Module5 notes_ BEC515D
Module5 notes_ BEC515D
Module5 notes_ BEC515D
Module 5
Optical Sources and Detectors
Sources of Optical Communication are
1) LEDs(Light Emitting Diodes)
2) LASER(Light amplifier by stimulated emission of radiation)
Characteristics of LEDs
1 High radiance/ bright output.
• Is a measure of optical power in watts radiated into unit solid angle
per unit area of the emitting surface.
• Required to couple max optical power into fiber.
2 Fast emission response.
• Is the time delay between application of current pulse and onset of
optical emission.
• It limits the bandwidth with which the source can be modulated
directly by varying the injected current.
3.High quantum efficiency
is a measure of how many electrons are converted into photons.
To achieve high radiance and quantum efficiency, the LED structure
must confine the charge carriers and optical emission to the active region.
Carrier confinement increases charge recombination in active region which
results in high quantum efficiency.
Confinement of optical emission in active region prevents the absorption of
radiation by the materials surrounding the junction and thus increases
LED Configurations
To achieve carrier and optical confinement which results in high quantum
efficiency and radiance.
• Homojunction
• Single and Double heterojunction
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Edge Emitters
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Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Modes in Laser
• Optical radiation within the resonator cavity sets pattern of electric and
magnetic fieldlines called modes of cavity /LASER.
• These modes are called Transverse magnetic™ and transvers
• Each mode can be described in terms of longitudinal, lateral and
transverse halfsinusoidal variations of EM fields along the major axes
of the cavity.
• Longitudinal modes: are related to length L of the cavity and
determine the frequency spectrum of emitted optical emission.
• Latteral modes: lie in plane of PN junction and depend on width of
cavity. These modes determine shape of the beam.
• Transverse modes: are associated with EM field and beam profile in
the direction perpendicular to plane of PN junction. These modes
determine radiation pattern,distribution of optical output power
and threshold current density.
Laser Diode structures and Radiation Patterns
• Efficient operation of laser diode requires
1) carrier confinement b/w heterojunction layers.
2) current flow must be restricted laterally along the length of the laser.
Optical confinement methods
• Are used to bound the laser light in lateral direction.
• Method 1:
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
• Dielectric waveguide structures are fabricated in lateral direction.
• The variation of RI of various materials in these structures control the
lateral modes in laser.
• These are called index guided lasers
• If index guided laser supports only fundamental transverse mode and
fundamental longitudinal mode then its called single mode laser.
• These emittes single, well collimated beam of light having a bell shaped
guassian curve.
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Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Proton Implantation
Creates a region of high resistivity thus restricting the current to a narrow
path between these.
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Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
LASER diode can be pulse modulated since photon lifetime is much smaller
than carrier lifetime.
If LASER is completely turned off after each pulse, the spontaneous carrier
life time limits the modulation index.
Since the time period for current pulse of peak Ip is given by
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
When LASER diode is used for high speed transmission system, modulation
frequency must be no longer than relaxation oscillations(f) of laser field.
Temperature Effects
• The threshold current of LASER is tempreture dependent.
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
• This method uses optical detector to sense the variation in output light
power from laser and compares the power with reference level and
adjust the dc current bias level automatically to maintain constant light
output power.
• In digital transmitter, feed back stabilizing circuit is used to adjust
dc bias current.
• The circuit uses PIN photo diode to monitor the light from LASER.
• The electrical input signal pattern is compared with optical output
power level of LASER.
• This prevents the feedback circuit from erroneously raising the bias
current level during long sequences of digital zeros or during a period
in which there is no input signal on the channel.
• The DC reference through R1 sets bias current during long sequence
of zeros.
• When this bias current adds with laser drive current , desired peak
optical output power is obtained from LASER.
• R2 balances the signal reference current against the PIN photo current.
As the threshold current changes due to temperature or aging the bias
current is automatically adjusted to maintain the balance between data
ref and PIN photo current.
Alternate approach
• Compact thermoelectric coolers maintains LASER at constant
temperature and thus stabilizes optical output power.
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
• Is a crucial element of receiver and it interprets the information
contained in the optical signal.
• It detects the luminescent light falling on it and converts variation of
this optical power into a correspondingly varying electric current.
Types of Photodetectors
• Photo Multipliers-–Large Size, High Voltage Requirement.
• Pyroelectric – Speed is limited by detector cooling rate.
• Semiconductor Based Photo Conductors
• Phototransistors
• Photodiodes—Small Size, fast response time, high sensitivity.
Types of Photo diodes
1) PIN photo detector
2) Avalanche photo diode(APD
PIN Photodiode
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
• The high electric field present in depletion region causes the carrier to
separate and be collected across reverse biased PN junction. This give
rise to current flow in external circuit and is called photo current.
• As charge carries flow, they move a distance Ln and Lp for electron and
hole respectively. This distance is called diffusion length.
• The time taken to recombine electron and hole is called carrier lifetime
represented as τn τp.
• The relation between diffusion length and carrier lifetime is given by
If depletion region has width ‘w’, then total power absorbed in this
region is given by
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Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Additional Information
Incoherent light: emits a light wave having a different frequency,
wavelength, and phase.
Ex: Bulbs. Floscent tubes, sun light, Halogen Lamps, LED, candle light.
Coherent light: emits a light wave with the same frequency, wavelength, and
Ex: Laser light, sound waves.)
Incoherent light:
Coherent light:
Satellite and Optical Communication BEC515D V SEM
Transverse Electric mode:
• electric field is perpendicular to the direction of propagation: