Mach3 OEM Code
Mach3 OEM Code
Mach3 OEM Code
Function OEMCode
Screen 1 select(e.g. Program Run screen) 1
Screen 2 select (e.g. MDI screen select) 2
e.g. Toolpath screen select 3
e.g. Positioning screen select 4
e.g. Diagnostics screen select 5
e.g. Corrections screen select 6
e.g. Tables screen select 7
Inc Inc Up 100
Inc Inc Down 101
Reset Interp 102
Jog mode toggle 103
Goto Safe Z 104
Home Z then X then Y, A, B, C - set machine
Units 106
Mach coords 107
Feed raise 108
Feed lower 109
Spindle CW, reset THC height 110
Slow Jog Up 111
Slow Jog Dn 112
Flood toggle 113
Mist toggle 114
Edit G-code 115
Zero radius DRO on X 116
Zero radius DRO on Y 117
Zero radius DRO on Z 118
Software limits 119
Touch button for Tool length offset 120
Tool Tab Save 121
Fixture Tab Save 122
Torch Enable Toggle 123
Torch Cal Zero 124
Enc Load X 125
Enc To X 126
Enc Load Y 127
Enc To Y 128
Enc Load Z 129
Enc To Z 130
Toggle Mill/Turn mode 131
Tool Path Toggle 132
Zero X Encoder 133
Zero Y Encoder 134
Zero Z Encoder 135
Tool Offset Tog 136
Fixture Off 137
Go Home 138
Part X Offset Touch 139
Part Y Offset Touch 140
Part Z Offset Touch 141
Part A Offset Touch 142
Part B Offset Touch 143
Part C Offset Touch 144
Tool X Offset Touch 145
Tool Z Offset Touch 146
Joy Throttle select 147
Touch Corr Enable Toggle 148
Auto Lim Override Toggle 149
OverRide Limits 150
SS on Act4 Toggle 151
reserved 152
reserved 153
reserved 154
Units/rev - Units/min toggle 155
Set this line as next to execute 156
Jog Follow 157
Joystick ON 158
Joystick OFF 159
Regen toolpath display 160
Function OEMCode
Jog Inc Inc DRO 1
Pulse Freq DRO 2
Slow Jog % DRO 3
X min DRO 4
Y min DRO 5
Z min DRO 6
A min DRO 7
B min DRO 8
C min DRO 9
X max DRO 10
Y max DRO 11
Z max DRO 12
A max DRO 13
B max DRO 14
C max DRO 15
X G92 Axis Off DRO 16
Y G92 Axis Off DRO 17
Z G92 Axis Off DRO 18
A G92 Axis Off DRO 19
B G92 Axis Off DRO 20
C G92 Axis Off DRO 21
Queue Depth DRO 22
Time Scale DRO 23
PWM Base DRO 24
Torch Correction Speed DRO 25
Torch Height Corrorrection DRO 26
Torch Height Max DRO 27
CPU Load DRO 28
Encoder 1 (X) position DRO 29
Encoder 2 (Y) position DRO 30
Encoder 3 (Z) position DRO 31
Tool length offset 32
X axis Ref Sw DRO 33
Y axis Ref Sw DRO 34
Z axis Ref Sw DRO 35
A axis Ref Sw DRO 36
B axis Ref Sw DRO 37
C axis Ref Sw DRO 38
True spindle DRO 39
Worst Case DRO 40
Tool X Offset DRO 41
Tool Z Offset DRO 42
Tool Dia DRO 43
Tool Tip Rad DRO 44
Touch Correction DRO 45
Current Fixture Number DRO 46
Part X Offset DRO 47
Part Y Offset DRO 48
Part Z Offset DRO 49
Part A Offset DRO 50
Part B Offset DRO 51
Part C Offset DRO 52
CPU Speed DRO 53
Safe Z DRO 54
Overidden Feed Rate DRO (read only?) 55
Pulley DRO 56
Max Spindle Speed on current pulley DRO 57
Velocity per Rev DRO 58
X Scale DRO 59
Y Scale DRO 60
Z Scale DRO 61
A Scale DRO 62
B Scale DRO 63
C Scale DRO 64
Lowest Torch Correction DRO 65
Threading Entrance Angle DRO 66
Max Entrance Points DRO 67
Rotational Time Error DRO 68
Entrance Trigger DRO 69
Time Correction Derivative DRO 70
Interrupts per spindle rev DRO 71
Current Spin Counts DRO 72
Spin Adder DRO 73
Spindle Speed Override DRO 74
Stock Size DRO 75
Laser X Grid DRO 76
Laser Y Grid DRO 77
Repetitions DRO 78
Lower Z-Inhibit By DRO 79
Z-Inhibit DRO 80
Port Bit-test DRO (diagnostic) 81
Anti-dive limit DRO 82
X Machine Coord DRO 83
Y Machine Coord DRO 84
Z Machine Coord DRO 85
A Machine Coord DRO 86
B Machine Coord DRO 87
C Machine Coord DRO 88
Blend factor DRO 89
Number of spindle disc slots DRO 90
G73 Pull-off value DRO 91
Tangential lift threshold angle DRO 92
Tangential lift Z level DRO 93
reserved 94
reserved 95
reserved 96
CV Feedrate DRO 97
Feed override increment value DRO 98
??? Spindle ratio DRO 99
Encoder 4 position DRO 100
MPG 1 count DRO 101
MPG 2 count DRO 102
MPG 3 count DRO 103
Rapid feedrate DRO 104
Diameter of current tool DRO 105
Tip direction of current tool DRO 106
Tool nose radius of current tool DRO 107
X offset of current tool DRO 108
Z offset of current tool DRO 109
X wear offset of current tool DRO 110
Z wear offset of current tool DRO 111
Tool turret angle of current tool DRO 112
Velocity of MPG 1 DRO 113
Velocity of MPG 2 DRO 114
Velocity of MPG 3 DRO 115
Function FCode
G92 LED 10
Spindle ON LED (CW or CCW) 11
Mist LED 12
Flood LED 13
Jog mode Cont LED 14
Jog mode Incr LED 15
Mach coords warn LED 16
Feed override LED 17
Estimating LED 18
Emergency LED 19
A radius corr. LED 20
B radius corr. LED 21
C radius corr. LED 22
Software limits LED 23
Torch En LED 24
True spindle Acc LED 25
True spindle Dec LED 26
Tool Path LED 27
Tool Offset on LED 28
Part Offset on LED (always in 6.11) 29
Throttle is Slow Jog LED 30
Throttle is Feedrate LED 31
reserved 32
Auto Lim override LED 33
Override Limits/home switches LED 34
SS on Act4 LED 35
THC Arc Good LED 36
Torch Up active LED 37
Torch Down active LED 38
Feed per Rev LED 39
Feed per Min LED 40
X Scale LED 41
Y Scale LED 42
Z Scale LED 43
A Scale LED 44
B Scale LED 45
C Scale LED 46
reserved 47
Abs Coordinate Mode LED 48
Incremental Coordinate Mode LED 49
Threading Sync Mode LED (Turn) 50
Laser Probe enabled LED 51
Z-Inhibit ON LED 52
Ignore Tool Change ON LED 53
CV Mode ON LED 54
M30 Repeats Enabled LED 55
CV mode OFF LED 56
MPG Jog On LED 57
Cont. Jog is at full speed LED 58
MPG 1 Jogs X axis LED 59
MPG 1 Jogs Y axis LED 60
MPG 1 Jogs Z axis LED 61
MPG 1 Jogs A axis LED 62
MPG 1 Jogs B axis LED 63
MPG 1 Jogs C axis LED 64
Optional Stop On LED 65
Block Delete On LED 66
Offline indicator LED 67
Threading feed related to true Spindle
speed LED
Index signal awaited LED (Turn) 69
Anti-dive enabled LED 70
Spindle speed stable LED 71
IJ Mode is Absolute LED 72
IJ Mode is Incremental LED 73
G-code teaching file is open LED 74
reserved 76
Output 4 Active LED 77
Output 5 Active LED 78
Output 6 Active LED 79
Pause Active LED 80
Tangential control Active LED 81
Single Step mode Active LED 82
Jogging enabled LED 83
CV feed enabled LED 84
Enhanced Pulsing NOT in use LED 85
Axis inhibited X LED 86
Axis inhibited Y LED 87
Axis inhibited Z LED 88
Axis inhibited A LED 89
Axis inhibited B LED 90
Axis inhibited C LED 91
Diameter mode active (Turn) LED 92
Timing signal active (Turn) LED 93
Hotkeys enabled LED 94
Units per minute mode LED 95
Units per rev mode LED 96
Running in reverse (duplicated by 112)
MPG 2 Jogs X axis LED 98
MPG 2 Jogs Y axis LED 99
MPG 2 Jogs Z axis LED 100
MPG 2 Jogs A axis LED 101
MPG 2 Jogs B axis LED 102
MPG 2 Jogs C axis LED 103
MPG 2 in taper mode LED 104
Two MPGs in use LED 105
Shuttle mode in use LED 106
Spindle is in CSS (G96) mode LED 107
X/Y coordinate system is currently
rotated LED
Rapids being overidden LED 109
Axis formula mappin ON LED 110
Feedhold when part of a block executed
- remainder pending LED
Running in reverse (duplicate) LED - do
not use
Alternative feedrate in use (see OEM
DRO 122) LED
Front tool post selected LED 114
Rear tool post selected LED 115
Spindle is running LED 116
Function FCode
Cycle start 0
Pause 1
Rewind 2
Stop 3
Single 4
Resume 5
Edit File 6
Zero All 7
Zero X 8
Zero Y 9
Zero Z 10
Zero A 11
Zero B 12
Zero C 13
Feedrate reset 14
Estimate Job 15
GotoZs 17
Coord System 18
Verify 20
Reset 21
Ref X 22
Ref Y 23
Ref Z 24
Ref A 25
Ref B 26
Ref C 27
Joystick Toggle 28
Softlimits Toggle 29