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Qualification of ESD Control Floorings

Dr. Schutz® ESD

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TECHNICAL REPORT C697/2020 V1.2 2/12


1. Index
1. Index............................................................................................................................ 2
2. Introduction and Scope ................................................................................................ 3
3. Flooring Samples under Test ....................................................................................... 3
4. Test Conditions and Instrumentation............................................................................ 4
5. Test Methods ............................................................................................................... 5
6. Requirements .............................................................................................................. 5
6.1 EPA Requirements ................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Personnel Grounding Requirements ...................................................................... 6
7. Test Results................................................................................................................. 6
7.1 Flooring .................................................................................................................. 6
7.2 Person/Footwear/Flooring System ......................................................................... 8
8. Summary and Conclusions ........................................................................................ 11
9. Discussion and Suggestions ...................................................................................... 11
10. References .............................................................................................................. 12

Table 1: General information of the document

Document No: C697/2020 Version: 1.2 Date: 7.8.2020

Date(s) of test 23. - 27.7.2020
Place of test Electrostatics laboratory, Hakulintie 32, 08500 Lohja
Client Dr. Schutz, Holbeinstr. 17, 53175, Bonn, Germany
Contact person Gerhard Schäfer, gsc@dr-schutz.com, +49 172 68 444 78
Author(s) Toni Viheriäkoski, ESD Engineer, Certified by NARTE, USA
Cascade Metrology Oy, Electrostatics laboratory, Hakulintie 32,
08500 Lohja, Finland, GSM +358 44 5688 599
Assessment IEC 61340-6-1: 2018, Electrostatic control for healthcare - General
criteria requirements for facilities [1]
IEC 61340-5-1:2016, Protection of electronic devices from
electrostatic phenomena [2]
Notes Technical information of the report is classified confidential
Date and place Signature

Lohja 7.8.2020 Toni Viheriäkoski

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permission by issuing organization. The results relate only to tested items.
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2. Introduction and Scope

Electrostatic properties of four reference floorings and seven sample boards of Dr. Schutz®
ESD floorings were measured and analysed at the laboratory of Cascade Metrology Oy.
Summary of results and conclusions are presented in Section 8.

3. Flooring Samples under Test

The sample boards were manufactured by Dr. Schutz. Coatings were installed on plywood
boards (1150 mm × 750 mm × 10 mm). Samples 3 to 11 had groundable points (copper
tape 100 mm × 10 mm × 40 µm). Identifications of the flooring samples under test are
shown in Table 2. Samples were tested as delivered without the treatment. Pictures of the
samples are shown Figure 1.

Table 2: Identifications of the sample boards

Sample Identification
1. Reference 1, PVC, Non-conductive PVC sample.
2. Reference 2, Epoxy cast flooring, Non-conductive epoxy sample,
Shiny grey.
3. Reference 3, PVC, Conductive PVC installed with conductive adhesive.
4. Reference 4, Epoxy cast flooring, Conductive epoxy cast application on
highly conductive primer layer, Shiny grey.
5. Non-conductive PVC as reference 1, Copper wire, 2x ESD Color Base,
1x ESD Top Coat, Mat grey.
6. Non-conductive Epoxy as reference 2, Copper wire,
2x ESD Color Base, 1x ESD Top Coat, Mat grey.
7. Non-conductive Epoxy as reference 2, ESD HiCon Primer, Copper wire,
2x ESD Color Base, 1x ESD Top Coat, Mat grey.
8. Conductive PVC as reference 3, 1x ESD Medicoat.
9. Conductive PVC as reference 3, 2x ESD Base Coat, 1x ESD Top Coat.
10. Conductive PVC as reference 3, 2x ESD Color Base, 1x ESD Top Coat,
Mat grey.
11. Conductive Epoxy as reference 4, 2x ESD Color Base, 1x ESD Top Coat,
Mat grey.

Product identifications: Dr. Schutz® - HiCon Primer, ESD Color Base, ESD Base Coat,
ESD Top Coat and ESD Medicoat.

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TECHNICAL REPORT C697/2020 V1.2 4/12


Sample 1 (Reference) Sample 2 (Reference) Sample 3 (Reference)

Sample 4 (Reference) Sample 5 Sample 6

Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9

Scale of the pictures:

100 mm × 60 mm
Sample 10 Sample 11

Figure 1: Samples under test

4. Test Conditions and Instrumentation

Test conditions are shown in Table 3. Measurement equipment is presented in Table 4.

Table 3: Ambient test conditions

Conditioning Temperature Relative Humidity

48 h 23 ˚C ± 2 ˚C 12 %rh ± 3 %rh

Measurements are carried out, when applicable, in reference to ISO/IEC/EN 17025

“General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories”.

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TECHNICAL REPORT C697/2020 V1.2 5/12


Table 4: Measurement equipment

Manufacturer Type Model Serial number

Tektronix Oscilloscope TDS 2022 C031701
3M Charge analyzer 711 20980308
Megger Isolation multimeter BMM2000ESD 6111-550/061106/1387
Megger Isolation multimeter MIT415/2 101489531
ETS Rg electrodes 850 4940, 4925
Vaisala Humidity meter HM 41 M1850876

Calibrations are traceable to national standards laboratories through the unbroken chain of
stated uncertainties. Calibration periods are based on the periodic verifications and
traceable history of the instruments.

5. Test Methods

Resistance to ground of flooring was measured in accordance with

IEC 61340-4-1:2003+A1:2015 [3] (Figure 2).

Person footwear flooring system was measured in accordance with IEC 61340-4-5:2018
[4] (Figures 3 and 4).

Figure 2: Resistance to ground Figure 3: System resistance Figure 4: Body potential

6. Requirements
6.1 EPA Requirements

Flooring: Rg < 1 GΩ [1, 2].

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6.2 Personnel Grounding Requirements

Person/footwear/flooring system: Rg < 1 GΩ and body voltage [2],

|V| < 100 V (average of 5 highest peaks) [2].

7. Test Results

7.1 Flooring

Resistance to Groundable Point [3]

Test results are shown in Tables 5 and 6. Electrification time was 15 s. The samples 1
and 2 did not have groundable point. Point to point resistance was measured instead.

Table 5: Resistance to groundable point, Reference samples 1 to 4

Sample 1, R p-p Sample 2, R p-p Sample 3, R gp Sample 4, R gp

No (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω)
1 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 4E+05 10 9E+04
2 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 3E+05 100 1E+05
3 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 4E+05 10 5E+05
4 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 3E+05 500* 1E+05
5 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 5E+05 10 9E+05
6 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 6E+05 100 4E+07
7 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 4E+05 500* 8E+04
8 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 4E+05 500* 9E+04
9 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 6E+05 100 2E+05
10 100 >1E+10 100 >1E+10 10 4E+05 100 4E+05
Min @ ≤ 100 V >1E+10 >1E+10 3E+05 9E+04
Max @ ≤ 100 V N/A N/A 6E+05 N/A
Median @ ≤ 100 V N/A N/A 4E+05 7E+05
Average N/A N/A 4E+05 N/A
Geometric mean N/A N/A 4E+05 N/A
Standard deviation N/A N/A 1E+05 N/A

Note to sample 4: Significant voltage dependence was observed occasionally

(Rgp > 1 GΩ at 100 V when 500 V was applied)

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Table 6: Resistance to groundable point, Samples 5 to 11

Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9 Sample 10 Sample 11

No (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω) (V) (Ω)
1 10 3E+05 10 1E+05 10 4E+04 100* 1E+05 10 2E+05 10 6E+04 10 2E+05
2 10 4E+05 10 2E+05 10 3E+04 10 9E+05 10 2E+05 10 7E+04 10 2E+05
3 10 3E+05 10 2E+05 10 4E+04 100* 8E+04 10 3E+05 10 7E+04 10 2E+05
4 10 3E+05 10 9E+04 10 5E+04 100* 1E+05 10 4E+05 10 8E+04 10 2E+05
5 10 3E+05 10 2E+05 10 4E+04 100* 1E+05 10 4E+05 10 5E+04 10 3E+05
6 10 3E+05 10 2E+05 10 3E+04 100* 2E+05 10 3E+05 10 6E+04 10 3E+05
7 10 4E+05 10 2E+05 10 3E+04 100* 2E+05 10 2E+05 10 7E+04 10 3E+05
8 10 4E+05 10 1E+05 10 2E+04 100* 9E+04 10 2E+05 10 7E+04 10 2E+05
9 10 3E+05 10 1E+05 10 3E+04 100* 1E+06 10 4E+05 10 5E+04 10 2E+05
10 10 2E+05 10 2E+05 10 4E+04 100* 1E+06 10 3E+05 10 6E+04 10 2E+05
Min @ ≤ 100 V 2E+05 9E+04 2E+04 8E+04 2E+05 5E+04 2E+05
Max @ ≤ 100 V 4E+05 2E+05 5E+04 1E+06 4E+05 8E+04 3E+05
Median @ ≤ 100 V 3E+05 2E+05 4E+04 1E+05 3E+05 7E+04 2E+05
Average 3E+05 2E+05 4E+04 4E+05 3E+05 6E+04 2E+05
Geometric mean 3E+05 1E+05 3E+04 2E+05 3E+05 6E+04 2E+05
Standard deviation 6E+04 4E+04 8E+03 5E+05 7E+04 1E+04 3E+04

Note to sample 8: Voltage dependence was observed (Rgp > 1 MΩ at 10 V when 100 V was applied)

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7.2 Person/Footwear/Flooring System

Reference footwear: Sievi Relax XL S147-52236-103-0PM

(Person footwear system: Rg ~ 4 MΩ).

Resistance to Groundable Point [4]

Test results are shown in Table 7. Electrification time was 15 s.

Table 7: Resistance to groundable point at 100 V

Resistance to Groundable Point (MΩ)

No 3 ref 4 ref 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 32 >1 7 6 5 19 8 5 6
2 26 >1 9 7 6 20 9 6 6
3 22 >1 12 7 5 15 8 6 5
4 35 >1 9 8 7 14 11 7 5
5 47 >1 7 11 7 15 9 5 7
6 20 >1 6 9 8 26 12 8 7
7 22 >1 7 7 6 32 8 7 6
8 19 >1 9 7 5 18 7 9 8
9 26 >1 8 6 6 22 9 6 7
10 22 >1 7 7 5 16 8 5 7
Minimum 19 >1 6 6 5 14 7 5 5
Maximum 47 N/A 12 11 8 32 12 9 8
Median 24 N/A 8 7 6 19 9 6 7
Average 27 N/A 8 8 6 20 9 6 6
Geometric mean 26 N/A 8 7 6 19 9 6 6
Standard deviation 9 N/A 2 2 1 6 2 1 1

Body Voltage [4]

Averages of the five highest peaks during 60 s measurement sequences:

- Samples 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: |V| < 100 V,
- Sample 4: |V| > 100 V.

Examples of six step walking pattern test results are shown in Figures 5 to 13.

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Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 5: Walking test, Sample 3 (Reference)

Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50(s) 60

Figure 6: Walking test, Sample 4 (Reference)

Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 7: Walking test, Sample 5

Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 8: Walking test, Sample 6

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Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 9: Walking test, Sample 7

Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 10: Walking test, Sample 8

Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 11: Walking test, Sample 9

Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 12: Walking test, Sample 10

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Body Voltage (V)

0 10 20 30 40 Time
50 (s) 60

Figure 13: Walking test, Sample 11

8. Summary and Conclusions

The sample boards (samples 5 to 11) met the requirements of flooring used to ground
personnel and equipment in reference to IEC 61340-6-1:2018 [1].

The sample boards (samples 5 to 11) met the electrostatic protected area requirements in
reference to IEC 61340-5-1:2016 [2].

Personnel grounding requirements of the person/footwear/flooring system (samples

5 to 11) were met with the tested person/footwear combinations (IEC 61340-5-1:2016) [2].

9. Discussion and Suggestions

The electrical conductivity of the flooring may be affected by cleaning with inappropriate
materials or the usage of aftercare products. It is important to pay attention to the
manufacturer’s recommendation regarding cleaning and maintenance of the floor.

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10. References

[1] IEC 61340-6-1: 2018, Electrostatics - Part 6-1: Electrostatic control for healthcare -
General requirements for facilities
[2] IEC 61340-5-1:2016, Electrostatics - Part 5-1Protection of electronic devices from
electrostatic phenomena – General Requirements
[3] IEC 61340-4-1:2003+A1:2015, Electrostatics - Part 4-1: Standard test methods for
specific applications - Electrical resistance of floor coverings and installed floors
[4] IEC 61340-4-5:2018, Electrostatics - Part 4-5: Standard test methods for specific
applications - Methods for characterizing the electrostatic protection of footwear and
flooring in combination with a person

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