ArcSight Logger
Software Version: 7.3
Copyright Notice
Confidential computer software. Valid license from Micro Focus required for possession, use or copying. The information
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Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in your license agreement for Micro Focus ArcSight software, you may reverse
engineer and modify certain open source components of the software in accordance with the license terms for those particular
components. See below for the applicable terms.
U.S. Governmental Rights. For purposes of your license to Micro Focus ArcSight software, “commercial computer software” is
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Documentation Updates
The title page of this document contains the following identifying information:
l Software Version number
l Document Release Date, which changes each time the document is updated
l Software Release Date, which indicates the release date of this version of the software
To check for recent updates or to verify that you are using the most recent edition of a document, go to:
Page 2 of 84
ArcSight Logger Installation
Contact Information
Phone A list of phone numbers is available on the Technical Support
Page: https://www.microfocus.com/en-us/contact-support/stackb
Page 3 of 84
ArcSight Logger Installation
About this Guide 7
Chapter 1: Overview 8
How Logger Works 8
Logger for Security, Compliance, and IT Operations 9
Chapter 2: Deployment Planning 10
Getting the Latest Documentation 10
Trial Licenses 10
Acquiring a License for a Logger 10
Initial Configuration 11
Storage Volume 11
Storage Groups 12
Search Indexes 13
Receivers 13
Firewall Rules 14
Chapter 3: Setting Up a Logger Appliance L7700 16
Running Logger on Encrypted Appliances 16
Installing the Logger Appliance L7700 16
Configuring an IP Address for the L7700 Appliance 17
Setting Up the L7700 Appliance for Remote Access 19
Connecting to the Logger Appliance L7700 20
Initializing the Logger Appliance L7700 21
Using the Logger Appliance Command Line Interface 22
Chapter 3: Setting Up a Logger Appliance L8000 25
Encryption of SEDs 25
Installing the Logger Appliance L8000 25
Connecting to the Logger Appliance L8000 26
Configuring an IP Address for the Logger Appliance L8000 27
Setting Up the L8000 Appliance for Remote Access 28
Changing the iDRAC password on your L8000 Appliance 29
Software Logger and Logger Appliance L8000 Command Line Options 29
Chapter 4: Installing Software Logger on Linux 31
Before You Begin 31
Downloading the Installation Package 31
Verifying the Downloaded Installation Software 31
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ArcSight Logger Installation
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ArcSight Logger Installation
Downloading SmartConnectors 65
Devices 65
Device Groups 66
Storage Rules 66
Roles 66
Sending Events from ArcSight ESM to Logger 67
Chapter 7: Alerts 69
Types of Alerts 69
Configuring Alerts 70
Chapter 8: Overview of the Logger User Interface 71
Navigating the User Interface 71
Current User and Logout 72
Options Page 72
Take Me To and Server Clock 73
Server Clock 73
Summary 74
Dashboards 74
Chapter 9: Searching for Events 76
Example Queries 76
Syntax of a Query 77
Building a Query 78
Query Building Tools 78
Exporting Search Results 79
Saving Queries for Later Use 79
System Filters (Predefined Filters) 79
Tuning Search Performance 79
Chapter 10: Other Logger Features 81
Scheduling Tasks 81
Archiving Events 81
Access Control on Logger Users 81
Enriching Data Through Static Correlation 81
Web Services 82
Publication Status 83
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About this Guide
This guide describes how to install and initialize version 7.3 of standalone ArcSight Logger and
managed by ARCMC Logger. It includes information on how to initialize the Logger Appliance
and how to install the Software Logger on Linux and VMware VM.
IMPORTANT: You can verify the type of Logger you have from the console, by executing either or
both of these commands (as needed):
cat /etc/arcsight_model
cat /etc/OpenText_model
The output of these commands would be either your appliance model (L7700 or L8000) or No
such file or directory if you have a Software Logger.
Note: Where there are no specific differences, all types of Logger are called Logger in this
document. Where there are differences, the specific type of Logger is indicated.
Once events have been stored on a Logger, you can do the following:
l Search for events that match a specific query.
l Generate reports of events of interest.
l Generate alerts when a specified number of matches occur within a given time threshold.
Alerts can notify you by e-mail, an SNMP trap, or a Syslog message.
l Establish dashboards that display events that match a specific query.
l Forward selected events to ArcSight ESM for correlation and analysis.
l Forward events to Transformation Hub or other tools.
Trial Licenses
All ArcSight Loggers come with a trial license (for EPS and GB per day) that you can use for a 90
day evaluation period. You can manage licenses both by ArcMC or as Standalone ArcSight
Logger. After the evaluation period is over, you will not be able to access any Logger features
until you insert a valid license.
Note: Once the license is updated to EPS, the GB license (Logger Standalone or managed by
ArcMC) cannot be longer selected.
software license, follow the instructions in the Electronic Delivery Receipt you received from
Micro Focus in an email after you placed the order. Contact Customer Support in case you no
longer have the document.
Standalone Logger:
Make sure to add a separate, not re-used, license file for each Logger (License compliance will
be determined by each Logger). For more information on how to add a license in Logger, see
System Admin chapter in ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
To view more details about the current license (after Logger's installation), please go to System
Admin >License & Update page and Configuration > Advanced > License Information. For
more information, refer to the Configuration and System Admin chapters of the
ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Initial Configuration
The installation and initialization process sets up your Logger with an initial configuration
described in the sections below. You can do additional configuration on Logger to implement
your retention policies. See "Configuring Logger" on page 60. For further information, refer to
the Configuration chapter of the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Logger’s initial configuration is described in the sections below:
Storage Volume
Logger storage volume varies not only by version but also by initialization process. For
Software Logger, the storage volume is set up to 24TB or the available disk space, whichever is
smaller. For appliances, the storage volume is set to the model´s capacity (24TB being the
maximum for L7700 models, and 48TB the maximum for L8000 models). You can expand the
storage volume in Configuration > Maintenance Operations > Storage Volume Size Increase.
Storage volume can be extended after installation, but not reduced.
Storage Groups
Two storage groups, the Default Storage Group and the Internal Event Storage Group, are
created automatically during Logger initialization.
These storage groups come preconfigured with the following settings:
Preconfigured Default Storage Group Settings
Attribute Appliance Logger Software Logger
Size 5 GB 3 GB
Logger can have a maximum of 50 storage groups— 2 that pre-exist on your Logger (Internal
Storage Group and Default Storage Group) and 48 that you can create.
Adding more storage groups in Logger is determined by the partition size and the storage
volume available (up to 48 custom storage groups).
Each storage group can have different settings. You can change the retention policy and size
for all storage groups, but you can only change the name of the user-defined storage groups.
For more information, see the Configuration chapter of the ArcSight Logger 7.3
Administrator’s Guide.
Search Indexes
Logger comes prepared for full-text searches, also frequently used fields are indexed during
initialization. You can add additional fields to the index, but once a field has been added, you
cannot undo the action. For more information, see the Search chapter of the
ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
The default installation includes several receivers. To start receiving events, direct your events
to the default receivers. After initialization, you can create additional receivers to listen for
events. Before a receiver can receive data, open the port through the firewall. For more
information, see "Firewall Rules" on the next page.
You can also change and delete receivers or disable and enable them as needed.
Tip: Be sure to update the firewall configuration whenever you add or remove a receiver.
The following receivers are set up and enabled with the default installation:
l A UDP receiver: Enabled by default.
The UDP receiver is on port 514/udp for L7700 and L8000 Logger Appliances. If you are
installing Software Logger as root, the UDP receiver is on port 514/udp. For non-root
installs, it is on port 8514/udp. If this port is already occupied, the initialization process
selects the next higher unoccupied port.
l A TCP receiver: Enabled by default.
The TCP receiver is on port 515/tcp for L7700 and L8000 Logger Appliances. If you are
installing Software Logger as root, the TCP receiver is on port 515/tcp. For non-root installs,
it is on port 8515/tcp. If this port is already occupied, the initialization process selects the
next higher unoccupied port.
l A SmartMessage receiver: Enabled by default.
To receive events from a SmartConnector, download the SmartConnector and set the
Receiver Name to be “SmartMessage Receiver” when configuring the destination. The
SmartMessage receiver listens on the same port as the User Interface, 443/tcp on Logger
appliances, and typically 443/tcp on Software Logger installed as root, and 9000/tcp on
Software Logger installed as non-root. The Software Logger ports may vary.
Logger also comes pre-configured with folder follower receivers for Logger’s Apache URL
Access Error log, the system Messages log, and the system Audit log (when auditing is enabled
on your Linux OS). You must enable these receivers in order to use them.
Note: Logger’s Apache URL Access Error Log, http_error_log, is similar in format to the Apache
access_log. Only failed access attempts are included in the Apache URL Access Error Log.
Note: The folder (follower receiver) for /var/log/audit/audit.log will only be created
if /var/log/audit/ already exists on your system.
Auditing is disabled on some Logger Appliance models. Logger Appliances that have auditing
enabled will have the same pre-configured receivers as Software Logger.
When auditing is disabled on the system where Logger is installed, the pre-configured folder
follower receivers include:
l Var Log Messages: /var/log/messages
l Apache URL Access Error Log:
For instructions on how to enable the pre-configured receivers, see "Receivers" on page 60. For
more information about all Logger receivers, refer to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s
Firewall Rules
Before Logger can receive data, some ports must be opened through the firewall.
l For Software Logger, you are responsible for setting up the firewall. After you first install or
upgrade to Logger 7.3, you should configure the firewall to be open only for the ports
required for your configuration.
Caution: Micro Focus ArcSight strongly recommends that you configure your firewall and
open only the required ports.
l For the Logger Appliance L7700, the firewall is pre-configured. Micro Focus ArcSight
provides a script you can use to update the firewall.
l For the Logger Appliance L8000, the firewall is pre-configured.
Tip: Be sure to update the firewall configuration whenever you add or remove any service that
requires an open port for incoming traffic, such as a receivers or SNMP polling.
For information on how to install Software Logger on Linux, see "Installing Software Logger on
Linux" on page 31. For information about installing Software Logger on VMware VM, see,
"Installing Software Logger on VMware" on page 50.
Logger can be run on encrypted hardware to help you to meet compliance regulations and
privacy challenges by securing your sensitive data at rest.
You can encrypt L7700 Logger Appliance by using Micro Focus Secure Encryption, available
from the Server Management Software > Micro Focus Secure Encryption web page.
L7700 Logger appliances come pre-installed with everything necessary to use Micro Focus
Secure Encryption. The length of time encryption takes depends on the amount of data on the
server being encrypted. You can continue using Logger while the encryption runs. You may
notice some performance degradation after encrypting your existing Logger appliance.
Caution: After encryption, you cannot restore your Logger to its previously unencrypted state.
Note: Read carefully through the instructions, cautions, and warnings that are included with
the appliance shipment. Failing to do so can result in bodily injury or appliance malfunction.
The appliance ships with the default IP address (subnet mask on
eno1 (ens1f0 for L7700 appliances). To begin setting up your appliance, follow the steps below
to configure a new IP address on the Logger Appliance command line interface (CLI).
To run a command in the Logger CLI, type it at the prompt and press Enter. For more
information on the command line interface, see "Using the Logger Appliance Command Line
Interface" on page 22 or enter help at the prompt for a list of available commands.
Note: You can configure your appliance with and IPv4 address, an IPv6 address or both.
Login: admin
Password: password
The log-in process must be started when you have the time to finish the setup. If you log in
and then leave the appliance unattended for some time, you might encounter the Could
not process authentication request at this time. Use local authentication <yes/no>? error.
If this happens, please reboot the appliance and log-in again.
3. To begin the setup, follow the steps below to configure a new IP address on the Logger
Appliance command line interface (CLI).
Configure an IPv4 address either by providing static IPv4 address or choosing auto (SLAAC)
The Logger Appliance ships with the default IP addresses 192.168.35.[35-38] (subnet
In the following commands, the <your value> variable used to configure the Ethernet
adapters depends on your needs: for 10 GB Ethernet adapters use ens1f[0-1] or ens2f
[0-1], and for 1 GB Ethernet adapters use eno[1-4].
l For Static IPv4 configuration, use the following command format:
set ip <your value><ip>/<prefix>
4. Execute the following command, replacing <ip> with your default gateway IP
6. Execute the following command, replacing each <search_domainN> with a search domain,
and each <nameserverN> with the IP address of a name server:
set dns <search_domain1>,<search_domain2> <nameserver1> <nameserver2>
set dns domain1.company.com,domain2.company.com
Tip: When using multiple search domains, separate them with a comma, but no space.
When using multiple name servers, separate them with a space but no comma.
7. Execute the following command, replacing <ntp_serverN> with the NTP server you want
to use to set the time:
set ntp <ntp_server1> <ntp_server2> <ntp_server3>
set ntp time.nist.gov
8. Execute the following command to review the configuration settings you entered in
previous steps. If needed, change the settings:
show config
All ArcSight L7700 appliances are equipped with an Micro Focus ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out
(iLO) Advanced remote management card. Micro Focus strongly recommends setting up and
configuring your appliance for out-of-band remote access. Doing so ensures that you or
Customer Support (with your permission and assistance) can remotely access the console of
your appliance for troubleshooting, maintenance, and power control.
To set up your appliance for remote access, follow the instructions in the ProLiant Integrated
Lights-Out User Guide available on the product's website.
The Logger user interface (UI) is a password-protected web browser application that uses an
encrypted HTTPS connection. Refer to the Release Notes for details on Logger 7.3 browser
Logger’s publicly-accessible ports must be allowed through any firewall rules. For Software
Logger, you must set up the firewall. Firewall rules are pre-configured on the Logger Appliance.
See "Firewall Rules" on page 14 for more information.
l For root installs, allow access to port 443/tcp as well as the ports for any protocol that the
logger receivers need, such as port 514/udp for the UDP receiver and port 515/tcp for the
TCP receiver.
Note: The ports listed here are the default ports. Your Logger may use different ports.
Note: After logging in for the first time with the default user name and password, you will
be prompted to change the password. Follow the prompts to enter and verify the new
After you accept the EULA and log in for the first time, the Logger Configuration screen is
displayed. On this screen, you can upload the license file and configure the initial settings for
your Logger Appliance. Once you complete that configuration, your Logger Appliance will be
ready for use.
Note: The initialization of a Logger Appliance can only be changed by restoring Logger to its
initial factory settings.
Logger comes with a trial license valid only for 90 days. This license provides limited
functionality. For full access, you must upload your EPS or GB per day license as Standalone or
Managed by ArcMC. See "Trial Licenses" on page 10 for more information.
If you do not have a license, see "Acquiring a License for a Logger" on page 10.
3. Confirm the “Current Time Zone” and the “Current Time” settings are correct for your
To update the time settings, check Change Time Zone and Change Date/Time under
Date/Time Settings.
4. Click Save.
The Logger initialization process begins. Once the initialization is complete, the system
reboots. After completing the install and initialization, see "Configuring Logger" on page 60
for additional information to enable the pre-configured receivers and configure devices,
device groups, and storage groups necessary to implement your retention policy.
The Logger appliance CLI enables you to start and stop the appliance as well as issue
commands for the Logger application.
Use one of the following methods to connect to the appliance Command Line Interface (CLI):
l For appliance version L7700: Log into Micro Focus ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) and
launch the remote console feature. For more information, see "Setting Up the L7700
Appliance for Remote Access" on page 19.
l Connect a keyboard and monitor to the ports on the rear panel of the appliance.
l Connect a terminal to the serial port on the appliance using a null modem cable with DB-9
The serial port expects a standard VT100-compatible terminal: 9600 bps, 8-bits, no parity,
1 stop bit (8N1), no flow control.
l Once you are connected to the CLI, a Login prompt displays.
The following commands are available at the CLI prompt:
System Commands
exit Logout
Administrative Commands
Authentication Commands
Configuration Commands
show config Show host name, IP address, DNS, and default gateway for
the Logger
Date Commands
show date Show the date and time currently configured on the Logger
set defaultgw <IP> [nic] Set the default gateway for one or all network interfaces
show defaultgw [nic] Display the default gateway for all or the specified network
DNS Commands
show dns Show the currently configured DNS servers on the Logger
Hostname Commands
IP Commands
set ip <nic> <IP> Set Logger’s IP address for a specific network interface
[/prefix] [netmask]
NTP Commands
set ntp <ntp server> Sets the NTP server addresses. This entry over writes the
<ntp server> <ntp current NTP server setting
server> ...
You can specify as many NTP servers as you like. If you specify
multiple NTP servers, they are each checked in turn. The time
given by the first server to respond is used.
logger> set ntp
ntp.arcsight.com time.nist.gov 0.rhel.pool.org
Password Commands
Process Commands
reset sslcert Creates and installs a new self-signed certificate with the
original default information, then restarts the HTTPS server.
For information on how to install Software Logger on Linux, see "Installing Software Logger on
Linux" on page 31. For information about installing Software Logger on VMware VM, see,
"Installing Software Logger on VMware" on page 50.
Encryption of SEDs
The L8000 Logger Appliances support FIPS enabled self-encrypting disks (SEDs). Because the
data contained in these SED drives would be accessible to third parties if the drive was stolen,
you have the option to add data protection against the loss or theft of the disks. This
protection consists of setting up passphrase-access-only.
The SEDs ship without the passphrase, allowing you to chose your own. To set up a passphrase,
first follow the steps to establish a security key.
The chosen passphrase can then be applied to pre-existing virtual disks by following the steps
in Secure a pre-existing virtual disk.
To change or disable a security key, please follow the specific procedures listed under this
Note: Read carefully through the instructions, cautions, and warnings that are included with
the appliance shipment. Failing to do so can result in bodily injury or appliance malfunction.
Note: The ports listed here are the default ports. Your Logger may use different ports.
3. The Micro Focus EULA will be presented, and it can be navigated using the spacebar key
to display one page after the other. Enter q after the last page to exit the EULA screen, and
enter y when asked:
Are you sure you want to quit? (y)
If a DHCP server is available in your environment, the L8000 appliance is configured to use DHCP
by default. Otherwise, you may need to configure a static IP to the L8000 appliance, and these
initial steps can be used for guidance:
1. Find the configuration file of the active network port in the /etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ directory.
Run the following command to identify the configuration file for the active network port:
ip a | grep "state UP" | awk '{print "/etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ifcfg-"$2}' | tr -d ":"
Output Example:
If you do not get a response for the above command, make sure that a live network cable
has been attached to the appliance, and then repeat the command.
2. Please modify the following lines in the file identified in the previous step (you can use an
editor of your choice for the changes):
Original line Modified line
<ip_address> is the static IP you're assigning to the L8000 appliance
<subnet_mask> is the subnet mask of the IP
<gateway_address> is the gateway address of the IP
The values above must be assigned according to your own specifications, the following is
just an example to show the format of the data:
Once these steps are applied, the L8000 appliance should have the static IP configured.
assistance) can remotely access the console of your appliance for troubleshooting,
maintenance, and power control.
Note: If your Logger is installed to run as a system service, you can use your operating system’s
service command to start, stop, or check the status of a process on Logger. The default service
name is arcsight_logger.
l For a Software :
To view the processes that can be started, stopped, or restarted with loggerd, click System
Admin from the top-level menu bar. Then, under System, pick Process Status. The processes
are listed on the right under Processes.
The following table describes the subcommands available with loggerd and their purpose.
Command Purpose
loggerd start Start all processes listed under the System and Process sections. Use this command to launch
loggerd stop Stop processes listed under the Process section only. Use this command when you want to
leave loggerd running but all other processes stopped.
Important:Micro Focus recommends that you do not stop the servers process. To shut down
Logger, use the loggerd stop or quit commands.
Never stop the Loggerservers process while events are still coming in, this can cause data loss. If
you must stop the servers process, be sure to stop the receivers process first, then stop the
servers process.
loggerd restart This command restarts processes listed under the Process section only.
Note: When the loggerd restart command is used to restart Logger, the status message for
the “aps” process displays this message:
loggerd quit Stops all processes listed under the System and Process sections. Use this command to stop
loggerd start Start the named process. For example, loggerd start apache
loggerd stop Stop the named process. For example, loggerd stop apache
loggerd restart Restart the named process. For example, loggerd restart apache
You can also start and stop and view the status of Logger processes from the System Admin >
System > Process Status page.
Software Logger and Logger Appliance L8000 Command Line Options Page 30 of 84
Chapter 4: Installing Software Logger on Linux
You can install Software Logger on a Linux system or on a VMware virtual machine (VM). This
chapter explains what you need to know to install and start running Software Logger on a Linux
system. It includes information on the following topics:
For information about installing Software Logger on a VMware VM, see, "Installing Software
Logger on VMware" on page 50. For initialization information about the Logger Appliance, see
"Setting Up a Logger Appliance L7700" on page 16.
If the machine you plan to install Logger on is still on the RHEL 7.9 OS, please review the Red Hat
documentation to perform an upgrade to RHEL 8.x. This will ensure that your machine has the
latest security fixes, and can continue supporting future Logger upgrades.
If you do not have a license file, see "Acquiring a License for a Logger" on page 10. You need a
separate license file for each instance of Software Logger. A license file is uniquely generated
for each Logger download.
The type of license you have affects how the license usage restriction function works and what
is displayed on the License Usage page.
l For managed by ArcMC Loggers, ArcSight Management Center manages the license (EPS or
GB per day) restrictions. Refer to the ArcSight Management Center Administrator’s Guide
for more information.
l For standalone ArcSight Loggers, the license usage restriction function manages the license
(EPS or GB per day) restrictions.
The license usage restriction function adds the sum of the sizes of the events received on a
given day to compute the amount of data that comes into Logger per day. Logger compares
that value against the daily data limit in the license. If this limit is exceeded, Logger continues
to collect and store events, so that no events are lost. For GB per day license, if the daily data
limit is exceeded on more than five days in a 30-day sliding window, all search-related features
are disabled. You will not be able to forward, search, or run reports on the collected events
until the 30-day sliding window contains five or less data limit violations. For EPS, there is no
over the limit restrictions for the 45 days displayed on the graph.
The license usage page (Configuration > Advanced > License Usage) lists the data stored on
your Software Logger on day-by-day basis in the last 45 days for EPS (30 days for GB per day). It
also indicates the days on which data limits were exceeded. For more information, see the
Configuration chapter of the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
If you're interested in Logger pay-per-use licensing options, please visit:
l If you are installing on RHEL 7.X, edit the logind.conf file as described in "Editing the
logind Configuration File for RHEL 7.X" on page 36.
l Before installing or upgrading Logger, you must modify four TCP properties of the OS
environment as described in "Configuring TCP keepalive parameters for Linux OS" on
page 36.
l Before installing or upgrading Logger, you must add the rng-tools package and enable the
rngd.service as described in "Install package rng-tools" on page 37.
l Before installing or upgrading to Logger 7.3 (and when upgrading from RHEL 7.X to RHEL
8.4), you must connect through SSH to the Logger console to validate the presence of the
packages in the following table. Use the command in the Verification command column for
each package.
If all packages are already installed, you already comply with the requirements and can
proceed with the Logger 7.3 installation/upgrade (make sure to check the rest of the
prerequisites in this list).
If any of the packages are missing, proceed to install them by using the command in the
Installation command column. Once the installation of all the packages is finished, restart
the Logger processes and proceed with the upgrade (make sure to check the rest of the
prerequisites in this list).
Package Verification command Installation command
Optional: tzdata. The Logger installer will show the version required, and having an older version will generate
a User Intervention Required prompt. However, choosing NO to keep the current version will not affect the
installation process. Therefore, executing the commands below is optional.
l Increase the user process limit on your Operating System, as described in "Increasing the
User Process Limit and the Maximum Number of Open Files" on page 35.
l Before deploying in a production environment, get valid license file. If you do not have a
license file, see "Acquiring a License for a Logger" on page 10. You may need a separate
license file for each instance of Logger. A license file is uniquely generated for each
l A non-root user account must exist on the system on which you are installing Logger, or
the installer will ask you to provide one. Even if you install as root, a non-root user account
is still required. The userid and its primary groupid should be the same for this account.
The UID for the non-root user should be 1500 and the GID should be 750. For example, to
create the non-root user, run these commands as root:
groupadd -g 750 arcsight
These commands create a non-root user named arcsight that will work with a Logger
software installation. Make sure to assign a password for this user.
l Decide whether to install Logger while logged in as root or as a non-root user. Your
installation options vary depending on which user you choose.
Tip: If you are installing as a non-root user, the user must have privileges to write to the
installation directory and its sub-directories. For example, for the non-root user arcsight,
use the command:
chown -R arcsight:arcsight /opt/arcsight
a. If you install as root, you can choose to configure Logger to start as a service and select
the port on which Logger listens for secure web connections.
b. If you install as the non-root user, Logger can only listen for connections on port
9000/tcp. You cannot configure the port to a different value.
Note: The user must have privileges to write to the installation directory and its sub-
directories, for example:
chown -R arcsight:arcsight /opt/arcsight
Where <NN> is 20 for RHEL 7.X and 8.6, and Rocky Linux 8.6.
Caution: Be sure to include the asterisk (*) in the new entries. It is important that you add
all of the entries exactly as specified. Any omissions can cause system run-time errors.
5. Verify that the output shows the following values for “open files” and “max user
open files 65536
After you have increased the user process limit and met the other pre-requisites, you are ready
to install Logger.
Increasing the User Process Limit and the Maximum Number of Open Files Page 35 of 84
ArcSight Logger Installation
After you have modified this setting and met the other prerequisites, you are ready to install
2. Add and modify the following timeout properties and their recommended values:
l net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
l net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 60
l net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 2
l net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 2
Software Logger can be installed in three ways:
l GUI mode: A wizard steps you through the installation and configuration of Software
Logger. You must have an X-Windows server installed on your OS to use GUI mode.
l Console mode: A command-line process steps you through the installation and
configuration of Software Logger.
Tip: Console mode may allow you to install Logger more quickly if you encounter
bandwidth issues while installing remotely.
l Silent mode: You provide the input required for installation and configuration through a
file. Therefore, you do not need to interact with the installer to complete the installation
and configuration on each server. However, before you can use this mode, you must run
the installation and configuration using one of the other modes to record the input in a file.
Note: If you will be installing the Software Logger using the GUI mode of installation with SSH
connection, enable the X window forwarding using the -X option to view the screens of the
installation wizard. If you will be using PuTTY, an X client is required on the machine from which
you are connecting to the machine onto which you want to install Logger.
Caution: Do not use the Ctrl+C to exit the installer and uninstall, uninstallation may delete
your /tmp directory.
3. The License Agreement screen is displayed. Scroll to the bottom to review the agreement
and enable the “I accept the terms of the License Agreement” button.
4. Select I accept the terms of the License Agreement and click Next.
5. The installer checks that installation prerequisites are met:
l Operating system check—the installer checks to see if your device is running a
supported operating system. If you are not, a message displays, but it does not
prevent you from installing Logger software. This happens because some update
scenarios start with an earlier OS.
Note: Micro Focus ArcSight strongly recommends that you upgrade to a supported
OS before installing. Refer to the Release Notes for a list of supported operating
system platforms.
l Installation prerequisite check—If a check fails, Logger displays a message. You will
need to fix the issue before proceeding.
Once all the checks are complete, the Choose Install Folder screen is displayed.
An Intervention Required message displays, informing you that a parameter needs to be
changed from yes to no in the etc/logind.conf file. The message tells you what needs to
be done. In this example, quit the installer, and follow the instructions in "Editing the
logind Configuration File for RHEL 7.X" on page 36. When the file has been modified and
saved, enter the installation command again.
Field Notes
Non-root user If this user does not already exist on the system, you are prompted to supply one.
HTTPS port The port number to use when accessing the Logger UI.
You can keep the default HTTPS port (443/tcp) or enter any other port that suits your
needs. If you specify any port except 443/tcp, users will need to enter that port
number in the URL they use to access the Logger UI.
Field Notes
If you do not enable Logger to start as service during the installation process, you can
still do so later. For instructions on how to enable Logger to start as a service after
installation, see "Software Logger and Logger Appliance L8000 Command Line
Options" on page 47.
Note: If you do not provide a license file, Logger installs a 90- day trial license with
significant limitations. See "Trial Licenses" on page 10.
12. Click Next again to Initialize Logger components. Initialization may take a few minutes.
Once initialization is complete, the configuration screen is displayed.
13. Click Next to allow Logger to configure storage groups and storage volume. Configuration
may take a few minutes.
Once it appears the Configuration is Complete window, Logger starts and the Logger user
interface is displayed.
14. Make a note of the URL and then click Done to exit the installer.
Now that you are done installing and initializing your Logger, you can use the URL you noted
during the installation to connect to Logger. For instructions and information, see "Connecting
to Software Logger" on page 46.
./ArcSight-logger-7.3.L8455.0.bin -i console
InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of ArcSight Logger
It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing
with this installation.
Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If
you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'.
You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'.
3. The next several screens display the end user license agreement. Press Enter to display
each part of the license agreement, until you reach the following prompt:
4. Type Y and press Enter to accept the terms of the License Agreement.
You can type quit and press Enter to exit the installer at any point during the installation
5. The installer checks that installation prerequisites are met:
l Operating system check—The installer checks to see if your device is running a
supported operating system. If you are not, a message displays, but it does not
prevent you from installing Logger software. This happens because some update
scenarios start with an earlier OS.
Note: Micro Focus ArcSight strongly recommends that you upgrade to a supported
OS before installing. Refer to the Release Notes for a list of supported operating
system platforms.
l Installation prerequisite check—If a check fails, Logger displays a message. You will
need to fix the issue before proceeding.
If Logger is running on this machine, an Intervention Required message displays:
Intervention Required
ArcSight Logger processes are active.
All ArcSight Logger processes must be stopped to allow installation to
Type 'Quit' to exit this installer or 'Continue' to stop all ArcSight
Logger processes and continue with the installation.
->1- Continue
2- Quit
In this case, you would enter 1 (or hit Enter) to stop Logger processes, or 2 to quit the
Once all checks complete, the installation continues, and the Choose Install Folder screen
is displayed.
6. From the Choose Install Folder screen, type the installation path for Logger and then press
The default installation path is /opt. You can install into this location or another location of
your choice.
7. Type Y and press Enter to confirm the installation location.
l If there is not enough space to install the software at the location you specified, a
message is displayed. To proceed with the installation, specify a different location or
make sufficient space available at the location you specified. Type quit and press
Enter to exit the installer.
l If Logger is already installed at the location you specify, a message is displayed. Enter 2
to continue with the upgrade and 1 to specify another location. For upgrade
instructions and information, refer to the Release Notes for your version.
8. Review the pre-install summary and press Enter to install Logger.
Installation may take a few minutes. Please wait. Once installation is complete, the next
screen is displayed.
9. If you are logged in as root, the following prompts are displayed. Type your response and
press Enter after each.
Field Notes
User Name If this user does not already exist on the system, you are prompted to supply one.
Tip: When installing Logger on VMWare VM, use the non-root user
arcsight that comes preconfigured on your system.
HTTPS Port The port number to use when accessing the Logger UI.
You can keep the default HTTPS port (443) or enter any other port that suits your needs.
If you specify any port except 443, users will need to enter that port number in the URL
they use to access the Logger UI.
Choose if you want Type 1 and press Enter to configure Logger as a service, or type 2 and press Enter to
to run Logger as a configure Logger as standalone.
system service. Select this option to create a service called arcsight_logger, and enable it to run at
levels 2, 3, 4, and 5.
If you do not enable Logger to start as service during the installation process, you still do
so later. For instructions on how to enable Logger to start as a service after installation,
refer to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
10. Type the number for your desired locale, and press Enter:
l 1 for English
l 2 for Japanese
l 3 for Simplified Chinese
l 4 for Traditional Chinese
11. Type the absolute the path to the license file and click Next.
Note: If you do not provide a license file, Logger installs a 90-day trial license that has
significant restrictions. See "Acquiring a License for a Logger" on page 10.
./ArcSight-logger-7.3.L8455.0.bin -r <path_for_generated_file>
#License Information
The rest of the installation and configuration proceed silently, without requiring any input from
After the installation and initialization completes, you can use the URL created during the
installation to connect to Logger. For instructions and information, see "Connecting to
Software Logger" on the next page.
Note: The ports listed here are the default ports. Your Logger may use different ports.
To connect to Logger:
Use the URL configured during Logger installation to connect to Logger through a supported
For Software Logger or Logger Appliance L8000: https://<hostname or IP
To log in:
When the Login dialog is displayed, enter your user name and password, and click Login.
Use the following default credentials if you are connecting for the first time:
Username: admin
Password: password
Note: After logging in for the first time with the default user name and password, you will be
prompted to change the password. Follow the prompts to enter and verify the new password.
For more information about the Login screen and connecting to Logger and receive events,
refer to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Note: If your Logger is installed to run as a system service, you can use your operating system’s
service command to start, stop, or check the status of a process on Logger. The default service
name is arcsight_logger.
l For a Software :
To view the processes that can be started, stopped, or restarted with loggerd, click System
Admin from the top-level menu bar. Then, under System, pick Process Status. The processes
are listed on the right under Processes.
The following table describes the subcommands available with loggerd and their purpose.
Software Logger and Logger Appliance L8000 Command Line Options Page 47 of 84
ArcSight Logger Installation
Command Purpose
loggerd start Start all processes listed under the System and Process sections. Use this command to launch
loggerd stop Stop processes listed under the Process section only. Use this command when you want to
leave loggerd running but all other processes stopped.
Important:Micro Focus recommends that you do not stop the servers process. To shut down
Logger, use the loggerd stop or quit commands.
Never stop the Loggerservers process while events are still coming in, this can cause data loss. If
you must stop the servers process, be sure to stop the receivers process first, then stop the
servers process.
loggerd restart This command restarts processes listed under the Process section only.
Note: When the loggerd restart command is used to restart Logger, the status message for
the “aps” process displays this message:
loggerd quit Stops all processes listed under the System and Process sections. Use this command to stop
loggerd start Start the named process. For example, loggerd start apache
loggerd stop Stop the named process. For example, loggerd stop apache
loggerd restart Restart the named process. For example, loggerd restart apache
You can also start and stop and view the status of Logger processes from the System Admin >
System > Process Status page.
Uninstalling Logger
If you will be uninstalling the Software Logger over an SSH connection and want to use GUI
mode, make sure that you have enabled X window forwarding using the -X option, so that you
can view the screens of the uninstall wizard. If you will be using PuTTY, you will also need an X
client on the machine from which you are connecting to the Linux machine.
Before uninstalling Logger, stop the Logger processes by using the loggerd stop command, as
described in Software Logger and Logger Appliance L8000 Command Line Options
Note: OVA is not available for Logger 7.3. For more information on how to install Logger on
VMware, see "Installing Logger on the Virtual Machine" on page 53
Caution: For security reasons and so that you can SCP or SSH to your machine, change the root
password and add a password for the arcsight user as soon as possible.
Make sure these prerequisites are met before you install the Logger software on the VM:
l Boot up the operating system on the VM, log in, set the timezone, and do any other
necessary configuration before proceeding with the installation.
l Configure the network on the VM as appropriate for your environment. The hostname
must be resolvable, either by the DNS server or by settings in /etc/hosts.
l Ensure the /etc/systemd/logind.conf parameter RemoveIPC is set to RemoveIPC=no,
see "Editing the logind Configuration File for RHEL 7.X" on page 36
l SELinux and SSH are enabled on the OS, but the firewall is disabled. To ensure proper
access to Logger, enable a firewall and add your firewall policy to allow or deny devices as
soon as possible. For more information, see "Firewall Rules" on page 14.
l Before deploying in a production environment, get a valid license file. If you do not have a
license file, see "How Licensing Works in Software Logger" on the previous page. You may
need a separate license file for each instance of Logger. A license file is uniquely generated
for each download.
l SCP the license to the VM and make a note of the file name and location; you will need
them during the installation process.
l Decide whether to install Logger while logged in as root or as the preconfigured non-root
user, arcsight. Your installation options vary depending on which user you choose.
a. If you install as root, you can choose to configure Logger to start as a service and select
the port on which Logger listens for secure web connections.
b. If you install as the non-root user, Logger can only listen for connections on port
9000/tcp. You cannot configure the port to a different value.
Note: The user must have privileges to write to the installation directory and its sub-
directories, for example:
chown -R arcsight:arcsight /opt/arcsight
l You must not have an instance of MySQL installed on the machine on which you install
Logger. If an instance of MySQL exists on that machine, uninstall it before installing Logger.
You can verify that you have the correct installation file, as described in "Before You Begin" on
page 50.
You can install Logger as a root user or as the non-root user, arcsight. See "Prerequisites for
Installation" on page 51 for details and restrictions.
./ArcSight-logger-7.3.8455.0.bin -i console
InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of ArcSight Logger
It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing
with this installation.
Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If
you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'.
You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'.
3. The next several screens display the end user license agreement. Press Enter to display
each part of the license agreement, until you reach the following prompt:
4. Type Y and press Enter to accept the terms of the License Agreement.
You can type quit and press Enter to exit the installer at any point during the installation
5. The installer checks that installation prerequisites are met:
l Operating system check—The installer checks to see if your device is running a
supported operating system. If you are not, a message displays, but it does not
prevent you from installing Logger software. This happens because some update
scenarios start with an earlier OS.
Note: Micro Focus ArcSight strongly recommends that you upgrade to a supported
OS before installing. Refer to the Release Notes for a list of supported operating
system .platforms.
l Installation prerequisite check—If a check fails, Logger displays a message. You will
need to fix the issue before proceeding.
If Logger is running on this machine, an Intervention Required message displays:
Intervention Required
ArcSight Logger processes are active.
All ArcSight Logger processes must be stopped to allow installation to
Type 'Quit' to exit this installer or 'Continue' to stop all ArcSight
Logger processes and continue with the installation.
->1- Continue
2- Quit
In this case, you would enter 1 (or hit Enter) to stop Logger processes, or 2 to quit the
Once all checks complete, the installation continues, and the Choose Install Folder screen
is displayed.
6. From the Choose Install Folder screen, type the installation path for Logger and then press
The default installation path is /opt. The installation path on the VM image is
/opt/arcsight/logger. You must use this location. Do not specify a different location.
7. Type Y and press Enter to confirm the installation location.
l If there is not enough space at the location you specified, a message is displayed.
Make sufficient space available or specify a different location by typing quit.
User Name If this user does not already exist on the system, you are prompted to supply one.
Tip: When installing Logger on VMWare VM, use the non-root user
arcsight that comes preconfigured on your system.
HTTPS Port The port number to use when accessing the Logger UI.
You can keep the default HTTPS port (443) or enter any other port that suits your needs.
If you specify any port except 443, users will need to enter that port number in the URL
they use to access the Logger UI.
Choose if you want Type 1 and press Enter to configure Logger as a service, or type 2 and press Enter to
to run Logger as a configure Logger as standalone.
system service. Select this option to create a service called arcsight_logger, and enable it to run at
levels 2, 3, 4, and 5.
If you do not enable Logger to start as service during the installation process, you still do
so later. For instructions on how to enable Logger to start as a service after installation,
refer to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
10. Type the number for your desired locale, and press Enter:
l 1 for English
l 2 for Japanese
l 3 for Simplified Chinese
l 4 for Traditional Chinese
11. Type the absolute the path to the license file and click Next. The initialization screen is
Note: If you do not provide a license file, Logger installs a 90-day trial license that has
significant restrictions. See "Acquiring a License for a Logger" on page 10.
12. Press Enter again to initialize Logger components. Initialization may take a few minutes.
Once initialization is complete, the configuration screen is displayed.
13. Click Next to configure storage groups and storage volume and restart Logger
Configuration may take a few minutes. Once configuration is complete, Logger starts up and
the next screen displays the URL you should use to connect to Logger.
14. Make a note of the URL and then press Enter to exit the installer.
Now that you are finished installing and initializing your Logger, you can use the URL you noted
during the installation to connect to Logger. For instructions and information, see "Connecting
to Software Logger" on page 46.
Note: The ports listed here are the default ports. Your Logger may use different ports. If
new ports are configured, make sure to include them in the firewall rules.
Connecting to Logger:
Use the URL configured during Logger installation to connect to Logger through a supported
For Software Logger or Logger Appliance L8000: https://<hostname or IP
where the hostname or IP address is that of the system on which the Logger software is
installed, and configured_port is the port set up during the Logger installation, if applicable.
Note: After logging in for the first time with the default user name and password, you will be
prompted to change the password. Follow the prompts to enter and verify the new password.
For more information about the Login screen and connecting to Logger, refer to the User
Interface and Dashboards chapter of the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Once you have logged in successfully, you can enable the pre-configured receivers and
configure devices, device groups, and storage groups necessary to implement your retention
policy. See "Configuring Logger" on page 60 and refer to the Configuration chapter of
ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Note: If your Logger is installed to run as a system service, you can use your operating system’s
service command to start, stop, or check the status of a process on Logger.
To view the processes that can be started, stopped, or restarted with loggerd, click System
Admin from the top-level menu bar. Then, under System, pick Process Status. The processes
are listed on the right under Processes.
The following table describes the subcommands available with loggerd and their purpose.
Command Purpose
loggerd start Start all processes listed under the System and Process sections in the figure
above. Use this command to launch Logger.
loggerd stop Stop processes listed under the Process section only. Use this command when
you want to leave loggerd running but all other processes stopped.
loggerd restart This command restarts processes listed under the Process section only.
Note: When the loggerd restart command is used to restart Logger, the status message
for the “aps” process displays this message:
Process ‘aps’ Execution failed
After a few seconds, the message changes to:
Process ‘aps’ running
loggerd quit Stops all processes listed under the System and Process sections in the figure
above. Use this command to stop Logger.
loggerd start Start the named process. For example, loggerd start apache.
loggerd stop Stop the named process. For example, loggerd stop apache.
loggerd restart Restart the named process. For example, loggerd restart apache
You can also start and stop and view the status of Logger processes from the System Admin >
System > Process Status page. Refer to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide or
online help for more information.
Uninstalling Logger
To uninstall the Logger software, simply delete the VM. Alternatively, you can uninstall the
software Logger from the VM.
If you will be uninstalling the Software Logger over an SSH connection and want to use GUI
mode, make sure that you have enabled X window forwarding using the -X option, so that you
can view the screens of the uninstall wizard. If you will be using PuTTY, you will also need an X
client on the machine from which you are connecting to the Linux machine.
Before uninstalling Logger, stop and then quit the Logger processes by using the loggerd stop
and loggerd quit commands, as described in Software Logger and Logger Appliance L8000
Command Line Options
For more information on directly configuring and administering your Logger, refer to the
ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide. For more information on configuring and
administering your Logger using ArcSight Management Center, refer to the ArcSight
Management Center Administrator’s Guide . For more information on setting Connectors, refer
to the documentation for each Connector.
Note: In order to retrieve logs correctly and prevent rotation, Software Logger requires 2 Linux
OS pre-installed packages: zip and unzip.
Logger can also receive events from ArcSight SmartConnectors that collect event data from
sources on your network. A subset of ArcSight SmartConnectors is supported for Trial Logger
and available for download from the same location from which you downloaded Logger. The
Configuration Guides for the supported SmartConnectors are included and available at the
same web site. To learn more about ArcSight SmartConnectors, visit Installation and User
Guide for SmartConnectors.
Now that you have finished installing Logger, you can set up receivers to listen for events.
Logger comes preconfigured with several receivers that are ready to receive events and log
files directly from devices and systems on your network, such as syslog servers, NFS, CIFS, or
SAN systems. You can use the preconfigured receivers or add your own. Receivers can be
disabled and re-enabled later. You can add, change, and delete them as needed.
The preconfigured receivers include a TCP receiver, a UDP Receiver, and a SmartMessage
receiver already enabled and ready to receive events. Logger also comes preconfigured with
folder follower receivers for Logger’s Apache Access Error Log, the system Messages Log, and
the system Messages Audit Log (if auditing is enabled on your Linux OS).
To receive data, a receiver's ports must be allowed through any firewall rules. See "Firewall
Rules" on page 14 for more information. You must enable these receivers in order to use them.
See "Enabling the Preconfigured Folder Follower Receivers" below for instructions.
The preconfigured receivers are described more detail in "Receivers" on page 13. For further
information on receivers, refer to the Configuration chapter of the ArcSight Logger 7.3
Administrator’s Guide.
Logger can also receive events from ArcSight SmartConnectors that collect event data from
sources on your network. To learn more about ArcSight SmartConnectors, visit Micro Focus
Tip: Before enabling these receivers, you must make /var/log/audit/audit.log and
/var/log/messages readable by the non-root user you installed with or specified during Logger
To enable a receiver, click the disabled icon ( ) at the end of the row.
Alternately, you can navigate to the Receivers page from the menu to enable the receivers.
To open the Receivers page from the menu and enable a receiver:
1. Open the Configuration > Data menu and click Receivers.
2. Identify the receiver you want to enable, and click the disabled icon ( ) at the end of
that row.
For information on how to use the pre-configured SmartMessage receiver, see "Using
SmartConnectors to Collect Events" on page 63.
Caution: The SCP and SFTP protocols on L7700 Logger appliances are not FIPS compliant.
Note: The SCP, SFTP, and FTP file transfer receivers depend on the FTP, SCP, and SFTP
clients installed on your system.
SmartMessage is an Micro Focus ArcSight technology that provides an efficient secure channel
for Common Event Format (CEF) events between ArcSight SmartConnectors and Logger.
SmartMessage provides an end-to-end encrypted secure channel using Transport Layer
Security (TLS). One end is an ArcSight SmartConnector, receiving events from the many devices
supported by ArcSight SmartConnectors. The other end is a SmartMessage receiver on Logger.
Note: The SmartMessage secure channel uses TLS protocol to send encrypted events to Logger.
This is similar to, but different from, the encrypted binary protocol used between
SmartConnectors and ArcSight Manager.
Note: Refer to the documentation that came with your SmartConnector for instructions.
2. Specify the required parameters. Enter the Logger hostname or IP address and the name
of the SmartMessage receiver. These settings must match the receiver in Logger that listen
for events from this connector.
l To use the pre-configured receiver, specify “SmartMessage Receiver” as the Receiver
l To use SmartMessage to communicate between an ArcSight SmartConnector and a
Logger Appliance L7700, configure the SmartConnector to use port 443/tcp.
l To communicate between an ArcSight SmartConnector and Software Logger or a
Logger Appliance L8000, configure the SmartConnector to use the port configured for
the Software Logger.
l For unencrypted CEF syslog, enter the Logger hostname or IP address, the desired port,
and choose UDP or TCP output.
a. Add this property:
Downloading SmartConnectors
Contact your Micro Focus ArcSight sales representative or customer support for the location to
download the supported SmartConnectors. To learn more about ArcSight SmartConnectors,
visit Micro Focus Documentation.
Logger begins storing events when an enabled receiver receives data or, in the case of a file
receiver, when the files become available. Using a process called autodiscovery, Logger
automatically creates resources called devices to keep track of source IP addresses and uses
DNS to map them to hostnames. Eventually, a device is created for each device from which
Logger received events.
You can also create devices preemptively, by entering the IP addresses or hostnames of data
sources that you expect to be sending events to Logger. You might do this if you do not want to
wait for autodiscovery, or if you want to control the initial naming of each device. Discovered
devices are named for their host, or if the DNS lookup fails, for their IP address, and their
receiver. For information about creating devices, see the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s
Device Groups
Device groups are containers or logical groupings for devices, in the same way folders (or
directories) contain files. They are a name for a group of devices. A given device can be a
member of several device groups. Each device group can be associated with particular storage
group, which would assign a retention policy.
You can change and delete device groups freely as your needs change. Setting up device groups
initially is not critical; incoming events that are not assigned to a device group are
automatically sent to the Default Storage Group. For the details of setting up device groups,
see the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Storage Rules
Events are stored in the Default Storage Group unless otherwise specified. Storage rules are a
way to direct events from certain device groups to certain storage groups. You can use them to
implement additional retention policies.
If you want to implement multiple retention policies, you can create storage rules that
associate the specific device groups with the storage groups that implement the desired
retention policy.
For example, you could create one device group for each retention policy. However, for more
control, you could associate device groups with storage groups and storage rules and use them
to categorize events.
Storage rules are evaluated in order of priority; the first matching rule determines where the
event is sent. This approach means that a single device can belong to several device groups
without ambiguity about which storage group it will end up in.
For more information, see ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Tuning role(s) (Reports, Search, Forwarding, and Receiver, Storing Support per Search Roles)
guarantees better performance in your daily activities. You can (un)check any role as needed.
Still, you can access any unchecked role and perform any activity with the minimum required
For more information, see ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Note: The Forwarding SmartConnector is a separate installable file, named similar to these:
Parameter Description
ArcSight Source Manager Host IP or host name of the source ArcSight Manager
Parameter Description
ArcSight Source Manager User A user account on the source Manager with sufficient privileges to read
Name events
ArcSight Source Manager Password for the specified Manager user account
SmartConnector Name A name for the ESM to Logger connector (visible in the Manager)
To configure the Forwarding SmartConnector to send CEF output to Logger and send events to
another ArcSight Manager at the same time, see "Configuring SmartConnectors to Send Events
to Both Logger and an ArcSight Manager" on page 64.
Types of Alerts
Logger provides two types of alerts:
l Real time alerts
l Saved Search Alerts
The following table compares the two types of alerts.
No limit on the number of alerts that can be defined. Any number of alerts can be defined. All defined alerts
are enabled and effective; however, a maximum of 50
A maximum of 25 alerts can be enabled at any time.
alerts can run concurrently.
No limit on the number of configured e-mail No limit on the number of configured e-mail
destinations; however, you can only set one SNMP, destinations; however, you can only set one SNMP,
one Syslog, and one ESM destination. one Syslog, and one ESM destination.
Alerts are triggered in real time. That is, when These alerts are triggered at scheduled intervals. That
specified number of matches occurs within the is, when a specified number of matches occurs within
specified threshold, an alert is immediately triggered. the specified threshold, an alert is triggered at the
next scheduled time interval.
Only regular expression queries can be specified for Queries for these alerts are defined using the flow-
these alerts. based search language that allows you to specify
multiple search commands in a pipeline format,
including regular expressions. Aggregation operators
such as chart and top cannot be included in the search
To define a real time alert, you specify a query, match To define a Saved Search Alert, you specify a Saved
count, threshold, and one or more destinations. Search (which is a query with a time range), match
count, threshold, and one or more destinations.
A time range is not associated with the queries
defined for these alerts. Therefore, whenever the A time range (within which events should be searched)
specified number of matches occurs within the is specified for the query associated with these alerts.
specified threshold, an alert is triggered. Therefore, specified number of matches within the
Configuring Alerts
Refer to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide for detailed instructions on how to
create both types of alerts.
Bar gauges at the top of the screen provide an indication of the throughput and CPU usage
information available in more detail on the Monitor Dashboard ("Dashboards" on page 74). You
can change the range of the bar gauges on the Options page. The name of the logged-in user is
shown below the clock, to the right of the gauges.
To access any Logger function, click the navigation bar located at left side of the page. You can
also expand/ collapse the navigation bar by clicking the icon if needed.
From the navigation bar > admin icon , click the Logout link.
Logging out is good security practice, to eliminate the chance of unauthorized use of an
unattended Logger session. Logger automatically logs you out after a user-configurable length
of time (15 minutes by default). For more information on how to update the logout time, see
the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Options Page
From the navigation bar > admin icon , click the Options link. The Options page allows to
admin rights users to set the range on the EPS In and EPS Out bar gauges. If the event rate
exceeds the specified maximum, the range is automatically increased.
From here, you can Upload a logo (PNG file) and replace the ArcSight Logger logo with your
custom logo. The logo must be in .png format. The recommended size is 175 x 50 pixeles and
the maximum file size is 1 MB.
Additionally, you can set the default start page (home page) for all users and specific start
pages for individual users here. The start page is the user interface page Logger displays when
a user logs in.
You can access the Take me to... navigation box by clicking it or pressing the Alt+o, Alt+p, or
Ctrl+Shift +o hot keys. In the navigation box, type a word to display a list menu of matching
results. To select a particular option, use the arrow keys and then press enter.
Note: You can also open the online help for your current UI page by typing help in the Take me
to...search box.
Server Clock
The server clock is shown to the right of the bar gauges, along with the dark theme, help and
The server clock displays the Logger server’s system time. This may be different from the user’s
local time.
The Summary page is a global dashboard that provides summarized event information about
your Logger in one screen. It enables you to gauge incoming events activity and the status of
Dashboards are an all-in-one view of the Logger information of interest. You can assemble
various search queries that match events of interest to you, status of Logger components such
as receivers, forwarders, storage, CPU, and disk, or a combination of both on a single
Summary Page 74 of 84
ArcSight Logger Installation
Each Dashboard contains one or more panels of these types: Search Results and Monitor. The
Search Results panels display events that match the query associated with the panel. The
Monitor panels display the real-time and historical status of various Logger components such
as receivers, forwarders, storage, CPU, and disk.
For more details about Dashboards, refer to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Dashboards Page 75 of 84
Chapter 9: Searching for Events
Once Logger has stored events from heterogeneous sources on your network, you can search
through those events for a wide array of uses such as unsuccessful login attempts, the number
of events by source, SSH authentications. Additionally, you might want to include matching
events in a report, or forward events to another system such as ArcSight ESM.
You need to create queries to search for events. Queries can be as simple as a term to match,
such as “login” or an IP address; or they can be more complex, such as events that include
multiple IP addresses, ports, and occurred between specific time ranges from devices that
belong to a specific device group.
Searching through stored events is very simple and intuitive on Logger. It uses a flow-based
search language that allows you to specify multiple search commands in a pipeline format. In
addition, you can customize the display of search results, view search results as charts, and so
For detailed information of syntax and tools of queries, exporting and saving query results refer
to the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
Example Queries
Simple query examples:
l error
l sourceAddress=
l hostA.companyxyz.com
Complex query example:
_storageGroup IN ["Default Storage Group"] _deviceGroup IN ["
[TCPC]"] name="*[4924TestAlert]*" AND ("192.168.*" OR categoryBehavior
CONTAINS Stop) | REGEX=":\d31" | cef name deviceEventCategory | chart _count
by name
Syntax of a Query
A Logger search query contains one or more of the following types of expressions:
Element Description
Field- A field-based expression: searching for values in the fields of an event. This includes searches for
based uncommon values in specific fields; for example:
name="failed login"
on message!="failed login"
Search A search operator expression: an expression that uses search operators to refine the data that
operator matches the expressions specified by the keyword and the field-based expression.
The following search operators are available in Logger 7.3:
cef, chart, dedup, eval, extract, fields, head, keys, rare, regex, rename,
replace, rex, sort, tail, top, transaction, where
Extractio The rex search operator is useful for syslog events (raw or unstructured data) or if you want to
n extract information from a specific point in an event, such as the 15th character in an event.
For example, to extract an IP address from the following event:
on [Thu Jul 30 01:20:06 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning: Can't
connect to
and assign it to a field called “IP_Address”, use the following rex expression:
| rex "(?<IPAddress>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
Implied You can specify the event fields directly in queries; for example:.
To display search results of the count of unique values device addresses in a chart form:
n failed | chart _count by deviceAddress
To display search results of the most common values for the deviceAddress field in table form.
That is, the values are listed in order from the highest number of matches to the lowest.
failed | top deviceAddress
Building a Query
When you build a query, you must specify the following elements:
l Query Expression: the search conditions to use when selecting or rejecting an event.
l Time range: the time range within which to search.
l Field Set: the fields of an event to display for matching events; for example, you can select
to display only the deviceAddress and deviceReceiptTime fields of matching events.
In addition, you can also include constraints that limit the search to specific device groups and
storage groups.
l A Storage Group enables you to associate a retention policy with it. Therefore, by defining
multiple storage groups, you can store events for different periods of time.
l A Device Group enables you to categorize devices of your choice into a group. You can
associate a device group to a storage rule that defines in which storage group events from
a specific device group are stored.
o List of Fields and Operators: Depending on the query you enter, Logger displays either
a complete list of fields that possibly match the field name you are typing, or a list of
available operators.
l The amount of time it takes to search depends on the size of the data set that must be
searched, the complexity of the query, and whether the search is distributed across peers.
To limit the data set, ensure that time range you specify does not result in a query that
needs to scan multimillions of events.
l Limiting search to specific storage groups or peers typically results in better search
performance than when the storage groups or peers are not specified.
l If your receive syntax error when running a query, ensure that the syntax of the query
follows the requirements specified in the Syntax Reference for Query Expression section
of the ArcSight Logger 7.3 Administrator’s Guide.
l Reduce the load on the system when your query needs to run, for example, scheduled
jobs, running multiple reports, or large number of incoming events.
Tip: Full- text indexing and Field- based indexing for a recommended set of fields are
automatically enabled at Logger initialization time. In addition to these fields, Micro Focus
strongly recommends that you index fields that you will be using in search and report
Scheduling Tasks
You can configure Logger to run jobs such as Configuration Backup, Event Archive, File
Transfers, and Saved Searches on recurring basis.
Archiving Events
Event Archives let you save the events for any day in the past, not including the current day.
The archive location can be a local directory or a mount point that you have already established
on the system on which Logger software is installed. You can also schedule a daily archive of
the events. Archives are indexed at the creation; this will enable searches on archived events to
be as fast as searches in live storage.
Web Services
Logger includes SOAP and REST web services that you can use to integrate Logger functionality
in your own applications. For example, you will be able to create programs that execute
searches on stored Logger events or run Logger reports, and feed them back to your third-
party system. Refer to the Logger Web Services API Guide. for more information on this
Publication Status
Released: May 31, 2023
Updated: Wednesday, March 20, 2024