Banking Questions
Banking Questions
Banking Questions
● Calculation of Rebate
● Classification of Assets & Calculation of provisions.
● Income Recognition Policy
● Profit & Loss statement
● Balance Sheet
Calculation of Rebate
1. The following is an extract from the Trial Balance of Money-Penny Bank Ltd. as on 31
2. On 31 March 2019, the Surat Bank Ltd. held the following bills:
1. From the following details of Vaisya Bank Ltd. Calculate the amount of interest to be credited
to Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March, 2018
Interest Interest Interest
Accrued received Accrued
(1/04/17) (2017-2018) (31-3-2018)
` in Crores ` in Crores ` in Crores
Performing Assets
Loans 350 960 480
Bills purchased and Discounted 560 1400 670
Cash Credit 785 3600 850
Non Performing Assets
Loans 2500 600 1950
Bills Purchased and Discounted 1850 700 2050
Cash Credit 2980 900 1800
2.Calculate the Interest Income to be recognized for the year ending 31-3-18 of Delhi bank Ltd
1. From the following information, prepare Profit & Loss A/c of T J P Bank Ltd. for the year ended
on 31st March 2018 along with necessary schedules.
Particulars `In Lakh
Interest on Loans 13 400
Interest on Fixed Deposits15 275
Commission14 10
Exchange & Brokerage14 20
Salaries & Allowances16 150
Discount on bills (Gross)13 152
Interest on Cash Credit13 240
Interest on temporary overdraft in Current A/c13 40
Interest on Savings bank deposits15 86
Postage, Telegram & Stamps 10
Printing & Stationery 20
Sundry Expenses 52
Rent 15
Taxes & Licenses 10
Audit Fees 10
Share Capital 100
Salary of Managing Director16 30
Additional Information:-
1. Provide for rebate on bills discounted `30 lakhs
2. Provision for Income tax is to be made @ 40%
3. Interest of `4 lakhs on doubtful debts(not received) was wrongly credited to
interest on loans A/c.-Income Recognition Policy
2. Prepare Profit & loss A/c for ABC Bank Ltd for the year ended 31-12-18 from the following
Particulars Rs
3. From the following information,prepare profit & loss Account of Apana Bank Ltd for the year
ended 31-3-19 along with necessary schedules.
Amt in thousands
Interest on Cash Credit13 1,820
Advertisements 180
Salaries 1,240
1.The above mentioned figure of interest on advances includes Rs 2,020 thousands of interests
on NPA out of which only 750 thousands have only be received.(LESS FROM SC13 2020
4. From the following information Of Hiral Bank Ltd. Prepare Profit & Loss A/c for the year
ended 31/3/2018 and 31/3/2019 along with necessary schedules.
5 The following balance have been extracted from the books of B Bank Ltd. as on 31
March, 2015.
Prepare the relevant Profit & Loss Account
Particulars `
Interest on Fixed Deposits 15 2,00,000
Profit on Sale of Investment 14 80,000
Interest on saving Deposits 15 4,00,000
Loss on sale of Fixed Asset 14 20,000
Commission & Brokerage (cr) 14 50,000
Dividend Received 14 10,000
Interest & Discount 13 15,00,000
Interest on Investments 13 40,000
Salaries, Allowances 1,02,000
Salary to General Manager 48,000
Director’s fees 10,000
Rent & Rates 40,000
General Expenses 6,000
Stationery & printing 10,000
Audit fees 4,000
Rebate on bills discounted for unexpired term amounted to ` 10,000. Create provision for
taxation ` 2,00,000 & for doubtful debts ` 60,000. `15,000 to be transferred to the General
Balance Sheet
1. The following is the trial Balance and the additional information, prepare the Balance
Sheet of Maharashtra Bank Ltd. as on 31 March 2018, giving the relevant Schedules.
Additional Information:
a. Bill for collection Rs 15,30,000.
b. Acceptance and Endorsements Rs10,12,000.
c. Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts Rs45,000
d. Depreciation charged during the year – Premises Rs 4,45,000, Furniture 5,72,000.
2. The following is trial balance of DJ Bank Ltd. Prepare Balance sheet as on 31-3-2016.
Amt in ‘000’
Particulars Debit Particulars Credit
Cash in hand 6 120 Share Cap. 1 500
Other Information:
Additional Information:
1. 60% of the term loans are secured by tangible assets. 40% of the term
loans are secured by Government Guarantee & 10% of Cash credit is
unsecured.(present sc 9)
2. Bills for collection ` 28 Crores.
4. Depreciation on Premises `20 Crores & Furniture `2 Crores Provided during the Year.
6. Also Calculate Cash Reserve Required & Statutory Liquidity Reserve required.
Note: Cash Reserve required is 3% of Demand & Time Liability & Statutory Liquidity
Reserve required is 30% of Demand & Time Liability.
(Demand liabilities:are those liabilities which are to be paid as and when demanded.
Example: deposit in saving and current accounts are demand liabilities. Bank have to
pay then as and when demanded. Time liabilities: are those liabilities which are to be
paid on completion of prescribed period)
4.Following is the Trial Balance of Apna Sapna Money Money Bank limited. You are required to
prepare final accounts as the prescribed format of Banking Regulation Act.
5.From the following information prepare Profit & Loss account of Unnati Bank Limited
for the year ended 31st March 2018.
[Rs. in Lakhs]
Q6: From the following particulars, prepare the final accounts of Barnali Bank Ltd.
Share Capital: 1
Investments8 30,00,000
Premises10 12,00,000
Salaries16 80,000
Rent16 30,000
1,51,70,000 1,51,70,000