OCC 2005 (23-24) SOW(1)
OCC 2005 (23-24) SOW(1)
OCC 2005 (23-24) SOW(1)
Course Aim Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able
1. Outline the common pathological processes underlying
musculo-skeletal, medical and neurological disorders.
2. Describe the common evaluation methods used to diagnose
and quantify the progress of musculo-skeletal, medical and
neurological disorders.
3. Describe multi-disciplinary clinical management for patients
with musculo-skeletal, medical and neurological disorders.
4. Analyze the impact of patient’s musculo-skeletal, medical and
neurological impairment on their occupational components and
occupational performance (OP).
Students have chances to clarify confusion from the lectures
and/or have elaboration on certain points. Topics will be
provided to integrate formal analysis into context to ensure
students’ understanding of the subjects taught in the lectures.
Teaching Schedule
SOW (23-24)
© Tung Wah College, Hong Kong
OCC 2005 Essential Pathophysiology for Occupational Therapist
Course orientation
1. Lecture Assignment Michael
Introduction to pathophysiology
6. Lecture Michael
Test (30%)
Review of test (all, Michael
SOW (23-24)
© Tung Wah College, Hong Kong
OCC 2005 Essential Pathophysiology for Occupational Therapist
Genetic diseases
12. Lecture Michael
Paediatric conditions
Review (all, Michael
13. Presentations Lecture Michael
Presentations (all, Michael
Sem 1 exam
Later Exam (40%)
Assessment Strategy
SOW (23-24)
© Tung Wah College, Hong Kong
OCC 2005 Essential Pathophysiology for Occupational Therapist
1. Hubert, R. J. & VanMeter, K. (2018) Gould’s Pathophysiology for the Health Professions
(6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
1. Students are expected to attend ALL scheduled classes and activities PUNCTUALLY.
2. Each class will start promptly at the specified schedule. You are encouraged to arrive in
the class at least 10 minutes before the class starts.
3. Please go to the front desk of the classroom to sign ONLY for yourself at end of class.
4. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE for forgery of signatures at any level in the
programme. Any students involved in the forgery of signatures, regardless whether the
students involved are present or not in class when the forgery of signatures is taken place,
SOW (23-24)
© Tung Wah College, Hong Kong
OCC 2005 Essential Pathophysiology for Occupational Therapist
will face the consequences of being disqualified from the course, suspended for the
semester(s), OR, deregistered from the programme.
5. Students who are LATE for 20 minutes or over for Lecture or LATE for 10 minutes or
over for Tutorial will be marked as ‘ABSENCE’ from the class in the attendance record.
6. In exceptional circumstances where students need to take a leave of absence for any
justifiable reasons, they should inform and seek PRIOR AGREEMENT from their course
lecturers via written notifications as much as possible.
7. All students are required to strictly comply with the 80% Course Attendance
Requirement for Examination as stated in the Student Handbook.
SOW (23-24)
© Tung Wah College, Hong Kong