KPCSD Annual Report 2022 23
KPCSD Annual Report 2022 23
KPCSD Annual Report 2022 23
Dr Kiran C Patel Centre for Sustainable Development
(KPCSD) at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
(IITGN) was inaugurated on January 30, 2019. The Centre
aims to advance local and global sustainability solutions
through cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and field
projects on water, pollution, waste management, climate
change, energy, natural resources, wildlife and ecosystems.
The Centre also promotes sustainable solutions through
its strong educational, outreach and technology-transfer
development at conferences,
IITGN and advancing networking, training
education on programs and
sustainability workshops.
nationally and
The mission of KPCSD is to:
● Identify and conduct interdisciplinary research on
sustainability-related problems of high societal
● Develop solutions to sustainability challenges
by integrating research, traditional knowledge
and field understanding, and translate them into
prototypes, patents, and publications.
● Establish an effective technology transfer
programme for sustainability solutions in the field.
● Implement sustainability solutions on campus and
its neighbourhood.
● Develop a strong outreach programme of training,
education, awareness and community engagement
on sustainable livelihood and development.
● Promote networking and collaboration among
scholars, policymakers, industry, non-profit
organisations and other stakeholders on
● Promote educational programmes on sustainability
Water: Water and wastewater treatment, Energy: Fuel cell systems, energy
desalination, safe drinking water systems, distributed energy, heating,
production, hydraulics and water ventilation and air conditioning, energy
resources engineering, water resource conversion and storage, optimisation,
research, water-energy systems, river energy management, organic electronics
science and LEDs, solar cells, renewable energy,
electricity market, smart distribution
Pollution & Waste Management: Air, grid/ microgrids, thermodynamic
water and soil pollution, air quality, optimisation, smart manufacturing
laser spectroscopy, particle engineering,
built environment, low-cost air quality Natural Resources, Wildlife &
sensors, environmental policy, surface Ecosystems: Wildlife conservation,
engineering, waste to-resource indigenous peoples, social and
techniques environmental justice, natural
resources management, environmental
Climate Change: Climate risks, extreme archaeology, sustainability modelling,
climatic events, climate variability, food- earth surface processes, sustainable
energy-water security, climate change stream management
impacts, critical infrastructure resilience,
internal variability, hydrometeorological
extremes, physics-guided machine
learning for hydrological processes,
hydrologic modelling
The Year in Review
Table of Content
1. Executive Summary 5
2. People 7
3. Glimpses of the Year 2022-23 12
4. Sustainability Related Developments at the Institute Level 19
5. Events and Outreach 21
5.1 Energising Agriculture and Enabling Just Energy Transitions in South Asia: A Regional
Knowledge Forum 21
5.2 Climate Action Now 2022-23 22
5.3 Swachhata Pakhwada 23
5.4 Vishwakarma Award for Engineering Innovation 2022 23
5.5 KPCSD Poster Competition on Sustainability 23
5.6 IITGN-IITK Joint Symposium on Energy Technologies 24
5.7 KPCSD Special Seminar 24
5.8 Sustainability Seminar Series 25
6. Education 30
6.1 List of courses 30
6.2 Workshops and short courses 32
7. Focus Areas: Projects and Publications 34
7.1 Water 34
7.2 Pollution and Waste Management 37
7.3 Climate Change 40
7.4 Energy 45
7.5 Natural resources, wildlife and ecosystems 50
1. Executive Summary
The Dr Kiran C Patel Centre for Sustainable Development at the Indian Institute of Technology
Gandhinagar was established in January 2019 to promote interdisciplinary research and educational
initiatives, undertake outreach activities and field projects, and advance sustainable development in a
range of domains, including water, pollution, waste management, climate change, energy, natural
resources, wildlife, and ecosystems. The Centre has a large faculty cluster, with nearly 30 faculty
members affiliated with it.
IITGN's commitment to sustainability is reflected in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023,
which assessed nearly 1,600 universities worldwide against the United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). The Institute featured in the Top 60 for SDG 12 (responsible consumption
and production), Top 200 for SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) and Top 300 for SDG 7 (affordable and
clean energy) globally. KPCSD contributed to collecting, compiling and submitting data on sustainability
for the Impact Rankings.
KPCSD has introduced an interdisciplinary ‘Minor in Sustainable Development’ for IITGN students from
the academic year 2022-23. Nearly twenty graduate and undergraduate courses related to sustainability
were offered at the Institute in the past year, in which nearly 300 students enrolled. KPCSD affiliate faculty
organised various sustainability-focused workshops and short courses to foster knowledge-sharing,
facilitate research networking, and identify opportunities for collaborative research projects and training
In 2022-23, the Centre saw the initiation and continuation of several sustainability-focused research
projects across IITGN. Affiliated Faculty contributed to research publications and conference presentations
on sustainability, initiated 25 projects and continued working for over 27 ongoing research projects,
covering key focus areas: water, pollution, climate change, energy, and natural resources and ecosystems.
These projects, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, encompassing themes,
such as water filtration innovations, desalination, sustainable water management, river management for
Himalayan and Peninsular rivers, sewage disposal, effluent reuse, wastewater management, climate
forecasting, pollution and greenhouse gas monitoring, municipal solid waste management, renewable
energy advancements, cyber-secure smart grids, urban air quality improvement, resource management,
optimised crop and irrigation mapping, CO2 capture materials from industrial waste, high-efficiency
photovoltaics, solar cells, energy storage, electric vehicle applications, and mangroves and wildlife
Faculty members at IITGN engaged in consultancy projects in 2022-23 to advance sustainability initiatives
in energy, climate, and regulatory frameworks. Key projects included a training on "Regulatory Framework
in the Power Sector," a specialised program for officers of the Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL)
led by Prof Naran M Pindoriya, an industry energy assessment in collaboration with IIT Madras and KISEM,
and a collaboration with IIM Ahmedabad to develop a nationwide climate projections and scenarios
database. These initiatives reflect the Institute's commitment to building capacity and knowledge in
sustainable energy and climate resilience.
In 2022-23, KPCSD affiliates made significant strides in innovation with patents granted and filed in
various sustainability domains. Granted patents included a water purification filter developed by Prof
Chinmay Ghoroi and Dr Deepa Dixit, and a process for preparing boron-based nano-accordions and
nanosheets by Prof Kabeer Jasuja and Saroj Kumar Das. Additionally, patents filed included a universal
IoT-based smart energy management device by Prof Naran Pindoriya and team, an ammonia gas detection
sensor by Prof Rupak Banerjee and collaborators, and a catalyst composition and preparation process by
Prof Sudhanshu Sharma and his research group.
KPCSD continued to promote sustainable solutions through various events to raise sustainability
awareness. The Centre co-hosted a Regional Knowledge Forum titled ‘Energising Agriculture and
Enabling Just Energy Transitions in South Asia’ in collaboration with the International Water Management
Institute (IWMI) and other global organisations. Additionally, IITGN, in partnership with the Gujarat
Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation, organised the ‘Climate Action Now’ mega
workshop series in three segments on critical topics like climate policy, Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG), cleaner production technologies, and climate resilience in agriculture. To foster
innovation, the Centre, along with the Maker Bhavan Foundation and WIN Foundation, organised the
national ‘Vishwakarma Award for Engineering Innovation 2022’ to inspire students to design solutions for
water and sanitation challenges. A poster competition on sustainability was also organised, in which IIT
Gandhinagar graduate and undergraduate students showcased their research, which furthered
engagement of the academic community in sustainability-focused initiatives.
In 2022-23, KPCSD hosted ten seminars as part of its ongoing Sustainability Seminar Series, aimed at
raising awareness and fostering connections among sustainability professionals and researchers. The
series featured diverse topics, including innovative solutions to food system challenges, clean air initiatives
in India, the socio-ecological conservation of the Fishing Cat, and hedgehog conservation efforts in Tamil
Nadu. Discussions also addressed the complexities of fossil fuel use, climate change, and energy security,
along with strategies for effectively communicating climate change to varied audiences. Further seminars
highlighted clean cooling technologies, and the critical role of advanced materials in achieving carbon-
neutral energy. The series concluded with explorations into the co-evolution of climate, water, and
biodiversity, as well as circular economy approaches for environmental management. These seminars
enabled engaging with a diverse and large group of stakeholders, including industry professionals, NGO
representatives, government officials, academicians, and researchers.
2. People
Core Committee Members
Vimal Mishra
Professor, Civil Engineering and Co-Coordinator, KPCSD
Research interests: Climate change, climate variability, hydrologic modelling, extreme
climatic events, food and water security
Sameer Patel
Assistant Professor, Civil and Chemical Engineering
Research interests: Air quality, air pollution control, built environment, renewable
energy, energy poverty, low-cost air quality sensors, environmental policy
Naran Pindoriya
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Research interests: Electricity market, smart distribution grid/ microgrids, grid
integration of distributed renewable energy resources, energy management
Affiliate Faculty Members
Ambika Aiyadurai
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
Research interests: Wildlife Conservation, Indigenous peoples, Northeast India, Social
and Environmental Justice, Himalayan Borderlands
Nipun Batra
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Research interests: Machine Learning, Air quality, Energy
Atul Bhargav
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research interests: Fuel cell systems, Hydrogen energy, Energy systems, Micro-grid
Udit Bhatia
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
Research interests: Critical infrastructures resilience, Internal variability,
Hydrometeorological extremes, Physics guided Machine Learning for hydrological
Rajendra Bordia
Guest Professor, Material Science and Engineering
Research interests: Ceramics, Energy conversion, Energy storage, High temperature
materials, Composites
Arup Lal Chakraborty
Professor, Electrical Engineering
Research interests: Laser spectroscopy, Air quality measurement, Mid-infrared lasers
Sharada C V
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
Research interests: Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Sciences in
Hari Ganesh
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research interests: Smart manufacturing, Model predictive control, Optimisation,
Energy and environment, Building Energy Management, Indoor air quality
Auroop Ganguly
Guest Professor, Civil Engineering
Research interests: Climate risks, Infrastructure resilience, Machine Learning; Nonlinear
Chinmay Ghoroi
B. S. Gehlot Chair Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research interests: Particle engineering, Cohesive powders, Surface engineering,
Wetting and antibacterial surfaces/ bacterial adhesion, Drug formulation, Nano-
materials for drug delivery/ controlled release, Solid-phase reactions for functional
materials, Water treatment
Vikrant Jain
Professor, Earth Sciences
Research interests: River science, Earth surface processes, Climate Change impacts and
rivers future, Sustainable stream management, Flood hazards
Anirban Mondal
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Research interests: Organic electronics, Solid electrolytes, Organic LEDs, Solar cells,
Machine Learning
Sudhanshu Sharma
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Research interests: Materials, Electrochemistry, Catalysis, Hydrogen generation, Syngas
production, Geopolymer, Biofuels, Emission control
Jaichander Swaminathan
Kanchan and Harilal Doshi Chair Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research interests: Thermodynamic optimisation, Heat and mass transfer, System-level
analysis, Optimisation, Effluent treatment, Zero liquid discharge
Falguni Tailor
Project Manager, KPCSD
Dr Kiran C Patel
The Dr Kiran C Patel Centre for Sustainable Development at IIT Gandhinagar has been
established with a generous endowment from Dr Kiran C Patel, a distinguished
cardiologist, entrepreneur and philanthropist based in Tampa, Florida, USA.
3. Glimpses of the Year 2022-23
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings assess universities worldwide against the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It uses carefully calibrated indicators to provide comprehensive
and balanced comparison across four broad areas: research, stewardship, outreach and teaching. The
Institute featured in the Top 60 for SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) and Top 200
globally for SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) and in Top 300 globally for SDG 7 (affordable and clean
energy) out of nearly 1600 institutes.
Sustainable river management, sewage disposal, effluent reuse and wastewater management,
drinking water production, desalination, groundwater management, floodplains landforms,
clay deposition and irrigation.
Air quality, atmospheric pollutants, river pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, municipal solid
waste management, green alginate beads, biowaste, black and brown carbon.
Water resources, agriculture, infrastructure, and energy, flood risk assessment, tropical cyclone,
flooding, hydrological processes, modelling & forecasting systems, drought monitoring index,
water budget, impact of climate variability and moisture source.
Title : From nano triumphs to drinking water solutions, IITGN charts a new course
IIT Gandhinagar has been featured nationally in a special article published across all editions of The
Times of India as a part of their #TheTimesOfABetterIndia series.
Source : Times of India
Link :
Date : 26-08-2022
Title : Power transmission: IITGN develops framework
Source : Times of India (Page no. 5)
Date : 17-05-2022
KPCSD organised a Special Seminar on “The Path to Zero: Protecting People and the Planet through
Investment and Innovation” by Mr Mahesh Ramanujam, Co-Founder, President, and CEO of the Global
Network for Zero.
Regional Knowledge Forum titled “Energising Agriculture and Enabling Just Energy Transitions in
South Asia”, organised by KPCSD from February 6 to 8, 2023, in partnership with the International
Water Management Institute (IWMI) and other global organisations, attended by 170 participants from
16 countries.
‘Vishwakarma Award for Engineering Innovation 2022’ organised by KPCSD, in collaboration with
Maker Bhavan Foundation and WIN Foundation. A national competition to incentivise Indian science and
engineering students to build innovative water and sanitation systems around the theme ‘Water and
Sanitation’. The top three teams received cash prizes of Rs 5 lakh, Rs 2 lakh and Rs 1 lakh, respectively.
All shortlisted teams were provided funding and mentoring support and built a prototype in four months.
4. Sustainability Related Developments at the
Institute Level
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings assess universities worldwide against the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It uses carefully calibrated indicators to
provide comprehensive and balanced comparison across four broad areas: research,
stewardship, outreach and teaching. The Institute featured in the Top 60 for SDG 12 (responsible
consumption and production), Top 200 for SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) and Top 300 for
SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) out of nearly 1600 institutes globally.
IIT Gandhinagar observed ‘Swachhata Pakhwada’ from September 1 to 15, with several events
and activities, including various competitions, waste collection drives, and awareness
campaigns. KPCSD and Green Club at IIT Gandhinagar organised an online seminar on
“Resource Recovery from Waste – Circular Economy Approach for Sustainable Urbanisation” by
Prof Brajesh K Dubey, Professor, Circular Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and
Chair, School of Water Resources at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. The seminar,
attended by more than 80 members, highlighted effective resource recovery approaches
requiring a detailed integrated waste management plan with a circular economy and systems
thinking concept. Prof Dubey shared his experiences, lessons, do’s and don’ts, learned as part of
various waste management projects while he worked with several cities/ municipalities in India,
Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the USA.
The Centre, in collaboration with Maker Bhavan Foundation and WIN Foundation, organised
‘Vishwakarma Award for Engineering Innovation 2022’, a national competition to incentivise
Indian science and engineering students to build innovative water and sanitation systems around
the theme ‘Water and Sanitation’. The 10 shortlisted teams got to compete through on-site
demonstration in a grand finale organised on August 27, 2022 at IIT Gandhinagar. Some of the
engineering solutions for water and sanitation challenges designed by the students included an
innovation to reduce water consumption in flushing a conventional toilet by almost 66%, a
device for solar thermal disinfection of drinking water, a cost-effective and sustainable liquid
waste treatment and recycling system for domestic dwellings, development of arsenic removal
unit with electrocoagulation and activated alumina sorption. The top three teams received cash
prizes of Rs 5 lakh, Rs 2 lakh and Rs 1 lakh, respectively. All shortlisted teams were provided
funding and mentoring support and built a prototype in four months.
The Centre organised a ‘Poster Competition on Sustainability’ on April 19, 2022 to explore and
showcase sustainability ideas and research. Nearly 50 students across all programmes and
disciplines of the Institute presented their research project or publication, course project,
dissertation or any other work that relates to sustainability or United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals.
The symposium brought together faculty of IIT Gandhinagar and IIT Kanpur to discuss areas of
mutual interest in the domain of energy technologies. It provided a platform to present the
current research areas and interests of faculty at both the institutes, leading to the identification
of potential joint research proposals and projects. The event held on April 15 and 16, 2022 was
attended by six faculty members from IIT Kanpur and ten faculty members from IIT Gandhinagar.
Some of the topics that were discussed during the symposium were energy systems, smart grids,
solar energy technologies, electrochemical energy storage, and clean hydrogen generation. Prof
Atul Bhargav coordinated the event.
The Centre conducted ten seminars between April 2022 through March 2023, as part of the
Sustainability Seminar Series. The seminars covered a range of topics, including food security,
clean air, fossil fuel resource exploitation, energy security, climate change, wildlife conservation
and clean cooling technologies. More than 300 people attended the events from India and
several locations across the globe, such as Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Germany, Sweden,
the United Kingdom and the United States. Details of the seminars organised are as follows:
Our global farming system feeds people and provides livelihoods for many. But it is also one of
the biggest causes of global environmental problems. Finding ways to feed 10 billion people in
an environmentally sustainable and socially just manner remains a major challenge of the
coming century. There is a contentious debate on how this can best be achieved. Some advocate
for new technological systems, such as genetic modification or vertical farming, while others
argue for agroecology and local food systems. Still others argue that we need to shift to plant-
based diets and reduce food waste. In this talk, Prof Ramankutty described the nature of global
agriculture today, broadly outlined the coupled challenges of food security and environmental
sustainability, and explored the benefits and costs of various proposed solutions to address
Air pollution is a leading contributor to the disease burden in India. Over the last decade, the
body of research on the science of air pollution as well as health effects associated with poor air
quality has grown immensely. At the same time, public attention on the topic has grown and a
variety of policy actions are being undertaken at national, state and local levels. This talk
provided an overview of the trajectory of the clean air discourse in India with a focus on science
and public engagement on this topic.
C. Fishing Cats: A wetland cat requiring a socio-ecological conservation approach
Facilitator: Ms Tiasa Adhya; Co-founder, The Fishing Cat Project (TFCP) | Webinar held on 29.8.2022
The talk discussed the ecology of the Fishing Cat - a cat with physical adaptations for wetlands
and which has fish as primary prey. The speaker argued that 'fortress conservation' is inadequate
for ensuring Fishing Cat persistence and called for socio-ecological approaches to conserving
the species, which would require local ecosystem management and basin-level ecosystem
approaches. The work of The Fishing Cat Project that devises strategies to conserve the cat as a
'flagship' highlights neglected wetlands and also contributes to human sustenance.
D. The Conundrum of Fossil Fuel Resource Exploitation, Climate Change & Energy Security
– What can we do?
Facilitator: Prof Volker Vahrenkamp; Professor of Geology at KAUST’s Ali Naimi Petroleum
Engineering Research Center | Webinar held on 10.10.2022
GDP, life expectancy and energy consumption are directly linked through a positive linear
correlation. Many economies are dependent on the exploitation of fossil fuel resources for
their own consumption and for generating income for their societies. A transition to renewable
energy sources will take decades, if at all possible. The speaker proposed a solution that is
based on Blue Hydrogen production (Hydrogen from fossil fuels without CO2 emission). It may
provide a solution for fossil-fuel-rich countries to utilise their assets, prevent the expulsion of
CO2 into the atmosphere, generate revenue from exporting clean energy to satisfy consumers
elsewhere and provide an economic geothermal renewable energy source for local
Scholarship on news coverage of climate change has focused largely on the West. In Asia, the
continent which will face the brunt of climate change due to its population density, the narrative
has been restricted to coverage during calamities or major international environment summits.
Prof Ganapathy drew attention to current research in climate change coverage by the media and
critically examines the role played by media in shaping the discourse for government and non-
governmental organisations. The talk offered insight to media and climate change scholars,
journalists, policymakers and scientists to move beyond being spectators in the discourse to
become active participants.
F. Hedgehog conservation in Tamil Nadu: Saving rare small mammals with people's
Facilitator: Dr R Brawin Kumar; Early-career conservation biologist | Webinar held on 16.11.2022
Hedgehogs are one among the small mammals that are scarce and scattered; not charismatic,
but native. Madras Hedgehog conservation in remote - arid areas dominated by palm trees,
grasses, shrubs and bushes is not a very easy task. As a researcher, Dr R Brawin Kumar engaged
with the community and observed hedgehog to estimate its population status, distribution, and
behaviour. Several events focused on the hedgehog conservation and awareness involving the
local community. The resulting conservation programs filled with traditional puppetry art leaves
a delightful conservation message to the wide variety of people in different parts of Tamil Nadu.
The market for refrigeration and heat pumps systems based on natural working fluids is growing
at different pace in different market segments, while they have always been applied and
available in others. The talk highlighted the current state of the market and why clean cooling
applying natural working fluids is a necessity, as most greenwashed solutions must be defined
and communicated as dirty cooling to the end-users. In this presentation, only future proof
working fluids/refrigerants were considered, namely substances naturally occurring such as
CO2, different types of hydrocarbons, NH3, H2O and air. Examples of successful cooling and
heating systems were explained and discussed.
I. The co-evolution of humans, climate, water, earth and biota: The next chapter?
Facilitator: Prof Upmanu Lall; Founding Director of the Columbia Water Center, the Alan and Carol
Silberstein Professor of Engineering, and a Senior Research Scientist at the International Research
Institute for Climate & Society, Columbia University | Webinar held on 28.2.2023
The talk by Prof Upmanu Lall highlighted how humanity might co-evolve with the planet over
the next millennium, focusing on the role of water in this relationship. It considered humans as
agents shaping climate, land, and hydrology, while reflecting on nature’s potential to
counterbalance. Hydrology, central to planetary energy dynamics, distributes energy, chemicals,
and microbes globally via glaciers, rivers, oceans, and atmospheric flows, impacting life and
climate. As human modifications alter the hydrologic cycle to manage resources and
infrastructure, the link between water and climate may weaken, only reconnecting during crises
like floods or droughts. The talk emphasised the importance of integrating hydrologic science
into studies on climate and human evolution, as these dynamics may drive issues like migration,
reshaping human-environment interactions.
This talk highlighted that an effective resource recovery approach requires a detailed
integrated waste management plan with a concept of circular economy and systems thinking.
Prof. Dubey shared his experiences, lessons, dos and don’ts learned as part of various waste
management projects working with several cities/municipalities from India, Canada, New
Zealand, Australia and USA. The process of development of a framework of an integrated
waste management plan was talked about along with the summary of projects focussed on
resource recovery from source-separated organics, agricultural waste, waste to energy
residuals among others. The issues of policy and practical operational challenges were also
6. Education
The Institute offers several graduate and undergraduate courses on sustainability. Nearly 300
students registered for these courses over the past year. The Centre aims to undertake
curriculum development at IITGN by implementing modules on sustainability in existing courses
and advancing education on sustainability nationally and globally. The Centre also promotes
student, academic and research exchanges on sustainability with institutions nationwide and
abroad. The Institute conducted several workshops, lectures, short courses and training
programmes relating to sustainability during the past year.
Course instructor: Prof Vimal Mishra and Prof Udit Bhatia | No. of credits: 3
CE 691-IV: Special Topics in Civil Engineering: Treatment of Drinking Water and Domestic
Course instructor: : Prof Jaichander Swaminathan and Prof Atul Bhargav | No. of credits: 4
ES 635: Water Quality Engineering
● IITGN-IITK Joint Symposium on Energy Technologies by Prof Atul Bhargav from April 15
to 16, 2022.
● GIS Applications in Social Sciences (Online) by Prof Sharada Channarayapatna from May
13 to 14, 2022.
● Unsettling Archaeology by Prof Alok Kumar Kanungo from May 26 to 29, 2022
● Indigenous cultural heritage as a facilitator for the Sustainable Development Goals under
the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, IIT Gandhinagar by Prof Alok Kumar Kanungo
from September 26 to 29, 2022.
● Resilience of power and allied lifeline infrastructure systems by Prof Udit Bhatia on
September 26, 2022.
● Segments II and III of Climate Action Now (CAN), a workshop series on Climate Change,
in collaboration with Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation,
Gandhinagar, by Prof C N Pandey from January 16-20 and January 27-31, 2023
● Sewage management for Military Engineer Services (MES) officers by Prof Sudhir Kumar
Arora and Prof Chinmay Ghoroi from August 24 to 26, 2022.
● Electric machines and drives in Electrified Transportation Systems; GIAN course by Prof
Naran M Pindoriya from July 18 to 22, 2022.
● Training program for officers of Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) by Prof Naran
M Pindoriya from June 23 to August 15, 2022.
● Powder Processing of Materials by Prof Rajendra Bordia from January 16 to 23, 2023.
● Geotechnical Investigations for Structural Engineering by Prof Jimmy Thomas from
January 18 to 21, 2023.
● Apna Jal ‘अपना जल’ – Reuse of Treated Wastewater by Prof Sudhir K Arora from February 13
to 24, 2023.
● Coral reefs: Past, present and future by Prof Pankaj Khanna from March 6 to 10, 2023
7. Focus Areas: Projects and Publications
The Institute is undertaking a significant amount of research related to various domains of
sustainability. During the year 2022-23, nearly twenty-five projects were sanctioned. Major
supporting agencies for research work on various areas of sustainability include the Ministry of
Education (MoE), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS), Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Google, Indo-German Science and
Technology Centre (IGSTC), Advanced Centre for Integrated Water Resources Management,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Newcastle Research and Innovation Institute, Indian
Institute of Management Ahmedabad. During the past year, the KPCSD’s affiliated faculty
published more than eighty research publications and conference presentations on
7.1 Water
Several research groups at IITGN, including research scholars, students and faculty, are
researching various water-related themes, including sustainable river management, sewage
disposal, irrigation mapping, effluent reuse and wastewater management, drinking water
production, and desalination.
Research Projects
The research projects relating to water address the following SDGs:
Prof Vikrant Jain and his team conduct research on topographic and climatic controls on surface-
groundwater dynamics, ravine land development, earth surface processes, including river
science and geomorphic applications in stream management and develop tools and models for
sustainable management of river ecosystems. One of the projects led by Prof Pankaj Khanna
focuses on Northern Indian Ocean Holocene eustatic sea-level record by studying Lakshadweep
Archipelago. Prof Jaichander Swaminathan’s group focuses on efficient desalination, brine
concentration and energy-efficient reuse of industrial effluents.
New projects:
Ongoing projects:
Vikrant Jain A genetic morphological Council of Scientific and
classification of the Industrial Research (CSIR)
peninsular rivers through
clustering of river long
profiles: a tool for
sustainable river
Varier, A. S.; Joshi, M. and Swaminathan, J., “Improved air gap distillation desalination through induced
film condensation”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 258, DOI:
10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115545, Apr. 2022.
Kumar, M.; Ngasepam, J.; Dhangar, K.; Mahlknecht, J. and Manna, S., “Critical review on negative emerging
contaminant removal efficiency of wastewater treatment systems: concept, consistency and
consequences”, Bioresource Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2022.127054, vol. 352, May 2022.
Patel, C. G.; Barad, D. and Swaminathan, J., “Desalination using pressure or electric field? A fundamental
comparison of RO and electrodialysis”, Desalination, vol. 530, DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2022.115620, May
Arora, S., “Har Ghar Jal” A lifetime opportunity for water industry, Water Age, pp 30-34, May 2022.
Aiyadurai, A., “Even after a century, water is still the marker of India's caste society”,, Aug. 23,
Khandelwal, A.; Vijay, A.; Jadhav, D. A.; Lens, P. N. L.; Swaminathan, J.; Ghosh, P. C. and Chendake, A. D.,
“Genesis and recent advancement in microbial fuel cells: wastewater treatment and resource recovery
perspectives”, in Novel approaches towards wastewater treatment and resource recovery technologies,
Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 23-36, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90627-2.00016-2, Aug. 2022, ISBN:
Jain, V.; Karnatak, N.; Raj, A.; Shekhar, S.; Bajracharya, P. and Jain, S., “Hydrogeomorphic advancements in
river science for water security in India”, Water Security, vol. 16, DOI: 10.1016/j.wasec.2022.100118,
Aug. 2022.
Joshi, M.; Kumar, M.; Srivastava, V.; Kumar, D.; Rathore, D. S.; Pandit, R.; Graham, D. W. and Joshi, C. G.,
“Genetic sequencing detected the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant in wastewater a month prior to the first
COVID-19 case in Ahmedabad (India)”, Environmental Pollution, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119757,
vol. 310, Oct. 2022.
Juybari, H. F.; Nejati, S.; Rezaei, M.; Parmar, H. B.; Alsaati, A. A.; Swaminathan, J.; Camacho, L. M. and
Warsinger, D. M., “Performance of membrane distillation technologies”, in The World Scientific Reference
of Water Science, DOI: 10.1142/9789811253829_0008, Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 223-266, Dec.
2022, ISBN: 9789811246104.
Patel, P.; Gangwar, P. and Thareja, P., “Preparation and rheology of titanium dioxide nanoparticles loaded κ‐
carrageenan hydrogel beads strengthened by mixed salts for multipollutant water remediation”, Journal of Vinyl
and Additive Technology, DOI: 10.1002/vnl.21980, Jan. 2023.
Research Projects
The research projects relating to pollution and waste management address the following
Prof Nipun Batra’s research group is working on fine-grained air quality exposure modelling
and forecasting using machine learning and also working on air quality monitoring and the
impact of air pollution on Covid-19-related secondary exacerbations. Prof Arup Lal
Chakraborty’s research group has worked on developing innovative technologies to monitor
key environmental parameters such as air quality and greenhouse gas emissions in developing
regions of India.
Students and researchers in the team led by Prof Chinmay Ghoroi are also working on
developing low-cost, efficient and scalable materials for CO2 capture. Further, they have also
looked into improving the performance of solar plants, given the impact of air pollution on
solar photovoltaics. A Research and Technology Development hub for chemical processes has
also been set up at the Institute, which functions under Prof Ghoroi. Prof Sameer Patel’s team
explores the interrelationship of air quality and built environments in urban India.
New projects:
Ongoing projects:
Sankhyan, S.; Witteman, J. K.; Coyan, S.; Patel, S. and Vance, M. E., “Assessment of PM 2.5 concentrations,
transport, and mitigation in indoor environments using low-cost air quality monitors and a portable air
cleaner”, Environmental Science: Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00025C, May 2022.
Norris, C. L.; Edwards, R.; Ghoroi, C.; Schauer, J. J.; Black, M.; Bergin, M. H. A. “A pilot study to quantify
volatile organic compounds and their sources inside and outside homes in urban India in summer and
winter during normal daily activities”. Environments 9, 75, DOI: 10.3390/environments9070075, Jun.
Patel, K.; Adhikary, R.; Patel, Z. B.; Batra, N. and Guttikunda, S., “Samachar: print news media on air
pollution in India”, in the ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies
(COMPASS 2022), Seattle, US. Jun. 29–Jul. 1, 2022.
Desai, A.; Gujarathi, E.; Parikh, S.; Yadav, S.; Patel, Z. B. and Batra, N., “Deep gaussian processes for air
quality inference”, in the 6th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data
(10th ACM IKDD CODS and 28th COMAD), Bombay, IN, Jan. 4-7, 2023.
Sahu, P. S.; Verma, R. P.; Dhabade, A. H.; Tewari, C.; Sahoo, N. G. and Saha, B., “A novel, efficient and
economical alternative for the removal of toxic organic, inorganic and pathogenic water pollutants using
GO-modified PU granular composite”, Environmental Pollution, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121201,
Feb. 2023.
Das, M.; Jana, A.; Mishra, R.; Maity, S.; Maiti, P.; Panda, S. K.; Mitra, R.; Arora, A.; Owuor, P. S. and Tiwary,
C. S., “3D printing of a biocompatible nanoink derived from waste animal bones”, ACS Applied Bio
Materials, DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.2c01075, Mar. 2023.
Prof Udit Bhatia’s team is working on different aspects of climate change, such as
understanding hydrological processes and downscaling earth system model output, with a
physics-guided data science approach.
Prof Vikrant Jain is leading the project on establishing the Gujarat State Climate Change
Centre. Prof Jain’s group undertakes hydro geographic modelling to assess flood risk in tropical
rivers and studies the impact of natural phenomena on the decline of human settlements. He is
also studying the impact of sea level fluctuations, climate change or tectonic activity on the
decline of the Harappan settlement of Dholavira, Kutch, India.
Prof Vimal Mishra and his research group have worked on developing an integrated
hydroclimatic framework and forecasting system for Gujarat. The team has also focussed on
hydrologic modelling and forecasting systems for river basin hydrology and extremes for India.
New projects:
Ongoing projects:
Gangwal, U.; Bhatia, U.; Singh, M.; Pandey, P. K.; Kamboj, D. and Chatterjee, S., “Identifying early-warning
indicators of onset of sudden collapse in networked infrastructure systems against sequential
disruptions”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2021.126796,
Apr. 2022.
Shah, J.; Hari, V.; Rakovec, O.; Markonis, Y.; Samaniego, L.; Mishra, V.; Hanel, M.; Hinz, C. and Kumar, R.,
“Increasing footprint of climate warming on flash droughts occurrence in Europe”, Environmental
Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac6888, vol. 17, no. 6, May 2022.
Raj, S. V.; Bhatia, U. and Kumar, M., “Cyclone preparedness strategies for regional power transmission
systems in data-scarce coastal regions of India”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, DOI:
10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102957, vol. 75, Jun. 2022.
Rajeev, A. and Mishra, V., “On the causes of tropical cyclone driven floods in India”, Weather and Climate
Extremes, DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2022.100432, vol. 36, Jun. 2022.
Ambika, A. K. and Mishra, V., “Enhancing drought monitoring and assessment capability in India through
high-resolution (250 m) data”, Earth System Science Data, DOI: 10.5194/essd-2022-81, Jul. 2022.
Nanditha, J. S. and Mishra, V., “Multiday precipitation is a prominent driver of floods in Indian river
basins”, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2022WR032723, vol. 58, no. 7, Jul. 2022.
Mishra, V.; Tiwari, A. D. and Kumar, R., “A framework to incorporate spatiotemporal variability of rainfall
extremes in summer monsoon declaration in India”, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-
9326/ac8c5c, Aug. 2022.
Aadhar, S. and Mishra, V., “Challenges in drought monitoring and assessment in India”, Water Security,
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasec.2022.100120, vol. 16, Aug. 2022.
Sankhyan, S.; Zabinskib, K.; O'Brien, R. E.; Coyana, S.; Patel, S. and Vance, M. E., “Aerosol emissions and
their volatility from heating different cooking oils at multiple temperatures”, Environmental Science:
Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00099G, Sep. 2022.
Rajeev, A.; Mahto, S. S. and Mishra, V., “Climate warming and summer monsoon breaks drive compound
dry and hot extremes in India”, iScience, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105377, Oct. 2022.
Mishra, V. et al., “Megadroughts in the common era and the anthropocene”, Nature Reviews Earth &
Environment, DOI: 10.1038/s43017-022-00329-1, Oct. 2022.
Pandeya, D.; Tiwari, A. D. and Mishra, V., “On the occurrence of the observed worst flood in Mahanadi
River basin under the warming climate”, Weather and Climate Extremes, DOI:
10.1016/j.wace.2022.100520, Oct. 2022.
Chakravarti, P.; Jain, V. and Mishra, V., “The distribution and hydrological significance of intact rock glaciers
in the north-west Himalaya”, Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography,
DOI: 10.1080/04353676.2022.2120262, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 226-244, Oct. 2022.
Bhasme, P. and Bhatia, U., “Augmenting long short term memory processes with physics informed
memory in the hydrological processes for improved predictability and interpretability”, in the 3rd
Symposium on Knowledge Guided ML (KGML-AAAI-22), Virginia, US, Nov. 17-19, 2022.
Rajeev, A. and Mishra, V., “Observational evidence of increasing compound tropical cyclone-moist heat
extremes in India”, Earth's Future, DOI: 10.1029/2022EF002992, Nov. 2022.
Mishra, V.; Tiwari, A. D. and Kumar, R., “Warming climate and ENSO variability enhance the risk of
sequential extremes in India”, One Earth, DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.10.013, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1250-
1259, Nov. 2022.
Ossandón, Á.; Rajagopalan, B.; Tiwari, A. D.; Thomas, T. and Mishra, V., “A Bayesian hierarchical model
combination framework for real-time daily ensemble streamflow forecasting across a rainfed river
basin”, Earth's Future, DOI:, Dec. 2022.
Mishra, V.; Mujumdar, M. and Mahto, S. S., “Benchmark worst droughts during the summer monsoon in
India”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2021.0291, vol. 380, no. 2238, Dec. 2022.
Bhasme, P.; Vagadiya, J. and Bhatia, U., “Enhancing predictive skills in physically-consistent way: physics
informed machine learning for hydrological processes”, Journal of Hydrology, DOI:
10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128618, vol. 615, Dec. 2022.
Vegad, U. and Mishra, V., “Ensemble streamflow prediction considering the influence of reservoirs in
Narmada River Basin, India”, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, DOI: 10.5194/hess-26-6361-2022,
vol. 26, no. 24, pp. 6361-6378, Dec. 2022.
Upadhyay, D.; Dixit, S. and Bhatia, U., “Quantifying the role of internal climate variability and its translation
from climate variables to hydropower production at basin scale in India”, Journal of Hydrometeorology,
DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-22-0065.1, Dec. 2022.
Chuphal, Dipesh Singh and Mishra, Vimal, “Increased hydropower but with an elevated risk of reservoir
operations in India under the warming climate”, iScience, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.105986, Feb. 2023.
J. S., Nanditha; Kushwaha, A. P.; Singh, R.; Malik, I.; Solanki, H.; Chuphal, D. S.; Dangar, S.; Mahto, S. S.;
Vegad, U. and Mishra, V., “The Pakistan flood of August 2022: causes and implications”, Earth's Future,
DOI: 10.1029/2022EF003230, vol. 11, no. 3, Mar. 2023.
Consultancy projects
Prof Vimal Mishra’s team study on Young Children and Climate, mapping High Resolution Crop
and irrigation for Karnataka and development of climate projections and scenarios database at
all India level.
7.4 Energy
Ongoing energy research at the Institute includes sectors likes high-power transistor
frameworks, cyber-physical distribution systems, photovoltaics, solar energy and so on.
Research Projects
The research projects relating to energy address the following SDGs:
Prof Nihar Ranjan Mohapatra has worked on high-power transistor frameworks. Prof Naran
Pindoriya's research group works on cyber-physical distribution systems. Prof Rupak
Banerjee’s team researches photovoltaics based on layered hybrid perovskites.
The research team led by Prof Nipun Batra monitors the mechanism of moving non-intrusive
load monitoring (NILM) to the network's edge. Students and researchers working with Prof
Jaichander Swaminathan are investigating using solar energy for brine treatment to achieve
near-zero carbon emissions.
New projects:
Ongoing projects:
Kenefake, D.; Pappas, I.; Avraamidou, S.; Beykal, B.; Ganesh, H. S.; Cao, Y.; Wang, Y.; Otashu, J.; Leyland,
S.; Flores-Cerrillo, J. and Pistikopoulos, E. N., “A smart manufacturing strategy for multi-parametric model
predictive control in air separation systems”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, DOI:
10.1002/amp2.10120, Apr. 2022.
Paneliya, S.; Khanna, S.; Utsav; M., Nisha H.; Banerjee, R. and Mukhopadhyay, I., “Highly stable n-
hexacosane loaded exfoliated graphite nanosheets for enhanced thermal energy storage application”,
Journal of Energy Storage, DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2021.103903, vol. 48, Apr. 2022.
Tiwari, A. and Pindoriya, N. M., “Automated demand response in smart distribution grid: a review on
metering Infrastructure, communication technology and optimization models”, Electric Power Systems
Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2022.107835, vol. 206, May 2022.
Makani, N. H.; Singh, M.; Paul, T.; Sahoo, A.; Nama, J.; Sharma, S. and Banerjee, R., “Photoelectrocatalytic
CO2 reduction using stable lead-free bimetallic CsAgBr2 halide perovskite nanocrystals”, Journal of
Electroanalytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2022.116583, Jul. 2022.
Gupta, P. R.; Shanmukham, S. P.; Patel, C. G.; Leinhard, J. H. and Swaminathan, J., “Replacing chloride
anions in dyeing enables cheaper effluent concentration and recycling”, Desalination, DOI:
10.1016/j.desal.2022.115761, vol. 533, Jul. 2022.
Jani, V.; Rasyotra, A.; Gunda, H.; Ghoroi, C. and Jasuja, K., “Titanium diboride (TiB2) derived nanosheets
enhance the CO2 capturing ability of calcium oxide (CaO)”, Ceramics International,
DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.07.181, Jul. 2022.
Sethulakshmi, N.; Mohan, A. and Sharma, S., “Nanocoral CuCoNiS4: enhancement in the electrochemical
capacitance by Ni incorporation in CuCo2S4”, Journal of Energy Storage, DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2022.104912,
vol. 52, Aug. 2022.
Dhruv, D. K.; Patel, B. H.; Agrawal, N.; Banerjee, R.; Dhruv, S. D.; Patel, P. B. and Patel, V., “Synthesis,
electrical transport mechanisms and photovoltaic characteristics of p-ZnIn2Se4/n-CdTe thin film
heterojunction”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-022-08755-
z, Aug. 2022.
Sahoo, A.; Paul, T.; Makani, N. H.; Maiti, S. and Banerjee, R., “High piezoresponse in low-dimensional
inorganic halide perovskite for mechanical energy harvesting”, Sustainable Energy & Fuels,
DOI: 10.1039/d2se00786j, Sep. 2022.
Veliz, M.; Jha, B. K.; Kamel, S.; Pindoriya, N. M. and Jurado, F., “A three-stage stochastic-IGDT model for
photovoltaic-battery domestic systems considering outages and real-time pricing”, Journal of Cleaner
Production, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133558, vol. 370, Oct. 2022.
Makani, N. H.; Kumar, P.; Paul, T.; Maiti, S.; Sahoo, A.; Singh, M. and Banerjee, R., “Cathodoluminescence
properties of phase pure low-dimensional Cs4PbBr6 perovskite and its stability under high-energy
electron beams”, MRS Communications, DOI: 10.1557/s43579-022-00297-z, Oct. 2022.
Jain, J.; Suthar, S. and Pindoriya, N. M., “A bid limit-based P2P energy trading framework”, in the 11th
International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (Asia) (IEEE ISGT ASIA 2022), Singapore,
SG, Nov. 1-5, 2022.
Bhattar, P. L.; Pindoriya, N. M.; Sharma, A. and Naayagi, R. T., “False data injection attack detection with
feedforward neural network in electric vehicle aggregator bidding price”, in the 11th International
Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (Asia) (IEEE ISGT ASIA 2022), Singapore, SG, Nov. 1-
5, 2022.
Pathak, M.; Tatrari, G.; Karakoti, M.; Pandey, S.; Sahu, P. S.; Saha, B. and Sahoo, N. G., “Few layer graphene
nanosheets from kinnow peel waste for high-performance supercapacitors: a comparative study with
three different electrolytes”, Journal of Energy Storage, DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2022.105729, vol. 55, Nov.
Bansal, V.; Khoiwal, R.; Shastri, H.; Khandor, H. and Batra, N., “I do not know: quantifying uncertainty in
neural network based approaches for non-intrusive load monitoring”, in the 9th ACM International
Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys '22), Boston,
US, Nov. 9-10, 2022.
Makani, N. H.; Sahoo, A.; Pal, P.; Paul, T.; Tanwar, L. S.; Singh, M.; Ghosh, A. and Banerjee, R., “Onset of
vacancy-mediated high activation energy leads to large ionic conductivity in two-dimensional layered
Cs2PbI2Cl2 Ruddlesden-Popper halide perovskite”, Physical Review Materials, DOI:
10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.115002, vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 2022.
Fonso, R. D.; Cecati, C.; Teodorescu, R.; Stroe, D. and Bharadwaj, P., “Data-driven modeling of Li-ion
battery based on the manufacturer specifications and laboratory measurements”, in the IEEE International
Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2022), Jaipur, IN, Dec. 14-17, 2022.
Shukla, A. K.; Mitra, S.; Dhakar, S.; Maiti, A.; Sharma, S. and Dey, K. K., “Electrochemical energy harvesting
using microbial active matter”, ACS Applied BioMaterials, DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.2c00785, Dec. 2022.
Jha, B. K.; Tiwari, A. and Pindoriya, N. M., “Energy assessment of academic campus: IIT Gandhinagar as a
case study”, in the 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2022), New Delhi, IN, Dec. 17-19,
Dhakar, S.; Nama, J.; Kumari, V.; Khatua, R.; Mondal, A. and Sharma, S., “Ethanol formation via CO2
electroreduction at low overvoltage over exposed (111) plane of CuO thin film”, Electrochimica Acta,
DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2022.141791, Dec. 2022.
Singh, M.; Paul, T.; Pal, P.; Sahoo, A.; Tanwar, L. S.; Makani, N. H.; Ghosh, A. and Banerjee, R., “High ionic
conduction and polarity-induced piezoresponse in layered bimetallic Rb4Ag2BiBr9 single crystals”, The
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06844, Dec. 2022.
Vaishampayan, V.; Kumar, M.; Ponnuchamy, M. and Kapoor, A., “Adsorbents for carbon capture”, in Green
sustainable process for chemical and environmental engineering and science: carbon dioxide capture and
utilization, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-99429-3.00026-6, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 337-344, Jan. 2023,
ISBN: 9780323994293.
Saini, T. R. S.; Pappas, I.; Avraamidou, S. and Ganesh, H. S., “Noncooperative distributed model predictive
control: a multiparametric programming approach”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.2c03057, Jan. 2023.
Khatua, R.; Das, B. and Mondal, A., “Rational design of non-fullerene acceptors via side-chain and terminal
group engineering: a computational study”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
DOI: 10.1039/D2CP05958D, Feb. 2023.
Singh, M.; Nama, J.; Paul, T.; Makani, N. H.; Sahoo, A.; Sharma, S. and Banerjee, R., “Photoelectrochemically
induced CO2 reduction using Halide-tunable Lead-free Perovskites”, ACS Applied Energy Materials,
DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.3c00053, Mar. 2023.
Ratnaparkhi, A.; Dave, D.; Valerino, M.; Bergin, M. and Ghoroi, C., “Quantifying the accuracy of optical
transmission loss techniques and identifying the best wavelengths for estimating soiling in a field
study”, Solar Energy, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2023.02.005, vol. 252, pp. 391-400, Mar. 2023.
Ratnaparkhi, A.; Dave, D.; Valerino, M.; Bergin, M. and Ghoroi, C., “Reduction in solar PV soiling loss using
hydrophobic coating with and without dew suppression”, Solar Energy,
DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2023.02.047, vol. 253, pp. 332-342, Mar. 2023.
Consultancy projects
Naran Pindoriya Training Program for officers Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam
of GUVNL Limited (GUVNL)
Research Projects
The research projects relating to natural resources, wildlife and ecosystems address the
following SDGs:
Prof Ambika Aiyadurai’s group focuses on natural resources and wildlife conservation. Three of
her projects relate to case studies related to wildlife research and conservation from Arunachal
Pradesh, documenting mangroves in Gujarat and wildlife hunting in Arunachal Pradesh. Prof
Alok Kumar Kanungo, who studies the history and origin of glass, undertook a research project
to study Kapadvanj glass.
New projects:
Ongoing projects:
Singh, A.; Ray, J. S.; Jain, V. and Mahala, M. K., “Evaluating the connectivity of the Yamuna and the Sarasvati
during the Holocene: evidence from geochemical provenance of sediment in the Markanda river valley,
India”, Geomorphology, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108124, Apr. 2022.
Sonam; Jain, V.; Fryirs, K. and Brierley, G., “Geomorphic characterization of a seasonal river network in
semi-arid western India using the river styles framework”, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, DOI:
10.1016/j.jaesx.2021.100077, vol. 7, Jun. 2022.
Guha, S.; Kaushal, R. K. and Jain, V., “Absence of well-developed floodplains along the lowland rivers and
controls of the hydro-geomorphic conditions in the Western Ghat, India”, Earth Surface Processes and
Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.5484, Sep. 2022.
Xaxa, A., “Sustainable urbanisation in tribal or indigenous peoples’ areas of India”, in the 10th Annual
International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2022), Rome, IT, Sep. 19-20, 2022.
Xaxa, A., “Urban development and environmental change in the tribal areas of India”, in the International
Conference on Environmental Change and Socio-Cultural Transformations in India, Roorkee, IN, Sep. 22-
23, 2022.
Ramdani, A.; Khanna, P.; Gairola, G. S.; Hanafy, S. and Vahrenkamp, V., “Assessing and processing three-
dimensional photogrammetry, sedimentology, and geophysical data to build high-fidelity reservoir
models based on carbonate outcrop analogues”, AAPG Bulletin, DOI:, vol. 106, no. 10, Oct. 2022.
Dey, S.; Basu, A.; Banerjee, S. N. and Jain, V., “Discharge-driven rapid bank-erosion and its impact on
sediment budgeting in the lower Gangetic plains”, Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, DOI:
10.18814/epiiugs/2022/022027, Oct. 2022.
Ramdani, A.; Omar, A.; Khanna, P.; Gairola, G. S.; Hoteit, I. and Vahrenkamp, V., “Outcrop-based reservoir
model of the late-Jurassic Arabian Stromatoporoid/Coral facies: static connectivity and flow implications
during waterflood”, in the 8th EAGE Arabian Plate Core Geology Workshop, Dhahran, SA, Nov. 28-30,
Aiyadurai, A. and Banerjee, S., “Rethinking indigenous hunting in Northeastern India: some lessons for
academics and practitioners”, in Conservation through sustainable use: lessons from India, London:
Routledge India, Nov. 2022, ISBN: 9781003343493.
Ramdani, A.; Omar, A.; Khanna, P.; De Jong, S.; Gairola, S. G.; Hoteit, I. and Vahrenkamp, V., “Three-
dimensional morphometric analysis and statistical distribution of the Early Kimmeridgian Hanifa
Formation stromatoporoid/coral buildups, central Saudi Arabia, Marine and Petroleum Geology”, DOI:, vol. 146, Dec. 2022.
Bagchi, S. and Tailor, F., “Linking 5-R approach to sustainable development goals: a conceptual
framework for green marketing in cottage industries in India”, in the 2nd International Conference on
Management of MSMEs (ICMM 2023), Amritsar, IN, Jan. 20-22, 2023.
Tailor, F. and Xaxa, A., “Urban forests in India: exploring possibilities within the SDG framework and
assessing its role in sustainable regenerative place–making”, in the International Conference on
Sustainable Urbanism in the Global South, Bhubaneswar, IN, Feb. 10-11, 2023.
Aiyadurai, A.; Chattopadhyay, A. and Choksi, N. (Eds.), Ecological entanglements: affect, embodiment and
ethics of care, Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan, Mar. 2023, ISBN: 9789354422591.
Delley, R. and Aiyadurai, A., “Eno: eco-spiritual water climes of Dibang valley, Arunachal Pradesh”,
in Storying multipolar climes of the Himalaya, Andes and Arctic: anthropocenic climate and shapeshifting
watery lifeworlds, DOI: 10.4324/9781003347026-7, London: Routledge, pp. 91-104, Mar. 2023, ISBN:
Aiyadurai, A.; Chattopadhyay, A. and Choksi, N., “Introduction”, in Ecological entanglements: affect,
embodiment and ethics of care, Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan, Mar. 2023, ISBN: 9789354422591.
Aiyadurai, A., "On the periphery: bone ornaments of the Idu Mishmi", Ornamentmagazine, Mar. 2023.
Dr Kiran C Patel Centre for Sustainable Development
Block 9, IIT Gandhinagar
Palaj, Gandhinagar 382 055