sop cbc test
sop cbc test
sop cbc test
They stain neutral pink in hematoxylin and eosin. Two types of granules
are specified inside the neutrophiles. Primary granules are also known as
azurophilic granules; they contain enzymes such as myeloperoxidase,
elastase, proteinase. Secondary granules (specific granules) contain enzymes
such as phosphatase, NADPH oxidase, collagenase. Nuclei of the neutrophiles
of which the diameter var- ies between 12-15 µm have 2 to 5 segments (lobed
or segmented). Therefore, they are denominated as polymorphonuclear
neutrophil cells (PMN) together with eosin- ophiles and basophiles of which the
nuclei are seen lobed under the microscope .
Eosinophiles: They make just 1-3% of white blood cells; their diameter
varies between 12-17 µm. They stain well with acidic dyes; they are observed
dark red under the light microscope. The structures that stain are granules;
they are full of enzymes such as lipase, DNAse, plasminogen. Their particu-
lar function is to defend the body against parasitic infections . Eosinophile
count also increases in allergic conditions.
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC), MCV: Red blood cell count is reported as RBC.
Size of the red blood cells is also essential as their count. Mean corpuscu- lar
volume (MCV) is an auxiliary indicator, particularly in the differential diagnosis
of anemia. In measurements performed under a microscope, MCV value is
cal- culated by dividing measured hemotocrite value (HCT) by red blood cell
count (RBC).
HCT: In this context, another critical indicator (parameter) is the HCT val-
ue. HCT is the proportion of total cellular components in the blood to total
blood volume in percentage. Before the development of automatic methods,
HCT levels used to be measured in the way that blood samples were
collected in capillary tubes and these capillary tubes were resolved using
micro-centrif- ugation. However, with the development of automatic blood
count, HCT has become a value calculated by using RBC counts and sizes
instead of being a measured value ,hematocrit measurement using of micro-
centrifugation (HCT (%)). On the right; calculation of hemotocrit in automatic
blood count analyzers MCH, MCHC: Another two important red blood cell
indicators are MCH and MCHC. MCH and MCHC serve in specifying the type of
anemia. When MCHC value drops below 32, red blood cells are denominated
as hypochromic because of the faint appearance of red blood cells due to iron
deficiency, but not the other way round; in fact, under physiological
conditions, MCHC level in red blood cells do not rise over 36. Hyperchromia
definition, which is a microscopic assessment is a misattribution. In such
cases, for the structure of red blood cells changes and turns into spherocyte,
they are seen much more filled and darker in color. There- fore, they have
been specified as hyperchromic. MCHC value changes a little bit lifelong of an
individual. There are minimal factors that affect MCHC level. There- fore,
MCHC is an auxiliary indicator, particularly in evaluating preanalytical errors.
· Exercise
Exercise can affect analytes such as creatinine, creatinine kinase, myo-
globin, aspartate aminotransferase as well as the results of complete blood
count . It is reported that WBC, neutrophil and lymphocyte values increase
significantly and high neutrophil count lasts more than 2 hours after heavy
exercise .
· Circadian Rhythm
It has been known that circadian rhythm has an impact on blood count.
Although RBC, HGB and HTC display a little increase at 11:00 in the morning,
an increase in leukocytes can be observed in the evening between 21:00-
. It is reported that while lymphocyte, eosinophil and basophil counts reach
their highest value, they decrease in morning hours. This change is inversely
related to the cortisol level . It is reported that PLT count increases in the
evening and decreases in the morning . For standardization in results, it is
appropriate to perform blood sampling in the morning.
· Stress
Anxiety and particularly crying of children during blood collection can
cause increase in leukocyte count .
· Diet
Blood should be drawn for sampling after at least 8-12 hours fasting period
. Glucose and lipid content of the blood increase in individuals who eat with-
in 2 hours or less before drawing the blood sample. It can affect MCV, MCHC,
HCT results in high concentration. Excessively high lipid content can lead to
interference in tests where photometric measurement is performed such as
he- moglobin . In addition, it has been reported that when blood glucose level
in- creases over 500 mg/dL, MCV value is affected due to the osmotic impact.
· Smoking
Before blood sampling, smoking can cause an increase in leukocyte
count. The long duration of smoking causes increases in hemoglobin level.
At present, blood sampling tubes, their holders and needles are used to-
gether providing a system. In evacuated blood sample tubes, it is specified
how much volume of blood shall be drawn following vascular access. All man-
ufacturers put a fill line indicator on the tubes in order to observe this vol-
ume . In order to provide the right blood/anticoagulant ratio which is needed
for correct test results, it should be paid attention to drawing the volume of
blood specified by the manufacturer company (fill line). The overall approach
is in the direction that the tube can be filled with the sample about
+10% of the tube’s fill line (90%-110%) . For the speed of tube fill can vary
between different brands, waiting until the end of the blood flow into the tube
(till the vacuum exhausted) is important for sufficient blood drawing.
(5) 5 times
Serum tube / With gel
(5) 5 times
· EDTA-dependent pseudothrombocytopenia
It is considered that autoantibodies against glycoprotein originated as a
result of an interaction between EDTA and the glycoprotein IIb-IIIa found on
· Blood volume
Blood volume collected should be so as to minimize iatrogenic (related to
phlebotomy) anemia risk particularly in pediatric patients and individuals
any critical illness. In order to prevent iatrogenic anemia, total blood amount
drawn from the patient should be monitored and limited on the base of the
time period.
In references, blood volume for children 75-80 mL/kg and for new-
borns it is higher. And in adults, it is specified as 65-70 mL/kg. It is recom-
mended to limit so as not to exceed 1-5% of the total blood volume within 24
hours and not to exceed 10% of total blood volume within 8 weeks . Also,
EDTA tubes with lower volumes providing to draw lower volumes of blood.
Blood amount filled into the tube is also essential. If it is overfilled, blood
is not well mixed with the anticoagulant in the tube, and this can lead to erro-
neous test results .
· For blood count tests, blood is drawn into the tubes with lavender cap
(EDTA additive).
· Blood is to be drawn in the proper and appropriate volume. In order to
ensure proper blood/anticoagulant ratio, the tube should be filled up to the fill
line on the tube pointed out by the manufacturer. Much or less blood should
not be collected .
· Recommended equipment should be used; blood should not be drawn
definitely using a syringe.
· In venous sampling, phlebotomists should determine the gauge of the
blood collection needle according to the blood volume that will be drawn from
the patient, his/her age and the diameter of vein of the patient. 19-21G size
numbered blood collection needles should be used for blood count tests. For
children or and individuals with thin veins, small size numbered needles
(>21G) can be used.
· Blood transfer from tube to tube must not be done.
· After venipuncture, one should be comply with the blood sampling se-
quence stated in the Guidelines for Blood Sampling .
· The tube should be inverted 8-10 times in order to ensure blood and
anticoagulant is completely mixed .
· For all tests to be performed, it is recommended that venous blood sam-
pling should be done by trained nurses, phlebotomists. These staff should be
trained in regular intervals
Samples should be held on the tube racks straightly; swinging and shak-
ing should be avoided as possible as it can be. Specimens should be trans-
ported in nested special primary (sample tube), secondary (in a structure
that can prevent infectious contamination even if the cap is opened and
containing sorbent material) and tertiary (can be used as transportation
bag, protect- ed against temperature changes) containers so as to control
heat. Heat con- trol can be performed using devices that record temperature
changes. If the samples will be tested distant laboratories, refrigerated
transportation is the recommended application. On the other hand, it should
be kept in mind that keeping samples in the refrigerator can stimulate
coagulation and these sam- ples should be evaluated with regards to the
presence of coagulum.
· Clotted samples
Regarding complete blood count test, the most observed preanalytical
error source is reported to be the clotted samples .
Potential factors that cause clotted samples:
· Insufficient mixing of blood and the additive just after the sample
· Difficult blood drawing,
· Storing the sample in the refrigerator,
· Collecting blood sample over or below the fill line indicated by the
· Blood drawing by using a syringe,
· Blood transfer from tube to tube (especially from the tubes
containing coagulant to EDTA tubes).
Removing the clot using tools like wooden applicator from the tube is a
frequent misapplication in laboratories and it is not recommended definitely.
This application can lead to hemolysis and false low values in results of all
pa- rameters. Clot residues in the sample can cause occlusions in the probes
and tubing of analyzers, and if it escapes the attention, it can cause
interferences during measurement.
It is easy to detect large clots by the naked eye. At present, there are clot
detectors in almost all blood count analyzers found in laboratories. Even if a
clotted sample is applied to the device, it will not work, but micro-clots may
not be detected by the detector. In the presence of clots in the sample, for
blood cells are wrapped with clots, it can be observed false low results of all
parameters. In such a case, low MCHC values can be a warning.
· Hemolysis
Hemolysis is the degradation of red blood cells in vitro or in vivo.
However, most of the hemolysis events occur due to the mechanical
impairment of the the integrity of red blood cells during sample collection,
transportation, processing or storage. Hemolysis is a critical problem
particularly in blood samples coming from the emergency service and in
samples drawn from children .
· Icterus (Bilirubinemia)
High bilirubin value is an important interference reason. Bilirubin gives
ab- sorbance between 340-500 nm. For hemoglobin measurements are done
in close spectrums, high bilirubin levels can cause interference. Depending
on the high bilirubin levels, HGB can be read as falsely elevated; MCH values
cal- culated from hemoglobin will also be found to be high.
· Lipemia
Lipemia over 300 mg/dL can be visible. Elevated triglyceride levels show
the existence of chylomicron and VLDL of which the large part of the content
is triglyceride increase in blood circulation. While the diameter of VLDLs from
lipoproteins having particulate structure reaches 200 nm, chylomicron size
reaches 1000 nm (51). In complete blood count of which measurement
method is based on counting the particles, these lipoprotein particles can be
counted as platelet, even as red blood cell or white blood cell leading to
obtaining false- ly elevated results. Nevertheless, the impact of lipemia is not
limited to this. Lipemia affects the matrix of the sample, hence causes
unwanted light scat- tering in photometric methods. By the blur it creates, in
HGB measurement wavelength, it interferes with HGB causing to read falsely
elevated hemoglobin values (52). In addition, lipoprotein particles cause
analyte condensation in the sample by narrowing liquid compartment due to
liquid excluding effect, hence lead to falsely elevated results in all of the
analytes. Reflection of this fact on the blood count is again on hemoglobin
· Cold Agglutinins
Cold agglutinin disorder is an autoimmune disorder which is caused by
antibodies generally in the type of IgM and sometimes IgA or IgG formed
against polysaccharide antigens on the surface of red blood cells. In cold ag-
glutinin disorder, antibodies that are activated by cold cause impairment in
the red blood cell membrane and red blood cells are auto-agglutinated, if the
case intensifies, it results in hemolysis. Its effect on complete blood cell count
is similar to hemolysis; while RBC and HCT decrease MCHC increases. If a
whole blood sample is kept waiting in 37°C water bath, agglutination clears
up and real values can be reached in measurements performed once more
again . If such a case is specified, it should be reported in patient results .
ISBN: 978-605-70111-0-7
This guideline is published with the unconditional scientific support of BD.