Human Origins Review Fossil Photo Guide (1)

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The fossil record of human origins and evolution

(from exhibits at the National Museum, Nairobi, Kenya, compiled for

The fossil evidence for our ancestors over the last

seven million years continues to increase as Down from the trees
palaeoanthropologists (people who study human
fossils) make new discoveries. The story of human Although we belong to the same family, the
evolution is always changing as new evidence is Hominidae, as the great apes, we are adapted to a
found and existing evidence is re-interpreted. Many very different way of life. The living great apes
of the most important fossils found so far are (chimpanzees, gorillas etc) are still adapted to an
displayed at the Nairobi National Museum and arboreal lifestyle (life in the trees), whereas we are
shown in the photographic guide below. terrestrial (ground-living). But when did our
ancestors leave the trees? And when did they begin
Most of the evidence for human evolution has been to walk on two legs?
found in eastern and southern Africa, and Kenya
has produced fossils that tell most of our
A host of hominins
evolutionary story. However, these fossils are very
rare and are often only fragments.
Although the current evidence for the very first
hominins is not conclusive, more than four million
There are many fossil sites in Africa that have
years ago a group of undoubtedly bipedal hominins
yielded remains of early man. Kenya is particularly
first appeared. They are called australopithecines.
rich in fossil sites, with over 100 located mainly in
The first known australopithecine is
the eastern branch of the Great Rift Valley, around
Australopithecis anamensis.
Lake Victoria and the coastal region. However,
fossil hominins (human ancestors) have only been
found in a few of these sites, where sedimentary
rocks have been exposed by weathering (e.g. strong
winds or rain) and other geological processes (e.g.
earthquakes) to reveal the fossils to

Our place in the family tree: a note on names

All living apes and humans belong to a superfamily

called the Hominoidea, but we are unique in being
the only surviving species that belongs to the
hominini tribe. Therefore we and our ancestors are
called hominins, to distinguish us from the great

The first step

Artists impression of Australopithecus anamensis (NMK)
From about ten million years ago the climate in
some parts of Africa including eastern Africa, About 3.5 million years ago the australopithecines
began to get cooler and drier so that continuous evolved into several species to adapt to different
tropical forests began to break up into smaller ways of life in the woodland savannas of Africa.
patches of savannas/grasslands. Among the This evolutionary diversification is called an
animals that adapted to this new environment were adaptive radiation.
the first hominins, who lived partly in the trees and
partly on the ground. They were also the first There were at least five different kinds of early
hominins to stand up and walk on two legs most of australopithecines, of which up to three existed at
the time. the same time. The early australopithecines were

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sometimes called gracile (slender) The early australopithecines gave rise to an
australopithecines, because of their smaller teeth evolutionary offshoot about 2.5 million years ago,
and more delicately built skull. But they could not the robust australopithecines, which had huge teeth,
all be our direct ancestor, so which ones were? powerful jaws and a massive skull.

Palaeoanthropologists are still debating how the The robust australopithecines were actually about
different kinds of australopithecines were related to the same size as, or slightly bigger than the early
each other and which ones were likely to be our gracile ones, but their brains were about 25%
direct ancestors. New findings in different parts of bigger, and their cheek teeth and jaws were
Africa continue to change our views on the massively developed for a much tougher diet.
relationships between the different australopithecine
species. The first robust australopithecine was Paranthropus
aethiopicus which lived about 2.5 million years ago
Bigger brains in Kenya. It had a smaller brain, teeth and jaws
The early australopithecines had brains similar in than later kinds (Paranthropus boisei from East
size to those of chimpanzees (about 400 cm3), but Africa and Paranthropus robustus from South
this increased over the next one million years. Africa) which lived a million years later.

Climbing trees As the climate continued to get drier soft items

Despite their adaptations for walking upright, some suitable for smaller teeth went off the hominin
early australopithecines were still adapted to menu. Over time the teeth and jaws of robust
climbing trees. Lucy (the famous specimen of australopithecines evolved ever bigger to cope with
Australopithecus afarensis, found in Ethiopia’s a tougher diet of seeds, nuts roots and tubers
Awash Valley) probably still had a grasping hind
foot. Although Lucy’s arms are within the human The end of the australopithecines
range, they are relatively long compared with the After more than three million years, why did the
rest of her body. australopithecines disappear? We do not really
know, but it could have been caused by competition
with more efficient herbivores (plant eaters) and
omnivores (animals that eat anything). In
particular, one group may have squeezed the
Why be a biped? australopithecines out of existence with the added
advantage of new technology and even bigger
We are very good at walking and running on two brains.
legs: we are bipeds. We can cycle a bike, drive a
car and dribble a football with incredible skill. But Bigger brains and first tool kits
why did this adaptation evolve in hominins? As the australopithecines declined in diversity they
were replaced by the first humans. But the origin of
Many different theories have been suggested to humans is not a straightforward affair. The
explain why hominins evolved as bipeds, but we do evolutionary history of the first humans is
not know which ones were the most important. remarkable for two things: a rapid and huge
Here are some examples: increase in brain size coupled with the development
of stone tool kits.
- Spotting and avoiding predators;
- Energy-efficient locomotion – since only two The first humans
limbs are active; Around 2.4 million years ago two new kinds of
- Freeing the hands for making tools, collecting hominins appeared in East Africa. They are
food and looking after babies; recognised as being the earliest humans: Homo
- When standing upright, only a small surface area habilis and Homo rudolfensis. At the same time
is exposed to the sun and this minimises heat simple stone tools appeared in the archaeological
absorption. record, but we are not sure who made them (see
Box ‘The first stone tool makers’).

Homo habilis was smaller in body size and had a

Mighty Jaws
brain capacity similar to that of the robust
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australopithecines. The arms of this hominin were
probably long relative to the legs, but it walked Between 200,000 and 160,000 years ago modern
upright. humans, Homo sapiens, evolved from Homo helmei
in Africa. The first anatomically modern human
Homo rudolfensis was bigger in body size and had a skull was found in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia and is
much larger brain (50% more) than that of Homo dated to about 160,000 years old (visit
habilis. The arms of this hominin were relatively for more
shorter than those of Homo habilis. Although we information and photos of the Omo Valley)
cannot be sure, it seems most likely that Homo
rudolfensis was our direct ancestor and the maker of Anatomically modern humans are distinguished
the first stone tools. from their ancestors by having:
• A rounded skull;
• No thick brow ridges;
• A prominent chin.

And then there was us: Homo sapiens

The first stone tool makers
Chimpanzees regularly use simple tools made out of wood, twigs, grass stems and even stones so it seems
likely that early hominins could have done the same. However, most of these materials do not preserve in the
fossil record so we do not know about the technologies of the earliest hominin species. As far as we know, the
earliest members of the genus Homo were the first hominins to use tools to make other tools made of stone.

The first stone tool kit: early Stone Age

This is the oldest technology known to mankind. It is characterised by simple flaked cores where only a few
flakes have been taken off. The cores may have been used as functional tools, while the flakes may have been
used as knives to dismember game carcasses or to strip tough plants. The photo below shows a 2.3 million
year-old stone ‘core’ tool found near Lake Turkana in Kenya

These early tools are called Oldowan after Olduvai Gorge in

Tanzania where they were first found. The oldest appeared about
2.6 million years ago and were found in Gona, Ethiopia.
Oldowan tools mark the beginning of a stone technological
development that involved learning through copying to pass on
skills down the generations. Tool types include spheroids or
hammer-stones, scrapers and anvils, and unmodified stones or

An improved tool kit: Acheulean tools

Homo erectus produced stone tools which indicate an improved
technological skill. This improved tool kit is called Acheulean
after the site of St. Acheul in France where the first tools of this
kind were found. However the oldest ones are found in East
Africa and are dated 1.7 million years.

The Acheulean tools were made by Homo erectus and the subsequent descendants for more than one million
years, becoming more refined over time, an indication of some form of communication and social structure.
The Acheulean Industrial Complex is differentiated from the preceding Oldowan tool kit by the ability to
detach large flakes, which were then modified further to make various tool types, the best examples being hand-
axes, cleavers, knives, picks, collectively referred to as bifaces or Large Cutting Tools.

This technology has also been found in Europe and Asia. As Homo erectus travelled from Africa, the
Acheulean tool kit and the knowledge to make it were taken along. These tools were probably used for more
than one task.

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Dating past life: How old is this fossil?
There are two main ways of dating fossils:

Relative dating – dating a fossil in relation to rocks and other fossils of known age
Absolute dating – chemical methods that allow precise dating of fossils or rocks that surround them.

Relative dating: older and deeper

Fossils are generally found in sedimentary rocks formed from the sediments laid down in rivers lakes and seas.
The most recent sediments are usually found on top, so that fossils from lower down in the rocks are usually
older than those higher up.

If we know when a particular stratum (layer of rock) was formed, we can say whether a fossil is older or
younger depending on whether it is found above or below it. If we know when certain extinct animals or plants
lived in the past, finding their fossils can help us date other fossils found with them.

Absolute dating – the volcanic rock clock

There are several different ways of absolute dating of fossils and rocks depending on how old they are. These
include radiocarbon, thermo-luminescence, fission track and electronic spin resonance dating methods.
Radiocarbon dating is used to determine the age of fossil material that is younger than 50,000 years.

Carbon dating: How does it work? It measures the amount of radioactive carbon left on plant or animal
remains. Once an animal or a plant dies it ceases to take up carbon and 14C starts to decay to 14N, with the
half-life of the process being 5730 years. The half-life is the time taken for the initial 14C to decay to half the
original value. Thus after 5730 years half the 14C is gone and by 11,460 years only a quarter remains.

The most common method used to date Kenya’s world-famous hominin (human-like) fossils is potassium-
argon dating, which dates material older than 50,000 years

Potassium-argon dating: How does it work? Potassium-argon dating measures the amounts of radioactive
potassium and agon gas in volcanic rocks that surround fossils. When volcanoes erupt they produce ash which
settles on the surrounding ground. These ashes eventually form a kind of rock called tuff. As the volcanoes
erupt at different times over hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, tuffs are laid down at different
levels in the sedimentary rocks.

Volcanic rocks contain tiny amounts (0.01%) of radioactive potassium. The radioactive potassium decays to
argon gas, a process with a half-life of 1.26 billion years. The high temperature of the volcano drives out any
argon gas in the rock, setting the clock to zero. By measuring the relative amounts of radioactive potassium
and argon gas in crystals such as those found in pumice (a type of volcanic rock) it is possible to precisely date
fossils that are more than 1 million years old.

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Some of the key sites across Africa where important hominin fossil discoveries have been made

Artists impressions of (left to right) Homo erectus, Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis (NMK)

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Diagram showing the timeline of known hominins over the past seven million years
(from B. Hilton-Barber and L.E. Berger ‘Field Guide to the Cradle of Humankind (2002). Struik, Cape Town)
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Photographic guide to some of the key fossils from the human family tree

Proconsul heseloni (18 million years old)

Location: Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya
Age: 18 million years old
Fossils: Almost complete skull
Found by: Mary Leakey in 1948

Why is it special?
Proconsul is one of the earliest apes
This is the only complete skull of Proconsul ever found

This skull was found on Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria by Mary Leakey
on 1st October 1948. It was in many fragments which had to be carefully
pieced together. It was taken to the Natural History Museum in London
and only returned to Kenya in 1981.

Scientific significance?
At first it was thought to be the ‘missing link’ between apes and humans,
but later it was realised that it was an early ape – a possible shared
ancestor for modern apes and man.

What was it like?

It is believed that this animal weighed about 9kg and lived in the trees,
eating fruits. Unlike monkeys it did not have a tail and had more flexible

How did it get its name?

The first specimen of Proconsul was found in 1931 and it was named by
its discoverer, Arthir Hopwood, after Consul, a chimpanzee in London
Zoo, England. Hopwood thought it looked like a chimpanzee ancestor,
hence Pro-Consul.

At first this skull was identified as Proconsul africanus, but later several
different species were recognised and this one was renamed Proconsul
heseloni after Heselon Mukiri, Louis Leakey’s assistant.

Orrorin tugenensis (‘Millenium Man’)

Location: Tugen Hills, Baringo, Kenya
Age: 6-7 million years old
Fossils: Fragments of limb bones, jaws and teeth
Found by: Kiptalam Cheboi in 2000

Scientific significance?
Potentially the most dramatic fossil find in 20 years because
it appears to be over a million years older than any other
hominin yet discovered. If confirmed, it places the creature
at the point in time where the lineage split between ancestral
hominins and apes.
Evidence for bipedalism: the head of the femur (thigh bone).
Humans have a large head of the femur with a long neck.
Chimpanzees have a small head of the femur with a short
neck. Orrorin tugenensis seems to have a head of the femur
more similar to ours, so perhaps it walked on two legs.

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Sahelanthropus tchadensis (‘Toumai Skull’)
Location: Toros-Menalla, Chad (Central Africa)
Age: 6-7 million years old
Fossil: Almost complete skull
Found by: Ahounta Djimdoumalbaye in 2001

Scientific significance?
This skull has stirred debate among anthropologists over
whether it is a pre-human ancestor or an ancient ape.
Humans have very small canines that allow side-to-side
chewing. Chimpanzees have very large canines that allow
only vertical chewing. Sahelanthropus has small canines like
those of ours and other hominins, so perhaps it walked on
two legs like later hominins, and is a pre-human ancestor.
The discovery of more complete specimens may eventually
shed some light on this debate.

Australopithecus anamensis
Location: Kanapoi, West of Lake Turkana, Kenya
Age: 4.2 million years old
Fossils: Fragments of limb bones, jaws and teeth
Found by: Kamoya Kimeu and Peter Nzuve in 1994

The tibia (shin bone) of A anamensis is similar to that of

humans because it is wider and flat at the top due to extra
spongy bone tissue which serves as a shock absorber in
bipedal creatures.

Australopithecus bahrelghazali
Location: Bahrelghazali, Chad
Age: 3-3.5 million years old
Fossil: Mandible
Found by: Michel Brunet in 1993

The fossil consists of a mandibular symphysis with teeth,

which is more modern in appearance than that of A.
afarensis. But it may simply be a regional variant of A.
afarensis. This is one of the very few fossil hominins from
central Africa.

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Australopithecus afarensis (‘Lucy’)

Location: Hadar, Ethiopia

Age: 3.2 million years old
Fossils: A partial skeleton that includes pelvis, leg bones,
ribs, backbone (vertebrae), skull and arm bones
Found by: Donald Johanson in 1973

(Photo of a reconstructed skeleton in the Ethiopian National

Museum, Addis Abeba, showing its small size compared with
modern man)

Kenyanthropus platyops
Location: Lomekwi, west of Lake Turkana
Age: 3.4 million years old
Fossil: Skull
Found by: Justus Edung in 1999

This is a nearly complete skull (but heavily distorted) with a

large flat face and small teeth. The brain size is similar to
that of the australopithecines. We still do not know very
much about Kenyanthropus and its relationships with other
hominins. Some palaeoanthroplogists think it could be
ancestral to one of the earliest kinds of human, Homo
rudolfensis, while others believe it is just an

Australopithecus africanus (‘Taung Child’)

Location: Taung, South Africa
Age: 2-3 million years old
Fossil: Partial juvenile skull
Found by: M. de Bruyn in 1924

This specimen nick-named the ‘Taung Child’ belonged to an

individual that died between the age of 3 to 4 years. The
fossil consists of a partial skull with a face, partial endocast
and partial mandible. The canine teeth are small and human-
like. The position of the foramen magnum suggests that this
hominin was a biped.

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Australopithecus africanus (‘Mrs Ples’)

Location: Sterkfontein Caves, South Africa

Age: 2.1 million years old
Fossil: Nearly complete skull
Found by: Robert Broom and John Robinson in 1947

Mrs Ples is the popular nickname for this nearly complete

skull. Many fossils of this species, which are considered to
be the distant relatives of all humankind, have been found in
the Sterkfontein caves. The nickname Mrs Ples was derived
from the scientific designation initially given to the skull by
Dr Broom, Plesianthropus transvaalensis (near-man from the
Transvaal). It should be noted that the sex of this skull is not
completely certain and that Mrs Ples may in fact be Mr Ples.

Paranthropus aethiopicus (‘Black Skull’) (Ref: KNM – WT 17000 - 2.5 million years old)

Location: Lomekwi, West Turkana, Kenya

Age: 2.5 million years old
Fossil: Incomplete skull
Found by: Alan Walker in 1985

Why is it special?
It is the oldest robust australopithecine ever found in East Africa

Scientific significance?
Until its discovery, palaeontologists believed that there was a simple
evolutionary line from the early ‘gracile’ australopithecines, which were
the ancestors of robust australopithecines and early humans, However,
the owner of the ‘Black Skull’ lived at the same time as some of the
‘gracile’ australopithecines. As a result of this discovery it was realised
that there were more than two kinds of early man living at the same time.

What did it look like?

The ‘Black Skull’ has huge tooth roots, indicating that it had big teeth
adapted for chewing hard nuts, seeds and grasses. To anchor the big
chewing muscles it has an enormous bony crest along the head. Its brain
is similar in size to that of the chimpanzee and it has a similar projecting

How did it get its name?

The ‘Black Skull’ got its name because it was stained blue-black by
manganese in the area in which it was preserved. At the press conference
announcing its discovery Alan Walker said ‘pass me that black skull’ and
the name stuck. The ‘Black Skull’ used to be called Australopithecus
aethiopicus, which means ‘southern ape from Ethiopia’. However most
palaeontologists now think that later robust australopithecines are so
different from early ones that they should be in their own group and so
now it is called Paranthropus aethiopicus, which means ‘Nearly man
from Ethiopia’.

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Paranthropus boisei (Ref: KNM- ER 406 – 1.7 million years old)
Location: Koobi Fora, East Turkana, Kenya
Age: 1.7 million years old
Fossil: a nearly complete cranium
Found by: Richard Leakey in 1969
Why is it special?
• It was the first major discovery from Koobi Fora
• It is one of the most complete skulls ever found of a robust
ER 406 was found by Richard Leakey in 1969 at Koobi Fora, on the
eastern side of Lake Turkana
Scientific significance?
This skull is classified as a male Paranthropus boisei. It is one of the
robust australopithecines sometimes known as ‘nutcracker man’ because
of the huge teeth, wide zygomatic arches, and a crest along the top of the
skull which anchored the chewing muscles.
What did it look like?
A comparison of this skull with others of the same species shows that
there were significant differences in sizes between males and females.
We see similar differences between male and female gorillas today,
whereas men and women are much less different.
ER 406 shows evidence of an infection of the bone just above the left eye.
Bone diseases are nearly absent from the early human record, so this is
very unusual.
Did it make tools?
Early stone tools and remains of this species of robust australopithecine
have been found in fossil layers of similar age. This raises the possibility
that robust australopithecines as well as Homo rudolfensis, which lived at
the same time, may have made stone tools. However we may never know
whether they did or not.
How did it get its name?
Louis Leakey originally called this species Zinjanthropus boisei, which
means ‘Boise’s East African Man’. Charles Boise was a businessman
who sponsored Leakey’s expeditions. Later it was reclassified as
Australopithecus boisei (Boise’s southern ape), but most palaeontologists
now call it Parathropus boisei.

Homo rudolfensis (Ref: KNM – ER 1470 - 1.9 million years old)

Location: Koobi Fora, east of Lake Turkana, Kenya
Age: 1.9 million years old
Fossil: Partial skull
Found by: Bernard Ngeneo in 1972
Why is it special?
The earliest fossil with a large brain case
Played a key role in arguments about human origins
Scientific significance?
At one time this was the most controversial fossil in the world and even
today not everyone agrees what it is. After the painstaking task of glueing
more than 200 fragments together, Richard Leakey and his co-workers
realised that this was a unique specimen, because it has a remarkable
large brain case for such an old fossil. However, it has large teeth and
thick jaws more like those of Paranthropus.
When it was first found, it was thought to be 2.6 million years old, which
made it older than the small-brained australopithecines which were then
thought to be ancestral to humans. This appeared to overturn the existing
theories of human evolution. Soon after its discovery doubts were raised
about its age since the pig fossils found beside it seemed to be from a later
time. After many years of often heated arguments it has now been
accepted that it is ‘only’ about 1.9 million years old. However, even with
the new date it is still the earliest known fossil with the key human
attribute of a large brain.
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What did it look like?
Remains of skeletons suggest that Homo rudolfensis had similar body
proportions to humans. It had a flat face with heavy brow ridges, thick
jaws and large teeth.
How did it get its name?
At first ER 1470 was identified as a male Homo habilis, but later it was
reclassified as Homo rudolfensis (Lake Rudolf man; Lake Rudolf is`the
old name for Lake Turkana)

Homo habilis (Ref: KNM - ER 1813 - 1.9 million years old)

Location: Koobi Fora, East of Lake Turkana, Kenya
Age: 1.8 – 1.9 million years old
Fossil: Partial skull
Found by: Kamoyas Kimeu in 1973
Why is it so special?
It has a curious mixture of ‘ancient’ and ‘advanced’ features, and shows
that not all early hominid skulls can be neatly classified
Scientific significance?
ER 1813 has small teeth and a small brain. It is more like Homo habilis
found at Olduvai in Tanzania than it is to ER 1470, but its braincase size
is more like that of Australopithecus. Some palaeontologists classify this
species as Australopithecus habilis. One possibility is that male and
female Homo habilis differed greatly in size and that this is the skull of a
small female.
How did it get its name?
Homo habilis means ‘handy man’. It was given this name because Louis
Leakey and his co-workers, who were the first to discover remains of this
early human species, believed that it was the first hominin to make and
use stone tools called Oldowan tools. Now it is considered that Homo
rudolfensis was the first stone-tool maker.

Homo erectus (Ref: KNM – ER3733 - 1.75 million years old)

Location: Koobi Fora, East of Lake Turkana, Kenya

Age: 1.75 million years old
Fossil: Complete skull
Found by: Bernard Ngeneo in 1975
Why is it special?
One of the best preserved early human skulls, identifiable as a female
Its discovery first confirmed that different types of hominids lived
Scientific significance?
By comparing the skull of ER 3733 with those of two other Homo erectus
specimens from Lake Turkana, palaeontologists came to the conclusion
that ER 3733 was a mature female. Her face is much less robust than the
others. ER 3733 was found in the same layer of rock as the robust
australopithecine ER 406 (see above), suggesting that two completely
different kinds of early humans lived in the same place at the same time.
What did she look like?
She was adult, because her skull bones are fused, her teeth are quite worn
and her third molars (so-called wisdom teeth) had erupted before she died.
Her teeth were smaller than those of the australopithecines, but her face
was large with a projecting muzzle.
How did she get her name?
There is still some discussion between palaeontologists about how to
classify these early humans from Africa. Some believe that they are an
early form of Homo erectus (upright man) – best known as Peking Man
from Asia. Others believe that they were different from Homo erectus
and called them Homo ergaster.

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Homo erectus (‘Turkana Boy’ Ref: KNM – WT 15000 - 1.6 million years old)
Location: Nariokotome, west of Lake Turkana, Kenya
Age: 1.6 million years old
Fossil: Nearly complete skeleton
Found by: Kamoya Kimeu in 1984
One of the best known specimens of Homo erectus is the ‘Turkana Boy’,
an almost complete skeleton of a boy, which is dated to about 1.6 million
years and was found at Nariokotome on the western side of Lake
Turkana. Palaeoanthropologists have estimated that the boy was between
9 and 12 years old and was 1.6 metres tall at the time of his death. If the
Turkana boy had grown to maturity he may have grown to 1.84 metres
The ‘Turkana Boy’ was born as small and as helpless as human babies so
that his head could pass easily through the birth canal. Also like us, his
brain continued to grow after he was born. Therefore the brain of Homo
erectus had a similar growth pattern to our own.
‘Turkana Boy’ shows key features that distinguish members of the species
from earlier ancestors:
• Bigger brain (880 cm3) – about 20% bigger than that of Homo
• Shorter face – smaller molars
• Projecting lower face – not flat
• Heavy brow ridges – short forehead
• Longer legs than arms – for more effective bipedal walking

Homo heidelbergensis
Location: Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia
Age: 600,000 years old
Fossil: Partial skull
Found by: A.Asfaw in 1976

Homo helmei
Location: Eliye Springs, west of Lake Turkana
Age: 200,000 years old
Fossil: Almost complete skull
Found by: Danhofer family in 1980

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Homo sapiens (‘Herto’)

Location: Herto Bouri, Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia

Age: 160,000 years old
Fossil: Almost complete skull
Found: 1997

The skull represents populations of anatomically modern

humans on the African continent

Homo sapiens (‘Galana Boy’)

Location: Koobi Fora, east of Lake Turkana, Kenya

Age: 8 – 10,000 years old
Fossil: Deformed partial skull
Found: 1967

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