Megan Dalla-Camina WOMAN the Journal Clarity
Megan Dalla-Camina WOMAN the Journal Clarity
Megan Dalla-Camina WOMAN the Journal Clarity
Creating Clarity:
Women we love
Ways To Get
Building The Clarity On Who
New Path You Really Are
VisionBoard Clarity
A heartfelt welcome to WOMAN: The Journal. I have been dreaming of creating a sacred
offering for us as women to reflect on our lives, careers, wellbeing and the things that
matter to us. Life can be so busy it can be hard to draw breath. I hope this journal may give
you space to pause and put yourself at the centre of your life, and tune in to how you feel,
what you need and how you can continually come home to yourself.
This issue falls at the start of a new year, and the theme is Clarity. What I know from working
with thousands of women and doing my own deep inner work, is that when we create the
space, time and energy to get clear on who we are and what we trulywant, and when we
tap into our feminine wisdom, miraculous things can happen. We often wonder why things
aren’t working out the way we think they should, why we can’t make progress on our goals,
or why we just don’t feel right in our lives. One of the core reasons I witness in my own life,
with my girlfriends and women I work with, is that we can feel this way because we haven’t
done the work to create clarity. When we do create clarity, life comes into alignment,
synchronicities abound, and yes, miracles can happen.
In this issue, you will find an array of journal articles to guide you on your journey to finding
clarity. You will also find quotes to inspire you, coaching prompts to help you reflect, and
affirmations to support your positive mindset and energy. There’s also some great tools,
insights from women we love, a couple of gorgeous images to pop on your vision board,
and even some tips on how to create that vision board.
We are so grateful you are here and are journeying with us. We hope this issue of
WOMAN: The Journal helps bring clarity and that you travel through this new year with
peace, love, comfort and grace.
One of my all-time favourite questions is this: and listen to the simple desires that sit in our
What is your life vision? It’s a question I have deepest places.
posed hundreds of times to clients, friends,
I holdvisiona clear
women at events I’m speaking at, and countless So we stay busy, filling up our schedules and
times in my writing. It’s one of the most social lives. Scrolling through endless social
important questions we can ask ourselves. And media feeds in the hope of distracting ourselves
yet it’s also one we spend the least amount of from the sense of disappointment we can feel
time contemplating. if we sit with ourselves for too long. But if you
could be brave for a moment, and I asked you
How can that be? After all, this is our one and to jot down in a stream of consciousness what
only life—well, in this lifetime anyway. How is you truly wanted for your life, what would you
it that we spend so little time envisioning how write? What words and visions would flow onto
we want to live it? The easy answer is that we’re the page? What would your heart beckon so
busy. Caught up in daily demands and our that it could finally be heard?
for my life.
never ending to-do lists. Frantically trying to
navigate our way through the days and weeks I invite you to spend a little time to get clear.
unscathed and unbroken. Just trying to get What do you want for your life? What would
through it all. you want most if you gave yourself permission?
Think about your family life, friends, work,
If that’s the easy answer, there is a tougher creativity, spirituality, community, charity,
one as well. And that is that it can be hard. activism, wellbeing, romantic and social
Hard to get quiet with ourselves. Hard to sit life … what would it all look like? Get an art
with our truth. Hard to admit that the life we journal with blank pages and some coloured
are living bears little resemblance to the life pens or pencils. Write, draw, cut out pictures
we were hoping to live, or would hope to live from magazines, use a Pinterest board, write
if we gave ourselves enough space to dream inspiring quotes, dream larger than the life you A F F I R M AT I O N
about what it looked like. It can be hard to be are currently living. Vision it all. This is your one
with ourselves in the truest essence of our souls and only life. Give yourself the gift of living it.
*Excerpt from Simple Soulful Sacred - A woman’s guide to clarity, comfort and coming home to herself
WAS LOST 5. CLEAR YOUR SPACE and achievements you can think of,
large and small, hard and soft, that
What do you need to let go of from
2024 that no longer serves you? Write
ON ALL LEVELS — made 2024 the year it was. down as many things that come to
Think about how you can acknowledge
WAS RECEIVED MENTAL & SPIRITUAL and celebrate all you have achieved. Describe 2024 in four words.
What were the three best things that Write down any other reflections you
happened? Next to each, write why it have on 2024 that you want to get on
was so great. paper, acknowledge, and release.
safe to
• Spending money on sleep
things you don’t need • Not having boundaries
• Worrying what other • Eating crap that makes
people think of you you tired
• Letting your ego rule • People who steal your
• Holding your tongue energy
• Playing small • That job you hate
• Being a people pleaser • Old clothes in your
what i no
• Packing your schedule wardrobe
• Self limiting beliefs • Anything that robs your
• Distracting yourself from mojo
making change • Clutter in your house
• Being unkind to yourself • Glorifying busy
• Self sabotaging • Things that don’t bring
behaviours you joy
• Constant scrolling • False goals of perfection
• Trying to control • The belief that you’re not
everything good enough
Simple Soulful Sacred is an irresistible invitation to lead a more meaningful, purposeful and soul
aligned life. It’s the guidebook for women who are ready to step out of the hustle and into the flow
of intentional living. Megan Dalla-Camina lights the path for women to get clear on what they truly
want, own their feminine power and claim what’s sacred.
Sometimes it’s not easy being a woman. Our lives can be furiously fast and busy. We can lose
ourselves amongst the juggle of everything on our to-do lists, lose touch with the woman we long
to be, and lose sight of the dreams we once had for our life.
Simple Soulful Sacred shows women a path out of the busyness and into the flow of a new way
of being. In soul nourishing and easy to read chapters, this wisdom filled book explores themes
of simplicity, livelihood, wellbeing, comfort, soulfulness, consciousness, courage, sacredness,
womanhood and sovereignty.
If you’re ready for more connection to what’s important, more reverence for what’s sacred, more
clarity on what you want and how to redefine womanhood, and success, for yourself - then you will
love this book. It’s your trusted guide for creating a more intentional life. Your heroine’s journey
map for becoming the woman you want to be. And it’s the permission slip you’ve been waiting for.
Prefer to listen to the book as read by the author? Get your copy of the audio book here:
h e l ps u s g e t c l e ar
M e g a n ’ s w i s d o m
b y t r u s t i n g ou r o w n
a t w e w a n t
and declare wh a c t i on w e k n o w
a v e l y t a k i n g th e
guidance and br t a k e .
we want and n ee d t o
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creating clarity reflection questions
building the new path 1. If there were between four and six
words that would describe how you
want to feel and show up in 2025, what
6. List three ways you will nourish and
restore yourself. This could be a regular
yoga class, your meditation practice,
would they be? Write a good list of all tea with your best girlfriend, a weekly
You’ve spent some time reflecting on the year that was in 2024. And you have thought the feelings you would like to experience bubble bath or being more mindful.
about what feels right to release and let go of, so you can make space to create an and then settle on the six that you really Think of small things that could make a
incredible year in 2025. want to live each day. big difference.
So let’s get to the fun part. What is it that your heart and soul desires right now? What 2. What are your wildest and most 7. What will you make more time for this
do you want more of? What do you want to create? Who do you want to be? Here’s hopeful dreams for the year? This is year?
a hint: more of what feels aligned, more things that light you up, people that make the time to unhook yourself from any
your heart happy, and work that fires up your soul. ‘shoulds’ or ‘have to’ thoughts and really 8. What will you say no to this year?
dive deep into your heartfelt dreams and
How’s that for starters? longings. Yes, you have them, it’s time to 9. What do you really want to say yes to
let them loose. this year?
It’s time to create your vision. Take some time and get comfy. You may want to light
a candle, put on some chill music, make a cup of tea or pour yourself a glass of wine. 3. What are the top three things you 10. How can you be of the greatest
want to accomplish this year in your work service this year?
Sit with these questions and really tune in to what feels true for you. Release the life? Why do they matter to you?
‘shoulds’ and the ‘have to’s’. Don’t worry about the when and how or what will people 11. If you really invested in yourself this
think. This visioning work is all about you, your heart, your longings, your visions and 4. What are the top three things you want year, and money, time or permission was
getting as much clarity as you can about what you truly want. to accomplish this year in your personal not an issue, what would you do?
life? Why do they matter to you?
Give yourself permission to dream the dream. And remember: if you can vision it, 12. Visualise your ideal day. What are
you can create it. Know that to be true. Because it is. And we believe in your endless 5. Name three passions, hobbies or you doing? Who are you with? How is
capacity to make it so. creative pursuits that you want to make a your time being spent? How do you
priority in 2025. feel? What are you accomplishing? What
is the mix between work and play time?
Dive into your dream day and write it all
Clarity comes from stillness.
I promise you’ll feel better just making the commitment.
1. What possibilities have you shut Clarity is the most important thing. I can compare clarity to pruning in
gardening. You know, you need to be clear. If you are not clear, nothing is going
down or closed off in your life?
to happen. You have to be clear. Then you have to be confident about your vision.
And after that, you just have to put a lot of work in.
The practice that will lead you to both is meditation. When we take the time and
Start here.
create the space for silent meditation practice, we give ourselves the gift of getting
to know ourselves on a very deep and profound level. 1. Give yourself a five minute practice to start with. Sit in silence and follow your breath. Breathe
in. Breathe out. Follow your breath. When your mind wanders, notice it, and gently come back to
Without the busyness, the constant external noise, the endless distractions and your breath.
interruptions, we go inward. This journey may not always be pleasant. The 60,000 thoughts
you have a day will not magically disappear just because you have decided to sit still for a moment.
2. Try a mantra. So Hum is a powerful mantra that means I Am That, That I Am. It’s a great
meditation practice as it gives the mind something to focus on. Inhale and silently repeat ’So’.
But what will happen as you develop a practice over time, and train your mind to calm down, is that
Exhale and silently repeat ‘Hum’. So Hum. Set a timer and practice for five minutes.
the thoughts will be less persistent and the spaces between your thoughts will widen.
This gap, the space between your thoughts, is where the magic happens. It’s where your true self
resides. It’s where you will find all of the answers you are seeking. It’s a place to visit time and time
3. Try a meditation app like Headspace or Insight Timer for a guided meditation practice. If you
have never meditated, or tried before and felt like it’s not for you, you may just need a gentler
again, as you journey home to who you truly are and find all of the clarity your heart desires. path in. Practice a guided meditation every day for a week and see how you feel.
Weekly love notes in your email inbox I wake up early, before 6am. I can hear the
peaceful sound of birds chirping outside:
trudge into the shower, waking my kid up on
the way. Then it was a stressed-out hustle to
kookaburras singing their morning song, get us both ready, him fed and off to school
Each Sunday afternoon, I send a heartfelt note of encouragement to lorikeets beckoning to each other, parakeets and then me to the office. Suited up from my
over 14,000 women in our community. Consider it a love letter for your spirit, squawking loudly. I hop out of bed, eager head to my heels, I’d grab a coffee and maybe
offering a moment of reflection and inspiration for the week ahead. to get into the day. After my morning rituals some toast and suffer through a never-ending
I warmly invite you to join and receive a boost of positivity and comfort. (oil pulling, saltwater mouth rinsing, teeth morning of grind. And more often than not,
brushing, lemon water), I head out for my walk. there were hot frustrated tears along the way.
I love this time of the morning. Only a few Your morning sets your mindset for the entire
locals are out. The streets are clear. The light is day. Back in those days, I used to have an
magical, optimistically bright for what the day ideal morning when I was on vacation, but
might bring. I walk through the bush track along could never quite replicate that in my ‘real life’.
the long harbour trail, then eventually make my Then one day coming back from a week at the
way down to the beach. I have a swim in the beach, I just decided that I wanted to bring
ocean, meditate on the beach, contemplate that energy home with me. It wasn’t enough
my Universe and then walk home again. I finish to only have a beautiful morning experience a
off with a yoga practice to the tunes of Stevie few times a year; I wanted it daily. And while I
Nicks, before showering, making a green was still working my corporate job at that time,
smoothie and settling in for some writing I managed to create a version that brought me
time—dressed in my silk kaftan, essential oils similar energy and positive emotions, and that
in the diffuser, chai latte in hand. For me, that’s set me up to carry that energy throughout my
as close to a perfect morning as it gets. day.
Rewind, not even a decade ago, and my What does your ideal morning look like? No
morning looked vastly different. The alarm matter how much or how little time you have,
would go off and I’d hit snooze until the last work out a ritual that will support you, have you
possible moment, before dragging myself out looking forward to the morning like a child on
of bed. Dreading what was ahead of me not Christmas Day, and infuse positive energy into
just for the morning but for the entire day, I’d every cell of your body.
*Excerpt from Simple Soulful Sacred - A woman’s guide to clarity, comfort and coming home to herself
interpret the world
Uncover your human design, a tool for self-discovery and decision making
How can you start your day so that
you have time for you first thing in the
Get to know your character strengths
What could you do that would ease WWW.VIA CHA R A CTE R .O R G
you into the day with more grace?
What would it feel like to strive for less, instead could take a back seat for a while? Would that
nowing how you actually of more? You may need to sit with this one for
a few moments. We are socially programmed
mindset help you to actually see all that you
have to be grateful for? Would it let you enjoy
to always want more. More money. A better your life more, perhaps even soothe your soul
want to feel is the most job with a bigger title. A bigger business. A a little?
newer car. A larger house. The latest fashion
potent form of clarity in our wardrobe. The greatest, biggest, most
fabulous next-thing-on-the-list.
When you give up the need to achieve and stop
driving yourself so hard, you free up energy
*Excerpt from Simple Soulful Sacred - A woman’s guide to clarity, comfort and coming home to herself
I with
am content If It Were Easy?
I am right now.
What would it look like if it were easy? That Plan for easy. Plan for ease. Actually work out
thing you have been putting off, because and write down how the pieces would come
you think it’s going to be too hard. The work together, how the conversation would go, how
project you don’t want to start, because you’re the work would pan out, if it were easy. Create
terrified it will be a struggle like the last one. a visual picture and an internal dialogue that
The conversation you’re dreading with your supports that path.
partner, because it’s going to be awkward. All
of those things on your to-do list. It doesn’t have to be so hard, this life you are
living. You can manifest and create ease. You
Pick just one. What would it look like if it were can do easy. You can choose it.
A FF IRMATIO N easy? If there was flow. And grace. And oodles
of ease. If everything that could go to plan,
went to plan. If you felt great while doing it.
What would it look like?
*Excerpt from Simple Soulful Sacred - A woman’s guide to clarity, comfort and coming home to herself
From Hazy to Clear:
How to Gain Clarity About Your Life
The Brendon Show:
High Performance Habits - Seek Clarity
Audio Exercise
101 Dreams Audio Guide
Graphic Designer
Creative Director and Words Hannah Walker
Megan Dalla-Camina
Best-selling Author Editorial Curator
Founder + CEO, Women Rising Samantha Thomas
The images used throughout this issue have been sourced from Unsplash
and Pinterest. We use them with thanks to their creators.
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Features soul nourishing and easy-to- Features the 6 external paradoxes of SHO P AT Y O U R FAVO U R ITE B O O K
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