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11241001222_2023 (1)
11241001222_2023 (1)
I am pleased to inform you that you are admitted into Bachelor of Commerce Programme.
Congratulations for your admission to Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.
We are glad to inform you that the reporting date to the University is 15th July 2024. Meanwhile we
have made arrangements for you to enroll in your programme immediately by registering through our
online registration portal using this link: registration.dkut.ac.ke/admission. The online registration
commences on 10th June, 2024 and closes on 15th July, 2024.
Kindly note that all foreign qualifications MUST be Recognized and Equated by Kenya National
Qualifications Authority (KNQA) at www.knqa.go.ke
Also note that this offer is subject to your adherence to the University Rules and Regulations.
DeKUT is ISO 9000:2015 Certified
a). The University has limited internal accommodation and priority is given to vulnerable students.
b). The University has elaborate arrangement with private hostel providers around the University who
are available during the reporting day to assist students who require their services.
c). A list of credible hostels is also available on the website. For more details and guidance please
contact Directorate of Students’ Welfare through: 0798 598 810 or 0708 680 879.
d). Catering Services are available on campus on Pay as You Eat (PAYE) System.
Payments will be made through eCitizen Payment Platform, Government Pay Bill Number 222222.
Process of payment:
1. On your browser, type and open the link https://dekutservices.dkut.ac.ke/ to access the
application for DeKUT Services
2. Click Make Payments for Student
3. Upon successful filling of the student details i.e. Phone Number, Registration Number, Email,
ID Number, Amount, select Make Payment
4. You will be directed to DeKUT Services Page where there is “PAYMENT REF” and “Select
Payment Mode”.
5. Copy the PAYMENT REF
6. Go to your phone M-PESA tool kit or app and follow the instructions below;
a) Go to MPESA menu on your phone
b) Select Paybill option
c) Enter the Business Number 222222
d) Enter or paste the PAYMENT REF (see number 5 above)
e) Enter the amount invoiced (TOTAL BILL)
f) Enter your MPESA PIN and Send
g) You will receive a confirmation SMS from MPESA
(NB. Personal Cheques are NOT acceptable).
a) The registration portal will open on 10th June, 2024 and close on 15th July, 2024.
b) Kindly visit the University website and login to the Student Online Registration Portal
using your Registration Number as the Username, and Form Four Index Number as the
PASSWORD. Follow the instructions given in the portal.
c) The document on Rules and Regulations Governing the Conduct and Discipline of
Students at the University is available on the University website. Read the document and
print a copy for your personal file.
Congratulations once more for having been admitted in Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.
For more information, you may contact the Office of the Registrar Academic Affairs & Research
through any of the following mobile phone numbers: 0705688135, 0705687893 or 0713835965.
Yours sincerely,
DeKUT is ISO 9000:2015 Certified