MCA CP 306 Linux Syllabus
MCA CP 306 Linux Syllabus
MCA CP 306 Linux Syllabus
2 Handling files-touch, cat, cp, rm, mv, ls, mkdir, rmdir, find Wild Characters 8
File comparison commands:cmp, comm, diff.
I/O redirection:Pipe & Filters- head, tail, more, less, grep, sort, wc, nl, pg, tr, tee,
cut, paste, sort, sed, awk.
Compressing and archiving files:tar, gzip, gunzip
Basic File Attributes:chmod,chown,umask
1. Sumitabha Das, “UNIX: Concepts and Applications” Tata McGraw Hill (Fourth Edition)
2. Yashwant Kanetkar, “UNIX Shell Programming” BPB Publications (First Edition)
3. Operating System - Linux, NIIT Press, PHI Publisher, 2006 Edition
4. .Christopher negus –Red hat Linux Bible,Wiley Dreamtech India 2005 edition
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Run various Linux commands on a standard LINUX Operating system (Ubuntu flavor of the Linux
Operating system is preferred)
Manage Files and directories in Linux operating system
familiarize process creation, scheduling task and work with networking utilities
Master the basics of Linux administration
Acquire the shell script writing skills.
SET1: Commands
1. Installation of Linux Operating system.
2. Demonstrate a College Management system in Linux using File and Directory commands.
3. Familiarize and execute the commands of vi Editor.
4. Practice the Filter commands in Linux with suitable examples.
5. How to execute Redirection and pipes in Linux.
4. Write a shell script to display the digits which are in odd positions in a given integer.
5. Write a script to read the basic salary of n employees and calculate the gross salary
6. Write a script to read the cost and selling price of an item and to decide how much loss or profit has
incurred by the seller.
7. Write a script to read 5 marks of n students. Find the total and return distinction if the total percentage
>= 80. [Distinction] if total % is >=60 and <80 [first class].if total % is >=50 and <60 [second class]
else print failed [<50].
8. Write a script to read a character and to display if it is lowercase, uppercase, digit or special character
or not a character.
9. Write a script to prepare a multiplication table of a given number to any order.
10. Write a script to find the value of one number raised to the power
11. Write a script to print all prime numbers from 1 to n.
12. Write a script to generate all combinations of a, b and c.
13. Write a shell script to sum up the following series
17. Write a shell script to find how many terminals this user logged in.
18. Write a script to accept a filename while running the script and check it has the write permission, if
yes prompt the user to enter a text and append the text to the given filename.
19. Write a shell script which displays a list of all files in the current directory to which you have read,
write & execute permissions.
20. Write a shell script which receives two file names as arguments.It should check whether the two file’s
contents are the same or not .If they are the same, delete the second file.
21. Write a shell script, which will receive any number of filenames as arguments .The shell script should
check whether such files already exist.
22. Write a shell script to perform operations for student data like view, add and delete records.
23. Write a shell script to sort the given numbers in descending order using Bubble sort .
24. Write a shell program to find the factorial of a number using function.
25. Write a shell program to determine whether the given string is palindrome or not using function.
26. Write a script to rename all c files to cpp files.
27. The word “mca” is present in some of the files supplied as arguments. Write a script to search each
of these files, and to stop at the first file containing the word “mca” and report it.
28. Write a script to receive any number of filenames as arguments and to check whether the arguments
supplied is a file or directory. If it is a directory, it should be appropriately reported. if it is a filename
then name of the file as well as the number of lines present in it should be reported.
29. Write a script to read from a file which is supplied as a command line argument and count the number
of lines and words. If there is no filename supplied, the script should accept text from the keyboard.
30. Write a shell script which receives an even number of file names. Suppose four file names are supplied
then the first file should get copied into the second file, the third file should get copied into the fourth
file, and so on. If odd numbers of file names are supplied then no copying should take place and an
error message should be displayed.
31. Write a script to wish the user “Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening” when he logs in
to the system based on the time.