Violence Against Women and Children
Violence Against Women and Children
Violence Against Women and Children
For the past years, women and children have been subjected to violence due
to their vulnerabilities. In cases of violent crimes, men are more likely than women to
be victims of crimes but in Intimate Partner Violence, women are far more likely than
men to be victimized. On the other hand, children are among the most vulnerable
members of our society and need our nurture, care and protection. Millions of
children around the world are the victims of violence, sexual, physical, and emotional
abuse and exploitation daily. Victimization and vulnerability of children on account of
various factors is a truly global phenomenon.
2. VICTIMOLOGY – This is the study of the victim, including the offender and
society. Also, this is a study of the etiology (or causes) of victimization,
consequences, how the criminal justice system accommodates and assists
the victims, and how the other elements of the society, such as media, deal
with crime victims (Mendelsohn, 1976). The word victimology was coined in
the mid-1900s.
3. VICTIM – The word victim is derived from the Latin word “victima” and
originally contained the concept of sacrifice. It is also operationally defined
as an individual who has been confronted, attacked, assaulted, or violated
by a perceived predator, and the result is serious short-term as well as long
term physical and/or mental injuries to the crime victims (Burgess, Regehr &
Roberts, 2010).
First studies of crime victims did not portray victims as innocents who were
wronged at the hands of the offender.
3. THE GUILTY VICTIM, GUILTY Victim and offender may have engaged in
OFFENDER criminal activity together. This would be two
people attempting to steal a car, rob a store,
sell drugs, etc.
4. THE GUILTY OFFENDER, The victim may have been the primary
GUILTIER VICTIM attacker, but the offender won the fight.
11. BLOCKED, EXEMPTED, AND Enter situations in which they are taken
FIGHTING VICTIMS advantage such as blackmail.
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN – is any act of gender-based violence that results or is
likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women
including threats or such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether
occurring in public or private life (DOH, n.d.).
Gender-based violence is any violence inflicted on women because of their sex (DOH,
Domestic Violence/VAW in the family refers to “violence that occurs within the
private sphere, generally between individuals who are related through intimacy,
blood or law” (DOH, n.d.).
• Filipino women could hold high positions in their communities (as healers
and priestesses (e.g. Babaylan))
• 333 YEARS
• Even though women could vote, the society still preferred male candidates,
and did not let women run for public office.
• Filipino parents were also led to believe that sending their daughters to
secondary and tertiary levels of education was a waste.
• This was because the Filipino women during the American occupation was
largely dependent on her husband
• “Comfort women”
• From 1941-1942 when the Japanese soldiers were just starting to invade the
Philippines- thousands of Filipino women were taken from their homes and
forced to provide the Imperial Japanese Army all kinds of sexual services
• In the beginning, not too many women were present in mainstream politics
• There are rights that are not dependent on the laws or customs of any
particular culture or gov’t, and so universal and inalienable.
• Worldwide young women and adolescent girls are the most affected by
• Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples
and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and
timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so,
and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive
The full list of rights for children and young people under the age of 18 is set out in
• Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and
recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse
and harm.
• Children’s rights cover their developmental and age-appropriate needs that
change over time as a child grows up
o Means that all children always have the same right to develop their
potential in all situations
o Means that the voice of the child must be heard and respected in
all matters concerning his or her rights.
Module 2: Family
• The family is the basic social group that is united by blood (consanguinity)
and marriage (affinity); one that generally lives together and participates in
economic cooperation; provides security, socialization and companionship;
and aids in reproduction and preservation of the human race.
• The state recognizes the sanctity of the family life and shall protect and
strengthen family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally
protect the life of the unborn from conception.
• The state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall
promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social
• Family relations include those between husband and wife; between parent
and children; and among brothers and sisters, whether full or half-blood.
2. Provide physical care for their members, including adults, children, and
dependent elderly. When families are unable to care for their members,
hardship results unless the society is organized to replace the family in this
function. (Eg: Retirement homes)
3. Socialize children by teaching skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes of the
society. Children who learn these can work and relate to others within
appropriate adult roles.
Family Model
• The mother is the operating officer, and implements the father’s policy and
managing the staff (children) that in turn have privileges and responsibilities
based on their seniority.
• The father makes the most; he is the final word in the corporate family,
intimacy runs to the profit motive.
• The children, suffering frequent performance anxiety, play by the rules and
stay in shape with conformity calisthenics.
• The mother is the guard duty with a special assignment to the nurse corps
when needed. The kinds are the grunts.
• The mother is the dorm counselor who oversees the realm of emotion,
illness, good works, and bedwetting.
• The parents have nothing left to learn; there is but teaching and testing.
• The father is the producer and also plays the role of the father.
• The children are the stagehands and also act the roles of girls and boys.
• No writer is necessary because the lines are scripted, the roles are sex
stereotypes, and the plot is predictable.
Parenting Skills – the natural, accurate and specific ability, experience, knowledge,
intuition, qualities and skills to be an effective and loving parent to a baby, child or
Parenting Styles
1. Physical Violence
2. Sexual Violence
• Emotional Abuse
4. Economic Abuse
5. Neglect
• When someone is supposed to care for another but fails to provide them
with their needs.
• The failure of a parent to provide for the development of the child – where
the parent is in a position to do so – in one or more of the following areas:
health, education, emotional development, nutrition, shelter and safe living
*Neglect vs. Circumstances of Poverty – neglect can occur only in cases where
reasonable resources are available to the family or caregiver.
6. Elder Abuse
• "a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any
relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or
distress to an older person" (WHO).
• Elder abuse can take various forms such as financial, physical, psychological
and sexual. It can also be the result of intentional or unintentional neglect.
7. Honor-based Violence
• A marriage that takes place without the consent of one or both people in
the marriage (USCIS).
*Consent means that you have given your full, free, and informed agreement to
marry your intended spouse and to the timing of the marriage.
• Forced marriage may occur when family members or others use physical or
emotional abuse, threats, or deception to force you to marry without your
Ever married refers to people who have been married at least once in their lives
although their current marital status may not be married.
Before CEDAW came into effect on September 3, 1981, the Philippines has signed it
on July 15, 1980 and ratified it on August 5, 1981, the first ASEAN country to do so.
The Philippines also ratified the Optional Protocol to the CEDAW on November 12,
“The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the
fundamental equality before the law of women and men.”
Domestic Laws and Instruments
Leonore Walker first proposed the term battered woman syndrome in 1979
as a means of describing the effects of IPV on victims. According to Walker (1979),
any woman may find herself in an abusive relationship once. If it occurs a second
time and she remains in that situation, she is described as a battered woman. In her
studies, she found out that battering relationships have a clearly discernible cycle,
and she concluded that battered women respond to events in this cycle in a
predictable pattern. In order to qualify for battered woman syndrome, according to
Walker’s criteria, a woman must have gone through the cycle twice. The battering
cycle has three phases:
The pattern of control and abuse can lead to a state of learned helplessness.
That is the victim has learned to accept abuse as a way of life and does not believe
that she has any influence on its occurrence. Thus, with repeated battering and
repeated threats of future violence, a victim becomes passive. Furthermore, the
victim’s cognitive ability to perceive success is altered. The victim does not believe
that any response will result in a positive outcome. Finally, the victim’s sense of
emotional well-being becomes precarious, rendering the victim vulnerable to
depression and anxiety (Walker, 1979).
Factors that inhibit the ability of the victims to leave abusive relationships
Ending an intimate relationship is very difficult, even more so when has been
destroyed by the batterer. Understanding why battered women do not “just leave” is
key to the delivery of compassionate and effective care. While the majority of
women do leave or manage to make the violence end (Campbell et al., 1994 ), there
are numerous barriers to leaving an abusive relationship.
• Gender Roles and Lack of Family Support - Traditional gender roles often
contribute to women feeling obligated to stay in a relationship, even if it is
abusive. Women are often expected to stay in a marriage, and they may
consider themselves a failure if they leave their husband. Furthermore, if
they have seen a model of a violent relationship in their own homes when
they were children, they may assume that violence is just part of life and
marriage. Assuring women that violence is unacceptable can help them
overcome the sense of guilt that victims of violence often feel.
• Concern for Her Own Safety - Studies have shown that deciding to leave a
violent relationship can be more dangerous for the woman than staying in
that relationship. Evidence suggests that right after leaving a relationship,
women are more at risk of stalking, murder and attempted murder
(Campbell et al., 2003). This is one reason why women in situations of
violence are probably the best judge of whether and when it is safe for them
to leave.
• Concern for Her Children’s Well Being - In many cases, women may fear for
their children’s safety in the event that they decide to leave a relationship.
Furthermore, as noted above, men are often the financial providers for their
families, and women may feel that they simply cannot support their children
on their own.
• Contradictory feelings - Often women have loved their abusive partner, and
they may want to be with him, holding out hope that he will change.
Providers should be careful not to judge the woman for this decision.
IPV in same sex couples has been relatively unexplored in both professional
and research literature.
• In addition, the level of violence tends to build over time. Social isolation,
minimizing the abuse, victim blame, and a belief that the offender will
change are also common features.
Even when children in homes where IPV is present are not victims of direct
abuse themselves, there is considerable evidence that these children suffer the
aftereffects of violence.
o lower self-esteem;
Level 3
Level 1 Level 2 Level 4 Level 5
Short-Term Intermediate Chronic/Predictable Homicidal
Less than 1
year Long-term Long-term
duration; Several months committed relationship; maybe Variable but
Usually to 2 years; relationship; a religious or often long
College of cohabitating maybe has cultural element to term
High School children commitment
Several hundred
1-3 incidents 3-15 incidents 4-30 incidents violent
Severe and
Pushing, intense
Frequent, escalates to
Shoving episode with
Moderate to predictable pattern homicide and
sometimes no warning;
severe injuries of abuse often life-
hit with long periods
involving substances threatening
objects between
Victim leaves Victim leaves
Stays until Victim has
after first, due to bruises
children grow Abuse continues limited
second or or injury;
up; Stays for until abuser is education or
third Caring support
status or arrested, dies, resources;
incident; system,
prestige; No hospitalized; Few Victim suffers
Caring parents,
other support financial resources from PTSD or
Support friends, new
systems complex PTSD
System partner.
Batterer Typologies
These typologies are useful for two (2) reasons: (1) predicting risk of future
violence and (2) predicting treatment success.
2. The Defender, who expects his partner to love and forgive him no matter
how much he abuses her.
4. The Incorporator, who sees his partner as an extension of himself and often
threatens violence because her leaving is such a threat to his ego.
3. Typical Batterer commits less severe verbal and physical abuse than either
of the preceding types, is less likely to use a weapon, and is generally less
violent outside the home.
According to Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart (1994)
1. Family Only
• Little of no psychopathology
2. Dysphoric-Borderline
3. Generally Violent-Antisocial
Risk Factors Associated with Homicide in IPV (Campbell, et. al, 2003)
Intervention Programs related to Intimate Partner Violence fall into three (3)
broad categories: programs for child witnesses of violence, which are aimed at
preventing future harm; programs for victims of violence, which are aimed at
providing emergency assistance and increasing available choices; and programs for
batterers, which are aimed at stopping violent behavior.
Interventions for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
• Crisis Intervention
• Group Therapy
o This can provide support, education, problem-solving skills, and
coping skills. Many children benefit from the positive, fin
atmosphere where they feel validated and appreciated. However,
group treatment may be contraindicated for children with
particularly poor social skills who are at risk of further rejection
(Vickerman & Margolin, 2007).