Obama Stimulus Third Anniversary
Obama Stimulus Third Anniversary
Obama Stimulus Third Anniversary
and local governments used the stimulus grants to reduce their net borrowing (largely by acquiring more financial assets) rather than to increase expenditures, and they shifted expenditures away from purchases toward transfers.
Health Information Technology -- $21 billion What Obama said: Because we know that spiraling health care costs are crushing families and businesses alike, we are taking the most meaningful steps in years towards modernizing our health care system. What happened: According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, Current meaningful use [of health IT] levels are less than originally projected when [the stimulus] was enacted. Green Jobs -- $20 billion What Obama said: Stimulus funding for green technology will create the jobs of the future. What happened: According to the New York Times: efforts to stimulate creation of green jobs have largely failed. High-Speed Rail -- $8 billion What Obama said: The stimulus high speed rail funds will save or create 150,000 jobs, mostly in the private sector, by the end of next year
What happened:
Funds were rejected by governors in Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin due to cost concerns. California has not started construction and is debating how to continue the project due to escalating costs. The Obama Administrations grants were better-suited to currying political support and would have resulted in a disjointed patchwork.
Race to the Top -- $4.35 billion What Obama said: The program was the most meaningful reform of our public schools in a generation. What happened: 41 states applied for the grants, 12 received money, and only three states are on track to meet the reform commitments they outlined in their proposals. Aid to States $87 billion What Obama said: The stimulus includes aid to state and local governments to prevent layoffs of firefighters or police recruits. What happened: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between February 2009 and January 2012, state and local governments shed 634,000 workers. Plug-In Electric Vehicle Tax Credit: $2 billion What Obama said: The stimulus will lay the groundwork for new green energy economies. What happened: The stimulus electric vehicle credit paid people to buy golf carts. Renewable energy assistance - $8 billion What Obama said: The stimulus will take big steps down the road to energy independence and transform the way we use energy. What happened: Solyndra, Beacon Power, and Ener1 all went bankrupt. The companies had received nearly $700 million in stimulus loan guarantees.
In addition to these stimulus provisions, President Obama pushed the following separate measures that were designed as further stimulus: Making Home Affordable programs -- $30 billion What Obama said: [T]hrough this plan, we will help between 7 and 9 million families restructure or refinance their mortgages. What happened: The programs have helped refinance less than 1 million mortgages. Cash for Clunkers -- $3 billion What Obama said: Cash for Clunkers provided the American auto industry an important boost.
What happened:
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, industry gains from the July 2009 program were almost completely reversed by as early as March 2010.
Small Business Lending -- $30 billion What Obama said: The bill will help provide loans to millions of small business owners. What happened: Only $1.8 billion has been provided to banks to loan to small businesses.
care sectors all sectors where the Obama Administration has inserted more government. It is time to change direction.