OSCE bank qs May13
OSCE bank qs May13
OSCE bank qs May13
1) History: young man for wisdom teeth extraction, sister had a previous problem with
GA ? relted to sux, patient reveals he is afraid of being awake, and has a needle
2) ECG station: Sinus Bradycardia on ECG, direct questions and treatment of sinus
bradycardia in line with resus guidelines.
3) X-ray station: lateral CXR, history of upper abdominal pain, surgeons want to take
patient for laparotomy. Asked about fluid levels on x-ray, would you cancel the
operation, what is the diagnosis.
5) Simulator: Patient on ICU with a head injury, you are called by CT1 to review patient
who is deteriorating-Cushing response, asked about initial management, further
investigations, mannitol dose, what else would you do?
8) History station: 69yr old male for hernia repair I think it was. History of previous heart
attack and current angina which hasn’t been fully investigated or treated. Anxious
that procedure won’t be cancelled.
9) Equipment: Machine check, check Ayres T-piece, then asked questions about T-
piece, when used, flow rates with spontaneous and controlled ventilation, what
happens if circuit expiratory limb is too long, or a crack is found in inspiratory limb.
10) Resus scenario: Asked to identify rhythm on monitor, how you would treat if it was VF,
asked questions about treatment of VF following ALS guidelines. Also had to instruct
paramedic on how to do chest compressions correctly.
11) Clinical skill: Asked to demonstrate how you would do a spinal on a volunteer. Then
asked to talk through spinal technique, and specifically medical contraindications to
doing a spinal.
12) Anatomy: Asked to identify 5 nerves supplying the foot, then demonstrate how to
position patient for nerve blocks, then talk through how you would do blocks.
15) (? test station) Equipment: Asked about sterilisation and chlorhexidine, how to prevent
line sepsis, national guidelines on what to do to prevent line associated sepsis or
something like that. Shown picture of CVP line and asked what is on the line to
prevent infection (2 things).
16) Clinical examination: Check arterial and venous pulses and measure BP.
17) Equipment: Ultrasound image of neck veins, identify which side the image is of, asked
about ultrasound frequencies, resolution and about neck lines.
Station 1 Technical skill
Perform an interscalene block
Demonstrate on this patient the relevant anatomy and where you would perform the
What manoeuvre can be used to highlight the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
What is being blocked in an interscalene block?
Why is an interscalene block done?
What structures can be damaged during an interscalene block?
What makes up the brachial plexus?
If you use a nerve stimulator, what happens if you are too anterior?
If you use a nerve stimulator what happens if you are too posterior?
Which nerve is frequently missed?
What can assist in locating the correct position?
Picture of dermatomes of arm – what nerve root supplies this dermatome?
Station 2 ALS
Pregnant patient for category 2 section. Just given epidural top-up of 20ml
0.5% bupivacaine by CT2. Now unresponsive. Epidural was sited only a few
minutes ago for labour analgesia (not stated whether tested or not). You have a
student midwife to assist you.
Confirm cardiac arrest
Call for help (midwife comes back very quickly)
Teach midwife how to do CPR – thereby telling everyone you know the rate of CPR,
ratio of compressions to breaths etc
Pulse and rhythm check twice (neither shockable)
ROSC once patient intubated and 1mg adrenalin given
What symptoms would patient have experienced prior to this happening (still not sure
if this was a total spinal or IV LA! – on balance group decided it was total spinal)
Station 3 Anatomy
Larynx again!!!!
Saggital CT of larynx
What is 1, 2, 3, 4 – epiglottis, hyoid, thyroid, cricoid
What elevates the larynx?
What depresses the larynx?
Motor and sensory supply of the larynx?
What abducts the vocal cords?
What is the motor supply to this muscle?
What is the sensory supply of the tongue?
Very strange picture of superior vocal cords
What is this and this – think it was vocal cords and aryepiglottic fold but very strange,
almost oblique view
Station 4 communication
50yr old lady for some day case surgery (cannot remember what, maybe
gynae). Daughter recently had awareness during emergency C/S. Discuss this with
her as she is scared this may happen to her. In addition she has a history of motion
sickness. She is worried about vomiting post-operatively especially on the way home.
There was not enough time to discuss everything with this lady, but standard
discussion, nothing unexpected. Actor was nice and understanding once this
explained to her. Very basic understanding to start with, but came out with more
informed questions as station progressed.
Station 5 Safety
Discussing equipment used during paediatric ENT and safety features
Picture of re-inforced ETT, nasal north-facing RAE and oral south-facing RAE
Child for adenotonsillectomy
What symptoms might this child have (listed what felt like millions – wanted frequent
Which of these tubes would you use? (Don’t think there was a preference, just a
Would you use a supraglottic device?
Why not (discussed trusting surgeons not to move it, need to keep airway clean and
What do the surgeons insert to keep mouth open (wanted name of the gag, which I
still don’t remember even after he told me!)
What problems can this give the anaesthetist? (think this was about – extubation,
endobrochial intubation and obstruction of the tube)
What would you look at to exclude these problems (forgot to mention capnography –
which he specifically wanted despite doing a full AB assessment, checking airway
pressures and tidal volumes)
Station 8 History
Patient for hysterectomy, take a history. This is not a communication station.
Menorrhagia. Has anaemia despite iron supplementation. Recent history of GA for
emergency C/S with history of awareness. Post-operative severe nausea and
vomiting. Developed DVT and PE with extended hospital stay, warfarin stopped 6
months ago.
Station 11 CT scan
Middle aged man, head injury (can’t remember mechanism) unconscious, lucid
interval, now becoming increasingly confused. On arrival moving to command
but confused.
Two CT scans – bone and tissue phase. Shows left extradural
True / false
This shows a left subdural
There is air in the frontal sinus
There is a right temporal bone fracture
There is evidence of raised ICP
He needed intubation on admission
He will have bilateral fixed, dilated pupils
He should be ventilated to pCO2 of less than 3kPa for 24hrs
(I can’t remember rest)
Station 16 Anatomy
Model and picture of external structures in neck – anatomy of larynx
What are 1, 2 and 3 – hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage
How does cricoid differ from thyroid?
Blood supply to larynx
Motor and sensory supply to larynx
What does cricothyroid do?
What abducts vocal cords?
What nerve supplies this muscle?
Station 17 Equipment
This is a standard O2 cylinder found on an anaesthetic machine, what is it made of?
(picture of E-type cylinder)
Can it be used in MRI?
What is this? (Gives you a bodok seal)
What is its function?
What is the pressure in this cylinder?
What is the pressure of pipeline N20?
What size is the internal and external diameter of connectors in breathing circuits?
OSCE Stations
1) History taking stations (x2)
2) Communication
3) Anatomy (x2)
4) Resus (x2)
5) Simulation
• You’ve been handed over a patient with severe asthma who’s been
intubated and ventilated in ICU. Please take over – ABCDE
assessment, progression to tension pneumothorax and details of chest
drain insertion.
6) Neuromuscular monitoring
• Placement of electrodes
7) Temperature
8) Technical skills
• Anatomy of larynx
9) Equipment
11) Diathermy
• Mechanism of action
• Safety features
• Broad classification
• Effects of altitude
1) Coronary circulation, specifically venous drainage with angiogram picture
2) Anaesthetics Hazards in Operating Theatre - microshock and symbol
3) Cranial Nerves
4) Monoaural Stethoscope
5) Communication - Awareness
6) Resus - Narrow Complex Tachycardia
7) XRay - Young Cardiomegaly
8) CT Recon - Lumbar Spine Fracture with Spinal Cord Involvement
9) Simulation - Peri-op Ischamic Changes
10) History 1 - Pre-op TAH, asian, FH Thalassaemia
11) History 2 - Tonsils, T1DM
12) Intraosseous Needle and insertion on dummy
14) Equipment check RSI - bulb did not work, blue tack in elbow extension, tube
did not inflate
15) Epidural Anatomy and placement
16) Resus Scenario - drowning and VF
1. Communication to mother of child with sux apnoea picked up during
2. History- woman coming in for THR. Known murmur Orthopnea, decreased ET
3. Equipment- suction. MOA.
4. Equipment- filters- HME/ Blood giving set/ epidural. Size of pores etc
5. Equipment- capnography. Identify different traces
6. Defib station. Patient on operating table, develops bradycardia and hypotension-
which drugs do you use? doses? switches into sinus tachy, compromised. operate
defib machine.
7. Sim- patient with hypertension. Picked up inadequate plane of anaesthesia.
Increased flows/ AA; hypertension improved. developed tachy. questions re: tachy
8. lateral CXR.
9. ALS- talk through management for patient in asystole. When would you use
sodium bicarb?
10. Anatomy- trigeminal nerve. id base of skull foramen. qs on pathway of nerves
11. Anatomy- shown model of spine. id: odontoid peg/ atlas/ axis/ differentiate
pedicles/ lamina. where can an epidural be sited? levels of spinal cord ending in
infants/ adults.
12. epidural in knee surgery. Id insertion point on patient- describe preparation. what
structures will you pass through.
1. Communication. Lady for elective shoulder replacement aware of surgery and
pain, talk to her.
2. Electricity. Horrible diagram with patient, intracardiac device and multiple earths,
questions about the earths that mainly I didn't understand! identify 2 electrical
symbols, few questions about microshock.
3. Rythm strip, looked like AF, questions about management, drugs and defib.
4. Monoauricular stethoscope, questions about use e.g. paeds/air embolus,
placement to listen. Could you use it to confirm endotracheal intubation? and some
questions about this in general.
5. Angiogram and questions re anatomy of coronary arteries where they arise etc
what supplies AV node in most people, breif question on venous drainage.
6. X-ray, globular heart and upper lobe diversion hx rheumatic feaver and SOBOE ?
mitral regurg, questions re mumur, ? needs antibiotics prior to op.
7. Reconstructed Lumbar spine CT # L1 body ? can see only lumbar veterbrae (had
one with rib), will cord be damaged at what level etc, will the anterior spinal ligament
be intact? patient paralysed, tachy and hypotensive with other injuruies is he
hypotensive due to spinal shock?
8. Sim-man, ST depression, got better with GTN then hypotensive got better with
decreased MAC, decreased GTN and metaraminol, gave me unlabelled syringe of
metaraminol not sure if this a test or not. What other test would you want next.
9. IO Acess tibia on model, what ther sites how give drugs etc, when would you use.
10. Anatomy of larynx side view and view on laryngoscopy name labeled structures,
questions on blood supply and innervation and muscles.
11. RSI equipment check it what else would you want? Cuff on tube broken, blue
tack in connector, suction too small, Magills stuck together, questions on failed
12. History 35 lady for hysterectomy hx thalassemia on iron.
13. History 21 year old for tonsillectomy hx of insulin contolled diabetes, alchohol and
14. Drowning 15 year old boy in VT brought to ED no crash team, person doing chest
compressions badly, initially I thought member of ED staff but was member of public
so should have confirmed what he was happy to do etc. Shock patient, questions on
hypothermia and when to shock.
15. Cranial nerve examination 3-12
16. Obstetric epidural on model and questions about Tuffiers line and dermatomes of
pain 1st stage labour, what level spinal cord ends.
17. Can't remember sorry!
Simulation- called to see 35 y/o involved in RTC earlier in the day. Now
intubated on ITU. C spine cleared.
Assessed him A-D. Bradycardic, hypertensive. Fixed pupils. Asked what the
main problem his.
Showed an ABG with pO2 22, pCO2 6.5. What is your next step?
Asked Q's re head injury management, inc mannitol dosage.
Equipment- shown diagrams and asked which is CO2 electrode. Q's re. The
different components.
Technical skill- ankle block. Demonstrate where you would block each nerve.
Volumes of LA. positioning. asked to map territory supplied by sural and
superficial plantar nerves.
Equipment- check T-piece circuit with a bag. Hole in the bag. Subsequent Q's
about mapleson classification and FGF needed.
Technical skill- demonstrate spinal technique on actor. Select needle and why.
Level needed for TURP.
History taking- 22 y/o student for dental extraction. Needle phobia. Sister had
'aches' after previous GA for same op. apparently he had previously broken his
nose, I didn't get this from him.
Radiology- IVU of patient for lithotripsy. On anti tuberculous therapy and OCP.
Is the right kidney working? Is it a urate stone? Is there increased risk of