Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 9 7403
pler to interpret than optical activity at a single wave- C the concentration, 6z the thickness of the thin layer of
length,4.5 and, finally, the availability of commercial sample on which the light is impinging normally, I the in-
equipment which converts the study of optical activity tensity of the radiation in ergs c m - * sec-’, and 61 the
into a direct and accurate measurement of differential intensity lost in passage through the layer of thickness 6z
absorption of right and left circularly polarized light. by the absorption of the molecules therein. 61 is equal to
This essentially inverted development of the field has the number of molecules in the layer, 6N, times w, the
led to a peculiar structure to the theory as it exists in the average energy absorbed per molecule per second. 61 =
literature. An analogous situation would be if the theory w6N. I f the unit of concentration is moles per liter, 6 N =
of the electronic absorption of atoms and molecules had ( N C / 1 0 0 0 ) 6 z because I is defined in terms of unit cross-
been approached from the point of view of the refractive sectional area and
index. The result is that experimental workers in the field N w
t = --
at the present time place most weight on the measure- 2303 I
ment and interpretation of circular dichroism (CD) but,
on seeking theoretical guidance, find that the literature is where N is Avogadro’s number. Note that if w is not pro-
mostly concerned with the optical rotatory dispersion portional to I , the extinction coefficient will depend on the
(ORD) of line spectra. These remarks apply only to theo- intensity of radiation. From an examination of the units it
retical discussions at the elementary level. From a more can be seen that w / I is the cross section in c m 2 per mol-
advanced point of view, the topic has been covered in a ecule for the absorption process.
very satisfactory manner by a number of writers (for ex- Linear dichroism and circular dichroism are defined in
ample, ref 6-9). terms of differences in extinction coefficients as follows:
What seems to have been bypassed in the literature is linear dichroism
a discussion of circular dichroism at the minimum level
of complexity, i.e., straightforward, time-dependent per-
turbation theory with simple electric and magnetic dipole
interaction with the radiation. Though lacking the power
and generality of other approaches to this problem, this circular dichroism
324 Chemical Reviews, 1975, Vol. 75, No. 3 John A. Schellman
rcpl e+ = --
h+ - -
E- = {eE,e[+/ = €0
77 ( i cos $ + j sin +)
That these represent right and left cpl can be seen by
lcpl e - = - ( '1) putting t = 0 and observing that the vectors trace out
42 --i h-=z
1 right and left spirals in space on substituting $ = - ~ K z .
In forming the magnetic polarization vectors for cpl,
The subscripts x and y designate extinctions with linearly care must be taken that these have the proper phase
polarized light parallel to arbitrarily selected orthogonal relations with the electric vectors. This is accomplished
axes. The subscripts -
and +
refer to extinctions ob- with the rotation matrix R defined above. h + = Re+ and
h - = R e - . The results are
tained with left and right circularly polarized light. In eq 2
and 3, it is assumed that the pairs of extinctions were
measured at the same intensity I . H + = {h+H,e'+l with h + = -
4 1
111. Classical Description of Radiation
In a transparent, isotropic medium of refractive index
n, electromagnetic radiation may be described in terms The results and notation for the polarization vectors are
of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields E and H. E, summarized in Table I.
H , and the direction of propagation of the radiation k are The instantaneous intensity of the radiation is given by
mutually orthogonal and have the same relation to one the Poynting vector S = ( c / 4 r ) E X H, where the real
another as the x, y, and z axes of a right-handed coordi- values of E and H must be used in forming the product.
nate system. In the Gaussian system, E and H have the For linearly polarized light ve X Vh = k and the phase de-
same dimension and are related by I H 1 = n I E 1. pendence is cos2 $. Averaging the latter over a cycle
I f the z axis is defined as the direction of propagation yields a factor of l/2. The mean scalar intensity is then
in the medium, the electric and magnetic fields may be
represented by two-dimensional vectors in the xy plane
(Jones vectors12). The electric field may then be written
The three forms of the intensity expression on the right
E = IveEoeLJ') (4) will lead to different refractive corrections for different
modes of interaction.
where ve is a normalized unit vector describing the state Though (6) was derived for the linearly polarized case,
of polarization of the electric field, and E, and $ are the it may be shown that it is valid for any polarization, pro-
amplitude and phase of the wave, respectively. $ = ut -
nKz = 2 r ( u - z/v), where w is the circular frequency
vided v is normalized such that v * v = 1. Further, the
above discussion assumed a single frequency for the ra-
2 r u , K is 27r/X, and v is the velocity c / n . It is to be un- diation. Any real radiation is polychromatic, and the oper-
derstood that the electric field is given by the real part of ative electric field, magnetic field, and the intensity must
the complex expression. Braces will be used to mean the be obtained by a summation or integration over the fre-
real part of any vector. Thus if v is real, E = veEo cos $ quency. Absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopy
= {veEoe4$1. For linearly polarized light, ve may be writ- belong to the domain of linear optical effects where this
ten as a column vector is a valid procedure.
For circularly polarized light (cpl) the electric polariza-
tion is most conveniently represented by the vectors the transition j -.
Here W i j is the circular Bohr frequency ( E L E j ) / n for
i , and r represents the coordinates (in-
cluding the spin) of all the electrons and nuclei of the
molecule and 'i: is the interaction Hamiltonian of the per-
turbing field and the molecule. In this paper the interac-
tion Hamiltonian consists simply of the interaction of the
for right and left cpl, respectively. Substituting these ex- electric ( p ) and magnetic (rn) moments of the molecule
pressions in ( 4 ) we have with E and H of the radiation field.
Circular Dichroism and Optical Rotation Chemical Reviews, 1975, Vol. 75, No. 3 325
q%+d(wrno - w) (12)
In the form at the right, A has been eliminated in favor of This equation applies for radiation at the frequency w . If
the circular frequency utilizing the formula 6(ax) = eq 14 is now integrated over wmo in keeping with the
(1/ a ) b ( x ) . continuous nature of the absorption, we find
326 Chemical Reviews, 1975, Vol. 75, NQ.3 John A. Schellman
where the 6 function has permitted the substitution of w , Absorption Circular dichroism
the frequency of the radiation, for wmo. The subscript on 4**PNXP(X)Dom 16*z~NXu(X)R,,
o -
p keeps track of the fact that p is the shape factor for the
m transition.
This extremely simple formula is the cornerstone of
Ac =
I.L = ccxi + clyi + Pzk ( p y ) o m( g y )rnolEoHo (23)
becomes Averaging over all orientations of the molecules utilizing
M = p-e+ + p + e - + pzk the relation ( a x b x ) = (a,b,) = ( a - b )/3, we have
2 2
where e+ and e- are the unit polarization vectors for the
electric field of right and left circularly polarized light.
(V*),,2 =*E02 + *H,2
f~ ( ~ m . g o m ) E o H o
The introduction of p + and p - involves the decomposi- The field quantities can be eliminated by means of eq 6.
tion of linear moments into circular components. This is a We also introduce the quantities:
familiar device in the discussion of magnetic resonance
interactions. The magnetic moment m can be similarly Do, = ( I . L , , ) ~ = / ~ , ~ ~ p , ,electric dipole strength (24a)
decomposed, but in so doing it will be desirable to main-
tain the same kind of phase relationships between m and Go, = ( g ) o m 2 = m o m * m m o magnetic dipole strength (24b)
p as exist between H and E. In accordance with Table I R,, -
- -Cc,,.gom = Im(fio,.mmo) rotatory strength (24c)
we define
Do,, Go,, and Rom are molecular measures of electric
m +
+ mx
T m-=+
im, +m dipole absorption, magnetic dipole absorption, and circu-
lar dichroism, respectively. In the second part of eq 24c,
R,, has been converted to its customary form by substi-
m x = . w my=* tuting -go, = +mi, = +mi *, = -immo. But this
equals Im(mm0) in the sense that if z = x 4- i y , -iz =
In these terms the magnetic moment operator is Im[z] = y , when x = 0.
m = m-h+ + m + h - + m,k Making the substitutions from the three forms of eq 6
and the three terms of eq 23
In terms of the circularly polarized moments the interac-
tion takes a very simple form. For right and left circularly
polarized light we have respectively E+ = e+€,, H + =
h+H,, and E- = e-€,, H - = h - H o . Utilizing the rela-
tions e+ .e+ = h+ .h+ = 0 and e, .e- = h+ .h- = 1, we We may now utilize eq 15 and 1 to obtain expressions for
find the extinction. In so doing it is necessary to recall that
the transition density function depends not only on the
(!'+)om = - ( p + ) o m E o -(m+)omHo upper and lower states, but on the matrix elements con-
(V-)orn = -(/l-)ornEo - ( m - ) o m H o necting them. There are three combinations of matrix el-
ements in (24) and each has its own transition density
where V + and V - refer respectively to the interaction function. We will call these p ( w ) , ~ ( w )and
, a ( w ) . Utiliz-
with right and left cpl. ing the equations mentioned above
Evaluation of IVo,12 can be cumbersome because of
the three possible sources of imaginary quantities con-
tained in (22). These are the wave functions themselves,
the complex expression for circular polarization, and the
magnetic moment operator. The latter is a pure imagi-
nary since, in a coordinate representation, L in eq 21 is I f we take into account the possibility that the local field,
given by L = ( h / i ) Z j r , X Vi, where the summation is F, differs from E, Le., F = @E, then this equation takes
over electrons. The work proceeds more simply if we the form
take the following steps: (1) Assume all wave functions
are real. This is in accord with a theorem of Van Vleck17 4x'wN
which states that the wave functions of a molecule in a '* = 3(2303)hc
nondegenerate state are necessarily real in the absence
of an external field. A complex phase factor may be in-
troduced, but it is devoid of physical significance. (2)
Temporarily define a real operator g = -im. I n terms of The three terms in (26) represent electric dipole ab-
this operator sorption, magnetic dipole absorption, and circular di-
328 Chemical Reviews, 1975, Vol. 75, No. 3 John A. Bchellman
chroism. Magnetic dipole absorption has only been de- field corrections but with the fact that the wavelength in
tected in a few simple molecules in the gaseous state. It the medium is shortened by a factor of l/n. In the ener-
is extremely weak since the ratio of magnetic intensity to gy balance this compression of the wave plus the electric
electric intensity is of the order of the square of the ratio polarization requires that H = nE. If the Lorentz formula
of the Bohr magneton to the debye unit, i.e., about is applicable n / P = 3n/(n2 + 2). This is close to unity
The term in Go, will be dropped in subsequent formulas. for most realistic values for n. It is unity at n = 1, reach-
I f the incident light is linearly polarized or unpolarized, es a maximum of 1.06 at n = d 2 , goes through unity at
the radiation may be treated as a mixture of rcpl and lcpl n = 2, and attains a value of 0.91 at n = 2.5. We see
so that the CD term cancels. Thus then that the validity of the formula g = 4Rom/Do, de-
pends not on the absence of an internal field but in the
cancellation of the intrinsic effect of refractive index by
the internal field dependence. This cancellation is very
where circular frequency has been replaced by wave- effective for a Lorentz internal field, and one may at least
length. This permits the evaluation of Do, from experi- assume this to be so for the more complex fields which
mental da’ta. Recalling that arise in situations which are not cubic in symmetry as re-
quired for the Lorentz expression.
SPom(A)dX = 1 Frequently circular dichroism spectra are reported as
molar ellipticities. This usage is related to an older tech-
nique of measuring CD by measuring the ellipticity of
light produced by optically active substances. It is not
This can be replaced with a moderately good approxima- difficult to show’s that the molar ellipticity is related to
tion by considering n, p, and Y constant over the width of Ac by the relation
the absorption; thus Me = 4.5(2303)
A At 3300Ac
shape. In this case a ( v ) / p ( v )= 1 and I f the wavelength is chosen as the independent variable,
the form of the Kronig-Kramers transform which is ap-
propriate for the transformation of the circular dichroic
spectrum into the optical rotation spectrum is given byl9
The conditions for this approximation are discussed in the
This formula is usually given as g = 4Ro,/Do, which
is probably a good approximation. On the other hand, it is
where Ma is the molar rotation. The symbol fmeans the
usually understood that the latter formula represents “ig-
principal value is to be taken:
noring the internal field correction.” This is not the case.
If the internal field is ignored, p = 1 and, for a / p = 1, g
= 4n(RO,/Dom). The refractive index, n, can differ ap-
preciably from unity, especially in the ultraviolet part of
the spectrum where CD is usually measured. The appear- Referring back to eq 28a, it is seen that the form of the
ance of n in this equation has nothing to do with internal rotatory dispersion is governed by the form of the shape
Clrcuiar Dichrolsm and Optical Rotation Chemical Reviews, 1975, Vol. 75, No. 3 329
function a ( h ) . In the absence of a general theoretical The Kronig-Kramers transform can now be used to ob-
form for the shape of circular dichroism bands, we shall tain the appropriate expression for Lorentzian optical
utilize the three most commonly considered empirical rotation. Defining x = (A -
Am)/?,, eq 39 can be put
forms: infinitely sharp lines, Lorentzian or forced oscilla- into the form const[l/(x2 +
l ) ]One
. of the simplest
tor response, and Gaussian bands. transforms is
-1 - x
A. Line Spectra x2+1 x2+1
If the spectrum may be considered as a series of lines
This gives for the molar rotation
of negligible breadth, a(A) may be represented as a sum
of 6 functions a(X) = Za, = Z,6(h -
A,), where the
Am are the wavelengths of the lines. Substituting eq 31
into eq 32 and utilizing the properties of the 6 function,
we obtain Rosenfelds’ equation Equations 37 and 38 give a good representation of the
shape of the circular dichroism and optical rotation within
(33) the absorbing region of a Lorentzian band but are less
satisfactory outside the band. In particular when ( h -
Note that the rotation is undefined at A = A, because in Am) > -
> Ym, eq 38 gives a term in 1 / ( A ) ,A rather
this case the 6 function is located at the singularity of the than a Drude term. To obtain the correct form for disper-
integral. Equation 33 may be also expressed sion far from the absorbing region, eq 35 must be used.
In this case
mS(X - A,)
Lorentzia n
(eq 39 and 40)
(eq 37 and 41)
27). Carver, Shechter, and Blout28 have devised a rapidly tion so that the assumptions made in a number of cur-
converging procedure for evaluating the integral which is rently used formulas can be clearly stated.
utilized in most contemporary curve fitting programs for
evaluating and resolving circular dichroism curves. X. Appendix
Chemical absorption bands are frequently represented
as a sum of Gaussian-shaped bands. Unless this repre- The transition densities p and CT are extremely compli-
sentation has physical significance in the realm of spec- cated functions for solvated, polyatomic molecules, but it
troscopic assignments, i.e., each term represents a 'dis- is possible to obtain formal expressions for them. We ex-
tinct transition with a Gaussian shape, the rotatory pand the notation so that the ground and excited states
strengths associated with each Gaussian lose their signif- are designated by ocy and mp, respectively. o and m are
icance and only the sum of the absorption envelope has labels for the electronic state as defined for an isolated
significance. With CD bands obviously separated into vi- molecule in its lowest state of nuclear motion, and cy and
bronic components, the rotatory strength associated with are descriptive labels for the entire set of nuclear coor-
a given electronic transition can be partitioned into vi- dinates and their states of motion. These include not only
bronic components. the internal vibrations and librations of the absorbing mol-
Table I I I summarizes the results of this section. ecules but also the solvent cage. An energy is associated
with each label cy and p, but the situation is highly degen-
erate in that for a given energy there will be a large num-
IX. Discussion
ber of combinations of internal vibrations, librations, and
In general the theory of optical activity may be divided solvent perturbations which are possible. The probability
into three parts: (1) the relationship between experimen- that a transition ocy -+ m p takes place is governed by eq
tal observations of circular dichroism and optical rotation 15 with IVom12 replaced by JVo,,mS12. On the other
and the quantum mechanical quantity-rotatory strength; hand, spectroscopic observations combine all transitions
(2) the development of mechanisms for the rotatory of the same Bohr frequency so that the transition density
strength in terms of the electronic structure of the mole- for a given frequency must be summed over all initial and
cule under consideration (here the one-electron mecha- final states separated by the same frequency. The proba-
nism of Condon, Altar, and E ~ r i n gthe ,~~coupling mecha- bility of the initial state cy is governed by
nism of K i r k w ~ o d and
, ~ ~ the exciton mechanism of Mof-
fitt3' come prominently to mind): and (3) the relationship
between the rotatory strength and the three-dimensional
structure of the molecule. This paper has been con- Grouping transition probabilities with regard to frequen-
cerned entirely with the first problem. In particular, the cies instead of states, the probability of a transition at en-
formulas developed apply to single conformations. I f a ergy wmo will be proportional to
molecule possesses conformational freedom, the formu-
las must be averaged over conformation to provide a rep- CPnC'IVon,mA* (A2)
resentation of experimental results.
The method of this paper consists in utilizing semiclas- where the prime on the second sum indicates that only
sical perturbation theory retaining only electrical and those states (Iare included for which Eg - E, = h w m o . In
magnetic dipole interactions with radiation. Band shape the text the probability of this transition was represented
questions are handled by means of a golden-rule formu- by p ( ~ , , ) I Vom12 which is a definition of p ( o , , ) . Thus
lation with transition density functions. Optical rotation is
approached as the transform of circular dichroism. The P(wmo) = I
IVon,m312/ v o r n l 2 (A3)
f l B
familiarity of the mathematical apparatus makes this ap-
proach especially simple. Moreover, the relationship of I f ~(w,,) is defined also as being normalized over the
CD with absorption as well as its distinctive features are band o -+ m, then I VOml2 is simply proportional to the
brought out with considerable clarity. Questions con- integrated absorption intensity. One would like I Vo,I2 to
cerning the internal field correction and its relationship be the transition probability for an isolated molecule in its
with absorption mechanism (eq 26b) are automatically lowest state of nuclear motion since this is frequently
answered. Finally, the problem of bandshape and its vari- calculable from molecular quantum mechanics. This is
ation with mechanism is obtrusively present in the deriva- not necessarily so, though it is often a good approxima-
Circular Dichroism and Optlcal Rotation Chemical Reviews, 1975, Vol. 75, No. 3 331
tion. Only the product p (o m o ) Vmo l2
is defined so that, if Assuming the Born-Oppenheimer approximation and
(VmoI2 refers to the electronic states of the isolated mol- equilibrium nuclear coordinates in electronic integrals
ecule, p ( w m o ) is not necessarily normalized since
changes in intensity produced by solvent interactions or
a B
vibrations must be reflected in its behavior. On the other
hand, if p(wmo) is defined as normalized as in the text, This is the same formula as for p(wmo) so that, under
then IVmo12 in general must contain the effects of sol- these circumstances, circular dichroism and absorption
vent and vibrations. have the same shape and eq 29b is applicable for the
It turns out that the crux of the matter is whether or anisotropy factor of the band.6
not the Born-Oppenheimer approximation can be ap- There are a number of instances in which one or the
plied. If it can, the wave functions for oa and m p can be other of the two approximations do not apply. Circular di-
written in the form chroism is frequently observed in exciton systems for
which the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is not appli-
cable.33 I t often arises with weak absorption bands which
are essentially electric-dipole forbidden, but magnetic-di-
pole allowed. In these circumstances, it is not permissi-
The electronic wave functions are of the form $m(q>Q) ble to use equilibrium nuclear coordinates in evaluating
and the nuclear wave functions are xa(Q), where the q porn. It is, however, usually possible to equate the areas
are electronic coordinates and the Q are nuclear coordi- under absorption and CD curves with the dipole strengths
nates including solvent nuclei as parameters. and rotatory strengths of electronic transitions, but the
Looking first at the dipole strength, we need to evalu- shapes of the curves for absorption and CD can differ
ate J/.Lu,a,rna)2. In the Born-Oppenheimer approximation markedly. In particular, contributions to D and R can
we have arise in mutually exclusive vibrational progression^.^,^^
X I . References
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~crC'c("m2(4B)a (10) P. A. M. Dirac, "Quantum Mechanics," Oxford University Press,
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" 0
= >,C'(aIP, (A6) (1 1) W. Kauzmann, "Quantum Chemistry," Academic Press, New York.
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(12) W. A. Shurcliffe, "Polarized Light," Harvard University Press, Cam-
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(15) A. Somerfeld, "Optics," Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1954.
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(18) A. Moscowitz, Thesis, Harvard University, 1957; see also ref 6.
(19) A. Moscowitz, in ref 5.
If la) and ( p ) are members of complete orthonormal (20) I. Tinoco and W. G. Hamerle, J . Phys. Chem., 60, 1619 (1956).
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(27) W. L. Miller and A. R. Gordon, J. Phys. Chem., 35, 2785 (1931).
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(33) W. T. Simpson and D. L. Peterson, J. Chem. Phys., 26, 588
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