with scale value for directl y reading variation of water level, where range of scale value is specified CAI X; LIN Q; NIE X; ZHENG L; ZHONG L; ZHOU J UNIV FUJIAN TECHNOLOGY ( UYFU-Non-standard); FUJIAN JIUDING CONSTR ENG CO LTD (FUJI-Non-standard); FUJI AN JINDING CONSTR DEV CO LTD (FUJI-Non-standard); FUJIAN STRAIT GOLD SHORE CONS TR ENG CO (FUJI-Non-standard) 2011-C74256 CN201716253-U 201124 CN101885593-A Recycled pervious concrete includes concrete material consisting of components having predetermined percent by weight values YAO W, CN CMTCC SHANGHAI SHISANYE CONSTR CO LTD (CMTC-Non-standard) 2010-Q30749 CN101885593-A 201117 CN101857403-A Preparation of pervious concrete e.g. for terrace ground of side walk involves preparing pervious concrete composed of composite gelatinous mater ial containing cement, concrete ash and latex powder, regenerated concrete aggre gate and water ZHANG Q, CN; HAN J, CN; LU W, CN; CAO D, CN; ZHENG A, CN; R UAN F, CN; CHU C, CN; QIAN Y, CN UNIV SHANGHAI (USHN) 2010-P12876 CN101857403-A 201111 US2010285224-A1 Curing agent useful in pervious concrete mixture comprises super absorbent material FISHER D FISHER D (FISH-Individual) 2010-N94 828 US2010285224-A1 201078 WO2010110906-A1; US2011064517-A1 Pavement e.g. road, comprises basalt rei nforcing portion embedded in pervious concrete material formed on upper surface SADER J D MAKE IT RIGHT FOUND (MAKE-Non-standard); SADER J D (SADE-Indivi dual) 2010-M66361 WO201011 0906-A1 201066; US2011064517-A1 201120 CN101671987-A Cement concrete pervious brick and pervious road surface for lan dscape architecture has sand, inorganic pigment, water-absorbing resin, asphalt powder, scattering agent, water reducing agent, water and stone each having weig ht mixture ratio XING J; XUE J SHAANXI SUNSHINE RAIN ECOLOGICAL TECHNOL OGY CO LTD (SHAA-Non-standard) 2010-D59889 CN101671987-A 201026 US2010058957-A1; WO2010030560-A2; WO2010030560-A3; US8038789-B2 Pervious concrete material, used in e.g. roads comprises solid aggregate material, and g eopolymerized pozzolanic ash binder to bind the aggregate material into solid ma ss BOXLEY C BOXLEY C (BOXL-Individual); CERAMATEC INC (CERA-Non-sta ndard) 2010-C67879 US201005 8957-A1 201020; WO2010030560-A2 201020 US2010025313-A1 Filtration system for removing pollutants and other materials in water includes modular housing having cap, sediment storage area, separator are a, molded filter of porous concrete, and access hatch within the cap DIERKES C ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS INC (ROYA-Non-standard) 2010-B39890 US2010025313-A1 201012 CN101580364-A Pervious cement concrete comprises cement, water, coal furnace s lag, inorganic cementing material, and synthetic fiber SUN J UNIV NINGBO TECH COLLEGE ZHEJIANG (UYNB) 2009-R79170 CN101580364-A 200982 WO2009117520-A2; WO2009117520-A3; AU2009225652-A1; EP2257504-A2; MX201001005 5-A1; CA2718530-A1 Aqueous emulsion, useful for providing pervious cementit ious composition for use in e.g. residential areas and parking lots, comprises p araffin hydrocarbon wax, saponifiable wax, saponifier and optional dispersant HEXION SPECIALTY CHEMICALS RES; WANTLING S J; WANTLING S HEXION SPECIALTY CHEM INC (HEXI-Non-standard); HEXION SPECIALTY CHEM RES BELGIUM SA (HEXI-Non-s tandard) 2009-N90339 WO2009117520-A2 200966; WO2009117520-A3 201021; AU2009225652-A1 201072; EP2257504-A2 201082; CA2718530-A1 201120 CN101407390-A Pervious cement concrete includes cement, recycled concrete aggr
egate, inorganic adhesive, and synthetic fibers SUN J; SUN Q UNIV NINGBO TECH INST ZHEJIANG (UYNB) 2009-H64642 CN101407390-A 200934 US2009071376-A1 Pervious cellular concrete having specific permeability useful i n road construction, landscaping and French drains for dwellings, comprises inte rconnected capillaries containing base mix and foam MASLOFF B; PALLADINO R CELLULAR CONCRETE LLC (CELL-Non-standard) 2009-G17166 US2009071376-A1 200924 CN201190286-Y Water conservancy project ecological slope protection structure, has gravel cushion, dry building rock block basic and cavity protective coverin g layers connected from bottom to top, and cavity protective covering with concr ete nut block ZHU L SHANGHAI INVESTIGATION DESIGN&RES INST (SHAN-Non-standar d) 2009-F39585 CN201190 286-Y 200918 CN101349036-A Pavement concrete preparing method, involves paving newly mixed pavement cement concrete on surface of aggregate paved in pervious process, and fully performing concrete vibration for pavement cement concrete SHEN W UNIV WUHAN SCI&ENG (UYWU) 2009-E71014 CN101349036-A 200913