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GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit

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Instruction for Use

GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit

In vitro diagnostic medical device
The kit has been manufactured according to the EC Directive 98/79/EC as an in vitro diagnostic
medical device and it has been designed for professional use in specialized clinical and research



25 rxn 100 rxn
MasterMix 1x750 µl 4x750 µl
Calibrator A 1x200 µl 1x200 µl
104 IU/µl
Calibrator B 1x200 µl 1x200 µl
103 IU/µl
Calibrator C 1x200 µl 1x200 µl
102 IU/µl
Calibrator D 1x200 µl 1x200 µl
101 IU/µl
Internal Control 1x1000 µl 2x1000 µl


The kit must be transported at a temperature of -20 °C or below. The kit will remain stable at least until the expiry date printed on the package, if
the storage temperature is kept at (-20 ± 5)°C. The components are stable for a maximum of 5 repeated freezing / thawing cycles after the first
use of a particular vial. Each component must be used before the expiry date or 30 days after the first use of a particular vial (whichever comes


Target Sequence specific conservative DNA sequence of a single copy gene encoding the 4 IE antigen
Analytical Specificity Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 100 %
Analytical Sensitivity 122.594 IU/ml (on CMV NIBSC 09/162, manual extraction GeneProof PathogenFree DNA
(LoD with the probability of 95 %) Isolation Kit),
165.237 IU/ml (on CMV NIBSC 09/162, automatic extraction croBEE 201A Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit)
Diagnostic Specificity 90.67 % (CI95%: 81.15 % - 95.85 %)
Diagnostic Sensitivity 92.86 % (CI95%: 64.17 % - 99.63 %)
Linear Range 1010 - 102.5 IU/ml with precision of ± 0.5 log
Dynamic Range 1010 - 122.594 IU/ml (using manual extraction GeneProof PathogenFree DNA Isolation Kit)
1010 - 165.237 IU/ml (using automatic extraction croBEE 201A Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit)
Reporting Units IU/ml
Validated Specimen plasma, serum, urine*, whole blood
Quality Control regularly tested by QCMD and e.V. External Quality Assessment Panels
Regulatory Status CE1023IVD

Quality management system is certified in compliance with the requirements of the standard ČSN EN ISO 13485 ed.2:2016
*NOTE: Validated only on manual extraction GeneProof PathogenFree DNA Isolation Kit.

Instruction for Use © GeneProof a.s. 1/4

The interference testing was performed using positive and negative clinical specimens - plasma, serum and urine.
The negative clinical specimens were spiked with CMV positive control at 3x LoD. The settings of pathological values
for interference testing was performed according to CLSI guidelines EP7-A2 and hospital recommendations and guidelines
(http://www.southend.nhs.uk/media/180421/pf_biochemistry_reference_intervals.pdf). Elevated levels of bilirubin (342 μmol/l), albumin (60 g/l),
haemoglobin (2 g/l), urea (42.9 mmol/l), uric acid (1.4 mmol/l) and D-glucose (55 mmol/l) were tested in plasma and serum samples. The tested
levels of endogenous interferents in urine (bilirubin, urea, uric acid, albumin, low pH, high pH level and D-glucose) were set according to the
recommendations of Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry.

Tested Observed Tested Observed
Tested level(s) Tested level(s)
substance interference substance interference

Albumin 60 g/l Partial Haemoglobin 2 g/l None

Bilirubin 342 μmol/l Partial Urea 42.9 mmol/l None
Glucose 55 mmol/l None Uric acid 1.4 mmol/l None
Caffeine 308 µl/l None Ibuprofen 2425 µl/l None
Fluconazole 245 µl/l Partial Prednisone 0.84 µl/l None
Vancomycin 69 µl/l None Valganciclovir 20 mg/l None
Citrate 19 g/l None - - -

Observed Tested Observed
Tested substance Tested level(s) Tested level(s)
interference substance interference
Albumin 60 g/l Partial Haemoglobin 2 g/l None
Bilirubin 342 μmol/l None Urea 42.9 mmol/l None
Glucose 55 mmol/l None Uric acid 1.4 mmol/l None

Tested Tested level(s) Observed Tested Tested level(s) Observed
substance interference substance interference
Albumin 5% None pH Acidic condition (pH 4) Partial
Bilirubin 1% (w/v) None pH Basic condition (pH 9) None
Glucose 0.1% (w/v); 1% (w/v) Partial Uric acid 5 mmol/l None
Urea 300 mM; 600 mM None - - -

The tested endogenous interferences were shown not to interfere with GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit with a significant level.


The PCR kit is designed for the detection of human Cytomegalovirus (CMV) by the real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. The
CMV detection consists in amplification of a specific conservative DNA sequence of a single-copy gene encoding the 4 IE antigen and in the
measurement of fluorescence increase. The CMV presence is indicated by the FAM fluorophore fluorescence growth. An Internal Control (IC) is
a part of the PCR kit, controlling both possible inhibition of the PCR and also the DNA extraction process quality. IC positive amplification is
detected in the HEX fluorophore fluorescence channel. The detection kit takes advantage of the “hot start” technology, minimizing nonspecific
reactions and assuring the maximum sensitivity. A Ready-to-Use Master Mix contains uracil-DNA-glycosylase (UDG), eliminating possible
contamination of the PCR by amplification products. The kit is designed for in vitro diagnostics and provides qualitative and quantitative detection.

Instruction for Use © GeneProof a.s. 2/4

Sampling of all sample types, except for blood, should be performed into sterile tubes without any transportation media and the samples should
be transported within 12 hours at the temperature (2 – 8) °C. It is necessary to sample up to 2 ml of body fluid samples (plasma, serum, urine,
whole blood). Blood sampling: a sample of uncoagulable peripheral blood should be sampled into EDTA and transported into the laboratory at the
temperature (2 – 8) °C within 24 hours. Urine samples are tested in case of glomerulonephritis symptoms. In case of longer storage keep all
samples frozen at the temperature below -10 °C.


Nucleic acid extraction should be performed by extraction kits available on the market according to the protocols for the particular clinical
material extraction. The manufacturer recommends the following products:
GeneProof PathogenFree DNA Isolation Kit
croBEE 201A Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit

Internal control (IC) should be added directly into a sample at the beginning of the extraction process so that in the end 1 μl of the resulting
elution volume contains 0.1 μl of the IC:
Elution volume 25 µl 50 µl 100 µl 200 µl

Internal Control 2.5 µl 5 µl 10 µl 20 µl

1. Gently vortex and briefly centrifuge the Master Mix and Calibrators' tubes.

2. Add 30 μl of Master Mix into PCR tubes.

3. Add 10 μl of the extracted nucleic acid sample or 10 μl of Calibrator into the individual PCR tubes and mix by pipetting. The total reaction mix
volume will be 40 μl. It is necessary to keep all components at (2 – 8) °C during the PCR preparation. The isolate of negative extraction control
with Internal Control should be used in each test. The negative clinical material, water or buffer can be used as a negative extraction control. The
customer must use his own negative control. All 4 Calibrators must be used for setting the standard curve for quantitative detection.

4. Close the tubes, centrifuge shortly, insert them into the device and let them amplify according to the following PCR profile.
Be very careful when handling the Calibrators or the clinical material; incorrect handling could result in contamination and the consequent
impairment of the kit components! The manufacturer is not responsible for the kit impairment due to incorrect handling.

Step Temperature Time Data Collection Cycles

Hold 37 °C 2 min 1

Hold 95 °C 10 min 1

95 °C 5s

PCR 60 °C 40 s FAM + HEX 45

72 °C 20 s

GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit is designed for use with real-time devices from various manufacturers:

croBEE Real-Time PCR System Mic qPCR Cycler

AMPLilab Real-Time PCR System QuantStudioTM 3 / 5 Real-Time PCR System
Applied Biosystems 7300 / 7500 Real-Time PCR System Rotor-Gene 3000 / 6000 / Q
AriaMx Real-Time PCR System SLAN® Real-Time PCR System
BioQuant-96 Real-Time PCR System StepOne™ / StepOne PlusTM Real-Time PCR System
CFX Connect™ / CFX96™/ Dx Real-Time PCR Detection System
LightCycler® 2.0 / 480
LineGene 9600 / 9600 Plus

Required channels: FAM, HEX

GeneProof diagnostic kits are continually verified with various types of devices. Current list is available at www.geneproof.com or can be
requested at support@geneproof.com

Instruction for Use © GeneProof a.s. 3/4

Channel FAM Channel HEX
Result Interpretation
(CMV) (IC)
+ + Valid CMV positive

+ - Valid CMV positive

- + Valid CMV negative

- - Invalid -


Use the following formula to calculate the virus concentration in IU/ml for manual extraction (using GeneProof PathogenFree DNA Isolation Kit):

SC - Sample concentration (IU/μl)

EV - Elution volume (μl)
IV - Extraction volume (ml)

To easily calculate pathogen concentrations using manual or automated extraction, you can use the calculator at www.geneproof.com

A single valid Instruction for Use for a specific kit is included in the package or to be requested for a particular lot from the manufacturer. Use only
the combination of components from the given lot of the PCR kit. The kit should be disposed of after use according to the current legal regulations
considering the fact that the kit does not contain any dangerous, infectious or toxic components that would be subject to special safety regulations,
and the packaging materials are made of paper and polypropylene. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer care.

Customer care and Technical support Orders

Tel.: +420 730 176 222 Tel.: +420 543 211 679
Email: support@geneproof.com Email: sales@geneproof.com

GeneProof a.s.
Vídeňská 101/119 / Dolní Heršpice / CZ-619 00 Brno / +420 543 211 679 / info@geneproof.com
Version: IFU_0005_A01_1.0, Effective date: 16. 5. 2022

Instruction for Use © GeneProof a.s. 4/4

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