Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research
Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research
Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research
Vassya Bankova, Davide Bertelli, Renata Borba, Bruno José Conti, Ildenize
Barbosa da Silva Cunha, Carolina Danert, Marcos Nogueira Eberlin, Soraia
I Falcão, María Inés Isla, María Inés Nieva Moreno, Giulia Papotti, Milena
Popova, Karina Basso Santiago, Ana Salas, Alexandra Christine Helena
Frankland Sawaya, Nicolas Vilczaki Schwab, José Maurício Sforcin, Michael
Simone-Finstrom, Marla Spivak, Boryana Trusheva, Miguel Vilas-Boas,
Michael Wilson & Catiana Zampini
To cite this article: Vassya Bankova, Davide Bertelli, Renata Borba, Bruno José Conti, Ildenize
Barbosa da Silva Cunha, Carolina Danert, Marcos Nogueira Eberlin, Soraia I Falcão, María Inés
Isla, María Inés Nieva Moreno, Giulia Papotti, Milena Popova, Karina Basso Santiago, Ana Salas,
Alexandra Christine Helena Frankland Sawaya, Nicolas Vilczaki Schwab, José Maurício Sforcin,
Michael Simone-Finstrom, Marla Spivak, Boryana Trusheva, Miguel Vilas-Boas, Michael Wilson
& Catiana Zampini (2019) Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research, Journal of
Apicultural Research, 58:2, 1-49, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2016.1222661
Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research
Vassya Bankovaa*, Davide Bertellib, Renata Borbac, Bruno José Contid, Ildenize Barbosa da Silva Cunhae,
Carolina Danertf, Marcos Nogueira Eberling, Soraia I Falcãoh, Marı́a Inés Islaf, Marı́a Inés Nieva Morenof,
Giulia Papottib, Milena Popovaa, Karina Basso Santiagod, Ana Salasf, Alexandra Christine Helena Frankland Sawayae,
Nicolas Vilczaki Schwabg, José Maurı́cio Sforcind, Michael Simone-Finstromi, Marla Spivakc, Boryana Trushevaa,
Miguel Vilas-Boash, Michael Wilsonc and Catiana Zampinif
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.9, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria;
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, via Campi 103, 41125 Modena, Italy; cDepartment of
Entomology, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN, USA; dDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, Biosciences Institute, UNESP, 18618-
970 Botucatu, SP, Brazil; eDepartment of Plant Biology, Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil;
Instituto de Quı´mica del Noroeste Argentino (INQUINOA), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı´fica y Técnica (CONICET), Universidad
Nacional de Tucumán (UNT), San Lorenzo 1469, San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina; gThoMSon Mass Spectrometry Laboratory,
Institute of Chemistry, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil; hCIMO/Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de
Bragança, Campus de Sta. Apolónia Apartado, 1172, 5301-855 Bragança, Portugal; iUSDA-ARS, Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology
Research Laboratory, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
(Received 25 November 2014; accepted 21 July 2016)
Propolis is one of the most fascinating honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) products. It is a plant derived product that bees
produce from resins that they collect from different plant organs and with which they mix beeswax. Propolis is a build-
ing material and a protective agent in the bee hive. It also plays an important role in honey bee social immunity, and is
widely used by humans as an ingredient of nutraceuticals, over-the-counter preparations and cosmetics. Its chemical
composition varies by geographic location, climatic zone and local flora. The understanding of the chemical diversity of
propolis is very important in propolis research. In this manuscript, we give an overview of the available methods for
studying propolis in different aspects: propolis in the bee colony; chemical composition and plant sources of propolis;
biological activity of propolis with respect to bees and humans; and approaches for standardization and quality control
for the purposes of industrial application.
El própolis es uno de los productos más fascinante de la abeja de la miel (Apis mellifera L.). Es un producto derivado de
plantas que las abejas producen a partir de resinas que recogen en diferentes órganos de la planta y que mezclan con
la cera de abejas. El própolis es un material de construcción y un agente protector en la colmena de abejas. También
juega un papel importante en la inmunidad social de la abeja de la miel, y es ampliamente utilizado por los seres huma-
nos como un ingrediente de nutracéuticos, preparados de venta no regulada y cosméticos. Su composición quı́mica
varı́a según la ubicación geográfica, la zona climática y la flora local. La comprensión de la diversidad quı́mica del própo-
lis es muy importante en su investigación. En este manuscrito, damos una visión general de los métodos disponibles
para el estudio del própolis en diferentes aspectos: própolis en la colonia de abejas; composición quı́mica y fuentes veg-
etales del própolis; actividad biológica del própolis con respecto a las abejas y los seres humanos; y enfoques para la
normalización y control de calidad para los fines de aplicación industrial.
Keywords: COLOSS; BEEBOOK; honey bee; Apis mellifera; propolis; chemical composition; plant sources; biological
activity; standardization; quality control
Figure 1. Honey bees with resin (on left) and pollen (on right) on hind legs. The resin loads of foragers are semi-translucent and
shiny, whilst pollen is opaque and powdery in texture.
Photo: M. Simone-Finstrom.
6 V. Bankova et al.
collect resin foragers from small colonies that 2.2.2. Non-commercial propolis traps
are situated on hive stands (see Section 2.2). Many different materials can be utilized to collect
(2) Collect samples twice per day (once in the propolis (Krell, 1996). The key is making sure that the
morning and once in the afternoon) as required. bees cannot chew away the material and that the gaps
(3) Anesthetize caged bees on ice for 5 min, then are appropriately sized to encourage resin deposition.
remove them from the cage. Remove resin from
bee corbiculae using an insect pin. Resin foragers (1) One suitable option includes mesh (burlap) bags,
may be marked (see the BEEBOOK paper on mis- like those used for storing corn, potatoes and
cellaneous honey bee research methods by other crops. These bags doubled-over and
Human et al. (2013)) and released as desired. placed on top of the colony in the same way as
(4) Place resin globules from an individual bee inside the commercial traps (Section 2.2.1) work par-
a small, screw-top glass vial and store on ice ticularly well. Landscape cloth also can be used.
while in the field. Place the resin in the freezer (2) Similar to commercial traps (Section 2.2.1), it is
(−10 ˚C) until needed for further use. best to freeze the cloth prior to harvesting the
propolis. Rolling the cloth on a hard surface will
release the propolis from the gaps.
2.2. Harvesting propolis from hives
2.2.1. Commercial traps
The major commercial beekeeping supply companies sell 2.2.3. Hive scrapings
“propolis traps.” These usually are thick sheets of plastic The most common way for propolis to be harvested in
with a series of 1.6 mm grooved slits over the entire the apicultural setting is simply by scraping propolis from
surface. This is the width that encourages honey bees the frame rests, frame edges and from the bottom
to deposit more propolis and less wax to close the boards or insides of boxes (Ellis & Hepburn, 2003; Krell,
opening (Crane, 1990). 1996). This is typically done at the end of the season to
clean up the boxes for use in the following year and can
(1) Place the propolis trap directly over the top easily generate a significant amount of propolis. Scrapings
frames of the uppermost box (super) of a colony may contain propolis from multiple seasons, and it is
(Crane, 1990) and cover with a standard colony unknown how age affects propolis quality. More research
lid. is needed to determine if the antimicrobial properties of
(2) Trap success can be improved by increasing air propolis diminish over time.
flow and light through the trap (Crane, 1990; Krell,
1996). This can be done easily by placing a wooden
rim with holes drilled into its sides over the propo- 2.2.4. African-derived bee colonies in Brazil
lis trap and under the outer cover. Using a migra- Honey bees of African origin, such as those found in the
tory cover (a flat cover that does not have an tropics of Brazil, deposit large amounts of propolis in tree
overhang covering the holes in the rim) further cavities as well as in commercial bee boxes (Manrique &
supports this process. While this extra step is not Soares, 2002). Brazilian beekeepers have developed meth-
necessary, it will increase resin collection (Borba, ods to harvest large quantities of propolis by introducing
Simone-Finstrom, Spivak, personal observation). slats of wood with 4cm gaps to the sides of the hive boxes
(3) It is important to note that the amount and quality (Figure 2(a)). The large opening stimulates African-
of propolis collected will vary greatly across colo- derived bees to fill the slats with propolis. When the gap
nies based on genetics, environment and colony is completely filled with a thick layer of propolis, the
strength (Butler, 1949; Wilson, Brinkman, Spivak, wood slats can be removed and the propolis harvested
Gardner, & Cohen, 2015). A strong, high resin-col- using a knife to cut out the sheet (Figure 2(b)).
lecting colony can fill a trap full of propolis in a cou-
ple of weeks. Other colonies will never close all
gaps completely or will use mostly wax to seal the 3. Propolis chemical analysis
gaps (Borba, Simone-Finstrom, Spivak, personal Propolis consists of plant resins and beeswax and the
observation), as there is a genetic component to chemical analysis of propolis is directed to the plant
the level of propolis collection exhibited by bees derived compounds as they are the components respon-
(e.g. Manrique & Soares, 2002; Nicodemo, sible for the bioactivity of propolis. The compounds also
Malheiros, De Jong, & Couto, 2014). indicate the plant(s) that bees have visited for resin col-
(4) To harvest the propolis from the traps, it is best to lection. The chemical information is important with
freeze the traps so that the propolis becomes hard respect to quality control and standardization purposes.
and brittle (Krell, 1996). It then can be knocked or Also, if the propolis type is new and unexplored, it may
scraped out of the traps. contain new valuable bioactive compounds.
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 7
Figure 2. Brazilian propolis trap. (a) The sides of a hive box are replaced with removal wooden slats, containing 4 cm gaps. (b)
The slats are removed for harvesting once they are filled with propolis. The propolis sheet can be cut from the wood with a knife.
The bees leave holes in the sheet of propolis naturally.
Photo: R. Borba.
(1) Keep propolis overnight in a freezer (−20 ˚C). (1) Extract ground propolis by maceration for 7 days
Powder the frozen propolis using a coffee mill in an orbital shaker at a temperature of 30 ˚C,
or other similar grinding device to achieve a par- with 10 ml of absolute ethanol (Merck; Darm-
ticle size of about 10–80 μm. stadt, Germany) for every 3 g of crude propolis.
(2) Measure a sample of the powdered propolis, (2) Separate the insoluble portion by filtration; keep
add 70% ethanol (1:30 w:v) and keep it for 24 h the ethanolic solutions in a freezer at −16 ˚C
at room temperature. Alternatively, sonicate the overnight and filter again at this temperature to
suspension (propolis in 70% ethanol) for 20 min reduce the wax content of the extracts.
in an ultrasonic bath at 20 ˚C.
(3) Filter the resulting suspension at room tempera-
ture using a paper filter and repeat the procedure 3.2. Extraction of propolis volatiles
with the part trapped in the filter, extracting the Propolis volatile constituents are responsible for the
residue again under the same conditions. Experi- specific pleasant aroma of propolis and contribute to its
ments have shown that a third extraction under biological activity, although their amount is seldom
the same conditions is not necessary since the greater than 1% of the weight of the sample. They also
third extract yielded a negligible amount of dry may play an important role as olfactory cues during
propolis (Popova et al., 2004). resin collection by honey bees (Leonhardt, Zeilhofer,
(4) The concentration C of the extract (i.e. the Bluthgen, & Schmitt, 2010). Different methods have
amount of propolis) is determined by evapo- been used to extract propolis volatiles: steam distilla-
rating 2 ml of the extract to dryness in vacuo tion, hydrodistillation (Clevenger), distillation-extraction
to constant weight g and using the formula (Likens-Nikerson), solvent extraction (including ultra-
C = g/2 mg/ml (average of three replicates). sound-assisted and microwave-assisted extraction), and
static and dynamic head-space, solid-phase microextrac-
The obtained extract can be evaporated to dryness tion. The method of extraction significantly affects the
for further use or used as is in further experiments. chemical composition of the volatile constituents of
Alternative extraction procedures might be applied propolis (Bankova, Popova, & Trusheva, 2014). Here,
depending on the analysis for which the propolis we describe one of the most often used approaches
extract is to be used. For biological tests, a variety of for propolis volatile extraction, distillation-extraction
solvents have been used, including methanol, different (Bankova, Boudourova-Krasteva, Popov, Sforcin, &
ethanol-water mixtures (80, 90, and 96%), absolute Funari, 1998). A review of volatile extraction proce-
ethanol, glycerol, water (Park & Ikegaki, 1998; Sforcin & dures for hive components in general can be found in
Bankova, 2011), and even DMSO (Netı́ková, Bogusch, & Torto et al. (2013).
8 V. Bankova et al.
(1) Keep propolis overnight in a freezer (−20 ˚C). This method is used for chemical profiling of propolis
Powder the frozen propolis using a coffee mill to for the needs of comparative analysis, quality control
achieve a particle size of 10–80 μm (Section 3.1.1). and standardization.
(2) Put 3 g powdered propolis in a 100 mL round-bot-
tom flask and add 80 ml distilled water.
(3) Put 50 ml n-pentane - diethyl ether 1:1 (v/v) in 3.3.1. GC-MS analysis of non-volatile propolis constituents
another 100 ml round-bottom flask and dip it in an Prior to the GC-MS analysis, derivatization of the propolis
ice bath. extracts is required because propolis contains metabolites
(4) Distill for 4 h in a Likens-Nickerson apparatus that are not volatile enough for gas chromatography
(Figure 3, Queiroga, Madruga, Galvão, & Da Costa, (Greenaway, Scaysbrook, & Whatley, 1987). One of the
(2005)). most widely used derivatization reagents is N,O-bis
(5) After the distillation is over, remove the water (trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) (Bankova, Dyul-
layer using a separatory funnel. Keep the organic gerov, Popov, & Marekov, 1987; Greenaway & Whatley,
layer in refrigerator until further processing. 1990). Silyl derivatives (trimethylsilyl ethers) obtained from
(6) Wash the water layer with 5 ml ice cold n-pentane propolis are less polar and more volatile than their parent
- diethyl ether 1:1 (v/v). compounds and are suitable for analysis by GC-EIMS (gas
(7) Dry the organic layer over anhydrous Na2SO4: add chromatography – electron impact mass spectrometry).
3 g of anhydrous Na2SO4, shake the flask for 5 min
and filter the liquid using a filter paper. Wash the Sample preparation. Dry propolis extracts
solid on the filter with 1 ml ice cold n-pentane - obtained according to Section 3.1.1 are analyzed by GC-
diethyl ether 1:1 (v/v). MS after derivatization. The derivatization (conversion
(8) Evaporate the solvent under reduced pressure to trimethylsilyl derivatives) is performed, as follows:
without heating using a rotatory evaporator.
(1) Mix 5 mg of the propolis extract obtained per Sec-
The obtained volatiles can be analyzed further using tion 3.1.1 with 50 μl of dry (water-free) pyridine.
GC, GC-MS or subjected to biological tests. (2) Add 75 μl of bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide
(BSTFA) to the mixture.
(3) Heat the mixture at 80 ˚C for 20 min.
3.3. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (4) Subject the silylated extract to GC–MS analysis
analysis of propolis (see Section
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is
one of the so-called hyphenated analytical techniques GC-MS analysis. The GC–MS analysis should be
extensively used for the chemical analysis of complex performed with a proper instrument such as a Hewlett–
mixtures such as propolis. GC-MS combines the fea- Packard gas chromatograph 5890 series II Plus linked to
tures of gas chromatography for compound separation a Hewlett–Packard 5972 mass spectrometer system
and mass spectrometry to identify different substances. (Trusheva et al., 2011).
(1) Use a 30 m long, 0.25 mm ID, and 0.5 μm film The quantification of individual constituents is based
thickness HP5-MS capillary column. Other col- on internal normalization. This is a general approach
umns with similar characteristics also can be used in cases where it is impossible to use other meth-
used depending on analytical need. ods such as the internal standard method. The internal
(2) Program the temperature from 60 to 300 ˚C at normalization method is based on the assumption that
a rate of 5 ˚C/min, and a 10 min hold at 300 ˚C. all detector response factors are unity, and the following
(3) Helium is used as a carrier gas at a flow rate of equation should be applied:
0.8 ml/min. Aa
(4) The split ratio should be 1:10. %Analyte ¼ P 100
(5) The injector temperature should be 280 ˚C.
(6) The interface temperature should be 300 ˚C. where ΣAi is the sum of all the peak areas in the chro-
(7) The ionization voltage should be 70 eV. matogram. Thus, the percentage of the individual com-
(8) Every extract should be analyzed in duplicate. pounds refers to percent of the Total Ion Current
(TIC), and the result should not be considered as quan-
The GC conditions can vary depending on the appara- titative in absolute terms (IOFI Working Group on
tus used and with respect to optimization of chromato- Methods of Analysis, 2011).
graphic separation (Isidorov, Szczepaniak, & Bakier, 2014).
The following sub-Section describes in detail the post-column split of 0.2 ml min−1 to MS should be
parameters for LC and MS that could be applied for the applied (Falcão et al., 2013a).
analysis of propolis. Table 1 presents the guidelines needed to achieve a
good separation and analysis of the phenolic compounds LC parameters. HPLC separation is largely present in propolis.
dependent on the different affinities between the propo-
lis compounds and the stationary phase. For a particular MS parameters. Given the unique characteris-
application, the chemical properties of the packing and tics of different mass spectrometers, it is critical to
physical properties of the column (e.g. particle size and choose the suitable MS parameters. Table 1 summarizes
column dimensions) need to be taken into account. the best conditions for the MS analysis of propolis phe-
Reversed phase HPLC is doubtlessly the most widely nolic compounds.
used chromatographic method in propolis analysis (Fal- The ion source used should be electron-spray ion-
cão et al., 2010; Gardana, Scaglianti, Pietta, & Simonetti, ization (ESI). ESI is a soft ionization technique for a wide
2007; Pellati, Orlandini, Pinetti, & Benvenuti, 2011; Pic- range of compounds (slight fragmentation but adducts
cinelli et al., 2011; Righi, Negri, & Salatino, 2013; Volpi are often observed), where ionization is achieved by
& Bergonzini, 2006). Most appropriate are octadecylsi- applying a high electric charge to the sample needle,
lane columns (ODS or C18). Nucleosil C18 250 × 4 with voltage between 3 and 5 kV and the capillary tem-
mm ID, 5μm particle diameter (Falcão et al., 2010); perature between 300 and 350 ˚C. ESI can be operated
Luna C18 column 150 × 2.0 mm ID, 5 μm (Piccinelli in the negative or positive full scan ion mode, although,
et al., 2011); and CLC-ODS 150 × 6.0 mm ID (Midori- and concerning the phenolic compounds, a higher sensi-
kawa et al., 2001) can also give good results. Due to the tivity and better fragmentations can be achieved with
complex nature of the matrix, a drawback for the use the negative ion, thus resulting in more structural infor-
of these columns is the long runs needed, frequently mation (Cuyckens & Claeys, 2004). A more recent
above 50 min per run. development is atmospheric pressure photoionization
A fast and ultra-fast separation can be achieved with (APPI). If the compounds are poorly ionized by ESI and
columns packed with sub-2 μm particles operating at APCI, APPI should be considered as an alternative
ultra-high pressure systems. Ultra-high-performance liq- (Ignat, Volf, & Popa, 2011).
uid chromatography (UHPLC) is quite versatile and can Concerning the mass analyzers, the ion trap is the
be used to increase throughput, particularly suitable for one most recommended for the profiling of propolis
the analysis of complex samples such as plant extracts composition since it is specially designed for multiple frag-
or their metabolites (Nicoli et al., 2005). Recent work mentation steps (MSn). Regarding target analysis, a tan-
has been performed with propolis in equivalent columns dem-MS detection over a single-stage MS operation is
of Waters BEH C18 (50 mm × 2.1 mm ID × 1.7 μm recommended because of the much better selectivity and
particle size) reducing the time run to 12 min (Novak the wider-ranging information that can be obtained (de
et al., 2014). Rijke et al., 2006). In linear ion traps, ions are isolated and
The chromatographic conditions of the HPLC meth- accumulated due to a special arrangement of hyperbolic
ods include, almost exclusively, the use of UV–Vis diode and ring shaped electrodes as well as oscillating electric
array detector (DAD) with spectral data for all peaks fields. Then the ions can be fragmented by collision-in-
acquired in the range of 200–600 nm, although 280 nm duced decomposition (CID) (Ignat et al., 2011). The MSn
is the most generic wavelength for phenolic compounds data is simultaneously acquired for the selected precursor
due to the high molar absorptivity of the different phe- ion. The collision induced decomposition (CID)–MS–MS
nolic classes at that wavelength. and MSn experiments should be performed using helium
The eluent is composed of a binary solvent system as the collision gas, with collision energy (CE) of 20–40
containing acidified water (solvent A) combined with a eV. The CE is dependent on the molecule stability under
polar organic solvent (solvent B). Gradient elution has study. In the negative ion mode, collision energies of 20
usually been mandatory in recognition of the complexity eV for phenolic acids and 20–40 eV for flavonoids are
of the propolis chemical profile. 0.1% formic or acetic suitable (Pellati et al., 2011).
acid can be added to water (as solvent A) and acetoni-
trile or methanol (as solvent B) are commonly used in
propolis analysis. 0.1% formic acid is the most suitable 3.4.3. Identification of phenolic compounds
when using a MS detector. The flow rate is dependent Propolis chemical composition is a rich pool of phenolic
on the type of column used, but for the above parame- compounds. Those, often referred to as polyphenols,
ters it is recommended to be 1 ml min−1. Temperature embody a class of widely distributed and chemically
control of the column should also be considered to diverse secondary metabolites synthesized in plants at dif-
achieve a better peak separation, between 25 and ferent developmental stages (Steinmann & Ganzera,
40 ˚C, with 30 ˚C being the most suitable for propolis 2011). Polyphenols possess at least one aromatic ring
compound separation. For a flow rate of 1 ml min−1, a with one or more hydroxyl functional groups. Flavonoids,
Table 1. Experimental guidelines for the propolis LC-MS analysis.
LC parameters MS parameters
Column Ionization technique
Reversed-phase HPLC octadecylsilane (ODS or C18) with standard measures 250 Electron-spray ionization (ESI) in the negative ion mode
mm × 4 mm ID, 5 μm particle diameter
UHPLC C18 alternative: 50mm × 2.1mm, 1.7 μm particle diameter Capillary voltage: 3–5 kV
Capillary temperature: 300–350 ˚C
Mobile phases comprising solvent (A) 0.1% formic acid in water and solvent (B)
acetonitrile with 0.1% of formic acid, previously degassed and filtered
Solvent gradient
Start with 80% A and 20% B, reaching 30% B at 10 min, 40% B at 40 min, 60% B at
60 min, 90% B at 80 min, followed by the return to the initial conditions
1 ml/min
UV–vis DAD detection in the range 200–600 nm, with 280 being the most common
wavelength used in the study of phenolic compounds
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis
12 V. Bankova et al.
m/z MS2
Compounds λmax (nm) (ESI polarity) (% base peak) Reference
Phenolic acids
Quinic acid 179 (+) 143 (a)
Chlorogenic acid 325 353 (−) 179, 135, 191 (b)
Caffeic acid 292, 322 179 (−) 135 (c)
Dicaffeoylquinic acid 325 515 (−) 179, 135, 191 (b)
Ellagic acid 253, 367 301 (−) 301 (100), 257 (77), 229 (96) (d)
p-Coumaric acid 310 163 (−) 119 (c)
Ferulic acid 295sh, 322 193 (−) 177 (16), 149 (47), 133 (100) (c)
Dicaffeoylquinic acid 325 515 (−) 179, 135, 191 (b)
Isoferulic acid 298, 319 193 (−) 177 (16), 149 (47), 133 (100) (c)
Tricaffeoylquinic acid 325 677 (−) 179, 135, 191 (b)
Benzoic acid 229 121 (−) (d)
3,4-Dimethyl-caffeic acid 295sh, 322 207 (−) 163 (60), 102 (100) (c)
Cinnamic acid 277 147 (−) 103 (c)
p-Coumaric acid methyl ester 307 177 (−) 163 (100), 119 (15) (d)
Cinnamylidenacetic acid 310 173 (−) 129 (d)
Drupanin (3-prenyl-p-coumaric acid) 311 232 (−) 187, 133 (b)
Caffeic acid isoprenyl ester 298, 325 247 (−) 179 (100), 135 (15) (d)
Caffeic acid isoprenyl ester (isomer) 298, 325 247 (−) 179 (100), 135 (15) (d)
Caffeic acid benzyl ester 298, 325 269 (−) 178 (100), 134 (32), 161 (12) (d)
Caffeic acid phenylethyl ester 295, 325 283 (−) 179 (100), 135 (28) (d)
p-Coumaric acid isoprenyl ester 294, 310 231 (−) 163 (100), 119(12) (d)
p-Coumaric acid benzyl ester 298, 312 253 (−) 162, 145, 118 (e)
p-Coumaric acid isoprenyl ester (isomer) 294, 310 231 (−) 163 (100), 119 (12) (d)
Caffeic acid cinnamyl ester 295, 324 295 (−) 178 (100), 134 (24) (d)
Caffeic acid cinnamyl ester (isomer) 295, 324 295 (−) 178 (100), 134 (24) (d)
p-Coumaric acid cinnamyl ester 296, 310 279 (−) 162, 118 (e)
Artepillin C 311 299 (−) 255, 163, 151, 107 (b)
3-Prenyl-4-(2-methylpropionyl-oxy)-cinnamic acid 279.5 315 (−) 271 (b)
3-(2,2-Dimethyl-3,4-dehydro-8-prenyl-1- 310 297 (−) 253, 149 (b)
benzopyran-6-yl-propenoic acid
3-Prenyl-4-(dihydrocinnamoyloxi)-cinnamic acid 279.5 363 (−) 319, 187, 149, 131 (b)
p-Methoxi cinnamic acid cinnamyl ester 279 293 (−) 177, 133 (b)
p-Coumaric acid-4-hydroxyphenylethyl ester 289, 345 565 (−) 455 (10), 417 (36), 283 (100), 269 (b)
dimer (43)
Pinobanksin-5-methyl-ether 286 285 (−) 267 (100), 252 (13), 239 (27) (d)
Pinobanksin-5-methyl-ether-3-O-acetate 289 327 (−) 285 (100), 267 (18), 239 (31) (d)
Pinobanksin 292 271 (−) 253 (100), 225 (26), 151 (10) (d)
Pinobanksin-5,7-dimethyl-ether 292 299 (−) 285, 253, 139 (b)
Pinobanksin-3-O-acetate 292 292 (−) 271 (18), 253 (100) (d)
Pinobanksin-3-O-acetate-5-O-p- 292 292 (−) 443 (68), 401 (75), 351 (100), 291 (d)
hydroxyphenylpropionate (55), 253 (2)
Pinobanksin-3-O-propionate 289 289 (−) 271 (9), 253 (100) (d)
Pinobanksin-5-methyl-ether-3-O-pentanoate 289 289 (−) 285 (53), 267 (65), 239 (100) (d)
Pinobanksin-7-methyl-ether-5-O-p- 292 292 (−) 433 (9), 415 (100), 400 (8), 253 (d)
hydroxyphenylpropionate (<1)
Pinobanksin-3-O-butyrate or isobutyrate 292 292 (−) 271 (5), 253 (100) (d)
Pinobanksin-3-O-pentenoate 292 292 (−) 271 (7), 253 (100) (d)
Pinobanksin-3-O-pentanoate or 2-methylbutyrate 292 292 (−) 271 (5), 253 (100) (d)
Pinobanksin-O-hexenoate 292 292 (−) 271 (100), 253 (45) (d)
Pinobanksin-3-O-phenylpropionate 292 292 (−) 271 (16), 253 (100) (d)
Pinobanksin-3-O-hexanoate 292 292 (−) 271 (14), 253 (100) (d)
Quercetin 256, 370 301 (−) 179 (100), 151 (60) (d)
Quercetin-3-methyl-ether 256, 355 315 (−) 300 (d)
Kaempferol 265, 364 285 (−) 285 (100), 257 (13), 151 (20) (d)
Isorhamnetin 253, 370 315 (−) 300 (d)
Kaempferol-methyl-ether 265, 352 299 (−) 284 (d)
Kaempferol-methoxy-methyl-ether 265, 340 329 (−) 314 (d)
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 13
Table 2. (Continued).
m/z MS2
Compounds λmax (nm) (ESI polarity) (% base peak) Reference
Quercetin-dimethyl-ether 253, 355 329 (−) 314 (d)
Quercetin-tetramethyl-ether 256, 349 359 (−) 344 (d)
Galangin-5-methyl-ether 265, 300sh, 283 (−) 268 (100), 239 (60), 211 (10) (d)
Rhamnetin 256, 367 315 (−) 300 (34), 193 (76), 165 (100) (d)
Quercetin-dimethyl-ether 256, 355 329 (−) 314 (d)
Galangin 265, 300sh, 269 (−) 269 (100), 241 (61), 227 (20), 197 (d)
358 (22), 151 (20)
Kaempferide 265, 364 299 (−) 284, 151 (<1) (d)
Kaempferol-dimethyl-ether 265, 346 313 (−) 299 (10), 298 (100) (d)
Myricetin-3,7,4´,5´-tetramethyl-ether 375 (+) 360, 345, 315 (f)
Flavonol glycosides
Quercetin-3-O-rutinoside 256, 352 609 (−) 301(100), 300 (87) (d)
Quercetin-3-O-glucuronide 256, 355 477 (−) 301 (d)
Quercetin-3-O-glucoside 256, 355 463 (−) 301(100), 300 (64) (d)
Kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside 265, 349 593 (−) 285 (d)
Isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside 253, 355 623 (−) 315 (100), 300 (22) (d)
Isorhamnetin-O-pentoside 253, 346 447 (−) 315 (100), 300 (8) (d)
Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside 256, 349 447 (−) 301(100), 300 (47) (d)
Isorhamnetin-O-glucuronide 253, 346 491 (−) 315 (d)
Kaempferol-methyl-ether-O-glucoside 265, 343 461 (−) 446 (91), 299 (100), 284 (11) (d)
Isorhamnetin-O-acetylrutinoside 253, 352 665 (−) 623 (18), 315 (100), 300 (14) (d)
Rhamnetin-O-glucuronide 256, 349 491 (−) 315 (d)
Quercetin-dimethyl-ether-O-rutinoside 253, 349 637 (−) 329 (100), 314 (18) (d)
Quercetin-dimethyl-ether-O-glucuronide 253, 349 505 (−) 329 (100), 314 (18) (d)
Kaempferol-O-p-coumaroylrhamnoside 265, 322 577 (−) 431 (6), 285 (100) (d)
Luteolin 253, 285 (−) 285 (100), 267 (54), 241 (63), 175 (d)
268sh,349 (52)
Apigenin 268, 337 269 (−) 225 (100), 151 (29) (d)
Luteolin-5-methyl-ether 266, 350 299 (−) 284, 256, 151 (d)
Chrysin-5-methyl-ether 268, 313 267 (−) 253 (100), 224 (25) (d)
Chrysin 268, 313 268, 313 (−) 225 (17), 209 (100), 151 (5) (d)
Acacetin 268, 331 268, 331 (−) 269 (d)
6-Methoxychrysin 265, 300sh, 283 (−) 269 (d)
Chrysoeriol-methyl-ether 250, 268sh, 313 (−) 298 (d)
Chrysin-5,7-dimethyl-ether 265, 311sh 281 (−) 267, 165 (b)
Pinocembrin-5-methyl-ether 286 269 (−) 255 (48), 227 (100), 165 (30) (d)
Liquiritigenin 280, 310 257 (+) 137 (62), 147 (72), 211 (19), 239 (g)
(100), 242 (36)
Pinocembrin 289 255 (−) 213 (100), 211 (32), 151 (48) (d)
Naringenin 289 271 (+) 153 (100), 149 (100) (g)
Pinocembrin-5-O-3-hydroxy-4- 295 295 (−) 415 (3), 401 (31), 323 (15), 309 (d)
methoxyphenylpropionate (100)
3-Hydroxy-5-methoxyflavanone 289 289 (−) 254 (100), 251 (54), 165 (22) (d)
Isoliquiritigenin 309, 372sh 257 (+) 242 (34), 239 (100), 171 (2), 147 (g)
(78), 137 (69)
Dimethylkuraridin 425 (+) 285 (a)
Formononetin 248, 302 269 (+) 254 (100), 237 (39), 213 (35) (g)
Biochanin A 362, 326sh 285 (+) 270 (51), 257 (11), 253 (22), 229 (g)
Vestitol 280 273 (+) 137 (100), 123 (74) (g)
Neovestitol 280 273 (+) 137 (100), 123 (70) (g)
14 V. Bankova et al.
Table 2. (Continued).
m/z MS2
Compounds λmax (nm) (ESI polarity) (% base peak) Reference
7-O-methylvestitol 287 (+) 163 (10), 137 (100) (g)
Mucronulatol 280, 340 303 (+) 167 (100), 149 (19), 123 (23) (g)
7,3´-Dihydroxy-5´-methoxi-isoflavone 295 285 (+) 270 (100), 253 (55), 225 (18) (g)
Retusapurpurin B 285, 470 523 (+) 399 (61), 387 (100), 385 (53) (g)
Retusapurpurin A 285, 480 523 (+) 399 (61), 387 (100), 385 (59) (g)
Medicarpin 290 271 (+) 161(44), 137 (100) (g)
Homopterocarpin 285 (+) 137 (100), 161 (51), 137 (100) (g)
Vesticarpan 287 (+) 153 (100), 177 (19) (g)
3,8-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-pterocarpan 287 (+) 269 (36), 255 (40), 177 (100), 153 (g)
3,4-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-pterocarpan 287 (+) 161 (23), 139 (100), 137 (55) (g)
3-dihydroxy-8,9-dimethoxy-pterocarpan 301 (+) 191 (100), 167 (87), 153 (13) (g)
Polyisoprenylated benzophenones
Nemorosone 501 (−) 432 (a)
Guttiferone E/xanthochymol 250, 355 603 (+) 467 (85), 411 (25), 343 (21) (g)
Oblongifolin A 250, 355 603 (+) 467 (41), 411 (8), 399 (32), 343 (g)
Prenylated benzophenone 407 (−) 338 (a)
Cupressic acid (M-H2O+H)+: 285, 257, 247 (f)
303 (+)
Isocupressic acid (M-H2O+H)+: 257, 247, 193 (f)
303 (+)
Imbricatoloic acid 323 (+) 305, 287, 277, 259, 181 (f)
Torulosal (M-H2O+H)+: 269, 259, 177, 163 (f)
287 (+)
Isogathotal (M-H2O+H)+: 269, 259, 163, 149 (f)
287 (+)
Torulosol (M-H2O+H)+: 271, 243, 233, 215, 193, 179 (f)
289 (+)
Agathodiol (M-H2O+H)+: 271, 243, 231, 215, 193, 179 (f)
289 (+)
Cistadiol (M-H2O+H)+: 273, 235, 221, 209, 181, 163 (f)
291 (+)
18-Hydroxy-cis-clerodan-3-ene-15-oic acid (M-H2O+H)+: 287, 269, 235, 223, 195, 177 (f)
305 (+)
Notes: (a) Zhang et al. (2014); (b) Gardana et al.(2007); (c) Falcão et al. (2010); (d) Falcão et al. (2013a); (e) Pellati et al. (2011); (f) Piccinelli et al.
(2013); (g) Piccinelli et al. (2011).
whose structures are based on a C6-C3-C6 skeleton, are The structural elucidation of different classes of
the most abundant group of phenolic compounds, and propolis compounds is achieved by comparing their chro-
are sub-divided into several classes differing in the oxida- matographic behavior, UV spectra and MS information, to
tion state of the central heterocyclic ring (Veitch & those of reference compounds. When standards are not
Grayer, 2008). These comprise chalcones, flavones, flavo- available, the identity of the compounds can be achieved
nols, flavanones, isoflavonoids, anthocyanidins and fla- through comparison of the product ion spectra and reten-
vanols (catechins and tannins). Non-flavonoids comprise tion times with pure compounds isolated from propolis
simple phenols, phenolic acids, coumarins, xanthones, or, alternatively, combining UV data with MS fragmenta-
stilbenes, lignins and lignans. Phenolic acids are further tion patterns previously reported in the literature (Falcão
divided into benzoic acid derivatives, based on a C6-C1 et al., 2013a). Table 2 shows the UV data and MS frag-
skeleton, and cinnamic acid derivatives, which are based mentation of many compounds described in the literature
on a C6-C3 skeleton (Veitch & Grayer, 2008). The as propolis constituents. Only compounds with all the
variability of propolis chemical composition contains information regarding MS fragmentation are present.
large numbers of phenolics from different classes includ- Fragmentation patterns are specific for a given com-
ing, unexpectedly, glycoside phenolic compounds, pound or class of compounds. For example, for the
clearly highlighting the challenges associated with their negative ion mode, phenolic acids demonstrated a com-
analysis. mon fragmentation pattern, with a loss of the carboxyl
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 15
group (CO2, −44 Da) (Falcão et al., 2010). In the case of MS fragmentation patterns previously reported in
flavonoids, the distinct flavonoids classes differ in their pat- the literature (Section 3.4.3).
tern of substitution, which strongly influences the fragment
pathway, the interpretation of MS/MS data provides speci- The fast technical evolution of the LC-MS systems,
fic structural information about the type of molecules. The particularly in respect to the mass analyzers, will
MS2 spectrum of many of these flavonoids (Table 2) continue to allow new findings within the chemical
revealed the fragments at m/z 151 or at m/z 165, which are composition of propolis.
resultant from the retro Diels-Alder mechanism
(Cuyckens & Claeys, 2004). Also, neutral losses commonly
described to occur in these compounds, such as the small 3.5. Mass spectrometry fingerprinting of propolis
molecules CO (−28 Da), CO2 (−44 Da), C2H2O (−42 Da), MS fingerprinting is a qualitative analytical tool used to
as well as the successive losses of these molecules, were discern between different types of propolis and to com-
also observed (Cuyckens & Claeys, 2004). In accordance pare the composition of propolis samples to those of
with Cuyckens and Claeys (2004), methylated flavonoids plant resins. MS fingerprints are proposed as character-
presented a significant [M-H-CH3]−• product ion. istic of the composition of samples and can be used as a
Attention has to be taken to experimental guide for their therapeutic uses. The method used in
conditions used, such as the type of ion source and one study (Sawaya et al., 2004) was only slightly
mass analyzer, when comparing literature data, since modified in the subsequent applications and can be con-
different fragments can be found when different experi- sidered as the standard method for propolis extraction
mental set-up and/or operating conditions are applied. for MS fingerprinting.
The mass spectra of flavonoids obtained with quadru-
pole and ion-trap instruments typically are closely
similar, even though relative abundances of fragment 3.5.1. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)
ions and adducts do show differences. Therefore, direct fingerprinting of propolis samples
comparison of spectra obtained with these two instru-
ments is allowed. The main advantage of an ion-trap (1) Extract propolis as described in Section 3.1.1.
instrument is the possibility to perform MSn experi- (2) Evaporate the solvent (ethanol) on a water bath
ments (Steinmann & Ganzera, 2011). at a temperature of 50 ˚C to obtain dry extracts
of propolis.
(3) Dissolve these dry extracts in a 70% (v/v)
3.4.4. Concluding remarks methanol/water solution, containing 50 ng of dry
LC-MS is a powerful tool that can be used to overcome propolis extract per ml of methanolic solution
the difficult task of propolis chemical profiling, due to and 5 μl of ammonium hydroxide.
the high diversity of the resin floral sources collected by (4) Infuse these solutions directly into the ESI-source
honey bees. To enhance the amount of structural infor- of a hybrid high resolution and high-accuracy
mation given by the technique, the most important fea- (5 ppm) Micromass Q-TOF mass spectrometer,
tures to be considered in LC-MS propolis chemical via a syringe pump (Harvard Apparatus) at a flow
profiling are to: rate of 15 μl/min. The MS conditions should be
capillary −3.0 kV, cone 30 V.
(1) Chose the right LC parameters for the analysis
such as a reversed-phase C18 HPLC column, Due to the prevalence of acid compounds, the negative
which is the most selective in propolis analysis ion mode fingerprints result in the clearest discrimination
(Section between the groups of propolis samples. This pattern was
(2) Use mobile phases comprising (A) 0.1% formic confirmed by subsequent studies of propolis fingerprint-
acid or acetic acid in water and (B) acetonitrile ing conducted by Sawaya, da Silva, Cunha, and Marcucci
or methanol, (Section (2011).
(3) Acquire spectral data with the UV–Vis DAD set at A simple chemometric evaluation is applied with
280 nm, which is the most generic wavelength for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed using
phenolic compounds identification (Section 3.4.3). the 2.60 version of Pirouette software (Infometrix,
(4) Use a ESI source and a ion trap mass analyzer, with Woodinville, WA, USA) (see the BEEBOOK manuscript
helium as the collision gas, with CE of 20–40 eV on statistical guidelines for more information on using
(Section PCA, Pirk et al., 2013). Only the two most characteris-
(5) Compare the UV spectra and MS information to tic negative ion markers of each sample are selected
those of reference compounds. If standards are and expressed as the intensities of these individual ions
not available, the identity of the compounds can be (variables). The data are preprocessed using auto scale
achieved through comparison of the product ion and analyzed using PCA.
spectra and retention times with pure compounds Samples are grouped according to their geographic
isolated from propolis or combining UV data with origin (Sawaya et al., 2004). Furthermore, tandem mass
16 V. Bankova et al.
Figure 4. Genaral process used in ESI-MS fingerprinting studies: ionization and anlaysis by ESI-MS, extraction of the m/z and
intensity of selected ions, statistical analysis of the data via PCA to group samples and indicate the marker ions for each group.
spectrometry with collision induced dissociation (CID) as a research tool in analytical laboratories throughout
allowed on-line structural identification of certain the world. NMR spectroscopy is used to study the
marker ions such as dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,5-Diprenyl- structure of molecules (Kwan & Huang, 2008). It also is
4-hydroxycinnamic acid, Pinocembrin, Chrysin, 3-Prenyl- well known that NMR can be used to analyze complex
4-hydroxycinnamic acid, 2,2-Dimethyl-6-carboxyethenyl- mixtures such as herbal extracts, foods, biological fluids,
2H-1-benzopyran and p-Coumaric acid (Sawaya et al., etc. (Forseth & Schroeder, 2011). In particular, NMR is
2004). The general flow of these ESI-MS fingerprinting used increasingly in the evaluation of food and in the
studies is shown in Figure 4. quality assurance of natural products, although all its
Using the same extraction and analysis procedures, potential has not been fully exploited. The amount of
propolis samples can be compared to the plant sources information available in an NMR spectrum and the ease
of their resins. This could allow one to link the resin pro- of sample preparation make this spectroscopic tech-
ducing source plant to the propolis from these regions nique very attractive for the assessment of product
(Marcucci, Sawaya, Custodio, Paulino, & Eberlin, 2008). quality.
One of the main advantages of this technique over
that of other methods is its ability to furnish structural
3.5.2. Concluding remarks and quantitative information on a wide range of chemi-
MS fingerprinting may be applied to propolis samples to cal species in a single NMR experiment. The mixture
characterize their composition, identify the plant analysis by NMR is complex, but potentially very infor-
sources, and indicate their potential therapeutic applica- mative (Lin & Shapiro, 1997).
tion. Besides ESI, a new ionization source, named easy In recent years, the use of much higher magnetic
ambient sonic ionization (EASI), has been used for this fields and the greater sensitivity and spectral resolution
purpose as well (Sawaya et al., 2010). The use of that they bring, have stimulated interest in 1D and 2D
chemometric methods such as PCA to analyze the NMR spectroscopy as a routine method for the analysis
results is frequently necessary due to the large number of complex mixtures (Charlton, Farrington, & Brereton,
of ions observed in each spectrum. The results of the 2002; Fan, 1996).
analyses are capable of grouping similar samples, indicat- There are two main strategies for analyzing mixtures
ing their marker ions and, in some cases, correlating via NMR: (a) separate components of the mixture prior
with the biological activity of samples. to NMR analysis; and (b) analyze the mixture as it is.
The first strategy is used when the goal of the work is
the characterization of an isolated compound and it is
3.6. NMR analysis of propolis
not the subject of this discussion. The second strategy
3.6.1. Introduction allows one to obtain an overall image of the mixture in
Since its discovery, the phenomenon of Nuclear question, without any further type of pre-treatment
Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has been widely exploited of the sample, except the eventual solubilization in a
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 17
suitable deuterated solvent. The obtained spectra will (1) Transfer 1ml of propolis extract (see 3.1.) to an
be considered as chemical fingerprints of the product NMR tube and evaporate to dryness at room
under investigation. In this case, the analysis of the spec- temperature using a flow of nitrogen gas.
tra, that usually appear very complex, requires tools for (2) Dissolve the dry residue in 0.5 ml of methyl
the pre-treatment of the signal and for the analysis of sulphoxide-d6 (DMSOd6).
the results, normally based on multivariate statistical (3) Add 20 μl of tetramethylsilane (TMS) as a
techniques (Papotti, Bertelli, Plessi, & Rossi, 2010). reference compound.
(4) Use the sample immediately for NMR
3.6.2. Sample preparation experiments.
Since propolis is a solid material, it requires an initial
extraction procedure using 70% ethanol (see
3.6.3. NMR analysis of propolis
Section 3.1.1). Obviously, if the extract is analyzed as is,
very intense signals related to the solvent will be present A typical 1H NMR spectrum of a propolis hydroalco-
in the obtained spectra. To avoid this problem, it is holic extract in DMSO-d6 is reported in Figure 5. There
preferable to eliminate the solvents under a light nitrogen are a high number of signals present in many spectral
stream operating at low temperature. This procedure can regions, particularly in the area between 1 and 8 ppm.
be conducted directly in NMR tubes, and by dissolving For this reason, a simple interpretation of this kind
the solid residue in an appropriate volume of the selected of spectra is rarely possible. Nevertheless, a preliminary
deuterated solvents. The most important thing to assignment of the principal signals is often necessary to
remember when choosing the most suitable solvent is permit a correct interpretation of the results. The
that if D2O is chosen, all the signals relating to alcoholic, assignments can be performed using data obtained from
phenolic or carboxylic hydroxyls, that are very abundant one-dimensional NMR experiments and comparing them
in propolis, will be lost in the spectrum. If one is inter- with literature data or with data obtained from pure
ested to observe the signals related to these functional standard compounds. The final correct assignment can
groups, a solvent that does not exchange deuterium with be obtained using the most informative two-dimensional
hydroxyls should be used. The most suitable in the case experiments such as COSY, HSQC and HMBC. In
of propolis is the DMSO-d6 (deuterated dimetyl sul- Table 3, the assignments of some well-known propolis
foxyde) (Papotti et al., 2010). There is no ideal ratio of components are reported. An example of this
propolis extract and the amount of solvent used; each application is reported in Bertelli, Papotti, Bortolotti,
one must find what works best in each case. Marcazzan, and Plessi (2012).
Figure 5. Typical 1H NMR spectrum of propolis extracts in DMSO-d6 (Papotti et al., 2010).
1 13
Table 3. H and C NMRa chemical shifts of some flavonoids and phenolic acids, found in European poplar type propolis.
Flavones and flavonols
Apigenin Chrysin Galangin Kaempferol Quercetin
δΗb δΗ δΗb
Position δΗb (J in Hz) δC (J in Hz) δC δΗ (J in Hz) δC (J in Hz) δC (J in Hz) δC
2 – 164.59 – 163.60 – 146.11 – 147.28 – 147.27
3 6.75 (s) 103.31 6.94 (s) 105.63 9.59 (s) OH 137.52 9.35 (s) 136.11 9.18 (s) OH 136.18
V. Bankova et al.
4 – 182.19 – 182.30 – 176.68 – 176.36 – 176.30
5 12.96 (s) OH 161.62 12.82 (s) 161.94 12.31 (s) OH 161.19 12.48 (s) 161.18 12.48 (s) OH 161.18
6 6.19 (d) (1.5) 99.30 6.22 (d) 99.49 6.16 (d) (2.0) 98.74 6.20 (d) 98.67 6.19 (d) (1.9) 98.64
(1.8) (2.2)
7 10.75 (s) OH 164.19 10.90 (s) 164.91 10.59 (s) OH 164.65 10.78 (s) 164.35 10.75 (s) OH 164.33
8 6.46 (d) (1.5) 94.42 6.51 (d) 94.58 6.40 (d) (2.0) 93.99 6.44 (d) 93.94 6.41 (d) (1.9) 93.81
(1.8) (2.2)
9 – 157.77 – 157.91 – 156.83 – 156.65 – 156.60
10 – 104.18 – 104.44 – 103.65 – 103.52 – 103.47
1´ – 121.66 – 131.19 – 131.38 – 122.15 – 122.42
2´; 6´ 7.90 (d) (8.8) 128.90 8.04 (d) 126.84 8.08 (d) (8.8) 127.94 8.05 (d) 129.97 2´; 7.73 (d) (2.2) 6´; 7.54 (dd) 115.53
(8.8) (8.8) (8.4; 2.2) 120.44
3´; 5´ 6.92 (d) (8.8) 116.41 3´; 4´; 5´ 129.56 3´; 4´; 5´ 7.44 (m) 128.88 6.93 (d) 115.90 3´; 9.45 (s) OH 5´; 6.89 (d) (8.8) 145.51
7.58 (m) (8.8) 116.06
4´ 10.40 (s) OH 161.93 132.42 130.28 10.10 (s) 159.65 9.59 (s) OH 148.16
2 5.46 (dd) (12.8; 2.2) 78.88 5.58 (dd) (12.5; 2.8) 78.21 5.62 (dd) (12.7; 3.0) 79.03
3 3α; 3.27 (dd) (17.1; 12.8) 3β; 42.45 3α; 3.23 (dd) (17.1; 12.8) 3β; 42.77 3α; 3.29 (dd) (17.1; 12.8) 3β; 42.63
2.67 (dd) (17.1; 2.2) 2.79 (dd) (17.1; 3.2) 2.83 (dd) (17.1; 3.0)
4 – 196.82 – 196.45 – 196.92
5 12.16 (s) OH 163.95 12.13 (s) OH 164.10 12.12 (s) OH 163.71
6 5.89 (d) (2.2) 96.24 5.91 (d) (2.2) 96.50 6.11 (d) (2.2) 95.24
7 10.79 (s) OH 167.10 10.79 (s) OH 167.23 3.80 (s) OCH3 167.94
8 5.89 (d) (2.2) 95.42 5.95 (d) (2.2) 95.62 6.15 (d) (2.2) 94.34
9 – 163.40 – 163.65 – 163.09
10 – 102.23 – 102.30 – 103.10
1´ – 129.31 – 139.64 – 138.99
2´; 6´ 7.31 (d) (8.8) 128.77 7.52 (d) (7.8) 127.12 7.54 (d) (8.8) 127.06
3´; 5´ 6.79 (d) (8.8) 115.62 3´; 4´; 5´7.41 (m) 129.13 3´; 4´; 5´7.42 (m) 129.06
4´ 9.59 (s) OH 158.19
OCH3 – – – – – 56.33
Phenolic acids
The application of the NMR technique to propolis appropriate. DA can be used, for instance, to
samples generates very complicated spectra that need test whether a particular clustering of cases
to be processed before spectral calculations and subse- obtained from a unsupervised method like PCA
quently analyzed by chemometric methods. The NMR or Cluster analysis is likely. Also, this analysis
signals can be used as intensity or can be integrated. can be used to classify unknown samples.
If the choice is to use spectra as intensity, an ideal (3) Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-
preprocessing should include the steps that follow. DA): PLS-DA can be described as the regression
extension of PCA, giving the maximum covari-
(1) Calibrate phased spectra by placing the signal of ance between measured data (NMR spectral
the standard compound TMS to 0 ppm. intensities distribution) and the response variable
(2) Each spectrum generates a file containing several (represented in this case by the possible classifi-
thousand data points corresponding to the time cation of samples).
domain that is the number of points acquired
and digitalized by the instrument along the spec- Normally, some statistical pre-treatment should be
tral width. Export these files and assemble them done before performing one of the above mentioned
in a data-set. methods on NMR-generated data. The most useful to
(3) Solve misalignment problems a posteriori using improve the results are normalization, mean centering
suitable software. A good example of this kind and autoscaling. It is essential that one has a large num-
of software is the open source Icoshift program ber of samples in order to cross-validate the obtained
running in Matlab environment (Savorani, models and also to have a test set for external valida-
Tomasi, & Englesen, 2009). Although the chemi- tion. To date, there have not been many published
cal shift of a nucleus is generally assumed to be reports where NMR was used to study propolis
rather stable, it is necessary to consider that extracts as mixtures. Meneghelli et al. (2013) used NMR
some experimental factors (pH, ionic strength, to identify some components of Brazilian propolis using
solvent, field inhomogeneity, temperature) can the extracts directly without any kind of isolation and
affect the absolute and the relative position of purification steps. They used one- and two dimensional
an NMR signal, producing slight or significant NMR to study the chemical profile of the samples.
variations in chemical shifts along the spectral (Meneghelli et al., 2013).
width (Bertelli et al., 2012). Unresolved peaks in Two different studies report the use of NMR to
one spectrum can be resolved or more over- compare different types of propolis. Cuesta-Rubio et al.
lapped in another spectrum. This is particularly (2007) studied three different varieties of Cuban propo-
important in the analysis of complex mixtures, lis using 1H and 13C one-dimensional NMR as chemical
such as propolis extracts, in which a high num- fingerprint technique, HPLC-PDA and HPLC-MS. A simi-
ber of similar compounds are present. lar work was published in 2010 by the same authors
(4) To reduce the number of data points, do not (Hernandez et al., 2010).
consider all the spectral regions devoid of signals Watson et al. (2006) used NMR and PCA to build a
and the solvent signals, and subsequently remove model for the classification of propolis of different geo-
them. If the number of spectral variables remains graphical origins. In this case, the authors used the buck-
very high, reduce it further by lowering the eting technique. This technique consists of dividing the
spectral resolution. spectra in different small regions, following which the
signals present in each region are integrated and the
area results are used as spectral variables. The obtained
3.6.4. Statistical analysis of NMR spectra model was able to classify samples from different areas
Multivariate chemometric methods can be applied on of the world.
the data-set containing spectra. There are a number of Papotti et al. (2010) published an article regarding
multivariate techniques that can be used in the analysis the use of NMR to classify propolis samples according
of NMR spectra (Brereton, 2013): to their production procedure. In this work, the authors
used not only 1H NMR but also 1H-13C HMBC spectra.
(1) Principal Component Analysis (PCA): PCA is an In the first case, the spectra were used as intensity and
unsupervised technique and allows one to after integration of principal signals. In the latter, the
express a large portion of the data’s total vari- volume of two-dimensional spectra signals were calcu-
ance with a smaller number of variables which lated adding together the intensity of the points located
can be used to represent graphically the popula- in previously manually defined areas surrounding the
tion of samples and to identify the most signifi- correlations and all spectra were processed using the
cant original factor(s). same map of regions of interest. On the different
(2) Discriminant Analysis (DA): DA is a supervised obtained data-set, general discriminant analysis (GDA)
technique used to determine whether a given was used to classify propolis according to their NMR
classification of cases into a number of groups is fingerprint (Papotti et al., 2010).
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 21
In conclusion, NMR represents a very powerful tool In propolis research, GC-MS is one of the most
for the study of propolis and the use of NMR coupled common methods used and thus it is an excellent tool
with an appropriate data processing procedure and mul- for propolis chemical type dereplication. Propolis
tivariate statistical methods enables the development of ethanol extracts are subjected to GC-MS analysis after
sufficiently effective and appropriate models for classify- silylation (Section 3.3.1).
ing propolis. It is interesting to note that the best The first outcome of the GC-MS analysis is the TIC
results are normally obtained using the 1H NMR which chromatogram. In the case of propolis, this is usually a
is the simplest and fastest technique. complicated chromatogram containing several dozen
peaks (Figure 6). Although sometimes the practiced eye
3.7. Propolis type dereplication is able to recognize a characteristic pattern, the analysis
of the mass spectra is inevitable. After obtaining the TIC
3.7.1. Introduction chromatogram, attention is directed towards the most
Propolis from different locations always demonstrates prominent peaks and their mass spectra are analyzed.
considerable biological activity even though the chemical Let us assume that this analysis has resulted in identifica-
composition may vary (Kujumgiev et al., 1999; Seidel, tion of the major peaks. As soon as the major peaks in
Peyfoon, Watson, & Fearnly, 2008). For this reason, the the TIC chromatogram are identified, it is necessary to
chemical diversity of different propolis samples also has check the characteristic constituents of the known pro-
the potential to provide valuable leads to active compo- polis types and determine if these major constituents
nents. Thus, the future discovery of new types of pro- match one of them. In this case, the dereplication pro-
polis from unexplored regions is important with respect cess has been completed.
to uncovering new biologically active compounds with In this Section 3.7.2, the most important markers
important pharmacological effects. Investigating propolis for positive identification of the most widespread and
from currently unstudied regions is important as it well known propolis types are presented. Data about
would allow one to determine if the new propolis propolis types in Australia, the Middle East, Africa and
belongs to an already known propolis type. The rapid to some extent North America are scarce and demon-
identification (dereplication) of known propolis types strate diverse chemistry. Thus it is hard to formulate
avoids re-isolation and identification of known propolis propolis types for these regions.
constituents and is crucial for fast discovery of new
natural/propolis compounds. Dereplication is rapid iden- Poplar type propolis. Poplar type propolis, origi-
tification of known bioactive metabolites from chemical nating from Populus spp, is characterized by flavonoids,
profiling of plants and other natural sources. phenolic acids and their esters as bioactive constituents
(Ahn et al., 2007; Greenaway, Scaysbrook, & Whatley,
1990; Marcucci, 1995). The most intensive peaks in the
3.7.2. GC-MS as a strategy for propolis type dereplication TIC chromatogram of a poplar propolis sample typically
GC-EI MS is a powerful analytical platform for dereplica- belong to pinocembrin, chrysin, galangin, pinobanskin 3-
tion, combining the unprecedented resolving power of acetate and pinobanksin. These compounds are charac-
capillary GC with the structural information provided by teristic of propolis originating from the bud exudates of
EI mass spectra and supported by rich spectral libraries. the black poplar Populus nigra (Bankova, de Castro, &
Figure 6. TIC chromatogram of a typical poplar propolis sample (Popova et al., Unpublished data: internal database).
22 V. Bankova et al.
Figure 7. EIMS spectra of the TMS derivatives (a) pinobanksin 3-acetate, (M)+ at m/z 458 and (b) phenylethyl caffeate (CAPE), (M)+
at m/z 428. (Popova et al., Unpublished data: internal database).
Marcucci, 2000). For positive confirmation of poplar Brazilian green propolis. Brazilian green propolis
propolis, it is necessary to confirm the presence of the is another well studied propolis type. Its main bioactive
taxonomic markers of the black poplar – esters of constituents include phenolic acids, prenylated phenolic
substituted cinnamic acids, and especially penteny acids and flavonoids which are characteristic for Baccha-
caffeates and phenylethyl caffeate, as well as pinobanksin ris dracunculifolia, the most important botanical source of
3-acetate. Their mass spectra are presented in Figure 7. Southeastern Brazilian propolis (Bankova et al., 1999;
Kumazawa et al., 2003). For this propolis type, the Aspen type propolis. In northern regions of major peaks in TIC chromatogram belong to artepillin C
Europe, the trembling aspen (European aspen) Populus (Figure 9), drupanin, p-coumaric acid and dihydrocin-
tremula is used by bees as a propolis plant source namic acid. Minor, but important markers are 2,2-
(Bankova, Popova, Bogdanov, & Sabatini, 2002; Isidorov dimethyl-6-carboxyethyl prenylbenzopyrane and aro-
et al., 2014; Popravko, Sokolov, & Torgov, 1982). In madendrine 4´-methyl ether (Figure 9).
the case of aspen propolis, major peaks in the TIC
chromatogram belong to p-coumaric, ferulic, and South American red propolis. The biologically
benzoic acids, benzyl p-coumarate and benzyl ferulate. active constituents of red propolis from Cuba and Brazil
The minor but discriminant markers of aspen bud are isoflavans, isoflavons and pterocarpans (López,
exudates are the glycerol esters of substituted Schmidt, Eberlin, & Sawaya, 2014; Lotti et al., 2010;
cinnamic acids (phenolic glycerides) as 2-acetyl-1,3- Piccinelli et al., 2011; Trusheva et al., 2006). This type has
di-p-coumaroylglycerol and 1-acetyl-3-feruloyl glycerol as major constituents vestitol (Figure 10), medicarpin
(Figure 8). (Figure 10), neovestitol, 7-O-methylvestitol (isosativan),
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 23
Figure 8. EIMS spectra of the TMS derivatives (a) p-coumaric acid, (M)+ at m/z 308 and (b) 2-acetyl-1,3-di-p-coumaroylglycerol,
(M)+ at m/z 570. (Popova et al., Unpublished data: internal database).
and formononetin, all of them taxonomic markers of (propolins) propolin C, propolin D (Figure 12) and pro-
Dalbergia ecastophyllum. polin F as major peaks in TIC chromatogram. The plant
source of these compounds is Macaranga tanarius. Mediterranean type propolis. This type is charac-
teristic for propolis samples originating from the Mangifera indica type propolis. The main bioac-
Mediterranean region and its major constituents are tive metabolites of this propolis type are a series of
diterpenes typical for the resin of the cypress tree phenolic lipids: cardanols, cardols and anacardic acid
Cupressus sempervirens (Popova, Graikou, Chinou, & derivatives – all resin biomarkers of the tree Mangi-
Bankova, 2010; Popova et al., 2012). Isocupressic acid fera indica (mango) (Knödler et al., 2008; Trusheva
(Figure 11), pimaric acid, agathadiol, isoagatholal and et al., 2011). Among them, heptadecenyl-recorcinol
totarol (Figure 11) give the major peaks in the TIC (Figure 13), nonadecenyl-recorcinol, nonadecyl-anac-
chromatogram. The only phenolic compounds in typical ardic acid and heptadecenyl-anacardic acid correspond
cypress propolis are the phenolic diterpenes totarol and to the most prominent peaks in TIC chro-
totarolone. Cypress propolis usually does not contain matogram. Minor, but characteristic constituents are
flavonoids and phenolic acids. triterpenes from cycloartane type as cycloartenol,
mangiferolic acid (Figure 13) and 24-hydroxyisomangif-
erolic acid. Pacific type propolis. This propolis type is
characteristic for samples from Pacific islands (Taiwan,
Okinawa, Indonesia) (Huang et al., 2007; Kumazawa Mixed propolis types. In many cases, bees collect
et al., 2008; Trusheva et al., 2011). Its dereplication resins from two or even three plant sources. In such
includes identification of the prenylated flavanones cases, the characteristic markers of the particular
24 V. Bankova et al.
Figure 9. EIMS spectra of the TMS derivatives (a) artepillin C, (M)+ at m/z 444 and (b) aromadendrine 4´-methyl ether, (M)+ at
m/z 518. (Popova et al., Unpublished data: internal database).
source plants can be detected by GC-MS. For this rea- (Jain, Marchioro, Mendonca, Batista, & Araujo, 2014)
son, a more detailed analysis of the total ion chro- reports on the application of DNA analysis for determin-
matogram is necessary, in order to consider more than ing the botanical origin of red Brazilian propolis.
just a limited number of prominent peaks.
Several mixed propolis types have been detected,
for example aspen-poplar, Cupressus-poplar (Bankova 3.7.4. LC-MS-based metabolomic analysis to determine the
et al., 2002), and Pacific (Macaranga)-Mangifera indicia botanical sources of propolis
propolis (Trusheva et al., 2011). Direct observation of resin forager behavior in the field
can be extremely difficult or impossible, as foraging can
3.7.3. Other possibilities for dereplication occur over a large area and in the canopy of trees. This
Other analytical methods also offer the possibility to per- makes analytical analyses an attractive alternative, but
form dereplication of the propolis type: LC-MS (Sec- one must consider several challenges. First, bees
tion 3.4), ESI-MS fingerprinting (Section 3.5.1), NMR typically have many resinous plants from which to
analysis (Section 3.6), and HPTLC (Morlock, Ristivojevic, choose in a given environment and these available spe-
& Chernetsova, 2014; Ristivojevic et al., 2014). The cies may be closely related. For example, six species of
important point is to identify the corresponding markers Populus (a known resin source for honey bees) and
that allow unambiguous positive identification of the numerous hybrids occur in the state of Minnesota, USA,
source plant(s). If the results of such analyses do not allow and their resins have some degree of similarity. Second,
the dereplication of propolis type, the metabolomic resins from most species remain uncharacterized and
approach described in Section 3.7.4 should be applied in characterization itself is a very labor intensive process.
order to determine the botanical sources of propolis and, Lastly, further complications occur in the hive where
respectively, its chemical type based on the chemistry of resins from several plant species may be mixed. There-
the source plant. Alternatively, a very recent publication fore, any universal method developed to determine the
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 25
Figure 10. EIMS spectra of the TMS derivatives (a) vestitol, [M]+ at m/z 416; (b) medicarpin, [M]+ at m/z 342. (Popova et al.,
Unpublished data: internal database).
botanical sources of propolis must: (1) be powerful tens to hundreds of samples easily. Herein, we describe
enough to discriminate between resins from closely the metabolomics methods used in Wilson, Spivak,
related species; (2) work effectively with uncharacter- Hegeman, Rendahl, and Cohen (2013) to track the resin
ized resins; and (3) be sensitive enough to sample at the foraging behavior of individual honey bees.
level of individual bees carrying pure resin.
Traditional analytical methods will generally fail to Sample preparation for LC-MS
meet our second criteria because comparisons are
made regarding specific characterized compounds. Meta- (1) Metabolomics works best with many samples;
bolomics is an approach that compares the global pat- however, increasing the sample number increases
tern of metabolite signals among samples using powerful analytical time and difficultly. It is generally reason-
statistical analyses without regard for the identities of able to collect up to 100 samples of resin in total,
specific compounds. LC-MS based metabolomics analysis directly from bees and from plants (Section 2.1).
fulfils all of our criteria in that: (1) LC-MS can easily (2) Weigh resin globules from bees, place in LC-MS
generate hundreds of chemical signals that can be used vials, and dissolve in HPLC-grade acetonitrile. The
to discriminate between closely related species; (2) final concentration of your samples is highly depen-
metabolomics makes powerful comparisons between dent on your instrumentation; however, we have
sample “fingerprints” without requiring any chemical found that a sample concentration of 1 mg/ml
characterization; and (3) sampling of individual resin for- works well for a variety of high and low resolu-
agers can be performed. LC-MS instruments equipped tion instruments (Wilson et al., 2013; Wilson,
with an auto-sampler have the added capacity to run Brinkman, Spivak, Gardner, & Cohen, 2015).
26 V. Bankova et al.
Figure 11. EIMS spectra of the TMS derivatives (a) isocupressic acid, (M)+ at m/z 464 and (b) totarol, (M)+ at m/z 358. (Popova
et al., Unpublished data: internal database).
Figure 12. EIMS spectra of the TMS derivative of propolin D, (M)+ at m/z 712. (Popova et al., Unpublished data: internal database).
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 27
Figure 13. EIMS spectra of the TMS derivatives (a) 5-heptadecenyl-recorcinol, (M)+ at m/z 490 and (b) mangiferolic acid, (M)+ at
m/z 600. (Popova et al., Unpublished data: internal database).
Column: Agilent Zorbax C18, 2.1 × 100 mm, 1.8 μm particle size
Flow rate: 0.45 ml/min
Time (min) % A (water w/0.1% formic acid) % B (acetonitrile w/0.1% formic acid)
0 90 10
1.5 90 10
17.5 5 95
19.5 5 95
20.5 90 10
(3) Add 5 ml of HPLC-grade acetonitrile to plant tis- (5) Dilute resin samples from plants to 1 mg/ml for
sues or collected resin. Rock gently for 15 min to analysis.
wash resins off of tissues, then remove tissues (6) Create a composite sample for quality control by
using clean forceps. Be careful not to cross- adding equal volume amounts of each biological
contaminate samples. sample into a new vial (e.g. If you have 100 total
(4) Determine the concentration of resin samples samples from plants and bees, take 10 μl from each
from plants using vacuum centrifugation. and add to a new vial). Since a composite sample
28 V. Bankova et al.
made in this way contains essentially all of the sig- determination of total flavonoids or total phenolics con-
nals that could be produced in all of the biological tent. Phenolics and flavonoids are major constituents
samples, technical replicates of the composite and most important bioactive ingredients of several
sample can be used to filter out non-reproducible propolis types and spectrophotometric methods are
LC-MS signals during data analysis. useful in their rapid characterization. LC-MS data collection. It is important to recog- 3.8.1. Spectrophotometric analysis of poplar type propolis
nize that the chemistry of unknown resins cannot be The analysis of poplar type propolis consists of the
accounted for in the analytical method preemptively. spectrophotometric quantitative determination of the
Therefore, we present a general reversed-phase C18 following groups of phenolic compounds: (Popova et al.,
approach developed for a Waters Acuity UPLC system 2004): flavones and flavonols; flavanones and dihy-
connected to either a Waters SQD mass spectrometer droflavonols; and total phenolics.
(low resolution) or a Waters G2 Synapt mass spec-
trometer (high resolution) as used in Wilson et al.
(2013, 2015) (Table 4). Data can be collected in either Extraction and sample preparation
negative ion mode, positive ion mode, or both simulta-
neously, but the composite sample should be run every (1) Perform propolis extraction as described in Sec-
5–10 samples, and at least three times during the tion 3.1.1. Extract 1 g propolis and make up the
course of the entire LC-MS run. Remember to utilize volume to 100 ml (volumetric flask). The result-
best practices for LC-MS analysis. (Viswanathan et al., ing extract is designated as solution A.
2007). (2) Transfer 1 ml from each of three parallel extracts
into a volumetric flask and dilute to 50 ml using LC-MS data analysis methanol. The resulting solution is designated as
solution B.
(1) Convert data files to CDF format. Waters (3) Prepare three parallel extracts for every analyzed
instruments come with a program called Data- sample.
bridge that will perform this function. This will
not be necessary if you plan on using proprietary Total flavone and flavonol content. Total flavone
metabolomics data analysis software. and flavonol content is measured using a spectrophoto-
(2) Smith, Want, O’Maille, Abagyan, and Siuzdak metric assay based on aluminum chloride complex for-
(2006) developed a freely available R script to mation (Bonvehi & Coll, 1994). Methanolic solutions of
analyze metabolomics data in CDF format which galangin are used as references to obtain a calibration
utilizes XCMS to produce a table of mass/reten- graph. The analytical procedure for measuring total fla-
tion time pairs and their intensities by sample for vones and flavonols is performed the following way:
the entire data-set (data matrix). Please refer to
Wilson et al. (2013) for a full description. Other (1) To prepare a calibration graph with galangin as
metabolomics data analysis software can be used the standard, prepare a stock standard solution
to perform this task, but few can utilize quality of galangin 32 μg/ml by dissolving 3.2 mg in
control samples in the manner described here, methanol in a 100 ml volumetric flask.
which may result in low quality signals being car- (2) Prepare a series of working reference solutions
ried into subsequent analyses. by appropriate dilution of the stock standard
(3) Perform principle component analysis (PCA) on solution with methanol (in volumetric flasks) to
the data matrix (Pirk et al., 2013). Points repre- give a concentration range of 4–32 μg/ml (16.0;
senting samples will scatter on the PCA graph 8.0; 6.4; 4.0 μg/ml).
based on their LC-MS peak patterns, with sam- (3) Mix 1 ml of each one of the reference solutions,
ples showing similar peak patterns clustering 10 ml methanol and 0.5 ml 5% AlCl3 in methanol
together (see Wilson et al., 2013). If samples of (w/v) in a volumetric flask and make up the
bee collected resin cluster with samples of plant volume to 25 ml with methanol.
collected resin, this is a strong indication that (4) Let the mixture sit for 30 min and measure the
bees foraged from this plant. absorbance at 425 nm.
(5) For a blank, use 1ml methanol instead of galangin
3.8. Spectrophotometric analysis of propolis solution in analogues procedure.
(6) Each reference solution should be analyzed in
Spectrophotometric methods are very useful for fast
and easy quantitative determination of phenolic com-
(7) To obtain the regression, absorbance should be
pounds in propolis and for routine control of propolis
plotted against concentration (International Con-
preparations. There are efficient, precise and reliable
ference on Harmonization, [ICH], 1996).
spectrophotometric methods that are aimed at the
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 29
(8) For analysis of the propolis sample solution, use B (volumetric flasks), and measure absorbance at
(Section, or, if necessary, solution B with 486 nm.
additional dilution, and apply the same procedure (8) As a blank, use 0.5 ml methanol instead of
as described for the reference (steps 3–5). pinocembrin solution in analogues procedure
(9) Perform calculation using the calibration equation (steps 4–7).
for galangin (step 7): (9) Each reference solution should be analyzed in
c ¼ aA þ b triplicate.
(10) To obtain the regression, absorbance should be
where c – concentration, mg/ml; A – absorbance; a – plotted against concentration (International
slope of the calibration graph; b – intercept of the Conference on Harmonization, 1996).
calibration graph. (11) For analysis of the propolis sample, use 0.5 ml of
each of the test solutions of each of the three
(10) From this value, the percentage of flavones and parallel extractions, prepared as described in
flavonols in the propolis sample is calculated Section 3.1.1, and apply the same procedure as
after the equation: described for the reference (steps 4–8).
(12) Perform calculation using the regression
c 100 50 obtained for pinocembrin. (step 10).
P¼ 100%
where P – percentage in raw propolis; c – concentra- c ¼ aA þ b
tion, mg/mL (from step 9); M– mean value of the weight
where c – concentration, mg/ml; A – absorbance; a –
of the three parallel propolis samples, extracted for slope of the calibration graph; b – intercept of the cali-
analysis, mg (Section bration graph.
(11) In instances when an additional dilution of solu- (13) From this value, calculate the percentage of fla-
tion B is provided, it should be reflected in the vanones and dihydroflavonols in the propolis
equation. sample using the equation:
c 100 Total flavanone and dihydroflavonol content. For P¼ 100%
flavanones and dihydroflavonols determination, the col-
where P – percentage in raw propolis; c – concentration,
orimetric method from DAB9 was modified for propolis mean value of the weight of the three parallel
mg/ml; M–
(Nagy & Grancai, 1996; Popova et al., 2004). Methanolic
samples, extracted for analysis, mg (Section
solutions of pinocembrin are used as references to
obtain a calibration graph. Total phenolic content. The Folin–Ciocalteu’s
method is used for the quantification of total phenolics
(1) To prepare a calibration graph with pinocebm-
(Waterman & Mole, 1994) and it is modified for poplar
rin as the standard, prepare a stock standard
type propolis (Popova et al., 2004). As a reference,
solution of pinocembrin 1.8 mg/ml by dissolv-
methanolic solutions of a mixture of pinocembrin-
ing 18.0 mg in methanol in 10 ml volumetric
galangin at a 2:1 ratio (w/w) in the range 25–300 μg/ml
are used to obtain a calibration graph.
(2) Prepare a series of working reference solutions
by appropriate dilution of the stock standard
(1) To prepare a calibration graph with pinocebm-
solution with methanol (in volumetric flasks) to
rin:galangin 2:1 (w/w) as the standard, prepare
give concentration range of 0.18–1.8 mg/ml
a stock standard solution by dissolving of 2.2
(0.9; 0.45; 0.22; 0.18 mg/ml).
mg pinocembrin and 1.1 mg galangin in metha-
(3) Dissolve 1 g of dinytrophenylhydrazine (DNP)
nol in a 10 ml volumetric flask. The concentra-
in 2 ml 96% sulfuric acid and dilute to 100 ml
tion of the stock solution is 0.33 mg/ml of the
with methanol (volumetric flask).
mixture pinocebmrin:galangin 2:1.
(4) Mix 0.5 ml of each one of the reference
(2) Prepare a series of working reference solutions
pinocembrin solutions and 1 ml of the DNP
by appropriate dilution of the stock standard
solution with methanol (in volumetric flasks) to
(5) Heat the mixture at 50 ˚C for 50 min (water
give a concentration range of 33–330 μg/ml
(165; 82.5; 41.2; 33 μg/ml) for the mixture
(6) Cool the mixture to room temperature and
pinocebmrin:galangin 2:1.
dilute it to 5 ml with 10% KOH in methanol
(3) Transfer 0.5 ml of the reference solution into a
25ml volumetric flask, containing 7.5 ml distilled
(7) Add 0.5 ml of the resulting solution to 10 ml
methanol, dilute to 25 ml with methanol
30 V. Bankova et al.
(4) Add 2 ml of the Folin–Ciocalteu’s reagent and Total phenolic content. The procedures
3ml of a 20% sodium carbonate solution in described in Section are followed to determine
distilled water. total phenolic content. Methanolic solutions of gallic acid
(5) Make up the volume to 25 ml with distilled are used for calibration (Woisky & Salatino, 1998).
water and wait for 2 h (±3 min) at room tem-
(6) Measure the absorbance at 760 nm using a 3.8.3. Spectrophotometric analysis of Pacific type propolis
UV–vis spectrophotometer. Since the main components and biologically active com-
(7) As a blank 0.5 ml methanol instead of reference pounds in the Pacific type propolis are prenylated fla-
mixture is used following the same procedure vanones, the analysis of this type propolis is made on
(steps 3–6). the basis of their quantification.
(8) Each reference solution should be analyzed in
triplicate. Extraction of propolis. The procedure described
(9) To obtain the regression, the absorbance in Section is used for the extraction of Pacific
should be plotted against concentration (Inter- type propolis.
national Conference on Harmonization, 1996).
(10) For analysis of the propolis samples, use 0.5 ml Total flavanones content. The procedures
of the solution B (Section in analogues described in Section are followed to determine
procedure (steps 3–6). Every assay is carried total flavanone content. However, methanolic solutions
out performed in triplicate. of a mixture of propolin C-propolin D 4:1 (wt/wt) are
(11) Perform the calculation using the regression used for calibration (Popova, Chen, Chen, Huang, &
obtained for the reference mixture pinocem- Bankova, 2010).
brin-galangin (2:1, step 9).
(12) Perform calculations using the regression
obtained for pinocembrin-galangin (2:1).
4. Quality criteria and standards
Propolis is a bee product of plant origin, so the stan-
c ¼ aA þ b
dardization of propolis is similar to that of medicinal
where c – concentration, mg/ml; A – absorbance; a – plants: it has to be based on the concentration of bio-
slope of the calibration graph; b – intercept of the cali- logically active constituents. Different propolis types are
bration graph. characterized by their distinct chemical profiles and
obviously there cannot be any uniform chemical criteria
(13) From this value, calculate the percentage of for standardization and quality control in this respect.
total phenolics in the propolis sample using the Specific criteria based on the concentration of bioactive
equation: secondary metabolites should be formulated for particu-
lar propolis chemical types. The International Honey
c 100 50 Commission suggests the values for the concentration
P¼ 100%
3M of biologically active constituents for the two most
where P – percentage in raw propolis; c – concentration, wide-spread propolis types, European poplar type pro-
mean value of the weight of the three parallel
mg/ml; M– polis (Poplar type) and Brazilian green propolis (Baccha-
samples, extracted for analysis, mg (Section ris type), determined as described in Sections 3.8.1 and
3.8.2. For Brazilian green propolis, the values are deter-
3.8.2. Spectrophotometric analysis of Brazilian green mined by Brazilian legislation (Sawaya et al., 2011).
The analysis of Brazilian green propolis consists in the 4.1. Specific criteria and standard values for
spectrophotometric quantitative determination of the particular propolis chemical types
following groups of phenolic compounds: flavonoids; and The specific criteria and standard values for the most
total phenolics. popular and most commercialized propolis types: poplar
and green Brazilian propolis, are summarized in Table 5. Extraction of propolis. The procedure described in Important: Prior to the analysis, the chemical
Section is used for the extraction of green propolis. type of propolis should be determined by one of the
analytical methods/dereplication strategies listed in Sec- Total flavonoid content. The procedures tions 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. It is possible to apply by
described in Section are followed to determine default the specific methodology and criteria for propolis
total flavonoid content. Methanolic solutions of querce- from well-known geographic origins where it has been
tin are used for calibration (Woisky & Salatino, 1998). proved over the years to be of constant plant origin.
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 31
Table 5. Specific criteria and standard values for the content of bioactive constituents in propolis.
In the recent years, the problem of poplar propolis 4.2.2. Water content
adulteration with poplar extracts emerged, connected Water content is determined according to Woisky and
mainly to Chinese propolis. An HPLC method was Salatino (1998).
developed, based on detection of catechol as a marker
for propolis adulteration (Huang et al., 2014). (1) Heat 10 g of powdered raw propolis (see
Section 3.1.1, step 1) in an oven at 105 ˚C for
5 h.
4.2. Criteria and standards common for all (2) Cool to room temperature and place in a desic-
propolis types cator until constant weight is achieved.
There are other quality parameters that can be applied (3) Calculate the percentage of water content P in
to any propolis sample, no matter its plant origin and the propolis sample using the following formula.
content of secondary plant metabolites. These include M0 M1
content of matter soluble in 70% ethanol (balsam con- P¼ 100%
tent), water content, wax content, mechanical impuri-
ties, and ash content. The limits of their acceptable where M0 – the weight of the raw propolis sample
values, as suggested by the IHC follow: before heating, g; M1 – the weight of the propolis
Balsam – minimum 45% (Popova et al., 2007; http:// residue after heating, g.
Wax content – Different national standards suggest
different values.
Mechanical impurities – maximum 6% (Popova et al.,
Water content – maximum 8% (Popova et al., 2007;
Ash content – maximum 5% (Falcão, Freire, & Vilas-
Boas, 2013b).
For Brazilian green propolis, Brazilian legislation
determines a minimum of 35% ethanol extractable sub-
stances and a maximum of 25% wax (Sawaya et al.,
g 100
P¼ 100%
where g – the weight of the residue after evaporation
of 2 ml of propolis 70% ethanol extract; M – the weight Figure 14. Determining the wax content of propolis by Soxh-
let extraction.
of the raw propolis sample, g. Photo: B. Trusheva.
32 V. Bankova et al.
A mean of the three measurements should be (3) Adjust the time of heating so that the tempera-
calculated. ture rises to about 100 ˚C but without the boil-
ing of the water phase (usually about 1 min).
4.2.3. Wax content (4) Cool down the sample to room temperature. A
three layer system is formed in the tube: the Wax content measurement by extraction. The
beeswax (upper layer), then water (middle
wax content is determined according to the procedures
layer), and de-waxed propolis at the bottom.
described by Woisky and Salatino (1998).
(5) With a small stainless steel spatula, transfer the
beeswax in the upper layer to a weighed
(1) Treat 3 g of the powdered propolis sample
paper tissue for the removal of the remaining
(powdered per Section 3.1.1, step 1) with chlo-
roform in a Soxhlet for 6 h (Figure 14), using a
(6) Weigh the amount of extracted beeswax and
weighed cartridge.
calculate the wax content as a percentage of the
(2) Concentrate the extract to dryness under
weight of the original sample.
reduced pressure and add 120 ml of hot metha-
(7) The analysis should be performed in duplicate.
nol to the residue.
(3) Boil the mixture until there is a clear solution on
top and a small oily residue on the bottom of the
4.2.4. Mechanical impurities
flask. The residue should solidify upon cooling.
(4) Filter the methanolic phase through filter paper, Follow the procedure below in order to determine the
taking care to avoid transferring the oily residue. amount of mechanical impurities in a propolis sample.
Transfer the methanolic phase, while hot, to a
previously weighed 150 ml flask. (1) Extract the rest of the propolis sample (i.e. that
(5) Cool the flask containing the methanolic phase which remained in the cartridge after the proce-
to 0 ˚C and filter the content through a filter dure described in Section in the same
paper that has been weighed and the weight Soxhlet with ethanol for 4 h (until the extract
recorded. becomes colorless).
(6) Wash the flask and the residue with 25 ml cold (2) Transfer the weighed cartridge together with the
methanol. residue (the mechanical impurities), after drying
(7) After drying in the air, transfer the flask and the it in the air, to a desiccator until constant
residue to a desiccator until constant weight. weight.
(8) Calculate the percentage of wax content Pw in (3) Calculate the percentage of mechanical impurities
the propolis sample using the following formula. Pmi in the propolis sample using the formula that
Pw ¼ 100% Mmi
M Pmi ¼ 100%
where Mw – the weight of the wax obtained, g; M – the
weight of the propolis sample, g. where Mmi – the weight of the residue after extraction,
g; M – the weight of the propolis sample, g.
(9) The analysis should be performed in duplicate.
(4) The analysis is performed in duplicate.
(5) Heat at 550 ˚C overnight. During heating, do 5. Health benefits of a propolis envelope to
not fully cover the crucible with the lid. After bees
heating is complete, fully place the lid over the In a natural tree cavity, honey bees line the inside of
crucible to prevent the loss of fluffy ash. Cool the cavity with propolis in a contiguous sheet called a pro-
the crucible down in a desiccator. polis “envelope” (Seeley & Morse, 1976). In a tree, the pro-
(6) Weigh the ash with crucible and lid when the polis envelope is particularly thick around the entrance and
sample turns gray. If the sample does not turn extends from where the combs attach at the top of the
gray, return the crucible and lid to the furnace nest as far down as the combs are constructed (Simone-
for the further ashing. Finstrom & Spivak, 2012). Above and below the envelope,
(7) Calculate the ash content using the formula that molds and fungi can be observed in the tree (Figure 15),
follows. which suggests that one purpose of the propolis envelope
is to prevent the growth of molds inside the nest. The pro-
Weight of ash
Ashð%Þ ¼ 100 polis envelope is an anti-microbial layer surrounding the
Weight of sample colony and has quantifiable benefits to the bees’ immune
systems, and pathogen defense (Simone, Evans, & Spivak,
2009; Simone-Finstrom & Spivak, 2012).
The smooth and solid inner surfaces of standard
beekeeping wooden boxes do not elicit resin collection
behavior and further construction of a propolis envel-
ope by bees. Instead, the bees deposit propolis in cracks
and crevices, such as between boxes and under the
frame rests, making it difficult to pry apart boxes and
remove frames for beekeeping inspections without use
of a hive-tool (Haydak, 1953; Huber, 1814; Ghisalberti,
1979). For this reason, many beekeepers do not like the
difficulty that sticky propolis presents in the colony, and
over many years, it is likely that queen producers have
selected for colonies that do not deposit large quantities
of propolis in the nest (Fearnley, 2001). At the same
time, some beekeepers have harvested propolis from
bee colonies for uses in human medicine (Burdock,
1998; Castaldo & Capasso, 2002; Krell, 1996).
The effects of a propolis envelope on honey bee
immunity and on pathogen defense within the colony
can be studied in two ways: (1) guide the bees to natu-
rally deposit propolis throughout the nest interior; or
(2) apply a propolis extract to the hive walls.
Previous studies on the role of propolis as a social various methods. One method previously used (Simone-
immune trait have focused on younger, in-hive bees (e.g. Finstrom & Spivak, 2012), determined the change in
Simone et al., 2009). However, investigators focusing on resin foraging for each colony (total number of resin
environmental effects on immunocompetence should foragers pre-challenge subtracted from the total number
consider collecting samples from other life stages and counted post-challenge per colony). The change in resin
among behavioral tasks when possible (Human et al., foraging was then compared across pathogen-challenged
2013). and unchallenged colonies. A matched pairs analysis
Once individuals are collected based on the colony could also be used with treatment (challenged vs.
treatments, RNA can be extracted for analysis of gene unchallenged) as a factor in the statistical analysis.
expression via real-time PCR (Evans et al., 2013; Simone The most accurate and direct indicator of increased
et al., 2009). From current and previous work, gene resin use is by observing foraging rates (Simone-
expression for the antimicrobial peptide hymenoptaecin Finstrom & Spivak, 2012). However alternative methods
seems to be affected consistently by exposure to a pro- of the assessment of propolis deposition in hives pre-
polis-enriched environment (e.g. Simone et al., 2009). and post-challenge could possibly be used to determine
However, continued work finds other genes involved in if resin collection rate increases in response to pathogen
cellular immunity and representatives of each of the exposure. Deposition on commercial propolis traps (see
immune pathways, providing a more robust analysis of Section 2.2.1) could be examined by weight or amount
immune gene expression. of coverage, although the amount of wax that is incor-
porated into resins varies highly across colonies and
would greatly influence this measure. Similarly, the
5.3. Effect of propolis envelope on pathogens and deposition of propolis on frame edges and in the hive
pests in the hive itself, as described in the introduction to Section 5,
In addition to indirect effects of propolis envelope on could be analyzed but this has similar issues in terms of
bee health through the immune system, research is difficultly for accurate quantification (Borba, Simone-Fin-
underway to explore if the propolis envelope has direct strom & Spivak, personal observations).
effects on bee pathogens (e.g. Simone-Finstrom &
Spivak, 2012) and pests. Colonies provided with a
6. Testing the biological activity of propolis
propolis envelope (either an extract or natural), can be
in vitro
challenged with Ascosphaera apis, Paenibaciullus larvae,
other pathogens, small hive beetles (Aethina tumida), var- The most studied biological activities of propolis are the
roa (Varroa destructor), and other pests as described in antimicrobial and antioxidative ones. Here, tests against
BEEBOOK Vol II (e.g. De Graaf et al., 2013; Dietemann both human and bee pathogens will be described.
et al., 2013; Jensen et al., 2013; Neumann et al., 2013).
Comparing challenged colonies with unchallenged 6.1. Testing the antibacterial activity
controls allows quantification of the potential effects of 6.1.1. Activity against human pathogens
propolis on the pest/pathogen in question. Bacterial strains. Antibacterial tests have been
used to analyze bacterial sensitiveness to propolis. One
5.4. Self-medication: monitoring colony-level may compare, for example, its effect on Gram positive
changes in resin-collection and Gram negative bacteria, e.g. Staphylococcus aureus
and Escherichia coli strains. American Type Culture Col-
Colonies challenged with A. apis have been shown to
lection (ATCC) strains should be used in the assays.
collect significantly more resin after challenge (Simone-
Finstrom & Spivak, 2012). Since a resin-enriched environ-
ment also reduces overall colony-level infection of this Susceptibility tests (macrodilution). Susceptibility
pathogen, resin foragers are self-medicating at the colony tests are performed by dilution in agar as recommended
level against at least particular pathogens. by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute and
High variation across colonies in the number of resin minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values are deter-
foragers can be an issue when conducting this experi- mined (Alves et al., 2008; Clinical & Laboratory Stan-
ment. The appropriate sample size needs to be calcu- dards Institute - CLSI/National Committee for Clinical
lated carefully. Half of the colonies would be treated or Laboratory Standards – NCCLS, 2005).
challenged with a pathogen and the other half would
remain unchallenged. An experiment to address the (1) Inoculate bacterial strains in Brain Heart Infusion
question of resin use as self-medication in honey bees (BHI – Difco, USA) at 35 ˚C for 24 h and stan-
combines the methods described above in Sections 2.1 dardize at 0.5 on the McFarland scale in sterile
and 5.3. saline (Sutton, 2011). Perform dilutions of each
Statistical analysis of the change in resin foraging sample to obtain bacterial suspensions with
after exposure to pathogens can be done following 1 × 106 colony-forming units (CFU)/ml.
36 V. Bankova et al.
Figure 18. Steer’s multiple inoculator used for bacterial inoculation in the plates.
(2) Add propolis to Petri dishes containing Mueller (1) Inoculate bacterial suspensions (1 × 106 CFU/ml)
Hinton Agar (MHA) (Difco, USA) at different con- in tubes or Erlenmeyer flasks (20 ml) containing
centrations, such as: 3, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18 and BHI plus Tween 80% (0.5% v/v) and the MIC90
20% v/v. Control plates contain only 70% ethanol of propolis or 70% ethanol. Bacterial suspensions
at the same concentrations found in propolis. in BHI plus Tween 80% (0.5% v/v) alone are
(3) Inoculate bacterial strains in Petri dishes contain- considered as control.
ing different concentrations propolis and 70% (2) After 3, 6, 9 and 24 h of incubation at 35 ˚C,
ethanol, using a Steer’s multiple inoculator take aliquots (50 μl) of each culture and plate
(Figure 18), and incubated at 35 ˚C for 24 h. on Plate Count Agar (PCA – Difco; USA) by the
(4) MIC90 is considered as the lowest concentration pour plate method which is used to count the
of propolis able to inhibit 90% of microorganisms, bacteria. Put 50 μl of each solution in a dish and
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 37
Figure 20. Plates for the microdilution test. In the 8 columns: BHI + propolis in different concentrations (A) or ethanol 70% (B).
Column 10 (A and B): positive control (bacteria + BHI) and column 11 (A and B): negative control (BHI alone).
controls. Cover, shake, and incubate at 37 ˚C. significant. α = 1.96 in the equation above, which is the
(4) Measure final OD600nm at 6 h, which should be value used to test at 95% confidence.
~0.6 AU in untreated controls.
This protocol views antimicrobial activity as treated fun- Data analysis
gal growth relative to untreated fungal growth, and
includes the equations for making good statistical (1) Subtract the initial OD600nm of each well from
comparisons of antimicrobial activity between propolis the final OD600nm of each well to normalize the
samples. inhibition data.
(2) Bacterial growth can be interpreted relative to
untreated controls as a percent: Culturing A. apis
Treated average OD600nm
%Relative growth ¼
(1) Obtain target strains of A. apis. Reference strains Untreated average OD600nm
can be obtained from the USDA Agricultural
Research Service Entopathogenic Fungal Culture
Collection ( (3) Error needs to be propagated between the two
atics/fungibact.htm). USDA #7405 (+ mating type) means used to calculated relative growth:
and USDA #7406 (- mating type) were used in
Wilson et al. (2015). Field strains can be isolated
from chalkbrood mummies according to Jensen 2 b
et al. (2013). %Standard error ¼ þ
(2) Grow and mate strains on solid MY-20 media and a b
then harvest spores into sterile water all accord- where ‘a’ is the treated average OD600nm; ‘b’ is the
ing to Jensen et al. (2013). Store spore solution at untreated average OD600nm; SEa is the standard error of
4 ˚C. ‘a’; SEb is the standard error of ‘b’.
(3) Count spores under a microscope with a hemocy-
tometer. There will be a high risk of contamina- (4) If fungal growth inhibition is dose-responsive,
tion if spores were isolated from mummies, so you should observe a sigmoidal growth curve
proper steps must be taken to ensure that A. apis with less growth at high propolis concentrations
is the organism that grows in assay cultures. For and more growth at low propolis concentra-
PCR methods to identify A. apis, please refer to tions. It is best if experiments are developed so
Jensen et al. (2013). that several of the highest propolis concentra-
tions completely inhibit growth and several of Preparing 96-well plates the lowest propolis concentrations allow growth
similar to untreated controls.
(1) Add propolis extracts to flat-bottom 96-well (5) Sigmoidal growth curves can be fit with a
plates in desired dilutions, and then dry extracts four-parameter logistic equation to calculate
to residue under nitrogen. Experiments should IC50 values and their standard errors for individ-
include a range of propolis concentrations, with ual propolis samples.
at least 5 replicates per treatment. Negative and
positive growth controls should be included in max min
the experiment. y ¼ min þ Hillslope
(2) Add 180 μl of liquid MY-20 media to each pro- 1þ x
polis-treated well. Cover, shake, and incubate
This operation can be done by many statistical analysis
microplates at 31 ˚C for 15 min to solubilize
programs, such as SigmaPlot.
propolis residue; however, propolis residue is
unlikely to be completely soluble if concentra- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tions are too high. 00
CI ¼ z 1:96 00 ðx2 þ y 2 Þ
(3) Add approximately 2.0 × 106 A. apis spores in
20 μl sterile water to each well. Measure initial
OD at 600 nm with a spectrophotometer, which (6) IC50 values can be compared pair-wise using
should be ~0.13 AU in untreated controls. confidence intervals.
Cover, shake, and incubate at 31 ˚C.
(4) Measure final OD600nm at 65 h, which should be
~0.8 AU in untreated controls. It takes ~50 h qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
for spores to germinate, but near maximum CI ¼ z 1:96 00 ðx2 þ y 2 Þ
growth should be achieved by 72 h.
40 V. Bankova et al.
IC50(1) and IC50(2) does not include 0, then the differ- O2N NO2 O2N NO2
ence between the two IC50 values can be taken as sig-
nificant. α = 1.96 in the equation above, which is the
value used to test at 95% confidence. NO2 NO2
spectrophotometer. A decrease in the absor- where A0 is the absorbance of the control (blank, with-
bance (>20%) of the reaction mixture indicates out propolis sample); As is the absorbance in presence
free radical scavenging activity of the propolis of propolis extract.
samples. SC50 values denote the μg GAE/ml required to scav-
(4) Calculate the percentage of radical scavenging enge 50% ABTS free radicals. This assay measures the
activity (RSA%) using the following equation: total antioxidant capacity in both lipophilic and hydro-
philic substances. Trolox, a water-soluble analog of Vita-
A0 As min E, or quercetin, an antioxidant natural product is
RSA% ¼ 100
A0 used as a positive control.
where A0 is the absorbance of the control; As is the ABTS quantitative analysis using micro-
absorbance of the samples at 515 nm. method. Different concentrations of propolis dry extract
SC50 values denote the μg GAE/ml or μg dry weight (see Section 3.1.1) dissolved in ethanol or buffer (20 μl)
of propolis extract/ml required to scavenge 50% DPPH and 180 μl of ABTS•+ are incubated at 25 ˚C for 6 min.
free radicals. Quercetin, an antioxidant natural product Absorbance is measured at 734 nm in a microplate
or BHT, a synthetic antioxidant, are used as positive spectrophotometer. Scavenging activity (SC50 values) of
controls. different propolis samples is determined by comparison
to an ethanol or buffer control. DPPH quantitative analysis using micro-
method. Reaction mixtures containing different concentra- Scavenging activity toward stable free radicals
tions of propolis extract (0 to 50 μg dry weight of (DPPH•, ABTS•+) by qualitative methods: autographic assay
propolis extract (see Section 3.1.1) dissolved in 5 μl with DPPH• and ABTS•+
DMSO) and 95 μl of DPPH• solution (0.125 mg/ml) in a
96-well microtiter plate are incubated at 25 ˚C for 30 min. (1) Separate the chemical components of the propolis
Absorbance is measured at 550 nm in a microplate spec- extract (see Section 3.1.1) by thin layer chromatog-
trophotometer. Scavenging activity (SC50 values) of differ- raphy (TLC, 4 × 4 cm silica gel plate) using as
ent propolis samples is determined by comparison with a mobile phase a solvent system such as toluene:
DMSO control (Solórzano et al., 2012). chloroform:acetone 4.5:2.5:3.5 v/v/v.
(2) Air-dry the TLC plate. ABTS free radical scavenging activity. Along (3) Distribute 3 ml of medium containing agar 0.9%
with the DPPH method (Section, the ABTS and 1 ml ABTS•+ solution (Figure 23) or DPPH•
radical cation (ABTS•+) scavenging method is one of the solution on TLC plates (Vera et al., 2011; Zampini,
most extensively used antioxidant assays for propolis Ordoñez, & Isla, 2010).
samples. The ABTS radical cation is generated by the
oxidation of ABTS with potassium persulfate, and its
reduction in the presence of hydrogen-donating antioxi-
dants is measured spectrophotometrically at 734 nm
(Re et al., 1999).
ABTS·+ is generated by reaction of 7 mM ABTS and
2.45 mM potassium persulfate after incubation at room
temperature (23 ˚C) in the dark for 16 h. The ABTS·+
solution is obtained by diluting the stock solution to an
absorbance of 0.70 at 734 nm in ethanol, or PBS pH 7.4
according the solvent used to extract preparation.
(4) Incubate the plate at room temperature for 1 min Reaction mixtures without the test compound serve
in the dark. as positive controls (100% malodialdehyde). The nega-
(5) The antioxidant compounds are visualized as bright tive control should contain the full reaction mixture
areas on a purplish (DPPH) or green blue (ABTS•+) except 2-deoxy-D-ribose. Controls without either
background (Figure 24). EDTA or ascorbic should be performed. IC50 values are
obtained from dose-response curves. Scavenging activity of reactive oxygen species Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity Superoxide radical scavenging activity-non-en- (1) Prepare a solution (4 mM) of hydrogen peroxide
zymatic assay. Superoxide radicals are generated by the in phosphate buffer (PBS, pH 7.4).
NADH/PMS (phenazine methosulfate) system following (2) Determine hydrogen peroxide concentration
a method as described Valentão et al. (2002) and spectrophotometrically from absorption at
modified by Danert et al. (2014). 230 nm using the molar absorptivity 81 M−1 cm−1.
(3) Add the propolis sample to the hydrogen perox-
(1) Mix a total of 50 μl of the tested propolis ide solution (0.6 ml).
extract (see Section 3.1.1) with 40 μl of NADH (4) Measure the absorbance of hydrogen peroxide
(2 mM), 20 μl of NBT (nitroblue tetrazolium) with and without propolis extract at 230 nm
(1 mM) and 40 μl of PMS (60 μM). (Aruoma, Grootveld, & Halliwell, 1987; Zampini
(2) Dissolve all the reagents in a phosphate buffer et al., 2008).
(19 mM, pH 7.4).
(3) Dissolve the extracts in DMSO (final concentra-
tion of 0.1%). Inhibition of lipid oxidation
(4) Incubate the reaction mixture for 30 min at
37 ˚C and measure the absorbance at 550 nm in β-Carotene-linoleic acid bleaching assay. The
a microplate reader. SC50 values denote the μg β-carotene linoleic acid bleaching assay is one of the
GAE/ml required to scavenge 50% of superoxide antioxidant assays suitable for propolis samples. In this
free radicals and are obtained from doses-re- assay, the antioxidant capacity is determined by the
sponse curves. formation of conjugated diene hydroperoxides arising
from linoleic acid oxidation, which results in the Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. Hydroxyl discolouration of β-carotene. The reaction is carried
radical scavenging is carried out by measuring the competi- out according to Velioglu, Mazza, Gao, and Oomah
tion between deoxyribose and each extract for hydroxyl (1998) with slight modifications according to Danert
radicals generated from the Fe3+/ascorbate/EDTA/H2O2 et al. (2014).
system. The attack of the hydroxyl radical on deoxyribose
leads to thiobarbituric acid reactive species formation. The (1) Add β-carotene (10 mg) in 50 μl of chloroform
reaction is performed according to Chobot (2010) with to 40 μl of linoleic acid and 400 μl of Tween 40
modifications according to Danert et al. (2014). emulsifier mixture.
(2) After evaporation of the chloroform under vac-
(1) Add various concentrations of propolis extract uum, add 10 ml of distilled water with vigorous
(see Section 3.1.1) to the reaction mixture con- shaking.
taining 50 μl of a 10.4 mM 2-deoxy-D-ribose (3) Add 60 ml of 14 mM H2O2, transfer 1ml of this
solution, 100 μl of FeCl3 (50 μM) and 100 μl of mixture into test tubes containing different con-
52 μM EDTA. centrations of dry propolis extract (see Sec-
(2) Add 50 μl of 10 mM H2O2, 50 μl of 1.0 mM tion 3.1.1) or positive controls (100 μl).
ascorbic acid and 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH (4) As soon as the emulsion is added to each tube,
7.4) making up a final volume of 0.5 ml, to start the zero time point absorbance is measured at
the Fenton reaction. 470 nm using a spectrophotometer.
(3) Incubate the reaction mixture at 37 ˚C for 1 h. (5) Incubate the emulsion for 2 h at 50 ˚C. A blank,
(4) Dissolve 500 μl of 1% 2-thiobarbituric acid in 3% devoid of β-carotene is prepared and a control
trichloroacetic acid (w/v) and add to each test of β-carotene and propolis. Quercetin, BHT and
tube and maintained at 100 ˚C for 20 min. α-tocopherol are used as standards.
(5) To remove the reaction product, add 700 μl of
n-butanol and vigorously vortex the mixture.
(6) Separate the n-butanol layers, each 600 μl, and Inhibition of oxidation of low density lipoprotein.
measure the absorbance at 532 nm. At present, it is well known that reactive oxygen species
(7) Assays are performed in triplicate. (ROS) can play a pivotal role in the initiation, propagation
The COLOSS BEEBOOK: propolis 43
and termination reactions of the low density lipoprotein Inhibitory efficiency of propolis extracts on H2O2-
(LDL) peroxidation processes (Lobo et al., 2010; Pisoschi induced lipid peroxidation
& Pop, 2015; Siti et al., 2015). In vitro assays usually employ
cupric sulfate or cupric chloride as initiators of LDL (1) Obtain blood (5–10 ml) from healthy non-smo-
oxidation and the lipid peroxidation processes should be ker adult individuals after informed consent. Iso-
followed with the formation of diene conjugates by UV late human erythrocytes from citrated blood
spectroscopy at 234 nm. The kinetic is characterized by immediately by centrifugation at 1500 rpm for
the presence of a lag time associated with the presence of 10 min at 4 ˚C.
endogenous antioxidants (mainly vitamin E and coenzyme (2) After removal of plasma and buffy coat, wash
Q) in the LDL particle. After that period, the peroxida- the erythrocytes three times with phosphate-
tion of lipids is evidenced as an increase in the absorbance buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4) at 4 ˚C, and, finally,
at 234 nm. In the presence of antioxidants, this lag time is resuspend in PBS to obtain erythrocyte suspen-
increased. The main advantage of this in vitro assay is the sions at 5%.
use of a biologically relevant target. (3) Dissolve initially the dry propolis extract (col-
lected per Section 3.1.1) in DMSO to obtain
(1) Obtain blood by vein puncture of a forearm vein stock solutions and further dilute in PBS to
from 12 h fasted individuals. obtain different final concentrations of propolis.
(2) Receive the blood into tubes without anticoagu- From these serial dilutions, the DMSO final con-
lant and centrifuge at 1000× g for 20 min at centration is never higher than 0.08%.
4 ˚C. (4) To study the protective effects of propolis
(3) Recover the serum and use it immediately for extracts against H2O2-induced lipid peroxidation,
the assays. pre-incubate 0.5 ml of an erythrocyte suspension
(4) Incubate human serum samples containing at 5% in PBS suspension, with 10 μl of propolis
1.23 mg of protein/ml; 0.035 mg of LDL-choles- extract in presence or absence of 4 mM sodium
terol/ml; 0.04 mg of protein of LDL/ml in 10 ml azide, a catalase inhibitor, for 20 min at 37 ˚C
of PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH before inducing oxidative stress.
7.4, containing 0.15 M NaCl) at 37 ˚C with or (5) After incubation, centrifuge the mixture, wash
without CuCl2 (final concentration 11.7 mM) with PBS, re-suspend with 0.5 ml of PBS and
and with or without propolis extract (see treat with 0.5 ml of 0.5, 2 and 8 mM of H2O2
Section 3.1.1) (final concentration 1–50 μg/ml) for 4 h at room temperature (Senturk et al.,
for 2 h. 2001). A negative control (erythrocytes in PBS),
(5) Terminate the oxidation by the addition of 100 a positive control (erythrocytes in PBS with
μmol of EDTA or 10 μM butylated hydroxy- ascorbic acid), and extract controls (erythro-
toluene (BHT) and refrigeration at 4 ˚C (Aviram, cytes in PBS with each extract) are necessary.
1996; adapted by Isla, Nieva Moreno, Sampietro, (6) Estimate the extension of lipid peroxidation
& Vattuone, 2001). using a modified thiobarbituric acid (TBA) assay.
(6) The formation of conjugated dienes is followed Briefly, take 500 μl of erythrocyte suspensions
by the absorbance at 234 nm. Determine the and incubate at 95 ˚C for 45 min with 1 ml of
concentration of dienes using the difference in TBA–TCA–HCl (0.375% (w/v) TBA, 15% (w/v)
absorbance at zero time and at the end of TCA, 0.25 M HCl).
experiment, using the molar absorption coeffi- (7) Cool at room temperature and centrifuge at
cient ε234 = 29,500 M−1 cm−1 for conjugated 1000× g for 10 min.
dienes (Abuja, Murkovic, & Pfannhauser, 1998). (8) Measure the absorbance of the supernatant at
Lag times (min) should be determined from the 532 nm. Use a standard curve to quantify the
intercept of lines drawn through the linear amount of MDA.
portions of the lag phase and propagation phase. Protective effect of propolis extracts on H2O2-in-
duced oxidative hemolysis
6.3.3. Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of propolis in
cellular systems
(1) Pre-incubate 0.5 ml of an erythrocyte suspension
Oxidative stress can be induced in whole cell suspension at 5% in PBS, with 10 μl of propolis extract
by hydrophilic compounds such as H2O2 or 2,2´-Azobis- (collected per Section 3.1.1) in presence or
(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPS). H2O2 that absence of 4 mM sodium azide, a catalase
is normally generated in vivo mainly by the autoxidation inhibitor, for 20 min at 37˚ C before inducing
of hemoglobin and dismutation of superoxide gives rise oxidative stress.
to radicals like hydroxyl ions. AAPH generates peroxyl (2) After incubation, centrifuge the mixture, wash it
radicals outside the membrane. with PBS, re-suspend with 0.5 ml of PBS and
44 V. Bankova et al.
treat with 0.5 ml of 0.5, 2 and 8 mM of H2O2 for honey bees and its significance as a component of
for 4 h at room temperature (Senturk et al., their social immunity. Appropriate methods should be
2001). A negative control (erythrocytes in PBS) developed further for in-depth studies of this aspect of
and extract controls (erythrocytes in PBS with propolis function.
each extract) are necessary. Future studies on propolis should also be directed
(3) Take out aliquots of the reaction mixture at to the development of procedures for the standardiza-
each hour during 4 h of incubation, dilute with tion of propolis types other than poplar type and green
saline, and centrifuge at 1000× g for 10 min to Brazilian propolis, and to conduct research on propolis
separate the erythrocytes. from different geographic regions in order to character-
(4) Determine the percentage of hemolysis by mea- ize them chemically and discover their plant source(s).
suring the absorbance of the supernatant (A) at Studies of biological and pharmacological activities of
545 nm and compare with that of complete propolis have to be performed only with chemically
hemolysis (B) by treating an aliquot with the characterized and standardized propolis in order to get
same volume of the reaction mixture with dis- meaningful, reliable and reproducible results. Metabolo-
tilled water. mics approaches should be applied in combination with
(5) Calculate the hemolysis percentage using the biological tests in order to get a holistic picture of the
formula: A/B × 100. IC50 values at time 3 h are composition-activity relationship.
determined from a concentration–response
curve obtained by plotting the percentage of
hemolysis inhibition vs. the extract concentra- Acknowledgements
tion. Use ascorbic acid as the reference antioxi- The COLOSS (Prevention of honey bee COlony LOSSes)
dant compound. Association aims to explain and prevent massive honey bee
colony losses. It was funded through the COST Action
FA0803. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Tech-
6.4. Antiparasitic activity: action against varroa nology) is a unique means for European researchers to jointly
develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all scientific
The methods are described in Dietemann et al. (2013). disciplines through trans-European networking of nationally
funded research activities. Based on a pan-European intergov-
6.5. Other tests, including clinical tests ernmental framework for cooperation in science and technol-
ogy, COST has contributed since its creation more than 40
Propolis extracts have been tested for many different years ago to closing the gap between science, policy makers
types of biological and pharmacological activities (Bur- and society throughout Europe and beyond. COST is sup-
dock, 1998; Farooqui & Farooqui, 2010; Sforcin & Bank- ported by the EU Seventh Framework Program for research,
ova, 2011), including in clinical trials (Henshaw et al., technological development and demonstration activities (Offi-
cial Journal L 412, 30 December 2006). The European Science
2014; Hoheisel, 2001; Paulino, Coutinho, Coutinho, & Foundation as implementing agent of COST provides the
Scremin, 2014; Soroy, Bagus, Yongkie, & Djoko, 2014; COST Office through an EC Grant Agreement. The Council
Vaz Coelho et al., 2007). Most significant is the number of of the European Union provides the COST Secretariat. The
clinical trials in dentistry (Anauate-Netto et al., 2014; Per- COLOSS network is now supported by the Ricola Foundation
eira et al., 2011; Prabhakar, Karuna, Yavagal, & Deepak, – Nature & Culture.
2015; Purra, Mushtaq, Acharya, & Saraswati, 2014; Tor-
wane et al., 2013). It is impossible to describe standard Disclosure statement
methods for these numerous and diverse tests here. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
However, it is essential to emphasize the importance
of using chemically characterized and standardized pro-
polis in any biological and/or clinical test performed with
propolis extracts and preparations containing propolis.
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