FT-1 IIT JEE Conquer 1 (3-1-2025)
FT-1 IIT JEE Conquer 1 (3-1-2025)
FT-1 IIT JEE Conquer 1 (3-1-2025)
1st Floor, Pratap Bhawan, Nawal Kishore Rd., Hazratganj. ; Pandit House, 9A, Shahnajaf Rd, Hazratganj. ; MGS 24, 24B, Besides Radhey Lal Sweets, Aliganj.
Payagpur Tower, Hazratganj, Lukcnow
36 25. Let ƒ be a differentiable function from R to
24. If 4
k is the term, independent of x, in R such that | ƒ(x) − ƒ(y) | ≤ 2 | x – y |3/2, for all
4 1
ƒ (x)dx
12 x, y ∈ R. If ƒ(0) = 1 then is equal to
x 12
the binomial expansion of 2 , then 0
4 x
k is equal to
1st Floor, Pratap Bhawan, Nawal Kishore Rd., Hazratganj. ; Pandit House, 9A, Shahnajaf Rd, Hazratganj. ; MGS 24, 24B, Besides Radhey Lal Sweets, Aliganj.
Payagpur Tower, Hazratganj, Lukcnow