Minor Project Guidlines
Minor Project Guidlines
Minor Project Guidlines
Minor project
1. Students of B.Tech CSE (AIML) - 6th semester are required to carry out
their Minor Project work in the university itself in the ful$illment of the
requirements for the award of B.Tech degree.
2. Students will be provided with a list of faculty members along with their
specializations so that students can contact faculty members and request
them for being their Minor project guide. Students may visit the University
website to view the specializations of faculty members.
3. The project work should extend current knowledge in the chosen area by
providing implementation/ tool/ application using the research results/
existing technologies. The project work can be a research-based, or an
application based. Students are encouraged to pursue research-based
project work followed by publication of their work in Conferences/
Journals of repute.
4. Students shall be allotted dedicated lab/ classroom so that they can work
under the guidance of faculty members. Students need to be present in
dedicated time slot as mentioned in timetable to get attendance.
Attendance register is kept with faculty in charge in concerned lab.
5. 75% attendance is mandatory for submission of minor project report at
the end of 6th semester.
6. Students must submit the Synopsis of their Minor Project to their
respective guide as per the deadline speci1ied. The Minor project guide will
conduct a presentation on the same as per deadline speci1ied.
7. Students should be regular and must maintain a project diary/
observation book and bring it for every lab session. Any required
material should be kept ready for reference if required. The project diary
should contain the following items:
a. Project Title
b. Objectives of the work
School of Computer Science and Engineering
c. GANTT Chart
d. Work done in the current week and plan for upcoming week
8. The project work can be either carried out individually or in a group of
maximum two students. In case of a group project, a single project diary/
observation book and synopsis will be maintained, whereas each student
should submit the %inal report individually.
9. At least once in a week, students should meet their guide to discuss the
progress/ plan of the project work and to show the project diary/
observation book. Every week, the project guide will ask students to show
the project diary/ observation book and put his/ her signature on the
10. It is mandatory to produce the project diary/ observation book during
Mid-term and End term viva-voce examinations.
11. Final report of the project work should be prepared in consultation with
guide. Concerned student(s) should write every sentence in the report and
it must be free from plagiarism/ similarity index. Throughout the
report, previous work done should be acknowledged by proper citation
and no copy-pasting of others’ work is allowed. Similarity index report
(preferably from Turnitin) signed by both student(s) and project guide
will be required during submission of !inal report. Project reports having a
similarity index of more than 20% would not be considered.
12. Tentative deadlines of the Minor Project are mentioned as follows:
Activity Tentative Deadline
Internal marks: 60
External Marks: 40
Project Report 10
Presentation 10
Work Done 10