Section/Time: 10-BERZELIUS 10:30 – 11:30 10-BERZELIUS 10:30 – 11:30 10-BERZELIUS 10:30 – 11:30 10-BERZELIUS 10:30 – 11:30
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness.
B. The learner…
Performance Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society
Standard Practices healthy eating habits and support an active lifestyle
The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
-The learners are expected to -The learners are expected to -Analyses the effects of -Analyses the effects of
express a sense of purpose express a sense of purpose media and technology on media and technology on
and belongingness by and belongingness by fitness and physical fitness and physical activity
participating in physical participating in physical activity (PE10PF-IIIb-46)
activity-related community activity-related community (PE10PF-IIIb-46)
C. Learning services and services and -Critiques (verifiy and
Competencie programs(PE10PF-IIIc-h-48) programs(PE10PF-IIIc-h-48) -Critiques (verifiy and validate) media information
s/objectives validate) media information on fitness and physical
The learners are expected to The learners are expected to on fitness and physical activity issues
recognize the needs of others in recognize the needs of others in activity issues (PE10PF-IIIb-47)
real life and in meaningful ways real life and in meaningful ways (PE10PF-IIIb-47)
(PE10PF-IIIc-h-49) (PE10PF-IIIc-h-49)
II. CONTENT Other Dance Forms (Hip-hop, Other Dance Forms (Hip-hop, Other Dance Forms (Hip-hop, Other Dance Forms (Hip-hop,
Street Dance, Cheer Dance, Street Dance, Cheer Dance, Street Dance, Cheer Dance, Street Dance, Cheer Dance,
Contemporary Dance) Contemporary Dance) Contemporary Dance) Contemporary Dance)
A. References
1. Teacher’s
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other
A. Reviewing The teacher will solicit opinion The teacher will ask this The teacher will ask volunteers to
Previous from the learners about the The teacher will ask the students question: discuss different lifestyle disorders.
Lessons or benefits of involving oneself to to differentiate a healthy and an
presenting a physical activities, exercises unhealthy person. What is the importance of
new lesson such as hip-hop, street dance, physical activity, exercise and
cheer dance, contemporary following healthy eating habits?
dance, etc. (5 min)
(All answers should be posted on
the board using metastrips.)
B. Establishing The teacher will show a picture The teacher will read the story
a purpose for of a person with unhealthy eating about "Sitio Katamakawan"
the lesson habits, lack of physical activity and ask the following
and exercise. Let the learners questions:
answer the following questions:
C. Presenting The teacher will show pictures Students will watch a video
examples/ of healthy eating habits, that shows factors related to
instances of physical activity and exercise lifestyle diseases. The teacher
the new involvement. The teacher will will ask the following
lesson ask the learners to answer the questions:
following questions: What are the factors that
What can you say about cause lifestyle
the pictures? diseases?
What healthy What physical activities
habits/practices are can you advice your
shown in the pictures? family, friends and
What will happen if you people in the community
involve yourself in to avoid such factors that
physical activity, exercise cause lifestyle diseases?
and practice healthy
eating habits?
D. Discussing The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss to the
new Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide class the Types of Lifestyle
concepts and (FPAG) to engage learners Diseases:
practicing among the healthy physical Obesity
new skills #1 activities. Diabetes
Heart Disease (15 min)
131283- types-lifestyle- diseases/
m/info/ob esity
E. Discussing The teacher will show the
new picture of Eating Plan for
concepts and Healthy Living to check and
practicing remind the learners of their daily
new skills #2 nutritional needs.
F. Developing The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the learners
mastery processing questions: to read the article 5 out of 10
(Leads to A.Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide Filipinos die of heart disease.
Formative (FPAG) (See attached article, TG. P 146)
Assessment Which of these activities do
#3) you do for at least Let the learners do Activity 11
10minutes at a time for 30 on p. 131-132 LM.
minutes a day for at least Instruct the learners to write a
5 days a week? 2. Based short speech/message about
on the FPAG, do you their insights, if they are dance
consider yourself as an enthusiasts and/or health
active or inactive person? advocates on the importance
Why? of maintaining a healthy
How much time do you lifestyle.
engage in dancing?
If you don't like dancing,
which of these activities
in FPAG will you
choose as your hobby?
B. Eating Plan for Healthy
Living (EPHL)
Are you eating the right
amount food needed by
your body?
What is the importance
of eating a balanced
diet to lifelong fitness?
G. Finding What Physical activity, exercises The teacher will give each
practical and eating habits can you student 1-2 minutes to speak
applications suggest to your friends, family about their short
of concepts and relatives to improve or speech/message regarding the
and skills in maintain their physical fitness importance of maintaining a
daily living and healthy lifestyle? healthy lifestyle.
Based on their suggestions the
class will be divided into 3
groups and they will perform the
suggested physical activity,
exercises or eating habits
through dramatization)
Note: For physical activity and
exercises they should follow the
FITT principle.
H. Making What is the importance of physical What other or special activities
generalizatio activity, exercise and following a should a person with lifestyle
ns and healthy eating habits to lifelong disease must observe in able to
abstractions fitness? attain lifelong fitness?
about the
I. Evaluating The performance of the students The speech/message made by the
learning on the physical activity, exercise learners will be graded using
and eating habits will be criteria on p. 132 LM.
J. Additional
activities for
application or
No. of learners
who earned
80% on the
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with