Notices to Parties 5:25 - CV 25 – 00054 -KK (SPx)

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA (CASE NUMBER: ASIM NAJEE ASMAR BEY See gee Plaintifi(s) v. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ef a NOTICE TO PARTIES OF Defendant(s) COURT-DIRECTED ADR PROGRAM. NOTICE TO PARTIES: tis the policy of this Court to encourage settlement of civil litigation when such is in the best interest of the parties. The Court favors any reasonable means, including alternative dispute resolution (ADR), to accomplish this goal. See L.R. 16-15. Unless exempted by the trial judge, parties in all civil cases must participate in an ADR process before trial. See LR. 16-15.1. The district judge to whom the above-referenced case has been assigned is participating in an ADR Program that presumptively directs this case to either the Court Mediation Panel or to private mediation. See General Order No. 11-10, §5. For more information about the Mediation Panel, visit the Court website,, under “ADR.” Pursuant to L.R. 26-1(c), counsel are directed to furnish and discuss with their clients the attached ADR Notice To Parties before the conference of the parties mandated by Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(f). Based upon the consultation with their clients and discussion with opposing counsel, counsel must indicate the following in their Joint 26(f) Report: 1) whether the case is best suited for mediation with a neutral from the Court Mediation Panel or private mediation; and 2) when the mediation should occur. See L.R. 26-1(c). At the initial scheduling conference, counsel should be fully prepared to discuss their preference for referral to the Court Mediation Panel or to private mediation and when the mediation should occur. The Court will enter an Order/Referral to ADR at or around the time of the scheduling conference. Clerk, U.S. District Court By i Date Deputy Clerk DROS ‘NOTICE TO PARTIES OF COURT-DIRECTED ADR PROGRAM

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