Bronchure design

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OUR COMMITMENT Eco herbal bacteria Waste
Digester is a micro-organism based
QUEST FOR GLOBAL ORGANIC WASTE product which assists in breaking
MANAGEMENT USING ECO HERBAL down of organic waste including
BACTERIA DIGEST fats, grease, carbohydrates and
proteins to a by-product that is
 BREAKS DOWN ORGANIC WASTE ON predominantly water and nutrients.
SITE Eco herbal bacteria digest Waste
Digester comes in two forms:
Powder and Liquid forms.


METHANE FORMATION The powder form of eco
herbal is composed of bacteria
which have been made inactive
hence to allow better logistics hence
longer shelf-life. A 500 gram
package of powder is equivalent to
a 10 litre container of Eco herbal
(1kg = 20 litres).

The liquid form of Eco herbal
comprises of active bacteria hence
a shorter time for storage MISSION:
(Maximum of 3 days) for it to be "Harnessing Nature’s Power for a
dosed into a septic tank, pit latrine Cleaner Tomorrow.
Water Delivery / Exhauster services or a treatment plant.

Contact : 0722263952 To be the global leader in sustainable environmental
solutions, using eco-friendly bacterial treatments to
restore and preserve ecosystems, reduce pollution,
Email : and promote a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.
1. On-site waste management
Vicons Kenya LTD treatments are Effectiveness of wastewater management
safe for humans, animals, and significantly depends on the design and the
plant life, offering an capacity of the septic system. A proper
wastewater treatment system should ensure a
eco-conscious alternative to conducive environment and adequate time for
traditional chemical-based efficient degradation of waste material. Through
solutions. Their offerings include experience, as Ecosave, we have successfully
developed Modern Septic Tank design that
custom treatments for industries ensures effective removal of waste from the
such as manufacturing, hotel oil wastewater.
WHO WE ARE fats, and municipal wastewater Our four-chambered system is incorporated with
Vicons Kenya LTD is an innovative management, all tailored to meet siphoning pipes which allow only water from the
environmental company first chamber to the next chamber Leaving scum
the unique needs of each client and sludge in the previous chamber therefore
specializing in eco-friendly bacterial while minimizing environmental clearer Water would flow into the subsequent
treatments that harness the power impact and reducing cost chambers. This gives resident time, precondition
of beneficial microorganisms to for bacteria that allows effective degradation of
solve a range of environmental With the use of Ecoherbal waste digester,
challenges. By leveraging the breakdown of waste is accelerated and the
natural abilities of bacteria, Vicons effluent produced of good quality.
provides sustainable, chemical-free
solutions to treat waste, clean up
oil spills, improve soil health, and
manage waste in industrial and
agricultural settings.

•Curbing water scarcity by enabling
100% water recycling
•Redesigning and modifying of •Low operation costs
•No Separation of Grey and Black water
infrastructure related to waste •It is Drivable and can be scaled
water management •100% Water recovery
•Enhancing accelerated breakdown
of waste to reduce water pollution 2. Eco Herbal Waste Digester
It assists in managing sewage and other
•Offering a pocket-friendly solution organic waste. Breaks down organic waste
in waste management including fats and toilet paper resulting a
•Enhancing compliance in waste by-product that’s predominantly water.
water management regulations
3. Consultancy
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) &
Accomplishments Auditing Environmental Policy
•Setting up a more effective and Modern Septic Design, Consultancy and
HERBAL TOILET BALLS Environmental Evaluation and Compliance
modern design in With fragrance and fresh smell, it not only
waste water management has the functions of killing insert and getting
•Successful treatment of slaughter rid of mildew. But also the efficacy of
house waste water deodorizing, removing dirt and no blockages
•Achieved a 100% water recycling
for use

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