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No. 15-37/2012-NTCA
Government of India
Ministry of Environment and Forests

National Tiger Conservation Authority

Annexe No. 5, Bikaner House,
Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110011.
Telefax: 2338 9883
Dated the 30th January, 2013
1. The PCCF/HOFF(s), Tiger Range States.
2. The Chief Wildlife Warden(s) Tiger Range States.

As you are aware, advisories have been issued by the
Project Tiger/National Tiger Conservation Authority,
time and again, for dealing with emergency arising due
to straying of tigers in human dominated landscapes.
Based on inputs from field officers, experts vis-à-vis the
said advisories, a Standard Operating Procedure has
been developed after fine tuning to meet the present
In this context, I am directed to forward herewith
a copy of the said Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
for dealing with emergency arising due to straying of
tigers in human dominated landscapes, duly approved
by the competent authority, for implementation.
The SOP may please be translated in vernacular and
widely circulated amongst the field staff for guidance.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
(S.P. Yadav)
Deputy Inspector General (NTCA)
Copy for information to:
1. PS to MEF.
2. PPS to Secretary (E&F).
3. PPS to DGF & SS, MoEF.
4. PPS to ADG (WL).
Copy for information to:
1. Additional Director, WCCB, New Delhi.
2. IGF, Guwahati.
3. AIGs, Nagpur and Bangalore.
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes


1. Title: Standard Operating Procedure to deal with
emergency arising due to straying of tigers in human
dominated landscapes
2. Subject: Dealing with emergency arising due to straying
of tigers in human dominated landscapes
3. Reference: Advisories of National Tiger Conservation
Authority/Project Tiger on the subject
4. Purpose: To ensure that straying tigers are handled in
the most appropriate manner to avoid casualty/injury to
human beings, tiger, cattle and property.
5. Short Summary: This Standard Operating Procedure
(SOP) provides the basic, minimum steps which are
required to be taken at the field level (tiger reserve or
elsewhere) for dealing with incidents of tiger straying in
human dominated landscapes.
6. Scope: The SOP applies to all forest field formations
including tiger reserves besides other areas where such
incidents occur.
7. Responsibilities: The Field Director would be
responsible in the case of a tiger reserve/fringe areas. For
a protected area (National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary), the
concerned protected area manager would be responsible.
In the case of other areas (revenue land/conservation
reserve/community reserve/village/township) the
Wildlife Warden, as per the Wildlife (Protection) Act,
1972, or Divisional Forest Officer/Deputy Conservator
of Forests (under whose jurisdiction the area falls),
would be responsible. The overall responsibility at the
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

State level would rest with the Chief Wildlife Warden of

the concerned State.
8. Suggested field actions to deal with strayed wild
carnivores (tiger/leopard)
(a) At the outset, constitute a Committee immediately
for technical guidance and monitoring on day to
day basis, as under:-
i. A nominee of the Chief Wildlife Warden
ii. A nominee of the National Tiger Conservation
iii. A veterinarian
iv. Local NGO representative
v. A representative of the local Panchayat
vi. Field Director/Protected Area Manager/DFO
I/C - Chairman
(b) Since it may not be always possible for experts from
the Wildlife Institute of India to provide assistance,
it is advised that some outside experts may be
involved in the ongoing monitoring.
(c) Establish identity of the tiger by comparing camera
trap photographs with National Repository of
Camera Trap Photographs of Tigers (NRCTPT)/
Reserve level photo database and find out the source
area of the animal.
(d) Collect recent cattle/livestock depredation or
human injury/fatal encounter data, if any, in
the area. If it is an area historically prone to such
incidences, detailed research work has to be carried
out in order to assess the reasons for the frequent
tiger emergencies in the area.
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

(e) In case of confirmed livestock depredation/human

injury/fatal encounters or frequent straying of
tiger near human settlements, set traps (automatic
closure) with appropriate luring while avoiding
disturbance, to trap the animal.
(f) Set up camera traps near kill site to confirm/establish
the ID of the animal.
(g) Ensure unobtrusive guarding of the kill to allow
feeding of the carcass (if not close to a human
settlement) besides safeguarding from poisoning
(for revenge killing).
(h) Create ‘pressure impression pads (PIPs)’ in the area
to ascertain the daily movement of the animal, while
plotting the same on a map (4” = 1 mile scale or 1 :
50,000 scale).
(i) Proactively involve District Collector/DM and
SSP/SP of the area to maintain law and order in
the area, besides avoiding crowding by local mobs.
Acquaint them with human-tiger conflict issues and
guidelines of the NTCA to deal with the situation.
(j) In all instances of wild carnivores like tiger/leopard
straying into a human dominated landscape, the
district authorities need to ensure law and order by
imposing section 144 of the Cr.PC. This is essential
to avoid agitation/excited local people surrounding
the animal spot which hampers capture operation,
leading to serious injuries on people and staff. It is
also necessary that police and local administration
be involved at an early stage. Effective coordination
with them is critical to control mobs which as has
been seen in several instances, worsen the situation
and lead to avoidable fatalities/tragedies.
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

(k) Take help of the district level officials to alert the

villages in the vicinity of the area having the spatial
presence of the tiger.
(l) If successive trapping efforts fail, chemical
immobilization of the wild carnivore should be
done by an expert team having a veterinarian, as per
the protocol at Annexure-I.
(m) In case, the tranquilised tiger is found to be healthy in
prime or young age without any incapacitation (loss
of canine, injury, broken paw etc.), as confirmed/
certified by the Committee as constituted at para
(1), then it may be released after radio collaring
in a suitable habitat with adequate prey base, away
from the territory of a resident male tiger (if any)
or human settlements, under intimation to the
National Tiger Conservation Authority. (Under no
circumstances an injured/incapacitated tiger should
be released back, and the same needs to be sent to a
recognized zoo).
(n) Under no circumstances, a tiger should be eliminated
by invoking the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, if
it is not habituated for causing human death. The
guidelines for dealing with animals which have
become ‘Dangerous to Human Life’ are annexed for
compliance/guidance in this regard (Annexure-II).
(o) In case of a healthy tiger/encumbered tigress
occupying a sugar cane field or similar habitat,
attempt should be made first to attract it to nearby
forest area, while avoiding disturbance. If such
operations fail, the animal should be captured
through immobilization for release in low density

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

area of a nearby tiger reserve/protected area after

radio collaring.
(p) An authorized spokesperson of the Forest
Department, should periodically update the media
(if required) to prevent dissemination of distorted
information relating to the operation/incidents.
Sensalization or distorted information can lead to
further damage.
(q) In case monitoring using camera traps (Phase-IV)
is ongoing in the area, the minimum tiger numbers
based on individual tiger captures, should not be
given undue publicity without due cross checking
with the National Tiger Conservation Authority.
(r) The Chief Wildlife Warden has to take the final
decision on whether a tiger has to be released back
in the wild or transferred to a zoo.
(s) It is important to have properly designed suitable
cages and transport mechanism which cause least
stress to the captured carnivore.
9. Preventive/Proactive Measures to be followed in tiger
straying incidents/areas prone are at Annexure-III.
10. Guidelines for prioritizing areas for tiger monitoring are
at Annexure-IV.




General Consideration
Behavior: Tigers in conflict or those strayed into human
habitation differ considerably in behavior as compared to
those in native/natural habitats. The animals may be stressed,
shy, elusive, secretive and even unpredictable thereby posing
challenge in capture. These animals may even pose safety
threats for human involved in capture as well as to general
public. Utmost care needs to be taken to ensure safety of
humans when attempts for capture are made.
Capture Options: Tigers can be captured employing physical
and chemical restraint methods or combination of both. The
physiological and emotional status of the animal; length of
the procedure; the environmental conditions; terrain/escape
cover; equipment availability; drug appropriateness and
availability and most importantly the safety of the operator/
team needs to be considered prior to making a choice of
procedure. Both the procedures have their benefits and
limitations however the present guidelines would focus
primarily on the chemical restraint procedures.

Chemical Restraint
Chemical immobilization has become an important tool in
wildlife management over the last few decades. Advancement
and development in this field has resulted in use of newer
and safer drugs for immobilization, and efficient and reliable
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

systems of drug delivery. Chemical Immobilization involves

use of drugs to restrict animal’s movement by inducing a
state of insensibility and preventing deliberate and coherent
mobility. The technique is well suited for tigers in conflict
as it allows capture of select individual, enables selection
of time of capture and causes minimal stress to the animal.
Chemical restraint drugs alter certain CNS functions without
compromising the vital functions and produce a state of
anaesthesia which immobilizes the animal to the extent that
provides considerable safety both for human and animal.

Immobilization Equipment
Due to difficulty of directly approaching and handling wild
animals, it is necessary to have safe and effective methods
by which drugs can be administered. Projected darts have
proved to be effective and safe option for delivering drugs
to wild animals. The dart is projected through an equipment
and discharges the medicaments intramuscularly upon
impact. The darts are available in different sizes, however
are specific to the type of equipment used to propel them.
Different power projection systems have been used for
projecting the darts however for tigers; the system that
employs compressed gas/CO2 to propel the dart should be
selected. Light weight plastic darts of 3-5 ml. capacity should
be used for remote injection using air powered/CO2 tele-
injection projector. Needle length is critical factor while
darting tigers. The outside diameter of the needle should be
1.5-2.0 mm and length of 38-40 mm.

Immobilization Drugs
Though there are varieties of drugs that have been used
for capturing tigers, a combination of alpha-2 adrenergic
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

agonists (sedatives) and dissociatives have proved to be

effective for immobilizing tigers.
Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists/Sedatives: These drugs are CNS
depressants with good sedative, muscle relaxant, and analgesic
properties. These drugs need to be used with caution in animals as
they produce initial hypertension followed by severe hypotension,
bradycardia, hyperglycemia and glucosuria, disrupts thermoregulation
and may lead to regurgitation/vomiting in carnivores. These drugs
however have the advantage of being non-controlled, inexpensive and
reversible. The drugs have been extensively used in felids in combination
with dissociatives. A mixture of Xylazine and Ketamine in a proportion
of 1.25 : 1 known as Hellabrunn mixture has been effectively used in
tigers and other carnivores.
Another new Alpha-2 agonists Medetomidine in combination with
ketamine has proved to be effective and specific sedative in large
carnivores as it induces rapid drug induction and has specific antidote
for reversal.
These Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists can be negated by antidote.
Examples: Xylazine, Detomidine, Medetomidine.
Antidotes include Yohimbine hydrochloride, Atipamezole hydrochloride,
Tolazoline hydrochloride.
These include the psychotomimetic drugs that are cyclohexamine
derivatives. The drugs act by separating the conscious mind from sensory
and motor or control mechanism in the brain (dissociative) producing,
rapid analgesia and a trance-like state (psychosis) which may be as a
result of over stimulation of the CNS. The animal appears unaware of
human presence. They have the advantage of being rapidly absorbed
following IM, IV administration, have good safety margin and cause
little depression of the respiratory and circulatory system. Pronounced
muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, hyper salivation, convulsion and rough
recovery are common side effects. These effects can be considerably
reduced by combining these drugs with a tranquilizer or sedatives. Their
effect cannot be reversed and the animal has to be monitored for long till
complete recovery takes place. These drugs lack specific antidote.
Examples: Phencyclidine, Ketamine hydrochloride, Tiletamine

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

The choice of drug for immobilization may include the

Hellabrunn mixture (HBM) (Xylazine–Ketamine mixture
in ratio of 1.25 : 1) in appropriate doses. The dosage can be
decided on the spot, taking into consideration the animal’s
health and condition, level of excitement, physiological
status, sex, time of the day, and ambient temperature besides
other habitat parameters. Medetomidine in combination
with ketamine has proved to be effective for capturing tigers
in conflict as it provides short and rapid induction thereby
ensuring minimal movement of animal following darting.

Recommended Drug*/Dosages** for Immobilization

of Adult Tiger
S. Drug(s) for Male Female Reversal drugs
No. immobilization (antidote)
1. Hellabrunn 3.0 ml (375 2.5 ml (312.5 Yohimbine
mixture mg XYL & mg XYL & hydrochloride
(HBM) 300mg KET) 250 mg KET) (0.125 mgkg-1
[Xylazine to 3.5 ml to 3.0 ml (375 body weight)
(XYL) and (437.5 mg mg XYL &
Ketamine XYL & 350 300 mg KET)
(KET)] mg KET)
mixture in a
ratio of 1.25:1
2. Medetomidine 50-60 Dg kg-1 body weight 25-35 mg of
(MED) and MED and 1-2 mgkg-1 body Atipamezole
Ketamine weight KET hydrochloride

*/**:The list of drugs of choice provided is not exhaustive and

concentrations mentioned are indicative only. The dosage
to be administered should be left to the assessment of the
veterinarian present.

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

Approach to the Target Animal

A four wheel field vehicle or trained captive elephants may
be used to approach the animal taking due care of human
safety and an overriding degree of patience. In a terrain
where the vehicle cannot be used, possibility of darting
the animal from a machan (raised platforms) may also be
considered. Tigers in conflict provide limited opportunities
for darting and therefore require adequate experience
by personnel in effective darting as well as knowledge of
anatomical peculiarities. Hindquarters should be preferred
for tele-injection however depending on the opportunities;
other suitable areas can also be explored.

Preferred darting site in a large carnivore

Induction Phase
The time interval between injection (darting) and the point
when the animal is rendered immobile is induction period.
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

The total time for the completion of induction may vary

from 10-15 minutes. A close observation should be kept by
the team for any movement of the animal however the team
should ensure minimal disturbance during induction.

Handling and Care of the Immobilized Animal

The animal should be approached quietly and following steps
should be followed:
• Removal of dart
• Blindfolding to protect the cornea from direct sunlight,
dust and injury.
• Ensuring proper animal positioning (sternal or lateral
recumbancy) to maintain patent airways and ensure
normal breathing and circulation.
• Assessing the status of animal, the degree of muscle
relaxation and the rate and depth of respiration.
Assessment of anesthesia should be done using following
➢ Monitor tissue perfusion: Anesthetic drugs
frequently depress the contractile force of the
heart and vasodilatation results in decreased tissue
perfusion. Evaluation of tissue perfusion should be
done by observation, auscultation, palpation and
capillary refill time.
➢ Monitor gas exchange: Respiratory rates are highly
variable during anesthesia.
➢ Quality of respiration should be evaluated by
observing animal’s chest movement.
➢ Monitor level of CNS depression by assessing the
muscle tone-jaw tone and eye reflexes.

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

➢ Monitor vital signs such as respiration, heart rate

and body temperature.
➢ Examine animal for any wound or injuries (including
status of canines and claws).
➢ Estimate animal body weight and if possible take
bodily measurements.

Shifting of the Animal to Stretcher

The animal should be shifted to a stretcher and placed in
lateral or sternal recumbancy. Animal should then be shifted
to a transport container.

Reversal of Anesthesia
Specific Alfa-2 antagonists (Yohimbine HCl, Atipamezole
HCl) should be used to reverse the anesthesia.

Supplemental Information
(a) Preparedness: All equipment for crating the animal,
radio collars and accessories, emergency medicaments,
biological sampling accessories, transport containers
and any other essentials should be in place before the
animal is darted.
(b) Data Recording: A complete immobilization record,
particularly including each drug given, amount given,
time of administration and physiological parameters
should be maintained during the procedure. These
details should be recorded in the data sheet in the format
provided. It would be appropriate to ensure human
safety considerations to meet any eventuality at all the

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

(c) Assessing depth of anaesthesia: Usually a time lapse of

10-15 minutes should be given prior to taking any further
action on the darted animal as the induction time varies
with physiological status of the animal, which should
be left to the judgement of the veterinarian present in
the team. Prior to approaching the animal, the depth of
anaesthesia should be assessed by either tapping on the
tail or ears with the help of long pole and if the animal
does not react, it should be approached. The depth of
anaesthesia should be optimum if the jaws can be opened
and the tongue exteriorized with little or no resistance.
Other indicators would include responses to stimulation
of body, feet, cornea, ears and tongue. The physiological
parameters should be assessed and should include
assessment of temperature, respiration, pulse and color
of mucous membrane including condition of pharynx,
gingiva and teeth. In case of emergency (depressed
respiration or cardiac arrhythmias or depression) the
animal should be revived. Emergency drug including
cardiac and respiratory stimulants should be kept handy
at all times. The physiological parameters should be
assessed and should include assessment of temperature,
respiration, pulse and color of mucous membrane
including condition of pharynx, gingiva and teeth.
(d) Managing emergencies: Emergency drugs and
equipment would be available during the entire
operation. Adequate supplies of emergency drugs should
be ensured at all times.
(e) Composition of team: Capturing large fields poses
a challenge and therefore requires a skilled team
comprising wildlife managers, biologists (if available)
and veterinarians proficient in animal anaesthesia.

Data Sheet for Recording and Monitoring

Immobilized Animal

Area Details
Location _________________ GPS Lat ____________Long
Collar Frequency__________________________________
Purpose of capture_________________________________
Ambient temperature_______________________________
Day (cloudy, bright)________________________________

Animal Details
Species _________________________________________
Physical condition _________________________________
Emotional state before drugging ______________________
sex _____________________________________________
Approximate age _____________ Weight (kg)___________
Breeding status ___________________________________

Body Measurements
Nose tip to tip of tail_____________ Noise tip to base of tail
Nose tip to base of skull (Occipital)Tail Length___________
Height (Shoulder blade of heel) _______________ Hind
limb length ____________________
Left fore limb or hind limb pay dimension Length ________
Width ______________
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

Drug dose given
Time of Injection
Immobilization Details

Name of Immobilizing


Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

Behaviour at the time of darting (running, walking, standing,

Induction time when animal goes down/approached______
Animal Monitoring
Time Signs shown Respiration Temperature Pulse(rate)
following Shallow/deep/ (ºF)
immobilization irregular & rate

Drug Reversal
Name of reversal Time of Drug dose & Route Site
Drug(s) Injection volume given


Time when animal shows first sign of recovery___________

Details about recovery even till animal regains consciousness/
shows signs of recovery_____________________________
Any other comments_______________________________

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

Supplemental Drugs
Name of the supportive Trade name Volume Route Site
drug(s)/antibiotic(s) etc. used

Biological Sampling
Name of Preservative Examination Handed Remarks
sample used required over to



(UNDER SEC 11 (1)(A))
• Both tiger as well as leopard are known to cause
habituated loss of human life (animal dangerous to
Human Life). Such confirmed animals which have
become ‘dangerous to Human Life’ should be eliminated
as per the statutory provisions provided in section 11 of
the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
• Tiger as well as leopard are categorized under Schedule
I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, with highest
statutory protection against hunting under section 9
(1) of the said Act. Hence, such species can be killed if
they become dangerous to human life or are so disabled/
diseased beyond recovery.
• Under section 11 (1) (a) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act,
1972, the Chief Wildlife Warden of a State alone has the
authority to permit hunting of such animals becoming
dangerous to human life or disabled or diseased beyond
recovery. However, as per the statutory requirement, the
Chief Wildlife Warden of the State has to state in writing
the reasons for permitting elimination before hunting.
• There are several reasons for a big wild cat like tiger or
a leopard to get habituated as becoming ‘dangerous to
Human Life’, viz. disability due to old age, incapacitation
due to serious injury or loss/breakage of its canines etc.
However, there may be several exceptions, and hence
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

specific reasons have to be ascertained on a case to case

• The tiger bearing forests and areas nearby prone to
livestock depredation, besides having human settlements
along with their rights and concessions in such areas, are
generally prone to becoming ‘dangerous to Human Life’.
Besides, loss of habitat connectivity in close proximity to
a tiger source area owing to various land uses also foster
straying of tiger near human settlements, eventually
ending up as an animal which is ‘dangerous to Human

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

Suggested Steps on Loss of Human Life Due to Tiger/

 Constitute a team for technical guidance and monitoring
on day to day basis, as below:
 A nominee of the Chief Wildlife Warden
 A nominee of the National Tiger Conservation
Authority A veterinarian
 Local NGO representative
 A representative of the local Panchayat
 Field Director/Protected Area Manager/DFO I/C-
 Set up camera traps near kill sites, besides creating
pug impression pads to monitor the day to day spatial
movement of the wild carnivore.
 Inform the district officials (Collector/DM/SP) for duly
alerting the local people to refrain temporally from the
area where human death(s) has/have been reported,
besides ensuring tranquility in the area from mobs/
crowds of local people.
 Obtain/establish the ID of the aberrant animal causing
loss of human life, through the committee constituted
for the purpose, through camera trappings or direct
sightings or pug impressions if camera trappings could
not be done, besides collecting pieces of hair/scats of the
carnivore (if available) for DNA profiling.
 A differentiation should be made between ‘human kill’
due to chance encounters and ‘habituated animals which
have become dangerous to Human Life’. As most of our
forests outside protected areas are right burdened, the
probability of chance encounters is very high. Further,
tigers often use agriculture/sugar cane field and similar
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

cover along river courses while feeding on livestock or

blue bull, which may also cause lethal encounters with
human beings. Such animals should not be declared
as ‘Dangerous to Human Life’. However, confirmed
habituated tiger/leopard which ‘stalk’ human beings
and feed on the dead body are likely to be ‘Dangerous to
Human Life’.
 The declaration of an aberrant tiger/leopard as an animal
which has become dangerous to Human Life requires
considerable examination based on field evidences.
At times, the human beings killed due to chance of
encounters may also be eaten by the animal (especially
an encumbered tigress in low prey base area). However,
such happenings are not sufficient for classifying a tiger/
leopard as a ‘Dangerous to Human Life’, which can best
be established only after confirming the habituation of
the aberrant animal for deliberate stalking of human
beings, while avoiding its natural prey.
 Under no circumstances, mere an animal resorting to
cattle depredation should be declared as ‘dangerous to
Human Life’, despite the fact it may venture close to
human settlements. To avoid untoward incidents in
such situations, the efforts to trap the animal (chemical
immobilization/use of traps) should alone be resorted
 Set up trap cages (automatic closure) in areas most
frequented by the carnivore (with appropriate luring)
for trapping.
 In case successive trapping operation fails set up an
expert team for chemical immobilization of the aberrant
animal as per the annexed protocol.

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

 The option of capturing the aberrant animal either

through traps or chemical immobilization should
be invariably resorted to as the first option. The wild
carnivore thus captured, should be sent to a nearest
recognized zoo and NOT released in the wild.
 Elimination of a tiger/leopard as a ‘Dangerous to
Human Life’ should be the last option, after exhausting
the option of capturing the animal live as detailed in the
 The Chief Wildlife Warden of the State after the above
due diligence should record in writing the reasons for
declaring the tiger/leopard as a ‘dangerous to Human
 After ‘declaring’ the animal as ‘dangerous to Human
Life’, its elimination should be done by a Departmental
personnel having the desired proficiency, while providing
the fire arm with the appropriate bore size. In case,
such expertise is not available within the Department,
an expert may be co-opted from the other competent
Government Departments.
 No award/reward should be announced for destruction
of animals which have become ‘dangerous to Human



(a) Identify the crisis spots/districts in the State.
(b) Conduct science based research and analysis to arrive at
reasons for frequent straying of tigers in such areas.
(c) Prepare a Google map indicating forest patches, territory
of the tigers, nearby habitation and corridors.
(d) Form monitoring teams consisting of locals with wireless
communication on 24×7 basis besides rapid response
(e) Establish an early warning system.
(f) Issue alert to all nearby villages to take utmost caution.
(g) Monitor the cattle kill and immediately pay ex-gratia/
compensation in the case of eventuality.
(h) Use electronic surveillance to monitor the movement of
the tigers during the night.
(i) Water holes, cattle kill, transmission lines should be
regularly monitored.
(j) Put in place Rapid Response Team (RRT) for capturing
the animal to avoid lethal encounter. The RRT to be
equipped with the following:-
i. A field van/mini-truck with built in rails for
accommodating a trap cage, with space for
equipments, attendants and staff.
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

ii. A tranquilization kit with drugs for chemical

iii. Taser gun for instant immobilization of the animal.
iv. 2 mobile phones for continued communication with
the authorities.
v. 4 wireless handsets.
vi. 2 GPS sets.
vii. 1 long ranging night vision for seeing objects in the
viii.A digital camera.
ix. 4 trap cages (2 for tiger and 2 for leopard).
x. 1 mini-tractor for transporting the cage in rugged
xi. 2 search lights.
xii. 2 radio collars with receiver and antenna.
xiii.2 portable tents.
xiv. Portable hides – which can be set up fast, to be used
for persons with tranquilizers
xv. 2 folding chairs with table.
xvi.Hand held audio system.
xvii. Rope and net.
xviii. First aid kits
(k) The rapid rescue team is required to ensure unobtrusive
close monitoring of the animal with least disturbance,
for tracking its movement.
(l) In addition, at places which are not waterlogged, camera
traps should be set up (fixed to a post or a tree) for
establishing the identity of the animal.

Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

(m) The rapid rescue team also requires due capacity building
and ‘hands on’ field training involving the Wildlife
Institute of India and other relevant outside experts, if



The tiger source areas and its surrounding forests have
the maximum tigers, besides some protected areas and
forest patches. The districts/forest divisions having spatial
occupancy of tiger as indicated in the maps need ongoing
monitoring on a daily basis. In this context, the following
actions are indicated:

(a) Monitoring the tiger source areas using camera traps

to generate photo ID for creating a photo database
(Phase-IV monitoring)
(b) Implementing Phase-IV monitoring in areas having
tiger occupancy as indicated in the map
(c) Periodic comparison/review of camera trap tiger photos
to fix ID of tigers reported in several areas near a source
(d) Complementing the camera trap monitoring with simple
foot patrolling in the peripheral areas, while maintaining
day-to-day record as per Phase-IV monitoring protocol
(e) Monitoring livestock depredation by tiger and ready
payment of compensation
(f) Keeping track of sudden change in land use in areas
having tiger presence
(g) Avoiding blockage of traditional tiger/wildlife corridors
in areas outside the tiger reserves falling in various forest
(h) Monitoring sudden change in cover values in tiger areas
(change in cropping pattern etc.)
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

(i) Monitoring tiger movement along river courses

(j) Keeping track of insecticides sale outlets and their use in
tiger bearing areas (to avoid poisoning of water)
(k) Networking through local workforce for gathering
information relating to wandering gangs traditionally
involved in poaching of wild animals
(l) Keeping track of local market days
(m) Fostering creation/maintenance of wildlife monitoring
register at the Gram Sabha level in areas outside tiger
reserves, with incentives for informing tiger presence
(n) Creation/maintenance of ‘wildlife/tiger offence register’
at the Gram Sabha level with reward system for assisting
in crime detection
(o) Deploying special monitoring teams around highways,
open wells, railway tracks, electrical transmission lines,
village ponds, natural water holes, irrigation canals
(p) Insulating high tension electrical transmission poles
in tiger bearing areas, besides covering open wells and
irrigation canals
(q) Keeping track of encumbered tigresses in tiger bearing
areas for monitoring the dispersing young ones
(r) Periodic checking of samples from water points/
perennial water sources for lethal contamination
(s) Alerting local people in right burdened, tiger bearing
areas to prevent lethal encounters
(t) Periodic disease monitoring of village cattle in the tiger
bearing areas to avoid disease transmission to natural
prey base for tiger
(u) Monitoring natural salt licks to prevent poisoning/
poaching in tiger bearing areas
Standard Operating Procedure to Deal with Emergency Arising Due to Straying of
Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes

(v) Keeping track of local ironsmiths engaged in preparation

of ‘gin traps’, snares etc.
(w) Creation of wildlife crime dossier and exchange of such
information with field units in tiger bearing areas under
intimation to the NTCA
(x) Fortnightly monitoring of tiger mortality and progress
of tiger offence cases ongoing in the courts of law by the
Chief Wildlife Warden
(y) Monthly monitoring of tiger mortality and progress of
tiger offence cases ongoing in the courts of law by the
(z) Use sniffer dogs for detection of body parts, escape
routes and other leads
(The SOP has been prepared by the NTCA with inputs from
Shri. P.K. Sen, Dr. Ullas Karanth, Ms. Prerna Singh Bindra,
Dr. P.K. Malik, Dr. Parag Nigam and Field Officers)


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