Jenkins integration
Jenkins integration
Jenkins integration
Test Execution: The job is configured to execute test suites using commands like:
mvn test
○ Test Environment Setup: If required, the Jenkins job can set up specific
environments by starting/stopping services or containers (e.g., using Docker).
3. Triggering the Tests:
○ Manual Trigger: The job can be triggered manually via the Jenkins UI.
○ Automated Trigger: The job can be set to run automatically:
■ On every code commit (via a webhook from the repository).
■ On a schedule (e.g., nightly runs using CRON jobs).
"We use Jenkins' 'Build periodically' trigger and configure it with a CRON expression to
schedule nightly runs."
"I integrate the test framework with Jenkins by creating a job that pulls the framework code from
a Git repository. I configure Jenkins to use Maven for dependency management and build
execution. For triggering, I set up webhooks to run tests automatically after a code commit.
Reports like Cucumber or Extent Reports are generated post-build and archived in Jenkins for
easy access."
"Test suites can be triggered manually or automatically. In real-time projects, we use webhooks
to trigger tests after every commit or schedule nightly runs using CRON. Jenkins jobs fetch the
latest code, execute the tests, and generate reports."
"Test results are generated by the framework (e.g., Cucumber JSON, Extent Reports). Jenkins
is configured to publish these reports using plugins like Cucumber Reports or HTML Publisher.
Additionally, Jenkins archives the reports and logs for future analysis."
"To optimize execution, I enable parallel testing using TestNG or Cucumber plugins