Construction Methodology

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Project : Upgradation of Fish Landing Center at Dhamlej (Dist. Gir Somnath)

Client : Commissioner of Fisheries,

3rd Floor, Block No.-10, Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Gandhinagar - 382010.
Tender I.D. No. : 119317

Submitted By : Shanti Infrastructure, Gandhinagar.

Prepared By P Karuppasamy Signature with Date

Checked By Jayanthi Bhai Ambaliya Signature with Date

Approved By Jayanthi Bhai Ambaliya Signature with Date

Document No. SI/COF/TENDER/MS/001

Revision No. & Date 00 & 15.11.2024 For Tender Purpose only

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 1


Clause Subject

1.0 Abbreviations 3

2.0 Purpose 4

3.0 Proposed Work Location 4

4.0 Scope of Work 4-5

5.0 Roles & Responsibilities 5-6

6.0 Reference 6

7.0 Sequence of Work 6-7

8.0 Construction of Block Wharf Wall 7 - 12

9.0 Dredging 12 - 14

10.0 Shore Protection Work 14 - 15

11.0 Onshore Building Works 16 - 20

12.0 Documentation 20

13.0 Equipment and Tools & Tackles 20 - 21

14.0 Environmental, Health and Safety 21 - 22

15.0 Emergency Situation 22

16.0 Handing Over 22

17.0 Controlled Copy Holder 22

18.0 Revision Procedure 23

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 2

MS Method Statement
CoF Commissioner of Fisheries
QAP Quality Assurance Plan
QAQC Quality Assurance and Quality Control
FLC Fishery Landing Center
SI Shanti Infrastructure
No. / Sqm Number / Square Meter
W.O. Work Order
Ref. Reference
DG Diesel Generator
EHS Environmental, Health & Safety
HR Human Resources
IS / BIS Indian Standard / Bureau of Indian Standard
EIC Engineer In Charge
TPI / TPT Third Party Inspection / Third Party Testing
RFI Request For Inspection
MTC Manufacturer Test Report
CTM Cube Testing Machine
M3 / MT / Kg Cubic Meter / Metric Ton / Kilo Gram
M / MM Meter / Milli Meter & Mix for where concrete grade mentioned
DLC Dry Lean Concrete
BW Breakwater
CPH Cubic Meter Per Hour
EOT Electrically Operated Trolly
MOU Munities of Understanding
GSB Granular Sub Base
PCC / RCC Plain Cement Concrete / Reinforced Cement Concrete
C.D. Chatted Datum
GFC Good For Construction
GTS / GPS Great Trigonometrical Survey / Global Positioning System
DGPS / RTK Differential Global Positioning System / Real Time Kinematics
M.S. Mild Steel Structures

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 3

This document defines the sequence of construction for upgradation of Fish Landing
Center at Dhamlej, Dist. – Gir Somnath also explaining the construction methodology as
mentioned in scope of works. In case of changes in construction methodology
described hereafter, it will be detailed and amended, if necessary, during construction


The proposed project is located in the state of Gujarat and district of Gir Somnath. The
exact location indicated below in our google map.


The scope of work is mainly construction block wharf wall and onshore Building works
along with associated works, the proposed contract includes but is not limited to the
1) Construction of Block Wharf Wall
2) Dredging
3) Shore Protection
4) Auction Hall

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 4

5) Net Mending Shed
6) Security Cabin
7) Electrical Room (D.G. & Panel)
8) Toilet Block
9) Administrative Building
10) Pump Room
11) Fresh Water Supply
12) Drainage Network
13) Concrete Road
14) Compound Wall
15) Fire Fighting System

Overall Layout Block Wharf Wall Cross Section

Dredging Layout Shore Protection


Team Leader is responsible for overall project management including documentation,
attending meeting, Instructrution receiving from client and giving team or sub-
contractor, procurement and construction with quality and safety as per site

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 5

Quality Assurance & Quality Control Engineer is responsible for implementing the QAP,
documentation for quality control, monitoring field quality, laboratory testing, third
party testing, etc.
Senior Engineer is responsible for read and understanding this documents, engineering
drawings and technical specification and implementing at site. Also, maintaining the
Surveyor is responsible for survey works, preparation of cross section with AutoCAD,
establishing of bench mark, marking for breakwater, jetties etc,
Site Engineer is responsible for supervision of construction activities in accordance with
these document / specification / approved drawings.
Safety cum Environment Engineer is responsible for health and safety of workmen,
equipment, vehicle and tools & plants and also should not damage the environmental
Supervisor is responsible for supervision of construction and reporting to site engineer.

Contract specification
Approved drawings given by client
Approved QAP
Approved EHS Plan
Required IS Codes / BIS


Establishing of temporary site office set-up
Submission of Contractual Documents
Source Approval
Bench mark establishment
Construction of block wharf wall
Onshore building and associated works
Finishing works

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 6

7.1) Temporary Office Setup: A small office shall be construct for our staffs with table,
chairs, computers, printers or install a fabricated Porto cabin / container office for
whole contract period.

7.2) Submission of Contractual Documents: All the necessary documents shall be

submitted and get approval from concern EIC., like program of work schedule, QAP,
HSE, Organization Chart, Methodology, Bathymetric Survey, etc.

7.3) Source Approval: Whatever materials / equipment to be used for this project shall be
get source approval from EIC before commence the activities, like cement, steel,
sand, aggregate, water, chemicals, electrical items, STP, etc.

7.4) Bench Mark Establishment: The TBM shall be established near the work location from
original base location. The joint survey shall be carried out before commence any
kind of work along with client / consultant.


Scope: The precast cc block shall be used for construction of wharf wall of 217M length
and this activity includes bed preparation, mold fabrication and fixing, pouring of
concrete, vibrating, top finishing and curing with water or chemical compound,
de-shuttering, transportation, stacking, transportation to wharf wall location and placing
in position, cast-in-situ concrete, bollard installation including bolt fixing, fender installation
including bolt fixing, providing expansion joints etc.

Size: The following sizes shall be used for block wharf wall construction.
✓ 1st Layer = 2 x 3.0 x 1.6 x 0.8 + 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.8 + 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8
✓ 2nd Layer = 2 x 3.0 x 1.6 x 0.8 + 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.8
✓ 3rd Layer = 2 x 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.8 + 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8
✓ 4th Layer = 2 x 3.0 x 1.6 x 0.8
✓ 5th Layer = 2.5 x 1.6 x 1.2 + 2.0 x 1.6 x 1.2
✓ 6th Layer = 2.5 x 1.6 x 1.2 + 2.0 x 1.6 x 1.2
✓ 7th Layer = 2 x 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.8
✓ 8th Layer = 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.8 + 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8

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Bed Preparation: The required cc blocks casting shall be completed within 6 months. Two
beds of 60M length x 5M width shall be levelled the exiting earth and compaction shall be
carried out with watering and 10T roller. 75MM thickness of PCC to be poured and
compacted. And then 125MM thickness of RCC to be poured, compacted, levelled and
finished with good manner. Concrete platform will have zero level accuracy for prepare
pre cast elements easily. Curing shall be carried out minimum 14 days before casting the
cc blocks. Tentatively 6000 Sqm area is required for casting and stocking the cc blocks.

Shuttering Mould Fabrication and Fixing: The prefabricated mild steel shuttering mould shall
be arranged from competent fabricator with 3MM m. s. sheet and 100MM m. s. channels.
The length, width and diagonal shall be checked in proper manner at the time of
fabrication. 2 nos of wedge type joints shall be provided for shutting boxes. One coat of
primer and two coat of enamel painting to be applied for shuttering boxes to long life.
Fixing of shuttering boxes shall be done with a hydra crane at the time of cc blocks
concreting. The following shuttering mould are required tentatively as per the tender
✓ 3.0 x 1.6 x 0.8 = 5 Sets
✓ 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.8 = 6 Sets
✓ 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8 = 3 Sets
✓ 2.5 x 1.6 x 1.2 = 2 Sets
✓ 2.0 x 1.6 x 1.2 = 2 Sets

Pouring of Concrete: Making of precast concrete blocks of design mix cement concrete
grade M-30 using minimum cement 405 kg/cum and graded crushed stone aggregates
40mm nominal maximum size for wharf wall section. The design mix shall be prepared and
get approved from EIC as per the IS code 10262 with GERI or equalling NABL approved
laboratory or engineering college or polytechnic college. All the concrete materials should
be source approved from EIC. The concrete shall be prepared with concrete weigh
Batcher and material shall be used as per below.

✓ Water: Water shall be sweet and shall not be salty or brackish, clean and fresh, free
from all chemicals and deleterious matter which will either weaken the mortar or
concrete or cause efflorescence or attack the steel in R.C.C. container for the
transport, storage & handling of water shall be clean. Water shall confirm to the
standards specified in I.S.456-2000.

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✓ Cement: The cement used shall be ordinary Portland slag cement or Portland cement
or Rapid Hardening Portland cement conforming to Indian Standard Specification
IS:269, I.S.456. The cement shall be stored in a suited weather-tight building. The
cement shall be test in accordance with the procedure specified in IS: 4032.

✓ Sand: Sand shall be natural sand; clean, sharp, coarse and gritty and from approved
source. The fine sand aggregates used shall conform to IS: 383 for grading, strength
etc. The necessary tests for grit shall be carried out as per requirement of I.S. 2386 (part
I –VIII) 1963.

✓ Fine Sand Aggregates: The fine sand aggregates used shall consist of natural sand or
stone screenings, free from vegetable matter or any other impurities. The fine sand
aggregates used shall conform to IS: 383 for grading, strength etc.

✓ Stone Coarse aggregate for nominal mix concrete: Coarse aggregate shall be of
machine crushed stone of black trap or equivalent and be hard, strong, dense,
durable, clean and free from skin and coating likely to prevent proper adhesion of
mortar. The necessary test indicated in I.S. 383-1970 and I.S.456-2000 shall have to be
carried out to ensure the acceptability. The necessary tests for coarse aggregate shall
be carried out as per requirement of I.S. 2386 (Part I –VIII) 1963.

✓ Admixture: The Admixture to the concrete shall be used with the approval of the EIC.
When permitted the contractor shall furnish full details from the manufacturer and shall
carry out such tests as the EIC may require before the admixture is used in the work.
The rate of mixing of admixture shall be at 0.4% of weight of cement or as mentioned
by the manufacture or as directed by EIC.

✓ Applying of Shuttering Oil: The approved shuttering oil shall be used for mould. Apply of
shuttering oil shall be done with spray machine or paint brush.

✓ Lifting Hole with Hook: The suitable size of TMT bars shall be provided for lifting of cc
blocks from bed, loading, unloading and placing of blocks. Steel bars cutting, bending
and binding (Hooks) shall be done as per approved bar bending schedule.

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✓ Concrete Mixing: The mixing of the cement sand and aggregate shall be done in
mechanical mixer, first in dry condition and then after adding water, in the quantity as
directed by E.I.C. Each batch of concrete shall be mixed in the mixer for about 1.5
minutes minimum. In case of hand mixing allowed by E.I.C., 10% extra cement shall be
used by the contractor without any extra cost to the department. The hand mixing
shall be done on the pucca platform of concrete or of G.I. sheets as directed by E.I.C.

✓ Concrete Pouring: Concrete pouring shall be done with transit mixer or ajax flori or
manually by layer by layer.

✓ Vibration of Concrete: Concrete shall be compacted with machine vibration with layer

✓ Top Finishing: The top of the cc blocks shall be done in proper finishing with trowel.

✓ De-shuttering, Labelling & Curing: The side plates shall be removed only after 24 hours
of casting. Serial number of the blocks, type date of casting etc. shall be marked on
each block as per standard. Curing of the blocks shall be done for 21 days with good
quality of water. The contractor will be allowed to dig wells at the site, and use well
water. This well water shall not be allowed for mixing concrete. Or otherwise curing
chemicals may be used with EIC approval.

✓ Damages or Honeycomb: Minor defects observed after demolding shall be repaired

immediately after approval from client with a rich cement mortar.

✓ Transport & Stocking: The cc block loading to trailer with the help of 35T / 50T Crane.
Transport to stocking yard and keep it for remain curing period.

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✓ Excavation: Excavation shall be done with the help of heavy excavator with long
stick. If required underwater blasting may be done. The jointly measured the bed level
before commence the excavation activity. Excavate the soil as per required depth
and breadth as per approved drawing.

✓ Backfilling: Rubble soling (bed layer) shall be placed at the bottom of the block wharf
wall with the help of levelling frame, divers, crane and scraper.

✓ Block Placing: Already casted precast elements of the blocks shall be transported
with trailer to the location and placed with crane as per approved drawing. The
divers went into the bottom area and check the levels before place the block
accurately as per the drawing. The precast blocks shall be placed with the help of
crane and divers in approved layer wise on vertical berthing face and alternate
jointing which will be more precisely checked and maintained.

✓ Backfilling: All the layers of blocks are completed; rubble soiling shall be filled back
side the block wharf wall.

✓ Bollard & Fender Anchor Bolts: The Bollards and Fender foundation anchor bolts shall be
installed with the help of template as per approved drawings.

✓ Reinforcement Steel for Bollard & Fender Anchor Bolts: The reinforcement steels shall
be fabricated, transport and installed as per approved drawings and BBS.

✓ Shuttering for Cast-in-situ Concrete: Mild steel shuttering shall be fixed with sutable tie
rod after the fender bolts shall be installed as mentioned in drawing.

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✓ Cast in situ plain cement concrete: Cast in situ plain cement concrete placed above
the precast block installation. Required construction joint and expansion joint shall be
provided as per the drawing. The top level of jetty shall be maintained and curing
shall be done with proper method for 14 days.

✓ Backfilling: The top level of the rock filled shall be dressed cut and levelled as per the
required slopes. PCC shall place on the levelled rock filled top.

✓ Bollard & Fender Installation: Bollards and Fender tyres shall be installed after the
curing period is completion of cast in situ concrete.


✓ The scope of work consists of dredging of weathered rock / soft rock with chuckle,
debris or sedimentation deposition at basin area and channel area of Dhalmej Fishing
Harbour site as shown in the drawings and dumping the dredge material by suitable
method at the place/ section as directed by EIC.
✓ The job includes Pre, Intermediate & Post Surveys as per requirement for payment
✓ The methodology of dredging shall be pontoon with spud od anchorage system
including 350 excavator. This methodology to deploy suitable Dredger with ancillaries
for transporting the dredging stuff to desired dumping area as mentioned in the
survey chart. A high standard of workmanship in all trade will be required. The
dredging will be carried out in such a manner so as to cause least hindrance to the
traffic and other port activities. The work is to be carried out without causing any
obstruction or interference with the normal traffic from the inner side basin or from
outer channel vice-versa.
✓ It will select suitable dredger after examining the site and sea condition at Dhalmej
port with its equipment and bring at site of work only after prior approval from the EIC.
Selection of dredger / dredging equipment shall be done after ascertaining type of
material to be dredged, quantum of dredging work, water depth available, area to
be dredged. As per requirement of dredger, either SI will purchase dredger or will
make MOU with dredging company for executing the dredging work.

✓ Safety: The Project HSE Plan and associated, legislation, codes of practice, approved
standards, international standards, corporate procedures and project procedures,

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 12

guidelines and references identify and encompass the working behaviours and safe
work practices that will be expected of all project management team members, the
client, vendors, contractors, sub- contractors and visitors engaged on the project. HSE
plan will identify the key areas affecting HSE within that scope of work and the work
environment and will promote HSE through safe design, rigorous risk management of
work methods and the work environment, education, encouragement and reward.

✓ Dredging Material: The dredge material consists of pieces of all type of soil, soft
weathered rock, fine, medium, coarse, sand, soft & silty clay which generally
accumulate due to normal sediment deposition. The channel may consist of pebbles,
gravel, medium size loose stones, sand with chickle, and other related clay. The
dredged material shall be transported by Bottom hopper barge distance above 5NM
in GMB approved sea location including loading & unloading as directed by EIC.

✓ Level to Achieve
The dredging is to be done in such a manner so as to achieve required level (-1.5 mt)
w.r.t. Chart Datum from the existing levels. This dredging will be done strictly under
the supervision, direction and satisfaction of EIC considering site conditions and
topography of the Port. In order to commence this dredging work, suitable dredger
will be mobilized and deployed at works site in such a way that there will not be any
delay in dredging work. The contractor will mobilize the survey team at site at least
seven days prior to arrival at dredger so that joint pre-dredging survey can be done
and necessary guide marks, transits etc can be established before the dredger
arrives at site. All attached equipment, ancillaries of dredger such as work barrages,
helper barges, tugs, launches etc. and survey. Equipment such as survey tug,
launches, echo sounder, DGPS, text units, levels, level instruments, etc, including
manpower will be arranged and brought by the contractor at this own cost and risk
at site. DOF will not extend any facilities such as requirements of any instrumentation
or units in this regard. Mobilization will include the cost of mourner and all type of
related expenditure. The contractor will carry out the necessary repairs, maintenance
to the dredgers, equipment, ancillaries etc. brought by him for breakdown etc.
during the operation i.e. by the contract at his risk and cost the. The fisheries dept. will
not pay any charges for such repair’s replacement of parts, machineries. Labours
etc. Quoted rate shall include all direct/indirect expanse involved in carrying this
dredging project.

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✓ Disposal of Dredge Materials: The material dredged shall be dumped in the Sea from
the dredging site is above 5 NM or as per the direction of EIC. The contractor shall
make all the arrangement of pontoons, anchor pontoons, barge as per requirement
etc. Before starting the disposal, the contractor has to ensure the leak proof
arrangement of the structure so that whatever dredge stuff is being disposed in the
section shall not come out of it in natural flow of water towards sea. For making such
arrangements whatever repairing or renewal or replacement of the section is required
it will be on account of contractor and DoF will not make any additional / extra
payment towards it. The location of the dumping ground is shown in the location /
layout drawing. The area to be dredged will jointly be surveyed and taken over by the
contractor before commencement of dredging and will be handed over to the
fisheries after it is dredged to the designed level. The Department shall pay to the
contractor for the actual quantity dredged per cum basis which will be calculated
based on Simpson rule based on pre and intermediate survey charts for running bill
and pre & post survey charts for final payment.

✓ Limit of tolerance for dredging: Vertical ± 0.10 m and Horizontal ± 0.20 m. The quantity
dredged within the tolerance limit shall be consider for payment purpose. No
payment shall be made in respect of materials dredged beyond the specified limit of
the tolerance.


The 80MT capacity of automatic weigh-bridge shall be installed including calibration
stamping for weighting the rubble stones receiving from quarry. The stones for shore
protection shall be arranging from nearest approved quarry rubbish and obtained black
rubble stone.
Consider typical stretch of Protection Wall as shown in drawing.

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Earth Work: The work to be done under this specification shall include clearing site,
excavation on sea shore in slushy and sandy condition of soil. Continuous dewatering shall
have to be carried out. excavation shall be limited to required dimensions shown in
drawing. For to its designed section, removal of excavated materials, their sorting out if
specified and their deposition either in spoil bank or at a space as directed within the
lead and lift specified in the item.

Geo Textile Layer: Geotextile shall be procured after getting of approval from EIC. Geo
fabric filter shall be spreading it over the dressed excavated surface as directed by EIC.
Surface shall be first dressed and prepared. The geo fabric filter shall be laid as shown on
drawing or as directed by EIC after trimming, ramming and dressing the ground or bed.
The filter with min. width 5.0 m. shall be used in order to minimize the joints. At longitudinal
and transverse joints, geo fabric filter shall be laid with sufficient overlap (Minimum 15
cms.) and joints should be double chain stitched by suitable machine using 1700 denier
pp. yarn with minimum 9 kg. Breaking strength. The geo fabric filter shall be spread in
position without any wrinkles and care shall be taken so as to avoid any damage to it,
after spreading. To keep the geo fabric filter in desired position duly stretched until the
same is covered by filter layer of gunny bags filled with stone grit.

Shore Protection work: The rubble stones weighing from 500 to 2000 kg (class 'B' stones)
shall be used for section of sea side shore protection work. This may complete with two
layers. Also 40 kg rubble stones shall be used for land site shore protection work, which
thickness is 1.03m. This structure shall be carried out as per approved drawing. This works
included quarrying lease, blasting loading, transportation, unloading at site, arranging in
layer with the help of excavator / crane, labour and royalty.

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This works scope includes Auction Hall, Net Mending Shed, Security Cabin, Electrical Room
(D.G. & Panel), Toilet Block, Administrative Building, Pump Room, Fresh Water Supply,
Drainage Network, Concrete Road, Compound Wall and Fire Fighting System.
This works stepwise activities as follows:
• Site preparation & levelling
• Marking and Earth work
• Foundation and column
• Back filling, consolidation and compaction
• Plinth beam and grade slab
• Super structure- columns
• Floor slab and roof slab
• Brick masonry, electrical conducting and plumbing work
• Doors and windows frame fixations
• Exterior and interior finishings
• Terrace and roof finishings
• Water proofing
• Painting.

Site Preparation & Levelling

The preparation of site shall be carried out by removing trees, roots and any unwanted
material for construction for foundation.

Marking and Earth work

The marking of foundation shall be carried out with surveyor as per approved drawing.
After that the earth work shall be do with excator or JCB.


After the earth work dressing shall be done and then PCC. After the PCC, reinforcement
work will be started. Reinforcement will be cut to the desired length as per the approved
bar bending schedule at the yard and will be transported on trailer to the location. Bar
bending schedule will be submitted to EIC representative for verification. Reinforcement
shall be placed on site manually as per the approved drawing. Cover block will be
provided to maintain sufficient cover to the reinforcement steel. Once reinforcement is
placed steel/wooden form work shall be placed in position using back support by
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props/suitable arrangement to avoid bulging of formwork. Once in position, final
alignment shall be done as per finish dimensions in approved drawing. Before casting the
foundation, levels and dimensions shall be checked as per drawing. Before starting
concrete pour, a check will be done to clear the reinforcement free from unwanted
debris and dust. Once all materials are cleared concrete pour shall start, proper
compaction shall be ensured by use of needle vibrator to equally distribute concrete.
Concrete shall be done up to footing top level as per the approved drawing. Curing shall
be done by applying curing compound or hessian cloth with water.


Sub base with 230 mm thick stone / rubble soling over compacted earth will be placed
before laying of PCC for grade slab. Anti-termite treatment will be carried out before
placing rubble soling and refer for detailed method of statement of Anti – termite
treatment. Reinforcement will be cut to the desired length as per approved bar bending
schedule at the yard and will be transported on Trailor to the location. Reinforcement shall
be placed on site manually above PCC as per the approved drawing. Before starting
concrete pour a check will be done to clear the reinforcement free from unwanted
debris and dust. Once all materials are cleared concrete pour shall start, proper
compaction shall be ensured by use of needle vibrator to equally distribute concrete.
Concrete shall be done up to slab level as per approved drawing. Levels and dimensions
shall be checked as specified in the drawing before casting of plinth beam or grade slab.
Curing shall be done hessian cloth with water.


This process is done by filled with dredged material / normal soil in 150 mm layers filled
between the foundation and plinth beam with proper consolidation as per approved
drawing. Once footing is consolidated and column is raised up to required level,
compaction will be done by sprinkling water and plate compactor for preparing bed
surface free of undulation.

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The columns/fire wall/ lift shaft wall / staircase are built up to the slab level the frame for
further construction is prepared. While placing of stater point, center line of column will be
marked and proceed accordingly. Reinforcement will be cut to the desired length as per
approved bar bending schedule at the yard and will be transported on Trailor to the
location. Reinforcement shall be continued from plinth beam junction. Proper scaffolding
arrangement shall be done for reinforcement placement at height. Reinforcement shall
be placed on site manually as per approved drawing. All shutters shall be cleaned, and
shuttering oil will be applied before fixing. Once reinforcement is placed steel / wooden
formwork shall be placed in position in line with column starter of 100 mm height previously
casted using back support by props to avoid bulging of formwork. Once in position, final
alignment shall be done to as per finish dimensions in approved drawing.


After casting of columns, formwork is started to cast the slab and beams followed by
reinforcement for beams and slab. Concealed electrical conduiting, openings for sleeves
shall be done as per approved electrical drawing. Shuttering oil will be applied and joints
in boards need to be leak free. Fan hooks will be placed in all required positions as per
drawings. The wooden cutout section also be left out to continue the wiring from slab
bottom and top after concreting. Reinforcement, levels and dimensions shall be checked
before casting the slab. Before starting concrete pour a check will be done to clear the
reinforcement free from unwanted debris and dust. Once all materials are cleared
concrete pour shall start, proper compaction shall be ensured by use of needle vibrator to
equally distribute concrete. Concrete shall be done up to slab level as per approved
drawing. Curing shall be done by using hessian cloth with water or by making water pool.

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Damp proof course will be placed on plinth before starting brick masonry. Hacking in
column and beam faces at junction of brick will be done. After completion of stripping
period of slab, masonry work commenced internal and external above plinth beam up to
lintel level. After casting of lintels masonry work continuous up to roof level. While masonry
work openings shall be provided for doors and windows. Grooves shall be made for
internal electrical conduiting and plumbing works. A concrete block with cement mortar
shall be used for walls and internal partition as per the approved architectural drawing. All
plumbing lines will be tested before filling of grooves. At the junction of roof and parapet
or any other vertical surface, a fillet of 75 mm radius shall be formed in cement mortar (1
cement; 4 coarse sand). Drip course will be provided in chaja and slab projections. Curing
shall be done by water spraying.


After completion of masonry work, doors and window frames shall be placed location as
per sizes specified in the approved drawing. All fixtures shall be approved from employer’s


External and internal finishings carried out by as per specified in the approved drawing.

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Terrace and roof finishings carried out by PCC flooring maintained by situatable slopes for
terrace water lines and rain water purpose.


Water proofing work done for terrace slab, toilets, utilities, lift areas and other area as per
requirement mentioned in approved drawing.


Painting works carried out as per specifications in the drawing.


The following documents will be maintained at site mandatory.

Stone Register with weigh slip
Cement and Steel Register
Block Costing and Installation Register
Cube Register
Material Test Reports
Calibration Certificate Record


Weigh Bridge (Computerized) 80MT Capacity 01 No. Or Hire Outside
Tipper Truck 5 Nos
Excavator 350 01 No
Ajax Flori or Weigh- Batcheer 01 No
JCB 01 No
Transit Mixer 01 No
Crawler Cane 180MT Capacity 01 No
Hydra Cranes 15MT Capacity 01 No
Vibrator with 60mm Needle 02 Nos
Roller (10 Ton Capacity) 01 No
Cutting Machine – Steel 01 No
Bending Machine – Steel 01 No
Water Tanker 01 No
RMC Plant 15CPH 01 Set

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 20

Trailer 02 Nos
Dozer 01 No
D.G. Set 01 No


The specific activities mentioned under this construction methodology have been
reviewed and in view of EHS, particular attention is to be drawn to the following aspects
detailed below.

Health & Safety

CAR Policy and Workmen Compensation Policy shall be available

Safety Induction shall be providing all the workmen
Tool Box Talk shall be conducted frequently
All the activities shall be carried out only under supervision
Lifting tools and equipment shall be checked prior to usage every time
First-aid kit and fire extinguisher shall be available at site
Signboards shall be fixed
All the personnel understood HIRA and emergency plan
Erection work should stop during heavy wind, rain, lightning, and Blasting time
Only authorized personnel will be permitted to workplace
All the underwater divers should medically fit and insurance should available
Workplace always should be neat and clean.
Trained divers only to be use for underwater work
All the underwater divers diving with proper safety productive equipment and signalman
A weather station will be used to monitor rain and tide etc.
Before commencing the erection of tetrapod and block all tools & tackles must be
checked properly. Defective tools must be disposed immediately.
All the personnel should not be allowed to stand underneath the suspended load.
Crane should be position in proper manner and operator should be experienced.
Emergency contact details with local language to be provided at site
All the working force should follow the health and safety rules and regulation
Employees shall promptly report all incidents, accidents, and personal injuries to their
supervisor after rendering or finding aid for injured persons.
Do not allowed any outside person to the working place
Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 21

Pollution certificate shall be available for batching plant

All waste will be collected and put at dust pin and removed from site
Required toilets shall be provide at site
Littering by the employees shall not be allowed
Chemical spills should not be allowed on site
Do not attempt to capture or kill any animals or Birds at site
No open fire shall be allowed at any circumstance
Cement shall be stored in silo or designated place
Water shall be sprinkled on the dust / loose soil


MARINE WORK should be stopped in emergency situation like cyclones / earth quake /
heavy rain or any other weather conditions. The breakwater will be strengthening /
protect with sufficient quantity of A class stone or tetrapod on nose portion. And inform to
all the workmen for staying on safe place. Advance intimation shall be given to insurance


After completion of the entire work, site handing over formalities to be completed to the
client as per handing over process.


Sl. Controlled Copy Holder

No. Name Designation Location Contact
1 Rajeshbhai Dangar M.D. cum Chairman Gandhinagar +91 92768 88888

2 Jayanthibhai Ambaliya C.E.O. Gandhinagar +91 98259 35335

3 P Karuppasamy General Manager Navabandar +91 96000 06751

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 22

This documents is live and reviewed regularly. Whenever required to revise, can do as per
direction of EIC, which shall be incorporated and maintained as per below format.
Sl. New Revision Details Discard Insert Approved
Date Revised By
No. No. Section Page No. Page No. Page No. By

Construction Methodology SI/COF/TENDER/MS/01 Rev.00-15.11.24 Page 23

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