Roads bring about all-round development in the region. A good road network helps in the success
of all development activities. It is in the sphere of movement of people and goods, agriculture,
commerce, education, health, and social welfare, or even maintenance of law and order and
security. This report contains the development process of the Highway Project
It is planned based on the benefit which it gives for both the students and their hosting company
This report has been written because it is curtailing to senior students like me to real exposure for
the practical application of what we learned in the class
As mention in the first paragraph students and the company can benefit from this program; for
For the Students;
2.3 Vision of the company
• We & our promoters will introduce new techniques in construction in Baramati.
• To make new Residential projects in Baramati.
• 500 crore Profit in one financial year is our Vision for next year.
The technical knowledge and skill required to be a successful project manager are wide ranging.
In fact, you don’t need to be an expert in all of them, you do, however, need to have engineering
experience, technical experience, and, will and commitment to take on the overall responsibility
for your projects.
The project manager’s resp onsibility is to manage the financial, technical and schedule on time,
within budget and with a technical quality that meets or exceeds the contractual performance and
Some of the construction equipment/machines which I came across during my Internship
Programme include the following among others:
1. Excavating machine:
This is among the function of a bulldozer plant, primarily used to excavate rocks and soil in the
site, for drainage excavation, also used in loading loose materials.
2. Rollers/Compaction machine:
This machine is designed to consolidate filling materials, to compact surface finishes. Roller
vibrators are also used for compaction and consolidation of granular soil in the site.
3. Lorries/Truck:
These are used for transporting the site materials. Materials such as murum, excavated material,
GSB, WMM, DBM ,etc are transported to and away from site with these.
4. Pay loader:
Pay loader is a heavy equipment machine used in construction to move aside or load materials such
as asphalt, dirt, gravel, logs, rock, sand etc into or onto another type of machinery (such as dump
truck, conveyor, feed-hopper or rail road car)
5. Tipper:
This is a truck that is used for the conveying of materials to be used on site such as laterite,
stonebase, asphalt etc
6. Water Tankers:
These trucks are used for the transportation of water to the site when the need arises.
7. Grader:
This is a construction machine with a very long blade used to create a flat surface during grading
process. Graders are commonly used in construction and maintenance of dirt roads and gravel
roads. The grader is also a self propelled machine with an adjustable blade, position of the blade is
between the front and the rear axle, the blade is commonly used for cutting, spreading and levelling
of materials.
9. Auto level:
It is used in surveying with a vertical staff to measure height differences and to transfer, measure and set
10. Paver:
used to lay BC, DBM and WMM in level on roads, bridges and other such places with small compaction
11. RMC (Ready mix concrete) Plant:
Concrete mixed in a stationary mixer in a central batching and mixing plant and supplied in the fresh
condition to the at the site
12. Crusher Plant:
Designed to reduce the large stone into the smaller size and output gravel, dust, different size of the
Frist Project manager I.K. Singh gave me three days to learn and understand the routine of the
project and also connect with engineers, surveyors, office staff, laborers, sub-contractor, etc. then
he gave me responsibilities
The specific job information we have been working on in each department are:
6.1.1 Site supervision
In our stay in this project, we have gained a lot of knowledge and skill by participating in all
activities with the help of our supervisor from the first day up to the end of the internship. The
main activities we have learned in this site supervision are:
Seive analysis
This test was performed on GSB, WMM, aggregate in concrete, etc and result of the percentage
of passing material should lie between the MORTH acceptance limit
Test on cement:
• Initial and Final setting time
• The fineness of cement by dry sieving
• Soundness test
• Field test
Test on Concrete
• Workability by Slum cone test •
Compressive strength of concrete.
Workability test performed on-site in the presence of independent engineer if test pass then we will go ahead
with construction if fails then all material should be thrown away
The cube should fill on-site and after 21 days test will be performed if cube fails then we have to break the
Compaction test on the subgrade, GSB, and WMM
It is done by sand replacement method in this we calculated field dry density (FDD) it should be
between 97- 100% for good compaction
First, we calculate maximum dry density and optimum moisture control in a laboratory then
onsite by sand replacement method
Bitumen Extraction Test
used to determine the percentage of bitumen content present in the asphaltic pavement by cold
solvent extraction. The properties of flexible pavement such as durability, compatibility, and
resistance from defects bleeding, raveling, and aging of flexible pavement are majorly dependent
on the percentage of bitumen used with the aggregate to lay the pavement.
Core cutting Test
In this test, we calculate the density of a sample for that we calculate the volume of a sample by
taking weights in air and water then the density of core calculates by dividing air weight of core
by volume of core
It should be 92% more than the design density
6.2 Major duties we assigned
Through my internship duration in the company, I would like to thank our supervisors for their
kind help guiding and giving orientation in each activity before I start practicing the main
activities. Without help of our supervisor, I wouldn’t have achieve the knowledge and
2. Brief description of what will be done in each activity
I have worked hard so far to create value and apply my competence, motivation, and work skills
to make a strong contribution to M/s D.P. Jagtap and Company
Natural Ground level:
On which the pavement structure is laid on, if the organic materials are in excess first clearance
of the site is necessary, first cleared, remove top soil and excavate the soil. Deep of removing is
from 15cm to 20cm.
Capping layer: Is the layer in which, if the sub grade materials used are and poor quality, so
capping layer which is cheap, but strong one is used to cap the weak sub grade, in this way, the
thickness of expensive sub grade is not required to be increased.
Murum is used for the construction of the bottom most layer of the pavement, i.e. sub-grade.
subgrade is the layer of the pavement whose main function is to support the upper layers of the
pavement and to provide the good drainage facility to the infiltrating rain water. It has to act as a
single structure along with other layers of the pavement.
Granular sub-base layer:
Granular Sub-base (GSB) consists of laying and compacting well graded material on prepared
sub-grade in accordance with the specifications.: GSB layer is intermediate layer in between
Sub-grade and Wet mix macadam. It acts as a drainage layer for the pavement to avoid excessive
wetting and weakening of subgrade.
Wet mix-macadam:
Wet Mix Macadam laying method contains of laying spreading and compacting of clean,
crushed, well-graded granular materials on a prepared and Granular sub-Base. For Wet Mix
Macadam material is well mixed with water and then rolled to a dense mass. It should be laid on
one or more layers as per line and level, grade and cross section shown in the good for
Construction drawing .
Prime coat:
A prime coat is basically a low viscosity cutback asphalt that is applied to a surface that is
absorbing in nature such as Wet mix-macadam etc. to provide a good bond with the bituminous
layers laid above it.
Dense Bound Macadam:
• Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) is a binder course used for roads with more number of
heavy commercial vehicles and a close-graded premix material having a voids content of 5-10 per
cent. The Dense Bituminous Macadam mix shall be prepared in a Hot Mix Plant (HMP) as per
the approved Mix Design complying with Clause 507.2 and 507.3 of MORTH.
• This material has increased in popularity due to durable surface which performs almost
well as in all situations.
• Suitable for all pavement layers and for all traffic conditions.
• DBM provides a good quality smooth surface and improved skid resistance.
• Should be able to withstand the higher shear stress that occur below the bearing course.
The bituminous concrete mix is used in two forms: Grade-1 and Grade-2. Grade-1 with NMAS
of 19mm. The Grade-2 of 13mm as the NMAS. From the above description about dense bitumen
mixes, it was clear that dense bitumen mix grade-2 have larger use as the base course due to its
fewer disadvantages compared to dense bitumen mix Grade-1. This hence was necessary to
determine a grade for the binder and the surface course.
Seal coat:
Seal coat is used as a treatment to the pavement surfaces, it makes the surface waterproof and
provides skid resistance.
8. Construction of Pipe culvert
The past two months of my industrial training has indeed been rewarding. I was fortunate to have
gained diverse practical skills in road construction, field test application of theoretical knowledge
in fieldwork and human relationship. Basically, the experience I gained includes:
• I was able to acquire knowledge of what Road construction and maintenance entails.
• I was able to acquire knowledge in a lot of processes associated with concrete.
• I also acquired knowledge in the steps, activities and processes involved in the actual
execution of a project.
• I was opportune to participate in a lot of decision making meetings in the course of road
construction which helped me enhance my mental ability and gave me insight to real life
problem solving scenario.
• I was able to have practical knowledge in cost estimation and cost minimization in the
course of construction.
• I also had to opportunity to actually supervise an ongoing project. I obtained a practical
knowledge of project supervision and management.
• I was able to obtain a practical perspective in the rental and purchase of construction
• I was also able to understand more clearly the various functions of work men (masons,
service men, iron benders, carpenter etc) and their corresponding day pay
Good communication
Before the commencement of my internship, I have always heard how good communication is a
very important skill for the 21st century engineer, during my time at B.C.C, I was able to
experience this because communication is the foundation for every societal relationship; it is
through it one relates with the Project Manager, the Carpenters, the Foreman and even with my
colleagues, been able to pass information back and forth could mean the difference between a job
well done and a poorly finished job.
During the course of my internship, I sometimes (because of the absence of the engineers on
ground) would take charge of the supervision. It meant me being the leader, to bring the best out
of every worker in order to get the work fully done to specification within the assigned time. I
learnt a lifelong experience from this; that being a leader has nothing to do with age but
everything to do with working with others effectively.
The ability to keep to time has being something I have being working on, but as the days went by
during my industrial training, I saw myself keeping to time and this made punctuality an amazing
thing to me; this I am very proud of.
Something might look real, but in reality it’s fake. Sometimes, the work done by a worker would
seem nearly okay but nearly isn’t the same as okay. In the course of my internship, I learnt the
difference between nearly okay and okay through observation. Observation was what was needed
to spot out the little difference between good and perfect.
Team work
An engineer’s ability to work with other people from different backgrounds is essential because
at the end of the day, achieving the set target collectively as a team is what matters and not
selfglory of ‘I did it all alone’. So this was also another learning point for me.
I would be telling lies if I said my industrial training was hitch free. It was fraught with both seen
and unseen problems which include:
The youths of the community were not very cooperative as they were demanding for
“development fee” and money for beer almost on a daily basis.
The heavy downpour of rain during the course of the construction work made work really
Transportation issues. The distance between Natepute (my PG area) and kalmboli
(construction site) was much, causing a very long and boring journey to work on a daily
basis. Also, the cost of transportation incurred everyday considering the fact that I was
also not being paid monthly salary or allowances, was really on the high side.
Another challenge/ problem encountered was the fact that I was working with a lot of
instructors. Due to the fact that I have never worked or been exposed to a working
environment where a lot of people are, during my first few weeks I had problem coping
with a lot of instructors/engineers. Sometimes, they usually had conflicting views,
opinions and say concerning an issue and this usually made me confused. However, as
the training progressed I was able to cope with it, thereby making me stronger and helped
improve my interpersonal relationships with everyone around me.
Because it was site work, there was usually little or no time to sit down; it was always
work under sun as long as work was ongoing. This initially was vey exhausting for me as
I was always tired, but with time I mastered the act of standing and walking for hours
while work was going on.
The internship has really helped my career as an post graduate student aiming to acquire the post
graduate diploma in project engineering and management. During the course of my internship, I
had the opportunity to work directly with civil engineers with several years of field experience. I
was opportune to witness an actual construction and not just witness it but be an active part of
the flexible pavement construction
The internship has met most of the objectives, but its success was under our expectations.
Practically it has opened my eyes to working life, enlightened me socially, and matured me as an
adult to some extent. It has strengthened our technical base and enabled us to integrate theory with
engineering practice. Finally, it has given us a clear sense of direction in our future studies and
The internship has helped me to put theories and concepts that I have learnt in my theoretical
class to practice. Truth be told, it was interesting seeing what I learnt in my class work in real