GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit
GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit
GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit
Quality management system is certified in compliance with the requirements of the standard ČSN EN ISO 13485 ed.2:2016
*NOTE: Validated only on manual extraction GeneProof PathogenFree DNA Isolation Kit.
Tested Observed Tested Observed
Tested level(s) Tested level(s)
substance interference substance interference
Observed Tested Observed
Tested substance Tested level(s) Tested level(s)
interference substance interference
Albumin 60 g/l Partial Haemoglobin 2 g/l None
Bilirubin 342 μmol/l None Urea 42.9 mmol/l None
Glucose 55 mmol/l None Uric acid 1.4 mmol/l None
Tested Tested level(s) Observed Tested Tested level(s) Observed
substance interference substance interference
Albumin 5% None pH Acidic condition (pH 4) Partial
Bilirubin 1% (w/v) None pH Basic condition (pH 9) None
Glucose 0.1% (w/v); 1% (w/v) Partial Uric acid 5 mmol/l None
Urea 300 mM; 600 mM None - - -
The tested endogenous interferences were shown not to interfere with GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit with a significant level.
Internal control (IC) should be added directly into a sample at the beginning of the extraction process so that in the end 1 μl of the resulting
elution volume contains 0.1 μl of the IC:
Elution volume 25 µl 50 µl 100 µl 200 µl
1. Gently vortex and briefly centrifuge the Master Mix and Calibrators' tubes.
3. Add 10 μl of the extracted nucleic acid sample or 10 μl of Calibrator into the individual PCR tubes and mix by pipetting. The total reaction mix
volume will be 40 μl. It is necessary to keep all components at (2 – 8) °C during the PCR preparation. The isolate of negative extraction control
with Internal Control should be used in each test. The negative clinical material, water or buffer can be used as a negative extraction control. The
customer must use his own negative control. All 4 Calibrators must be used for setting the standard curve for quantitative detection.
4. Close the tubes, centrifuge shortly, insert them into the device and let them amplify according to the following PCR profile.
Be very careful when handling the Calibrators or the clinical material; incorrect handling could result in contamination and the consequent
impairment of the kit components! The manufacturer is not responsible for the kit impairment due to incorrect handling.
Step Temperature Time Data Collection Cycles
Hold 37 °C 2 min 1
Hold 95 °C 10 min 1
95 °C 5s
72 °C 20 s
GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit is designed for use with real-time devices from various manufacturers:
GeneProof diagnostic kits are continually verified with various types of devices. Current list is available at or can be
requested at
- - Invalid -
To easily calculate pathogen concentrations using manual or automated extraction, you can use the calculator at
A single valid Instruction for Use for a specific kit is included in the package or to be requested for a particular lot from the manufacturer. Use only
the combination of components from the given lot of the PCR kit. The kit should be disposed of after use according to the current legal regulations
considering the fact that the kit does not contain any dangerous, infectious or toxic components that would be subject to special safety regulations,
and the packaging materials are made of paper and polypropylene. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer care.
GeneProof a.s.
Vídeňská 101/119 / Dolní Heršpice / CZ-619 00 Brno / +420 543 211 679 /
Version: IFU_0005_A01_1.0, Effective date: 16. 5. 2022