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DAY ONE - MONDAY 15TH JULY, 2024 MORNING SESSION - 8:30 -10:30 AM AFTERNOON SESSION- 2:00- 4:00 PM UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE ECE 124 Practicum I SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 HFM 108 Fashion Fabrics SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 AEN 100 Introduction to the Study of Language SPAS Exams - ADB203 ECE 125 General Methods of Teaching SPAS Exams - ADB203 EET 100 Microeconomics Theory I SoE Exams - BASEMENT UCU 104 Introduction to Enterpreurship SoE Exams - BASEMENT ASC 102 Social Statistics I SET Exams - ADB 103 SIT 110 Introduction to Statistics SET Exams - ADB 103 SCO 108 Discrete Mathemetics SHSS Exams - BASEMENT SMA 160 Intro to Probability & Statistics SHSS Exams - BASEMENT CRM 101 Human Growth & Development SAEHS Exams - ADB102 EET 101 Macroeconomics Theory I SAEHS Exams - ADB102 ECU 113 Chemistry for Enginners I (11:00-1:00PM) SCO 109 Linear Algebra for Computer Science EME 114 Engineering Drawing I TD Room EEE 124 Engineering Drawing II TD Room EED 110 Engineering Drawing II TD Room CRM 104 Gender Perspectives in CRM ENS 132 Environmental Biology (11:00-1:00PM) ENS 138 Fundamental of Energy Science ECU 104 Engineering Mathematics I SCO 106 Introduction to Electronics ECE 221 Personality Development (11:00-1:00PM) SHT 106 Information Technology in Hosp & Tour CRM 100 Intro to Community Resource Mgt (11:00-1:00PM) HSU 101 Applied Chemistry HPH 110 Community Health & Development (11:00-1:00PM) ADF 103 ADF 101 AGB 203 / KBT203 Agricultural Production Economics ECU 101 / ECU 112 Physics for Engneers I (11:00-1:00PM) ECE 222 Practicum II SPH 101 Electricity & Magnetism I (11:00-1:00PM) SBT 201 Plant Function HPH101/HFN 143 Human Anatomy & Physiology I ALT 208 Literary Language & Scholary Presentation SCO 210 Integral Calculus For Computer Science BBA 201 Principles of Marketing ANS 241 Quantitative Genetics & Animal Breeding AGB 202 Statistics for Agribusiness AEN 201 Description of Modern English ECU 201 Engineering Mathematics VI SMA 203 Linear Algebra II EEE 203 Circuit Theory I ECU 200 Engineering Mathematics V HFM 202 Undergraments & Sleepware SCO 203 Software Testing & Quality Assurance ESC 211 Intro to Remoe Sensing & Geigraphical I S SCH 203 Theory of Spectroscopy (11:00-1:00PM) SPH 201/ SPT 204 Electricity & Magnetism II APP 200 Principles of Public Law EED 204 Electrical Machines I HFM 201 Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Design (11:00-1:00PM) APS 201 Psychology of Personality ECD 206/ERC210 Climate Change & Comm L/Climate C & R ECD 204 Principles of Natural Resources Mgt EMM 218 Intro to Materials Science ECU 203/211 Engineerinr Mathematics VII SAN 301 Organic Specstroscopy SCH 202 Organic Chemistry II ESU 302 Statistics SCO 301 Compiler Construction SBT 301 Taxonomy of Higher Plants (11:00-1:00PM) BAC 309 Financial Derivatives SIT 310 Fundamentals of Programming Languages SIT309/SMA391/SIT264 Object Oriented Design/Unified Modelling L SAN 302 Bioinorganic Chemistry (11:00-1:00PM) BBA 301 Human Resource Management ECT 304 Biology Methods EMM 313 Mechanics of Machines I SMA 303 Ring Theory EEE 302 Electrol Magnetism Fields EMM 317 Design of Machine Elements HCM 306 Community Appropriate Technology & In EMM 327 Material Forming Processes (11:00-1:00PM) HFM 302 Creative Professional Practice AGB 310 Farm Business Management HPH 309 Enviromental toxicology APS 304 Abornomal Psychology ECV 302 Hydraulics I ECV 301 Soil Mechanics I HCM 308 Community Advocacy ECT 314 Business Methods (11:00-1:00PM) ECT 305 Chemistry Methods HPH 306 Communicable Diseases EMM 311 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing EMM 312 Engineering Thermodynamics III EMM 400 Fluid Mechanics IV SPH 447 Telephony SCO 403 Network Application SCO 401 Network Mangement ECE 408 Maternal and Child Nutrition ECE 406 Programme Planning, Implementation & Ev SBT 418 Microbial Genetics ECE 407 Literature in ECE (11:00-1:00PM) SBT 412 Applied Microbiology SBT 422 Virology BBA 410 Total Quality Mgt BBA 420 Contemporary Issues AKS 403 Oral Literature in Ksw EES 401 Fundamental of Econometrics (11:00-1:00PM) HTM 402 Statistics ALT 402 Drama SMA 467 Test of Hypothesis II AKS 402 Kiswahili Poetry (11:00-1:00PM) APS 412 Orgnizational Psychology SMA 435 Methods of Fluid Mechanics SHT 407 Product Dev in Hosp & Tourism SMA 401 Topology II AEE 433 Extension Programme Planning & Implement SMA 468/SST 406 Statistical Computing / Stat Programming (11:00-1:00PM) ECU 401 Project Management SAC 410 Actuarial Theory of Pension Funds EMM 404 Engineering Thermodynamics III SCO 417 Geographic Information Systems ECD 423 Comm Asset Building & Social EP SHT 408 Public Relations & Resource Mobilization SAN 409 Polymer Synthesis & Applications AEE 434 Management of Agricultural Organizations SAN 401 Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis ECU 400 Research Methodology SPH 458 Biomass Energy Technology EMM 408 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning HFM 405 Apparel for Special Ocassions EEE 401 Communication Systems II BBA 401 Company Law SCO 412 Mobile Computing ECV 407 Hydrology II BBA 400 Business Policy & Decisions SMA 434 Gas Dynamics SAN 413 Forensic Chemistry (11:00-1:00PM) SPH 401 Electrodynamics SAN 410 Advances in Chromatography ECV 503 Highway Materials SAC 406 Computation Finance EEE 544 Teletraffic Engneering SMA 460 Stochastic Processes (11:00-1:00PM) ECV 520 Urban Traffic Management ECV 500 Civil Enginnering Project I EEE 556 Programmable Logic Controller EMM 514 Control Engineering II EMM 512 Manufacturing Systems ECU 500 Engineering Practice & Ethics EEE 534 Power Systems Econ & Planning EEE 500 Engineering Practice & Ethics EEE 547 Microwave Engineering (11:00-1:00PM) EEE 503 Industrial Management EEE508 Variable Speed Drives (11:00-1:00PM) LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER UNITS IN BOLD PRINT WILL BE TAKEN BETWEEN 11:00 AM AND 1:00 PM DAY TWO - TUESDAY 16TH JULY, 2024 MORNING SESSION - 8:30 -10:30 AM AFTERNOON SESSION- 2:00- 4:00 PM UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE AEE 111 Fundamentals of Agri Edu& Extension SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 UCU 100 Communication Skills SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 AKS 101 Language Skills in Kiswahili SPAS Exams - ADB203 ENS 127 Basic Mathematics for Environmental Science SPAS Exams - ADB203 ECU 105 Engineering Mathematics II SoE Exams - BASEMENT AGB 103 Principles of Agricultural microeconomics SoE Exams - BASEMENT SHT 104 Foud of Tourism, Lesuire, Recreation & H SET Exams - ADB 103 ARE 100 Introduction to African Religiuos Heritage SET Exams - ADB 103 HCM 100 Intro to Comm Resource Mgt SHSS Exams - BASEMENT BBA 102 Principles of Mangement SHSS Exams - BASEMENT SAC 100 Principles of Actuarial Science SAEHS Exams - ADB102 SCU 102 Chemistry SAEHS Exams - ADB102 SPH 102 Waves & Optics AHT 101 Principles of Archaelogy UCU 103 Intro to Critical & Creative Thinking (11:00-1:00PM) SAC 101 Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics BMS 101 Introduction to Insurance HCM 101 Human Development HFM 103 HFM 102 SCH 102 / HFN 146 Organic Chemistry ECU 103 / ECU 122 Physics for Engineers II HFM 209 African Textile Decoration SPH 103 Mathematics for Physics ECE 223 Cultural Studies in ECDE EEE102/ECV 101 Programming I AGR 291 Statistics for Agriculture HPH 102 Physis for Public Health EFN 204 Sociology of Education ECV 100 Engineering Drawing I TD Room ALT 200 East African Prose Fiction HPH 105 Behavioural Sciences ECE 210 HFN 145 General Biology HFN 147 Sociology for FND (11:00-1:00PM) ADF 102 ADF 100 ECE 224 Language Methods for Early Childhood SHT 202 Hosp & Tourism Organization Behaviour EET 200 Microeconomics II AGD 202 Participatory Approaches in Gender & Dev EAE 203 Mgt in the New Global Economy SCO200/SIT203/EMM308 OOP II / Programming II KRM 201 Field Agricultural Engineering EMM 212 Engineering Thermodynamics I ECD 211 Introduction to Geospatial Techniques ECU 202 Engineering Mathematics VII SCO207/SIT209/SIT224 Web Development Tech / Web Design EEE 206 Electrical Theory II SIT 225 Web Development AGE 200 Q & Q Technques in Geography SBT 202 General Microbiology APS 210 Motivation & Emotion (11:00-1:00PM) HFN 242 Food Microbiology HFM 206 Introduction to Textile Furnishing AEN 202 Survey of East African Literature CRM 204 Gender, Development & Technology BMS 202 Risk Management SBC 120 Introduction to Genetics (11:00-1:00PM) AHT 202 Early African Archaeology SAC 304 Pension Mathematics EEE 202 Computer programming SAC 203 Acturial Mathematics I (11:00-1:00PM) CRM 207 Community Based Conflict Mgt S ECU 221 Laplace & Fourier Transform (11:00-1:00PM) EET 201 Macroeconomic Theory II APS 203 (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 260 Probability & Statistics I SCO 303/SMA 496/SIT 372 Simulation & Modelling AGD 200 Gender Issues Governance & Development ANS 301 Ruminant Production ECV 204 Theory of Structures I ECT 306 Physics Methods SCO 209 Microprocessor & Assembly Lang Prog BAC 306 Bankruptcy & Reorganisation EMM 219 Fluid Mechanics I ARE 309 Systematic Theology EEE 208 Electrical Measurements EAE 313 Public Finance ARE 201 Critical Study of the Old Testament Text SMA 336 ODE II ACU 202 AGB 306 Financial Mangement in Agribusiness SPH 221 Analogue Electronics EES 301 Statistics for Economists I AGB 206 Agric cooperative Dev & Mgt ESN 313 Medical Aspects for Physical Disabilities ALT 206 Intro to Creative Writing AKS 301 Kiswahili Structure ALT 201 East Africa Prose Friction ESN 322 Comm Skills in HI 11 (11:00-1:00PM) ALT 201 Survey of African Literature ALT 300 Stylistics & Literacy Techniques ALT 202 Survey of African Literature ECU 301 Engineering Mathematics X APP 205 Intro to Administration Theory EMM 225 Engineering Mechanics II APH 200 APS 301 Human Learning AHT 203 Modern Governments in Africa SIT 300 Component Programming ECT 307 History Methods SCO 310 Component Programming SMA 367 Explorory Data Analysis EEE 305 Digital Electronics I ARE 302 The Church in Africa EEE 306 Digital Electronics II (11:00-1:00PM) ESU 305 Environmental Economics SPH 316 Information Technology I (11:00-1:00PM) SCO 305 / SIT 343 Computer Graphics / Graphical Systems ALT 303 Theory of Literature (11:00-1:00PM) AGR 374 Farm Machinery EMM 323 Mechanics of Machines II AGE 303 Geography of Development EMM 305 Metrology (11:00-1:00PM) AEN 300 Phonetics & Phonology Analysis SIT 365 Software Metrics (11:00-1:00PM) BBA 300 Organization Theory SCH 305 Chemical Kinetics SPH 300 Wave Theory AEN 303 Second Language Acquisition SMA 366 Quality Control Methods HFM 308 Textile Performance Testing SMA 332 Methods of Applied Mathematics I HFM 305 Tailored Apparel SMA 300 Real Analysis ECV 306 Transportation Planning & Devpt EMM 313 Measurement & Instrumentation AEN 311 Language & Speech Disorders AGD 300 Gender Analysis Framework BTM 371-3 Tour Operations Techniques APS 324 Emotions, Personal Meaning & Counselling HPH 302 Food safey and Sanitation SMA 364 Applied Statistical Methods HFM 304 SZL 315 Introduction to Parasitology HPH 308 Non - Communicable Diseases HPH 300 Research and research methods ECV 308 Soil Mechanics II SCO 390 Scientific Programming EMM 322 Engineering Thermodynamics IV ECV 305 Theory of Structures III AGN 374 Farm Machinery EMM 302 Solid & Structural Mechanics I ESN 318 Learning & Cognitive Processses for S w MR EEE 300 Electrical Machines II SAC 401 (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 333 Fluid Mechanics II SCO 405 Compression Techniques AGB 308 Agricultural Price Analysis SZL 406 Medical Helminthology (11:00-1:00PM) EAE 305 Urban Economics BBA 423 Sociology of Work EAE 313 Public Finance EET 401 Macroeconomic Theory IV BTM 316-3 Food Production Lab II AKS 413 Comparative Literature in Kiswahili (11:00-1:00PM) SAC 306 SMA 407 Measure & Integration AGE 311/ASC 306 Pop Geography / Demography & Pop S SMA 436 Methods bof Applied Mathematics II SAN 309 Nuclear & Radiation Chemistry SMA 466 Multivariate Stastical Methods II (11:00-1:00PM) SZL 415 Ecology for Sustainable Devt ARE 412 Islam, Christianity & African Religion (11:00-1:00PM) BMS 425 Strategic Procurement Mgt SCO 409 Natural Language Processing (11:00-1:00PM) EAE 412 Project Appraisal AEE 435 Agricultural Extension & Rural Development BAC 414 Real Estate Finance SBT 309 Advanced Plant Ecology (11:00-1:00PM) ALT 410 Drama in Education EMM 416 Control Engineering I SMA 465 Measure & Probability EMM 402 Mechanics of Machines III (11:00-1:00PM) SST 400 Demography & Vital Statistics EEE 400 Communication Systems I APS 402 Cognitive Psychology AGB 403 Agric Project Management SHT 405 Strategy Management in Hosp & Tourism HFM 400 Functional Apparel and Sportswear EMM 419 Mechanics Vibrations SCO 402 / SIT 402 Legal & Ethical Issues in IT AGB 416 / KST 413 Agricultural Policy & Law SCO 402 / SIT 402 Legal & Ethical Issues in IT ECV 405 Theory of Structures V BMS 401 Production & Operation Management SCO 406 / SIT 230 Computer Security EMM 414 Industrial Ergonomics SPH 402 Quantum Mechanics II SBT 419 Cytology & Molecular Biology (11:00-1:00PM) EMM 410 Manufacturing Processes II SCH 402 Concepts of Organic Synthesis EEE 402 Complex Analysis for Electrical Engineers ECV 505 Environmetal Engineering BMS 422 Procurement & Operation Law EEE 545 Satellite Communication (11:00-1:00PM) SAN 405 Electroanalytical Chemistry EEE 528 Electrical Machine Design (11:00-1:00PM) SPH 442 Instrumentation Systems ECV 517 Design of Bridges SCH 403 Phase Equilibria EMM 509 Robotics & Automation ECV 506 Public Health Engineering III EMM 500 System Reliability (11:00-1:00PM) EMM 503 Production Planning & Control EEE 546 Information Theory EEE 501 Renewable Technologies EMM 507 Plant Facilities Design (11:00-1:00PM) EMM 511 CADCAM DPS 110 purchasing principles and techniques EEE 548 Antennas & Propagation EEE 518 Digital Image Processing LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER UNITS IN BOLD PRINT WILL BE TAKEN BETWEEN 11:00 AM AND 1:00 PM DAY THREE - WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY, 2024 MORNING SESSION - 8:30 -10:30 AM AFTERNOON SESSION- 2:00- 4:00 PM UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE HFM 104 Care of Texile Products SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 HFM 106 Principles of Apparel Construction SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 AGB 102 Agri-enterprise and entepreneurship mgt SPAS Exams - ADB203 KBT 308 Food security& trade SPAS Exams - ADB203 ECE 126 Instructional Media SoE Exams - BASEMENT ECE 127 Language for Early Childhood Education SoE Exams - BASEMENT ECD 110 Environmental Innovations & Technology SET Exams - ADB 103 UCU 106 Ethics & Diversity SET Exams - ADB 103 SCO 110/SIT 190 Mathematical Foundation For Comp Science SHSS Exams - BASEMENT ECD 111 Strategic & Transformative Community Dev SHSS Exams - BASEMENT BMS 102 Management Mathematics II SAEHS Exams - ADB102 EED 100 Principles of Environimental Education SAEHS Exams - ADB102 SCO106/SMA130/SIT112 Electronics / Intro to Electronics SCO 111 / SIT 192 Differentical Calculus For Comp Science ERC 108 Natural Resource Utilization & Mgt EFN 102 History of Education APH 100 Intro to Philosophy SBT 100 Cellular Basis of Life. ARE 103 SCO100/ SMA190/SIT101 Fundamentals of Computing / Intro to Comp ALT 102 Literature & Society (11:00-1:00PM) ECU 109 /ECV 109 Foundations of IT ASC 101 Intro to Anthropology (11:00-1:00PM) ECU 108 / ECU 126 Intro to Engineering Profession HCR 102 Trends in Community Development APH 103 Intro to Ethics EMM 213 Workshop I (11:00-1:00PM) ARE 101 Intro to the Bible & the Qur'an SIT 160 Information Systems AHT 100 Sources of African History BHM 101 Principles of Nutrition & Diet Therapy SST 100 Intro to Business & Social Statistics CRM 103 Introduction to Community Health SHT 203 Hospitality & Tour Marketing ECU 106/120 (11:00-1:00PM) SIT 180 Computers & Society HFM 101 (11:00-1:00PM) SCO 105 Data Communications SZL 105 / SZL 106 Lab Methods & Techniques in Zoology (11:00-1:00PM) HEH 104 Introduction to Environmental Microbiology HFM 105 Intro to Fashion & Design (11:00-1:00PM) EPS100 Introduction to Psychology CRM 102 Trends in Community Development HFM 100 HFN 148 Micronutrients SCO 101 Systems Analysis & Design SCH 100 / HFN 142 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry ESU 111 Principles of Environment Planning & Mgt ECU 102 / ECU 123 Chemistry for Engineers II APS 103 SCH 101 / HFN 141 Intro to Physical Chemistry (11:00-1:00PM) HPH 106 Human Nutrition & Health ADF 104 ADF 106 HPH 100 /APP 102 Applied Technical Mathematics (11:00-1:00PM) AHT 201 Themes in East African History (11:00-1:00PM) ECU 101 / ECU 113 Chemistry for Engineers I SHT 200 Intermediate French SAN 101 Laboratory Procedures & Classical Analysis ECE 225 Art & Craft Methods (11:00-1:00PM) ECE 226 Methods of Teaching Music SBT 204 Bryophytes & Pterydophytes AEE 222 Measurements & Evaluation in Agri Edu & Ext SZL 201 Invertebrate Zoology SMA 231 Dynamics I SIT200/SIT307/SIT408 Management Information Systems I / ISM SZL 202 Comparative Physiology SIT384/SIT 401 Information Systems Management BAC 204 Business Finance II SIT384/SIT 401 Information Systems Management AGE 201 Physical Geography II BMS 200 Business Statistics SOL 201 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition SMA 200 Calculus II (11:00-1:00PM) ARE 200 Comparative Religion SMA 204 Algebraic Structures HEH 216 Principles of Environmental Parasitology EAE 200 Economics of Global Business AKS 203 Intro to the Theory & Practice of Translation ECV 205 Civil Engineering Materials I APS 213 Itroduction to Counselling Psychology SIT 208 Ethics in IT SST 200 Introduction to Computer Interactive Statistics SIT205/SIT283/SIT404 Enterpreurship (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 202 Linear Algebra I EMM 224 Fluid Mechanics II (11:00-1:00PM) ECV 207 Fluid Mechanics II EEE 209 Fluid Mechanics SIT210/240/414/490 Multimedia Technologies ENS 243 Environmetal Microbiology (11:00-1:00PM) EMM 209 Electrical Mechanics I ADB LAB HTM 214-2 Food & Beverage Service Lab I EEE 210 AutoCAD APP 201 Social Philosophy (11:00-1:00PM) EPS 200 Developmental Psychology ECE 213 Science & Mathematics in Early Childhood SPT 201 Mathematics for Physics II SAC 204 Risk Management (11:00-1:00PM) SHT 204 Hosp & Tour Management Accounting ECD 202 Community Water Resources & Sanitation M ECV 201 Surveying I EEM 225 Electrical Circults (11:00-1:00PM) ECV 206 Surveying II SCH 201 Chemical Thermodynamics (11:00-1:00PM) CRM 200 Community Development Planning BHM 203 Service theory SCH 200 Atomic Structure ECE 324 Screening Procedures in Children (11:00-1:00PM) ECE 325 Adolescents & Adult Psychology ARE 300 Theology of Old Testament AKS 300 Morphology & Syntax SCO 309 Reserch Methods & Technical AEN 306 Psycholinguistics AEE 349 Agric Project ESU 304 Research Methods ECT 307 History Methods SCO 311/SIT 405 Electronic Commerce BAC 302 Advanced Financial Accounting II AHE 300 Animal Health & Diseases SZL 307 Fundamentals of Immunology BAC 300 Management Accounting I ARE 301 Theology of New Testament AGR 305 Plant Breeding AGE 300 Aerial Photography & Field Course (11:00-1:00PM) AEN 301 Discourse Analysis EET 300 Microeconomic Theory III (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 301 ECV 309 Hydraulics II HCU 301 Introductory Statistics SCO 304 Advanced Database Systems SMA 362 Operations Research I EMM 300 Engineering Electronics EET 301 Macroeconomic Theory III EEE 307 Network Analysis & Synthesis SIT306/201/105/170/271 Data Communications EEE 309 Analogue Electronics II (11:00-1:00PM) SZL 316 Principles of Medical Microbiology BAC 304 Principles of Taxation SCO 302 Software Project Mangement ENS 302 Statistics EMM 325 Solid & Structural Mechanics II SZL 303 Essentials of Molecular Biology EEE 308 Analogue Electronics I AGB 302 Quantitative Tech in Agrib Mgt SPH 314 Microwav & Devices AKS 302 Theories of Literary Criticism BAC 308 Corporate Finance APS 308 Psychological Assessment (11:00-1:00PM) AGD 301 Gender Based Violence HFM 310 Beauty Therapy & Hairdressing (11:00-1:00PM) SBT 310 Plant Physiology AHT 338 World Economic Systems SBT 310 Plant Physiology AGE 302 Geography of Africa BBA 302 Business Law II AKS 309 Stylistics AKS 303 Contemporary Kisw Novel & Play ECV 304 Surveying III AGB 305 International Agricultural Trade ECV 312 Theory of structures IV SCH 302 Chemistry of Aromatic Compounds HCM 303 Professional Community Practice & Consulta AGD 301 Gender Based Violence HPH 304 Mental Health (11:00-1:00PM) SBT 310 Plant Physiology SPH 304 A.C Circuit Theory (11:00-1:00PM) SBT 310 Plant Physiology SPH 410 Sensors & Transducer BBA 302 Business Law II SPH 449 Computational Methods in Physics (11:00-1:00PM) AKS 303 Contemporary Kisw Novel & Play SCH 303 Stereochemistry Conformation Studies AGB 305 International Agricultural Trade SCH 301 Coordiantion & Organometallic Chemistry EAE 304 Labour Economics EMM 324 Fluid Mechanics IV SCO 300 Computer Networks AGN 373 Farm Structures SIT 394 Emerging Technologies ESN 314 Habilition & Rehabilitation of Motor Dev (11:00-1:00PM) HRM 308 ECE 409 Practium IV SMA 331 Dynamics II SBT 403 Ecophysiology SAC 302 Financial Mathematics BMS 424 Negotiation Skills HFM 303 Essentials of Fashion Marketing BBA 409 Industrial Marketing (11:00-1:00PM) APP 306 Media & Public Policy BHT418-4 Hosp & Tour Financial ECT 309 Religiuos Methods BAC 404 Cost Accouting II EAE 302 Economics of Micro finance I ALT 417 Major Literary Movements (11:00-1:00PM) HPH 305 Solid Waste Management AEN 403 Sociolinguistics SAC 300 Actuarial Mathematics II AEN 402 English Sematics & Pragmatics (11:00-1:00PM) AFB003 French for Beginners III ARE 403 Ecumenical Movement (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 304 Number Theory AGE 410 Urban Geography (11:00-1:00PM) SAN 304 Computational Chem & Molecular Modelling SMA 433 Partial Differential Equation II SCH 302 Chemistry of Aromatic Compounds SAC 407 Project in Acturial Science SHT 304 Consumer Behaviour AHT 419 History of Science & Technology (11:00-1:00PM) SCH 401/ SAN 301 Electrochemistry AHT 437 Political Thought Since 1600 Ce SPH 420 Microcontrollers and PLC Technology SCO 413 Robotics ECE 410 Social Psychology BHT 418-4 Hospitality Financial Management (11:00-1:00PM) BBA 402 Mgt of International Business SPH 407 Waveguides (11:00-1:00PM) ECU 402 Engineering Economics SBT 401 General Genetics (11:00-1:00PM) BAC 408 Investment & Portfolio Mgt ECV 403 Foundation Engineerng I AEN 407 Lingustics Typology & Language Classificat AGB 406 Analysis of Agric Institutions & Agencies EMP 403 Education Planning & Economics of Edu EEE 403 Analogue Electronics III EMP403 Economics of Education & Planning EMM 407 Heat Transfer AHT 401 Themes in the History of the Horn of Africa EMM 409 Manufacturing Processes I (11:00-1:00PM) APS 409 Lifestyle Diseases & Rehabilitation SCO 408 Information Systems Management SCO 415/409 Data Warehousing & Data Mining ENS 457 Arid & Semi Arid Land Development SIT 452 Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery ARE 401 Christian Response to Contemporary AGB 405 Agric Marketing Mgt ALT 400 Literary Aesthetics SZL 407 Advanced Immunology ASC 401 AGR 412 Post Harverst Technology SIT 412 Accounting for Information Systems EMM 420 Simulation & Modeling SIT 404 Management Mathematics ARE 400 Contemporary Trends in Christian Theology BMS 423 Supplier Relationship Management ALT 401 African Literature ECV 411 Foundations Engineering II EAE 408 Economics of Industry SAC 404 I Assent Management AGR 400 Pasture & Fodder Production SCH 400 Sensors & Transducer BMS 426 Public Procurement Management EEE 553 Radio Communication Engineering (11:00-1:00PM) BBA 412 Applied Market Research ECV 510 Logistics & Systems Analysis in Transporta BAC 400 EMM 502 Quality Management (11:00-1:00PM) ECV 402 Irrigation Engineering I EMM 508 Flexible Manufaturing Systems ECV 511 Public Health Engineering IV EEE 552 Power Systems Dynamic EMM 513 Jig, Tool & Fixture Design EEE 538 E. Machine Design LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER UNITS IN BOLD PRINT WILL BE TAKEN BETWEEN 11:00 AM AND 1:00 PM DAY FOUR - THURSDAY 18TH JULY, 2024 MORNING SESSION - 8:30 -10:30 AM AFTERNOON SESSION- 2:00- 4:00 PM UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE ECE 121 Philosophical & Sociological Foundations SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 ECE 122 Child Development II SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 HPH 303 Meat Pathology & Inspection SPAS Exams - ADB203 KBT 315 Agribusiness Finance&Credit mgt SPAS Exams - ADB203 ECD 100 Foundations & Dev of Environmetalism SoE Exams - BASEMENT ECD 109 Human Ecology & Adaptations SoE Exams - BASEMENT EAE 100 Economics of Information & Technology SET Exams - ADB 103 KCU 100 /AEE 111 History & Dev of East African Agriculture SET Exams - ADB 103 SOL 100 Introduction to Soil Science SHSS Exams - BASEMENT SST 103 Linear Algebra SHSS Exams - BASEMENT EPS 103 Introduction to Psychology SAEHS Exams - ADB102 SMA 103 Analytical Geometry SAEHS Exams - ADB102 ESN 100 Dev of Special Needs Education (11:00-1:00PM) KST 104 Fundamentals of Chemistry SMA 102 Basic Mathematics BAC 101 Fundamentals of Accounting II BBA 101 Business Law SIT 101 Information, Comm & Technology in Agrib SCO 104 / SIT 115 Computer Organization I APS 102 Social Psychology AGD 100 Intro to Gender & Development SCO 113/ Found of Artificial Intelligence HPH 103 Lab Methods for Environmental Health EMM 103 Engineering Materials AKS 102 Historical Dev of Kiswahili ECD 108 Global Trends in Community Development SHT 101 Introduction to Computer Application APP 102 Quatatitive Methods SHT 101 Intro to Computer Application (11:00-1:00PM) ASC 100 Intro to Sociology KCU 101 Fundamentals of Mathematics (11:00-1:00PM) ALT 101 Intro to Lit Geners ESN 108 Assessement in Special Needs (11:00-1:00PM) HTM 106-1 Service Management HCM/HCR 101 Human Development SHT 102 French for Beginners I SBT 102 Plant Morphology & Anatomy AEN 101 An Intro to the Grammar of English ECU 107 Enginering Mathematics IV SCH 103 Intro to Classical Anaysis & Separation T AGE 101 Developmemt of Geographical Thought (11:00-1:00PM) AGE 103 Spatial Organization SCC 110 Cloud Computing SAC 102 Mathematics Modelling ENS136 Principles of Environmental Science SIT 111 Introduction to databases SST 102 Discrete Mathematics ALT 100 Critical Reading & Response AGN 113 Intro to Workshop ECU 120 Algebra for Engineers HPH 108 Medical Parasitology AKS 100 Introduction to the Study of Language SPH 100 Mechanics I (11:00-1:00PM) KST 104 Fundamentals of Chemistry ADF 109 ADF 101 SHT 201 Principles & Practice Management SCH 103 Intro to Classical Anaysis & Separation T HFM 204 Intro to Flat Pattern Design HPH 103 Lab Methods for Public Health SZL 205 Principles of Biochemistry ECV 126 Engineering Drawing I TD Room BAC 200 Accounting for Assets SCO 213 Numerical Analysis for Comp Science AKS 200 Phonetics & Phonology APP 203 Administrative Law AEN 200 Phonetics & Phonology HFM 210 Texile Printing EPS 201 Psychology of Learning SZL 203 Development Biology EAE 202 Financial Instruments & Risk Mgt AEE 221 Principles of Teaching & Learning Agric AGR 203 Field Crops Production SIT 206 / SCO 204 Data Structures & Algorithm SMA 261 Probability & Statistics II ECT 202 Instructional Methods SCO 212/SIT 191 Probability & Statistics ASC 205 Rural Sociology ECV 208 Strength of Materials II EES 201 Statistics for Economists I EMM 215 Engineering Mechanics I SMA 262 Differential Equations EEE 212 Mechanics of Machines EMM 211 Workshop Processes & Practice II AGR 206 Horticultural Crops AGB 205/ KBT 102 Principles Of Agricultural Marketing HTM 218-2 MICE ESN219 Curriculum Adaptation SHT 105 Intro to Economics in Hospitality & Tourism HTM 219-2 Legal Aspects ESN 218 Augmentative & Alt.Communication APH 201 Social & Political Philosophy EAE 204 Developmemt Economics SCO 205/SIT 241/305 Foud of Artificial Intellence AKS 202 Language Skills in Ksw II APS 212 Child Psychology SCO 201 Computer Organization II SST 202/SIT 223 Object Oriented Programming SIT 283 SCS 209 Internet Technology SAN 200 Separation, Puritication & Detection T (11:00-1:00PM) EEE 201 Thermodynamics SZL 201 Invertebrate Zoology ECV 203 Strength of materials I ALT 206 Intro to Creative Writing BTM 203 Airfares & Ticketing SPH 207 Digital Electronics & Devices BHM 205 Principles of House Keeping & Laundry ECV 210 CE materials II SST 201 Operation Research I ECV 205 CE materials I ASC 201 ARE 202 ARE 215 AMS 203 APH 206 CRM 208 Social Entrepreneurship HCM 202 Community Extension Services EEE 200 Introl to Material Science ECV 200 Engineering Drawing II TD Room ECE 326 Role of Family in A Changing Society SPH 205 Mathematics for Physics BAC 305 Financial Markets & Institutions HFN 245 Human Anatomy and Physiology II SIT 301 Database Administration ECD 321 Resource Mobilization & Economic Empower AGE 301 Physical Geography III AEE 323 Special Methods Teaching Agric ESN 321 Comm. Skills in HI 1 (11:00-1:00PM) BAC 310 Management of Financial Institutions SMA 305 Calculus Analysis I SIT 308 / SCO 307 Human Computer Interaction BSU 305 Research Methods ECT 309 Religious Methods HCU 300 Introduction to Research Methods AKS 300 HFM 306 Fashion Production Development SMA 330 Numerial Analysis I APH 308 Philosophy of Language EAE 301 Economics of Taxation EAE 303 Managerial Economics AEE 301 Agricultural Extension & Technology Transfer SMA 392 Commerial of Programming SMA 361 Theory of Estimation ECV 311 Surveying IV EAE 307 International Economics I EEE311 Control Systems II ECV 303 Public Health Enginnering I ECT 300 Education Technology SCO 308 Design & Analysis of Algorithms SZL 304 Evolution Biology (11:00-1:00PM) EEE 313 Transmission Lines & Wave Guides EMM 314 Manufacturing Work Study ECT 308 Subject Methods Geography SMA 365 Design & Analysis of Sample Survey SPH 316 Information Technology I KST 301 Agricultural Entomology BAC 303 Principles of Auditing SPH 310 Signal Processing (11:00-1:00PM) ARE 310 Social Philosophy Polymer Synthesis & Applications EMM 312 Fluid Mechanics III ALT 301 Theory & Methods of Oral Literature AHT 305 Critical Study of History HCM 305 Community Outreach Programmes AGR 309 Perennial Production ASC 301 Sociology of Marriage & the Family HFM 309 Technical Design in the Fashion Industry APP 307 Public Policy Analysis (11:00-1:00PM) BTM 378-3 Cultural & Heritage Tourism ASC 322 Social Problems (11:00-1:00PM) SBT 300 Cell Biology & Genetics AGD 312 Gender Dimensions in Rural Development ECO 300 / EAE 300 Research Methods AGD 311 Urbanization & Development (11:00-1:00PM) ALT 302 Poetry AHT 326 SAC 308 General Insurance SZL 306 Human Biology ARE 312 Philosophy of Religion HPH 312 Occupational Health & Safety (11:00-1:00PM) AGD 303 Gender & Envirnmental Mgt AEE 322 Principles of Agric Extension AHT 300 Speculativ Philosophy of History APP 309 (11:00-1:00PM) APP 305 Ethics & Government APH 312 Philosopy & Social Dynamics (11:00-1:00PM) SST 303 Research Methodology SPH 311 Ionosphherics Physics ALT 318 The Novel HCM 301 Survey of Comm Welfare Programmes SPH 390 HCM 302 Policy Formulation Management (11:00-1:00PM) APS 307 Theories of Counselling HPH 303 Meat Pathology & Inspection ECU 302 Innovation for Engineers ECD 321 Civil Society & Sustainable Development (11:00-1:00PM) ESU 300 Environmental Impact Assessment & Audit HCR 307 Leadership & Mgt in Community Practice HCR 312 Community Advocacy & Network EEE 303 Power Systems I SAC 305 Investiment & Asset Management HFN 342 Nutrition Biochemistry HFM 307 ESN 317 Intro to Medical Aspects for Children w MR AKS 401 Second Language Learning ECE 411 Behavior Disorders in Children (11:00-1:00PM) SAN 412 Advances in Computational Chemistry ECE 412 Mainstreaming of Special Children ECE 412 Guidance & Counselling BBA 414 Mgt of Public Enterprises BMS 427 International Purchasing BBA 404 Innovation & New Product Mgt (11:00-1:00PM) EES 402 Operation Research I EAE 404 Economics of Public Enterprise (11:00-1:00PM) EMM 413 Operation Research SAC 402 Principles of Financial Mgt BAC 411 Trust & Executorship AGE 402 Surveying SMA 406 Funtional Theory AGE 403 Ecumenical Movement (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 461 Operation Research II SCO 417 GIS ARE 406 Moral Theology AEE 412 Technical Reporting & Writing ASC 427 Sociology for Youth ANS 433 Animal Nutrition & Feeding AGD 415 Gender, Education & Development EEE 412 Power Systems III (11:00-1:00PM) SCO 419 ERP Systems AGB 412 International Corporate Finance SPH 431 Internet Technology HOR 441 Vegetable Production SIT 410 Knowledge Based Systems EPS 400 Educational Testing & Measurement (11:00-1:00PM) AGR 422 Principles of Organic Farming & Conservation SZL 409 Envirnmental Physiology (11:00-1:00PM) ESN 410 Vocational Rehab.& Career Counselling SPH 408 Antennas (11:00-1:00PM) AGB 411 Intermediate Macro -Economics BAC 403 Management Accounting II AGB 402 Food & Nutrition Security APS 424 Professional Issues & Ethics (11:00-1:00PM) EMM 403 Robotics & Automation SZL 405 Medical Protozoology AGE 409 Applied Climatology AHT 418 Selected Issues in E African History (11:00-1:00PM) AEN 401 Varietis of English SPH 400 Classical Mechanics BAC 402 Specialized Financial Accounting ASC 422 Sociology of Development ASC 407 Work & Industry EMP 401 Educational Administration (11:00-1:00PM) ECV 410 Structural Design I ECV 412 Structural Design II BHT 409 Internal Controls SAP 403 Bioanalytical techniques EMM 506 Manufacturing Management SBT 405 EEE 508 Power Electronics & Variable Speed Drives ECV 507 Geotechnical Engineering ECV 522 Morphogenesis & Development Anatomy EEE 505 Switch Gear & Protection EEE 518 Power Systems Analysis EMM 505 Manufacturing Systems Design Design & Construction of Dams LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER UNITS IN BOLD PRINT WILL BE TAKEN BETWEEN 11:00 AM AND 1:00 PM DAY FIVE - FRIDAY 19TH JULY, 2024 MORNING SESSION - 8:30 -10:30 AM AFTERNOON SESSION- 2:00- 4:00 PM UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE UNIT CODE SUBJECT VENUE ESU 111 Principles of Environment Planning & Mgt SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 SPH 105 Applied Physics lab 1 SBEHTM Exams - ADB202 AHT 102 Dev of Geographical Thought SPAS Exams - ADB203 UCU 101 Development Studies SPAS Exams - ADB203 AHT 102 Intro to Political Science SoE Exams - BASEMENT HFM 107 Apparel for Children & Teenagers SoE Exams - BASEMENT EPM 111 Principles of Environmental Planning & Mgt SET Exams - ADB 103 AGR 102 Principles of Crop Production SET Exams - ADB 103 SZL 100 General Zoology SHSS Exams - BASEMENT BAC 100 Fundamentals of Accounting I SHSS Exams - BASEMENT BBA 100 Business Studies SAEHS Exams - ADB102 BMS 100 Management of Mathematics SAEHS Exams - ADB102 AEN 102 The use of English for Academic Purposes (11:00-1:00PM) AEN 111 / AGN 111 Technical Drawing TD Room SMA 104 Calculus I SMA191/SIT 122/SCO102 Structured Programming SHT 103 Principles of Accounting in Hosp & Tour AGE 102 Physical Geography I ASC 103 Social Structures of African Societies SMA191/SIT 120/EEE102 Intro to Computer Programming EMM 111 Engineering Drawing & Design I BMS 201/EMM201/SPH409 Computer Programming EES 100 Mathematics for Economics I SCO 103/SIT223 OOP 1 APS 100 Intro to Psychology (11:00-1:00PM) EMM 121 Engineering Drawing & Design II AGE 100 Intro to Cartography & Map Analysis (11:00-1:00PM) HTM 109-1 Tourism Philosophies & Practices SHT 100 Fundamental of Hospitality & Tour Industry ESN109 Assessment in SNE ADF 103 HPH 104 Fundamental of Environmental Health HSU 100 Basic Life Support & Emergency Care ENS 124 Technology, Development & Environment (11:00-1:00PM) ECV 102 Computer Programming I SZL100 General zology AGR 201 Principles of Crop Production SBT 101 Survey of the Plant Kingdom (11:00-1:00PM) SZL 207 Essential of Cell Biology SPH 104 Intro to Telecommunication BAC 202 Cost Accounting I BHM 100 Intro to Food Safety & Hygiene AKS 201 Introduction to the Study of Literature SZL100 General zology SMA 201 Calculus III SCO101/SIT204 Systems Analysis & Design EAE 201 Economic of Public Expenditure SZL 101 Introduction to Ecology & Bioanalysis (11:00-1:00PM) ECV 211 Electromechanical Engieering HPH 107 Climate Change and Health (11:00-1:00PM) HFM 212 History Conservation & Preservation of T KCU 200 Statistics in Agriculutre AGD 204 Advocacy & Networking EMM 216 Workshop Processes & Practice III SCO 202 / SIT 327 Event Driven Programming SIT 207/SIT 263 Software Engineering SCO206/SMA392 Database Systems ACU 201 Intro to Social Statistics SST203/EEE 207/SIT250 Database Management Systems AGE 202 Human Geography BAC 201 Accounting for Liabilities & Equities EEE 205 Physical Electronics SIT 211/SIT 181 Introduction to Logic APS 214 Human Sexuality SIT 226 Logic Programming AHT 200 A History of Kenya EMP 201 Curriculum Development SZL 200 Vertebrate zoology SMA 230 Vector Analysis (11:00-1:00PM) SHT 205 Events & Conference Management EES 200 Mathematics for Economics II EEE 204 Circuit theory SPH 200 / SPT 200 Mechanics II HOR 211 Principles of Horticulture Production ASC 204 / ASC 200 Intro to Sociological Theory SZL 300 Biostatistics AEN 203 Morphology Syntax & Semantics SIT 311 Computer Architecture SCO 211/SMA 394 Automata Theory/ Theory of Computation SPH 445 Satellite Comunication EMM 214 Electrical Engineering AHT 319 Transformation of Europe AGB 204 Principles of Agric Macro-economics SMA 335 ODE I BAC 203 Business Finance I (11:00-1:00PM) SCH 300 Comparative Study of S & P Block Elements APP 204 Public Choice SMA 363 Tests of Hypothesis I SHT 217 / EAE 309 Health Economics ESU 211 Intro to Remote Sensing / Geographical Infor ECT 311 Literature Methods SBT 200 Plant Ecology (11:00-1:00PM) ECT 330 Agriculture Methods ESU 200 Introduction to Statistics (11:00-1:00PM) ECU 300 Enginnering Mathematics IX ECV 209 Theory of Structures II EEE 315 Electrical Machines III EMM 222 Engineering Thermodynamics II SPH 313 Transmission Lines ECT 310 English Methods SPH 317 Electroaccoustic AEN 302 English Grammar & Usage BAC 301 Advanced Financial Accounting I ERC 304 Agroforestry Systems & Practices EAE 314 Financial Ethics PPH 300 Research Methods ECT 302 Mathematics Methods EFN 302 Philosophy of Education SZL 312 Limnology BBA 308 Human Resource Management II EEE 310 Control Systems I SST 301 Programming Language for Statistics I APP 303 Devolved Government EAE 308 International Economics II HCM 309 Community Housing EAE 310 Economics of Money & Banking ECU 301 Innovation and Entrep. for Engineers ECV 300 Eginnering Geology (11:00-1:00PM) EES 302 Operations Research I ECV 312 Theory of Structures IV SBT 303 Principles of Plant Pathology SIT 303 System Administration (11:00-1:00PM) SIT 366 System Development BTM 377-3 Airfares & Ticketing ASC 308 Comm Development Concepts & Practice SIT 304/SCO 107/SIT121 Operating Systems APS 325 Intro to Skills & Techniques of C SPH 315 Electrodynamics SCO 306 Programming Languages AHT 318 Gender Relations in African History AGR 308 / KRM 308 Annual Crops Production AGD 306 Economic Planning & Policy Dev HTM 305-3 Research Methods in Hosp & Tourism APS 300 Counselling Practicum (11:00-1:00PM) HPH 310 Biotechnology & Health APS 323 Behavior Modification AGD 308 BTM 376-3 Sociology of Tourism HCR 308 Household Resource Management AHT 326 Nationalism in Africa & Developing World SCH 300 Comparative Study of S&P Block SIT 328 Operating Systems Implementation SPH 302 Structure & Properties of Matter EES 300 Mathematics for Economics SAN 308 / SPH 305 Research Methodology ECT 313 Kiswahili Methods (11:00-1:00PM) BHT 415-4 Product Marketing EES 303 Sample Surveys (11:00-1:00PM) SPH 432 Telemetry & Communication SMA 360 Probability & Stat / Multivarite Statistical ENS 433 Environmental Biotechnology HPH 307 Building Construction and Technology SBT 420 Biotechnology SMA 302 Group Theory (11:00-1:00PM) SBT 420 Agricultural Biotechnology ENS 331 Remote Sensing for Environmental Sciences (11:00-1:00PM) SHT 411 Ep for Hospitality & Tourism Mgt AHT 421 Agricultural History of Kenya Since 1900 BAC 413 Marketing of Financial Institutions HCM 307 Leadership & Mgt in Comm Practise SMA 403 Galois Theory SIT 328 Operating Systems Implementation (11:00-1:00PM) ASC 430 Collective Behavior SAC 301 Actural Mathematics APS 424 Professional Issues & Ethics EES 300 Mathematics for Economics SCO 423 Info Systems Auditing SPH 301 Quantum Mechanics I SIT 411/SIT 374 Distributed Systems ECE 414 Reasearch in Children & Family s (11:00-1:00PM) SCO 410 Distributed Systems SZL 408 Applied Immunology (11:00-1:00PM) SCO 411 Neural Networks BBA 408 Employee Couselling & Crisis Mgt (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 493 Development of Software Engineering BBA 411 Agricultural Marketing EEE 406 Microprocessor Systems & Applications EAE 401 Monetary Theory & Policy (11:00-1:00PM) EEE 415 Electrol Dynamics EAE 410 Demographic Economics AEE 430 Statistical & Research methods in Agri Edu EAE 402 Economics of Microfinance II SZL 407 Applied Immunology SAC 405 Loss Distributions & Credility Theory AKS 400 Isimu Jamii AGD 407 Gender, Conflict Mgt & Peace Building AEN 400 Advanced Theoritical Lingustics ASC 425 / APP 311 Political Sociology Environment Economics & Policy SCO 421/SIT 408 Decision Support Systems (11:00-1:00PM) BAC 405 Accounting Theory not Included AHT 400 Intro to Political Economy AGD 405 Gender, Human Rights & Dev SMA490/SCO101/SIT204 Systems Analysis & Design AGE 401 EEE 405 Power Electronics (11:00-1:00PM) AGD 410 AGE 400 EFN 402 Comparative Education AGD 416 Gendered Media (11:00-1:00PM) BAC 412 EEE 410 Signals & Systems (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 463 Time Series Analysis SBT 405 SBT 433 ext Biotech ESN 420 Research Project in SNE SMA 432 Partial Differential Equation I SBT 408 Forest Ecology (11:00-1:00PM) AGE 403 Applied Biogeography HFM 401 HFN 408 ESN 425 Assistive Tech. & Devises BTM 474 - 4 Sustainable Tourism ESN 455 Audiology & Electroaccoustics EEE 509 Mobile & Wireless Communication BAC 407 Financial Statement Analysis EMM 504 Theory of Production Processes EEE 506 High Voltage Technology & HVDC Transmi EEE 533 Electronic Circuits ECV 509 Civil Engineering Practice (11:00-1:00PM) EEE 529 Optic Fiber EEE 507 Energy Mgt & Envirnmental Protection (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 430 Numerical Analysis (11:00-1:00PM) SPH 451 Radiation and Enviromental physics (11:00-1:00PM) SMA 431 Differential Geometry EEE 507 Microwave Engineering (11:00-1:00PM) LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER LECTURER TO INVIGILATE OWN PAPER KINDLY TAKE NOTE THAT ALL UNITS IN BOLD PRINT WILL BE EXAMINED BETWEEN 11:00 AM AND 1:00 PM