of students interacting
with ACE, and analyzed these protocols to identify both episodes in which students
generated self-explanations as well as episodes in which students failed to reason
about the behaviour of the interactive simulation. These episodes where then
296 C. Conati
matched to both log data on latency between student actions, as well as attention pat-
terns over salient elements on the ACE interface, tracked via an eye-tracker. Frequen-
cies from this dataset where then used to set the CPT of the simple Bayesian network
shown in Fig. 14.9 (also known as a Naive Bayes classifier). A follow-up study
showed that, when added to a more complex model of student learning, the network
in Fig. 14.9 reliably supports the assessment of both student self-explanation and
learning during interaction with ACE (Conati and Merten 2007). D’Mello et al.
(2008) and Conati and Maclaren (2009) have adopted similar approaches relying
on sophisticated data collection to build student models that assess student emo-
tions from a variety of evidence sources.
In the research described above, it was not known upfront which observable
factors could be good predictors of the hard-to-observe variables. Under these cir-
cumstances, in order to create a Bayesian student model researchers need to first
find these predictors, which requires setting up experiments to collect data on the
hard-to-observe variables. Once the data is collected and predictors are identified,
everything is in place to apply standard maximum-likelihood parameter estima-
tion. On the other hand, if there is an established dependency between the target
hard-to-observe variables and a set of observable predictors, then the network pa-
rameters can be learned using EM (Dempster, et al. 1977). EM (which stands for
Expectation-Maximization) is a class of algorithms that learn the parameters of a
model with hidden variables by successive approximations based on two steps: the
expectation step generates expected values of hidden variables from the current
version of the model with approximated parameters; the maximization step refines
the model parameters by performing maximum-likelihood parameter estimation
using the expected values as if they were observed values. Thus, using EM re-
moves the need for setting up complex studies to get values for hard-to-observe
variables, when the dependency structure between these variables and a battery of
observable variables is already known. Fergusson et al. (2006), for instance, used
EM to learn the parameters of a Bayesian network that models knowledge of 12
geometry skills. In particular, EM was used to learn the dependencies between the
variables representing this knowledge, and observable variables representing test
questions designed specifically to assess the 12 target skills. The data for this work
comes from a test that students in a Massachusetts high school had to take as part
of a field study to evaluate the Wayang Outpost ITS for math.
Collecting sufficient amounts of data is the bottleneck in using any form of ma-
chine learning to specify a student model. It often requires setting up strong rela-
tionships with schools so that the necessary data can be collected as part of school
activities involving whole classrooms. This process is generally very laborious.
Schools, however, are becoming more and more willing to participate in these ini-
tiatives as the ITS field matures and produces concrete evidence of the benefits of
having intelligent tutors available in the classroom, as it is shown by the increas-
ing number of large scale school studies reported in ITS-related publications.
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Chapter 15
Open Learner Models
15.1 Introduction
Open learner models are learner models that can be viewed or accessed in some
way by the learner, or by other users (e.g. teachers, peers, parents). Thus, in addi-
tion to the standard purpose of the learner model of maintaining data to enable ad-
aptation to the individual according to their current learning needs, the learner
model contents can also be of direct use to the user.
There are a variety of ways in which a learner model might be helpful to the
learner, identified in the SMILI☺ (Student Models that Invite the Learner In)
Open Learner Modelling Framework (Bull et al. 2007) as:
o Promoting metacognitive activities such as reflection, planning and self-
o Allowing the learner to take greater control and responsibility over their
learning, encouraging learner independence;
o Prompting or supporting collaborative and/or competitive interactions
amongst groups of students;
o Facilitating interaction between learners and peers, teachers and parents;
o Facilitating navigation to materials, exercises, problems or tasks, etc.,
where links are available from the learner model;
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 301–322. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
302 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.1 Skill meters in SQL Tutor (Mitrovic and Martin 2007)
304 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.2 Skill meters and structured view in OLMlets (Ahmad and Bull 2009)
Fig. 15.3 Arrows in a target (Brusilovsky and Sosnovsky 2005); level of liquid (Papaniko-
laou et al. 2003); smiley faces (Bull and McKay 2004); and trees (Lee and Bull 2008)
The most common type of structured open learner model is probably the con-
cept map (e.g. Rueda et al. 2003; Perez-Marin et al. 2007; Mabbott and Bull 2004;
Kumar and Maries 2007), illustrated in Figure 15.4 by Willow (Perez-Marin et al.
2007) and Figure 15.5 by Flexi-OLM (Mabbott and Bull 2006).
Concept maps can be pre-structured to reflect the domain, with nodes indicat-
ing the strength of knowledge or understanding of a concept (Mabbott and Bull
2004); they may reflect the learner's own conceptual structure or model, as in-
ferred by the system (Perez-Marin et al. 2007); or they may be constructed by the
learner (Cimolino et al. 2004; Mabbott and Bull 2007). Other detailed open learner
model structures include tree structures, illustrated in Figure 15.6 with hierarchical
structures in UM (Kay 1997) and Flexi-OLM Mabbott and Bull 2006); and indi-
vidual instances of other types of structural relationship, e.g. Zapata-Riviera and
Greer 2004; VanLabeke et al. 2007; Dimitrova 2003 (Fig. 15.7).
306 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.5 The Flexi-OLM concept map (Mabbott and Bull 2006)
Fig. 15.6 Tree structures in UM (Cimolino et al. 2004) and Flexi-OLM (Mabbott and
Bull 2004)
In addition to learner models that contain a single view of the learner model
data, systems can offer multiple views of the same (or similar) model data for
learners to explore (as many as seven views have been available in a system, with
308 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.7 Other structured open learner model presentations (. Zapata-Riviera and Greer
2004; VanLabeke et al. 2007; Dimitrova 2003)
Fig. 15.8 Textual learner model presentation in SIV (Kay and Lum 2005)
users able to select their preferred views without difficulty (Mabbott and Bull
2006)); or multiple views with different aspects of the model information (e.g.
VanLabeke et al. 2007)). Furthermore, the presentation method of the learner
model may be adapted to the individual (Mazzola and Mazza 2009). Both user
choice of view to access, and adaptive model presentations, are feasible – the most
appropriate likely depending on the context of use.
Open Learner Models 309
Fig. 15.9 Non-traditional open learner model presentation I: music notation and audio (ex-
tended from Johnson and Bull 2009)
Fig. 15.10 Non-traditional open learner model presentation II: haptic learner model feed-
back (Lloyd and Bull 2006)
310 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.11 Non-traditional open learner model presentation III: simulation task (operation
of pole and cart device) (Morales et al. 2001))
Fig. 15.12 Non-traditional open learner model presentation IV: animating learner beliefs
(extended from Johan and Bull 2009)
known as inspectable learner models, and are completely under the control of the
system - i.e. although the learner may view (or inspect) their learner model,
they cannot make or suggest any changes to the system inferences about their un-
derstanding (or other attributes modelled). Most open learner models are in this
category, including many of those introduced above. Inspectable learner models
address the requirements for people to be allowed access to electronic data about
themselves; but they also have the function of raising learner awareness of their
knowledge, and prompting reflection, planning and formative assessment. In-
spectable learner models are likely also to influence user trust in a system by con-
fronting users directly with the system’s inferences about their understanding.
Fig. 15.13 Editing the Learner Model in Flexi-OLM (Mabbott and Bull 2006)
Fig. 15.14 Explaining the Learner Model in SASY-unix (Czarkowski et al. 2005)
Reasons for allowing learners to edit their model include enabling them to in-
form the system directly if: (i) their knowledge has increased (e.g. after a lecture or
their own reading); (ii) they have forgotten information or techniques (to allow the
Open Learner Models 313
system to consider or recommend appropriate revision); (iii) they were guessing (to
allow the system to revaluate the learner model contents accordingly). Editable
learner models place the learner in full control, inviting them to take responsibility
for their learning interactions. The fact that a learner will need to be sure of any
permanent changes they make to their learner model should also lead to them con-
sidering the options carefully, and so promote metacognitive activities as is the case
with inspectable models. It may also increase user trust in a system as the user can
control the data that determines adaptations in the interaction, if they wish.
Interactive open learner models that allow an intermediate level of learner control
include co-operative models (Beck et al. 1997), where the user and system provide
different and complementary information for the learner model; persuasion, where
the learner aims to change the model data (as in editable models), but the system
will only subsequently alter the model if the learner can demonstrate that their
self-assessment is accurate (e.g. by an additional short test) (Mabbott and Bull
2006); where additional information is provided for the learner model, to be con-
sidered alongside system inferences - i.e. the user may add evidence (Cimolino et
al. 2004); and a truly balanced distribution of control of the learner model contents
between the user and the system, where a negotiation process aims to achieve an
agreed learner model. If this is not possible, any conflicts between the learner's
and the system’s representations are maintained in the model. This is illustrated in
Figure 15.15 with Mr Collins (in the domain of pronoun placement in European
Portuguese) (Bull and Pain 1995).
Negotiation can be undertaken in a variety of ways, for example: by menu se-
lection (Bull and Pain 1995); dialogue games (Dimitrova 2003); and chatbots
(Kerly and Bull 2008). Whatever technique is used, the key point is that the sys-
tem and the user have equal rights to initiate and end discussions in negotiated
learner models; and have the same negotiation moves available (e.g. offer infor-
mation, request information, confirm, accept, critique, challenge, refute, justify).
Intermediate levels of interactivity in learner model maintenance may also re-
quire users to think carefully about any evidence they wish to add or remove, or
discuss with the system. Therefore opening the learner model has a strong reflec-
tive element at various levels/types of interaction. While the learner is not able to
edit the model to increase its accuracy, they do have the opportunity to directly in-
fluence the contents (though any proposed changes may not be agreed by the sys-
tem). This increased involvement in the modeling processes may also affect user
trust. Indeed, it has been suggested that learners may have greater trust in an envi-
ronment where there is mixed control over the learner model, than full user control
(Ahmad and Bull 2008). The most appropriate approach will likely depend on the
context in which the open learner model is to be used.
314 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.15 Negotiating the Learner Model in Mr Collins (Bull and Pain 1995)
Open learner models are usually integrated into an adaptive learning environment
for consultation by the learner during their personalised interaction. This takes
various forms, but well-known examples include skill meters for display alongside
problem-solving and other tutorial support in an intelligent tutoring system (Mi-
trovic and Martin 2007) and in adaptive educational hypermedia providing naviga-
tion support (Weber and Brusilovsky 2001).
Whereas traditionally, adaptive learning environments (including those with
open learner models) often have greater control over an interaction, independent
open learner models (Bull and Mabbott 2008) are independent of a larger tutoring
system. The learner model is constructed as in any system, but there is no addi-
tional (or only limited) tutoring or system guidance based on the learner model.
The control and responsibility for decisions in their learning rest entirely with the
learner: their planning and activity choices are facilitated by the contents of their
learner model (we are therefore not concerned in this sub-section with control over
the learner model contents, though the above distinctions are also applicable in in-
dependent open learner models). Although most open learner models are part of a
larger system, independent open learner models have been successfully trialled in
a variety of contexts (e.g. with trainee pilots (Gakhal and Bull 2008), language
learners (Shahrour and Bull 2008), university students (Bull and Mabbott 2008)
and schoolchildren (Kerly and Bull 2008)). Figures 15.2 (OLMlets) and 15.5
(Flexi-OLM) show examples of independent open learner models.
Open Learner Models 315
Fig. 15.16 Individual learner models accessible to other users (student names hidden in this
image), and group model in OLMlets (Ahmad and Bull 2009; Bull and Britland 2007)
316 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.17 An open learner model for children (upper) and teachers (lower) in Subtraction
Master (Bull and McKay 2004)
Fig. 15.18 An open learner model for children (left) and additional information for parents
(right) in Fraction Helper (Lee and Bull 2008)
Similar approaches also allow the teacher to access information about an indi-
vidual or groups of students, for example, using concept map, table, bar chart and
text presentations for individuals or groups (Perez-Marin et al. 2007b). Systems
may use different model presentation formats for different categories of user. For
example, in DynMap (Rueda et al. 2003), the student may view the concept map
of their current beliefs in a simpler format than does the teacher, who can follow
more detailed representations of the evolution of the student’s knowledge. In Sub-
traction Master (Bull and McKay 2004), the child views their learner model as a
series of simple smiley faces representing the extent of their subtraction skills at
different levels of difficulty. The teacher has more detailed information available,
to help them to help a child individually. (This includes not only misconceptions
identified, but also cases where misconceptions could have been demonstrated but
were not, based on the subtraction questions that the child attempted.) This is il-
lustrated in Figure 15.17. Similarly, as shown in Figure 15.18, Fraction Helper
(Lee and Bull 2008) provides additional information to parents, over the learner
318 S. Bull and J. Kay
Fig. 15.19 Group activity model in Narcissus (Upton and Kay 2009)
model representations seen by their child. Nevertheless, the information for par-
ents is still quite simple, as it is not assumed that all parents will have sufficiently
advanced skills to interpret complex information. (Adapting the learner model
presentation for parents is an issue that may benefit from further research.)
Other open learner models that permit instructor (and sometimes other user) ac-
cess include REPro (Eyssautier-Bavay et al. 2009), CosyQTI (Lazarinis et al.
2007), CourseVis (Mazza and Dimitrova 2004), INSPIRE (Papanikolaou et al.
2008), Logic-ITA (Yacef 2005), MIM (Zapata-Riviera et al. 2007), PDinamet
(Gaudioso et al. 2009).
Open learner models may also reflect group learning. A simple example was
shown in Figure 15.16, but group open learner models can have much greater
complexity. For instance, supporting long term group work based on evidence
from group work tools, with the aim of facilitating effective group functioning.
Figure 15.19 shows individual contributions to the group over time (each column
represents one group member, with the brightness of a square showing the level of
activity at that time) (Upton and Kay 2009) but as it uses very simple measures, it
also links directly to the evidence and allows the learner to control the system de-
cisions about when to make a square brighter. Evaluations of this and an earlier
Open Learner Models 319
version (Kay et al. 2007) indicates that it helped team members identify group
work problems and negotiate solutions.
It was also used by the group facilitator (tutor) to help with group problems and
it served as a way to navigate the information space, a new role for an open
learner model.
15.5 Summary
This chapter has provided an overview of some of the central issues in open
learner modelling, with a particular focus on the ways in which open learner mod-
els are presented to the user; differences in user/system control over the learner
model data and their learning; and learner models that are accessible to other users
(e.g. peers, instructors, parents). While there are now many systems containing
open learner models, there remain a range of directions for research in this area,
including those areas presented in the introduction (from the SMILI open learner
modelling framework (Bull and Kay 2007)), but new areas will likely also emerge.
Acknowledgements. We thank the following for their screen shots: N. Ahmad, P. Brusi-
lovsky, M. Czarkowski, V. Dimitrova, R. Johan, M. Johnson, J.H.S. Lee, T. Lloyd, A.
Mabbott, M. McKay, R. Morales, A. Mitrovic, K. Papanikolaou, D. Perez-Marin, K. Upton,
N. VanLabeke, J.D. Zapata-Rivera.
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P., Herder, E. (eds.) AH 2008. LNCS, vol. 5149, pp. 255–258. Springer, Heidelberg
Ahmad, N., Bull, S.: Learner Trust in Learner Model Externalisations. In: Dimitrova, V.,
Mizoguchi, R., du Boulay, B., Graesser, A. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education.
IOS Press, Amsterdam (2009)
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320 S. Bull and J. Kay
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Chapter 16
Mining Data for Student Models
Abstract. Data mining methods have in recent years enabled the development of
more sophisticated student models which represent and detect a broader range of
student behaviors than was previously possible. This chapter summarizes key data
mining methods that have supported student modeling efforts, discussing also the
specific constructs that have been modeled with the use of educational data min-
ing. We also discuss the relative advantages of educational data mining compared
to knowledge engineering, and key upcoming directions that are needed for educa-
tional data mining research to reach its full potential.
16.1 Introduction
In recent years, student models within intelligent tutoring systems have expanded
to include an impressive breadth of constructs about the individual student (or
pairs or groups of students), with increasing levels of precision. Student models
increasingly assess not just whether a student knows a skill or concept, but a broad
range of affective, meta-cognitive, motivational, and behavioral constructs. These
advances in student modeling, discussed in some detail in earlier chapters, have
been facilitated by advances in educational data mining methods (Baker and Yacef
2009; Romero and Ventura 2007) that leverage fine-grained data about student
behavior and performance. As this data becomes increasingly available at large-
scale (cf Borgman et al. 2008; Koedinger et al. in press), there are increasing op-
portunities for developing increasingly sophisticated and broad-based models of
the student using an intelligent tutoring system.
In this chapter, we give a brief overview of educational data mining method-
ologies, focusing on techniques that have seen specific application in order to en-
rich and otherwise improve student models. We also discuss the key differences
between educational data mining and knowledge engineering approaches to en-
riching student models, and discuss key steps that would facilitate the more rapid
application of educational data mining methods to a broader range of educational
software and learner constructs.
Data mining, also called Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), is the
field of discovering novel and potentially useful information from large amounts
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 323–337. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
324 R.S.J.d. Baker
of data (Witten and Frank 1999). On the Educational Data Mining community
website,, educational data mining (abbreviated as
EDM) is defined as: “Educational Data Mining is an emerging discipline, con-
cerned with developing methods for exploring the unique types of data that come
from educational settings, and using those methods to better understand students,
and the settings which they learn in.”
There are multiple taxonomies of the areas of educational data mining, one by
Romero and Ventura (2007), and one by Baker (in press), also discussed in (Baker
and Yacef 2009). The two taxonomies are quite different, and a full discussion of
the differences is out of the scope of this chapter (there is a brief discussion of
some of the differences between the taxonomies in (Baker and Yacef 2009)).
Within this chapter, we focus on the taxonomy from Baker in press; Baker and
Yacef 2009, which categorizes research into educational data mining into the
following areas:
• Prediction
o Classification
o Regression
o Density estimation
• Clustering
• Relationship mining
o Association rule mining
o Correlation mining
o Sequential pattern mining
o Causal data mining
• Distillation of data for human judgment
• Discovery with models
models of domain structure (e.g. Nkambou et al. 2007); recent research along
these lines is discussed in detail in another chapter within this volume. Discovery
with models research is generally focused on promoting scientific discovery. Dis-
covery with models research involves student models, but in a different direction
from the work discussed in this chapter. When discovery with models research in-
volves student models, it leverages the outputs of student models (among other
sources) to promote scientific discovery, rather than using automated discovery to
promote the improvement of the student models themselves.
Another key way that data mining has influenced student models is by influenc-
ing the internal structure of Bayes Nets and Bayesian Knowledge Tracing; these
issues are discussed in another chapter within this volume, and are therefore not
discussed in detail in this chapter.
less likely to over-fit. Over-fitting is when a model does well on the original train-
ing data, as the expense of doing poorly on new data (Hawkins 2004), in this case,
data from new students or new intelligent tutor lessons.
Another distinctive feature of educational data mining research is the use of
methods involving modeling frameworks drawn from the psychometrics literature
(cf. Maris 1995), in combination with machine-learning space-searching tech-
niques (cf. Yu and Liu 2003) (many examples of this also exist in data mining
for domain models, discussed in another chapter in this volume). These methods
have the benefit of explicitly accounting for meaningful hierarchy and non-
independence in data. For instance, it can be important to detect both which
students engage in a behavior of interest, and exactly when (or at least in which
parts of the interface) an individual student is engaging in that behavior (cf. Baker
et al. 2008).
One classification method with prominence both in educational data mining
and in data mining within other domains is decision trees (Quinlan 1993), used in
a considerable amount of educational data mining research (cf. Baker et al. 2008;
Merceron and Yacef 2005; Walonoski and Heffernan 2006). Decision trees are
able to handle both quantitative and categorical features in making model assess-
ment, a benefit given the highly heterogenous feature data often generated by tu-
tors (cf. Baker et al. 2006; Beal et al. 2006; Cetintas et al. 2009; D’Mello et al.
2008; Walonoski and Heffernan 2006), and can explicitly control for over-fitting
with a “pruning” step (Quinlan 1993).
Educational data mining methods have enabled the construction of student
models (or student models components) of a wide number of constructs. For in-
stance, classification and regression methods have been used to develop detectors
of gaming the system (Baker et al. 2008; Baker and de Carvalho 2008; Walonoski
and Heffernan 2006). These detectors have accurately predicted differences in
student learning (Cocea et al. 2009), and have been embedded into intelligent tu-
toring systems and used to drive adaptive behavior (cf. Baker et al. 2006; Walo-
noski and Heffernan 2006b). Similarly, classification methods have been used to
develop detectors of student affect, including frustration, boredom, anxiety, en-
gaged concentration, joy, and distress (Conati and McLaren 2009; D’Mello et al.
2008). Detectors of affect and emotion have been used to drive automated adapta-
tion to differences in student affect, significantly reducing students’ frustration
and anxiety (Woolf et al. in press) and increasing the incidence of positive emo-
tion (Chaffar et al. 2009). Classification methods have also been used to develop
detectors of off-task behavior (Baker 2007; Cetintas et al. 2009), predicting differ-
ences in student learning. Additionally, classification methods have been used to
infer low self-efficacy (McQuiggan et al. 2008) and slipping (Baker et al. 2008).
Classification methods have also enabled improvements to Bayesian Modeling
of student knowledge, discussed in another chapter in this volume. For instance,
(Baker et al. 2008) integrates models of student slipping into Bayesian Knowledge
Tracing, leading to more accurate prediction of future student performance within
Cognitive Tutors.
Mining Data for Student Models 327
16.3 Clustering
In clustering, the goal is to find data points that naturally group together, splitting
the full data set into a set of groups, called clusters. Clustering does not require
(and does not use) labels of any output variable; the data is clustered based solely
on internal similarity, not on any metric of specific interest. If a set of clusters is
optimal, within a category, each data point will in general be more similar to the
other data points in that cluster than data points in other clusters. The range of
clustering methods used in educational data mining approximately corresponds to
the types of prediction methods used in data mining more broadly, including algo-
rithms such as k-means (Hartigan and Wong 1979) and Expectation Maximization
(EM)-Based Clustering (Bradley et al. 1998), and model frameworks such as
Gaussian Mixture Models (Reynolds 2008).
Clustering has been used to develop student models for several types of educa-
tional software, including intelligent tutoring systems. In particular, fine-grained
models of student behavior at the action-by-action level are clustered in terms of
features of the student actions. For instance, Amershi & Conati used clustering on
student behavior within an exploratory learning environment, discovering that cer-
tain types of reflective behavior and strategic advancement through the learning
task were associated with better learning (Amershi and Conati 2009). In addition,
Beal and her colleagues applied clustering to study the categories of behavior
within an intelligent tutoring system (Beal et al. 2006). Other prominent research
has investigated how clustering methods can assist in content recommendation
within e-learning (Tang and McCalla 2005; Zaïane 2002).
Clustering is generally most useful when relatively little is known about the
categories of interest in the data set, such as in types of learning environment not
previously studied with educational data mining methods (e.g. Amershi and Con-
ati 2009) or for new types of learner-computer interaction, or where the categories
of interest are unstable, as in content recommendation (e.g. Tang and McCalla
2005; Zaïane 2002). The use of clustering in domains where a considerable
amount is already known brings some risk of discovering phenomena that are al-
ready known. As work in other areas of EDM goes forward, an increasing amount
is known about student behavior across learning environments. One potential fu-
ture use of clustering, in this situation, would be to use clustering as a second
stage in the process of modeling student behavior in a learning system. First, exist-
ing detectors could be used to classify known categories of behavior. Then, data
points not classified as belonging to any of those known behavior categories could
be clustered, in order to search for unknown behaviors. Expectation Maximization
(EM)-Based Clustering (Bradley et al. 1998) is likely to be a method of particu-
larly high potential for this, as it can explicitly incorporate already known catego-
ries into an initial starting point for clustering.
Fig. 16.1 A text replay of student behavior in a Cognitive Tutor (from Baker and de Car-
valho 2008)
judgment. In many cases, human beings can make inferences about data, when it
is presented appropriately, that are beyond the immediate scope of fully automated
data mining methods. The information visualization methods most commonly
used within EDM are often different than those most often used for other informa-
tion visualization problems (cf. Hershkovitz and Nachmias 2008; Kay et al. 2006),
owing to the specific structure often present in intelligent tutor data, and the mean-
ing embedded within that structure. For instance, data is meaningfully organized
in terms of the structure of the learning material (skills, problems, units, lessons)
and the structure of learning settings (students, teachers, collaborative pairs,
classes, schools).
Data is distilled for human judgment in educational data mining for two key
purposes: classification and identification. One key area of development of data
Mining Data for Student Models 329
Fig. 16.2 A learning curve of student performance over time in a Cognitive Tutor (from
Koedinger et al in press)
more than one knowledge component is included in the model (cf. Corbett and
Anderson 1995). A flat high curve indicates poor learning of the skill, and a flat
low curve indicates that the skill did not need instruction in the first place. An up-
wards curve indicates the difficulty is increasing too fast. Hence, learning curves
are a powerful tool to support quick inference about the character of learning in an
educational system, leading to their recent incorporation into tools used by educa-
tion researchers outside of the educational data mining community (e.g. Koedinger
et al. in press).
This single study, of course, is not conclusive proof that educational data min-
ing achieves higher construct validity than knowledge engineering. In order to in-
vestigate this question more thoroughly, it will be necessary to conduct a broader
comparison, involving a variety of constructs, and held-out data including new
students. One competititon that may produce evidence that can be used to infer the
relative accuracy and predictive power of knowledge engineered and data mined
methods in educational data will occur in the next year. The 2010 KDD Cup (to be
announced at will involve predicting
future student correctness in held-out intelligent tutor data from the Pittsburgh
Science of Learning Center DataShop (Koedinger et a., in press), and is likely to
attract submissions of both types.
mining researchers would likely benefit both communities (providing a rich set of
challenges to transfer learning researchers), as well as benefiting the developers of
student models for intelligent tutoring systems.
A second limitation to educational data mining thus far is the lack of tools ex-
plicitly designed to support educational data mining research. Data mining tools
such as Weka (Witten and Frank 1999) and KEEL (Alcalá-Fdez et al. 2009) sup-
port data mining practitioners in utilizing well-known data mining algorithms on
their data, with a usable user interface; however, these tools’ default user inter-
faces currently do not support the types of cross-validation that are necessary in
educational data to infer generalizability across students. This has led to a consid-
erable amount of EDM research that does not take these issues into account. It is
possible to conduct cross-validation across data levels in another tool, RapidMiner
(Mierszwa et al. 2006). RapidMiner does not directly support student-level or les-
son-level cross-validation, but its “batch cross-validation” functionality makes it
possible to conduct student-level or lesson-level cross-validation through pre-
defining student batches outside of the data mining software. Beyond this issue, no
data mining tool is currently integrated with tools for the text replay, survey, and
quantitative field observation methods increasingly used to label data for using
classification or regression, for student models. Integrating data mining tools with
data labeling tools and providing support for conducting appropriate validation of
generalizability would significantly facilitate research in using data mining to im-
prove student models.
Even without these types of support, research into using data mining to support
the development of student models has made significant impacts in recent years.
To the degree that researchers address these limitations, the impact of educational
data mining can be magnified still further.
16.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have discussed how data mining methods have contributed to
the development of student models for intelligent tutoring systems. In particular,
we have discussed the contribution to student modeling coming from classification
methods, regression methods, clustering methods, and methods for the distillation
of data for human judgment. Classification, regression, and clustering methods
have supported the development of validated models of a variety of complex con-
structs that have been embedded into increasingly sophisticated student models,
enabling broader-based adaptation to individual differences between students than
was previously possible. Clustering methods have supported the discovery of how
students choose to respond to new types of educational human-computer interac-
tions, enriching student models; classification and regression models have af-
forded accurate and validated models of a broader range of student behavior.
Among other constructs, these methods have supported the development of mod-
els of gaming the system, help-seeking, boredom, frustration, confusion, engaged
concentration, self-efficacy, scientific reasoning strategies, and off-task behavior.
Distillation of data for human judgment has itself facilitated the development
of models of this nature, speeding the process of labeling data with reference to
334 R.S.J.d. Baker
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Chapter 17
Managing Learner’s Affective States in
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 339–358. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
340 C. Frasson and P. Chalfoun
reasoning but recent work have shown that in every case the cognitive process
of an individual is strongly dependent on his emotions which can drastically
influence performance (Damasio 1994; Spering et al. 2005). Numerous students
submitted to an examination have been faced to stress and anxiety and by conse-
quence to the “memory blank”, a situation in which they are unable to neither
retrieve any information nor make any deductions. Generally, negative emotions
reduce or block thought processes, slow down the decisions and memory capacity
(Idzihowski and Baddeley 1987). Positive emotions provide better conditions for
problem solving and improve innovation. Students expressing anxiety or showing
hyperactivity will not store knowledge efficiently (Isen 2000; Pekrun 2008). The
learning process involves in particular three cognitive processes, namely attention,
memorization, and reasoning, with respect to each of which the learner’s cognitive
ability depends on his emotions.
Attention means focusing. Learning can take place only if the student listens. A
necessary condition for successful learning is hence to gain the attention of the
student (Gagné 1985) depending on the learner’s emotions, this first step can be
more or less difficult. In fact, strong emotions, particularly if they are negative,
disturb any kind of attention and concentration and prevent the learner from focus-
ing on a subject. Moreover, negative emotions lead to difficulties in switching the
attention to a new focus (Compton 2000).
Memory is one of the most important concepts in learning. Knowledge memo-
rization represents a principal objective of instruction and is necessary for the ma-
jor complex cognitive tasks of learning process (Bloom 1994). Memorizing is a
process which involves the storage of information as well as the retrieval of know-
ledge and the following properties (Bower 1992):
• The effectiveness of the memorization process is narrowly linked to someone’s
emotions: Whereas positive emotions enhance the memory performance in
general, unrelated and negative emotions disturb in particular the retrieval
• On the other hand, emotions which are related to the content to be memorized
help in storing it.
• The retrieval process is improved when the emotional state is closest to the one
at the time the desired information to retrieve was memorized.
Reasoning is the subsequent task attached to memory in which the learner is sup-
posed to reason with the acquired knowledge. The process of reasoning enables a
learner to perform more complex cognitive tasks – such as comprehension, classi-
fication, application of knowledge, analysis, and problem solving – which repre-
sent the ultimate goal of the learning process (Bloom 1994):
• Positive emotions improve any kind of reasoning since relations can be made
more easily between objects or ideas (Isen 2000). In general, such emotions
lead to a more creative, flexible, and divergent thinking process, whereas nega-
tive emotions cause a more linear, convergent, and sequential thinking (a step
by step process) (Lisetti and Schiano 2000).
• Positive emotions promote efficiency and thoroughness in decision making and
problem solving (Isen 2000).
Managing Learner’s Affective States in Intelligent Tutoring Systems 341
Emotions can be used in the learning content to increase learner’s attention and
improve his memory capacity. In the following section we examine what types of
different emotions can be considered.
Thus affects will create feelings, which will be displayed as emotions. For in-
stance, as babies have no previous history of feelings their emotions will be direct
expression of the affective stimulations (Shouse 2005). Different models of emo-
tions have been determined and hence different ways to represent them. Com-
monly, researchers have defined several types of emotions, called basic emotions.
The first computational model of emotions was established by Ortony, Clore and
Collins (Ortony et al. 1988), known since that time as the OCC model. This model
specifies 22 types of emotions: fortunes of others (happy-for, resentment, gloating,
pity), well-being (joy, distress), Prospect-Based (satisfaction, fear-confirmed, re-
lief, disappointment), Attribution (pride, shame, admiration, reproach), Attraction
(love, hate), Well-Being/Attribution compounds (gratification, remorse, gratitude,
342 C. Frasson and P. Chalfoun
anger). This model might be too complex for the development of emotional char-
acters, so Philipp Shaver in (Parrott 2001) asked college students to rate 213 emo-
tional terms on how much emotion they conveyed. This study conducted to the
definition of 5 or 6 clusters of basic emotions: love, joy, surprise, sadness, anger,
fear and each emotion leading to secondary and tertiary emotions.
With the objectives to proceed to a facial recognition of emotions, Ekman
(Ekman et al. 2002) distinguished then six different basics emotions: sadness,
happiness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger. The faces help to moderate and cho-
reograph conversations, and conveyed information. Even if all emotions are not
perceived easily and clearly on a human face, we believe that each emotion has a
specific facial expression with flagrant or subtle modifications. An example: sad,
mournful expressions: use eyebrow depression, eye narrowing, nasal muscle ele-
vation, lip compression, and mouth lowering (turned down at edges).
As emotions can have an impact on the voice, Juslin and Sherer (Juslin and
Scherer 2005) has shown how different emotions can change the tone, articulation
and intensity of the voice. Elliot (Elliot 1992) built a computing system combining
facial expression and voice tones, based on 13 couples of opposed emotions. This
system produced emotions which were better recognized by users than emotions
expressed by humans.
However, we must be conscious that on some learner faces, we may not see fa-
cial expressions, because of impassive faces or cultural barriers and this represents
a limitation of this method. Ochs (Ochs and Frasson 2004) built a system called
Case Based Emotioning System (CBE), enabling any user to indicate on a scale
how he would feel in a given hypothetic situation. After a period of data acquisi-
tion the Case Base Reasoning System was able to make rather accurate predictions
using an Emotional Case library.
More recently, researchers considered not only the simplified set of basic
emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise) but also learning-
centered affective states such as : anxious, confusion, boredom, contempt, curios-
ity, eureka, frustration (D'Mello et al. 2009). Transition states from one emotional
state to another as well as duration of emotional state are still to be clarified as
they depend on individual characteristics.
Managing Learner’s Affective States in Intelligent Tutoring Systems 343
Various sensors can be used to detect emotions during a learning session. The fol-
lowing table from (Arroyo et al. 2009) gives an idea of some of them. Sensors are
associated with specialized software able determine an emotion or a set of emotions.
Several sensors may give a more precise conclusion as to the predicted emotion.
Other physiological sensors have a direct correlation with emotions (Chalfoun
and Frasson 2009; Lang 1995). For instance, the following sensors can measure
emotion according to two dimensions: valence (positive or negative emotion), and
arousal (intensity of emotion). The GSR sensor (Galvanic Skin Response) allows
recording skin conductivity measuring the rate of skin transpiration. RSP sensor
(respiration) allows recording variations of respiration. GSR and RESP are posi-
tively correlated with arousal. BVP sensor (Blood Volume Pressure) allows re-
cording blood flow variations from which we can extract heart rate (HR). TEMP
sensors allow recording temperature variations. BHV, HR, and TEMP are posi-
tively correlated with valence.
All these means are in fact indirect consequences of emotional stimuli. Their
intensity varies with individuals and can just give an indication on the type of trig-
gered emotion.
Brain interface
In the human brain, each individual neuron communicates with the other by send-
ing tiny electrochemical signals. When millions of neurons are activated, each
contributing its small electrical current generating a signal that is strong enough to
be detected by an electroencephalogram (EEG) (Cantor 1999; Heraz and Frasson
2009). These devices can be used to detect and measure emotions. Fig. 17.4 repre-
sents a learner wearing a pendant EEG able to transmit brainwave activity wire-
less. The EEG cables are connected to the ears and sensors on the brain.
344 C. Frasson and P. Chalfoun
Blood pressure
Measures blood pressure distribution on
the back and under the learner.
Bandwith Frequency
Mental states (General characteristics)
name range
Delta (δ) 1-4 Hz Sleep, repair, complex problem solving
Theta (θ) 4-8 Hz Creativity, insight, deep states
Alpha (α) 8-12 Hz Alertness and peacefulness, readiness, meditation
Beta (β) 13-21 Hz Thinking, focusing, sustained attention
SMR 12-15 Hz Mental alertness, physical relaxation
High beta 20-32 Hz Intensity, hyperalertness, anxiety
Gamma(Y) 38-42 Hz Cognitive processing, learning
is presently no consensus over the use of a fixed threshold to split the frequencies
into bands.
Delta frequency band is associated with deep sleep. Theta is dominant during
dream sleep, meditation, and creative inspiration. Alpha brainwave is associated
with tranquility and relaxation. By closing one's eyes can generate increased alpha
brainwaves. Beta frequency band is associated with an alert state of mind and con-
centration (Demos 2005). Response preparation and inhibition is one of the roles
of the cortical sensorimotor beta rhythm (Zhang et al. 2008).
In the present case of pendant EEG, the electrical signal recorded by the EEG is
sampled, digitized and filtered to divide it into 4 different frequency bands: Beta,
Alpha, Theta and Delta (Fig. 17.5).
Our previous work (Heraz and Frasson 2007; Heraz et al. 2008) indicated that
an EEG is a good source of information to detect emotion. Results show that the
student’s affect (Anger, Boredom, Confusion, Contempt, Curious, Disgust, Eure-
ka, and Frustration) can be accurately detected (82%) from brainwaves By looking
on the signal produced at a given time we can guess deduce in which mental state
is the learner, how long this state can exist and what event can change it. The
346 C. Frasson and P. Chalfoun
Fig. 17.5 A raw EEG sample and its filtered component frequencies. Respectively (from
the top): Recorded EEG signal, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves
difficulty of this approach is however to remove any noise effect in the outputs
and to interpret their variations. The signals are by nature complex, and so,
difficult to interpret from an emotional perspective. Measuring the intensity of
emotions represents another challenge but this research track is promising and
upcoming works should allow discovering new perspectives. By combining all
sensors we should understand better not only the types of emotions but also the
transitions between emotional states.
computer game, user indicated on a scale the level of frustration that he experi-
enced with the system. Then, a support agent can offer an affective feedback by
sending the user some text that mirrored the level of frustration that the user re-
ported. It has been shown that, with this method, some of the user’s negative feel-
ings are reduced and the tendency of people to interact with computers is boosted.
Moreover, other researchers have developed systems that are able to control
and influence the learner’s emotions using empathy. For instance, the “affective
companion” adapts to the learner’s emotions, by adjusting the difficulty of an ex-
ercise (Isen 2000); the “affective tutor”, on the other hand, is itself affectively
adaptive to user’s emotions (Estrada et al. 1994). McQuiggan developed and
tested the advantage of affect-based empathetic responses on hints and suggestions
(McQuiggan and Lester 2006).
Similarly, Partala focused on human-computer interaction, studying especially
the effects of affective interventions using synthetic speech with emotional content
(Partala and Surakka 2004). The interventions were given when subjects’ problem
solving had been interrupted by mouse delays. Compared to no intervention condi-
tion, the results showed that the use of positive worded affective intervention has
improved the smiling activity. At the same time frowning activity was clearly de-
creased during affective intervention.
Other researchers have developed hybrid techniques which combine two or
more procedures; Mayer et al. used the guided imagery procedure with music pro-
cedure to induce four types of emotions, joy, anger, fear, sadness (Mayer et al.
1995). They used guided imagery to occupy the foreground attention and music to
emphasize the background. According to Prendinger, human-computer interaction
would become more productive by offering help and assistance to confused users
(Prendinger and Ishizuka 2005). The authors studied the effect of empathic em-
bodied feedback on deliberately frustrated users. These interfaces include guided
imagery vignettes, music and images in the context of a job interview simulation
and preparation.
In (Chaffar and Frasson 2006), a specific module (ESTEL) was developed to
induce an optimal emotional state, which represents a positive state of mind that
maximizes learner’s performance. Using a Personality Identifier which determines
his personality (for instance extraversion), the Optimal Emotion Extractor re-
trieves joy as the optimal emotional state for this personality. The Emotion In-
ducer will elicit joy in this learner by using a hybrid technique which consists of
displaying different interfaces.
The Emotion Inducer is inspired by the study of Mayer et al. (Mayer et al.
1995) that has been done to induce four specific emotions (joy, anger, fear, and
sadness). After inducing emotion, the Emotion Manager module will restart the
Learning Appraiser module for evaluating learning efficiency.
This architecture shows that managing emotional conditions requires a com-
plete cycle including: identification of emotional state of the learner, identification
of adequate emotional state to improve the performances, induction of new
emotion, and verification of learning improvement. These modules are also com-
ponents of emotional Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS).
emotional state. Including this CBE into an ITS allows to generate in a user a spe-
cific emotional state.
Knowing which emotion to generate we need however to determine which
one will be able to improve learner performance (condition 3 mentioned above).
We focus on this point by analyzing the different effects of emotions on learner
performance and particularly the emotional conditions for reaching the best
For instance, a computer that flatters a user will generate positive emotions in
him. A learner will, hence, experience a variety of emotions upon interacting with
an ITS in the same way as in the context of traditional learning, and similarly to
the human teacher, a virtual tutor can be viewed as an emotional practitioner
able to influence the learner’s emotions. Moreover, these emotions will strongly
influence his cognitive abilities (Isen 2000). Given these two facts, ITS should,
therefore, be able to manage these emotions in a way beneficial for the learning
process, e.g., to generate specific emotions in the learner.
By consequence of the above discussion it appears advantageous to include
specific capabilities of emotional intelligence into ITS: Learning involves a vari-
ety of cognitive processes, and someone’s performance therein highly depends on
his emotions. An ITS able to manage learner’s emotions contains additional hu-
man capabilities and is potentially more efficient.
ITS is to be able to recognize and address the emotional state of the learner and
react accordingly through the presence of the pedagogical agent.
The affective tutor is one such system where frustration is detected real-time
with a multi-modal approach combining Gaussian affective process classification
and Bayesian inference (Kapoor 2007). The Wyang Outpost is another ITS in-
tended for middle school and high school level mathematics learning. We can see
Jake and Jane, two virtual agents drawn in flash, mirror emotions to emulate em-
pathy and thus help keep high school children more engaged in the lesson (Arroyo
et al. 2004).
Fig. 17.7 Four virtual I.T.S. systems employing various forms of embodied agents
Fig. 17.8 Four different NLE’s each utilizing a different pedagogical approach
Crystal Island is one such narrative-centered learning system used for the teach-
ing of microbiology and genetics (McQuiggan and Lester 2007). The animated
agents in Crystal Island are built on empathy (they can express emotions as shown
in Fig. 17.8) in order to promote intrinsic motivation in high school students.
Overcoming a challenging task provides a student with a personal sense of
achievement and a test of her abilities. Indeed, excessively low-challenge periods
may cause the student to feel bored, but high-challenge periods may bring about
frustration and feelings of hopelessness. FearNot! is a completely different and
very interesting interactive NLE developed for education against bullying behav-
ior in schools (Aylett et al. 2005). The autonomous agents in FearNot! implements
emotional expressiveness and personality, two important characteristics of syn-
thetic characters, to attain a desirable level of empathy and believability in order to
help deal with virtual bullies. The third illustrated NLE, called EMMA, makes a
contribution to the issue of what types of automation should be included in
352 C. Frasson and P. Chalfoun
interactive narrative environments, and as part of that the issue, of what types of
affect should be detected and how. The generation of emotional believable anima-
tions based on the detected affective states contributes to the ease and innovative
user interface in edrama, which leads to high-level user engagement and enjoy-
ment (Zhang et al. 2007). Prime Climb is another very interesting NLE where
Merlin, the virtual tutor, interacts with learners by recognizing multiple user emo-
tions during the interaction with an educational computer game (Conati and
Maclaren 2009). The model is based on a probabilistic framework that deals with
the high level of uncertainty involved in recognizing a variety of user emotions by
combining in a Dynamic Bayesian Network information on both the causes and
effects of emotional reactions. The tutor intervenes intelligently by processing in-
formation through the complex model in order to help 6th and 7th grade students
practice number factorization.
The NLE make extensive use of animated agents to interact with the user.
While this is common practice, it is important to not neglect the degree of behav-
ioral realism of these agents for it can have different effects depending on the us-
ers. For a complete review on the subject please see (Campbell et al. 2009; Groom
et al. 2009).
Fig. 17.9 Subliminal module implemented in the immersive version of MOCAS and results
Before going further however, we need to clearly establish the terminology that
will be used. Indeed, the simple mention of the word subliminal can lead to dis-
cord and confusion. We establish a stimulus as being subliminal when it is sent
too fast for a user to consciously report its existence. Conscious perception is well
established in neuroscience and its properties are well known. One of those prop-
erties is the existence of a visual threshold for conscious access called VT. It is
precisely this VT that we establish as being the “line” between conscious and un-
conscious perception. The technique used to send a given stimuli below the VT of
awareness is called subliminal projection, as opposed to a paraliminal projection
where flashed stimuli is consciously perceived for it is presented at speeds above
the VT (Del Cul et al. 2007).
The current experiment presented in Fig. 17.9 uses precise and timed sublimi-
nal projections in a 3D intelligent tutoring system while monitoring the physio-
logical reactions of the learner. Those visual recording are crucial to remove noise
and identify events of special interest. Moreover, we constructed the subliminal
cues in a way which would accelerate the learning process by triggering and en-
hancing an already possessed knowledge without the user’s awareness. This step
is important for it enables the learner to feel responsible for his own success and
hopefully help him stay motivated. The histogram on the right hand side of the
figure presents a detailed and precise look at the optimal affective conditions that
set the best learners apart. These signal values are normalized by mean-shifting,
that is subtracting each signal’s value from the signal’s baseline mean then divid-
ing the result by the signal’s standard deviation. This widely accepted technique
enables us to compare learners’ results for it solves the problem of extra-
individual physiological differences. The figure shows the average affective val-
ues for a period of 4 second following every subliminal stimulus. The full brown
bars represent the average value of the signal for all subliminal stimuli at the pre-
cise moment the stimulus was projected (t=0s, s is for seconds). The horizontal
dashed bars represent the same averaged value except that it is computed for the 4
seconds following that projected stimulus (T=t + 4s). Since one was not primed
with subliminal stimuli, we placed markers for each learner at the precise moment
354 C. Frasson and P. Chalfoun
where subliminal cues would have been projected if these learners would have
been taking the course with the subliminal module.
The results shown in Fig. 17.9 are not only statistically significant (p<0.001,
α=0.05) but very important for they enable us to distinguish between the best and
worst learners in terms of valence and arousal but also in terms of how much
variation is considered optimal for success. In this case, having an average posi-
tive valence variation increase of about 0.8 and arousal increase between 2.5 and
2.9 is what our system should be looking for. In fact, we can clearly see at the far
right part of the figure that the worst learners, those who made the most mistakes,
were the ones who had a negative valence variation. Checking the results with
Lang’s two dimensional space (Lang 1995) informs us that a negative valence
could lead to a negative emotional state and thus not optimal for learning. Since
subliminal projections increase valence variations, our system could then detect
this negative emotional state and start projecting more stimuli until an optimal
state is reached. We demonstrated in (Chalfoun and Frasson 2008) that the
subliminal module helped reduce dramatically the number of mistakes made.
Fig. 17.9 might have helped explain why in terms of valence and arousal.
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Part IV
ITS Authoring and Applications
Chapter 18
Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems:
An Overview
18.1 Introduction
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are complex computer programs that manage
various heterogeneous types of knowledge, ranging from domain to pedagogical
knowledge. Building such a system is thus not an easy task. ITS authors need to
be well equipped to face multiple issues related to their building process. In fact,
the resources needed to build an ITS come from multiple research fields, including
artificial intelligence, the cognitive sciences, education, human-computer interac-
tion and software engineering. This multidisciplinary foundation makes the proc-
ess of building an ITS a thoroughly challenging task, given that authors may have
very different views of the targeted system. Some promote pedagogical accuracy
(ensuring that tutoring decision making is based on sound pedagogical principles),
while others focus on effective diagnosis of learners’ errors (using appropriate
knowledge structure and algorithms to interpret learners’ decisions correctly).
Murray (1999) identified seven different classes of tutoring system, each corre-
sponding to a different author view, conditioned by the author's needs. Murray’s
study clearly shown that most of the existing authoring systems were designed for
building part or all of a specific class of ITSs. Furthermore, there is a lack of
methods and standard tools which could ease the authoring process.
Users interested in building ITSs fall into two groups: those with programming
skills and those without. While the former can use snippets of code and class
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 361–375. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
362 R. Nkambou, J. Bourdeau, and V. Psyché
libraries (API) without requiring an intuitive user interface, the latter have a need
for tools that are easy to use, and which reflect their mental model of the artifact
they are building. For example, a non-programmer should be able to integrate a
content-planning module without having to program it, or add domain knowledge
without having to understand either the knowledge model, the language used for
coding this model, or the underlying logic. Two types of systems to help build
ITSs were therefore identified (Murray 1999, 2003): shells for programmers and
authoring tools for non-programmers. Both provide suitable resources to facilitate
the building of ITSs.
In this chapter, the challenge of building or authoring an ITS is addressed,
along with the problems that have arisen and been dealt with, and the solutions
that have been tested. The chapter begins with a presentation of historical and cur-
rent work on building ITS shells. Then, an update of Murray’s review of authoring
systems is given, with an emphasis on other important factors that should be con-
sidered in the classification of authoring tools. The chapter ends with a series of
open questions and an introduction to the other chapters in this part of the book.
modeling. TAGUS uses logic to represent the knowledge, reasoning and cognitive
strategies of the learner. It provides an interface with services for accessing and
updating information about the learner's knowledge state. More recently, Zapata-
Rivera and Greer (2004) proposed SModel, a Bayesian student modeling server
which provides several services to a group of agents in a CORBA platform.
Multiple other shell projects have been developed, focusing on particular ITS
components. For instance, KEPLER (Vivet 1988), an expert system shell for
building the domain and tutor modules of an intelligent tutoring system, was used
to develop AMALIA, a tutoring system for teaching algebraic manipulations. The
PIXIE shell (Sleeman 1987) was proposed to develop the diagnosis and remedia-
tion processes within an ITS. SCENT-3 (McCalla and Greer 1988) helped for
fine-grain task sequencing. PEPE, a competence-based computational framework,
was used for content planning (Wasson 1992).
ITS shells sometimes target the whole system (all components included). FITS
(Ikeda and Mizoguchi 1994) is a good example of such a shell. FITS is a domain-
independent framework that provides building blocks for student, tutor and do-
main modeling.
Recently, Stankov et al. (2008) developed a system called the Tutor–Expert
System (Tex-Sys). Tex-Sys is an ITS shell that provides a generic module, imple-
menting ITS components that can be used for the deployment of any given con-
tent. The content is specified in terms of user and domain knowledge databases.
Two versions of Tex-Sys are provided, each dealing with an implementation ap-
proach taken by the ITS. DTex-Sys provides the client-server implementation,
where the generic components (pedagogical controls) are implemented in a web
server. The problem with this shell is that generic components deal only with pe-
dagogical control of the ITS, not learner or domain control. The other version,
xTex-Sys, provides another implementation based on a service-oriented architec-
ture, where generic components (including learner and expert modules) are im-
plemented as web services. The main drawback with the Tex-Sys approaches is
that there is very little information about the shell's content. What knowledge is
stored in it? How is it used? There is no answer to these questions.
A similar approach that targets all ITS components is the shell developed by
Goodkovsky (1997). It provides simple component implementation (domain mod-
el, expert model, student model) as well as procedural models of the tutor's activ-
ity and the tutoring criteria and constraints. The usefulness of this shell can be
questioned, however. For example, the domain model it provides is as simple as a
set of domain concepts, which is a very limiting knowledge structure for a good
tutoring system (see the chapter on domain modeling).
In summary, while the idea of providing ITS developers with a shell that targets
the whole system is a very nice one, existing shells tend to focus on the big pic-
ture, neglecting the detailed rationale for each component of the system. We be-
lieve that approaches that target particular ITS components are more profound.
We also feel, given the complexity of the functions of an ITS, that further refine-
ments must be made by considering the development of very specific shells that
meet the special needs associated with certain complex and essential ITS func-
tions, as has been done with PIXIE (Sleeman 1987). Thus, complex mechanisms
364 R. Nkambou, J. Bourdeau, and V. Psyché
such as cognitive diagnosis (Pelleu et al. 2007) may benefit from special attention
that may result in generic implementations to be adapted in different problem-
solving contexts. Such a shell would certainly be a welcome addition to the ITS-
building toolbox, and would encourage the reuse of predefined small building
blocks when developing new ITSs.
Other authoring tools which use pedagogy-oriented domain modeling are Eon
(Murray 1998), IDE (Russell et al. 1988) and GTE (Van Marcke 1992). Specifi-
cally, GTE is a rule-based tool that performs actions according to a given
pedagogical goal. Eon, a “one-size-fits-all” authoring tool which provides a
full-fledged set of ITS tools, was initially implemented to perform activity streams
based on a given instructional goal, in order to provide the author with multiple tu-
toring strategies. Finally, Eon uses an approach similar to REDEEM’s parameter-
ized one that allows the author to generate tutoring strategies from scratch. Several
tutors have been implemented using Eon.
It should be noted that these tools are often based on a behavioristic-empiricist
approach and tend to produce ‘instructivist’ tutors (Jonassen and Reeves 1996)
with the possible exception of Eon (which is theory-independent). Also, their in-
structional strategies are fixed (predefined) and they usually do not have ontology-
oriented representations.
Several ITS teams have been attempting to build authoring tools that would allow
for sharing of components across ITSs and reduce development costs (Heffernan
et al. 2006). The current R-D practice is to develop building tools that are para-
digm-specific (Kodaganallur et al. 2005), such as CTAT for model-tracing sys-
tems (Aleven et al. 2006) and example-based systems (Aleven et al. 2009);
ASPIRE for constraint-based systems (Mitrovic et al. 2009); TuTalk Tool Suite
(Jordan et al. 2007) for dialogue-based learning agents; and authoring tools for
inquiry-based systems (Murray et al. 2004; Gijlers et al. 2009) and for virtual re-
ality and game-based ITS (Johnson and Valente 2008). Using a “backbone”,
teams built tools such as the Cognitive Model SDK (Blessing and Gilbert, 2008;
Blessing et al. 2009), or developed tools that allow for derivation and variabiliza-
tion, such as the ASSISTment Builder (Turner et al. 2005; Razzaq et al. 2009; –
also see Chapter 20). In other words, recent developments in ITS show a
“specialization” by paradigm, discipline of reference and privileged application
domains, resulting in a similar specialization in the authoring tools that are derived
from them. The paradigm for the CTAT tools and ASSISTment Builder is the
ACT* cognitive architecture; their domain of reference is cognitive psychology;
the privileged component is the student model; and most of their applications are
in math and science. ASPIRE authoring tool has constraint-based modeling as a
paradigm, and computer science as a domain of reference. Discovery Learning
Environments’ paradigm is Discovery Learning; the domain of reference is the
sciences, and the applications are mainly in science learning, etc.
Some new web paradigms are becoming good metaphors for collaborative au-
thoring. For example, the open authoring model inspired by Wikipedia seems to
be quite appropriate in the ITS context (Aleahmad et al. 2008).
Besides the development of authoring tools, another way to facilitate the ITS
building process is to view ITSs as software. As such, software engineering (SE)
methods and tools can help. Tools provided in this context will be said to be
SE-oriented. Various research proposals have been put forward with the aim of in-
tegrating different software engineering approaches. One group, the pattern-based
approaches, are aimed at providing ITS developers with interesting patterns they
can use to build the ITS. A pattern is a generalized solution of a typical problem
within a typical context. A thorough analysis of existing ITS development solu-
tions is an important stage in determining such patterns. Devedzic and Harrer
(2005) discussed possible architectural patterns that can be found in existing ITSs.
Harrer and Martens (2006) described the basis for a pattern language and cata-
logue for building ITS. Along the same lines, Salah and Zeid (2009) developed
PLITS, a pattern language for ITS. PLITS was built from pattern mining by
Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems: An Overview 369
Recently, a framework for organizing the necessary building blocks found in au-
thoring systems for building ITS was proposed (Woolf 2008). Four layers were
identified, each including specific classes of building blocks (Figure 18.1). The
knowledge representation level includes tools for easily representing knowledge.
At this level, the user should adopt the right formalism and select the right
language or tool to ease the representation process. Level 2 is about the type of
domain and student models, level 3 contains tools for implementing teaching
knowledge while level 4 comprises those for communication knowledge.
Providing such a framework can be seen as a starting point for developing a real
methodology for ITS engineering, where each step may provide guidelines that help
the author make the best decision and select the relevant tools to produce the output
artifacts of that step. For instance, at level 1, based on some evaluation criteria, such
as those proposed in Chapter 2 (section of this book for the evaluation of
370 R. Nkambou, J. Bourdeau, and V. Psyché
Fig. 18.1 A framework of intelligent tutor building blocks (adapted from Woolf (2008))
the different tools. This approach will make it easier to move from the current
proprietary, non-shareable solutions for building ITSs to others that are interoper-
able, reusable and easy to integrate.
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Chapter 19
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors:
A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT
19.1 Introduction
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) that support a learning-by-doing pedagogical
strategy are usually developed in line with one of three established approaches:
model-tracing tutors (Anderson and Pelletier 1991), constraint-based tutors (Mi-
trovic et al. 2003) and example-tracing tutors (Aleven et al. in press; Razzaq et al.
2009). All of these fit VanLehn’s tutoring framework (VanLehn 2006), in which a
model of a task domain is used to evaluate each of the learner’s steps (which are
themselves driven by mental inferences) as correct or incorrect. Model-tracing tu-
tors such as Cognitive Tutors (Anderson 1995) and Andes (VanLehn 2005) have
been proven to be successful in the classroom (Koedinger et al. 1997), but their
success is mitigated by their cost (Murray 2003), which is mainly due to the effort
needed to develop a generative model of the task domain. Both constraint-based
and example-tracing tutors are designed to reduce this cost. The former use an
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 377–405. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
378 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
framework derived from the Cognitive Tutors (Koedinger 2003). In order to com-
pare the two frameworks, we used each of them to author a tutor for the multi-
column subtraction task domain. Each contains a generative model that can be
used to trace a correct problem-solving path, but also many different incorrect
ones. The objectives of this study are to evaluate whether both frameworks allow
us to exhaustively model the multi-column subtraction domain; to identify the fea-
tures that make each framework more or less suitable for the situations covered by
a given set of scenarios; and to show which types of pedagogical behavior
are made possible by each framework. The tutors were authored with the sole
purpose of comparing the frameworks; we do not plan to experiment with them in
a classroom.
In the next sections of this chapter, we describe the two ITS frameworks
(CTAT in Section 2, ASTUS in Section 3). For each, we begin by giving an over-
view of its design and then present its knowledge representation system in detail,
with examples from the multi-column subtraction domain. Section 4 presents the
methodology of our study, detailing each step that was taken in order to achieve
our objectives. For instance, we explain why we deemed the multi-column sub-
traction domain a good choice to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the two
frameworks. In Section 5, we discuss the features of the resulting tutors and pre-
sent scenarios which illustrate how each framework deals with different situations
encountered in modeling the multi-column subtraction domain. In particular, we
discuss the difference between the frameworks’ respective tracing algorithms,
their difficulties in modeling specific situations and the types of pedagogical be-
havior they support. Finally (Section 6), we conclude that authoring a tutor in ei-
ther framework is a similar task, but that with ASTUS, more attention must be
paid in building the task domain model so that it can be fully exploited by the do-
main-independent pedagogical module. However, without any extra domain-
specific effort, the resulting tutor offers elaborate pedagogical behaviors that are
usually not supported in problem-solving tutors. The chapter ends with a brief
presentation of future work towards a new version of the ASTUS framework.
380 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
engine2 (only the latter is distributed along with CTAT). In our study, the CTAT
tutor was created as a Cognitive Tutor implemented via the Jess rule engine. In the
following sections, when we speak of the CTAT framework, we are referring to
Jess-based Cognitive Tutors authored using CTAT.
The above rule is fired when there is a goal of evaluating the decrementation of a
column’s minuend for a column with a minuend different from zero. The WME it
creates will allow other rules to match, in a chain, including the final one that
will result in the action of decrementing the minuend. The following rule is trig-
gered if there is a goal of subtracting the problem’s current column, and the step is
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 381
recognized if the correct value is entered in the column’s difference slot, as speci-
fied by the predict-observable-action statement.
(defrule Subtract
?problem <- (problem (currentColumn ?column)
(subgoals $?first ?goal $?rest))
?goal <- (subtractColumnGoal (column ?column))
?column <- (column (difference ? diff)
(minuend ?minuend)
(subtrahend ?subtrahend))
(bind ?difference (- ?minuend ?subtrahend))
(predict-observable-action ?diff WRITE-VALUE difference))
When a step is executed in the interface, CTAT tries to find a chain of rules that
leads to it. A loop is initiated in which the content of the currently available
WMEs is compared with the rules’ firing conditions in order to find matches. As
rules can alter the content of the working memory when they are fired, additional
production rules can be fired and the matching process is started over until the rule
producing the learner’s step is found. If no such rule is found, the step is consid-
ered an error. In CTAT, pedagogically relevant errors are modeled using produc-
tion rules marked as “buggy”. Buggy rules, like normal ones, can either match a
step or modify the content of the working memory. In both cases, errors are de-
tected after exactly one incorrect step, when the chain of production rules that
leads to this step contains a buggy rule.
An alpha version, limited to internal usage, has been completed and a beta version
designed to be shared is under active development (
382 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
proposes original twists useful in the ITS context (Fournier-Viger et al. 2006a;
Fournier-Viger et al. 2006b; Najjar et al. 2001). Using ASTUS’s knowledge repre-
sentation system, a task domain’s declarative knowledge is divided into semantic
(factual) and episodic (autobiographical) components, whereas procedural knowl-
edge is modeled at three different grain sizes. First, complex procedures are
dynamic plans generating a set of goals (intentions satisfied by procedures), ac-
cording to an algorithm (e.g., sequence, condition, iteration). For example, in the
subtraction tutor, the complex procedure SubtractWithBorrow is a partially
ordered sequence:
SubtractWithBorrow (TopSmallerColumn c) {
subgoal[1] := BorrowFrom(query{nextColumn(c)})
subgoal[2] := BorrowInto(c)
subgoal[3] := GetDifference(c)
order-constraints {(2, 3)}
Second, primitive procedures represent mastered abilities that correspond to steps
in the learning environment. Here is one of the two primitive procedures in the
subtraction tutor (the other is ReplaceTerm):
EnterDifference (Column c, Number dif) {
c.difference := dif
Third, queries and rules represent basic or mastered mental skills, such as pattern-
matching and elementary arithmetic. Along with complex procedures, they repre-
sent mental inferences. As queries and rules define how procedural knowledge
components can access semantic ones, they are described in more detail in the dis-
cussion of this below.
A class of problem is associated with a goal (in the subtraction tutor, the Sub-
tractInColumns goal) that can be satisfied by different procedures, complex or
primitive, some of which may be marked as incorrect to represent pedagogically
relevant errors (for instance, in the subtraction tutor, the incorrect procedure
AddInsteadOfSubtract). As complex procedures specify sub-goals, the resulting
graph has a goal as root and a set of primitive procedures as leaves.
Aside from goals, which define a semantic abstraction over procedures,
semantic components include concepts, relations, functions and contexts,
and their corresponding instances, objects, facts, mappings and environments.
Concepts represent pedagogically relevant abstractions and are defined using both
is-a relationships and essential features. Functions and relations, respectively, rep-
resent single- and multi-valued non-essential associations between objects. For
example, the subtraction tutor includes these semantic knowledge components:
Concept Column {
position [integer]
difference[integer] (the value is initially unknown)
} *a tuple where the first is the current one.
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 383
Contexts reify the subdivisions of the learning environment, which generally cor-
respond to windows in the interface. Examples of multi-context learning environ-
ments include “wizards” and pop-up dialog boxes (the subtraction tutor has only
one context). Thus an environment contains all the instances (objects, facts, map-
pings) related to a distinct subtask of the task domain contained in a context. Do-
main-level (vs. task-level) objects that represent constants (e.g., the integers 0-9 in
the subtraction tutor) are part of a global context that is automatically handled by
the framework.
The episodic knowledge components are instances of the semantic and proce-
dural knowledge components that represent the learner’s solution path. The cur-
rent episode is a graph that contains procedures in progress, done or undone, next
possible primitive procedures and planned goals that have not yet been developed.
Goals and procedures are specified with parameters and queries. The values of the
former come from the parent component (either a goal or a procedure instance)
and the values of the latter come from the current environment, according to do-
main-independent requests such as “get the unique object representing a given
concept” or “get the image of a given function”. For example, in the procedure
SubtractWithBorrow (detailed above) a query fetches the image of the function
nextColumn for a column specified as a parameter. Queries can also inspect the
current episode. For example, in the subtraction tutor, a procedure inspects it to
see whether a BorrowFrom goal has been satisfied or not.
Rules are used to make relations and functions operational and to classify ob-
jects (adding extra is-a relationships). Implemented using Jess, rules help to
abstract many of the domain-specific computations that are not relevant in the tu-
toring process. For example, in the subtraction tutor, the nextColumn function is
made operational with this rule:
(defrule nextColumn
(Column ?column (position ?p))
(Column ?next (position ?next:&(= next (+ ?p 1))
(Instantiate Function "nextColumn" ("next", ?next)
("column", ?column)))
Before each of the learner’s steps, the episodic graph is developed following each
applicable complex procedure’s plan, further specified by its arguments, to find
the set of next possible primitive procedure. If a step committed by the learner, is
included in this set, the graph is updated accordingly, in the other case, the step is
added to the off-path steps stack. The graph is not updated while there is a least
one step on the stack. Either the tutor or the learner can undo off-path steps, allow-
ing resuming a problem-solving path that can be traced (i.e., not necessarily a cor-
rect one). Thus, the episodic components form an interpreted high-level log of the
learner’s steps, which are stored in a low-level log to allow an exact replay. The
latter is required because even if the arguments collected from the learner’s inter-
action in the learning environment match the arguments of a next possible primi-
tive procedure, they may not be exactly the same. For example, the match can be
limited to check for a common concept.
19.4 Methodology
In this study, we use incorrect procedural knowledge of the multi-column subtrac-
tion domain to add knowledge components to the model and thus yield more data
to enrich our comparison. It is uncertain whether being able to give a detailed di-
agnosis of errors is useful in tutoring (Sleeman et al. 1989), but if it is not sup-
ported, it is not possible to conduct studies to evaluate the gains or lack thereof.
The methodology we followed comprises six steps. This section describes each
step and its relevance to our comparison of the ASTUS and CTAT frameworks.
This model is based on a procedural model presented by Resnick (1982) and was
used as a reference when we implemented the CTAT and ASTUS tutors. We
chose this model as our reference because it can resolve any multi-column sub-
traction problem, and it is explicit regarding the inferences and steps that must be
made and taken by the learner. To make this model more suitable for a tutoring
context, we modified it slightly by adding a new way to subtract a column and in-
cluding more detail in the borrowing section of the algorithm. The borrowing part
of the algorithm was not deemed to be a natural extension of the semantic knowl-
edge we assume the learner know (the base-ten numeral system’s basis).
More specifically, the first modification made to Resnick’s model is a new way
to subtract the current column when it does not contain a number in its subtrahend
(i.e., equivalent to a zero). In this case, instead of doing a subtraction, the algo-
rithm simply copies the minuend in the difference section below the line. This
modification was taken from a set of subtraction rules given by Brown and Van-
Lehn (1982) and is important in our model, since subtraction errors sometimes de-
pend on the presence or absence of a subtrahend.
The second modification is applied to the original model’s borrowing algo-
rithm, to more closely capture the semantic knowledge of the domain in a proce-
dure. When borrowing across zeros, our model does not change zeros to nines
from right to left. Instead, it finds the first term which is not zero, decrements it
and then iterates from left to right, changing zeros to nines. This procedure more
closely represents the semantics of the base-ten numeral system: when borrowing
one unit of the next column (to the left) is subtracted to add ten units to the current
column. In the case of borrowing across a zero, ten units are borrowed into and
one is borrowed from the column, thus changing the zero to a nine.
POSIT (Orey 1990), a subtraction ITS that diagnoses learners’ errors while they
are solving problems (Orey and Burton 1990) and the traditional pen and paper
approach. Our interface imposes as few limitations as possible on how learners in-
teract with the learning environment, in order to allow them to express each of the
121 errors.
The interface we designed (shown in Figure 19.3) allows two types of steps: 1)
entering the difference for a column; and 2) replacing terms (minuends or subtra-
hends) in order to borrow from or borrow into a column. The UI actions used to
trigger these steps are similar: the learner clicks on a column’s difference input
box or on the term he or she wishes to replace, and then enters a value using the
numerical pad on the right. Once the “OK” button is pressed on the numerical pad,
the problem display on the left is updated accordingly.
Fig. 19.1 The graphical user interface for the subtraction tutor
borrowing process is not yet finished. Even though we gave learners more free-
dom, we kept the restrictions on the currently subtracted column so that they must
complete all the steps relative to its subtraction before moving to the next one.
This restriction has no impact on error modeling and although it is possible to sub-
tract any column as long as subsequent borrows do not affect it, the ordered col-
umn sequence from right to left is a key part of the tutored subtraction algorithm.
The model created for our CTAT tutor is organized so that its production rules
implicitly replicate a “while loop” in which each of the columns of the problem is
subtracted individually, starting from the rightmost and ending with the leftmost.
To trace the subtraction of individual columns, our model implements a sub-goal
system. The use of such a system is common in examples of tutors given with the
CTAT framework and it has the advantage of being flexible with regard to the or-
der of the learner’s steps. Sub-goals are normal WMEs that are added to the work-
ing memory with the purpose of indicating the steps that are currently possible. In
our CTAT model, sub-goals are added to the working memory in the order defined
by the framework-independent procedural model. An executed step can thus be
accepted if it matches one of the current sub-goals, even if it does not follow the
usual ordered sequence of the algorithm. The sub-goal associated with this step is
then removed from the working memory to prevent it from being executed again.
Once all of the sub-goals for a column have been successfully achieved, the model
finds the next column and restarts the process until there is no column left to be
subtracted, in which case a sub-goal is added calling for the learner to click on the
“Done” button to indicate that he or she considers the problem solved. The
“Done” button can also be clicked on when all the columns left to be subtracted
have a difference of zero, since these extra zeros are not significant.
ASTUS’s model consists of an ordered “for-each” iteration procedure on the
columns of the problem. Thus, as in the CTAT model, each column is subtracted
individually, from right to left. As each column is subtracted, the episodic graph is
developed to obtain the set of primitive procedures that can be executed; the
restriction on the order of execution of these primitive procedures is already
contained in the complex procedures used to model the column’s subtraction. To
allow the learner to solve the problem with reasonable freedom, we ensured that
the complex procedures contained only those order constraints that are required
(borrowing into a column before subtracting it) or pedagogically relevant (sub-
tracting only one column at a time). The problem is considered solved when the
“for-each” iteration ends (when the last column of the iteration has been sub-
tracted), or when the “Done” button is pressed (the idea was borrowed from
CTAT, but the actual implementation is different because it is handled automati-
cally by the framework), to let the learner finish the problem as soon as all the re-
maining columns have a difference of zero.
19.5 Results
As both frameworks allowed us to produce a comprehensive model of the subtrac-
tion domain, we need to show: how each framework’s features have influenced
the modeling process of the tutors and which type of pedagogical interactions are
offered by each of the frameworks. Ambiguities
When tracing a learner’s solving path, situations may arise in which different pro-
cedures yield the same steps. These steps are qualified as being ambiguous be-
cause they can be interpreted in more than one way. Ambiguities may be present
in an error-free problem-solving path, but in the subtraction tutors, they result
from the inclusion of errors. When we added errors to our tutors, we found three
kinds of situations that led to ambiguities. First, two unrelated errors can lead to
the same step for specific problems. For instance, the add-instead-of-sub (adding
the term of a column instead of subtracting) and smaller-from-larger (subtracting
the smaller number from the larger regardless of which one is the minuend) errors
both result in the learner entering 2 as the difference when they are applied to a
“5 – 7” column. Second, errors can involve the same behavior but in different ap-
plication conditions, thus resulting in ambiguities when many sets of conditions
are satisfied at the same time. For an example of this situation, consider the errors
diff-0 – N = 0 (writing 0 as the difference when subtracting a number N from 0)
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 389
and 0 – N = 0-after-borrow (the same behavior but occurring only when the col-
umn has already been borrowed from). Third, ambiguities occur when some or
even all of the steps of an incorrect procedure can be considered correct. In this
case, the tutor must be able to determine which procedure was executed when an
unambiguous step is taken, or give priority to the correct procedure when it is not
possible to decide whether the error was committed or not. An example of this
situation is the borrow-skip-equal error (skipping columns where the minuend and
subtrahend are equal during the borrowing process), in which correct steps are
omitted rather than incorrect ones being performed. Details of this error are pre-
sented in the “Errors containing correct steps” subsection.
Using the model tracing algorithm of CTAT, ambiguities are resolved accord-
ing to rule priority. When a step is executed, a search is performed to determine
which rule path can explain it. Since the execution order of this search is based on
the priority of each rule, the rules of the matching path with the highest priorities
will be discovered first and will be fired, preventing the discovery of any ambigui-
ties that might have occurred. Additionally, buggy rules always have lower priori-
ties than valid ones, so a step that can be evaluated as correct will be so evaluated
even if an incorrect path exists.
ASTUS’s hierarchical procedural model allows a tracing algorithm in which an
episodic graph containing all the applicable procedures is updated before each of
the learner’s steps. This feature allows ASTUS to detect and handle ambiguous
steps. The graph is used to select the appropriate explanation for previous steps
where evidence resolving the ambiguities was found. Evidence includes the exe-
cution of a non-ambiguous step or the signal sent by the “Done” button. In the
former case, the framework uses the episodic graph to find the nearest common
ancestor of the procedure actually executed and the ambiguous one. In the latter
case, the graph is searched for a procedure that is completed and that can satisfy
the root goal.
In summary, CTAT prevents ambiguous states by always firing the production
rules with the highest priority. This method is easy to implement and handles most
of the ambiguity in a way that has no negative effects on the tracing process. It is
possible to introduce special treatment of ambiguities by adding extra production
rules to the model. An example is given in the “Errors containing correct steps”
subsection below. CTAT is thus capable of handling any ambiguity, but the draw-
back is a more complex model containing superfluous knowledge components.
With ASTUS, all ambiguities are handled directly by the framework’s tracing al-
gorithm, thanks to its top-down hierarchical procedural model and the resulting
episodic graph. This approach requires more effort when developing the frame-
work, but authors do not have to worry about ambiguities. Both ASTUS and
CTAT must deal with permanent ambiguities that no evidence can resolve, either
by using priorities or by relying on the learner model.
Some errors require multiple steps from the learner for complete diagnosis. This is
the case for errors where the whole problem is solved incorrectly, such as add-no-
carry-instead-of-sub (the learner executes an addition without carrying instead of
390 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
Fig. 19.2 Examples for the add-no-carry-instead-of-sub error. (a) The first column is
ambiguous. (b) The error should not be diagnosed
a subtraction). As well as involving multiple steps, these errors can also produce
ambiguities. For instance, in the add-no-carry-instead-of-sub error described pre-
viously, columns where the sum of the minuend and the subtrahend is the same as
their difference can exist. An example of this would be the 15 – 15 problem where
the sum and the difference of the unit column are both 0 and, because the carry is
not performed, there is no way of knowing whether the learner intended to add or
subtract the columns (i.e., the ambiguity is permanent).
When it comes to reacting to the learner’s errors, CTAT implements a policy of
immediate feedback in which there is no delay between the execution of the error
and the tutor’s feedback. Thus, CTAT’s error detection only allows one step to be
executed before feedback is given; this poses particular challenges when dealing
with errors containing more than one step. For instance, when dealing with errors
that are composed of multiple steps that can be executed in different orders, since
there is no way of knowing which one the learner will execute first, all of them
need to trigger the error diagnosis. Also, because the learner does not have the op-
portunity to complete all of the steps in the error, CTAT has less evidence that the
error it diagnosed is really the one being made. Other challenges come from errors
that require an ordered sequence of steps. In those cases, since only one step can
be executed before feedback is given, the tutor should diagnose the error when the
first step of the sequence is executed. This is difficult when the first steps are am-
biguous. Figure 19.2 illustrates such a situation in the case of the add-no-carry-
instead-of-sub error. If the error diagnosis is made on the basis of the first column
alone, the error is not detected in Figure19.2 (a) since the first step is ambiguous.
On the other hand, if we allow the error to be diagnosed on any column, it will be
detected in Figure 19.2 (b) even if the first column was correctly subtracted4. To
achieve accurate diagnosis in every situation, this ambiguity must be handled in
the procedural knowledge, in a way that is specific to this error. Thus, when an
addition is detected, the model needs to iterate on all the columns that were previ-
ously processed to see whether the entered results can be interpreted as either the
subtraction or the addition of each column. If an ambiguity is found for each of the
preceding columns, then the add-no-carry-instead-of-sub diagnosis can accurately
be given.
Since the learner correctly subtracted the first column we can assume that he/she can sub-
tract (without borrowing) and that the second error is not due to the add-no-carry-instead-
of-sub error.
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 391
There are situations where an error is not described by the incorrect steps it causes
but rather by the correct ones that are skipped when it is made. Being able to han-
dle these errors is a specific case of ambiguity management, and thus the features
of each framework that make it possible or challenging are the same ones de-
scribed previously in the ambiguity subsection. An example of such a situation is
the borrow-skip-equal error (skipping columns where the minuend and subtrahend
are equal during the borrowing process). An example of its execution is shown in
Figure 19.3, where all of the executed steps for the first column are correct and the
error can only be diagnosed when the learner subtracts the second column and en-
ters zero as its difference. Furthermore, in the situation shown in Figure 19.3 (a),
there are four correct steps that must be performed before the next column can be
used to diagnose the error. It is essential that the exact sequence of steps is exe-
cuted before diagnosing the borrow-skip-equal error since, as shown in figures
19.3 (b) and 19.3 (c), the exclusion or addition of one could change the diagnosis.
In 19.3 (b), five correct steps have been performed and one of them was changing
a zero to a nine in a column where the minuend and the subtrahend are equal. Be-
cause of this step, we know that the error made is not borrow-skip-equal, but
probably a slip where the learner forgot one of the columns. On the other hand,
Figure 19.3 (c) shows a situation where only three of the four required steps have
been executed. This shows why it is mandatory to check for the presence of the
exact sequence of steps defined by the error; in this case, removing one of them
can completely change the diagnosis. The solving path shown in this figure could
be associated with either the borrow-across-zero (not borrowing on zeros and
skipping to the next column) or the always-borrow-left (always borrowing from
the leftmost column) errors.
In CTAT, we need to be able to determine when entering the difference of the
next column will cause the error to be diagnosed. Since all of the correct steps are
already covered by existing production rules, we have to add rules in order to 1)
mark all steps that would be performed if the learner was executing the error and
2) iterate through the columns to check that each of these steps was executed.
Handling errors containing correct steps is similar to handling errors with multiple
392 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
Fig. 19.3 An example of the borrow-skip-equal-error. (a) The error can only be diagnosed
when the difference is entered in the second column. (b) When an additional step is present,
we cannot evaluate the error as borrow-skip-equal. (c) One of the steps is ng and the error
could either be borrow-across-zero or always-borrow-left
steps: the mechanism used to manage the ambiguities must be implemented in the
model. Implementing such a mechanism can be complex and tedious: for the bor-
row-skip-equal error, 11 production rules are required to give a correct diagnosis,
while only 14 are required to trace an error-free subtraction solving path. Adding
ambiguity management in the model for this error requires almost as much effort
as implementing the complete model for the basic subtraction tutor. Thus, one ad-
vantage of a framework with a knowledge representation system similar to AS-
TUS’s is its built-in approach to manage ambiguities, significantly reducing the
effort needed to model complex errors.
Modeling this kind of error in ASTUS does not cause any difficulty: an incor-
rect complex procedure containing an ordered sequence of sub-goals is created,
with a last one implicitly indicating that a part of the correct procedure was
skipped. In the case of the borrow-skip-equal error, the last sub-goal is to subtract
the next column. The main difference is that in ASTUS the error is part of the do-
main, whereas in CTAT it is recognized using additional rules but not explicitly
modeled (e.g., the tutor cannot generate the results of this error to demonstrate it).
Both CTAT and ASTUS allow the reuse of knowledge components in different
situations. In this section we give examples of how each of the frameworks reuses
knowledge components in the subtraction domain. Both knowledge representation
systems allow an author to reuse previously defined procedural and semantic
knowledge components to model errors. Reusing existing components reduces the
complexity of the resulting model and decreases the effort needed to implement it.
An example of how the modeling process can be simplified is taken from the al-
ways-borrow error, in which the learner systematically borrows before subtracting
a column even if it is not necessary. To implement this error, we simply reuse the
borrowing procedure that has been previously modeled, by forcing its use on a
column that would not require it.
In CTAT, procedural knowledge can be reused with the help of buggy produc-
tion rules that do not produce a step. These rules can be used to alter the content of
the working memory in order to create a rule path containing valid rules ultimately
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 393
In this section we detail how each framework manages its user interface, based on
examples taken from our subtraction tutors. The two frameworks have opposite
394 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
approaches in terms of how they link the user interface and the model. In CTAT,
the interface and the model are almost entirely separate: the interface has no ac-
cess to the content of working memory and the only information concerning the
interface that the model receives is through Selection Action Input (SAI) events. A
SAI event is sent when a step is performed on the interface, and it contains the
element of the interface that triggered the event (selection), the action that has
been performed on this element (action) and the value that was entered (input).
Since there is no direct link between the interface and the model, information
concerning the problem’s current state that is useful for tracing must be stored in
WMEs that are updated using the SAI events. For instance, in our subtraction tu-
tor, the working memory contains WMEs representing each of the interface’s text
fields, to store their value. We must ensure that the values contained in working
memory are synchronized with the content shown on the interface by using the da-
ta contained in the SAI events.
Another effect of having a weak link between the interface and the model is
that the interface’s adaptability to the problem data is limited. Since the interface
has no access to the content of working memory, it cannot use the problem data to
generate its interface elements. Thus, it is difficult to dynamically add interface
elements in order to match the problem state. In our subtraction tutor, this means
that the interface has a fixed number of columns and a problem cannot contain
more or less than that number, as this would require creating (or hiding) the text
field dynamically.5 The severity of this limitation varies according to the particular
design of a tutor’s interface: for example, it would have been possible to dynami-
cally add columns if we used a “table component”6 instead of individual text fields
for each term.
The ASTUS framework enforces a stronger link between the model of the task
domain and the interface (Fortin et al. 2008). Unlike CTAT, ASTUS gives the in-
terface elements access to the instances of the current environment. This is
achieved by the use of views, scripts that describe the representation of concepts in
the interface. This MVC-based approach allows the interface to reflect the content
of the current environment at all times. When the effects of a primitive procedure
are applied to the environment, the views of the modified objects are notified so
that they can update their UI representation accordingly. For example, in our sub-
traction tutor, when borrowing from or decrementing a minuend, the primitive
procedure adds a new minuend to a column object, which view is then notified so
that it displays the new minuend and strikes the old one. This approach enables a
tutor built with ASTUS to have a flexible interface that adapts itself dynamically.
For this reason, the ASTUS subtraction tutor can have the right number of col-
umns to fit any problem.
Each primitive procedure is associated with an interaction template that
triggers the execution of a step when the required basic UI actions are matched
(Fortin et al. 2008). These templates offer a solution to the difficulty which
CTAT tutors circumvent by “tutorable” interface elements (for example, a panel
It is possible for a production rule to call static Java methods to produce side-effects on
the tutor’s interface; a sample “Truth tables” tutor uses this technique.
This is the solution used in sample addition and subtraction tutors.
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 395
containing multiple combo-boxes and a button). Instead, with our approach, steps
can be triggered by multiple interactions on multiple interface elements. The most
important benefit of this approach is its capacity to generate the interactions by us-
ing the template and the episodic graph to produce a step with complete visual
feedback (i.e., mouse moves and clicks). It is then possible to use the demonstra-
tion of a step as pedagogical feedback. There is an obvious cost for supporting this
form of feedback, but we found out that it also helped us come up with more com-
prehensive models, as data implicitly defined by the interface must be explicitly
encoded to define the templates. In some specific cases, we may implement
multiple interactions in a single component if decomposing the step is not peda-
gogically relevant. For example, the “numerical pad” of our subtraction tutors is a
single component.
We believe an MVC approach to the model-interface coupling has many advan-
tages over a weaker one. It allows us to adapt the interface to the content of a par-
ticular problem, it prevents synchronization issues between the interface and the
environment and it allows sophisticated pedagogical interactions such as demon-
stration. On the other hand, a weaker link such as the one offered by CTAT is eas-
ier to implement and, more importantly, makes it easier to develop tools that can
be used to create the tutors’ interfaces. These authoring tools are important, since
they can greatly reduce the effort required to create a new tutor, but they are al-
ways more effective when dealing with rather simple or formatted interfaces. Scenario 1
The first scenario illustrated in Figure 19.4 shows a case of error composition:
solving the problem 2675 – 1643, the learner changes the 4 (subtrahend of the
second column from the right) to a 3. This action is caused by the composition of
two errors: always-borrow (borrowing even if it is not required) and borrow-from-
bottom (borrowing from the subtrahend). For both frameworks, the recognition of
composite errors is made possible by reusing procedural knowledge, but the feed-
back they produce is different.
In this situation, the CTAT tutor reacts (see Figure 19.4) by: 1) flagging the in-
correct value entered by writing it in red; 2) highlighting the replaced term by
drawing a blue frame around it; and 3) giving a message related to the error. This
message is produced from a template associated with the first buggy rule encoun-
tered (always-borrow) while the second (borrow-from-bottom) is ignored.
In the same situation, the ASTUS tutor reacts by first undoing the learner’s step
and updating the interface accordingly; and second, displaying a message that in-
dicates which errors have been traced. As shown in Figure 19.5, in cases of error
composition, ASTUS’s written feedback includes all of the errors found. Scenario 2
The second scenario shows how the tutors interact with the learner when a next-
step hint is requested. We show how the learner’s solving path affects the chosen
hints by illustrating how the tutors react to two hint requests. These requests lead
to the same step but at two different points in the solving path of the 2005 – 1017
problem. The first hint request is executed when no step have been yet performed
by the learner (Figure 19.6) while the second one is made when the only remain-
ing step is to decrement the minuend (2) from the leftmost column (Figure 19.7).
The method used by CTAT in providing hints is to 1) find the rule chain that
produces the next step; 2) generate messages using the templates associated with
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 397
Fig. 19.6 CTAT’s feedback when a hint is requested at the beginning of the problem
Fig. 19.7 CTAT’s feedback when a hint is requested and only the decrementing remains
398 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
each of the rules and display them in the same order the rules were fired in (the ar-
row buttons can be used to navigate the hint list); and 3) highlight the interface
component on which the action must be executed. In this scenario, the two hint re-
quests generate different production rule chains and thus the first hint message
displayed differs depending on the solving path. For the first request, the hint giv-
en concerns the condition required to borrow (Figure 19.6) and, for the second, the
hint concerns decrementation of the minuend (Figure 19.7). In both cases, even if
the messages displayed are different and refer to different parts of the problem, the
highlight is applied to the minuend of the leftmost column. In the case illustrated
by Figure 19.6, the highlight should focus the user’s attention on the current
(rightmost) column but, since the highlight is determined by the SAI event con-
tained in the production rules, the displayed highlight does not correspond to the
hint message. Even though highlighting is only supported for rules containing SAI
events, we see nothing in the knowledge representation system that would pre-
vents its implementation in rules that modify the working memory.
Fig. 19.8 ASTUS’s feedback when a hint is requested at the beginning of the problem
In ASTUS, the tutor uses the examinable knowledge components of the model
to automatically generate next-step hints.7 In contrast with CTAT, no message
templates are required, although such templates are also supported for situations
where customized messages are helpful. Using the hierarchical procedural model,
the episodic graph and the learner model, the tutor can evaluate which procedures
the learner is most likely to be executing and choose the one on which help should
be given. For example, in figure 19.8, the next step is to decrement the minuend of
the leftmost column. Since the borrowing process has not been initiated yet, the
tutor evaluates that the learner needs help on the conditional procedure which de-
termines whether borrowing is required. A hint is then generated using this proce-
dure’s definition. In figure 19.9, the next step is also to decrement the minuend,
Hint generation requires that knowledge components receive meaningful names in all
supported languages; internationalization issues may arise.
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 399
but the tutor recognizes that the borrowing process has been started and now gives
feedback for the sequence procedure used when borrowing across a zero. With
ASTUS, hints can be given on partially completed procedures (borrow across ze-
ro) while in CTAT, once a rule has been fired, it will never produce a hint again.
ASTUS also behaves differently from CTAT in highlighting the interface. The use
of views allows the tutor to highlight any object, even if its view is composed of
multiple interface components, as is the case for columns. Additionally, ASTUS
uses the procedure parameters to determine which components to highlight; high-
lights are thus supported for every procedure, not only the primitive ones. All ob-
jects showing up as arguments that have a view in the current environment may be
highlighted, but complex procedures may give special purposes to specific pa-
rameters and may use this information to select which ones will be highlighted
(e.g., a for-each procedure has a parameter that designates the set to iterate on).
Fig. 19.9 ASTUS’s feedback when a hint is requested and only the decrementing remains Scenario 3
As shown in the second scenario, both CTAT and ASTUS produce multiple mes-
sages when a hint is requested. These messages are linked to the different proce-
dural components used to produce the next step from the chain of matched rules in
CTAT or the episodic graph in ASTUS. The tutor can provide hints at multiple le-
vels, from more abstract (such as subtracting a column) to more specific (such as
entering the difference).
Besides being able to vary the hint level between top-down and bottom-up,
ASTUS can also offer help on any of the paths leading to a step. When the learner
requests help and multiple different steps can be executed, ASTUS can ask for ad-
ditional information to determine the best hint to provide. For this purpose, AS-
TUS uses links similar to the “Explain more” feature employed by Andes
(VanLehn 2005). Each link represents a goal the learner can choose to request
help on. For example, in the “2005 – 1017” problem, if the learner asks for help
400 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
Fig. 19.10 In ASTUS, the tutor asks the learner which goal he/she wishes to be helped with
twice before performing any step, the tutor asks which step he/she intends to do.
In this situation, the tutor would propose the “Borrow From” and the “Borrow In-
to” goals (Fig. 19.10).
We did not find an equivalent mechanism in CTAT’s Jess-based cognitive tu-
tors, although example-tracing tutors can give hints for different next steps de-
pending on which interface component currently has the focus. A similar behavior
could be implemented, as it would consist of searching for a production rule which
results in an action that uses the interface component currently being focused on. Scenario 4
Fig. 19.11 CTAT’s feedback for an step executed in a column other than the current one.
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 401
Fig. 19.12 ASTUS’s feedback to a step executed in a column other than the current one
The feedback given by CTAT in this situation is shown in figure 19.11. Since
there are no buggy rules that lead to the executed step, CTAT treats it as a non-
specific error and only uses flag feedback to indicate that the step is incorrect.
With ASTUS’s features, it is possible to implement recognition of errors that
go against the scripted behavior of a complex procedure when an off-path step is
executed, and to generate error messages accordingly. Figure 19.12 illustrates
ASTUS recognizing an error in the iteration on the problem’s columns. To make
this diagnosis, ASTUS examines the currently available procedures to identify one
describing an ordered iteration on a set of columns. It then checks the arguments
402 L. Paquette, J.-F. Lebeau, and A. Mayers
of the primitive procedure executed by the learner to link one of them to a column
on which the iteration is applied. If the identified column is not the one for which
steps are currently available, the tutor generates feedback according to a domain-
independent predefined template.
19.6 Conclusion
The goal of the study presented in this chapter was to compare the knowledge rep-
resentation system of the ASTUS framework with a well known production rule-
based system such as the CTAT framework. We especially wanted to see whether
the two frameworks allow us to model the well-defined task domain of multi-
column subtraction in its entirety, what kind of pedagogical interactions they can
offer and which situations are more difficult to model in each of them. To achieve
our objectives, we compared the modeling process of two subtraction tutors (one
in each of the frameworks) into which we incorporated 46 pedagogically relevant
Both CTAT and ASTUS were flexible enough to correctly model the subtrac-
tion task domain while still allowing freedom in the order of the learner’s steps
and being able to model all the errors found in the literature (VanLehn 1990).
Even though all errors can be diagnosed by both frameworks, limitations were en-
countered in incorporating some of them into the models.
Regarding the pedagogical aspect of the tutors, both frameworks can provide
immediate feedback, produce hint or error-specific message from templates asso-
ciated to a procedural knowledge component and highlight elements in the inter-
face. ASTUS has the advantages of being able to: recognize error composition,
generate next-step hints or error-specific feedback on off-path steps, offer more
sophisticated highlights, demonstrate how a step must be performed on the inter-
face and giving the learners more control over the kind of help they need.
As we incorporated errors into our tutors, we encountered many situations that
posed challenges to the modeling process. One challenge that appeared frequently
was the management of ambiguous steps. CTAT’s solution is simple to implement
and ensures that ambiguities are prevented by always selecting the procedures
with the highest priority. The author can still implement more complex manage-
ment by adding production rules to the model. On the other hand, ASTUS handles
complex ambiguity cases in its tracing algorithm. Another difficulty that the
frameworks must be able to handle is the reuse of knowledge components. In our
study, we encountered many situations where previously defined procedural or
semantic knowledge components could be reused in order to keep the model as
simple as possible. Both CTAT and ASTUS implement mechanisms that allow the
author to easily reuse previously defined components. The nature of the problem
can also bring difficulties in authoring a tutor In the case of subtraction task do-
main, the tutor must adapt the interface in function of the number of columns spe-
cified for each different problem. With CTAT, it is more difficult because of the
lack of a direct link between the model and the interface.
The two frameworks follow different approaches regarding the authoring proc-
ess of a tutor. CTAT’s tracing algorithm and knowledge components are kept
Authoring Problem-Solving Tutors: A Comparison between ASTUS and CTAT 403
simple, as the primary focus has been on decreasing the effort needed to create
tutors (Aleven et al. 2006), in order to reduce the time needed by experienced
modelers and make the modeling process accessible to non-programmers (Exam-
ple-Tracing tutors (Koedinger 2003) goes further in this way) . On the other hand,
ASTUS is designed to be used by programmers able to manipulate more complex
knowledge components. These components allow us to incorporate a number of
domain-independent behaviors such as ambiguity management and the generation
of next-step hints or error-specific feedback on off-path steps.
With this study, we have shown how ASTUS’s knowledge representation sys-
tem allows us to model complex well-defined task, and that it can be compared to
other existing frameworks such as CTAT. There is still much work that can be
done to improve our framework. Our efforts have been largely focused on the
knowledge representation and our next steps will be to develop other domain-
independent modules such as the learner model, the outer loop’s task selection and
sophisticated domain-independent pedagogical strategies. It would also be inter-
esting for us to do a similar comparative study with a constraint-based framework
such as ASPIRE (Mitrovic et al. 2006).This would allow us to evaluate whether
our system has advantages over the constraint-based approach and which elements
of this approach can be adapted to improve the system we are developing.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Vincent Aleven, Ryan S.J.D. Baker and Jean-
Pierre Mbungira for their comments and suggestions on our study and its results.
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Chapter 20
Open Content Authoring Tools
Abstract. Education researchers often disagree about the best ways to improve
student achievement. The difficulty of designing, conducting, and analyzing ex-
periments means that there is often a dearth of empirical data to support or refute
ideas. To design and conduct a simple randomized controlled experiment to com-
pare two different ways of teaching requires a great deal of effort by a teacher or a
researcher. The difficulty of conducting such experiments, and then later analyz-
ing the results, may be why so few randomized controlled experiments are con-
ducted in education. One of the goals of the ASSISTment System is to reduce
some of those difficulties. We have built web-based tools that allow researchers
to easily design, build and then compare different ways to teach children. These
tools can administer randomized controlled experiments to large numbers of stu-
dents. This paper describes these tools and describes a randomized controlled
study that was conducted using them.
20.1 Introduction
Similar to many education researchers, mathematics education researchers tend to
have heated arguments about what are the best ways to raise student achievement
levels. Unfortunately, there is often a dearth of empirical data to support either
side. This lack of empirical data is, at least partly, caused by the difficulty of de-
signing, conducting, and analyzing experiments. While not all questions are best
settled with randomized controlled experiments, some are. However, to design
and conduct a simple randomized controlled experiment to try to compare two dif-
ferent ways of teaching requires a great deal of effort by a teacher or a researcher.
Researchers not only must design and author the content for pretests, post-tests
and each experimental condition, but they must also randomly assign students to
conditions and collect and analyze large amounts of data.
The difficulty of conducting such experiments, and then later analyzing the re-
sults, are probably some of the reasons that so few randomized experiment are
conducted in education. Intelligent tutoring systems can alleviate some of these
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 407–420. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
408 L. Razzaq and N.T. Heffernan
Fig. 20.1 ASSISTment being built on the left and what the student sees is shown on the
Tutors (Anderson et al. 1995) and Andes (VanLehn et al. 2005) which both ask
the students to fill in many different steps in a typical problem. We prefer our
scaffolding pattern as it means that students get through items that they know fast-
er and spend more time on items they need help on. It is not unusual for a single
Cognitive Tutor Algebra Word problem to take ten minutes to solve, while filling
in a table of possibly dozens of sub-steps, including defining a variable, writing an
equation, filling in known values, etc. We are sure, in circumstances where the
student does not know these skills, that this is very useful. However, if the student
already knows most of the steps this may not be pedagogically useful.
Open Content Authoring Tools 411
controlled experiments very easily. Figure 20.2 shows a problem sequence that has
been arranged to run an experiment that compares giving students scaffolding ques-
tions to allowing them to ask for hints. This is similar to an experiment described in
(Razzaq and Heffernan 2006).
Three main sections are presented in linear order: a pre-test, experiment and post-
test sections. The pre-test and post-test sections are Random sections and will pre-
sent the questions in a random order. The system allows authors to label an
ASSISTment as a “test” question, which means that students will get no feedback on
that question. This allows us to compare gains from pre-test to post-test. The ex-
periment section is a Choose Condition section. Within the experiment section there
are two conditions and students will randomly be presented with one of them.
We have put together a way for researchers to sign-up for reports on their ex-
periments using a Google Docs Spreadsheet. Researchers can fill out information
about their experiment on the spreadsheet, such as the name of the experiment, the
purpose, the ID number for the problem sequence and their email addresses. Re-
searchers then will receive an email report every day that students participate in
the study by working on the problem set.
The next section describes an experiment conducted with the ASSISTment System.
learning gains. This may be due to the high cost of building intelligent tutors and a
large part of that cost comes from content creation. After surveying many author-
ing tools for tutoring content, Murray (1999) roughly estimated that 300 hours of
development time was required for one hour of online instruction time. Anderson,
Corbett, Koedinger, & Pelletier (1995) suggested that to build the Cognitive Tutor
took a ratio of development time to instruction time of at least 200:1 hours. Al-
though the ASSISTment Builder, an authoring tool for example-tracing tutors,
produced a smaller ratio of development time to online instruction time of about
40:1 hours (Razzaq et al. 2009), a substantial amount of time is still spent creating
content for the ASSISTment System as students (in middle school and high
school) often use the system throughout the school year.
The World Wide Web has thousands of pages of educational content, some of
them very well written. These web pages often include definitions, worked exam-
ples, images and animations. Can we use this wealth of instructional content on
the web, saving time and resources spent on content creation? Can students learn
from well-designed educational web pages?
The purpose of this study was to determine if students could learn from existing
public web pages to help them solve problems in a tutoring system. What percent-
age of students would show any benefit from having visited a web page? Can we
rank the effectiveness of educational web pages? How do these web pages com-
pare to tutored problem solving that is specific to a problem? This section de-
scribes two studies that examine the use of educational web pages to help students
solve math problems in an interactive learning environment. We found that stu-
dents could learn from educational web pages and we did not find a significant
difference between tutored problem solving and web pages.
Fig. 20.3 The first page of Google’s results for a search on Pythagorean Theorem accessed
on November 24, 2008
that students could learn from viewing a web page about the skill needed to solve
a problem. The ASSISTment System normally uses tutored problem solving to
help students solve problems, which requires students to work through problems
step-by-step while the system provides hints and feedback on each step. Tutored
problem solving has been shown to significantly increase learning especially for
students with low math ability [5]. How does this compare to viewing a web page
that is more general and does not specifically address how to solve the problem?
Will there be a difference between the two conditions based on math ability? If
viewing a web page could help students to learn as much or more than tutored
problem solving, time and resources spent on content development could be
significantly reduced.
This study focused on two topics, Venn Diagrams and Pythagorean Theorem. This
experiment used a repeated measures design: students participated in both condi-
tions, web pages and tutored problem solving. The experiment controlled for the
order of topics and the order of conditions, which were randomly assigned by
416 L. Razzaq and N.T. Heffernan
Fig. 20.5 Students were asked to click on a link to display a web page if they needed help
Pythagorean Pythagorean
Venn Diagrams Venn Diagrams
First Theorem with Theorem with
with TPS with Web Page
Web Page TPS
Pythagorean Pythagorean
Venn Diagrams Venn Diagrams
Second Theorem with Theorem with
with TPS with Web Page
Web Page TPS
student (see Table 20.1). A pretest and post-test was given before and after each
topic, and learning was measured by gain score from pretest to post-test.
Figure 20.6 shows the section that was arranged for Group 3 shown in Table
20.1. This section presents Venn Diagram problems with web pages first and then
presents the Pythagorean Theorem problems with tutored problem solving next.
The experiment uses four similar sections and randomly assigns students to one of
them by using a Choose Condition section.
Open Content Authoring Tools 417
This study took place during one period of a math enrichment class. Students
had already been using the ASSISTment System during this class to help them
prepare for the MCAS exam, therefore they were familiar with the system. Results
Seventy-one middle school students (aged 13-14) participated in the study and 66
students completed both problems in both conditions. The Pythagorean Theorem
topic was more difficult (mean pretest score = 45%) compared to the Venn Dia-
gram topic (mean pretest score = 58%). The results showed that there was signifi-
cant learning overall with a mean gain score of 33% [t(68) = 7.48, p < 0.001] for
the Pythagorean Theorem topic and a 19% gain score [t(67) = 4.18, p < 0.001] for
the Venn Diagram topic.
418 L. Razzaq and N.T. Heffernan
Table 20.2 Pythagorean Theorem, students learned slightly more with tutored problem
solving than viewing the web pages
Fig. 20.7 Students learned slightly more from tutored problem solving in the Pythagorean
Theorem topic.
The repeated measures analysis showed that the difference between tutored
problem solving and web pages was not statistically reliable. Students had taken a
practice MCAS test and a median split on the test scores was used to divide stu-
dents into “low math ability” and “high math ability.” No aptitude treatment in-
teraction was found.
For the more difficult topic, Pythagorean Theorem, students learned slightly
more with tutored problem solving than viewing the web pages [F(63, 1) = 7.45, p
= 0.22]. (See Table 20.2 and Fig. 20.7)
20.3.3 Discussion
This section presented a study to examine the use of educational web pages to help
middle school students solve math problems in a tutoring system. If we could
Open Content Authoring Tools 419
show that these web pages were effective, it could encourage tutoring system de-
velopers to make more use of the wealth of free educational content available on
the web saving time and resources from content development.
The purpose of the study was to determine which method was more effective:
tutored problem solving, which was specific to a problem or viewing a web page
that was more general. This may be compared to studies such as Ringenberg and
VanLehn’s (2006) study of worked examples to hints that were specific to a
problem. However, the web pages we used tended to have more background
information and multiple examples as well as links to other web pages. No signifi-
cant difference between the two was found in this study. Tutored problem solving
appeared to help students slightly more when the topic was more difficult, though
not reliably more. Could this result be because the tutored problem solving condi-
tion targeted specific problems and how to solve them while the web pages were
more focused on the broader principles involved in the topic? We do not know,
but believe that there is potential for future work here.
In conclusion, we believe the results of this study show that students can learn
from educational web content and developers of ITS should be taking advantage
of tutoring content on the web.
20.4 Conclusions
In this paper, we presented the ASSISTment System’s tools for designing, con-
ducting and analyzing randomized controlled experiments. No programming skills
are needed to use these tools. We also described how we designed and ran an ex-
periment using the ASSISTment System. We were able to easily design a repeated
measures experiment that controlled for the order of conditions and the order of
topics, which makes a stronger experiment.
We believe these tools will allow researchers to easily design and conduct sim-
ple randomized controlled experiments to compare different ways of teaching with
interactive learning environments and perhaps settle more questions that educa-
tional researchers have.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank all of the people associated with creating the
ASSISTment system listed at including investigators Kenneth
Koedinger and Brian Junker at Carnegie Mellon University. We would also like to ac-
knowledge funding for this project from the U.S. Department of Education, the National
Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research and the Spencer Foundation. This work
is also supported by the National Science Foundation under the GK12 program (Grant
DGE-0742503) and Grant # 0937060 to the Computing Research Association for the CIFel-
lows Project. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation or the Computing Research Association.
420 L. Razzaq and N.T. Heffernan
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Part V
Social, Cultural and Privacy Issues
Chapter 21
The Andes Physics Tutoring System:
An Experiment in Freedom
Kurt VanLehn, Brett van de Sande, Robert Shelby, and Sophia Gershman
21.1 Introduction
Although problem solving freedom may seem a desirable goal in its own right, it
was adopted as the driving goal for the Andes system in the belief that allowing
freeform problem solving would facilitate the fourth goal, scale-up. Given a par-
ticular physics problem, different instructors will endorse different solutions, and
for good reasons. For instance, some instructors prefer mathematically concise
solutions in the belief that this makes the physics stand out. Other instructors pre-
fer verbose solutions that make explicit every physics principle’s application in
the belief that this makes the physics stand out. It may be that both instructors are
completely correct, because they are working with different students or they
are preparing their students for different subsequent courses. Andes should not
take a stand on this issue, but instead should support all instructors’ pedagogical
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 421–443. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
422 K. VanLehn et al.
Although similar to paper and pencil in many ways, Andes’ user interface does
differ several important ways. First, as soon as an action is done, Andes gives
immediate feedback. Entries are colored green if they are correct and red if they
are incorrect. This binary indicator is called flag feedback (Anderson et al. 1995).
In Figure 21.1, all the entries are green except for equation 3, which is red.
The Andes Physics Tutoring System: An Experiment in Freedom 423
Second, variables must be defined before they can be used in equations. There
are two kinds of quantities: vectors and scalars. Vectors are defined by clicking
on the symbol for the appropriate vector variable on the tool bar on the left edge of
Figure 21.1, then drawing an arrow using the mouse, then filling out a pop-up
form like the one in Figure 21.2. Scalar variables are defined by filling out a simi-
lar form. Filling out these forms forces students to precisely define the semantics
of quantities. Paper does not enforce such precision, so students can easily con-
fuse their variables. For instance, students working on paper often use “v” to
stand for all the velocities in a problem. Our collaborating instructors at the Unit-
ed States Naval Academy (USNA) strongly believe that requiring students to de-
fine quantities before using them in equations accelerates their learning even
though it does restrict their freedom somewhat.
Another violation of freedom is the forms that students fill out when defining
quantities. Users must fill in all the blanks before they can close the form. So-
phisticated users consider some of the information so obvious that they don’t want
to fill those blanks in. For instance, when there are only two time points in a
problem, there can be only one time interval in a problem, so “duration” must re-
fer to the length of that time interval and “displacement” must refer to the change
in location over that time interval. When sophisticated users write such defini-
tions on paper, they often do not use temporal subscripts. They include subscripts
only when needed for disambiguation. This was a constant source of irritation to
some (but not all) instructors using Andes.
The newest version of the Andes user interface, which is shown in Figure 21.3,
does not use forms for defining quantities. Instead, users open a textbox and type
their definition into it. Andes matches the user’s definition to all definitions pos-
sible in this problem, picks the closest match, and confirms it with the user. The
text then appears on the interface inside the textbox dragged out by the user.
Thus, Andes will accept “Let d be the displacement” and does not insist on the
424 K. VanLehn et al.
more complete definition, “Let d be the displacement of the car from T0 to T1.”
On the other hand, “Let v be the velocity” is red flagged because it is ambiguous
between the instantaneous velocity at T0, the instantaneous velocity at T1 and the
average velocity between T0 and T1. This version of Andes (called Andes3) is in
beta testing as this chapter is being written. We call it a freeform user interface
both because it has no forms and because it puts little constraint on the steps and
the ordering of steps (except that quantities must be defined before appearing in
equations). The new freeform user interface is even closer to paper and pencil.
Andes includes a mathematics package. Students indicate which variable they
want to solve for, then Andes tries to solve the system of equations that the student
has entered for numerical result for the variable. If Andes succeeds, it enters an
equation of the form <variable> = <value>. Although many students routinely use
powerful hand calculators and computer-based mathematics packages, such usage
requires copying the equations from Andes to their system and back. Andes eli-
minates this tedious and error-prone copying process. This is one reason that An-
des is popular with students. Nonetheless, instructors can turn this feature off.
Andes provides three kinds of help:
Andes pops up an error messages whenever the error is likely to be a slip. That
is, the error is probably due to lack of attention rather than lack of knowledge
(Norman 1981). Typical slips include using an undefined variable in an equation
(which is usually caused by a typographical error) or leaving off the units of a di-
mensional number. When an error is not recognized as a slip, Andes colors the
entry red.
Students can request help on a red entry by selecting it and clicking on a help
button. Since the student is essentially asking, “what’s wrong with that?” we call
this What’s Wrong Help.
The Andes Physics Tutoring System: An Experiment in Freedom 425
If students are not sure what to do next, they can click on a button that will give
them a hint. This is called Next Step Help.
Notice the students’ freedom. Although Andes takes the initiative when it de-
tects a slip, Andes only gives substantive hints only when students ask for them.
What’s Wrong Help and Next Step Help generate a hint sequence. The first
time the student asks for hints, the first hint in the sequence is printed in the lower
left window (Fig. 21.1) or the right window (Fig. 21.3). The student can then ask
for another hint, make a new entry or fix an existing red entry. If the student asks
for another hint without making any correct entries, then the second hint in the se-
quence is printed. Most hint sequences have three hints. As an illustration, sup-
pose a student who is solving Figure 21.1 has asked for What’s Wrong Help on
the incorrect equation Fw_x = -Fs*cos(20 deg). These are the three hints that An-
des gives:
Check your trigonometry.
If you are trying to calculate the component of a vector along an axis, here is a
general formula that will always work: Let θV be the angle as you move counter-
clockwise from the horizontal to the vector. Let θx be the rotation of the x-axis
from the horizontal. Then: V_x = V*cos(θV-θx) and V_y = V*sin(θV-θx).
Replace cos(20 deg) with sin(20 deg).
This three-hint sequence is typical of many hint sequences. It is composed of a
pointing hint, a teaching hint and a bottom-out hint. The pointing hint, “Check
your trigonometry,” directs the students’ attention to the location of the error. If
the student knows the appropriate knowledge and the mistake is due to careless-
ness, then the student should be able to pinpoint and correct the error given such a
hint (Hume et al. 1996; Merrill et al. 1992).
The teaching hint, “If you are trying to calculate…,” states the relevant piece of
knowledge. We try to keep these hints as short as possible, because students tend
not to read long hints (Anderson et al. 1995; Nicaud et al. 1999). In other work,
we have tried replacing the teaching hints with either multimedia (Albacete and
VanLehn,2000a, 2000b) or natural language dialogues (Rose et al. 2002). These
more elaborate teaching hints significantly increased learning in laboratory set-
tings, but have not been tried in the field.
The bottom-out hint, “Replace cos(20 deg) with sin(20 deg),” tells the student
exactly what to do. Students often abuse these bottom out hints, so Andes uses a
scoring function (see below) to discourage such “gaming the system” ( Baker et al.
This completes the description of the Andes’ user interface. Except for one
major restriction (quantities must be defined before using them in equations), stu-
dents have the freedom to do any step in any order, and to ask for hints at any
time. Although Andes does give flag feedback (i.e., red/green) on every step
without being asked to do so, students surveys indicate that they like this. If given
a choice, they probably would ask for such feedback after every step. In short,
with a few exceptions, the Andes user interface gives the user complete freedom
to develop solutions.
426 K. VanLehn et al.
In contrast to Andes, many ITS constrain student’s freedom. For this discus-
sion, let us focus on step-based tutoring systems and ignore answer-based tutoring
systems (VanLehn 2006). The difference is that answer-based tutoring systems
given feedback and hints on the answer as a whole, whereas step-based tutoring
systems decompose the student’s entries into steps and give feedback and hints on
each step. Most ITS are step-based tutors; Andes is a step-based tutoring system,
where a step is a student entry, such as an equation or a quantity definition.
Anyway, many step-based ITS have students enter each step into a specific
blank in a form. Only certain steps are allowed in that blank, and the blanks are
often labeled. Thus, each blanks represents (reifies) a goal in solving the problem.
For instance, the user interface for the SQL Tutor (Mitrovic 2003; Mitrovic and
Ohlsson 1999) has blanks for each component of an SQL query. The blanks are
labeled (e.g., “Select”, “From” or “Where”). Thus, the overall goal of formulating
an SQL query is decomposed into several subgoals, and each subgoal is made
explicit (reified) as a blank plus its label. This goal reification is part of the scaf-
folding provided by the SQL tutor and probably contributes to its effectiveness.
However, it does reduce the student’s freedom. If the SQL tutor’s user interface
consisted merely of a large text box into which student’s entered a whole query,
then students would have more freedom.
As a contrasting example, suppose a form-based interface were used for phys-
ics problems. Its blanks would have labels such as “Newton’s second law applied
on the x-axis:” or “Definition of the acceleration of the bowling ball:”
It is an empirical question whether the form-based interface or the freeform in-
terface is more effective, and for which students. Novices may learn faster with a
form-based interface whereas intermediates may learn faster with a freeform inter-
face (Singley, 1990). Perhaps transfer from freeform interfaces to paper might be
better than transfer from form-based interfaces to paper. The point is merely that
the Andes freeform user interface is atypical. Most step-based ITS use form-
based interfaces even though they could use a freeform one, and Andes could use
a form-based interface even though it uses a freeform one.
for Next Step Help. For each episode, the student’s screen was printed just
prior to Andes’ first hint, the hard copies were given to 3 physics instructors, and
the instructor wrote the sequence of hints they would give at this point. Although
the instructors sometimes disagreed on what step to hint next, they did agree in 21
of the 40 episodes. Unfortunately, Andes tended to disagree with the humans. Its
hint sequence agreed with the consensual one in only 3 of 21 cases. Thus, An-
des1’s Next Step Help was not consistent with expert human help.
The problem, in the opinion of instructors, was that students often had no co-
herent plan for solving the problem. They had generated a few correct entries,
often with significant help from Andes, but there appeared to be no pattern in
their selection of steps. For these students, the instructors wrote hint sequences
that identified the major principle and the first step toward applying that princi-
ple. Instead of trying to recognize the student’s plan, which is what Andes1 tried
to do, the expert instructors hinted the first step in their own plan for solving the
The current version of Next Step Help replicated the instructors’ hint se-
quences. It was based on the assumption that if students are lost and asking for
Next Step Help, then they probably have no coherent plan, so they should get a
hint on the first relevant step in the instructors’ plan for solving the problem.
Thus, unless the students have already been introduced to the instructor’s plan,
Andes walks them through the goal-subgoal-subsubgoal etc chain that leads down
to the to-be-hinted step. Figure 21.1 shows a part of such a discussion.
A second problem that can develop with freeform user interfaces is that stu-
dents can develop bad problem solving habits. Some bad habits are specific to
physics, such as plugging in numbers prematurely. (Most instructors prefer that
students first generate all the equations needed to solve a problem, and then plug
in numbers in order to solve the equations.) Other bad habits involve misuse of
the tutoring system itself. For instance, students may “game the system” by click-
ing rapidly on the hint request button until they get the bottom out hint (e.g. Ale-
ven and Koedinger 2000; Baker et al. 2006).
In order to maintain freedom while discouraging bad problem solving practices,
Andes computes and displays a score. Students get points for entering steps cor-
rectly without help, and they lose points for gaming and for bad physics practices.
The overall score on a problem is continually displayed in the lower right corner.
Instructors who use Andes in their classes, and thus can observe students’ behav-
ior, report that some students pay a lot of attention to these scores, perhaps even
too much.
Note that these scores are not an estimate of the student’s mastery of physics.
Although Andes1 maintained such a student model, the USNA instructors did not
use it for grading. Moreover, they wanted all students to do the same homework
problems, so Andes was not allowed to implement mastery learning (Bloom 1984)
or macro-adaptation (Shute 1993) by selecting different physics problems for dif-
ferent students. Because there was no use for the model’s assessments of student
mastery, subsequent versions of Andes did not include such a student model.
428 K. VanLehn et al.
Thus, there are too many correct equations to precompute and store. This is the
price of allowing students’ freedom to enter composite equations.
Andes checks equations for correctness using a technique called color by num-
bers (Shapiro 2005). The solution point is substituted into the student’s equation.
This substitution produces an arithmetic equation. That is, the equation has all
numbers and no variables. If the equation balances, with some allowance for
round-off errors, then the student’s entry is colored green; and red otherwise.
Color-by-numbers is similar to a technique used by tutoring systems ever
since Plato (Kane and Sherwood 1980). However, the older technique applies
to algebraic formulas whereas Andes’ technique applies to algebraic equations.
For instance, suppose a tutoring system asks a fill-in-the-blank question such as
“v1_x = __________” or “The x-component of the initial velocity is __________”
and expects an algebraic expression as the answer. It can check the correctness of
the student’s entry by substituting numbers for variables and simplifying the re-
sulting arithmetic formula. If simplification yields the expected number, then the
student’s answer is correct. Color-by-numbers essentially does this to both sides
of the equation.
Although it was always clear that the solution point could be substituted into an
equation and the resulting arithmetic equation could checked for balance, it was
not clear what such a check really meant. Joel Shapiro proved that this check was
equivalent to finding a algebraic derivation from the primitive equations. Thus,
color-by-numbers can be used to replace search-based feedback used by earlier
systems (Brna and Caiger 1992; Yibin and Jinxiang 1992) and by Andes1. An-
des2 may be the first system to apply the color-by-numbers technique to equations
instead of expressions.
Andes recognizes errors by making edits to the student’s entry. Each error
handler makes different kinds of edits. If the edit generates a correct entry, then
the error handler constructs an appropriate hint sequence that refers to the stu-
dent’s entry. For instance, suppose a student who is solving the problem in Figure
21.1 defines a zero-length velocity vector and asserts that it is instantaneous veloc-
ity of the car at T1. The velocity is actually non-zero, so this is an error and it
turns red. One edit is to change the time specification, so that the vector stands for
the instantaneous velocity of the car at T0. Another edit is to change the qualita-
tive length, so that the vector is non-zero. The second edit gets a higher priority,
so Andes selects this hint sequence:
Is the car at rest at T1?
Since the car is not at rest at T1, the velocity vector needs to be non-zero.
For equations, error handlers edit the equation then call color-by-numbers on
the edited equation. For instance, suppose a student solving the problem of Figure
21.1 enters the incorrect equation Fw_x =-Fw*cos(20 deg). An error handler
notes that there is a cosine in the equation, edits the equation to be Fw_x = -
Fw*sin(20 deg) and submits it to color-by-numbers, which indicates that the ed-
ited equation is correct. The error handler returns a high priority hint sequence
that starts with “Check your trigonometry.”
Often, different error handlers make the same edit, but they have different ap-
plicability conditions. For instance, sign errors are common in equations, so there
is a general sign-error handler whose hint sequence starts out with “Check your
signs.” This error handler has a low priority. There is a higher priority error han-
dler that checks for a special kind of sign error. If the term with the sign error is
the magnitude of a vector pointing opposite one of the coordinate axes, the hint
sequence is (problem-specific text is substituted for the bracketed text):
Think about the direction of the <vector>.
Perhaps you are confusing the MAGNITUDE of the <vector> with its
COMPONENT along the <x or y> axis. Because the vector is parallel to the <x or
y> axis but in the negative direction, the projection equation is <equation>.
Because the vector is parallel to the <x or y> axis and in the negative direction,
replace <magnitude variable> with either -<magnitude variable> or <component
Fig. 21.4 The solution graph for the problem of Figure 21.1
The basic job of Next Step Help is to direct the student to some overall problem
solving strategy, then guide them through the steps associated with that strategy,
taking into account the work the student has already finished. At any time during
432 K. VanLehn et al.
this process, the student may abort the help and continue solving the problem.
The student is free to ignore the advice given and pursue their own problem solv-
ing strategy.
Andes first makes sure that the student has “set up” the problem by defining
given quantities, bodies, coordinate axes, etc. For instance, if the student has done
steps 1 and 3 of Figure 21.4, then Andes will hint step 2.
If the student has already set up the problem, then Andes will help the student
select a major principle to apply. For instance, suppose the student has done steps
1, 2, 3 and 6.4, then asks for help. Andes asks, “What quantity is the problem
seeking” then “What major principle should you apply to find it?” If the student
selects Conservation of Energy, then Andes hints step 6.1, which is the first step
of that solution. On the other hand, if the student and Andes have already agreed
on a major principle, then Andes will just remind the student of it (“Why don’t
you continue applying Conservation of Energy to the car.”) then hint the first step
that has not been done.
Once Andes has selected a step to hint, it generates a hint sequence. It typically
consisted of a pointing hint, a teaching hint and a bottom out hint, as illustrated
In order to make this policy work, Andes must map the student’s entries onto
steps in the solution graph so that it can mark those steps “done.” This is easy for
non-equation entries, but it is extremely difficult for equations. For instance, if the
student enters Fw_x = -m*g*sin(20 deg), then Andes must somehow figure out
that this maps to step 5.3.2 (writing Fw_x = Fw*cos(250 deg)) and step 5.4 (writ-
ing Fw = m*g). Andes1 solved this problem by precomputing all possible alge-
braic combinations of the steps, but this became infeasible as problems became
more complex and numerous. For a long time, this appeared an insurmountable
Fortunately, a solution was found (Shapiro 2005). The algorithm is called indy
check because its main step is to check the independence of a set of multidimen-
sional vectors. The vectors are the gradients of the solution graph equations and
the student’s equation. The algorithm computes the gradient of an equation by
taking the partial derivative of each variable in the equation, evaluating the result-
ing expressions at the solution point, and using the resulting numbers as compo-
nents of the gradient. In order to find a set of solution graph equations that can be
combined to form the student’s equation, the algorithm finds a set of gradients that
can be combined via a weighted sum to form the gradient of the student’s equa-
tion. The algorithm outputs all such sets.
entered the answer, while on the hour exams, students showed all their work to de-
rive an answer. On the hour exams, students were scored on (a) their vector draw-
ing, (b) whether they defined variables and/or used standard, legible variable
names and used them in preference to numbers in equations, (c) correctness of the
equations written, (d) the correctness of the answer. Students were informed of
the grading rubric well in advance.
The instructors believe that the open-response, complex problems of the hour
exams were a more valid assessment of students’ competence, but the multiple-
choice final exam were necessary for practical reasons. The hour exam results
will be reported first.
It is important to check that the prior knowledge and skill of the Andes students
was approximately the same as the prior knowledge and skill of the Control sub-
jects. Students were not assigned randomly to condition, although it could be ar-
gued that they were assigned randomly to sections. Students were not given an
appropriate pre-test. Thus, the standard methods for insuring equal prior compe-
tence were not used. However, over many years of experience, instructors have
found that the students’ physics grades are strongly correlated with their overall
college grade point average (GPA) and their college major. Thus, one method of
checking the equality of prior competence is to check that the two conditions have
equal distributions GPAs and majors. A t-test showed no reliable differences in
GPA in any of the years for which GPA data were available. In order to check
for equivalent distribution of majors, the majors were classified as either Engi-
neering, Science or Other. A 3x2 Chi-squared test confirmed that the two condi-
tions had the equivalent distribution of majors in every year for which data were
available. Thus, it seems likely that the Andes and Control group students had
similar initial competence in physics.
Table 21.1 shows the hour exam results for all 5 years. It presents the mean
score (out of 100) over all problems on one or more exams per year. In all years,
the Andes students scored reliably higher than the Control students with moderately
high effect sizes.1 The 1999 evaluation had an effect size that was somewhat
lower, probably because Andes had few physics problems and some bugs, thus dis-
couraging students from using it. It should probably not be considered representa-
tive of Andes’ effects, and will be excluded from other analyses in this section.
In order to calculate an overall effect size, it was necessary to normalize the
scores across years so that they could be combined. The raw exam scores for each
exam were converted to z-scores, and then the data points from years 2000
through 2003 were aggregated. The mean Andes scores was 0.22 (standard devia-
tion: 0.95) and the mean score of Control students was −0.37 (0.96). The differ-
ence was reliable (p < .0001) and the effect size was 0.61.
Effect size was defined as (AndesMean – ControlMean) / ControlStandardDeviation.
The Andes Physics Tutoring System: An Experiment in Freedom 435
It is often the case that educational software helps some types of students more
than other types. For instance, it is often found that students with high prior
knowledge learn equally well from the experimental and control instruction, but
students with low prior knowledge learn more from the experimental instruction
than from the control instruction. In order to check for such aptitude-treatment in-
teraction, we compared linear regression models of GPA vs. hour exam scores.
We used the aggregated z-scores for the exams over years 2000 through 2002, be-
cause we lacked GPAs of student in the 2003 Control condition. Figure 21.5
shows the results. The regression lines of the two conditions are nearly parallel,
indicating that there was little aptitude-treatment interaction. In a separate analy-
sis, we found that the benefits due to Andes vs. Control did not depend on the stu-
dent’s major (VanLehn et al. 2005): Science, Engineering and Other majors all
benefited equally.
The USNA physics instructors believed that the point of solving physics prob-
lems is not to get the right answers but to understand the reasoning involved, so
they used a grading rubric for the hour exams that scored the students’ work in
addition to their answers. In particular, 4 subscores were defined (weights in the
total score are shown in parentheses):
• Drawings: Did the student draw the appropriate vectors, coordinate systems
and bodies? (30%)
• Variable definitions: Did the student use provide definitions for variables or use
standard variable names? (20%)
• Equations: Did the student display major principle applications by writing their
equations without algebraic substitutions and otherwise using symbolic equa-
tions correctly? (40%)
• Answers: Did the student calculate the correct numerical answer with proper
units? (10%)
Andes was designed to increase student conceptual understanding, so we
would expect it to have more impact on the more conceptual subscores, namely
436 K. VanLehn et al.
Fig. 21.5 Aptitude-treatment interaction: GPA (x-axis) vs. hour-exam score (y-axis)
Table 21.2 Hour exam subscore effect sizes (and p-values for t-tests)
the first 3. Table 21.2 shows the effect sizes, with p-values from two-tailed t-tests
shown in parentheses. Results are not available for 2001. Two hour exams are
available for 2002, so their results are shown separately.
There is a clear pattern: The skills that Andes addressed most directly were the
ones on which the Andes students scored higher than the Control students. For
two subscores, Drawing and Variable definitions, the Andes students scored sig-
nificantly higher than the Control students in every year. These are the problem
solving practices that Andes requires students to follow, because it requires quan-
tities to be defined before they are used in equations. Although these requirements
restrict the students’ freedom, the instructors’ insistence that Andes impose this
restriction paid off in increased scores.
The third subscore, Equations, assesses a practice that is not required but it is
encouraged by Andes’ scoring policy. The effect sizes here were moderate and
The Andes Physics Tutoring System: An Experiment in Freedom 437
not statistically reliable. Perhaps Andes should have curtailed freedom even more
and made proper usage of symbolic equations a requirement.
The Answers subscore was the same for both groups of students for all years
even though the Andes students produced better drawings and variable definitions
on those tests. This suggests that the probability of getting a correct answer de-
pends strongly on other skills, such as algebraic manipulation, that are not meas-
ured by the more conceptual subscores and not emphasized by Andes. On the
other hand, the tied Answer subscores suggest that the Andes students’ use of the
equation solving tool did not seem to hurt their algebraic manipulation on the hour
In summary of the hour exam results, Andes students tended to learn more than
Control students, with an overall effect size of 0.61. Andes was equally beneficial
for high-GPA and low-GPA students and for different majors. Breaking down the
hour exam scores into subscores showed that Andes students scored higher than
Control students on drawing and variable usage, which are two fundamental con-
ceptual skills emphasized by Andes. Andes does not teach algebraic manipulation
skills and only encourages proper use of symbolic equations, so it had little appar-
ent advantage over paper for teaching these skills.
For each group of majors, we regressed the final exam scores of all students in
the course against the students’ GPAs. Of the 931 students, we discarded scores
from 19 students with unclassifiable majors or extremely low scores. This yielded
three statistically reliable 2-parameter linear models, one for each type of major.
Each model expresses the relationship between general competence and the final
exam score. For each student, we subtracted the exam score predicted by the lin-
ear model from the student’s actual score. This residual score represents how
much better or worse this student scored compared to the score predicted solely on
the basis of their GPA and their major. That is, the residual score factors out the
students’ general competence. The logic is the same as that used with an
ANCOVA, with GPA and major serving as covariates instead of pre-test scores.
Using these residual scores, we evaluated Andes’ impact on students in each of
the 3 groups of majors. As Table 21.3 indicates, the residual scores of the engi-
neering and science majors were not statistically different with Andes than with
paper homework. However, the other majors did learn more with Andes than with
paper homework (p<.016; effect size = 0.5). Over all students, the Andes students
mean residual score was higher than the mean residual score of the non-Andes
students (effect size = 0.25; p=0.028).
Although the overall effect of Andes was positive and reliable, Andes had
smaller benefits on the learning of the engineering and science majors for two
plausible reasons. (1) The engineering majors were concurrently taking a course
on Statics, which has very similar content to the physics courses. This dilutes the
effect of Andes, since it affected only their physics homework and not their Statics
homework. (2) Both the science and engineering majors probably took advanced
physics courses in high school, and thus may have developed considerable skill
at obtaining correct answers without showing conceptually explicit derivations.
This would explain why the Andes engineering and science majors did better than
the controls on the hour exams, which were scored conceptually, but they did not
do better than the non-Andes students on the final exam, which was not scored
Thus, Andes students overall learned significantly more than non-Andes stu-
dents. The overall effect size was somewhat smaller for the final exam (0.25) than
the hour exams (0.61). This may be partially due to the fact that roughly 30% of
the final exam addressed material not covered by Andes. It may also be partially
due to the format of the final exam. The final exam had students enter only their
answers, whereas the hour exams had students show their work, which allowed
graders to assess their conceptual understanding more directly.
Although the overall effect of Andes was positive and reliable, Andes had
smaller benefits on the learning of the engineering and science majors for two
plausible reasons. (1) The engineering majors were concurrently taking a course
on Statics, which has very similar content to the physics courses. This dilutes the
effect of Andes, since Andes affected only their physics homework and not their
Statics homework. (2) Both the science and engineering majors probably took ad-
vanced physics courses in high school, and thus may have developed considerable
The Andes Physics Tutoring System: An Experiment in Freedom 439
Standard tests may be less sensitive to conceptual understanding due to their fi-
nal-answer format and different coverage. If so, one would expect them to be less
sensitive to the benefits of tutoring. Indeed, the Koedinger et al., (1997) evalua-
tion found smaller effects when using multiple-choice standardized tests: 0.3 for
each of two tests. These results are comparable to our results for the multiple-
choice final exam, where Andes students scored higher than non-Andes students
with an effect size of 0.25. The 0.05 difference in effect size may be due to the
facts that 30% of the homework problems are not yet covered by Andes.
Thus, the Andes evaluations and the Koedinger et al. (1997) evaluations have
remarkably similar effect sizes: 1.2 and 0.7 on experimenter-designed tests and 0.3
on standard tests.
The Andes evaluations differed from the Koedinger et al. (1997) evaluation in a
crucial way. The Andes evaluations manipulated only the way that students did
their homework—on Andes vs. on paper. The evaluation of the Pittsburgh Alge-
bra Tutor (PAT) was also an evaluation of a new curriculum, developed by the
Pittsburgh Urban Mathematics Project (PUMP), which focused on analysis of real
world situations. It is not clear how much gain was due to the tutoring system and
how much was due to the reform of the curriculum. In our evaluation, the curricu-
lum was not reformed. Indeed, the Andes students and the Control students were
in the same course and used the same textbook. The gains in our evaluation are a
better measure of the power of intelligent tutoring systems per se. This is ex-
tremely good news.
problems. Our ability to rapidly add new problems to the system was only occa-
sionally used.
Non-adopter’s major reason given for abandoning Andes was that Andes2
could only be run on Windows and it had to be installed. This meant that Mac us-
ers had to use an emulator, and that users of public machines (e.g., in school’s
computer labs) had to either reinstall Andes at each use or have tech support pre-
install it on the public machines.
The second major reason given for abandoning Andes was that it was not
commercially supported software. Potential adopter were worried that user sup-
port might disappear. Nothing we could say would dislodge the concept that
software companies are more stable than research groups, even a research group
supported by large, long-term NSF center (the Pittsburgh Center for the Learning
Lastly, the Andes server logs indicate a large number of casual users who try
Andes but give up soon. We have spoken to only a few of these non-adopters.
Their major barrier was the complex user interface of Andes2.
Given this clear feedback from non-adopters, Andes3 was developed and is
about to be launched.
To allay the first concern (Windows only; installation necessary), Andes3 is a
client-server system where the client is written in Javascipt using Ajax techniques.
That is, any student whose machine has a browser that is connected to the internet
can run Andes by clicking on a URL that points to an Andes problem page. The
page downloads like any other HTML resource (i.e., it passes through most ma-
chine and cluster firewalls). The page displays an unsolved Andes problem, and
waits for the user to click on one of Andes’ buttons. When the student makes an
entry (e.g., by clicking on a text-entry tool, typing, and pressing the Enter key), the
raw entry is sent to the Andes server. The server sends back a small change to the
page being displayed so that an entire new page doesn’t need to downloaded. This
is the same technology used by Google Maps and other recently developed client-
server software. The Andes3 client has been tested on a large number of combina-
tions of browsers and platforms. The Andes3 server has been load tested with up
to 300 (simulated) users concurrently. Andes3 appears ready for prime time.
To allay the second concern (no apparent long-term support), Andes3 has been
configured to run under several physics learning management systems that have
provided trusted service for years. We are currently working with WebAssign
( and Lon-Capa ( as well as our long-
time collaborators at the Open Learning Initiative ( With its
new architecture, Andes problems can be mixed in with physics problems sup-
ported by more conventional software (e.g., students enter a final answer and
submit it to server for grading). Because these organizations have reputations for
providing good service to their users, Andes3 is undergoing testing by them.
Moreover, all its code has been made open source, so that these organizations can
take over support if anything should happen to us.
To allay the third concern (a complex user interface to learn), the Andes3 user
interface was designed to mimic the Microsoft PowerPoint user interface, which
many physics instructors and students are already familiar with. This was trickier
442 K. VanLehn et al.
than it seems, because similarity needs to extend down to the details of selecting,
dragging, resizing, deleting, double clicking, etc. For instance, what should
happen when a user clicks on the arrow-drawing tool, then simply clicks on the
canvas instead of dragging out an arrow? It turns out that PowerPoint draws a
down-ward pointing arrow about an inch long. So Andes3 should too, as there are
likely to be some users who would expect that.
In short, even though Andes2 has been used successfully in many year-long
physics courses by instructors who did not participate in its development, and
evaluations have shown that it raises students exam grades by 0.61 standard devia-
tions, a few supposedly minor issues appear to have thwarted its dissemination. It
will be interesting to see if removing them allows Andes to become widely used.
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Chapter 22
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Abstract. In this chapter we discuss how recent advances in the field of Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) have created the opportunity for new
synergies between CSCL and ITS research. Three “hot” CSCL research topics are
used as examples: analyzing individual’s and group’s interactions, providing stu-
dents with adaptive intelligent support, and providing students with adaptive tech-
nological means.
22.1 Introduction
The field of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) focuses on how
students learn by collaborating and how this collaboration can be supported by
technology. Research in collaborative learning has shown, in general, that collabo-
ration can increase group performance and individual learning outcomes. How-
ever, an educational setting with collaboration is not, on its own, sufficient for
learning to occur (see Slavin 1996, for a review). CSCL research has shown
that it is difficult to clearly define the interaction between the initial conditions of
collaboration (e.g., the composition of the group or the type of task the group
is engaged in) and learning outcomes (Dillenbourg et al. 1996). Moreover,
collaboration leads to positive outcomes only when students engage in knowledge-
generative interactions such as giving explanations, and engaging in argumenta-
tion, negotiation, conflict resolution or mutual regulation (Dillenbourg and
Jermann 2007). At the same time, several potentially problematic issues must be
avoided, such as unequal engagement or social loafing. Generally, it has been
discovered that the occurrence of knowledge-generative interactions is not a
given: such interactions do not necessarily emerge spontaneously (Cohen 1994;
Salomon and Globerson 1989). Researchers attempting to understand how to
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 447–463. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
448 P. Tchounikine, N. Rummel, and B.M. McLaren
foster collaborative learning have thus focused on how best to promote fruitful in-
teractions among collaborative learners.
A well studied and documented approach to supporting collaboration is
scripting with macro-scripts. The purpose of CSCL macro-scripts and associated
technology is to introduce structure and constraints that guide collaborative inter-
actions among distant students or co-present students whose action or interaction
is (at least partially) mediated by a computer-based system. A CSCL script typi-
cally describes the task to be achieved by students and defines how the task is to
be divided into subtasks, the sequencing of these subtasks, the role of each stu-
dent, sets constraints or rules for the interaction, and prescribes the features or
tools of the computer-based system to be used by the students (Fischer et al. 2007;
Dillenbourg and Tchounikine 2007; Kollar et al. 2006; Rummel and Spada 2005a
and 2005b; Tsovaltzi et al. 2010). Implemented in this manner scripts, thus, pro-
vide predefined, fixed assistance to learners as they collaborate. Other support
methods can similarly be classified as providing fixed assistance; for instance, giv-
ing students declarative instruction on how to collaborate before they collaborate
(e.g., Saab et al. 2007) or providing students with examples of good collaboration
(e.g., Rummel and Spada 2005b). Scripts have proven to be effective in promoting
fruitful interactions and student learning, but the design of scripts follows a “ra-
zor’s edge” between useful guidance and control of student activities: if the scaf-
folding they provide is too weak, it will not produce the expected interactions; if it
is too strong or irrelevant, it can lead to sterile interactions (Dillenbourg 2002).
Research in CSCL scripts has initially focused on how to design settings (i.e.,
define the task, the script structure, the content of hints provided to the individuals
or the group, or the technology provided to support students’ actions) whose
properties are likely to prompt students to engage in particular activities and inter-
actions. A recent development in CSCL is to also take into account students’ effec-
tive enactment of the script. A rationale for this is that students’ enactment of the
script is influenced by many parameters (individual differences, group phenom-
ena) that lay outside of the control of the designer, and, consequently, the enact-
ment may differ from expectations (Tchounikine 2008). In particular, students
mostly focus on solving the task (and not on collaborating or interacting as hoped)
and it may thus be required to adapt the setting or provide adapted feedback in or-
der to enhance collaboration. Moreover, students may have different and dynami-
cally changing needs and thus require individualized support (Diziol et al. 2010).
An important objective of current research is thus to dynamically adapt to the
conditions of students’ interactions as they unfold. Addressing this objective re-
quires on-the-fly assessment of students’ activities (how they interact, which steps
they take at solving the task, how they use the technology) as a basis for adapta-
tion decisions (McLaren et al., in press). It also requires modelling how the system
should react, that is, in which way it should adapt its support to individual and col-
lective needs. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are traditionally designed to pro-
vide user adapted support. Leveraging ITS approaches could thus be a promising
direction for achieving adaptive support for CSCL.
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems 449
In the remainder of this chapter we will present research efforts that address is-
sues related to adaptation and illustrate potential synergies between CSCL and ITS
Analyzing individual’s and group’s interactions (interaction analysis). In sec-
tion 2 we explore how one can analyze student interactions as they communicate
and collaborate with one another, as a basis for providing adaptive guidance and
Providing students with adaptive intelligent hints. In section 3 we explore how
ITS technology and CSCL scripts can be combined to adaptively tailor support
and feedback to students’ needs.
Providing students with adaptive technological means. In section 4 we discuss
why technological frameworks should be flexible and adapt to students’ effective
activity in order to continuously provide technological support that maintains the
targeted pedagogical conditions. We outline the requirements for adaptive techno-
logical platforms.
the students’ discussions and alert teachers to critical aspects and events in the e-
discussions. In other educational settings, this type of analysis could be the basis
for automated feedback to students or script adaptation.
The ARGUNAUT system provides the teachers with online, automated feed-
back regarding important aspects and characteristics of each discussion, explicitly
focusing attention on events or situations that may require the teacher’s interven-
tion or support. The key idea is to analyze student contributions and e-discussions
using machine learning (Witten and Frank 2005), shallow text processing (Rosé et
al. 2008), and case-based graph matching (McLaren 2003). ARGUNAUT lever-
ages (a) the structure of the argument graphs, (b) the textual contributions of the
students, and (c) the temporal sequence of those contributions. It also analyzes and
classifies, using machine-learned classifiers, student interactions at three levels:
(1) the shape-level (i.e., individual contributions), (2) the paired-shape level (i.e.,
contributions by two students, linked together in the graphical representation), and
(3) the cluster level (i.e., linked groups of contributions, consisting of 2 or more
shapes). The classifiers that are created at each of these levels help to draw atten-
tion to activities of students that are positive, such as responding to one another’s
arguments, or negative, such as going off topic. Through extensive experimenta-
tion, six of the shape and paired-shape classifiers achieved at least satisfactory re-
sults (i.e., Kappa values above 0.6), while five of the cluster-level classifiers have
achieved such results (for details, see McLaren, et al. in press and Wegerif et al.
2009). An example of the teacher’s view of the results of one of the cluster classi-
fiers – Argument + Evaluation – is shown in Figure 22.2.
In the following we review other projects that use machine-learning, language
processing or data mining techniques.
Rosé and colleagues have done similar interaction analysis research to the work
described above; in fact, they developed the text analysis tool, TagHelper (Rosé et
al. 2008), also used in the ARGUNAUT. They analyzed a corpus of 1,250 coded
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems 451
Fig. 22.2 Argument graph display of Argument + Evaluation clusters, with one matching
cluster highlighted
environment (Soller 2004). The chat tool was enhanced by a sentence-opener in-
terface to structure users’ communication (the same one used by Goodman et al.)
and to make interaction analysis feasible. The analysis of EPSILON aimed at
identifying episodes in which students communicated their knowledge to their
peers (“knowledge sharing episodes”) and episodes in which they failed to do so
(“knowledge sharing breakdowns”) using annotated data provided to Hidden
Markov Models (HMMs). In a second step, she investigated reasons for knowl-
edge sharing breakdowns using multidimensional scaling (MDS) and clustering
techniques. In this way Soller identified different patterns (clusters) of successful
knowledge sharing and knowledge sharing breakdowns. Soller’s approach ana-
lyzes sequences of actions, as opposed to sub-graphs within an argument map that
are sometimes sequential, sometimes parallel (such as in the ARGUNAUT system
described above). The textual content of contributions is not analyzed in Soller’s
system; it relies exclusively on dialogue acts, which are trivially inferred from the
selected sentence openers.
Another approach to interaction analysis is that of Ravi and Kim (2007) who
analyzed threads in a technical discussion board in order to call an instructor’s at-
tention to discussions that contain unanswered questions. They developed two
machine-learned classifiers (linear SVMs), one for detecting questions (QC), the
second for detecting answers (AC), and achieved accuracies of 88% (QC) and
73% (AC). They also employed shallow language features, similar to the McLaren
et al and Rosé et al. approaches, although somewhat more elaborated ones (e.g.,
tri- and quadro-grams). Furthermore they implemented a rule-based thread profiler
that assigns one of four typical profiles to threads, with accuracies varying
between 70% and 93%. In follow-up work, Kim and colleagues (2008) describe
PedaBot, a threaded discussion system that scaffolds students’ discussions by re-
trieving messages from past technical discussions (e.g., Operating Systems) that
are possibly relevant to the current context. The work by Kim and colleagues does
not specifically take into account structure and temporal features to support its
classification approach, as, for instance, the ARGUNAUT system does.
Jeong (2005) has developed a software tool called the Discussion Analysis Tool
(DAT) that uses sequential analysis to capture and model sequences of speech
acts. DAT models an online threaded conversation as a network of transitional
probabilities, called a transitional state diagram, building the diagram from pre-
labeled data. For example, in a particular diagram a “challenge” act might occur
with a probability of 0.52 after an “argument” is made, while an “explanation” fol-
lows an “argument” with a (surprising) probability of 0.08. DAT has been used to,
for instance, evaluate the interactions that are most likely to promote critical think-
ing and the effects of supportive language (e.g., “I agree,” or “ask” questions) on
subsequent group interactions. DAT can also be used to evaluate whether threaded
conversations deviate from a norm; it creates a z-score matrix to show probabili-
ties that were significantly higher or lower than expected in one state diagram
compared to another. But Jeong’s tool is intended more as a post-hoc analysis
tool, rather than a tool for supporting online and “live” analysis, as in a traditional
ITS system. Also, Jeong’s system does no language analysis; it depends on human
post-hoc coding (or real-time labeling) to identify the individual acts.
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems 453
integrated the CTA problem-solving model with a model of good tutoring in order
to provide the peer tutor with support.
There are several other design options for providing interaction support along the
lines of ITS. Instead of modelling either one student (the peer tutor) or two students
together, another option is to model the interaction partners separately. For instance,
the COMET system developed by Suebnukarn and Haddawy (2006) assesses the in-
dividual expertise of participants and encourages the collaborators to share their
complementary knowledge with others. Similarly, a system for adaptive collabora-
tion support could intervene if it detects undesirable asymmetries in students' skill
acquisition: if a particularly difficult problem-solving step is mainly solved by one
interaction partner, this might indicate that the other student has not yet acquired the
relevant skills and could benefit from adaptive collaboration support.
Furthermore, as argued in (Walker et al. 2009a), leveraging existing problem-
solving models can facilitate the comparison of different types of adaptive col-
laboration support, and thus help to gain information on the conditions of optimal
assistance. While the evaluation of the two adaptive collaborative extensions to
the CTA revealed an impact on student interaction, the improved interaction did
not yield the differences in student learning outcome that have been found in other
studies (e.g. Baghaei et al. 2007). This indicates that the need for further research
on how to optimize collaboration support for particular interaction conditions.
This optimization can be considered an instantiation of a more general assistance
dilemma (Koedinger and Aleven 2007), where in order to discover how to best de-
liver assistance, one must manipulate the amount, type and timing of help pro-
vided to students. For example, we so far only have limited knowledge on how to
time support most effectively. It is still an open question whether it is best to pro-
vide adaptive collaboration support immediately, or whether it might sometimes
be beneficial to withhold it. Mathan and Koedinger (2005) investigated this re-
search question in an individual learning setting, and discovered that the two tim-
ing options served different goals. Immediate feedback ensured that students did
not get stuck in problem-solving and thus was more immediately effective and ef-
ficient. Delayed feedback enabled students to practice their monitoring skills and
consequently yielded improved learning transfer. Similarly, immediate feedback
to collaboration may improve the current interaction, while delayed feedback may
increase students' collaboration skills and thus promote future interactions (Kapur
2008). Thus, the type of feedback may have to be adapted to the goal of the in-
struction. On a practical level, the accelerated development of adaptive collabora-
tion support conditions based on existing intelligent tutoring technology may help
us to increase our knowledge of optimal collaboration assistance, as it enables us
to more rapidly implement and compare different design options concerning the
amount, type and timing of support.
In summary, while there are preliminary promising results that hint toward the ef-
fectiveness of adaptive collaboration support, clear conditions and guidelines have
not yet emerged on how to best deliver adaptive assistance. Leveraging existing
problem-solving models can facilitate the implementation of adaptive collaboration
support, but this work is still in its early stages. A clear next step is to investigate dif-
ferent types of adaptive collaboration support in more detail to increase our knowl-
edge of when and why adaptive collaboration support is effective.
456 P. Tchounikine, N. Rummel, and B.M. McLaren
with the functionality necessary to achieve the tasks proposed by the script, (2)
participate in the objective of structuring students’ collaboration by reifying con-
straints/support related to the script’s pedagogical objective, and (3) be suffi-
ciently adaptive to be coherent with students activity if the actual interaction pat-
tern differs from expectations, or if some unpredictable events arise. The system
must be sufficiently flexible not to over-constrain students’ activity whilst keeping
the script’s raison d’être and remaining coherent with the pedagogical objectives.
In order to both (1) orchestrate activities and manage the workflow and (2) be
able to adapt at run-time to requests from students or teachers whilst adhering to
the learning objectives constraints, a powerful evolution for CSCL is to address
the technological setting as a script engine: the technological settings (tools, inter-
faces, etc.) must be the result of careful a priori decisions (when the script is
launched) and then run-time decisions, during its enactment. Figure 22.3
(Tchounikine 2008) presents a general theoretical architecture of such an (intelli-
gent) flexible adaptive activity framework.
access to functionalities or data according to the automata. The script can be modi-
fied at any time via its specification, without requiring any hand-modification of
the platform, which provides a certain form of flexibility.
Adapting the script or the platform at run-time requires modeling not only the
script structure (phases, division of work, etc.) but also the underlying design ra-
tionale. For this purpose, Dillenbourg and Tchounikine (2007) propose to dissoci-
ate intrinsic constraints (script’s core mechanisms, which set up the limits of
flexibility, i.e., what cannot be accepted in order for the script to keep its raison
d'être) and extrinsic constraints (constraints bound to contextual factors, which de-
fine the space for flexibility, i.e., the space within which a script should be modifi-
able by teachers and/or students because the related decisions result from arbitrary
or practical choices).
Another important dimension of such architecture is to support accumulation of
knowledge by, for instance, supporting data analysis and recurrent-patterns identi-
fication, which will help in iteratively refining scripts, and in progressing in the
understanding of script enactment. Here again, Machine Learning techniques ap-
pear promising.
Implementing such an innovative approach to CSCL technological settings thus
pushes one to consider issues that are similar to those tackled in ITS: creating op-
erational languages that denote the different models and systems of constraints;
understanding students’ activity by interpreting data and logs (cf. section 2), and
dynamically (intelligently) reacting to adapt the script and/or the technological
framework or to scaffold individual and groups (cf. section 3).
22.5 Discussion
Historically, in CSCL systems, the computer has been used as a mediating mecha-
nism between learners and teachers or other learners. Whereas Intelligent Tutoring
Systems address issues such as the analysis and understanding of learners’ activity
and production, problem solving or interaction control, classical CSCL systems
have not addressed these issues at all. Whereas ITS research has, since its incep-
tion, leveraged Artificial Intelligence techniques, CSCL research has instead fo-
cused on HCI issues related to providing students with a good experience of
communicating with their fellow students (Tchounikine et al. 2009). However,
times have changed. In this chapter, we have shown that at least some current
CSCL research is exploring issues of adaptivity, automated analysis, and feed-
back. These changes bring the field of CSCL closer to techniques of ITS research.
In this chapter we have disentangled interaction analysis, providing students
with adaptive hints and adapting the technological framework. This is indeed an
analytical presentation. Interaction analysis is a basis for adaptivity in general.
Adapting the support provided by individual or collective hints or provided by
the technology serves the same objective (maintaining positive conditions
that enhance interactions) and may be powerfully connected. Moreover, the exam-
ples we have raised are but approaches. For instance, some other works address
adaptivity by identifying useful adaptation patterns to be embedded in systems for
adaptive collaboration scripting, i.e., adaptation processes that can be initiated by
460 P. Tchounikine, N. Rummel, and B.M. McLaren
the system when specific conditions are identified during script enactment
(Karakostas and Demetriadis 2009).
One of the reasons of CSCL rapid development in basic settings (i.e., out of re-
search experiences) is the fact many CSCL projects are based on simple, stable,
well disseminated, and almost freely available technologies. CS difficulties raised
by CSCL (e.g., HCI issues) are less binary and non-contingent problems than ITS
issues such as AI issues related to building learners’ models or solving problems.
In fact, historically, CSCL research focused on education-psychology issues
rather than on CS support and, in particular, adaptive support. The CS dimension
was often limited to communication devices and simple interfaces. Advanced
technologies can however powerfully support and enhance communication and
collaboration. Addressing adaptivity will indeed conduct to face difficult issues as
ITS does since its early ages. This is a promising perspective for research.
Acknoledgements. The content of this article is based on the authors’ works with col-
leagues and doctoral students. In particular, without the support and contributions of Dejana
Diziol, Erin Walker, Oliver Scheuer and Ken Koedinger this chapter would not have been
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Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems 463
Abstract. E-learning systems have made considerable progress within the last few
years. Nonetheless, the issue of learner privacy has been practically ignored. Ex-
isting E-learning standards offer some provisions for privacy and the security of
E-learning systems offers some privacy protection. Privacy preserving E-learning
solutions fall short and still require further development. Additionally, the advent
of E-learning 2.0 introduced a whole new set of challenges with regards to privacy
preservation. In this chapter we introduce E-learning systems security and privacy
preserving approaches, challenges they still face, as well as the challenges brought
forth by E-learning 2.0.
23.1 Introduction
When E-learning first emerged, it consisted solely of text, like a book on a screen,
and was ineffective and unpopular with learners. Today, E-learning has become
richer with multimedia content and more interactive. With E-learning, education is
shifting from being Tutor Centered, where the tutor is the center and has access to
the resources, and becoming more Learner Centered (Mccombs and Vakili 2005),
where the student is the center and the focus of the learning process and has access
to a multitude of resources. Although learner centered education is not a novel
idea, E-learning, whether by using an LMS (Learning Management System) or an
ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems) (Brooks et al. 2006; Woolf, 2008) are major
contributors to the development and advancement of learner centered education.
Indeed, one of the main drives behind E-learning is to personalize the learning ex-
perience to the individual learner. As such, in order to tailor the learning experi-
ence, E-learning systems take into consideration various factors including the
learner’s level of knowledge, reasoning method, preferred learning style, cultural
background, even the learner’s emotional state (Blanchard et al. 2009; Conati
2002; Dolog et al. 2004).
In order to provide such a level of personalization, E-learning systems collect
large amounts of information about the learner, information that could be misused,
and therefore violating his/her privacy. There are many reasons why learners
might need to keep private different parts of their profile, and existing research
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 465–483. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
466 E. Aïmeur and H. Hage
(Aïmeur et al. 2007; Anwar & Greer 2009; Hage & Aïmeur 2009a) indicates that
learners have a preference for privacy in E-learning and tend to perform better.
Existing E-learning standards offer some provisions for privacy and the security
aspects of E-learning systems do offer some privacy protection; nonetheless it
remains unsatisfactory on several levels. On the other hand, privacy preserving
E-learning solutions, such as (Aïmeur et al. 2007) and (Anwar and Greer 2009) do
satisfy the privacy constraint, but come at a price. Moreover, these solutions are
not adequate for E-learning 2.0 and PLEs (Personal Learning Evnironment) (van
Harmelen 2006). In particular, with the availability of the numerous tools which
are available to the learners, tools that are external to the E-learning system and
out of its control, it becomes difficult to protect the learners’ information and
privacy, which represents a new set of challenges. This chapter highlights the
importance of security in E-learning systems, and corroborate the need for
privacy. Moreover, it details some approaches to privacy preserving E-learning,
their shortcomings and the challenges that still lay ahead. This chapter also
provides an introduction to E-learning 2.0 and the new challenges it brings with
regards to learner privacy.
The chapter is organized as follows: the next section provides an overview of
security in E-learning systems and provides an overview of some common exist-
ing threats. The next section introduces privacy preserving E-learning, why pri-
vacy is important, some approaches to insure privacy and the challenges to be
solved. The next section provides an introduction to E-learning 2.0 and highlights
the new challenges it raises with regards to preserving learner privacy, and the last
section concludes the chapter.
of high bandwidth and the speed of the internet connection we tend to forget that
in order to reach a certain website, the connection goes through several connection
points. Indeed, running a simple “tracert” to the website we are trying to reach
displays the detailed information about the route taken by any information ex-
changed between the user’s PC and the web server hosting that certain web page.
Fig. 23.1 highlights such a route, where the circles in the cloud illustrate possible
connection points.
Consequently, imagine a learner sending his login information, or even upload-
ing his homework to the e-learning system: the data could be intercepted and used
maliciously by another learner. Similarly, imagine the learner requesting his grade
report for the e-learning system: that information could be viewed by an unauthor-
ized person while being sent from the server to the learner. On the other hand, the
confidentiality of the information is also considered while it is being stored within
the system. Indeed, imagine that any person with access to the registrar’s office of
your academic institution can also access and view your academic record. Regard-
less whether you have a good or bad academic record, this is inacceptable. Simi-
larly, the confidentiality of the information stored within the E-learning systems
should be guarded, and only the persons with the proper access privileges might
have access to that information.
The second pillar is Integrity, which enforces the validity and authenticity of
the data. In other words, ensuring information integrity protects the data from any
tampering or modifications from unauthorized users. To begin with, the integrity
of the information is considered during the transfer of the data between the client
and the server. Indeed, consider taking a learner taking an online quiz. The an-
swers to the quiz’s questions are sent through the same route described earlier.
Without any integrity verification mechanisms, to insure that the data was not
modified through the transmission, a malicious user can intercept the answers of
the learner and modify them before they reach the e-learning system, successfully
tampering with the learner’s score. Additionally, the integrity of the information is
also considered while it is being stored within the system. Indeed, again in this
case, without the proper mechanisms to protect the data integrity, a malicious user
with access to the e-learning system could tamper with the information (increasing
or decreasing a test score for instance) unnoticed.
468 E. Aïmeur and H. Hage
SQL Injection exploits security vulnerabilities at the database level of the system.
Such vulnerabilities occur when the user input (data provided by the user) is not
properly filtered, allowing the user input to contain executable SQL code. For in-
stance, consider an authentication system that asks the user to provide a user name
and a password, and uses the following query to validate the user’s credentials:
If the user enters valid values for the variables provided_user_name and pro-
vided_password, the query will work just fine and as expected. Nonetheless, if a
malicious user provides the following user name: “abcd OR 1=1 --”, the WHERE
clause of the query becomes: “WHERE user_name = abcd OR 1=1 -- AND
user_password = provided_password”. In this case, regardless of the password
provided by the malicious user, since the “--” is a comment in SQL, the database
system will ignore anything that comes after it. Consequently, the query will
always return the entire users list from the user_table due to the “OR 1=1” in
the query.
Although the example portrayed here is fairly simple, malicious users using the
SQL Injection attack can formulate far more complex queries and do a large
amount of damage. Indeed, just to cite a couple of recent events, in August of
2009, the BBC published a story about a US citizen allegedly stealing 130 million
credit card numbers using an SQL injection attack (BBC 2009b). More recently, in
December of 2009, the New York Times reported on a hacker who accessed, us-
ing an SQL Injection attack, the RockYou ( database where he
Preserving Learners' Privacy 469
found unencrypted login information for more than 32 million user accounts
(O'Dell 2009).
The consequences of a successful SQL Injection attack on an e-learning system
are numerous: the attacker could have access to the tutor’s resources (upcoming
exams or homework, grade books, etc.) or the learner’s resource (homework, re-
ports, learning resources, etc.).
It is important to note that such attacks are difficult: the attacker must first gather
different information about the targeted site, and the targeted user. Moreover, in
order for this attack to happen, the user must be simultaneously have a valid
session opened on the targeted site, and be connected to the site of origin of the
attack. Nonetheless, these vulnerabilities are real and could have a devastating ef-
fect. In this report (Zeller and Felten 2008), a professor from Princeton and his
graduate student report on successful CSRF attacks against several popular web-
sites, including ING Direct (, where they were able to transfer funds
out of users' accounts.
A CSRF attack can be used to manipulate the E-learning system into releasing,
modifying or even deleting sensitive information. For instance, a learner could
manipulate the E-learning system into modifying the grade book in order to in-
crease his own grades.
DDoS attacks are conducted using zombie machines, computers that were com-
promised and are now being controlled by the attacker.
In July 2009, South Korea witnessed one of its the largest cyber attacks. DDoS
attacks were used to crash the websites of dozens of government offices and banks
among others (Lee 2009). Additionally, in August of 2009, Twitter and Facebook
were the victims of similar attacks. While Twitter was taken offline for a while by
the attacks, Facebook’s service was reduced (BBC 2009a). Such attacks are quite
common and usually used for extortion purposes (Messmer 2010).
Such an attack could also affect the E-learning systems in various ways: slow-
ing down the system during an exam, or even completely crippling the E-learning
system effectively disrupting any learning activity.
knowledge in a certain domain of interest to the electors. Other than for protecting
himself from any prejudice from the part of the tutor, he has the right and interest
in keeping this fact hidden, and his performance results private, from public
knowledge and scrutiny, especially from his opponents. As another example, con-
sider a company that uses E-learning for employee training purposes. If competi-
tors have knowledge of the training and the performance of the employees, it
could seriously affect the competitiveness of the company and its reputation, espe-
cially if the employees performed poorly. On the other hand, in the Personal con-
text, the learner requires his privacy due to personal considerations. For example,
he may wish to protect himself from a biased tutor. The bias of the tutor might
stem from prejudice or stereotyping, based on a previous encounter with the
learner, or even from personal reasons. Another reason a learner would prefer to
keep his privacy is the increased pressure and stress due to performance anxiety; a
learner might feel more comfortable and relaxed knowing the tutor will not know
how he performed in the test.
Indeed, existing research demonstrates the effect of emotions on learning (Zins
et al. 2007): positive emotions improve the performance whereas negative emo-
tions hinder the thought processes. Additionally, studies are conducted to evaluate
the impact of various factors on the learner’s emotional state. The purpose of these
studies is to avoid situations which create negative emotions, while motivating the
occurrence of situations which create positive emotions.
Fig. 23.2 Capturing the participant’s most dominant emotion (Hage and Aïmeur 2009b)
472 E. Aïmeur and H. Hage
On the other hand, there were concerns raised with regards to security. There
exists literature, such as (Franz et al. 2006), on how to achieve basic security re-
quirements: confidentiality, integrity and access control. The security of existing
E-learning systems (such as Blackboard, WebCT, or Atutor) does provide a cer-
tain level of privacy. As such, integrity guarantees that the data is not maliciously
or accidentally tampered with or modified: for example, when the learner submits
his test, he requires the guarantee that his test answers are not modified after his
submission. Moreover, confidentiality assures that the data and information is
kept secret and private and is disclosed only to the authorized person(s): for ex-
ample, test scores must be accessible only to the appropriate tutor. The confidenti-
ality of the information is considered at two different stages: while it is being
transmitted to/from the E-learning system, and when it is stored within the
E-learning system. In the first case, the data can be encrypted such that only the
appropriate receiver can read the data. In the second case, access control mecha-
nisms can be employed to restrict access to the data. Access control cannot totally
guarantee the privacy of the learner: first of all, it does not protect against a super
user with full access privileges. Moreover, none of the previously mentioned secu-
rity mechanisms can be used to observe the core of the definition of privacy, in
such that the learner has no control on what information about him is being gath-
ered by the E-learning system and how it is used. Although Privacy Policies have
been provided for this purpose (Yee and Korba 2003), they cannot restrict un-
wanted access to the data.
Consequently, other approaches were proposed. (Anwar and Greer 2008) pro-
poses a privacy mechanism based on identities. In particular, a learner can have
different identities, or personas, that he could use within the different parts of the
E-learning system. As long as the learner does not divulge his real identity, and
the personas he is using are not linked to each other, or to the learner in question,
his anonymity is insured, thus protecting his privacy. Another approach proposed
in (Aïmeur et al. 2007) starts by proposing 4 different levels of privacy: No Pri-
vacy, Soft Privacy, Hard Privacy and Full Privacy. Each level of privacy protects
different aspects of the learner’s profile. Another dimension that is also consid-
ered, which is independent of the learner’s personal data, is the tracking of learn-
ers within a course. Indeed, learners’ activities within the system could be tracked,
and a dossier could be built, even though their information within the system are
protected. Hence, in addition to the privacy levels, (Aïmeur et al. 2007) also intro-
duces 4 tracking level: Strong Tracking, Average Tracking, Weak Tracking and
No Tracking. Each level of tracking reduces the amount of trace left by the
learner within the E-learning system. In order to satisfy these various privacy and
tracking levels, (Aïmeur et al. 2008) proposes Anonymous Credentials for E-
learning Systems (ACES), a complete set of protocols, relying mainly on blind
digital signatures and anonymous credentials, to preserve the learners’ privacy.
23.3.3 Challenges
The previous sections presented why the need for privacy in E-learning, and high-
lighted several approaches to achieve that goal. Yet these existing approaches do
474 E. Aïmeur and H. Hage
have their weaknesses, and this section details some of the major common short-
comings of the existing solutions, shortcomings that need to be addressed in order
to have an effective privacy preserving E-learning.
One such weakness is the overhead produced by the privacy preserving mecha-
nisms. Indeed, regardless of the chosen solution, preserving the privacy of the
learner creates a computational and an operational overhead. Indeed, the crypto-
graphic protocols used to protect the learner’s privacy require significant amounts
computational resources from the server hosting the E-learning platform, amounts
that would grow with the increasing number of learners using the system. On the
other hand, in order to preserve their own privacy, learners are required to perform
additional operations. Indeed, privacy does come with a price, and learners are re-
quired to participate in the management of their information, whether by maintain-
ing their identities, or their own anonymous credentials. Note that the higher the
level of privacy required by the learner, the more complicated the privacy preserv-
ing approach will become, which implies a higher incurred overhead.
Another shortcoming of privacy is its impact on personalization. Indeed, most
of the information gathered on learners within the E-learning system is used in or-
der to personalize the learning experience, capitalizing on the learner’s strength,
while targeting his weaknesses, and thus tailoring the learning experience accord-
ing to the learner’s learning needs and style. Consequently, the personalization of
the learning will be impacted by the fewer available information about the learner
(due to his privacy preferences). Indeed, privacy and personalization are like two
opposite forces pulling the learner’s information: the first is pulling to hide it,
whereas the second is pulling to gather more of it, in order to better personalize
the content. It is a big challenge to find the middle ground such as to satisfy both
the privacy and personalization needs.
Another aspect of privacy that requires further investigation is its impact on the
learner. Indeed, although thus far, the existing research tends to demonstrate that
privacy has a positive impact, to the best of our knowledge there were no studies
conducted to evaluate the long impact of privacy on the learners. This lack of cer-
titude, whether privacy has a positive or negative impact, is another weakness of
privacy in E-learning. Indeed, privacy might provide this false sense of security:
knowing that as long as you do enough to get the average and pass, no one will
know. Consequently, learners might lose their motivation to perform, and they
could become more nonchalant, or indifferent to the learning.
The challenges raised in this section relate to privacy preserving solution for
E-learning systems. Nonetheless, the advent of what is commonly referred to as
E-learning 2.0 raises a new set of challenges with respect to protecting learner
years, education has been shifting from being tutor-centered, to being learner-
centered. In tutor-centered education (Fig. 23.3), the tutor is the active participant
in the educational process and learners are considered as passive receptacles of
knowledge. Tutor-centered education is a one size fits all approach.
On the other hand, in learner-centered education ( Fig. 23.4 ), the learners have
access to a variety of knowledge sources and the tutor places more emphasis on
what learners can contribute to the educational encounter.
It is important to note that E-learning 2.0 is not a consequence of Web 2.0. In-
deed, both share the same basic concept where the user/learner is not only a spec-
tator and a simple consumer of information, but rather an active participant in the
creation of such information. As such, one can view Web 2.0 tools and technolo-
gies as a natural recourse to achieve learner-centered education.
476 E. Aïmeur and H. Hage
We will start by defining Web 2.0, then highlight how Web 2.0 is used in E-
learning, and then describe the impact on privacy and the challenges.
Fig. 23.5 The three pillars of Web 2.0, adapted from (Webilus 2008)
The Social Web refers to the “social interactions” between the users of the
web, and the resulting virtual “social groups”. It allows users to share their writ-
ings, videos, photos, and more with their friends, family, colleagues, or the public
at large. For instance, the Social Web includes simple publishing through a blog or
a wiki. As such, in the case of the blog the owner of the blog and his faithful read-
ers can become a social circle where the readers can comment on the blog posts,
Preserving Learners' Privacy 477
or each other’s comments. Similarly, with the Wiki, the users who regularly visit,
contribute to, or maintain the Wiki become a virtual social community centered on
the Wiki.
The main drive behind the Social Web is collaboration and the harnessing of
collective knowledge. Common features that exist in the Social Web, such as tag-
ging, rating, comments and recommendations, exploit and share the knowledge
and experiences of the users. As an example, we will consider social bookmarking
sites, such as or Such sites enable users to
bookmark their favourite web sites, recommend and share these bookmarks with
other users, or a community of friends.
Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that provide function-
alities and interactions similar to desktop applications. Typically, RIAs are deliv-
ered through browser add-ons or directly through the webpage using for instance
Ajax or Macromedia Flash. To illustrate RIAs, consider for instance Google
documents ( which provides a decently complete set of
tools to create and manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations and even
forms. The whole set of tools is web based, that is accessible through the browser.
On the other hand, there is a multitude of web pages that illustrate the use of
RIA, including web-based virtual computers, such as ( Such
environments provide a virtual computer environment, accessible online using any
browser, which provides the functionalities and tools or a regular computer, in-
cluding disk space (5 Gbytes in the case of, a media player, and even an
office suite to create, and store documents spreadsheets and presentations.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style where the main
goal is to relax the dependencies between various components and to achieve
loose coupling. Specifically, a service is a task performed by the service provider
to achieve a desired end result for a service consumer. Consequently, a service-
oriented architecture is a collection of services (service providers and consumers),
where these services communicate with each other. Such communication could be
just simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating to
perform a certain activity. Note that the service provider can also be a service con-
sumer. The flexibility and interoperability of SOA and web services has lead to a
new type of web applications called Mashup. Specifically, a mashup describes a
Web application that combines multiple services and/or data sources into one sin-
gle application.
new available media files. The utility of webcasts and podcast in E-learning is
very clear: tutors can either webcast their lectures live to students, or the lectures
could be made available on demand or through a podcast. Note that a lecture can
consist of various media, such as audio only, a slide presentation with audio, a re-
cording of the tutor, etc.
Currently, webcasting and podcasting are being used in several universities
worldwide (Shim et al. 2007). It is important to note that webcasting and podcast-
ing are not just used by virtual universities, but also as a complement to lectures in
traditional classrooms, for instance, Berkely makes publicly available webcasts of
several courses (available at, consisting of either an
audio recording of the tutor’s lecture, a video recording of the tutor giving his lec-
ture, or a slide presentation of the lecture with the explanations of the tutor.
Alternatively, wikis are websites that generally allow visitors at large to modify
their content. Nonetheless, wikis generally can support authentication, such that
certain members can modify only certain pages. This feature is important since it
enable the use of wikis in group work assignments. Wikis offer the possibility of
central access for all the users or limited user groups, which makes it an ideal
choice for running projects, drafting documentations and other group work. As
such, wikis are used to promote team work and collaboration between students
(Raitman et al. 2005). Alternatively, wikis can also be employed by tutors to col-
laborate on creating learning content. For instance, offers tutors
the chance to collaborate and create freely available learning resources, where cur-
rently, on the English site of wikiversity, there are more than 10,000 pages avail-
able, covering various topics.
Similarly, and offer both learners and tutors access
to a variety of learning resources. Specifically, offers a variety of
how-to videos, ranging from learning how to whistle, to following a complete
course watching MIT lectures. eduSLIDE allows tutors to create lessons (presen-
tations) and group them into courses, making these courses available for learners.
Additionally, many existing “web 2.0” pages and tools can help learners during
the learning process. For instance, allows students to access primary
source documents and photos, and to easily create and post online history reports.
Moreover, can be used by both tutors (to create lessons) and
learners (for homework purposes) to upload pictures and create an audio narrative
to go along with them. offers, as its name indicates, a visual
thesaurus. Specifically the lookup word is presented in the center of the graph, and
edges connect the lookup word with its synonyms. A color code is used on the
edge connecting the word to its synonyms to indicate whether the synonym is a
noun, verb, adjective or an adverb. Moreover, the edge connecting the lookup
word with its antonym is presented differently. is a mashup that
uses Google maps to list podcasts and webcasts from about 68 universities world-
wide. allows users to share academic papers, ranging from research
papers, tutorials, lectures, to tests and exams. Moreover, users can comment, and
even ask questions to the community about these papers. Another useful browser
add-on is Diigo ( Diigo provides learners with the ability
to highlight specific parts of webpages, add sticky notes and comments (private or
Preserving Learners' Privacy 479
public) to the highlighted sections or the whole page, and learners can share the
highlights and notes with their Diigo social network.
Moreover, existing systems rely on the learners’ collaboration and social net-
work to enhance the learning experience. For instance, Knowledge Sea II
(Brusilovsky et al. 2005) treats research papers as regular pedagogical resources,
allowing users to annotate and review these resources, and using the annotations
to perform the recommendations. Comtella (Vassileva 2004) is another academic
system that uses P2P (peer to peer) technology to enable students to share research
papers. In addition, Comtella employs a reputation scheme (Mao et al. 2007) to
motivate and award the students. On the other hand, SHAREK (Hage and Aïmeur
2008) is designed to enable learners to attach external learning resources to the tu-
tor defined learning content within the E-learning system.
The proliferation of tools and websites such as listed earlier has led to the con-
cept of Personal Learning Environment (PLE) (van Harmelen 2006). PLE is a
combination of tools and processes, whether formal or informal, which learners
use to gather information, reflect on it and work with it. The appeal of PLE for
learners relies in the fact that they can choose the tools that best suit their prefer-
ences. An interesting representation we came once across compares a Learning
Management System (LMS) and a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) using
the following analogy: an LMS is similar to a Swiss army knife containing a set of
tools, some of which you might never used. On the other hand, a PLE is like hav-
ing a box containing the tools you use, but most importantly tools that you chose
and prefer. Indeed, although it might be more practical to fit a large set of tools
into your pocket (Swiss army knife analogy), having only the specialized tools
that you are comfortable with does have it advantages.
Many PLE advocates portray an LMS as being inflexible and used to control
the learning and the learner, whereas a PLE is portrayed as easy to use, personal-
ized, and liberated. In short, LMS is equivalent to controlling how you learn,
whereas PLE corresponds to giving you control over how you learn. Although
controlled and passive learning reduces self reliance and causes loss of curiosity
and creativity, an uncontrolled education would create a shortage of certified labor
and would introduce unqualified people into the labor pool. Currently, this is
where E-learning stands today ( Fig. 23.6 ).
The Tutor delivers the learning content to the learner through the LMS. On the
other hand, the learner has access to the controlled environment provided by the
LMS as well as a PLE containing the set of his favorite tools and resources, which
are external to the LMS. As such, the leaner can freely perform the learning activ-
ity, relying on the content and tools provided through the LMS, and on external
uncontrolled resources through the PLE. In addition, the learner has access to both
his personal social network (outside the LMS), and a peer network through the
LMS. Note that some peers can also be part of the learner’s external social net-
work. In such a scenario, the tutor controls the curriculum (which courses and top-
ics the learner must complete), and he can validate the learner’s knowledge
through assessments. On the other hand, the learner has the freedom to choose
how to complete the learning activities: whether by solely using the content and
480 E. Aïmeur and H. Hage
tools provided through the LMS, by relying completely on his PLE, or a combina-
tion of both. In the last case, the LMS can be actually viewed simply as another
component of the PLE.
Most of the PLE components are external to the E-learning system. Conse-
quently, the educational institutions using an E-learning system, as well as the en-
tity developing it, have no control over these components. This raises an enormous
challenge with regards to ensuring and maintaining the learners’ privacy.
23.5 Conclusion
Today, E-learning offers rich multimedia content and is more interactive. More-
over, E-learning is very flexible: students can choose instructor-led or self-study
courses and they can select from a variety of learning tools that best fit their style.
Indeed, one of the main advantages of E-learning is its adaptability to the learner’s
specific needs and preferences. Nonetheless, to do so, the E-learning systems col-
lect large amounts of information about the learner information that could be mis-
used, and therefore violating his privacy. The security of E-learning systems offers
is imperative to safeguard the information stored within the system, and is essen-
tial to preserve privacy. Nonetheless, security alone is not enough and various
solutions for privacy preserving E-learning were proposed, some relying on identi-
ties, others on anonymous credentials. Although these solutions are technically
sound, they do fall short: they introduce a computational and operational over-
head, influence the personalization of E-learning systems, and its effect (whether
positive or negative) on learners attitudes is still not entirely determined. Prelimi-
nary research attributes a positive effect to privacy on learners, but this is a point
that requires further investigation. Consequently, privacy preserving E-learning
must be able to balance privacy, with access to learners’ necessary information
required to personalize the learning content and experience, while reducing
the overhead incurred by privacy preserving mechanism. Alternatively, the advent
E-learning 2.0 and the widespread use of PLEs introduced a new set of challenges
that need to be addressed to ensure learner privacy. Indeed, learners regularly use
and access resources external to the E-learning system or classroom. These re-
sources are not controlled by the educational institution, and consequently are
harder to supervise, increasing the risk to learner’s privacy. Moreover, since most
of these external resources require learners to register, their personal information
will be redundantly duplicated, increasing the risk of unwanted disclosure of that
information. Although not everybody will embrace our wish for privacy, as many
482 E. Aïmeur and H. Hage
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Franz, E., Wahrig, H., Boettcher, A., Borcea-Pfitzmann, K.: Access Control in a Privacy-
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Preserving Learners' Privacy 483
R. Nkambou et al. (Eds.): Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, SCI 308, pp. 485–505. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
486 E.G. Blanchard and A. Ogan
1. To respect “the cultural identity of the learner through the provision of cultur-
ally appropriate and responsive quality education for all”,
2. To provide “every learner with the cultural knowledge, attitudes and skills nec-
essary to achieve active and full participation in society”,
3. To provide “all learners with cultural knowledge, attitudes and skills that en-
able them to contribute to respect, understanding and solidarity among indi-
viduals, ethnic, social, cultural and religious groups and nations”.
These guidelines provide technologists with a focus for the development of future
educational technologies, those that incorporate two important facets of what is
termed cultural intelligence (Earley and Mosakowski 2004). In the frame of this
paper, this intelligence encompasses an ability to understand another’s actions and
thoughts with regards to his/her cultural specifics, to undertake actions in order to
optimize positive as well as limit negative interactions with foreigners, and to de-
velop culturally-informed perceptions of a socio-cultural environment (Blanchard
et al. 2006). In line with UNESCO Guideline 1, technologies should respect the
culture of the user (i.e., make culturally-intelligent adaptations) by providing ex-
amples and utilizing communication schemas that are more familiar to the user.
Not only will this provide a more user-centered experience, but may also make
learning more efficient. Such systems could also lead to solutions that better en-
sure students from minority groups have an equal opportunity to learn. Of interest
are intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), which are especially suited to adapt to the
needs of individual students. Second, following UNESCO Guidelines 2 and 3,
educational technology should also strive to provide opportunities to increase the
learner’s cultural intelligence. While ITS have been very successful in well-
defined domains such as algebra or physics, they hold great potential to be adapted
to support learning in the domain of intercultural competence. In the following
sections, we show how ITS can be used to effectively introduce cultural knowl-
edge, skills, and attitudes, and how ITS can contribute to the larger effort in cul-
turally-aware educational technologies.
Infusing Cultural Awareness into Intelligent Tutoring Systems 487
The two main approaches in cultural studies consist of identifying either univers-
alisms or group specifics. Universalisms are genuine characteristics of human be-
ings and as such, are supposedly shared by a wide cluster of cultural groups (if not
all). Group specifics are characteristics specific to cultural groups in that they are
understood or endorsed by an important portion of insiders and unknown or con-
sidered external by outsiders. Discussing universalisms or group specifics is
equivalent to eliciting cultural aspects that unite all human groups, versus those
that distinguish each of them. Oversimplification is a key concern when address-
ing group specifics: a given characteristic of a cultural group is rarely (if not
never) shared by all its members (Scharifian 2003). In order to discriminate be-
tween cultural groups, scholars frequently suggest attaching a pool of common
characteristics to a cultural group (Scharifian 2003) rather than referring to a
unique one.
Universalisms have been posited in many aspects of human life including facial
expressions of emotions (Ekman 1972), motivation (Ryan and Deci 2000), and po-
liteness (Brown and Levinson 1987) to cite but a few. Cultural specifics are simi-
larly reported along many dimensions, including cognitive (e.g., core cultural ideas,
interpretations, beliefs), behavioral (e.g., body language, rituals, good practices), and
physical (e.g., artifacts) (see Blanchard et al. 2010). Although frequently presented
as universals, empirical research has demonstrated group specifics in such aspects of
human life as basic emotions (Mesquita et al. 1997), frequency of personality pro-
files (Allik and McCrae 2004), basic wellbeing needs (Hofstede 1984), and cogni-
tive processing (Nisbett and Norenzayan 2002).
Some approaches include both universalism and group-specific considerations.
System of values is a practical approach to describing cultures that emerged dec-
ades ago. It consists of identifying universal dimensions of the major orientations
of cultural groups (their behavioral and cognitive tendencies) in order to develop
group-specific models, thus providing an easy method for cross-cultural compari-
sons and assessments, and for potentially explaining cultural specifics. At present,
the most popular system of values results from the analysis of a cross national sur-
vey of more than 100,000 people by Hofstede (2001; 2010). It characterizes more
than 70 country cultures by computing their numeric scores for the following five
dimensions: a) power distance (PDI: “the extent to which the less powerful mem-
bers of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that pow-
er is distributed unequally”), b) individualism/collectivism (IDV: “the degree to
which individuals are integrated into groups”), c) masculinity/femininity (MAS:
“the distribution of roles between the genders”), d) uncertainty avoidance (UAI:
“a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity”), and e) long term orienta-
tion (LTO: a more recently added dimension referring to a general interest for
“virtue regardless of truth”). Table 24.1 presents scores of Hofstede’s dimensions
for a limited set of nations.
Infusing Cultural Awareness into Intelligent Tutoring Systems 491
Table 24.1 Hofstede’s scores for six different nations, taken from (Hofstede 2010).
Fig. 24.1 The ontological conceptualization of the “culture” concept in the UOC; ‘p/o’
refers to part-of links, and ‘a/o’ refers to attribute links. See (Blanchard et al. 2010) for an
in-depth explanation of this conceptualization and the ecology of concepts into which it is
model (Doerner 2003) for affect, and the Big Five model (McCrae and John 1992)
for its personality component. Aylett and her colleagues (2009) reported that inte-
grating such a model into embodied agents populating a role-playing environment
could increase users’ intercultural empathy. While initially designed for synthesiz-
ing realistic enculturated agents, Nazir et al.’s model could be easily adapted to
produce advanced user models.
adopted a different approach for its cultural adaptation process: dynamically com-
puting learner’s cultural memberships by determining whether the pedagogical at-
titudes and results of this learner are in line with those of other members of his or
her supposed cultural groups. Computed cultural memberships then influence the
selection of culturally-relevant multimedia resources and pedagogical strategies.
The overall fitness of the selected adaptations is determined according to the
learner’s resulting pedagogical assessments and then used to update the learner’s
cultural memberships, and so on. Finally, Melis and colleagues (2010) deduced
from an empirical intercultural analysis of the ActiveMath platform that greater
consideration of students’ language, and regional specifics would solve cultural
misunderstandings that arose when using their platform. They consequently de-
scribed enculturation solutions for presenting the system and its learning material
in a more appropriate manner, for adapting mathematical notations and names ac-
cording to learners’ specifics, and for selecting and sequencing learning objects
and scenarios in order to match learners’ contextual reality.
Perhaps the most promising development in the area of culturally-adaptive tech-
nology is Embodied Enculturated Communication Agents (EECA) (Rehm 2010).
This concept initially stemmed from Embodied Communication Agents (ECA),
agents able to communicate with users through the genesis of gestures and postures
of their virtual body. However, body language is known to differ greatly from one
cultural group to another. In developing diverse agents, cultural considerations must
be considered. EECAs are currently among the most difficult cognitive agents to
implement (Rehm 2010). They require mastery and coherent merging of several is-
sues such as the genesis of realistic 3D behaviors and communication styles, the
computerization and integration of cultural competences, and the consideration of
cognitive (and potentially affective) implications.
In the past few years, a tremendous number of projects with very different re-
search focii have emerged in this area. Among notable initiatives, Huang and his
colleagues (2009) have proposed the Generic Embodied Conversational Agent
(GECA) framework in order to speed the development of EECA. Using GECA,
only a module describing verbal and non-verbal communication specifics of a tar-
geted group has to be developed in order to provide cultural intelligence to an
ECA. This concept was showcased in an application where an EECA played the
role of a culturally-intelligent tour guide. Endrass and her colleagues proposed a
system where EECAs were attributed culturally-marked communication styles
with varying usages of pauses and overlapping speech (Endrass 2010). They found
that, even if the fantasy language EECAs used to communicate with each other
was unknown to human observers, they perceived the agents as having a western
or Asian orientation depending on their communication style. Furthermore, in a
preliminary evaluation, observers reported to prefer agents with a communication
style similar to their own.
Promoting positive perception of embodied agents can thus be addressed in part
through developing agents with the capability to address users’ cultural communi-
cation specifics. But universalisms in communication are also worth considera-
tion. For example, Brown & Levinson’s theory of universal politeness (1987) has
been applied to EECAs (Johnson et al. 2005), and Miller and colleagues recently
498 E.G. Blanchard and A. Ogan
proposed a formalized computational model for agents (Miller et al. 2010) that
further facilitates the integration of this politeness theory.
Since Embodied Pedagogical Agents (EPA) (Rickel and Johnson 1997) are
ECAs with additional ITS capabilities, it is reasonable to posit that improving
their ability to efficiently communicate would improve the quality of their relation
with learners and their overall efficiency. Several EPAs with cultural models have
already been implemented, mainly for intercultural competence instruction (John-
son 2007; Kim et al.). They are discussed in the next section.
Infusing Cultural Awareness into Intelligent Tutoring Systems 499
We now have the ability to combine these training systems with artificial intel-
ligence-based scaffolding such as ITS. It is not clear that ITS approaches, most of-
ten used in domains like algebra or physics, will translate directly to an ill-defined
domain like culture. Ogan, Aleven, and Jones (2010) describe how ITS principles
might be adapted for learning in this domain. These principles can be used to de-
velop interactive systems that help students examine cultural artifacts such as fea-
ture films or commercials. These systems cover cultural knowledge, analysis of
cultural values and behaviors, and may have also focus on developing perspective-
taking skills. One such system is ICCAT, which requires students to make cultur-
ally aware predictions of events in French films and includes a tutored online
discussion component (Ogan et al. 2010).
There also exist a small number of 3D virtual environments that teach intercul-
tural competence with the support of ITS. They typically integrate a set of embodied
conversational agents who are imbued with a more complete model of cultural be-
havior. Interaction with these agents facilitates the practice of communicative skills
in the new culture, from making appropriate gestures of greeting to conversing in
culturally appropriate ways. These systems cover a range of cultures (e.g., Spanish,
Chinese, Iraqi, Dari, Pashto, and French), and exist for various training purposes,
ranging from language classrooms to military or business contexts. Two such sys-
tems are the Tactical Culture and Language Training System (TCLTS), developed
by Johnson et al. (2007; see Fig. 24.2), and BiLAT, developed by Hill et al.
Fig. 24.2 Two illustrations of the TLCTS interface (Tactical Dari version). Courtesy
of © Alelo Inc.
In TCLTS, students move through a virtual town to solve missions while mak-
ing culturally-appropriate gestures, acting in culturally-appropriate ways, and
practicing the target language with the aid of voice recognition software. BiLAT
focuses in particular on cross-cultural negotiation skills in one-on-one meetings
with agents representing the target culture. Systems can also be developed that go
beyond national cultures. For instance, Rothwell suggests using culturally-aware
educational technology for strengthening a cross-institution and cross-nation cul-
ture of nuclear safety (Rothwell 2010).
500 E.G. Blanchard and A. Ogan
These interactive systems benefit from adapting the classic approaches of ITS
to scaffold and support learning. For example, in a virtual environment, all of the
students’ communicative actions can be linked to a detailed representation of
learning objectives which is managed by an ITS (Lane et al. 2007). Such an ITS
coaching component can provide guidance and feedback during face-to-face meet-
ings with a virtual character from the target culture (Lane et al. 2008) or provide
an after-action review following each meeting. These systems may also integrate
other learning activities, such as multimedia resources, quizzes, and part-task
training exercises (e.g., Second China). Ogan and Lane (2010) describe six such
systems in greater detail, although a number of them have yet to incorporate an
ITS with a student model.
Many of these systems might be considered in their early stages of development
or deployment. Therefore, one avenue for future research is in the evaluation of
such systems for student learning, compared to either typical classroom ap-
proaches or the gold standard of one-on-one human tutoring of such skills. These
systems represent a growing trend recognizing the power of immersive virtual en-
vironments for teaching social, interpersonal, and cultural domains.
24.5 Discussion
Bridging cultural and educational issues raises several concerns that naturally
transfer to and evolve in the context of educational technologies. First, as in many
other domains, ethics is a central concern in intercultural education. Culture is
tightly coupled to foundational aspects of an individuals’ identity. Inadequate rep-
resentation of the group and the individual’s cultural specifics may have a durable
negative impact on learners. For instance, imagine the case of a system developed
by a western company to teach a scientific domain through the use of EECAs and
culturally-adapted resources. Should its Asian cultural adaptation be perceived by
Asian students as oversimplifying their cultural specifics, this could cause the per-
ception that westerners, in general, have little or no understanding of their culture,
and perhaps do not care about it. Culturally-aware educational technologies could
also be diverted from their original objective (i.e. promoting intercultural aware-
ness and consideration of learners’ cultural specifics) to serve less respectable
goals such as propaganda. While these concerns may appear to go beyond the con-
trol researchers have of the technology they develop, procedures could be de-
ployed at an international level to provide systems with certificates of compliance
to international standards such as UNESCO guidelines (2007), or well known ISO
and IEEE standards.
In fact, validating the quality of culturally-aware educational technology is a
complex and difficult question. It is well-known in cultural research that an analy-
sis of a culture by an outsider may be biased by preconceptions, even if anthropo-
logical methods such as participant observation (DeWalt et al. 1998) are designed
to mitigate this threat. As enculturated individuals, course authors, as well as sys-
tem designers and evaluators, are prone to such cultural bias: they may simply not
consider possible interpretations or categories of behaviors because they are not
aware of their existence. A classic solution to this issue is that members of the
Infusing Cultural Awareness into Intelligent Tutoring Systems 501
target culture be part of the development team, which still raises the problem of
ensuring their objectivity - they could dislike a particular modelling of their own
culture which does not fit their idealized view. Indeed, perceptions of a culture by
both insiders and outsiders of the cultural group bring useful information at differ-
ent levels in the development of culturally-aware educational technology. This
highlights the importance of taking into account the context of use of cultural data
when validating CATS. For instance, grounding adaptation on misconceptions and
stereotypes is surely a situation to be avoided at all cost. Knowing common mis-
conceptions and stereotypes of outsiders towards a specific cultural group would
support the deployment of corrective processes in systems aiming at developing
intercultural competence. A taxonomy that describes the origin and nature of cul-
tural data (e.g., stereotypes, facts, misconceptions) could be developed to inform
when it is relevant to use each kind of information, thus providing a first step to-
wards metrics for assessing the quality of cultural information.
Learning cultural content implies going beyond the question of what has been
learned in order to also consider how the cultural knowledge has been integrated.
Indeed, in many of the stages of intercultural development, students may express
negative attitudes towards the other culture and feel superior about their own
(Bennett 1993). It is easy to accidentally support negative attitudes towards an-
other culture, perhaps through teaching stereotypes, by letting students becoming
overconfident about their cultural skills, or through neglecting to address attitudes
like openness as part of the learning objectives. Even if students do learn cultural
knowledge, these negative attitudes may be very detrimental to future intercultural
Finally, researchers should understand that legal implications frequently illus-
trate varying core cultural ideas and have to be clarified in the course of interna-
tionally deploying educational technology. For instance, countries vary in their
legal acceptance of community-based statistical evaluations. Countries like the
United States promote them to address the considerations of minorities, while oth-
ers more strictly restrict their use, such as France, which follows a national princi-
ple of “republican equality” where sub-community membership is downplayed in
public life.
24.6 Conclusion
This chapter attempts to show that approaching the cultural domain is a highly com-
plex objective where risks of oversimplification are high. Teaching culture in an in-
adequate manner may have a durable negative impact on learners’ intercultural
competence. Furthermore, grounding adaptive processes on cultural misconceptions
could have negative effects on learners’ perception of the system. Whether culture
should be considered in educational technology appears to be a legitimate question
at first sight. However, not considering the cultural dimension would lead to ethno-
centric approaches that are disrespectful and potentially harmful for efficient and
correct learning. Thus, researchers and designers working in the area of CATS have
to be especially conscious compared to other disciplines due to the responsibilities
and risks that their role implies.
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knowledge engineering 31, 142, 230, reading tutors 203
288, 374
knowledge representation 6, S
10, 18, 20, 22, 29, 30, 32, 206, scaffolding 140, 197, 281, 422, 426,
230, 269, 369, 370, 491 440, 448, 453, 457, 488, 497
semantic web 7, 28, 117, 119, 137,
L 503
serious game 138, 493
language learning 502
simulation-based learning 365
learning companions 227, 278
learning object 28
social network 479
lifelong learning 320, 321 special needs population 277
standards 62, 247, 371, 499
student emotion 8, 223, 224, 269
M student model 4, 5, 9, 11, 45, 57, 64,
machine learning 139, 337 75, 99, 139, 212, 224, 277,
mathematics education 62, 407, 503 301, 320, 321, 322, 369, 504
metacognition 90, 174, 310, 319 subliminal learning 339, 352
model-tracing 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 56, 60,
64, 71, 77, 85, 86, 95, 99, 101,
150, 151, 152, 176, 177, 270, T
271, 272, 273, 365, 368, 372, 377 tutor model 7, 135, 139
motivation 138, 174, 191, 196, 223, tutorial dialogue 75, 189, 190, 203,
233 204, 206
multi-agent 371, 494 tutoring content 408, 413, 419
tutoring decision 153, 361
O tutoring dialogue 136, 201, 204
tutoring service 94, 98
OMNIBUS 8, 124, 229, 244, 370,
online environment 449
ontology 24, 113, 114, 115, 126, 128, U
133, 244, 249, 494, Ubiquitous learning environments 176
ontology engineering 114, 115, 494
open learner model 9, 318, 367
virtual environments 139, 349, 354,
P 493, 497
Patterns 23, 109, 110, 291, 329, 368, 452,
453, 487
pedagogical agents 136, 175, 207, 223, W
492 wireless sensors 8, 207, 223
PEPITE 134, 137 workplace 137