English Midterm Exam Paper 2023 by Bangalore North
English Midterm Exam Paper 2023 by Bangalore North
English Midterm Exam Paper 2023 by Bangalore North
4. The A-Z of organic farming' and 'Agro-Ecology is one of the by Vandana Shiva.
a. books written b. Courses conducted c. Tagore's works mentioned d. seed banks
At last the od man suggested, "Let us not talk to cach other. Whoever breaks the silence
first will get one laddoo andthe other persontwo." His wife agreed. Hours passed, but neither
of them spoke and finally they fell asleep with the bowl of sweets between them. That
one of the neighbours knocked onthe door but the couple did not answer for fear of
the bet. Peering through the window, the man saw the couple lying on the floor with an
untouchecd bowlof food. "They are dead !" he shouted and alerted the other villagers. Soon
the door was broken down and the house was swarming with villagers. They discussed
evernthing from the funeral to where the couple had hidden their wealth. But the couple lay
Final,. the villagers carriced them to the cremation ground. As the flames licked his feet, the
okd man jumped up screaming, "You win !", His wife jumped up too, happy that she had won.
The two then rushed home leaving the bewildered villagers present there behind. But when
thev got home, Alas the door had been left open and they found a stray dog licking the last
crumbs of the sweets from the bowl.
First found in
caused by year
3 2 4
Attacks on
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30. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared
in "Timnes of India" dated 30h September, 2023. lx5=5
Qualification: Any degree with 2 years experience
Should have excellent communication skills.
Applywithin 10 days to : The Manager,
Supreme Home Appliances Ltd.,
Bangalore - 560 098.