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Setup Maven + Hadoop in

General tips
● If you get an error, restart your IDE or terminal and try again. This often fixes the

1. Install Maven & Java

Go to ​​ and install ​Maven​.

1) Unpack the archive where you would like to store the binaries, e.g.:


2) A directory called "apache-maven-3.x.y" will be created.

3) Add the bin directory to your PATH, e.g.:

set PATH="c:\program files\apache-maven-3.x.y\bin";%PATH%

4) Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK

5) Run "mvn --version" to verify that it is correctly installed.

For installing ​Java 8​ go to​ (requires
the creation of an account).


1) Open a Command Prompt window (Win⊞ + R, type cmd, hit Enter).

2) Enter the command ​echo​ %JAVA_HOME% . This should output the path to your
Java​ installation folder. If it doesn't, your JAVA_HOME variable was not set correctly.

2. Change local folders

● Create a folder named ​C:\hadoop\bin. T ​ wo files must be added which both can be
found on ​​ (choose Hadoop version 2.6.5). Add the
following files to ​C:\hadoop\bin​:
○ hadoop.dll
○ winutils.exe
● Add ​hadoop.dll​ to ​C:\Windows\System32

3. Set System variables

Go to your Environment Variables.

!! Only configure ​System variables ​(bottom panel)​, ​NOT User variables (upper panel) !!

In your System variables, do the following:

● Click on ‘New…’:
1. name: ​HADOOP_HOME
value: ​C:\hadoop\
2. name: ​MAVEN_HOME
value: ​C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3
3. name: ​M2_HOME
value: ​C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3
4. name: ​JAVA_HOME
value: path to your Java JDK (example: ​C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_281​)
● Click on the ​Path​ variable and choose ‘Edit…’. Then choose ‘New’ and write
C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3

4. Start IDE and build project

Close all windows and run your IDE or terminal ​as administrator. ​Open the project (see​) and set your JDK
under the tab ‘File’ → ‘Project Structure…’ (make sure to set it to the Java 8 JDK you
installed). Now you can build it using the Maven command:

mvn -DskipTests install

To check the code of Exercise 1:

mvn -Dtest=nl.uva.bigdata.hadoop.exercise1.WordCountLocalTest test

mvn -Dtest=nl.uva.bigdata.hadoop.exercise1.WordCountClusterTest test


Go to ​​ and follow the steps.

After installing, follow ​step 4​ ​Start IDE and build project ​from the Windows setup (i.e. build
project and run unit tests). In the case of a Mac OS, you don’t need to run as administrator.

Go to ​​ and follow the

In the case that you get errors due to a wrong JDK version, you have to switch between
versions. For more information see​.

After installing, follow ​step 4 Start IDE and build project​ from the Windows setup (i.e. build
project and run unit tests). In the case of a Linux OS, you don’t need to run as administrator.

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