4q5 s4hana2023-Fps02 Bpd en De
4q5 s4hana2023-Fps02 Bpd en De
4q5 s4hana2023-Fps02 Bpd en De
Table of Contents
1 Purpose
2 Prerequisites
2.1 System Access
2.2 Roles
2.3 Manual Configuration Steps
2.4 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data
3 Overview Table
4 Test Procedures
4.1 Create Solution Quotation
4.2 Accept Solution Quotation
4.3 Process Follow-Up Document: Service Order
4.4 Process Follow-Up Document: Sales Order
4.4.1 Create Delivery
4.4.2 Execute Picking
4.4.3 Post Goods Issue
4.4.4 Create Billing Document
4.5 Process Follow-Up Document: Service Contract
4.6 Review Billing Documents
5 Appendix
5.1 Succeeding Processes
Solution Quotation (4Q5_DE)
Appendix PUBLIC 2
1 Purpose
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing the Solution Quotation Management scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined
scope of the solution. Each process step, report, or item is covered in its own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Project-
specific steps must be added.
The scope item provides service professionals tools to create and process solution quotations using product bundles. As a result of an accepted solution quo -
tation, follow-up documents are created by the system. For the processing of the follow-up documents, refer to the following scope items:
● Service Quotation and Order Management (41Z)
● Service Contract Management (426)
Important: For the Solution Quotation scope item to work, it is mandatory that you first activate the content for the two scope items mentioned above. And
you also must implement the manual settings as described in the set-up instruction guides of these two scope items. You can find the set-up instruction
guides per scope item on https://rapid.sap.com/bp/BP_OP_ENTPR → scope item group = Service.
This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, and other test data.
System Details
SAP S/4HANA Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the relevant URL.
2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users. Alternatively, if available, you can create business roles and predefined apps for the SAP Fiori
launchpad and assign the business roles to your individual test users.
Note These roles are examples provided by SAP. You can use them as templates to create your own roles.
For more information about business roles, refer to the Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA
with SAP Best Practices.
The business roles in the following table contain authorization and navigation objects specific to the SAP S/4HANA Service application. Your system adminis-
trator can use them as templates to create customer-specific business roles with the appropriate authorizations.
In addition to these Service-specific authorizations, generic SAP application access must be granted by your system administrator. The system administrator
assigns all required application business roles to your system user.
Note For detailed information about roles and authorizations, refer to the SAP S/4HANA security guide at
https://help.sap.com/viewer/product/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE > Implement.
Sales Organization 1010 Dom. Sales Org To be created by you, refer to the Organizational Model chapters of, for example, the 41Z Set-up Instruc-
tion Guide
Service Organization Service Org Dom. Service Org DE To be created by you, refer to the Organizational Model chapters of, for example, the 41Z Set-up Instruc-
tion Guide
Employee Responsi- <Your ID> <Your Employee> To be created by you, refer to the Create Employee Master Data for Service (47Y) script
Product Bundle BUND01 Installation Service To be created by you, refer to the Create Service Product of Type Service (3KV) master data script
For more information on creating master data objects, see the following Master Data Scripts (MDS) .
Table 1: Master Data Script Reference
MDS Description
This scope item consists of several process steps provided in the table below.
Note If your system administrator has enabled spaces and pages on the SAP Fiori launchpad, the homepage will only contain the essential apps for per-
forming the typical tasks of a business role.
You can find all other apps not included on the homepage using the search bar.
If you want to personalize the homepage and include the hidden apps, navigate to your user profile and choose App Finder.
Create Solution Quotation [page Service Manager Manage Service The service manager creates a solution quotation and selects relevant products from the product bun-
]8 Quotations dle.
Accept Solution Quotation [page Service Manager After the customer has accepted the solution, the service manager updates the solution quotation sta-
] 10 tus. As a result, follow-up documents are created automatically and can be reviewed.
This section describes the test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
In this procedure you create a solution quotation. After having maintained the product bundle in the solution quotation, you select the relevant items from
the bundle, and then release the solution quotation so that it can be reviewed by the customer.
Important: Before creating a solution quotation you must first have created at least one product bundle. For the procedure to create such a product bundle,
refer to the Create Service Product for Service Processes (3KV) master data script.
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori Launchpad as a Service Manager. The Home page is displayed.
2 Access the SAP Open Manage Service Quotations app. The Search: Service Order Quota-
3 Create Solution On the Search: Service Order Quotations view, choose Create. On the Select Transaction Type dia- The Solution Quotation: New screen
Quotation log box, choose transaction type SRVP - Solution Quotation. is displayed.
4 Maintain Solution In the Quotation Details area, maintain the following data: Required header data for the Solu-
Quotation De- ● Description: <your description> tion Quotation has been main-
tails tained.
● Sold-To Party: for example, 10100001 for Domestic Customer DE 1
Choose Enter.
5 Select Organiza- If the Select Organizational Data Web page dialog appears, select the responsible organizational Organizational units for sales and
tional Data unit as responsible service organization. service are assigned to the order
Service Organization: Dom Service Org DE quotation.
Note The Dom Sales Org DE sales organization needs to be assigned to the service order as
well. Check in the Organization assignment block that this org. unit is assigned, or if it is not,
maintain the assignment manually.
6 Select Partner If the Partner Selection Document header dialog box appears, select: A service team is assigned & Con-
Data Service Employee Group: SRV_BO_US (Service Back Office) tact person is maintained to the
quotation order.
Select the Contact person Susan Miller from the dialog box
7 Maintain Product In the Items list, maintain the product bundle ID: The product bundle components are
Bundle Product ID: BUND01 displayed.
Quantity 1
Then choose Enter
Note As a result, the product bundle is displayed, and if the product bundle includes mandatory
components, the system displays a message.
8 Select Items In the Product ID column, select the relevant components from the drop down for Spare part item, The relevant items have been se-
Service item, Service contract item and Sales item respectively. lected.
Note When choosing the SRV_CONTRACT product, make sure to select the Item Category: Ser-
vice Contract Item for it to automatically create a service contract for the product.
9 Update the Quo- In Quotation details, under Dates section, maintain the Quotation Valid From and Quotation Valid The validity is maintained.
tation Validity To dates.
10 Release Solution In the Service Quotation Details assignment block, release the solution quotation by selecting: The solution quotation has been re-
Quotation Status: Released leased.
Note You can only release a solution quotation that is error free.
Choose Save.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
By accepting the solution quotation, follow-up documents are created depending on the item categories used in the Items list. You can review the follow-up
documents in the Transaction History.
1 Accept Solution If you have kept the solution quotation view open from the previ- The solution quotation has been accepted, and follow-up trans-
Quotation ous step, choose Accept. actions have been created.
2 Check Follow-up Navigate to Transaction History. Follow up Transactions are created automatically for Service
Documents order, Sales order and Service Contract.
3 Review Service Choose the link for service order to view the Service order details. Service Order details are displayed.
Order Make a note of the service order ID.
4 Review Sales Or- Choose the Sales order ID no to view the Sales order details. Sales Order details are displayed.
der Make a note of the sales order ID.
5 Review Service Choose the link for service contract to view the Service contract Service Contract details are displayed.
Contract details.
Make a note of the service contract ID.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
The procedure below outlines the minimum steps required to release a service order, to confirm it, to complete the service order, and to create an invoice for
the confirmation. For more details regarding service order processing, refer to the Service Quotation and Order Management (41Z) scope item.
1 Release Service Order In the Service Order view that you opened as last step of the previous chapter, choose The service order and its items
Edit. are released.
Select Status as Released. Then choose Save.
2 Create Service Confirma- Choose Create Follow-Up. The Follow-Up – Select Items di-
tion On the Follow-Up dialog box, choose Service Confirmation. alog box is displayed.
3 Select Confirmation On the Follow-Up – Select Items dialog box, select all items and then Choose. The Confirmation: New view is
Items displayed.
4 Enter the duration for Choose the Edit icon next to item number of the bundle product. On the Confirmation Item The item details are maintained.
the Bundle Item page, maintain the following values under General Data section:
Start of Work: if relevant, update the start date
Actual Duration: if relevant, update the duration
Status :Completed
Choose Apply.
5 Complete Service Confir- On the Confirmation: New view, select Status as Completed. Then choose Save. The service confirmation is com-
mation pleted.
6 Complete Service Order In the service confirmation, navigate to the Transaction History and choose the link to the The service order is completed.
service order.
In the Service Order view, choose Edit.
As Status maintain Completed. Then choose Save.
7 Release Confirmation for Open the Release for Billing app. The service confirmation items
Billing On the Release for Billing view, search for the confirmation created above, for example, by are released for billing.
Created On search parameter.
In the Result List, select all lines related to your confirmation, then choose Release for
8 Create Billing Document Open the Create Billing Documents (Billing Due List Items) app. The invoice is created.
for Confirmation Search by SD Document Category: Billing Document Request and Billing Date: Today.
Select the line with the relevant billing document request, then choose Create Billing Docu-
On the Invoice view, choose Save.
If in the solution quotation you have maintained a sales item, as a follow-up document a sales order has been created. The sales order is processed by a
sales representative. In the steps below the minimum steps to process the sales order and to create a delivery document are described. In addition it is de-
scribed how to pick the sales item and post a goods issue for it. To complete the sales order process, a billing document is created. For more details regard-
ing sales order processing, refer to the scope item group Sales and within this group, for example, the Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
This process step shows you how to create a delivery. To execute it, you must have the sales order ID available that you displayed in the Review Sales Order
step of the Accept Solution Quotation chapter.
2 Access the Open Create Outbound Deliveries - From Sales Orders The Create Outbound Deliveries - From Sales Orders screen displays.
App (F0869A).
4 Create Deliv- Select your sales order items and choose Create Deliv- Creation of a delivery is triggered.
ery eries.
5 Check Details Choose Display Log. The Analyze Delivery Log screen displays, delivery is created successfully. Delivery
number displays on Deliveries tab.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
The picking process involves taking goods from a storage location and staging the right quantity in a picking area where the goods are prepared for shipping.
This process step shows you how to pick deliveries.
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Shipping Specialist. The SAP Fiori launch-
pad displays.
5 Change Outbound From Day’s Workload for Picking, select your delivery number, and choose Change Outbound Deliver-
Deliveries ies.
6 Check Batch Split Choose the Picking tab, check if batch split exists in the Batch Split Indicator column.
7 Enter Picked Quan- ● If batch spilt exists, choose Batch Split Exists to expand sub item(s), enter <quantity equal to de-
tity livery Qty> in Picked Qty field for sub item.
● If batch spilt doesn't exist, enter <quantity equal to delivery Qty> in Picked Qty field for picking
related item(s).
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
This process step shows how to post the goods issues for delivery.
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Shipping Specialist. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
3 Open Outbound Delivery Moni- Choose For Goods Issue. Make the following entries and choose Ex-
tor ecute.
● Shipping Point: 1010
4 Post Good Issue Select your outbound delivery note, and choose Post Goods Issues. A message confirms the goods issue has been
Select today’s date from the dialog box, and choose Continue. posted.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
In this step you create a billing document for the sales order.
Table 2: Overview
Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Comment
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Billing Clerk. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
2 Access the App Open Create Billing Documents (F0798). The Create Billing Documents
screen displays.
3 Define Billing Choose Billing Settings in the bottom bar, you can make the following settings as below:
Settings 1. Set billing date and type before billing: ON
2. Create separate billing document for each item of billing due list: OFF
3. Automatically post billing documents: ON
4. Display billing documents after creation: ON
5. Choose delivery items to be billed and select quantities: OFF
4 Search for In the search condition, use criteria if necessary. Sales document(s) display in the
billing due list result.
5 Select item(s) Select row(s) of SD Document created previously and choose button Create Billing Documents. The Create Billing Document
for billing screen displays.
6 Maintain Billing Choose billing type Invoice (F2) and maintain billing date, for example current date, then press The draft billing document with
Date button OK. ID Sxxxxxxxx displays.
7 Save Billing On the Billing Document screen, choose Save. The system generates an invoice
Document The draft version billing document with ID Sxxxxxxxx turns into a saved billing document with ID for billing.
xxxxxxxx, make a note of the billing document number: __________.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
The procedure below outlines the minimum steps required to release a service contract so that billing documents can be created for it. For more details re-
garding service contract processing, refer to the Service Contract Management (426) scope item.
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori Launchpad as a Service Manager. The Home page is displayed.
3 Find Service Contract In the Search area, use suitable search criteria to find the service contract that was Service Contract is displayed in the Re-
created by the solution quotation. Then choose Go. sult List.
4 Update Contract Dates In the Result List, choose the Service Contract ID to navigate to its details. The service contract is displayed and
In the service contract view, choose Edit. the service contract dates are adjusted.
In the Service Contract Details, under Dates section, maintain the Contract Start and
Contract End dates.
Note Usually a contract starts at the first of a month and ends after, for example,
exactly a year. Update the Contract Start and Contract End accordingly.
5 Verify Billing Optionally review the service contract item by choosing the Item No. in the Items list. The service contract is released.
For example, review whether the Billing Plan is maintained appropriately.
Navigate back to the service contract header and as Status choose Released.
Then choose Save.
6 Create Billing Docu- According to the service contract’s billing plan, billing document requests (BDR’s) are Generated BDR’s are displayed.
ment Requests scheduled. Usually this step is not executed by the application user.
For demonstration’s sake you can trigger the BDR creation by logging on to the SAP
Access transaction code CRMS4_BIL_BDR_GEN.
As BDR Creation Horizon (in Days), enter 30 and Transaction ID: the ID of the service
contract created in the previous chapter.
Choose Execute (F8).
7 Create Billing Docu- Open Create Billing Documents. The invoice is saved.
ment for Service Con- Search by SD Document Category: Billing Document Request and Billing Date: Today.
Select the line with the relevant billing document request, then choose Create Billing
Choose billing type Invoice (F2) and maintain billing date, for example current date,
then press button OK.
Test Administration
Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>
The solution quotation itself cannot be billed. Instead the solution quotation’s follow-up documents are billed. This must have happened in the previous chap-
ters. Refer to the individual chapters for details:
● Process Follow-Up Document: Service Order
● Process Follow-Up Document: Sales Order
● Process Follow-Up Document: Service Contract
With the following procedure you verify that the billing documents are displayed properly. To access the invoices from one central document, start with the
solution quotation’s transaction history and navigate to the follow-up documents.
For service order and service contract, from the solution quotation you must navigate to the respective service document first and then display the invoices
from the service documents. For sales orders the invoice is displayed within the solution quotation.
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori Launchpad as a Service Manager. The Home page is displayed.
2 Search for the So- Open the Manage Service Quotations app. Your solution quotation is displayed in the Result List.
lution Quotation On the Search: Service Order Quotations screen, search for the
solution quotation you created above, for example, by Posting
Date (Time Frame).
3 Display Solution Choose the Service Order Quotation ID to navigate to the quota- The solution quotation is displayed.
Quotation tion’s details.
4 Display Transac- In the quotation view, navigate to the Transaction History. Depending on which items you chose in the solution quotation, fol-
tion History low-up documents are displayed for service order, service con-
tract, and sales order.
If you have processed the sales order, the related delivery docu-
ment and invoice are displayed in the Transaction History.
5 Display Invoice for To display the invoice that was created for the sales order, The sales order’s invoice is displayed.
Sales Order choose the invoice number.
As an alternative, you can choose the outbound delivery number
and in the delivery’s process flow choose the invoice.
Then navigate back to the solution quotation‘s transaction his-
6 Display Invoice for To display the invoice that was created for the service order, in The invoice created for the service order’s confirmation is dis-
Service Confirma- the solution quotation’s transaction history, choose the service or- played.
tion der.
In the Service Order view, navigate to the Transaction History and
choose Service Confirmation ID.
In the Service Confirmation view, navigate to the Transaction His-
tory and choose the Invoice ID to display it.
7 Display Invoice for To display the invoice that was created for the service contract, in The invoice created for the service contract is displayed.
Service Contract the solution quotation’s transaction history, choose the service
In the Service Contract view, navigate to the Transaction History
and choose Invoice ID to display it.
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbut-
tons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction
codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded
by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names
of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database
Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they
appear in the documentation.
<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with
appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R . © 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights re-
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