Belema complete
Belema complete
Belema complete
In any institution, the effective and overall efficiency depends on the people
in the institution. It then follows that the sole aim of the study of behavior in an
work. In carrying out this task, we ought to know what people do, why they do it
and how they are doing it to reach the desired goal (Bosah, 2011).
causes people to do the things they do? And how can their performance be
improved substantially?
attract satisfaction and reward and avoid those ones which brings reprisal and
punishment. The theory tagged “The imperial law of effects states that any act
situation, so that when the situation occurs, the act is more likely than ever before
discomfort becomes disassociated from that situation so that when the situation
reoccurs, the act is less likely than before to reoccur again from practical point of
view; Thorndike’s observation is still valid. Most people tend to see reward and
On the same line of reasoning, Skinner (2015), noted that “animals learn to
associate potential rewards with certain activities and strife to achieve reward”; if
disappear, for example; Emery air freight (USA) developed a system that provided
feedback to employees on their job performance. Workers could then measure their
own improvement and success. Management reinforced the changes with praise
The programme has produced significant cost saving and improved quality;
lowered absenteeism and raised employee’s hope and moral. In any institution, the
staff in an environment frequently discover that they have different priorities and
areas of primary interests. It has also been observed that staff tend to think mainly
towards achieving the organizational goals; the overall effectiveness and efficiency
concerned with personal or human values like good pay packet, fair treatment,
work with people in the institution to achieve these goals. It is an established fact
that people have always worked for the benefit derivable from such work.
However, according to Akpala (2010), “pay is only one element of work”.
Employees have complex needs that are not only influenced by their immediate
workers but also by other employees and the type of work they are assigned and
staffs who handle such human relations issues for the institution. The problem is
that is has not yet been know whether institutions often have good or solid policies
policies have any impact on them. Consequently if it has, they have never known
health technology, Idah Kogi State. The study also finds out the effect these
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of human relation policy
2. Investigate the role of human relations as an aid to effective job performance;
3. Know whether the working environment under which workers perform their
Research Questions
2. What are the problems in human relations as they affect workers and how they
can be eliminated?
determining how to maintain sound human relation policies that would increase the
morals of their staff. It will also enable them to know where to adjust and to adopt
standard and documented human relations policies that would help to achieve
will enhance their knowledge and to be aware of what is expected of them in their
activities. The study will of human relations as it will give them more knowledge
on the nature of human relations policies. The study will also be a reference point
Scope of the Study
The scope of the study will cover the effect of human relation policy on the
2.1 Introduction
This chapter therefore will examine the following concepts as defined and
3. Work environment
6. Motivation
7. Leadership style
schools of thought, using different forms have more or less carried out the same
According to Carevel (1975:2) stated that “human relations is the integration of
people into work situations that motivates them to work together productivity, co-
Also, Boone and Kurtz (1981:267) defines human relations “as a process,
which establishes and maintain cordial work climate, promotes harmony and
both an art and science, which can be learnt and if properly applied, should
Going by the thrust of the definitions above we can therefore say that:
human relations is all about the cordial relations of people in the place of work and
at play. These people include the workers, members of the public and the
employee. It is the friend lines and warmth of relations in the organization that
ensure the efficiency if workers and thus, thus, the attainment of the objectives and
These are some factors that must be considered before an organization can
Onah (1981:120) says that “human beings are important assess to any
positively to the achievement of organizational goals”. He believes that for a good
into consideration.
Onah further said that the managers ability to recognize what workers want,
his ability to use his discretion, experience, intuition and the necessity
systems and the appreciation that execute skill in human relations can be
1. The manager and the supervisor should make each other feel useful, important
and wanted.
own role in the job and in the group in harmony with the norms and dictated by
the environment.
2.5 Work Environment
the working conditions, design and layout of the office and the effect which it has
good and bad, when sound like background music is soothing to workers and
helping production, the sound is good, but when sound is imitating machines, it is
distinguished from job enlargement while the latter attempts to make a job more
He also state that the states the job enrichment is one systematic attempt to
alter the work content of jobs in such a way as the increase the opportunity for
more challenges, the utilization of more skills and ability and more opportunity for
1. Giving it variety
2. Giving workers latitude in deciding things like work methods, accepting and
5. Taking steps to make sure that workers can see non their tasks contribute to
clean lines.
individuals, but in their collective identity and the employee. Labour management
July 1956, as “all relations between workers and management or employers and
2.8 Motivation
Motivation is one of the concepts in social science that is complex, to define.
Thus, there is no generally accepted, definition of the term. However, history has it
Looking at the above definition, it can be deduced that workers need certain
“all those who are responsible for the management of any organization must
build the system and introduce factors that will induce people to contribute is
deduced that motivation concept and its application is an important and useful tool
working with a boss who understands, the worker will feel free to work than with a
boss who is authoritative and unsympathetic. Nobody would want to work with a
According to Koontz (1950:39) even the most motivated employee can very
From what has been reviewed and written so far, it can be seen to a great
such, it is the belief of the researcher that good human relations are required in any
organizational set up. The review of related literature shows that it is advisable for
on human relations.
This chapter deals with the methods and procedures of data collection.
For the purpose of this research, two banks were selected. New Nigeria
bank, Auchi, Edo state and Uchi Community Bank Auchi Edo State.
The total population of this study comprise of 60 workers of the two selected
50 workers were randomly selected from New Nigeria Bank and Achi
Uchi Community 17 18 25
3.4 Instrumentation
The instrument used for this research work consists of questionnaires and an
However the questionnaire was the major instrument used in obtaining data
(a) Questionnaire
Fifty (50) questionnaire were distributed within New Nigerian Bank Plc.
Auchi Edo State and Uchi Community Bank, Auch, Edo State. All fifty
The secondary data used for this study include lecturers textbooks,
In analysis the data collected, the percentage method was used to analyze
data in the study. Absolute explanation of the response of the respondent was also
used. The suggestions and responses of both official and non-official staff were of
% = ΣƒN x 100
N 1
∑ = Summation of total respondents
N = Number of respondents
% = Percentage
In this chapter all the data collected in the process of the research were
analyzed and interpreted on the basis of the research questions raised in chapter
one,. Emanations statistic involving the use table were used. Responses were
analyzed in percentage.
Uchi Community 25 25 25
Total 50 100%
The above table gives the analysis of the total number of questionnaire sent
out. The number respondents and their percentage out of 50 questionnaire sent out
Table II: Education Qualification of the Staff
PGD 10 12.5%
Diploma 4 6.3%
Total 50 100%
This table show that most of the staff are graduate of Office technology and
Technology and Management represent the group of the qualify staff with 31.2%
Sectary 6 31.5%
Customer 39 37.5%
(Attendance) - -
Manager 5 31.2%
Total 50 100%
Table III show that 39(37.5%) respondents are customer care attendance
4.3 Discussion
The research question formulated for the purpose of this project was tested
Research Question 1
Yes 26 70
No 24 30
Total 50 100%
The above table show that 26 (70 percentage) respondent agree that there
is enough practice of human relation in bank, while 24(20 percentage) disagree that
What are the problem in human relation as they affect secretaries to test for
this research question, question 5 and 6 were also analyzed from the questionnaire
Yes 30 70
No 20 30
Total 50 100%
agree that the lack of knowledge make it difficult for secretaries in bank relate to
customer, while 20 (30%) disagree that lack of knowledge does not makes it
Research Question 3
Yes 20 30
No 30 70
Total 50 100%
From the above table 20(30%) respondent agree that these are incentive and
motivations available in bank while 30(70%) disagree that there are not incentive
5.1 Introduction
This research work was carried out in order to find out the impact of human
5.2 Summary
2. Human relations help to discover newer and better ways of understanding man
5.3 Conclusion
secretary in the course of his/her various work inevitably comes in contact with
understanding man and his relation to his work, to motivate him to higher
standards of workmanships and help as many people as possible to realize their
maximum potentials.
5.3 Recommendations
After due consideration of the findings of the study the, researcher believer
that the recommendation given here under would be of immense benefit to most
secretaries in banks.
workers to relate their fellow workers and this work harder in their job.
However, managers have to ensure the jobs can only be enriched and enlarged
for workers who are academically and technically sound to assume higher
6. Worker should try to protect the image of the company in public, through the
opportunity for further studies as these will guarantee an increase in the job of
8. Worker should endeavour as much as possible, to put in their best for the
organization growth.
Adles, A (1938); Social Interest. New York: Faber and Faber Ltd.
Publishing Company.
Publishing Company.
Heuner, et al, (1978), Work Environment. United States: Random House Inc.
7. Does good human relations cannot exist without a good without a good
9. Does human relations help discover newer and later ways of understanding
10. Does human relations help in a great deal to motivate workers thereby
11. Does human relation help in a great deal to enhance the overall productivity