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2016book-keeping( nov 2016

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Code: DA1



Time Allowed: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Question No.1 is compulsory. Answer any FOUR from the remaining questions.
Question No.1 carries 28 marks and the other four questions, 18 marks each.

Q.1 Following is the trial balance of Maheshwari & Sons, as on si" March, 2016. Prepare the
final account. (28 Marks)

SI.No. Description Amount (Or) Amount (Cr)

1 Capital 1,00,000
2 Stock 20,000
3 Purchase & Sales 80,000 1,15,000
4 Sales Return 5,000
5 Wages 8,000
6 !nterest on loan from Verma & Company 12,000
7 Manufacturing Expenses 7,000
8 Salaries 5,000
9 Insurance 2,000
10 Provision for doubtful debts 2,500
11 Bad debts 500
12 Bills Payable 6,000
13 Interest
14 Land & Building 50,000
15 Machinery 60,000
16 Furniture 5,000
17 Motor Car 40,000
18 Debtors and Creditors 30,000 74,350
19 Drawings 4,000
20 Cash in Hand 1,500
21 Loan from Verma & Company on i" April. 50,000
2015 @12% per annum
22 Deposit in Bank 15,000
23 Depreciation on office equipment 2,400
24 Accrued interest on bank deposit 450
Total 3,47,850 3,47,850


1. Stock at the end of the year - Rs.30,OOO

2. Insurance premium paid for 12 months on 1st July, 2015
3. Erection charges for machinery, Rs.l,500, debited to wages account
4. Write off further bad debt of Rs.500 and provision of doubtful debts increase by RS.I000

0.2 (A) Rectify any FOUR errors among the following: (8 Marks)

1. Credit.sales to Arvind of Rs.8,OOOwere recorded in Purchase Book.

2. Credit purchase from Mls Baheti Steels of Rs.l0,OOO was recorded in Sales Book.
3. Goods returned to Deva Hardware of Rs.5,OOOwere recorded in Sales Return Book.
4. Goods returned from Balaji Fabricators of Rs.3,OOOwere recorded in Purchase return Book.
5. Goods returned from Veera Ceramics of Rs. 4,000 were recorded in Purchase Book.

0.2 (B) What are subsidiary books and the advantages of maintaining them? Explain in brief, the
different types of subsidiary books. (10 Marks)

0.3 Explain the. term Depreciation, its importance, the need for providing for depreciation,
the different methods adopted along with the merits and demerits of each method. (18 Marks)

Q.4 Enter the following transactions in simple Cash Book and post them into Ledger:

2015 (18 Marks)

October i" Cash in Hand 10,000
• October 4th Paid to Babu 500
October 9th Purchased Goods 5,000
October iz" Sold Goods for Cash 8,000
October zs" Received Cash from Dev 2,000
October 31 Paid rent 2,000

0.5 Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: (18 Marks)

1. Current Liabilities
2 Bad Debt Provision
3. Prepaid Expenses
4. Accounts Receivable
5. Intangible Assets
6. Trading Account

0.6 Differentiate between any of the four among the following concepts: (18 Marks)

a. Accrual and Cash Methods of Bookkeeping

b. Bills Recoverable and Demands Recoverable
c. Fixed Assets and Current Assets
d. Bad Debts and Doubtful Debts
e. MUlti-step and Single Step Income Statement
f. Journal and Ledger

0.7 Explain fully the concept of Bills Recoverable. Explain in brief at least six items under this
category and the purpose for which they are billed against the sidings or parties. (18 Marks)

ems DA1

61 q~ CRi 11 [{ a:t'R t TD wm - 2016
3~ atCfi - 100

~!?T: 1. -SFJ 9fi. Z 61f."lc wr ~ *~ \G atCfi ~ I

2. ifq ~;Fif if -?t ~ :cm:: ~ ~ ~ (~)f9-J Z G atCfi ~)

(28 Marks)

fctq'{1Jf 0fi+1 (Dr) 0fi+1 (er)

1 # 1,00,000
2 ~ 20,000
3 Sfi<T-~ 80,000 1,15,000
4 ~~ 5,000
5 ~"1~(1 8,000
6 <nIT & ~ ~ ~ 'R GlfT\jf 12,000
7 f.n:rfur~ 7,000
8 crarr 5,000
9 <fTlIT 2,000
10 ~U~~ 2,500
11 icid~ 500
12 ~ 6,000
13 ~
14 ~~~ 50,000
15 li!?ftr1U 60,000
16 If);ff"'f{ 5,000
17 ~CFR 40,000
-, . ...
18 ~~1J!f~ 30,000 74,350
19 ~Hlt1 4,000
20 ~-ifw 1,500
21 CfI1f & ~ if ~ ~ ~% ~ fIT'R 1 ~, 2015 if 50,000
22 ~it~ 15,000
23 ~ ~ '3q'f}{OI
'R ~<:''-l'01~ 2,400
24 ~it~'R\3qIBld ~ 450
¥1 3,47,850 3,47,850

1. c.rtf ~ 3Rr it ~ ~.30,OOO
2. ofu:rr sflf?l~li 'R 12 ~ ~fuQ:~ ~ 1st~, 2015 ~
3. li~fl<1 fmm Cfi~ 'R ~ ~.1,500 ~ rsrN it ~Rir.pr
4. ~~(j ?f[ur~~·.500 3R31QRlruCl ~Cf~~~~~~~.1,oooif~
(8 Marks)

1. ~.cFr~.8000~#~if~~if~~~~1
2. ~~~~.10,ooo#~~i1~~iffu-&-cfrl
3. ~ ~IJ~l( <: cFr~. 5,000 'fiT 1ffi1 CfT1R1 fc\:;<:rr~ ~ ~ ~ "GfllRfT ~ if fu-&-~ I
4. q 1&11'l\l q;Rl4>20ft ~ ~. 3000 'fiT 1ffi1 CfT1R1 3WIT ~ ~ ~ Sfi<1"GfllRfT Gf@ if fum 1flIT I
5. cftu fB"{f1:lCffl ~ ~.4,OOO 'fiT 1ffi1 CfT1R13WIT ~ ~ ~ Sfi<1Gf@ if ~\Jf mr 1flIT1
)f';T 2 (8). tl~ Gf@ ~ 3lN 'FlT ~ ~. ~ 'FlT ~ ~? fctR.r?r >fCfiR;p ~ ~ opT"ff&N if W..f
~I (10 Marks)

)fSCJ 3. <i~1:101~ cFr ~ 11iHI~ I ~ 3lfCf!{~, ~ <n ~!(<r 'FlT~? ~ fctR.r?r ~cf,T cFr lJUT 3ih: ~;p
m?T tll1iHl~1 (18 Marks)

)f?J4. f.'1~R1f@d ~RriTcFrmmDJT~if~am"l$lTdT~if~~1 (18Marks)

1. ~ 1 ~ if ~ 10,000
2. ~4 ~cFr~ 500
3. ~9 ~~~ 5,000
4. ~ 12 ~ ~;p ft1t!:~ 1ffi1 8,000
5. ~25 ~~~m-Fr 2,000
6. ~31 ~~ 2,000

)f';T 5. f.n;r if it ~ m'tfR (4) -en::~;:fTc: fur@": (18 Marks)

1. ~ ~'i~IRl(i

2. ~ ~T )ffCfUTrr
3. ffW~
4. muT@-a-
5. ~Wrfu

)fSCJ 6. f.i ~ RI f@ d 31cf~ if ~ fcRft 'tfR( 4) ;p ~ ~ tl"'l1m~:~T: (18 Marks)

a. GI\{j@ldl ;p~3ih:~~
b. fct~ ~ 3ih: +Wit ;p muT
c. ~ fiqRFi'i 3fR ~ fiqRHI
d. ~ ~ 3Th:: ~U?!fur
e. ~-~ 3fR ~ ~ 3WT GDTf'1
f. ~3fRffi

)f';T 7. 'Ift ~ ~ fct~ ~ ~ 31cf'fffiUTT c!?t~'cR: I~ ~ ;p ~ q;1=f ~ q;1=f ~ CR-~3IT

~~!(<r;pft1t!: ~ l;\1~~.1 <n1:fTfb:IT;p~m ~\JfruT~, ~ if ~ I (lS Marks)


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