The document contains three classic fairy tales: Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, and Briar Rose. In Rumpelstiltskin, a miller's daughter must guess the name of a little man to keep her child after he helps her spin straw into gold. Snow White deals with her jealous stepmother and falls into a deep sleep after eating a poisoned apple, while Briar Rose is cursed to sleep for a hundred years until awakened by a prince's kiss.
The document contains three classic fairy tales: Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, and Briar Rose. In Rumpelstiltskin, a miller's daughter must guess the name of a little man to keep her child after he helps her spin straw into gold. Snow White deals with her jealous stepmother and falls into a deep sleep after eating a poisoned apple, while Briar Rose is cursed to sleep for a hundred years until awakened by a prince's kiss.
The document contains three classic fairy tales: Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, and Briar Rose. In Rumpelstiltskin, a miller's daughter must guess the name of a little man to keep her child after he helps her spin straw into gold. Snow White deals with her jealous stepmother and falls into a deep sleep after eating a poisoned apple, while Briar Rose is cursed to sleep for a hundred years until awakened by a prince's kiss.
The document contains three classic fairy tales: Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, and Briar Rose. In Rumpelstiltskin, a miller's daughter must guess the name of a little man to keep her child after he helps her spin straw into gold. Snow White deals with her jealous stepmother and falls into a deep sleep after eating a poisoned apple, while Briar Rose is cursed to sleep for a hundred years until awakened by a prince's kiss.
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Rumpelstiltskin queen begged hlm lo allow her to keep her child.
Then the Ilttle man sald, "I’ll
Once upon a time, there lived a. miller in a house near a mill give you three days. If you flnd out my narne, you oan keep the chlid." by the side of a wood, The miller had a very beautiful daughter. She For two days she stayed awake thinking of all the possible names and was also very clever. The miller was so proud of her that he bragged sent Messengere all over the land to find new names. The queen began to the king. He said his daughter could weave straw into gold. gueesing hie name. B'ut every tirne she mentioned a nameo the iittle man One day, the king who was very fond of money, asked the shook his head and said, "That is not my name," The queen begen to get miller to send his daughter to his palace. The king led her to a worried, Finally one of the messeengers came to her and saido "Deep In the chamber where there was a great heap of straw, and gave her a forest, I saw a funny little dwarf clancing and singing "Merrily the feast I’ll make. spinning wheel. The king asked her to spin the straw into gold before Today brew, tornorrow bake; Merrily dance and sing. For next day will a morning or she would never see his father again. The girl said that it stranger brIng. Little does my lady dream Rumplestilskin is my narne. was only a boast of her father, so she had no idea how to weave When the queen heard this, she jumped for joy. On the next day, when into gold. Then, the king left the girl alone and locked the chamber. the little man came, she said, "Is it John?" "No, Madam." "Is it Tom?" "Is it The girl sat down in one corner of the room and cried. Suddenly, Jemmy?" "It is not" "Can your name be Rumpelstiltskin said the tady slyly. the door opened, and a droll-looking little man hobbled in and said, The little man became so angry that he stomped his foot and screamed. ln a "Good moming, why are you crying?" "I don't know how to spin gold from flash, he disappeared forever, He never bothered the queen ever again. straw," she replied. "I can do it for you. What will you give me?" asked the littie man. "My necklace," replied the girl. Then, he took the 1. What do you know about Rumplestiltskin? How is the necklace and began to work behind the wheel. By rnoming, when the characteristic? He is droll looking little man. He has power to spin king came and saw this, he was greatly pleased. But the greedy king gold from straw. wanted more gold, so he asked the girl to spin more. This happened for 2. Why did the king want the miller’s daughter to stay at the palace? few more nights. Every night the little man spun straw into gold and the Because he believes the Millers boast that the daughter could spin girl gave him something in retum. straw into gold. One day, the king asked the girl to spin a larger heap of straw. If 3. What did the Rumplestiltskin ask for return after he helped the she did it, she would be. his queen, but the girl had nothing left to give miller’s daughter? He asked the miller’s daughter to give her first little man, ''You must give me your flrst chlid then," he said and she child. agreed. in the morrnig, the king came and found all he wanted, He was 4. What should the queen do so that the Rumplestiltskin let the very pleased so he rnarried the girl and she really became queen. Soono queen keep her child? She should find out his name. they had a beautiful chlld. 5. How did the queen do to fulfil the requirement? She sent At the birth of her first child, she was so glad that she forgot the little man messenger all over the land to find new name. then the one of had said. But one day, the little man came and aeked the ohild. However, the messenger came to tell her that his name is Rumplestiltskin. SNOW WHITE 2. What told the new queen that snow white was the Snow White In (a) a far away kingdom, there was a fairest lady of all? The magic mirror did. queen named her daughter Snow White because her skin was 3. Where did the snow white live with the seven dwarfs? so fair and lovely. The queen died and her father re-married. They lived in a little cottage in the forest. The new queen was (b) an evil and jealous stepmother. Her 4. What did snow eat so that she fell unconscious? She stepmother had (c) a magic mirror. Every day she asked the ate a poisoned apple magic mirror who was the fairest lady of all. The magic mirror 5. Where did the dwarfs put unconscious Snow White? always answered that she was the one. They put her in a glass coffin. One day, the queen asked the mirror, but it said, ”Snow White is the most beautiful of all.” She was very angry and started making plans to get rid of Snow White. The evil queen ordered a servant to slay Snow White in the forest. The servant, feeling sorry for Snow White, let her go and brought back a deer’s heart to show the queen that he had done the deed. Snow White, alone and hungry in the forest, came across (d) a little cottage with (e) seven tiny beds. When the dwarfs came back from work, they found Snow White and said she could stay with them if she cleaned and cooked. They all lived happily until one day when the magic mirror told the evil queen that Snow White was still alive and living with the dwarfs. The evil queen disguised herself and went to the cottage. She gave Snow White (f) a poisoned apple. When Snow White took a bite of it, she fell down unconscious. The dwarves were very sad and built (g) a glass coffin for her. One day, a prince came by and saw how beautiful Snow White was, and gave her a kiss. Snow White woke up. They married and lived happily ever after.
1. What kind of woman was the new queen? She is evil
and jealous. Briar Rose Once upon time, there lived king and queen in a country where was fitteen years old, the princess wandered the patace alone. She there were in those days fairies. They had been married many looked at all the roorns, till at last she came to an old tower. She years but they had no children. One day, as the queen was opened a room and saw an old lady spinning. She was so curious. walking by the side of the river. At the bottom of the garden, she Then, the princess took the spindle. When she touched it, the spindle dead on the bank. Then, the queen took pity on the little fish and wounded her and she fell down on the ground. She had only fallen into threw it back again into the river. Before the fish swam away. It a deep sleep. The king and the queen, who had just come home, and said, “I Know what your wish is, and it shall be fulfilled in return all their court, and the animals in the palace fell asteep, too. for your kindness to me. You will soon have a daughter.” Soon, Everything stood still and slept soundiy, the king and queen had a little girl. Their daughter was so A thick hedge of briars grows over the palace, completely beautiful that the king wanted to show his child to all the land. blocking the path and hiding the paiace, In the following years. the One day, the king said that he would hold a great feast. So he hidden palace and the princess known as Briar Rose spread. Many invited his kinsmen, nobles and friends, and neighbors. The kings' sons came and tried to break the thicket. However, none of them queen also invited the fairies. There were thirteen fairies in the could ever do because the thorns and bushed laid hold of them. There kingdom, but as the king and queen had only twelve golden they stuck fast and died wretchedly. dishes to serve them. So, they were forced to leave one of the After rnany, many years, there came a king's son into that land. An old fairies without asking her. man told him the story of the thicket of thorms and how wonderful At the feast, twelve fatries came, each with a high red cap on her palace behind it, and how beautiful princess called Briar Rose was. He hand. And red shoes with high heels on her feet, and a long also told him about the princes who died after trying to break through white wand in her hand after the feast, they gave all the best the thicket. However, the young prince said, "This shall not frighten gifts to the little princess. One gave her goodness, another me. I will go and this Briar Rose." beauty, another riches, and so on. Before the final gift was given, The hundred years were ended. A prince came to the palace and saw suddenly the thirteeth fairy with a black cap on her head, everything were asleep, then he went on father. Till at last he came to and black shoes on her feet, and a broomseck in her hand. came, She the old tower and opened the door of the room in which Briar Rose was angry and scolded the king and queen. Then, she cried out, 'When was. She looked so beautiful that he couldn’t take his eyes off her. So the king's daughter turns fitteen, she will be wounded by a spindle and she Stopped and gave her a kiss. Sudctenty the princess openned her fall down dead." eyes and awoke. Soon, the king and queen, and all the court awoke. Then, the tweltth fatry who had not given her gift, came forward, and said The whole castle awoke, too. that she could soften the evii wish. So, her gift was that the king's Soon, the prince and Briar Rose were married. The wedding fst was daughter, when the spendle wounded her, should not really die, but hold and they lived happily together. should only fall asleep for a hundred years. Therefore, the king ordered that all the spindies in the kingdorn should be destroyed, Few years later, att the gifts of the first eleven fairies were fulfilled, The princess grew so beautitul, well behaved, good, and wise. When she