Past Midterm Exam
Past Midterm Exam
Past Midterm Exam
Special instructions:
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Justify all your answers.
[6] (c) Give an example of a function f (x) and a function g(x) such that
f (x) and g(x) are continuous for all real numbers, and fg(x)
is continuous
√ √
for all real x except x = −2 3 and x = 2 3.
[5] 2. Find the value of dy if y = ln(x2 + 3), x = 4, and the change in x is 0.2.
f (x) = 3
x+x · 5x − 3
(b) √
4x − e x
f (x) = 2
x + ln x
√ 20
f (x) = x2 + x3 + 2
4. The total cost (in dollars) of producing x calendars is
[3] (a) Use marginal cost to approximate the cost of producing the 201st calendar.
[6] (b) Find the average cost and the marginal average cost at a production level of 200
calendars. Interpret these results.
[3] (c) Use the results in part (b) to estimate the average cost per calendar if 201 calendars
are produced.
2ex − 3x2 y 5 + y 2 = 11
Find y 0 (x) and the equation(s) of the tangent line(s) to the graph of y(x) at the point(s)
where x = 0.
[9] 7. A 9-foot ladder is placed against a vertical wall. At what distance is the top of
the ladder from the ground if the bottom of the ladder slides away from the wall at a rate
of 8 feet per second and the top of the ladder is sliding down the wall at a rate of 6 feet per
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