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7 Day Reset Guide

7 day
Reset Guide

About this Reset

For the last twenty years, I’ve been on a quest to heal myself from celiac,
hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, hormone imbalances, sleep disorders,
digestive issues- you name it! The most integral part of my healing process
was nutrition, and now I feel better than I ever have. After conquering
numerous health challenges, I knew my calling was to bring the power of
healing food to others. I have cooked and delivered a nourishing 5-Day EG
Kitchen Cleanse in Los Angeles for eight years, and the results that I have
witnessed in my clients are remarkable - lower inflammation, more energy,
better digestion, improved sleep, glowing skin, healthy weight loss, and more!

I developed my first RESET to bring my delivered cleanse experience to

everyone, not just clients in the Los Angeles area. Now my third RESET
includes new cleanse recipes along with special recipes from my exclusive
EG Kitchen Cleanse.

My RESET combats issues that most people have come to accept as

standard in their everyday lives such as inflammation, bloating, low energy,
brain fog, weight gain, exhaustion, and so many more. While many of these
symptoms have come to be thought of as “normal” for most people, none of
them are healthy. These issues are not acceptable in your day-to-day life,
and you can drastically improve them by completing my RESET program!
Let’s talk about what a RESET means for you!
In our celebrity centric and perfection-driven culture, cleansing is often
misinterpreted as a deprivation diet meant to shed weight fast. Because of
this, cleansing has become just another form of yo-yo dieting. Let me be
clear: my 7-Day RESET is not a deprivation diet. It is a program intended to
revitalize or reinvent your eating habits.

The program will support your body in lowering inflammation, building

immunity, and boosting your metabolism while nourishing you with delicious,
nutrient-dense foods.

This is a RESET from the inside out because

we all deserve an opportunity to begin anew!

Much love,
Food is Fuel

Loren Ipsum Loren Ipsum

Loren loren ipsum
7 Days Reset Guide Page 5

I want to turn your relationship with

food into a healthy one!
I want to turn your relationship with food into a healthy one! Every cell in the
human body is made from food that we eat, and, more astonishingly, what we
eat largely controls every action that our cells take. There is an entirely new
field of science that is soaring to the forefront of research called epigenetics.
Epigenetics examines our cellular function above genetic control. We are
often led to believe that we have simply been dealt some bad genetic cards
and that our health problems are something we must live with. But in reality,
we elicit the function of several epigenetic factors that can cause our DNA to
“print out” less healthy versions of ourselves.

Today, I want to remind you that no

matter what you’ve been through, no
matter how things might have gone in
the past, today marks a new moment
in your history. You are powerful
beyond measure to affect change in
your life, and the power of food is an
excellent tool to help you do it. On
your journey towards optimal health,
you will experience the various ways in
which food can positively impact you,
and your life will hopefully be changed
forever. I’m a nutritionist who no
longer believes in food in the
conventional sense.
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Most of the time, when people think about healthy food and diet, it’s generally
in the context of weight loss. People are programmed to see food from just
one angle, and this is a huge mistake. Yes, the right food at the right time can
help someone lose weight. But, to keep it off and to be happy about it in the
process, the meaning of food has to change. People need more positive
incentives to eat nutrient-dense food. It’s the only way any diet will be
sustainable, and it’s been overlooked for way too long.

What we eat doesn’t just affect our weight. It also affects our mood, ability to
focus, communication with others, and even our ability to be monetarily
successful. Our food choices influence our sleep quality, our body’s ability to
defend itself from disease, the quality of our skin and outward appearance,
and it can even impact our longevity. There isn’t a single factor that
influences more areas of our lives than food does!
Why Is The Cleanse

Elissa Goodman
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This cleanse is mostly plant-based, which might be new to you. If so, don’t be
overwhelmed! I have designed the RESET to include all of the essential and
satisfying nutrients that you will need daily-without a lot of animal protein. That
being said I do like small amounts of clean organic hormone free animal protein
if needed. Decades of counseling countless individuals on personalized
nutrition has taught me that the most effective way of reducing inflammation
and promoting antioxidant activity is through a plant-rich eating program! Eating
8-10 cups of fruit and veggies a day can lower your risk of premature death by a
whopping 42%. Studies have also found that substituting 3 percent of daily
calories from animal protein with plant protein is associated with a lower risk for
death from all causes.

Dairy products have become the leading source of saturated fat in the
American diet, leading to numerous issues such as heart disease, type 2
diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s. Plus, knowing that you are not contributing to
the animal agriculture industry’s atrocities for a week will do wonders to cleanse
your mind and spirit – even if the energy shift is subconscious!

On top of a plant-based diet’s health benefits, a plant-focused lifestyle is

generally less expensive than a diet that incorporates animal foods. Plant-based
groceries are usually cheaper than meat, and people who eat vegan often end
up saving on medications and health care throughout their lives too.

During the RESET week, you will eat enzyme and nutrient-rich foods that alkalize
and decrease inflammation. You will support your detoxifying organs – your
lungs, skin, liver, kidneys, and colon – to help them operate more efficiently. As a
result of cleaning out your system, you will likely lose weight in the process. But
the effects go way beyond the physical ones! You will also feel more energized,
clear-minded, and emotionally grounded.
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To prepare for your

RESET week, here
are a few tips that
will maximize your
• Look through your calendar and choose a
week that you can commit to preparing and
cooking several meals. Read through all of the
materials before deciding on your start date to
have realistic expectations of what the RESET
will entail.

• The week prior, cut back on sugar, processed

foods, gluten, dairy, and animal protein. Cutting
down on these foods gradually will ease you
into the RESET. It will also help you to avoid
headaches, irritability, and other withdrawal
symptoms from the sugar and chemicals in
your food.

• Rest up! A RESET requires a lot of internal

energy. The week before your RESET, gear up
by getting enough sleep. See if you can go to
bed 30 minutes earlier so that you are
gradually getting more sleep. The ideal time to
go to bed is 10 pm. Continue this sleep
program throughout your RESET week.
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• Organize your living space. Have you ever noticed that when your living area is
free of clutter, you tend to be more productive? Well, that is true for most
people! Take time before your RESET to organize your home, so nothing
distracts you from your health this week. You should also make it a point to
clean out your pantry and clear out your fridge. Remove any tempting treats that
could taunt you throughout the week.

• Make Sunday a Meal-plan, Meal-prep and Meal-making day! Cook a big batch
of something healthy that you can use for several lunches and dinners. Use the
day to cut up veggies and have them ready to go as snacks and sides.

• Check-in with yourself. The week before is a good time to outline and get in
touch with your reasons for RESETTING. It takes a deep purpose (beyond
desiring a physical change) to commit and follow through with a RESET. Take
time this week to emotionally tune into yourself and discover what you want to
get out of this program.

This program will not include any of

the following inflammatory foods:
processed foods, gluten, refined
Questions to ask yourself
sugar, artificial sweeteners, dairy, What are you ready to let go of ?
GMO soy or corn and alcohol. Don’t
Do you need more energy and
panic! You will still enjoy and even mental clarity ?
savor what you eat this week. As
Is the way you feel about yourself
your body heals and you become affecting your food choices ?
less chemically and emotionally
Have you had a health scare and
addicted to these toxic foods, the need to make a change?
cravings will subside.

You don’t have to eat everything. Use this program to start practicing
awareness about quality versus quantity of what you are eating. If you feel full,
do not feel pressured to finish any food. This may take practice. Your body will
very likely be adjusting to this new clean eating regime and will welcome a break
from harmful eating patterns and excess food.
Reset Tips

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To prepare for your RESET week,

here are a few tips that will maximize
your experience:


There is a lot of information here, but Included is a menu, schedule, and all of
please take the time to read through your recipes for the week. you can
it all. Review all of the recipes, too. follow the menu chart or substitute it
None of the recipes call for any with another menu item from the same
obscure kitchen tools but make sure category. For example, if Day 4’s salad
you have what you will need. doesn’t sound appealing and you loved
Day 1’s salad, feel free to substitute.
You mustn’t feel caught off guard Your schedule might not allow for
with any element of this process or cooking every day, so you can make
you may feel discouraged. double or triple of any item to eat again
Preparation is key! in the following days.


It is essential to experience this You don’t like peppers or tomatoes?

week in its entirety. Do not choose a Do you have an issue with garlic or
week in which you will be on and off onions?
the program. Allow yourself to dive in
and focus on every aspect. Don’t panic! Nothing will be
Schedule time to cook and eat. ruined if you skip the ingredients that
These items should not be hurried or you dislike. So long as you substitute
stressful. Do not make nourishing with pure, organic, unprocessed
your body a rushed experience. foods, you will achieve the same
impactful results!
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You will start each day off with 16 ozs of water and lemon and 2 teaspoons of
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar (optional), but you are encouraged to drink water
with lemon ALL day long! Lemon is highly detoxifying and a natural diuretic that
will aid in flushing toxins out of your body. The combination of lemon and water
loosens toxic substances held in your digestive tract. Lemon also purges toxins
from your bloodstream and combined with water’s hydration, it enhances
immunity, increases energy, and clears skin! The apple cider vinegar can help
kill pathogens in the gut, keep blood sugar in check, and increase a feeling of
fullness while aiding in weight loss.


If you feel hungry between meals, first make sure you are drinking enough
water. Dehydration loves to show itself in the form of hunger. If the afternoon
rolls around and you are still hungry, there are various veggie, fruit and protein-
based snack options that you can choose from.
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I am not 100% vegan, but when I do a RESET, I cut back on animal protein. Plant protein
is packed with fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients and animal protein is not. The
goal of the RESET is to eat as many beneficial nutrients as possible to help lower
inflammation. Eating clean 3-4 ozs of clean animal proteins during this week won’t
interfere with the detox process (if needed). Depending on how often you are used to
eating animal protein and how much you exercise, you may or may not need to
supplement. To get enough protein per day, turn to the suggested plant-based protein
options included for more information.

There are common misconceptions that have convinced us that it is difficult to get
enough protein on a diet free of meat, but that is simply untrue. As long as you eat
plenty of green leafy vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, and grains, you should
have no problem meeting your daily protein requirement. Also, health professionals
have debunked the claim that it is difficult to obtain all of the essential amino acids on a
vegan diet. As long as you eat a variety of plant proteins throughout the day, you will
get all of the nutrients you need.

Check out my blog for more information



When it comes to plant-based eating, the main difficulty is avoiding foods that contain
genetically modified soy compounds and derivatives. The majority of packaged foods
have some form of soy. Fortunately, most products that contain soy are labeled clearly
as such, and not all soy is bad for you. I have not found any legitimate research that
concludes organic whole soy is unhealthy. Some cultures with the highest longevity on
the planet thrive on soy. The Blue Zones are regions worldwide where people live much
longer than average, and two out of the five zones consume soy regularly. The best
way to eat soy is in its organic and least processed forms. Some examples of excellent
soy-based foods are edamame, sprouted tofu, tempeh, natto, and miso. As long as you
consume non-GMO and low or unprocessed soy, you will reap the benefits of its high
fiber, protein, folate, and vitamin K.
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You will have a plant protein with each meal or as a snack, which will stabilize your blood
glucose levels. Each day, you want between 1.2-1.5 g of protein per kilogram of
bodyweight. Think of your blood glucose as the fuel for your body. If you don’t eat
enough protein and your glucose levels drop, you impact not just your energy but your
state of mind, too! Low blood glucose levels correlate directly with low energy and
irritability. When glucose levels drop, the body compensates by secreting cortisol from
the adrenal glands, the center of our stress response, making it even harder to lose
stubborn weight. Feel free to add even more plant protein to your soups, salads, and
snacks during the week until you feel satiated.


Many people now believe that because added

sugars are bad, the same must apply to fruits,
which also contain fructose. However, this is a
misconception. Fructose is only harmful in large
amounts, and it’s difficult to get excessive
amounts of fructose from fruit. Of course, fruits
are more than just watery bags of fructose. There
are lots of nutrients in them that are important for
health. This includes fiber, vitamins and minerals,
as well as a plethora of antioxidants and other
plant compounds. Fiber, especially soluble fiber,
has many benefits, including reduced cholesterol
levels, slowed absorption of carbs and increased
satiety. Plus, studies have shown that soluble fiber
can help you lose weight. What’s more, fruits tend
to be high in several vitamins and minerals that
many people don’t get enough of, including
vitamin C, potassium and folate.

Even though whole fruits are very healthy for most people, avoid binging on fruit juice
or dried fruit. Many of the fruit juices on the market aren’t even “real” fruit juices. They
consist of water mixed with some sort of concentrate and a whole bunch of added
sugar. But even if you get 100% real fruit juice, keep your intake moderate. There is a
lot of sugar in fruit juice, about as much as a sugar-sweetened beverage.
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Despite what diet culture has ingrained in us, carbs

are an absolute requisite for a healthy life. We need
carbs for our cells’ primary source of fuel. When your
diet is too low in carbs, it can raise your cholesterol
levels, increase your risk of kidney stones, and lead
to osteoporosis. With that said, not all carbs are
created equal. You cannot compare the
carbohydrates found in processed and sugary foods
to healthy carbs in the forms of fruits, vegetables,
legumes and grains. Research shows that including
whole grains and starchy vegetables in your diet
paves the way for numerous health benefits like a
lower risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes and
improved gut health. The Dietary Guidelines
Committee recommends that we eat 3 to 5 servings
or more of whole grains every day.


This is one of the main reasons why whole plant

foods are so healthy for you. The human gut is
entirely FIBER STARVED. Of all of the essential
nutrients, fiber may be our most significant and
prevalent deficiency. Fiber is a part of the plant
cellular structure. Plants have a total monopoly on
this nutrient. So if you want it, there’s only one way to
get it: naturally from plants! Growing evidence shows
that adequate fiber intake may positively affect your
digestion and reduce your chronic disease risk.
According to the American Heart Association, the
average American eats only about 16 grams of fiber
per day; the recommended daily value is 25 grams.
I recommend women and men consume
30 - 50 grams per day.

Check out my blog about fiber

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I love them! Flax seeds are one of the most concentrated sources of soluble fiber
and one of the most concentrated plant-based forms of omega-3 fatty acid. They
are also the number one dietary source of lignans, which are critical anti-cancer
compounds. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial showed that the consumption of
just a few spoonfuls of ground flax seeds a day could bring down blood pressure two
to three times better than our leading blood pressure medications. Flax seeds can
reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer, control cholesterol, triglyceride, and
blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and even cure constipation. Flax seeds are
truly magical!

Despite the tiny size of chia seeds, they are one of the most nutritious foods on the
planet. They’re loaded with fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, various micronutrients,
and are high in antioxidants. Almost all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are in the
form of fiber. This gives them the ability to absorb 10–12 times their weight in water.

Hemp seeds are considered a complete protein source, which means that they
provide all of the essential amino acids. They are rich in healthy fats, essential fatty
acids, vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron
and zinc. Hemp seeds are a great source of arginine and gamma-linolenic acid, which
have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. Hemp protein is also easily
digestible by most people.


Legumes are given special consideration, straddling protein and vegetable groups.
They are loaded with as much, if not more, protein, iron, and zinc, as you would expect
from other protein sources like meat. But legumes also contain concentrated plant
nutrients like fiber, folate, and potassium, which animal proteins lack. So you get the
best of both worlds with beans, all while enjoying foods that are naturally low in
saturated fats and sodium and free of cholesterol. TIP: Place beans/legumes in a large
bowl. Discard debris. Cover with 2-3 inches of water and discard any beans that float.
Soak at room temperature for 8 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse well. You don’t have
to soak lentils, but when you rinse them make sure to look for debris. A great tip to help
your body digest legumes more easily, is adding a sheet or two of Kombu (a type of
seaweed) to your soaking liquid. The seaweed helps remove phytic acid, making them
easier on your digestive system and infusing them with healing minerals!
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Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins. Some of the lectins found in dried legumes
are considered harmful. However, the cooking process destroys the dangerous lectins
and canned beans are pre-cooked, so they are also free of harmful lectins. Soaking
also inactivates most of the lectins found in beans. However, if you soak beans too
long, you can get a hard, rubbery texture, which you will want to avoid. Consuming
lectins can make you sick, so be sure to either soak your beans or cook them until you
can mash them with a fork.


Nuts, seeds, and avocados are critical sources of

essential fatty acids for people who rely solely on
plant foods and are where vegans get much of
their Omega-3s and Omega-6s. These plant foods
are also essential sources of trace minerals like
selenium, zinc, iron, and more. Another vital
nutrient in avocados, nuts, and seeds is vitamin E,
which many people are low on – especially anyone
on a low-fat diet. Nuts are also an excellent folate
source, which your body needs for cell division
(AKA growth). Stick to 1-2 tablespoons of healthy,
plant-based fats per meal.


We can get it from almonds, white beans, edamame, tofu, and amaranth. Low oxalate
greens like kale, broccoli, Chinese greens, and turnip greens are also fantastic calcium
sources. Some foods (like spinach) aren’t ideal calcium sources even though they
contain a lot of calcium because they have a high oxalic acid content, which makes it
challenging to absorb the calcium. Make note: Alcohol and salty foods can cause
blood calcium levels to decrease. This can result in calcium being leached from the
bones, potentially leading to osteoporosis.
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Foods like spinach, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, beans,

lentils, and soybeans are high in non-heme iron
whereas animal protein is high in heme-iron. While
non-heme iron is not as readily absorbed as heme
iron, non-heme iron can be regulated. This means
that your body absorbs the iron as needed. This is
significant because the high absorbability of heme
iron can cause the body to absorb too much of it.
This can lead to issues such as DNA damage,
Parkinson’s/Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and various cancers. That is
why I recommend that my clients get the majority of
their iron from non-heme sources.


You can continue with 6 - 8 ozs. of organic black

coffee with/without non-dairy milk and 100% pure
stevia. Also, I love green and/or matcha tea in the
morning. They are packed with a concentrated
amount of antioxidants and beneficial plant
compounds. Studies have revealed a variety of
health benefits ranging from enhancing weight loss
to decreasing the risk of heart disease.


You need to take a hiatus from the booze! While you

are resetting, it is a major no-no and counteracts the
results of this program. Even one drink can ruin your
results instantly because the minute you drink, your
liver focuses on breaking down alcohol, and all other
functions are paused! No exceptions on this one.
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This program should not inhibit you from doing

any forms of exercise that you currently do. It is
very important to keep moving. Even just walking
30 minutes a day or shooting for 10,000 steps per
day is fantastic. Stick with low impact exercises
like pilates, hiking, and yoga daily.


Take the time to chew your food because it is the first step to proper digestion. The
way you chew, including how long you chew for, can significantly impact your health in
ways you likely never knew. Chewing your food thoroughly allows you to absorb more
nutrients and energy from your food, maintain weight, keep your teeth healthy, reduce
excess bacteria in your intestines, and help with digestive issues like gas and bloating.


The produce you juice should always be organic. This stuff is going right to your cells,
so you want it to be toxin-free! Organic produce, legumes/beans, grains, nuts/seed,
etc. always has fewer pesticides and toxins and is non-GMO. Take a look at the “Dirty
Dozen” list of foods that you must buy organic and which items you can be more
lenient towards: http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php
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If you are buying any canned goods, please make sure they are in BPA-free cans. I
prefer to purchase items such as beans and diced tomatoes in cardboard containers,
so I don’t have to worry about the chemicals in the cans or plastic containers. Most
plastic is super toxic and most plastic packaging is lined with carcinogens. Buy a lead-
free glass or reusable steel bottle and carry it with you to avoid drinking bottled water.
Remember, a cleansed lifestyle is not just about the food! You need to be aware of
environmental toxins too, or cleansing is pointless.


Sometimes eating out is unavoidable. If that happens during the program, choose a
restaurant that offers some high-quality, organic vegan options for you. Follow your
instincts and try to match what you order to the RESET. Keep it pure and simple. If you
have a local juicer that you love and want to pick up your juices or smoothies - go for it.
Use the recipes provided as a guide and try to match something similar, especially in
terms of the fruits-veggies ratio, and make sure it is organic.
During Your Reset

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Genuine Health Advanced Gut Health 50 Billion Probiotic: to help replenish

your gut’s beneficial bacteria for immunity, mood, digestion, and weight loss. I
recommend taking a minimum of 2 capsules on an empty stomach morning
or night. Use code 20ELISSAG

NuFYX Protein Powder(Plain/Vanilla/Chocolate): a high-quality plant-based

protein to help you reach your daily recommended intake. Use code
ELISSA15. Opt for the plain if you're mixing it with Athletic Greens or anything
else sweetened with stevia as the vanilla and chocolate flavors are sweet!

Further Food Collagen powder: Helps rebuild and restore your gut and keep
you satiated for longer periods of time. Also, it can benefit skin, joint, bone,
muscle, and heart health.

AG1: it’s a blend of nature’s most nutrient-rich, organic whole-food, and

botanical concentrates into a “wellness food” of great regenerative potency.
It supports your cells in fulfilling their daily healing activities of repair, detox,
growth, and regeneration efficiently and effectively.

BiOptimizer Magnesium: Take a minimum of 500 mg before bed. Around 75%

of all adults are magnesium deficient because modern farming practices
have nearly wiped it out of our soil. Implementing this safe and effective
mineral is one of the simplest ways to drastically improve things like sleep,
anxiety, energy levels, and so much more. Use code ELISSA10

Quicksilver Liposomal Vitamin D & K2: Take a minimum of 5000 i.u. per day.
Unfortunately, very few foods naturally contain vitamin D, and foods fortified
with the essential vitamin are often insufficient to satisfy the daily
requirements.Vitamin D also influences many bodily processes including
immune function, mood, memory, and muscle recovery. (Do not take vitamin
K if you are on blood thinners!)
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Thorne Basic B Complex: One of the most common nutrient deficiencies

from following a more plant-based diet is vitamin B12. These deficiencies
can cause symptoms like fatigue, depression, and memory problems. I
recommend taking a B-complex supplement versus just B12. The differing
B-vitamins deplete one another when taken individually—taking a B-
complex prevents this imbalance (if you are taking the AG1 Greens Powder,
you don't need this supplement).

Digest Gold ATPro: The enzymes break down all the parts of a typical large
meal, like fat, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. It unlocks nutrients and gives
relief for gas, bloating and indigestion. (I recommend at least 2 - 3 capsules
before each meal and if you forget, you can take after the meal too. Use
Code ELISSA25.

Adaptogen Herbs: If you struggle with stress and anxiety (most people do!), I
encourage you to experiment with two of my favorite adaptogenic
supplements: Organic India Tulsi Tea (also called holy basil and referred to
as the “Queen of Adaptogens”), which I already recommend in this program,
and Nature’s Answer Alcohol Free Licorice Extract (take 1-2 droppers
directly in your mouth in the morning, 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off).
Traditional Medicinal Licorice Root *if you have high blood-pressure you
should refrain from taking the licorice root liquid, but you can drink the
licorice root tea.
Snacks & Beverages

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The RESET is satiating and nourishing on its

own, and I do recommend eating the
Super Seed Bar as a snack.
I want you to be conscious of over-snacking throughout the day.

However, if you feel as though you must have something else to nosh on, below
are some suggestions:

• Raw veggies of your choice with 1/2 cup organic hummus

• 1/2 cup of edamame with 1/4 avocado and sea salt
• 1/2 cup of berries, handful of nuts and unsweetened plant-based yogurt
• Slightly green banana or apple with 1-2 tablespoons of nut butter
• A handful of any of the following nuts/seeds (preferably organic and sprouted)::
almonds (¼ cup = 1 serving), walnuts (7 walnuts = 1 serving), Brazil nuts (2 Brazil
nuts = 1 serving), hazelnuts (21 hazelnuts = 1 serving),
sunflower seeds (¼ cup = 1 serving), and/or pumpkin seeds (2 tablespoons)
• Organic brown rice cake with vegan cheese spread, with sliced tomato and/or
• 3-4 slices of marinated tempeh wrapped in romaine or butter lettuce with
sliced of avocado and/or tomato
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Approved Beverages
Ultima Replenisher Hydrating Powder
(ONLY use enough to your taste level. I put
1 travel packet into a 32 oz. bottle of
water). *Use code EG20 for 20% off your
order for Ultima Replenisher
Fresh raw organic coconut water.
Teatonic (all flavors)
SkinTe (Green Tea is my favorite)
An additional green juice w/o fruit

Intermitent Fasting
The following are options for intermittent

I usually finish dinner at 8 pm and then wait up

to 16 hrs to eat again. When I wake up, I drink a
mandatory 16 ozs filtered water. Then I have a
cup of organic black coffee. Also, I have the
Veggie w/ Further Foods Collagen Powder,
and/or Green Juice before eating again.
7-Day RESET Menu

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Smoothie Smoothie Smoothie Smoothie

or or or or
Green Juice Green Juice Green Juice Green Juice


Mineral Broth Mineral Broth Mineral Broth Mineral Broth


Creamy Broccoli
Greek Pumfu Salad Taco Salad French Lentil Salad


Soup Seed Bar Soup Seed Bar Soup Seed Bar Soup Seed Bar


Zesty Artichoke Smoky Black Bean Garden Vegetable Escarole Wild Rice
Soup Soup Quinoa Soup Soup


Evening Lattes Evening Lattes Evening Lattes Evening Lattes

or or or or
Herbal Tea Herbal Tea Herbal Tea Herbal Tea
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Smoothie Smoothie Smoothie

or or or
Green Juice Green Juice Green Juice


Mineral Broth Mineral Broth Mineral Broth


Beet Quinoa Edamame Tuscan Fennel Middle Eastern Cauliflower

Salad Salad Salad


Soup Seed Bar Soup Seed Bar Soup Seed Bar


Creamy Broccoli Cauliflower Celery Watercress & Betternut

Soup Root Soup Squash Soup


Evening Lattes Evening Lattes Evening Lattes

or or or
Herbal Tea Herbal Tea Herbal Tea
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 1 person

Green Protein Smoothie


10 ozs plant-based nut or oat milk (MALK, Emhurst, Three Trees are the cleanest)
1 scoop of NuFYX Vanilla Protein Powder
1 cup organic baby spinach or greens of your choice (fresh or frozen)
1 cup of wild blueberries or organic mixed berries (fresh or frozen)
100% Pure Liquid Stevia by Omica (to taste)
A scoop of AG1 Greens Powder (if you your use this powder you don’t need the stevia)
1 tablespoon Nutiva Certified Organic MCT Oil (optional)
1 -2 tablespoons chia seeds (optional)


1 Blend all ingredients together in a blender.

2 Add filtered water to create your preferred consistency.

3 Feel free to add a favorite organic vegan protein powder. You can add a collagen powder too. I
recommend Further Foods Collagen Powder. If you’re using both collagen powder and protein
powder together, use 1⁄2 of the recommended protein powder.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 1 person

Simple Green Smoothie


Medium bunch of chopped spinach

1 small head of chopped romaine lettuce
2 medium chopped stalks of celery
1 medium chopped cucumber
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 ⁄2 cup minced fresh cilantro (optional)
1 ⁄2 cup minced fresh parsley (optional)


1 Blend all ingredients together in a blender.

2 Add filtered water to create your preferred consistency.

PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 1 Person

Simple Green Juices


1 -3 stalks celery
2 medium cucumbers or 1 large cucumber
juice of 1 lemon
2” piece of ginger
A handful of parsley (optional)
A handful of cilantro (optional)
Rotate in dandelion, arugula, spinach, kale, romaine (optional)


1 Add the celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger, and herbs to a juicer.

2 Juice and Enjoy!


The best way to absorb the nutrients and get the most impact for helping you detox your organs and
tissues and cleanse your blood is to juice and drink it right away on an empty stomach. I don’t save my
juices because they lose their nutrients after being exposed to oxygen. If ordering a custom blend at an
organic juice shop, NEVER add fruit. Also, make sure to limit carrots and beets, which are high in natural
sugars. If you don’t have a juicer or you aren’t in the mood to juice, you can substitute by adding 1 scoop of
AG1 Greens into 16 ounces filtered water with some fresh squeeze of lemon!
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 2 people

Tulsi or Herbal Tea


1 cup of water
1 bag Organic India Tulsi or decaf herbal tea (chamomile, peppermint, licorice root or ginger)*
Optional: 100% pure stevia, organic unsweetened nut milk


1 If you are having any problems with constipation, I love Traditional Medicinal Smooth Move

2 If you are experiencing indigestion, drink peppermint or ginger tea

3 If you are feeling stressed, drink chamomile or Tulsi Tea

4 If you are experiencing chronic fatigue, drink the licorice root tea

5 If you want more detox benefits, drink Traditional Medicinals Everyday Detox Tea
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 2 people

Inner Peace Tonic


1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 tablespoon of Reishi Cacao powder, I love Navitas
1 tablespoon organic cacao powder
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
2-3 drops of pure vanilla stevia to taste, Omica is my favorite


1 In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, whisk all ingredients together to heat through.

2 Serve nice and warm in a mug!

PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 2 people

Harmony Latte

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or a nut milk of your choice)
Organic Turmeric powder (Navitas is my favorite)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
4-5 drops 100% pure vanilla stevia (optional)


1 In a small saucepan, combine milk, ginger powder, and cinnamon until just heated through.

2 Add vanilla stevia and turmeric powder, and whisk until frothy. Serve nice and warm in a mug!

3 To make these creamier, you can use 3⁄4 nut milk plus 1⁄4 coconut milk
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 12 Bars

EG Kitchen Super Seed Bars


2 ¼ cups Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Rolled Oats

1 cup Whole Food 365 Organics Brown rice Crisp Cereal
1/2 cup Olive Nation Puffed Quinoa
¼ cup hemp seeds
¼ cup sunflower seeds
2 T shredded coconut
2 T chia seeds
¾ tsp. ground cinnamon
¾ tsp. fine grain sea salt
¼ cup goji berries
¼ cup plus 1 T Copra Coconut Nectar
¼ cup plus 1 T Davash Date Nectar
¾ cup organic almond butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. coconut oil


1 Line a 9-inch square cake pan with two pieces of parchment paper overlaying crosswise and leaving an
overhang on all edges.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the oats, quinoa, rice cereal, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds,
shredded coconut, cinnamon and salt, goji berries. Set aside.

In a small saucepan, stir together the coconut nectar, date nectar, coconut oil, almond butter and half a
3 teaspoon of vanilla extract until well combined. Cook over medium to high heat until the mixture softens and
bubbles slightly. Then remove the pan from the heat and carefully stir in the remaining vanilla extract.

4 Pour the nut butter mixture over the oat mixture, using a spatula to scrape every last bit out of the pan. Stir
well with a large spoon until all of the oats and cereal are coated in the wet mixture. The resulting mixture will
be thick and slightly hard to stir.

Transfer the mix to the pan prepared with wax paper, spreading it into an even layer. Use a roller to compact
the mixture firmly and evenly. This helps the bars hold together better. Press down the edges with your
fingers to even out the mixture if needed.

6 Cool in the pan and cut to enjoy! They keep in the fridge for one week, and in the freezer for up to one month.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 10

Mineral Broth

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 white or yellow onion
2 stalks celery, diced
1 cup carrots, diced
2 cups butternut squash, seeds removed and diced
1/2 fennel bulb, diced
1/2 red cabbage, chopped
1/4 cup fresh ginger
Roughly chopped 2 cups baby spinach
1 cup, dried mixed mushroom medley
4 sheets Kombu
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
2 tablespoons sea salt
2 tablespoons fresh turmeric, roughly chopped
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
Herbamare (optional)


1 In a 8-10 quart stock pot, heat olive oil on medium high heat. Add your onions, celery, carrots, butternut
squash, fennel, red cabbage, ginger, turmeric with a cup of water and cover for 30-40 minutes until
vegetables reduce to half in size.

2 Add enough water to fill the pot up to 2” from the top. Add kombu.

3 Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer for about an hour.

4 Turn off heat and add leafy greens and steep for 15 minutes.

Carefully strain through cheesecloth lined strainer by using a large ladle to remove all solids resulting in a
beautiful purple tinted clear broth.Season with salt to taste.

6 If you are open to some animal bovine collagen powder to get additional protein, I do add in Further Foods
Collagen Peptides (the only animal source I recommend on this program).

7 Serve in a coffee mug, and enjoy it warm!

PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4 (8 oz pack of tempeh, Lightlife Multigrain or Vegetable)

Basic Tempeh Marinade


Juice of 1 lime
2 tablespoons Coconut Aminos (could use Tamari or Organic Soy Sauce)
1 tablespoon Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger or garlic
1 teaspoon sesame oil


1 Cut tempeh into 1/2 inch strips or 1 inch cubes and make sure to toss well in the marinade. I typically like to
marinate for at least 2-3 hours, sometimes all day and toss through out the day to make sure all pieces are
coated well.

This tempeh can be sautéed in a pan with coconut oil (3-4 minutes on each side) or oven baked for approx.
20 minutes, turning once halfway through.

If preferred, you can steam your tempeh first before marinating (not required, but will absorb the marinade
slightly better)
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 1 person

Weekly Salad Dressing Options:

Detoxifying Herb Vinaigrette

1/2 bunch parsley chopped

1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
1/2 handful basil
2 garlic cloves, peeled
2 T. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper
1/2 cup organic extra virgin olive oil


1 Add all ingredients into a blender, and blend until

smooth and emulsified.
2 Season more to taste if needed.

Lemon Citrus Vinaigrette


zest and juice of two lemons

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 clove garlic, peeled
1 teaspoon coconut nectar (vegan option) or
honey 1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
1/8 teaspoon Herbamare seasoning
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil


1 Blend all ingredients together to emulsify.

2 Season with salt to taste.

PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 1 Person


1 cup picked basil

1/2 cup baby spinach
1/3 cup toasted walnuts
Olive Oil
Salt to taste


1 Add all ingredients into a blender, and blend until

smooth and emulsified.
2 Season more to taste if needed.
Day 1

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 43

I know I don’t have to tell you how important sleep is for your overall health and well-
being. However, it is something that most people struggle with at some point in their life.
Unfortunately, a lack of quality sleep can lead to numerous health risks such as a
compromised immune system and weight, mood, and cognitive issues among other
concerns. This is because when you sleep, your brain performs many restorative
functions, ridding itself of waste products that have accumulated throughout the day
(like a lymphatic system in your brain!). Without restful sleep, our body and mind are not
rejuvenated and our health suffers. I am no stranger to the sleep deprivation epidemic…
trust me. With my change in routine and everything else going on lately, I have
experienced disrupted and irregular sleep cycles. Luckily, I have found some game-
changing sleep hacks that have become essentials in my nighttime routine!

Make the room dark… and I mean dark. It turns out even the slightest bit of light hitting
exposed skin can stimulate our “wake up” hormones. That’s right -even if you can’t see
the light with your eyes it could still be affecting you! I highly recommend installing
blackout curtains and removing all electronic LED light “noise” from your bedroom. That
means computers, cell phones, clocks, etc. shouldn’t be at all visible in a dark room. A
quick trick to block small flashing lights on electronics that can’t be removed easily is to
put a piece of electrical tape over them. Block as much sound as possible despite its
urban sprawl, Los Angeles is a pretty densely populated place to live. It’s difficult to live
here and avoid the sounds of a buzzing metropolis. I didn’t realize how much these
sounds were disrupting my sleep until I consistently began sleeping with earplugs. If
you’re the kind of a person who grimaces at the thought of them, just hear me out.

I was that person too until I found a brand that truly worked for me. Sometimes it’s a
matter of testing out different types, sizes, and materials to figure out the right fit. If
you’re opposed to earplugs, a white noise machine or sleep sounds can be incredibly
effective as well. Get some natural sunshine during the day. Our physiology is designed
to interact with our natural surroundings. Our circadian rhythm, the cycle responsible
for sleep and awake states, is driven by the sun. If you spend your entire day inside, your
system has a hard time distinguishing when to hit the sleep switch. Spending just 30
minutes outside in the morning can help cue your body into its natural cycle.
7 Days Reset Guide Page 44

No screens before bed This is a hard one. The blue-hued light in most screens mimics
the type of light that you’d experience during the early hours of the morning. Basically, it
tricks your eyes into sending a “wake up” signal to your brain. If you absolutely can’t live
without your nighttime TV or phone sessions, you can wear blue light filtering glasses to
offset them. ​ They also make screen protectors that filter out blue light. Sleep with a
slightly cooler temp. If you can, set your thermostat to 60-65 degrees fahrenheit. We
naturally sleep better if it’s a bit on the chilly side. The slight decrease in body temp
helps to slow down the system, lowers blood pressure, and reduces respiration rate.
This subtle signal tells our body it’s time for some shut-eye. No caffeine after lunch. You
may not realize it, but caffeine can still affect your physiology hours after it’s consumed.

Stick to decaf teas, such as herbal varietals.Tulsi is one of my all time favorites. This
might be a bit of a rough transition for some people, but your adrenal system will reward
you after a few days. Add in supplements and herbs A common cause of disturbed
sleep is simple mineral deficiency! One of the first things I recommend to clients who
are having sleep trouble is to begin supplementing with certain minerals. I recommend
BiOptimizer Magnesium every night with either Nue Sleep Liquid or Sleep Capsules
(without melatonin) or Genuine Health Deep Sleep (with melatonin)

Just breathe. A super-quick way to set your system into calm mode is
through a specific breathing technique called BOX BREATHING. It’s
simple yet effective for shutting off our stress response.

Box breathing is simply inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding for identical counts of
time. I suggest starting with 4 seconds. Simply inhale on a 4 second count, hold your
breath for 4 seconds, exhale for a 4-second count, and hold for an additional 4-second
count. Give it a shot the next time you’re struggling to fall asleep! Journal before bed.
Does this sound familiar? You’re lying in bed ready for sleep, but instead of drifting off
into a peaceful slumber, you begin fretting over a past mistake or worrying about a
future problem. As the minutes tick by, your mind keeps circling around these thoughts,
and sleep eludes you. If this sounds like you, shifting your bedtime thoughts in a more
positive direction may help. One simple way to do that is by writing in a journal, focusing
specifically on positive events. I write down 3 things I’m grateful for from the day.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Greek Pumfu Salad


3 cups butter lettuce 1 8 oz package of Foodies Vegan Pumfu

½ cup hearts of palm, sliced Tofu
½ cup cherry tomatoes, halved 1 T white miso paste
½ cup Persian cucumbers, diced 2 T lemon juice
¾ cup of cooked chickpeas seasoned 1 T apple cider vinegar
with garlic, cumin, and Herbamare 1 T olive oil
¼ cup Kalamata olives, sliced 2 T of water
¼ cup of Pumfu Tofu 1 T nutritional yeast
Garnish with Pumpkin seeds ½ tsp of dried oregano
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp red pepper flakes


Start by placing tofu on a paper towel with another paper towel on top, then put a heavy object on top to
remove the excess water.

2 Put the tofu to the side and start preparing your marinade. Whisk together every ingredient in a bowl, or add
them to a jar and shake vigorously to mix thoroughly.

3 Pour marinade over the tofu, and close the container. Shake the container so that the marinade can cover
every piece.

4 Place tofu feta in the fridge, and let marinate for at least 2 hours.

In a large bowl, combine the butter lettuce, hearts of palm, cherry tomatoes, olives, cucumber, olives, and
seasoned chickpeas.

6 Once the salad is assembled top with pumfu, pumpkin seeds, and the citrus vinaigrette dressing.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 1 person

Citrus Vinaigrette

zest and juice of two lemons

1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 clove garlic, peeled
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
1/8 tsp Herbamare seasoning
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil


1 Blend all ingredients together to emulsify. Season with salt to taste.

PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Zesty Artichoke Soup


2 T extra virgin olive oil

2 cups of leeks, thinly sliced
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped zucchini
1/2 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 pound Yukon Gold potatoes, chopped
4 cups low sodium organic vegetable broth
1 can (14oz) artichoke hearts, drained
and chopped
1/2 cup raw cashews
1 1/2 tsp Dijon Mustard
3 T fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup-1 cup water


1 Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat.

Add the leeks, celery, carrots, zucchini, salt, and black pepper. Saute, stirring occasionally until the
vegetables begin to soften, 8-10 minutes.

3 Roast the artichokes in a pan sheet with parchment paper for about 15 minutes.

Add the minced garlic and saute for 1 minute, then add potatoes and broth. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a
simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.

5 Remove from heat. Stir in the artichokes, and let cool slightly.

6 Transfer 1/3 of the soup to a blender, then add cashews, mustard, and lemon juice.

7 Puree until smooth, then add back to the soup pot and stir.

8 Add the water as needed to reach desired consistency. Stir and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Day 2

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 49

Finding ways to decrease stress and relax are essential to

this cleanse and living a cleansing lifestyle. Stress promotes
the production of cortisol and can have the following
impacts on your life:

• Make you retain fat around your middle section.

• Raise your blood sugar, creating sugar cravings.
• Depress your immune system.
• Damage your gut and lead to problems with food intolerances.
• Cause infertility.
• Worsen PMS.
• Accelerate aging.
• Increase risk of cognitive decline.
• Increase depression risk- 50% of people with depression have high cortisol

Here are some easy ways to relax and reduce cortisol


• Meditating in the morning is a great way to set yourself up for a productive, stress-free

• Journaling is simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them
more clearly, because studies are showing feelings of shame, guilt, or inadequacy can
lead to negative thinking and elevated cortisol. Releasing these on paper in a journal
can be a lifesaver and help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental

• Exercise, like a brisk 20-30 minute afternoon walk or 45-minute yoga session, is also
an excellent way to increase happiness and decompress.

• Take a nightly detox bath (hot water, 1 cup Epsom salts and a few drops
of lavender essential oil and soak for 20+ minutes). Let your muscles absorb the
goodness and feel your worries wash away.

• Turn off your electronics 2-3 hours before bedtime. Make your bedroom a computer
and cell phone-free zone. The liberation feels phenomenal!
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Taco Quinoa Salad


¾ cup sun-dried tomatoes (not in oil) 4 cups of romaine

3 cups raw walnuts 1 cup shredded red cabbage
1 ½ T cloves of grated garlic 1 cup cherry tomatoes
2/3 tsp sea salt, plus more to taste 1/2 cup sliced Radish
1 T smoked paprika 4 T roasted pumpkin seeds
2 T Mexican Fiesta Seasoning by Frontier CO-OP 1 cup of walnut taco meat
1 T chipotle powder ¼ cup Cilantro
2 tsp coconut sugar
1 T nutritional yeast
¼ cup water as needed, plus more
1 cup tri-color quinoa

6 Strain the water out of the sun-dried tomatoes, save
1 Add all ingredients into a blender, and blend until the water in a bowl to add back to the sauce later, and
smooth and emulsified. Season more to taste if needed. add to the bowl of the food processor.

2 Rehydrate the sun-dried tomatoes in a small bowl by 7 Add garlic, smoked paprika, cumin, sea salt, chili
pouring warm water over them. Set it aside and let it powder, chipotle powder, coconut sugar and blend
soak for 5-10 minutes. until a smooth paste is formed. Add 1.5 Tbsp of
reserved water at a time until a nice thick smooth
3 Rinse the quinoa, and put it to a stock pot, then add to sauce is made.
two cups of water and 1/4 tsp salt and bring to a boil
over medium-high heat for 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork. Mix the walnuts and quinoa together until well
Set aside until you finish making the walnut meat. distributed, next pour the sauce over the combination.
Now you should taste it and adjust the flavors; you can
While the quinoa cooks, add walnuts to the bowl of the add more salt, more spice, or more garlic—whatever
food processor and pulse into a chunky meal. Make sure your palate desires.
you don’t turn it into walnut butter, you want it to look
like ground meat. Assemble your salad with the shredded cabbage,
cherry tomatoes, radishes, and romaine.
5 Transfer walnuts to a medium mixing bowl and set aside. 10
Top with cilantro and pumpkin seeds.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 1 person

Detox Dressing

½ bunch parsley, cleaned and chopped

½ bunch cilantro, cleaned and chopped
½ bunch basil, cleaned
2 garlic cloves, peeled
2 T. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper
½ cup organic extra virgin olive oil


1 Blend all ingredients together to emulsify. Season with salt to taste.

PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Smoky Black Bean Soup with Cilantro Crema


1 teaspoon avocado oil

1/2 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 cups peeled and diced sweet potato
3 cups cooked black beans
3 teaspoons cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoons smoked paprika
1 teaspoon liquid smoke
1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3–4 cups vegetable stock, depending on
how thick you want your soup


1 Heat avocado oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add onions, a pinch of salt and stir for 3 minutes.

2 Then add garlic and stir for 30 seconds. Add sweet potato, black beans, and all the spices. Stir and cook for
2 minutes.

3 Add stock, bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and simmer for about 20 minutes, or until sweet potatoes are
cooked through.

4 Scoop out 2 cups of the sweet potato and black beans and set aside.

Let soup cool and then using an immersion blender, blender, or food processor blend the remaining soup
5 together.

6 Turn the heat back on and add back in the reserved sweet potato and black beans for some chunks.

7 Finish with cilantro cashew crema.


3 cup cashews, soaked 1 Combine all ingredients in Vitamix until smooth.

½ cup lemon juice
2 Season to taste.
1 T olive oil
3 garlic cloves
1 cup water
2 tsp salt
Day 3
Self Love

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 54

When you accept yourself in your current condition, you will no longer live in a place
of self-loathing. Let me remind you that you’re on a healing journey … this is not
your destination. Free yourself from the underlying dialog that you’re just “not good
enough.” And open yourself up to accepting grace and mercy for what has
happened before today. When we learn that no one is perfect and perfection is only
a myth, we no longer have unrealistic high expectations of ourselves. Acceptance
comes easier and compassion becomes the norm. This leaves ample room for
your authentic self to shine through the mask that we wear when we want to please
others. Start each day with an affirmation! Flooding your body with nutrient-dense
foods is fantastic, but immersing your being with positive thoughts is beyond
powerful. When you affirm yourself daily, you ignite the spiritual side of cleansing.
With positive affirmations, you can start to align your body, mind, and soul!

Here are some supportive affirmations

that you may choose to perform during
your cleanse week and beyond as you
take this journey towards well-being.

• I lovingly do everything I can to assist my body in maintaining ideal health.

• I am ready for a new phase of my life.

• I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my life with joy. I love
and approve of myself.

• I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own


• I choose and enjoy healthy, nutritious foods. I pay attention to my body and
provide it with what it craves.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 2 people

Creamy Broccoli Green Goddess Salad

4 cup chopped broccoli
2 cup shredded purple cabbage 1 In a mixing bowl marinate the broccoli with the EG
green goddess dressing and store in a container
1 cup sliced and quartered watermelon
2 Mix all the salad components.
2 cup sliced turnips
Then top the salad with the marinated broccoli
¼ cup pistachios 3
and garnish with hemp seeds.

EG Green Goddess Dressing

1 cup hemp seeds
½ cup water 1 Blend all the ingredients together and then slowly add
in the olive oil and lemon juice.
4 T olive oil
4 T lemon juice
1 garlic clove
1 tsp salt
2 T nutritional yeast
1 cup fresh parsley
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Garden Vegetable Quinoa Soup


1 cup celery, diced

1 cup carrots, diced
1 cup parsnip, diced
3 ½ ounce of shallots, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, minced
4 ¼ cups of vegetable broth
1 cup cooked quinoa
1 cup cooked kidney beans
2 bay leaves
1 bunch red chard


1 Cook quinoa and spread onto sheet tray to cool

2 Cook kidney beans until tender and spread on sheet tray to cool

3 Julienne red chard. Make sure the julienne is not too long. Rinse in ice water and spin dry

Sweat shallots, celery, parsnip and carrots in olive oil with some salt for 5-10 mins. Add vegetable broth and
bay leaves and simmer for 30 mins.

5 Season broth with salt and pepper to taste.

6 Add red chard at the end and stir to combine.

7 Add quinoa and beans to the soup jar and ladle in broth with veggies and chard to fill.
Day 4
Gut Health

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 58

Your gut is where ALL of the action is! First and foremost, it is responsible for the
absorption of nutrients. These nutrients are what you rely on to fuel all of your body’s
functions. Your gut also houses trillions of beneficial microbes which can communicate
with your cells, shift your mood, alter your hormones, build up your digestive lining, and so
much more. Your gut is also directly tied to your immune system. A whopping 70% of your
immune system resides in your gut! The gut is often referred to as the second brain
because it contains over 200 million neurons. And recent research has alerted us to the
fact that around 95% of all of our serotonin, the “happy hormone,” is produced in the
digestive tract. That is why some individuals with anxiety and depression are now turning
to gut-healing remedies to treat their illnesses rather than pharmaceutical drugs. So what
does all of this mean? Well, the gut is one of the most important aspects of the human
body and should be treated with the utmost care. That means eating the proper gut-
fueling foods, avoiding foods that can negatively impact the gut, and regularly working to
reduce stress and practice other techniques to keep the gut functioning effectively.

Some of the best foods to help boost gut health include:

• Whole grains like sorghum, buckwheat, gluten-free oats, sprouted brown rice,
and quinoa. These foods are packed with fiber which helps to bulk up your
intestines and move food through efficiently.

• Nuts like walnuts, pecans, pistachios, or almonds have been shown to

increase the types and numbers of bacteria in your gut.

• Nutrient-dense spices and herbs like garlic, turmeric, and ginger help to rid
your gut of harmful bacteria without endangering beneficial bacteria.

• Fermented/probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, tempeh, low

sugar fermented coconut yogurt like Cocoyo and Inner Eco Probiotic Drink.
These unique foods have high levels of beneficial bacteria to improve your
digestive functions.

• Prebiotics are foods that fuel the probiotics in your gut. Some of the best
prebiotic-rich foods include onions, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, asparagus,
garlic, banana, dandelion greens, barley, oats, apples, cacao, burdock root,
flaxseeds, jicama, and seaweed.
7 Days Reset Guide Page 59

Be sure to avoid foods high in saturated fat and added sugar as well as ultra-processed
foods because they can have inflammatory effects on your digestive system, cause yeast
to grow, and throw off the delicate gut bacteria balances. One of the silent dangers to your
gut is stress. The sympathetic nervous system is your body’s “fight or flight” defense.
When you are in fight or flight mode, the functions of your body that are not required for
immediate survival, AKA digestion, are shut down while other processes, such as blood
flow to your legs to help you escape, are enhanced. Unfortunately, your body cannot
discern a life-threatening danger from the stresses of everyday life. So when you have a
stressful call with your boss, your digestive system shuts down the same way it would if
you were preparing to outrun a lion.

Do you see what I am getting at here? People in western societies are not digesting and
absorbing nutrients effectively because we are constantly in a state of stress. I
recommend regularly participating in calming practices such as yoga and meditation to
help reduce your stress and keep your gut functioning properly. Getting eight hours of
sleep each night is another way to maintain your stress levels. Plus, emerging research
indicates that when your circadian rhythms are disrupted, the health of the gut microbiome

Other methods for boosting gut health include:

• Regular exercise stimulates intestinal contractility, helping with the passage of stool through the
• When possible, avoid synthetic medications such as birth control pills, Accutane, Tylenol, Advil,
etc. because they can throw off the delicate microbiome balance.
• Eating a more plant-based high-fiber diet promotes healthy gut bacteria. Increased intake of
fiber and other compounds found in plants increases the growth of beneficial bacteria that reduce
inflammation and have other positive effects.
• Take a high-quality probiotic (see the supplement section for more details).
• Use digestive enzymes. After you turn 30, your digestive enzymes deplete by 50%. My favorite
supplement is Enzymedica Digest Gold ATPro.
• Aloe Vera may help decrease irritation in the stomach and intestines and help people with (IBS)
and other inflammatory disorders of the intestines. I love George’s Aloe Vera.
• Evidence suggests that vitamin D may play an important role in maintaining a healthy gut
microbiome. That is why I recommend Quicksilver LIposomal D & K to my clients.
• Consider taking a magnesium supplement. If you are low in magnesium, which most of us are,
your bowels can become sluggish, you become constipated, and you may even get painful
stomach cramps.
• Be sure to stay hydrated! I love drinking lemon water to improve digestion. You should also
consider drinking organic celery juice or green juices to lower inflammation.
• Remember, digestion starts in your mouth. Chewing is the only way that we physically break
down food, so be sure to chew slowly and thoroughly to aid your gut. Take breaks while eating and
enjoy your food without being distracted! This will have other beneficial effects like helping you
realize you are full before you overdo it.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4 people

French Green Lentil Salad


2 head of red leaf lettuce 3 T sherry vinaigrette

2 cups of radicchio, sliced 2 T dijon mustard
1 cup green lentils 2 T maple syrup
1 1/4 cup shiitake mushrooms 6 T olive oil
3 1/2 cup butternut squash, cubed 1 sprig of fresh rosemary, chopped
4 T roasted sprouted pumpkin seeds Salt and pepper to taste


1 Preheat your oven to 325 degrees.

2 Soak the red leaf lettuce in ice water for 15-20 mins then spin dry. Slice your radicchio and set to the side.

3 Add the lentils to boiling water for 25 mins or until tender. Drain and spread out on a sheet tray to cool down.

4 Slice your shiitake mushrooms and pan roast with olive oil until golden brown.

Cut and peel the butternut squash into medium diced cubes and pan roast until golden brown. Season with salt
and pepper.

6 Add your pumpkin seeds to the oven and roast for 5-10 minutes until golden brown

Combine the sherry vinaigrette, dijon mustard, maple syrup, olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper to taste. Use a
whisk to combine all the ingredients together.

8 Assemble your salad in this order: lettuce, radicchio, lentils, shiitake mushrooms, butternut squash, and roasted
pumpkin seeds. Serve with the dressing on the side. Enjoy!
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Escarole Wild Rice Soup


1 cup cooked wild rice

2 ¼ cup carrots, diced
¾ cup leek, diced
2 garlic, cloves
½ T Peruvian seasoning blend
1 cup cooked great northern beans
4 cups vegetable broth
1 head escarole
Add salt to taste


1 Start by cooking your wild rice according to the instructions. Once fully cooked, set aside.

2 Start by heating up a pot with olive oil on medium heat. Add in your carrots, leeks and garlic and sweat out
until the leeks are translucent.

3 Slowly add in your beans and peruvian seasoning.

4 Add in the broth and escarole. Cover and simmer until the escarole and beans are heated through, about 10

5 Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Day 5

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 64

60 to 75% of Americans DO NOT drink

enough water daily.
• A whopping 85% of our brain is made up of water, so it is no surprise that dehydration is
linked to a decrease in mood and cognitive performance. A dehydration level of just 2%
below ideal is enough to impair performance in tasks that require attention, psychomotor
function, and immediate memory skills. If electrolyte levels are too low, dehydration can
cause involuntary muscle twitching and even seizures.

• Being adequately hydrated is essential in helping our bodies work through the toxic load
we breathe in and ingest every day. The kidneys are the primary filter of the blood, and with
out of enough fluid, they can naturally break down and expel all the toxins found in our
bloodstream. This can result in acute kidney injury, a form of damage that puts you at
higher risk for kidney disease. Further, lack of fluid intake can also be a significant
contributor to kidney stone formation and low blood pressure.

• Your blood gets thicker without adequate hydration, and your body has to work harder to
move it through your blood vessels. This increases your heart and respiratory rate. It puts
the body into a state of stress and the brain into fight-or-flight mode, which can then cause
one to experience issues like headaches, fatigue, eye strain, decreased sex drive, and
decreased sleep quality.

• Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to ensure optimal digestion of food,
detoxification of toxins through the GI tract, and adequate motility - the movement of
waste through your digestive system. When dehydrated, we risk damaging the gut’s
mucosal lining and microbiome, which are essential to both your digestion and overall

• Another reason to stay hydrated is glowing skin! Healthy skin acts as a natural barrier
against germs from our environment, but insufficient fluid intake can cause cracked lips
and dry, dull skin, providing access for pathogens. Many factors contribute to how much
water you should consume, including body size, activity level, age, diet, and how much
alcohol and coffee you drink. There are many opinions on how much water we should
consume daily. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a typical adult woman
needs 11.5 cups of water a day, while a man needs 15.5 cups. The average person
receives around 20 percent of their water needs through food, which means women
should drink about 9 cups a day, and men should drink 12.5. A basic rule of thumb is to
divide your body weight (in pounds) by 2. This gives you how many ounces of water you
should be drinking each day. If you’d like to know how many cups of water you should be
drinking per day, you simply divide the determined number of ounces by 8
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4 people

Beet Quinoa Edamame Salad


1 cup sliced golden beets (1 ea.) 6 T rice wine vinegar

1 cup cooked quinoa 2 T honey
1/2 cup edamame 1 tsp garlic, grated
4 cups baby spinach or mixed greens 2 T ginger, grated
1/2 cup roasted walnuts 2 T green onions
1/2 cup raw red beets, julienne 1 T sesame seeds
1/2 cup carrots, julienne 4 T toasted sesame oil
1 bunch mint 1 cup olive olive
1 bunch dill 1/2 T cumin


1 Start by cooking your golden beets in a medium pot with boiling water for 25-35 minutes until fork-tender.
Then add your quinoa to 2 cups of water. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then lower the
temperature to medium-low and pop the lid on securely.

2 Cook on simmer for 10-20 minutes until the water is fully-absorbed.

3 Cook your shelled edamame based on the instructions on the bag.

4 Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and slightly roast your walnuts in the oven for 7-10 minutes.

While your walnuts are roasting, start cutting your vegetables. Get your raw red beets and carrots and juienne
with a mandolin or peeler.

6 Finely chop your mint and dill then set aside.

7 Place all the ingredients, except the oils, in a high powered blender. Turn blender on and slowly stream in the
avocado oil and the toasted sesame oil until fully emulsified.

8 Once all your items are cooked and chilled, you can start assembling your salad. Add your spinach, quinoa,
edamame, golden beets, red beets, carrots, mint and dill to a bowl. Then top with your roasted walnuts and asian
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Creamy Broccoli Soup


2 T olive oil
1 1/3 small onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 cups of vegetable stock
2 1/3 cups of water
1 1/3 T Herbamare
2 1/3 cup broccoli florets
1 2/3 cup broccoli stems
1 1/3 cup white beans
2/3 tsp onion powder
3/4 T thyme leaves
1 1/3 tsp oregano
1 1/3 cup of spinach
1 T apple cider vinegar


1 In a stock pot, add the olive oil and sweat your chopped onions and garlic.

2 Once the onions are translucent, add water and vegetable stock. Add in the broccoli florets and stems.
Make sure they are chopped small so they cook quickly and evenly.

3 Then add white beans, oregano, thyme and herbamare. Cook until very soft and tender.

4 Once tender, add the soup to a blender with the spinach. Blend until creamy and smooth.

5 Season with apple cider vinegar then add salt and pepper to taste.
Day 6
Detox Everyday

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 67

Varying amounts of toxic chemicals – pesticides, heavy metals, parabens, fertilizers,

herbicides, and mold – are consumed by our bodies during normal everyday life. Many of these
substances set up shop in the body for months or years and are reflected in human urine and
blood tests. Many of these toxins come from pesticide-sprayed food, farmed fish, and food
packaging materials. Besides the food we eat, everyday items like shampoo, household
cleaners, plastic bottles, clothing, furniture, water, and even the air we breathe are all possible
sources of toxin exposure. It has been estimated that the average person could be harboring
about 500 synthetic chemicals in their bodies, and one study found that unborn babies had
over 200 toxins in their umbilical cord blood!
Check out the EWG.org page for clean skincare and household products -

When I say the word “toxin”, I am talking about a

substance that is HARMFUL to the body after either
a single exposure or repeated exposures
over time.
While we may not find ourselves at the scene of an accidental chemical leak, all of us are being
chronically exposed to low levels of synthetic chemicals repeatedly, day after day. Low-level
chronic exposures to synthetic chemicals over time have been shown to have a negative
impact on health. The problem is that your body can’t easily break down and eliminate many of
these toxins. They get stored in places like fat tissue and eventually make their way through
your bloodstream and invade your brain, lungs, heart, eyes, stomach, liver, and sexual organs.
Heavy metals are particularly toxic to your brain cells, where they can cause memory loss,
migraines, and premature brain aging.

Anyone who eats, drinks, and breathes is being exposed to these toxins, we can’t escape
them. While this isn’t something to live in fear of, we shouldn’t pretend that it’s no big deal and
hope that our body will automatically take care of these toxins. When you look at the increasing
amounts of chemicals invading our environment, doesn’t it just make sense to do whatever we
can to mitigate the damage?
7 Days Reset Guide Page 68

Even when we eat a proper diet and surround ourselves with a

healthy environment, the natural detoxification systems in the body
need help. When our organs are overtaxed and overburdened with
toxins, symptoms can creep up such as fatigue, digestion problems,
bloating, and muscle aches.While we may appear “healthy”, this is
not the true health that I’m talking about! When these symptoms go
unchecked and our bodies are not able to detox optimally, we are at
risk for greater health problems down the road. This goes against
the mainstream idea that our bodies can process all of the toxins
that we are exposed to throughout our lives without any intervention.
Many doctors and scientists have been known to say, “your body
can handle toxins on its own…” and “detoxing is a myth…” – I know
you’ve heard these claims before as they are prevalent in the media.
But there is evidence to suggest that certain foods have remarkable
powers and are capable of helping your body flush toxins. Traditional
Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine have used detoxification
and purification techniques for centuries and still do to this day.
Some common practices found in both methodologies include the
use of healing foods, massage, herbs, and fasting.

These practices have been healing people for thousands of years

and are not a part of some fad. Just a few examples of how foods
can help you detox. Garlic and onions are high in sulfur and
compounds that help to remove heavy metals from the body and
can also prevent kidney damage caused by exposure. These sulfur-
rich foods also help your body produce more glutathione, a critical
antioxidant which latches onto and carries toxins out of the body.
Chlorella (a type of green algae) helps your body eliminate mercury
stored in your gastrointestinal tract, muscles, and bones. Vitamin B1,
which is naturally found in peas, spinach, and pistachios, increases
the excretion of lead from the body. Likewise, diets with sufficient
vitamin B1 inhibit lead absorption and correlate with lower levels of
lead in the blood. Sunflower seeds, avocados, and almonds are high
in vitamin E, an antioxidant shown to protect the body from
methylmercury. Avocados in particular can improve the health of
your liver (your body’s primary detoxing organ). Calcium-rich foods
like collard greens and almonds protect your body from lead
because lead is more easily absorbed by the body
when there is a deficiency in calcium. Lemon juice stimulates the
liver and helps your body flush out toxins. The vitamin C in lemon
juice is also used by the body to produce glutathione. That’s why I
drink water with lemon every morning and encourage you to do the
7 Days Reset Guide Page 69

Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, a mineral shown to
protect the kidneys from cadmium and can eliminate the symptoms of cadmium
toxicity. Cilantro and parsley enhances your body’s ability to detox from heavy metals
such as lead and mercury. It also has been shown to effectively purify drinking water
that is contaminated with these toxins! The lactic acid-producing bacteria in kimchi has
been shown to degrade the presence of pesticides. Probiotics help to protect the body
from BPA exposure. They also help the body detox from heavy metals and cancerous
nitrosamines. Beets and milk thistle both help to keep the liver healthy so that it can
effectively do its job to remove toxins from the blood. Simply drinking plenty of filtered
water every day (not from plastic bottles!) helps your body eliminate toxins by keeping
your kidneys and bowels active. Something as basic as consuming an adequate
amount of fiber through food helps to remove toxic waste from the body. There are
specific foods that I eat every day to help my body detox. Besides drinking lemon water
first thing in the morning, I also like to add detoxifying ingredients like dandelion greens,
cilantro, and parsley to my salads and green juices throughout the day. Eating organic
can reduce exposure to synthetic chemicals that overtax your body’s natural ability to
cleanse. I eat fresh organic produce with every meal. Choosing organic food helps me
avoid organophosphate pesticides and other hazardous chemicals. My health changed
dramatically when I changed my eating habits and I started filling my body with organic
raw whole foods from all of the colors of the rainbow like leafy greens, red beets, orange
carrots, purple cabbage, and blueberries! It is no surprise that my health improved after I
started eating a larger variation of colors because ample scientific evidence shows that
these types of foods help support the detox process and provide optimal health!
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4 people

Tuscan Fennel Salad


3 cups of fennel 2 lemons zest and juice

2 cup radicchio 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
5 cup arugula 1 clove garlic
2 cups of white beans 1 tsp honey
1/2 cup parsley, chopped ½ tsp. Dijon mustard
1/2 cup dill, chopped pinch Herbarmare seasoning
2 cups artichoke hearts, quartered 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 T pine nuts


1 Slice the fennel bulb thin on a mandolin or with a sharp knife. Place half the herbs, radicchio and arugula in a

Divide the salad and evenly distribute the fennel, 1/4 cup artichokes, 1/4 cup white beans, and 1/2 tbsp pine

Add the lemon, apple cider vinegar, garlic, honey, dijon mustard, herbarmare, and olive oil into a blender and
4 emulsify.

Toss the salad with the citrus vinaigrette and enjoy!

PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Cauliflower Celery Root Soup


2 T. organic olive oil

1/2 white onion, chopped
2 leeks, white part chopped
2 ribs celery, chopped
1 medium celery root, peeled and chopped
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. Herbamare or sea salt, plus additional to
1 head small cauliflower, broken down into
1 – 48 oz. organic vegetable stock
1/2 cup coconut milk
2 T lemon juice
Cracked black pepper
1/4 cup hemp seeds (optional, for additional
plant-based protein)


1 Heat medium stock pot over medium heat. Once heated, add olive oil along with onion, celery root, celery, garlic,
Herbamare (or salt), and leeks.

Sauté for 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent garlic from burning – if needed, add a couple tablespoons
of broth to prevent this.

3 The onions will turn translucent and celery and leeks will soften.

4 Add the cauliflower florets and sauté another 5 minutes (keeping heat no higher than medium), stirring
Add vegetable stock, bring to a low rolling boil, then reduce to a simmer.
Simmer until vegetables are fork tender. Add pepper and any additional salt as desired.
Carefully pour into a vitamix or blender and add ½ cup coconut milk along with the hemp seeds (optional) and
lemon juice.
Puree until smooth, season to taste.
Day 7
Lymphatic System

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 73

The lymphatic system is made up of tissues that produce, store, and transport white
blood cells. Lymph, the fluid that flows throughout the lymphatic system, runs
throughout your body, removing waste from every cell while helping to regulate the
immune system.

Poor waste removal in the lymphatic system

can affect almost any part of your body.

When your lymph vessels become congested, you may experience:

• Fatigue
• Bloating
• Water retention
• Stiffness, especially in the morning
• Brain fog
• Itchy and dry skin
• Cellulite
• Stubborn weight gain
• Chronic sinusitis, sore throats, colds, and ear issues
• Excessive breast swelling with the menstrual cycle
• Swollen glands
• Cold hands and fee

When the body is under stress, biochemical and hormonal changes can occur. Over
time, this stress response may contribute to inflammation that can injure cells and
create waste. The digestive system is particularly sensitive to stress as the lymphatic
system is closely entwined with the GI tract. In fact, the gut- associated lymphatic
tissues (GALT) is the largest collection of lymphatic vessels in the body and it resides
around the GI tract. A healthy intestinal lymphatic system is necessary for a healthy gut
microbiome. It is also integral for keeping the intestinal lining strong. The intestinal lining
is critical for keeping out harmful toxins and absorbing appropriate nutrients. When the
intestines become inflamed or irritated from chemical additives, processed foods, or
preservatives, the GALT can become congested. This is a major cause of stagnant
lymph flow, poor detoxification, and weakened immunity.
7 Days Reset Guide Page 74

If you think you may be suffering from stagnant lymph flow,

talk with your doctor and try these six steps to rebalance your
lymphatic system:.

1. Increase Your Water Intake 5. Practice Regular Dry Brushing

Lymph is made up of about 95 percent Dry brushing helps to support healthy
water, so proper hydration is crucial for a lymphatic flow in the skin-associated
healthy lymphatic system. lymphatic tissue. The natural bristles of a
dry brush encourage the movement of the
2. Heal Your Gut lymph and blood in the underlying tissues,
A key for lymphatic health is constant flow, which helps increase circulation and move
so congestion should be avoided. One of out built-up toxins. Try brushing your body
the best ways to avoid congestion is by for 10 minutes each morning, always
maintaining a healthy digestive tract. working toward the heart and paying
Remove factors that cause irritation and special attention to areas of the body with
imbalance. Boost your intestinal microflora high lymphatic vessel concentration such
with healthy prebiotic as the head, neck, feet, breasts, and
and probiotic rich food. abdomen.

3. Eat Raw Red Foods 6. Limit Your Stress

According to the teachings of Physical and emotional stress contribute
Ayurveda,naturally red foods like to lymph congestion, so it is important to
pomegranates, cherries, cranberries, and practice daily stress-relieving techniques.
beets help to keep the lymph moving Two excellent ways to relax and boost
freely. The naturally occurring compounds lymphatic flow are through laughter and
in these fruits and vegetables help to deep breathing. Slow, deep breathing not
break down toxic buildup and combat free only helps to relieve tension and anxiety,
radicals. Beets appear to be especially but also moves the diaphragm and
promising for reducing inflammation. abdominal muscles to push lymph through
the vessels. And belly laughter can lead to
4. Get Your Lymph Moving deep breathing, resulting in similar effects.
You can boost the natural movement of In addition to deep-breathing exercises,
the lymphatic fluid with physical activity there are many other mindfulness
and massage. You may notice that fluid practices to help you minimize the impact
builds up in your legs when you sit for long of stress on your lymphatic system,
periods of time. This is due to the digestion, and overall health. Some of
previously mentioned stagnation of lymph them include meditation, yoga, nature
flow and can be prevented by frequent walks, and various forms of breathwork.
moving, massage and stretching. I
regularly bounce on an exercise ball to
help pump the lymphatic fluid through my
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4

Watercress & Butternut Squash Soup


2 T organic olive oil 1 bunch organic watercress

4 cups organic butternut squash (I used frozen 1 bunch of spinach
from Whole Foods) 2 garlic cloves, diced
6 cups organic vegetable stock 1 tsp. ground ginger
1 onion, finely diced Sea salt and pepper to taste
1 small russet potato, finely diced


Heat the olive oil in a large soup pot, add the onion and potato. Sauté until onion is softened and translucent,
approximately 4-5 minutes.

2 Add the squash, ginger, and garlic and sauté for 10 minutes, stirring frequently.

3 Add chicken stock and allow soup to simmer until vegetables are tender and flavors have blended.

4 Season with salt and pepper to taste.

5 Transfer soup to a blender, once in the blender, add the watercress. Blend until smooth and creamy.

6 Return soup to the pot, season with additional salt and pepper as needed, and serve warm.
PREP TIME: 10 min. COOK TIME: 2 min. SERVINGS: 4 people

Middle Eastern Cauliflower Salad


4 cup of cauliflower florets, multi-colored 3 to 4 shallots; peeled and sliced

1 cup green olives ½ cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup pickled shallots ½ cup water
1 cup of buckwheat 1 T honey
4 T almonds, sliced & toasted 1 tsp salt
1 cup dates, sliced ½ tsp whole peppercorns
2 cups of radicchio ½ tsp pickling spice
5 cups arugula


1 Preheat your over to 400 degrees.

2 Roast your cauliflower for 7-10 minutes until you get some nice color on them, but keep them al dente.

3 Slice the shallots into thin rings. Stuff them into a glass jar that’s big enough to fit all of them.

4 In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and peppercorns.
Heat, stirring frequently, until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and pour the brine over the shallots in
the jar. The brine may not fully cover the shallots, but they will shrink down as they pickle.

Secure the lid on the jar or container and gently shake/swirl so that the peppercorns get evenly distributed. Let
the shallots sit for at least 30 minutes to cool. Enjoy immediately after cooling.

6 Combine arugula and radicchio then season with salt and pepper

Evenly distribute the greens, then add 1 cup of roasted cauliflower, 1/4 cup green olives, 1/4 cup garbanzo
beans, and 1/4 cup dates.

8 Drizzle the remaining dressing on the salads and finish with 1 tablespoon sliced almonds per salad
Post Cleanse Week

Elissa Goodman
7 Day Reset Guide
7 Days Reset Guide Page 78


You got through the ups and downs and have reset your system- doesn’t it feel
incredible? You have renewed your body and helped reduce those cravings for sugar,
processed foods, gluten, and dairy. You’ve probably noticed a difference in your
complexion, your weight, and your energy! Now that you’ve completed seven days of
eating clean, don’t fall back into your old habits and addictions. Instead, feel motivated to
live a cleansing lifestyle every day!

Here are some tips to follow as you complete your cleanse:

Animal Protein: Eating meat is a personal choice and having flexibility in your
diet is perfectly okay. However, meat is an inflammatory food if you over do it.
Also, it takes about 14 hours for animal protein to be properly digested. We
don’t want to open ourselves up to hormones, antibiotics, and inflammation,
so make sure you are only eating clean sources. I like wild salmon, lake trout,
mackerel, cod and sardines, organic free-range chicken, turkey, bison and
pasture-raised eggs. If you don’t know where your meat came from, don’t be
afraid to ask. When you are eating meat, don’t eat more than 3 - 4 ozs per

Coffee: If you must have coffee, try to have no more than one cup of organic
coffee per day and, of course, no cream or sugar. Sweeten it with stevia if
needed, and use a clean organic plant-based milk. If you have coffee, it must
come from a reputable source and be organic. I should mention that
Starbucks shouldn’t be your source for the coffee you drink. Their coffee is
not organic and contains toxins! You should also keep in mind that coffee is
extremely dehydrating, so if you have coffee, be sure to up your water intake.

Dairy: After seven days dairy-free, your digestive system and skin have
probably taken a turn for the better! Doesn’t it feel good? This is a great time
to introduce healthy plant-based cheese and milk options into your diet. If
you are going to eat dairy, I suggest you choose feta or goat cheese,
because they have an A2 beta-casein molecule that is more easily digestible.
(Cow’s milk contains the undesirable A1 form)

Gluten-Free: Ease yourself into whole grains and gluten-free options. One
week of gluten-free has shown you that it’s possible to live without traditional
pasta and bread! Now is a great time to explore quinoa, oats, buckwheat,
sorghum, wild rice and millet!
7 Days Reset Guide Page 79

Juicing: Continue with a veggie juice every day – You pack significantly more
nutrients and enzymes into your diet with a daily green juice. From a health
standpoint, green juice is great for your heart, immune function, digestive
system, and fighting cancer risks. If you take one thing away from your
cleanse week, the importance of a green juice every day should be it!

Hydration: Continue to start each day with a minimum of 16 ozs of lemon and
water. This will not only help aid digestion, but will also help you fight cravings
and boost immune functioning.

Elissa’s Perfect Plate: Focus on eating . your plate in non starchy vegetables,
in starchy vegetables and . in healthy protein,1-2 tablespoons of healthy fat
per meal and 1 cup of berries per day. You can refer to my blog post -

Remember, this was one seven-day

cleanse, but it has opened the door to a
new overall lifestyle for you. Whether
you take every single one of these new
health practices with you or just a few
of them, these changes can make a
huge difference in your overall health.
7 Days Reset Guide Page 80

Grocery List for the Weekly Recipes:

Arugula Green onion Black beans

Baby spinach Leeks Chickpeas

Basil Lemons Great northern beans

Bay leaves Mint Green lentils

Blueberries Onion Kidney beans

Broccoli Parsley Tri-color quinoa

Butter lettuce Parsnip White beans

Butternut squash Purple Wild rice

Carrots cabbage

Cauliflower Radicchio
Celery Radish
Chili powder
Celery root Raw beets Chipotle powder
Cherry tomatoes Red cabbage Cinnamon

Cilantro Red chard Cumin

Cucumbers Red leaf Dried oregano

Garlic powder
Dill lettuce
Herbamare seasoning
Edamame Romaine
Nutritional yeast
Escarole Shallots Pepper
Fennel Shiitake Peruvian seasoning blend

Fresh rosemary mushrooms Pickling spice

Garlic Sweet potato Red pepper flakes

Sea salt
Ginger Turnips
Smoked paprika
Gold potatoes Watercress
Mexican Fiesta Seasoning by
Golden beets Zucchini Frontier Co-Op
7 Days Reset Guide Page 81

Grocery List for the Weekly Recipes:


Almonds Liquid smoke 100% Pure Stevia by Organic almond

Apple cider vinegar Maple syrup Omica butter

Artichoke hearts Olive oil AG1 Greens Powder Organic Turmeric

Avocado oil Pine nuts Bob’s Red Mill powder (Navitas)

Buckwheat Pistachios Gluten Free Rolled Organic almond

Cashews Pumpkin seeds Oats butter

Coconut milk Rice wine Chia Seeds Organic cacao

Coconut sugar vinegar Coconut oil powder

Dates Sesame oil Copra Coconut Plant-based nut or

Dijon mustard Sesame seeds Nectar oat milk (MALK,

Foodies Vegan Pumfu Tofu Sherry Davash Date Nectar Elmhurst, and Three
Green olives vinaigrette Decaf herbal tea Trees are the

Hearts of palm Sun-dried (chamomile, cleanest)

Hemp seeds tomatoes peppermint, licorice Reishi Cacao powder,

Honey Tempeh root or ginger) I recommend Navitas

Kalamata olives (Lightlife) Goji berries Shredded coconut

Vegetable Olive Nation Puffed Spectrum Cold Milled

broth Quinoa Flax Seeds

Walnuts Ora Vanilla Protein Vanilla extract

White miso Powder Whole Food 365

paste Organic India Tulsi Organics Brown rice

tea Crisp Cereal

Organic Turmeric

powder (Navitas)
7 Days Reset Guide Page 82

Congratulations, you did amazing!

You have just given yourself a gift. The idea that you put your health first for 7 days has the
power to change your life. Now you know how good it feels to practice this clean, nutrient-
dense and compassionate lifestyle.

I invite you to return to this RESET whenever you need i, whether you’re looking for a quick
tune-up, a post-vacation cleanse, or a reminder of your dedication to your well-being.

This is only the beginning of your wellness journey. There is so much in store for you and
your wonderful body. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime. I look forward to hearing
about your wellness stories.

You can follow me and my journey below:


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