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Form C300 Rev.



Project No.: 01282 Part 1.15 Adjustment Formula
Partial Estimate No.: (Epf / BPf) > 1.15: FCA = [[(EPf - BPf) - 0.05 BPf] Q (FF)]/42
Bid Opening Date: (Epf / BPf) < 0.85: FCA = [[(EPf - BPf) + 0.05 BPf] Q (FF)]/42
Project Starting Date: Obtain BPf and EPf Values from Crude Oil Prices sheet:
Inclusive Dates of Estimate Period: (West Texas Intermediate - Wall Street Journal)
Contract Completion/Expired Date:
Base Price for Fuel (BPf): https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/1131bfd7-8a51-4932-a423-32dbcc473709/page/FAnrD
(EPf of the Bid Open Month)
Estimate Price for Fuel (EPf):
(Average of 1st Monday of current month and
the 3 prior Mondays)
Is EPf/BPf>1.15
Is EPf/BPf<0.85
Fuel Factor Quantity of Acceptable Work Fuel Cost Adjustment
Contract Pay Item (FF) (Q) (FCA)
Pavement Items: individual items exceeding $100,000 Includes the following items:
Roadway Excavation,
Granular Borrow,
Top Soil,
Underdrain Granlar Backfill,
Untreated Base Course,
Hot Mix Asphalt,
Open Graded Surface Course,
Stone Matrix Asphalt,
Warm Mix Asphalt,
All other asphalt mix products with mix
Profile Rotomilling,
In-Place Cold Recycled Asphaltic Base,
Recycled Surface,
Chip Seal Coat,
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement,
Lean Concrete Base Course,

Bridge Items: Total NEW bridge cost exceeding $500,000 Cost of Items Includes the following items:
Structural Concrete,
Reinforcing Steel,
Prestressed Concrete Members,
Structural Steel
Includes the following items:
Structural Concrete,
Reinforcing Steel,
Prestressed Concrete Members,
Structural Steel

Pipe Culvert Items: 36 inch & larger, combined items exceeding $200,000 Cost of Items

TOTAL: $0.00

Computed by:

Checked by:

Form C-300 Instructions:

1. The bid opening date can be found at PDBS/Subsystems/Project Administration/Maintenance/Project

2. The project starting date can be found at PDBS/Subsystems/Project Administration/Actual Start Date

3. The Contract Completion date can be found at PDBS/Subsystems/Project Administration/Data Entry/Final Estimate

4. The BPf and EPf amounts can be found on the Crude Oil Prices spreadsheet at the link above.

5. Contract pay items are the original contract bid items for the project. Change order items are not included in the FCA.

6. The Fuel Factor can be found in spec 01282 Payment.

7. The Quantity is the total quantity paid on current estimate.

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