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English Midterm Exam Paper 2023 by Bangalore North

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Time :3 Hrs. 15 Mins. Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
2) Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
3) For MCQ'schoose correct answer and rewrite it. Questions attempted more than once
will be awarded zero.
4) Answers toquestion numbers 25 (a to j), 26 (i to iv), 29 (1 to 8) should be in sequence
and at one place.

I Answer the following questions by choosing the right option : 10x1=10

1 is compared to a 'Snowy dove' in 'Romeo & Juliet'.
a. Romeo b. Juliet c. Roseline d. Capulet
2 In Too Dear' the criminal received of his annuity in advance before leaving the
King's domain.
a. half b. one-fourth C. one-third d. one-fifth
3. According to the Prophet in the poem 'On Children' the archer loves the bow that is
a. swift b. infinite C. unstable d. stable

4. The A-Z of organic farming' and 'Agro-Ecology is one of the by Vandana Shiva.
a. books written b. Courses conducted c. Tagore's works mentioned d. seed banks

5. Vandana Shiva's Earth University was inspired by

a. Bacon's inventions b. Carolyn Merchant c. Cormac Cullinan d. Tagore's Shantiniketan.
6. Match the column 'A' with column 'B with reference to the play "A Sunny Morning" and
choose the correct option.
i)Laura Llorente a) peace
i)Cousin b) Silver Maiden
iüi) Pinch of snuff c) Gonzalo
a) i-b, ii-C, ii-a b) i-c, i-a, ii-b c) i-a, i-b, ii-c d) i-b, i-a, ii-c
7. According to Don Gonzalo, the three priests are in the park.
a. saying mass b. reading a book c. idling their time d. Preaching
8. Identify the sequence of events in "The Gardener:"
a) Owner's life is colourfukwife in dilemma-old marn narrative-Tammanna and Basavaiah rivalry.
b)wife in dlemma-old man narrative-Tammanna &Basavaiah rivalry- owner's life colourful.
c) Old man narrative - Tammanna & Basavaiah rivalry-owner's lifte colourfu-wife in dilemma.
d) Tammanna & Basavaiah rivalry- owner's life colourful- oldman narrative- wife in dilemma.
9. In the poem "When You Are Old', the spcaker is addressing his
a. beloved b. mother c. daughter d. sister

10. According to Borges is the extension of imagination and memory.

a. telephone b. telescope c. books d. microscope
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11. Fill inthe blanks by using the right form of verb given in the brackets: 2x1-2
Basavaiah had 200 acres less land than Tammanna. So, Tammanna (ask) to sell
his 200 acres to Basavaiah, This (reject) by Tammanna.
12. Fill in the blanks with the right linker: 3x1=3
Vandana Shiva started to save seeds from farmers' fields. she realised that a farm
was needed for demonstrations and training. Navadanya farm was started.
many varieties of seeds conserved in this farm. (as a result, then, thus)
13. Match the Column 'A' with Column 'B': 5x1=5
i) alland sundry a) dilemma
ii) in a fix b) Rome0
i) The Gardner c) dirty business
iv) Gambling d) everyone
v)A new snow e) Old man
II Answer any Six of the following (choosing atleast TWO from poetry) in a paragraph
of 80-100 words : 6x4=24
14. How does Juliet express her love for Romeo in "Romeo & Juliet" ?
13. Why does the Prophet categorically state "Your children are not your children' in "On Children"?
16. How is the speaker's passionate love for his beloved brought out in the poem "When YouAre
Old" ?
17. What benefits did the criminal reap in "Too Dear"?
18. Describe 'Earth University'.
19. What circumstances led Dona Laura to conclude Don Gonzalo tobe an ill natured man in
"A Sunny Morning" ?
20. How did the owner's lifestyle change after the arrivalof the old man ?
21. Why did the women led by Bachni Devi put up resistance to felling of trees ?
22. Trace the rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah in "The Gardner:"
23. What is poetry according to the Borges in "I believe Books will never disappear" ?
III Answer the following in about 200 words : lx6=6
24. Laura and Gonzalo recognize each other but conceal their identity. How does "A Sunny
Morming" present this ?
The poem "On Children" talks about the responsibilities of the parents. Discuss.
IV 25. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it : 10x1=10
In a village in the East, there lived an old couple. They did not have any children and never
spent an extra paisaon themselves. They never repaired their house or cooked good food.
One day, a family moved into the village. It was their son's second birthday and they sent two
delicious laddoos to the old couple. The couple ate the laddoos with great relish. For days after
they could talk of nothing else. Finally the old man could not take it no more. He said to his
wife, "Let's buy the ingredients to make just two laddoos." His wife agreed but said, "IfI make
the laddoos at home, the ncighbours willknow and willwant a share. Let's cook in the woods
behind our hut. That way no one will ever know."
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The next day the old man purchased the ingredients from the market and they set off to
the woods. Having never prepared food like this before, they ended up with three laddoos
instead of two. The old couple returned home with the swects, dying to cat them. But, there
was aproblem. "Itwas my idea andIwent to the market, so Iought to get two", said the
old man. But his wife refiused to give s0 casily and said, "Since Iprepared the sweets, I
to have fwo". The day wore on and the argument continued. ought

At last the od man suggested, "Let us not talk to cach other. Whoever breaks the silence
first will get one laddoo andthe other persontwo." His wife agreed. Hours passed, but neither
of them spoke and finally they fell asleep with the bowl of sweets between them. That
one of the neighbours knocked onthe door but the couple did not answer for fear of
the bet. Peering through the window, the man saw the couple lying on the floor with an
untouchecd bowlof food. "They are dead !" he shouted and alerted the other villagers. Soon
the door was broken down and the house was swarming with villagers. They discussed
evernthing from the funeral to where the couple had hidden their wealth. But the couple lay
Final,. the villagers carriced them to the cremation ground. As the flames licked his feet, the
okd man jumped up screaming, "You win !", His wife jumped up too, happy that she had won.
The two then rushed home leaving the bewildered villagers present there behind. But when
thev got home, Alas the door had been left open and they found a stray dog licking the last
crumbs of the sweets from the bowl.

a) Where did the old couple live ?

b) What kind of people were the old couple ?
c) Why did the old couple decide to make laddoos ?
d) Mentionthe place where the old couple decided to cook.
e) How many laddoos were prepared ?
f) What did the old couple disagree about ?
g) Why did the neighbours peep into the old couple's house ?
h) Why did the old couple did not respond to their neighbours ?
i)Add aprefix to the word "touch" to form its antonym.«n
j)The villagers carried the old couple to the (cremate/cremation) ground.
26. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to : 4xl4
In a village in the east, there lived an old couple. They did not have any chikdren. Afâmily had
moved into the village. It was their son's 2d birthday and they sent two delicious laddoos to
thecouple who ate i with great relish.
i) there i)they : i) their iv) it :
V27, Complete the following dialogue : 3xl=3
(Conversation between the principal and a student who has to join I PUC)
Student: Good morning sir, (introduces himselt)
Princepal : Yes, what do you want ?
Student : I have passed SSLC in IClass, (seeking suiggestion about contination)
Principal : (Giving suggestion)
Student: Thank you very much sir.
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28. Report the following conversation : 4x1=4
DonGonzalo : Do youmind my reading aloud ?
Dona Laura : You can rcad as loud as you
Don Gonzalo
: Can you read without glasses ?
Dona Laura : lcan read.
VI 29. Read the following passage and make notes by
beow : drawing and filling the boxes given
Bird fhu is a disease caused by 'avian influcnza' viruses. It
It isa ontagious discase. It generally attacks chicken, ducks and
occurs naturally among birds.

turkeys. It was frst found

in South Africa in 1964. Actually, it spreads very
rapidlyamong birds, and destroys their
intemal ongans. The mortality rate rcaches upto 100 % within 48 hours.
Migratory waterfowls,
especially ducks, carry the viruses from one place to the other.

First found in
caused by year
3 2 4

Attacks on
5 6

Destroys Mortality rate


30. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared
in "Timnes of India" dated 30h September, 2023. lx5=5
Qualification: Any degree with 2 years experience
Should have excellent communication skills.
Applywithin 10 days to : The Manager,
Supreme Home Appliances Ltd.,
Bangalore - 560 098.

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