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Line Graph

Directions (1-5): Read the following line graph and 5. If the sales of company A increased by 33.33% in 2011
answer the following questions given below it – There are over its sales in 2010, then find the percent increase in the
two motorbike manufacturing companies A and B. The sales of company A in 2015 with respect to the sales in
sale of motorbikes by these two different companies in 2010? (up to two decimal places)
different years is given in the graph below.
700 631 1000 1091
1) 3
% 2) 3
% 3) 3
% 4) 4
% 5) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following graph carefully and

answer the questions given below:

1. What is the ratio of total sales of company B in 2012 and

that of company A in 2014 to the total sales of company A
in 2011 and that of company B in 2015?

1) 13 : 12 2) 11 : 9 3) 12 : 7 4) 13 : 10 5) 12: 13

2. What is the difference between the sales of company A in

2016 and that of company B in 2016 if the sales of company
6. What was the average profit earned by all the three
A and B increase by 20% and 10% respectively in 2016 as
companies in the year 2008 ?
compared to 2015?
1) Rs. 300 crore 2) Rs. 400 crore 3) Rs. 350 crore 4) Rs.
1) 1700 2) 1600 3) 1800 4) 2100 5) 1400
520 crore 5) Rs. 450 crore
3. The total sales of both companies in 2015 is what percent
7. In which of the following years was the difference
more than the total sales of both the companies in 2011?
between the profits earned by company B and company A
1) 280% 2) 180% 3) 200% 4) 250% 5) 220% the minimum ?

4. Find the difference between the total sales of company A 1) 2003 2) 2004 3) 2005 4) 2008 5) 2007
from 2012 to 2014 and that of company B from 2013 to
8. In which of the following years was the total profit
earned by all three companies together the highest ?
1) 750 2) 500 3) 600 4) 400 5) 550
1) 2004 2) 2007 3) 2008 4) 2009 5) 2003

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 47

9. What was the approximate percentage increase in the 15. Population of state A in 2005 is what per cent of its total
profit earned by Company A from 2006 to 2007 ? population for all the years together?

1) 36 2) 24 3) 40 4) 20 5) 54 8 5 8 8 2
1) 1733% 2) 1633% 3) 1633% 4) 1733% 5) 147%
10. What was the difference between the profit earned by
Directions: (16-20): The following line graph is based on
company A in 2004 and the profit earned by company C in
union budget of India released on 1st February 2019.
2009 ?
Study the graph carefully and answer the given questions.
1) Rs. 50 crore 2) Rs. 1 crore 3) Rs. 100 crore 4) Rs. 200 The line graph provides the information about indirect
crore 5) Rs. 25 crore and direct taxes (as a percentage of GDP) in each year.

Directions (11-15): Study the following graph carefully to Total GDP in the year 2019-20(BE) = 2,50,000 crore
answer these questions. The line graph shows the
BE = Budget Estimated
population of 2 states over a period of 6 years
RE = Revised Budget

11. For state B the percentage rise in population from the

previous year was the highest in which of the following 16. As per the Union Budget Released on 1st February
years? 2019, total budget estimated Tax Receipts (Indirect tax +
direct tax) is what approximate percent more or less than the
1) 2008 2) 2006 3) 2005 4) 2004 5) 2007 total tax receipts (Indirect tax + Direct tax) in the last year
12. What was the average population of state B (in million) i.e. 2018-19(RE)? (Consider GDP for 2018 and 2019 equal)
for all the years together? 1) 1.7 % less 2) 2.1 % more 3) 1.7 % more 4) 2.7 % more
1) 38.5 2) 28.5 3) 35 4) 26 5) 37.5 5) 2.1 % less

13. What is the per centage rise in population of state A in 17. What is the difference between Direct tax and Indirect
2007 from the previous year? tax in 2019-20 (BE)?

1 1 1) Rs 2750 cr 2) Rs 3436 cr 3) Rs 4550 cr 4) Rs 1749 cr

1) 25% 2) 333% 3) 33% 4) 253% 5) None of these
5) Rs 1550 cr
14. What is the ratio between the total populations of states 18. Find the ratio between the total Direct tax in 2011–12
A and B respectively for all the years together? and 2015–16 to the total Indirect tax for the same time
periods if ratio of GDP in 2011-12 to that of 2015-16 is 2:3?
1) 37 : 45 2) 37 : 43 3) 43 : 37 4) 45 : 37 5) 37 : 54

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1) 133 : 110 2) 233 : 277 3) 135 : 118 4) 137 : 123 5) 134 1) 35% 2) 33% 3) 28% 4) 46% 5) 25%
: 117
24. Find the ratio of cars produced by company-C in years
19. As per the Union Budget Released on 1st February 2019 2012 and 2015 together to that of the cars produced by
total percentage of Direct tax is 6.6 % if it is assumed that company-B in the years 2014 and 2016 together.
income tax will be paid 1.2% of the total Direct tax in 2019-
20(BE) then find the total income tax which will be paid in 1) 21 : 23 2) 27 : 29 3) 29 : 23 4) 23 : 29 5) 33 : 23
2019-20? 25. If production of cars by company-A increases by 10% in
1) 152 cr 2) 225 cr 3) 140 cr 4) 75 cr 5) 198 cr 2017 than previous year, then find the new average
production of cars by company –A over all the years
20. Total Tax (Direct tax + Indirect tax) paid in 2017-18 is including the year 2017.
what approximate percent of total tax (Direct tax + Indirect
tax) paid in 2016-17 consider same GDP for both the 1) 32.5 lakhs 2) 35 lakhs 3) 28.5 lakhs 4) 30.5 lakhs 5)
respective years? None of these

1) 95 % 2) 109 % 3) 102 % 4) 99 % 5) 105 % Directions (26-30): The following line graph shows the
production (in lakhs) of bags of two companies VIP and
Directions (21-25): In the following line graph, the SAFARI in five different years. Study the graph and
production of cars by three different companies is given in answer the following questions.
six different years. Study the graph carefully and answer
the related questions.

26. Find the average number of VIP bags over all the years
21. What is the approximate percentage increase in
production of cars by company B in 2015 than previous 1) 25 lakhs 2) 20 lakhs 3) 15 lakhs 4) 27 lakhs 5) None of
year? these

1) 50.5% 2) 45.45% 3) 55% 4) 40% 5) 55.55% 27. In which year production of VIP bags minimum than the
bags of SAFARI?
22. Find the difference between average production of cars
by company A and that of company C throughout all the 1) 2012 2) 2013 3) 2014 4) 2010 5) 2011
years (approximately).
28. By how percent production of VIP bags is more than the
1) 5 lakhs 2) 5.4 lakhs 3) 4.6 lakhs 4) 6.6 lakhs 5) 5.6 production of SAFARI bags in year 2014 ?
1) 65% 2) 80% 3) 75% 4) 70% 5) None of these
23. Production of cars made by company A in 2012 and
29. What is the ratio of total production of SAFARI bags in
2013 together is what percent of total cars made by
years 2010, 2011 and 2013 together to the total production
company B over all the years? (approximately)
of VIP bags in the same years together ?

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 49

1) 23 : 22 2) 25 : 24 3) 23 : 24 4) 24 : 23 5) None of these 35. What is the ratio of Number of students taking
Education Loans from SBI and BOB together in all the
30. What is the difference between total production of bags Years to the total no of students taking Education loans in
in two companies over all the years ? (in lakhs) 2010 and 2011 together?
1) 0 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6 5) 1 1) 8 : 5 2) 5 : 7 3) 7 : 5 4) 9 : 7 5) 7 : 11
Directions (31-35): Read the given bar graph and answer Directions (36-40): The following line graph shows the
the following questions. number of reams (packets of A4 size paper) in terms of
percentage used by three departments of Career Power i.e.
Print dept., HR dept. and DTP dept. Provided that total
number of reams used per month is 1200 and it remains
consistent for all the months. There is no other
department using these reams.

31. Approximately how many students taking a loan from

UCO in 2009 and PNB in 2010 were defaulters if 23% from
UCO in 2009 and 20% from PNB in 2010 have defaulted?

1) 630 2) 650 3) 600 4) 750 5) 840

32. In 2007, no of defaulters in SBI was 5%. However, each

year no of defaulters increases by 10% in number. What 36. Find the difference in total number of reams used by
will be the difference between the number of defaulters of print dept. from January to March and that of by DTP dept.
SBI in the Month 2009 and 2012? from April to May?

1) 1500 2) 2000 3) 1325 4) 1456 5) Cannot be 1) 700 2) 718 3) 780 4) 468 5) 900
37. In May, Babu working in Print dept. used 25% of the
33. In which of the following years, the difference in no. of reams from which he wasted 66 ⅔% reams. Find the
students taking loan from Bank BOB from the previous year number of reams not wasted by Babu.
is highest?
1) 68 2) 88 3) 32 4) 44 5) 48
1) 2008 2) 2009 3) 2010 4) 2012 5) 2011
38. In July HR dept. demanded 25% more reams than
34. If on average, Rs. 175000 per student education loan previous month by stationary supervisor Mr. Vinod, which
sanctioned by OBC bank all over the years. What will be he denied. But he provided them the reams 163% less than
total amount sanctioned by OBC in all given years? that provided to print dept. in June. Find the ratio of number
of reams demanded and actually provided to HR dept.
1) 1,05,56,00,000 2) 1,05,58,00,000 3) 1,62,00,00,000 4)
1,05,00,00,000 5) None of the above 1) 4 : 3 2) 25 : 24 3) 13 : 12 4) 5 : 3 5) None of these

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 50

39. By approximately what percent the total number of the ratio of profit or loss of company X in 2013 to the profit
reams used by DTP dept. is less than that of by print team or loss in year 2014. (Profit = Income through sales –
throughout the given months? Production cost)

1) 26% 2) 32% 3) 20% 4) 25% 5) 28% 59 20 53 27

1) 70 2) 23 3) 94 4) 38 5) None of these
40. Total number of reams used by print dept. DTP dept.
44. If production cost in year 2013 is Rs. 150 per tonne and
and HR dept. in February, April and June respectively is
production cost increases by 10% every year after 2013 then
what percent of total reams used by HR dept. in given 6
what is the average production cost of company X over all
months ?
the years after year 2013 ?
3 6 15
1) 1498% 2) 16237% 3) 15137% 4) 150.35% 5) None of 1) 12,20,239.5 2) 1,16,737.5 3) 2,22,467.5 4) 1,33,647.5
these 5) None of these

Directions (41-45): Study the following graph carefully 45. If 35% of production of company X in 2010 is added to
and answer the following question the sale of company X in 2012 then total sale of company X
in 2012 is what percent of the total sale of company X over
The graph below represents the production (in tonnes) all the years now ? (approximately)
and sales (in tonnes) of a company X from 2010-2015
1) 14% 2) 18% 3) 35% 4) 28% 5) 24%

Directions (46-50): The following line graph shows the

total number of students from 5 different countries who
visited a science fare organized by ISRO in year 2016.
Study the graph and answer the questions that follows:

41. If production of company X and another company Y is

in the ratio 14 : 13 in year 2014 then production of company
Y in 2014 is what percent more or less than production of
company X in 2010.
1 1 2 2
1) 133% 2) 333% 3) 663% 4) 163% 5) None of these

42. If production of company X in 2016 is 120% of its

production in 2015 then what is the ratio of sales company 46. What is the average number of boys from all five
X in 2010 to the production of company X in 2016. countries who visited the fare?

7 13 20 5 7 1) 6,600 2) 6,400 3) 6,250 4) 6,845 5) None of these

1) 9 2) 20 3) 13 4) 13 5) 13
47. The number of boys from Russia who visited the fare is
43. If production cost is Rs. 1,500 per tonne and sale is at
what percent of number of girls from India who visited the
the rate of Rs. 2,800 per tonne over all years then what is
science fare?

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 51

1) 120% 2) 160% 3) 150% 4) 130% 5) 180% 52. Cost of one kg. of lady finger in Ludhiyana is
approximately what percent of the cost of two kg of
48. What is the difference between average number of boys cauliflower in Chitrakut?
from all five countries together and average number of girls
from all five countries together who visited the fare? 1) 66 2) 24 3) 28 4) 33 5) 58

1) 2,750 2) 2,800 3) 2,850 4) 2,750 5) 2,950 53. What will be the difference between average cost of all
vegetables in Chitrakut and average cost of all vegetables in
49. What is the ratio of number of girls from UK and Russia Ludhiyana?
together to the number of girls from USA and China
together who visited the fare? 1) Rs 50 2) Rs 40 3) Rs 20 4) Rs 60 5) Rs 30

1) 7 : 5 2) 5 : 7 3) 9 : 11 4) 11 : 9 5) 13 : 11 54. Ravinder had to purchase 45 kg of cauliflower from

Hissar. Shopkeeper gave him discount of 4% per kg. What
50. The number of boys who visited the fare from USA and amount did he pay to the shopkeeper after the discount?
Russia together is approximately what percent more or less
than the number of girls from Russia and India together who 1) Rs 8,208 2) Rs 8,104 3) Rs 8340 4) Rs 8,550 5) Rs
visited the fare? 8,410

1) 55% less 2) 55% more 3) 50% more 4) 52% less 5) 55. What is the respective ratio between the cost of 5 kg. of
58% more 3
cauliflower from Raigarh to the cost of kg. of mushroom
Directions (51-55): Study the following graph carefully to from Ludhiyana?
answer the questions that follow:
1) 3 : 2 2) 2 : 3 3) 5 : 11 4) 4 : 9 5) 5 : 3
Cost of three different vegetables (in rupees per kg.) in
five different cities. Directions (56-60): Study the following line chart
carefully and answer the questions—

The line graph shows the time taken by five different

people to do a work.

51. In which city is the difference between the cost of one

kg. of mushroom and cost of one kg. of lady finger second

1) Ludhiyana 2) Hissar or Chitrakut 3) Aurangabad 4)

Raigarh 5) None of these 56. What is time taken by Anurag to complete the same
work (same work i.e. work done by Vivek and Aniket
together) if his capacity is 20% less than the capacity of
Vivek and Aniket together ?

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 52

1) 12 hr. 2) 8 hr. 3) 6 hr. 4) 15 hr. 5) 5 hr. 1) 20 : 23 2) 19 : 21 3) 18 : 23 4) 23 : 28 5) 17 : 19

57. If Ankit decrease his capacity by 20% and Yas increase 62. If price of Maize in year 2011 is 7200 Rs per quintal
his capacity by 14 % then, find the time taken by Ankit and then what will be its price in year 2013 per quintal?
Yas together to complete the same work. 1) 8420 2) 9012 3) 10500 4) 83250 5) 9108
4 3 4
1) 8 hr 2) 73 hr 3) 84 hr 4) 6 hr 5) 83 hr 63. What is the effective percentage increase in price of
Maize from year 2011 to year 2013 ?
58. If the total amount Rs. 1800 is paid to Veer and Vivek
for their work, then find what amount is paid to Vivek ? 1) 30% 2) 22% 3) 23.5% 4) 26.5% 5) 32.75%

1) Rs. 1600 2) Rs. 800 3) Rs. 900 4) Rs. 1000 5) Rs. 1200 64. If a person expends Rs 4140 in buying Peanuts at the
rate of 120 Rs/kg in year 2012 then he has to reduce his
59. What is the approximate total time to complete the work consumption of Peanuts by how many kg in year 2013 for
if all the people working together ? the same expenditure of 4140 ?

1) 1 hr. 2) 10 hr. 3) 1.3 hr. 4) 3.3 hr. 5) 2.3 hr. 1) 4.5 kg 2) 3 kg 3) 2 kg 4) 2.5 kg 5) 4 kg

60. After working for 6 hr, Ankit is joined by Prabhat. If 65. If the price of Maize in 2013 is 132 Rs/kg then what will
they complete the remaining work in 4 more hr. What is the be total cost of 25 kg of Maize in 2012 ?
time taken by Prabhat to complete the work alone ?
1) 1250 Rs 2) 3000 Rs 3) 1500 Rs 4) 2000 Rs 5) 2500 Rs
1) 21 hr 2) 7 hr 3) 3.5 hr 4) 14 hr 5) 12 hr
Direction (66-70): the given line graph shows the number
Directions (61-65): Study the following line graph and of candidates who qualified in IIT exam from Aakash and
answer the questions based on it. FIIT JEE in 5 years.

Given below is the line graph which shows the

percentage rise in price (compared to previous year) of
Maize & Peanuts over the given years.

66. If number of candidates who appeared for IIT JEE from

FIIT JEE in 2015 is 20% more than candidates appeared in
2014 from FIIT JEE And 0.6% candidates out of total
appeared candidates from FIIT JEE qualified for IIT in
2014. Find the qualifying percentage from FIIT JEE in
61. If ratio between price of Peanuts & Maize in 2014 is 3 :
4 then what will be their ratio of price in 2015 ? 1) 0.15% 2) 0.7% 3) 0.53 4) 0.2% 5) 0.4%

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 53

67. Candidates qualified from Aakash in 2012 and 2016 than total number of toilets build under Swachh Bharat
together are how much percent less than candidates Abhiyan in the years 2012 & 2016 together?
qualified from FIIT JEE in 2013 and 2014 together.
14 14 14 14 14
1) 3229 % 2) 3029 % 3) 2829 % 4) 3429 % 5) 3629 %
1) 20% 2) 12% 3) 25% 4) 16% 5) 8%
72. In 2015 if 20% of total build toilet under Swachh Bharat
68. If female candidates qualified from Aakash in 2012 and
Abhiyan were bad quality and good quality build toilet
2016 are 20% and 40% less respectively than male
under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Rural development plan
candidates in the same years respectively then find the ratio
are in the ratio 3 : 5 in that year, then number of bad quality
of male candidates to female candidate qualified from
toilet build under Rural development plan in 2015.
Aakash in 2012 and 2016 together.
1) 310 2) 316 3) 324 4) 328 5) 320
1) 25 : 17 2) 15 : 23 3) 19 : 25 4) 31 : 19 5) 26 : 19
73. Find the ratio of number of toilet build under Rural
69. Find the difference of average number of qualified
development plan in 2013 & 2016 together to number of
students from FIIT JEE in 2012, 2014, 2015 together and
toilet build under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in 2017 & 2015
average number of qualified students from Aakash in 2012,
2014, 2016 together.
1) 32 : 29 2) 29 : 38 3) 38 : 29 4) 29 : 32 5) 29 : 40
1) 115 2) 74 3) 80 4) 97 5) 63
74. Find the difference between average number of toilet
70. If every year 40% of qualified candidate from FIIT JEE
build under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the years 2014 &
and 60% of qualified candidate from Aakash are female,
2016 and average number of toilet build under Rural
then find the male candidate qualified from FIIT JEE in
development plan in the years 2012 & 2017?
2015 and male candidates qualified from Aakash in 2013
together. 1) 96 2) 104 3) 100 4) 108 5) 110

1) 174 2) 256 3) 241 4) 192 5) 275 75. Total number of build toilet under Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan and Rural development plan in 2017, increase by
Direction (71-75): Line graph shows number (in hundred)
what percent over Total number of build toilet under
of toilet built under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Rural
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Rural development plan in
development plan in six different years. Read graph 2012?
carefully and answer the question:
7 7 7 7 7
1) 808% 2) 758% 3) 778% 4) 678% 5) 718%

Directions (76-80): Study the following graph carefully

and answer the questions given below

Number of students enrolled in three different colleges

P, Q and Rin five different years.

71. Total number of toilets built under Rural development

plan in the years 2012, & 2014 together, what percent more
Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 54
1) 2340 2) 2900 3) 2440 4) 2800 5) 2250

Directions (81-85): Read the following line graph

carefully and answer the questions given below: Line
graph shows the male voters and female voters in 5
different cities (in thousands)

76. Ratio of number of male to female students in college Q

in 2011 is 16: 9 and total professors in same year and in
same college is 9
% of total female students from the same
college and in same year then, find total number of
professor in college Q in 2011.

1) 18 2) 15 3) 20 4) 22 5) 25 81. What is the ratio of male voters in Lucknow and

Barabanki together to the female voters of rest cities
77. If number of male students in college Rin 2013 and
together ?
male students in college P in 2010 are equal, then what is
the percentage of female students in college P in 2010? 1) 39 : 16 2) 16 : 13 3) 26 : 15 4) 13 : 16 5) 5 : 8
Given that ratio of male to female students in college R in
2013 is 13: 12 82. Find the total number of male voters in all cities
together (in thousands) ?
1 2 1 1
1) 333% 2) 163% 3) 133% 4) 37% 5) None of these
1) 180 2) 170 3) 155 4) 172 5) 165
78. If 20% of students of college R in 2014 are transferred
83. Find the total number of male voters in Gorakhpur,
in the same college in 2012, then find the ratio of students
Barabanki and Mathura together is what percent more or
in college R in 2012 to the total students in 2014 now.
less from the total female voters in Lucknow, Barabanki and
5) None of these Jhansi together ? (approximate manner)
60 222 111 113
1) 5.5% less 2) 3% more 3) 2.5% less 4) 7% less 5) 5.5%
79. Average of students in college Q from all the years are
what percent less/more than the average students in college
R from all the years together? (Approximately) 84. If total married voters in Lucknow and Mathura together
is 45% of total voters in Gorakhpur, then find the married
1) 12% 2) 10% 3) 4% 4) 9% 5) 6%
voters in Lucknow and Mathura together ?
80. If 20% of total students in 2013, are failed in yearly
1) 29,250 2) 50,000 3) 45,450 4) 30,450 5) 39,000
exam, 75% of total students are passed in year 2014 in
yearly exams then what will be total students in 2015 if 400 85. Find the difference between the male voters and female
more students are enrolled in 2015 from both years 2013 voters in all cities together ?
and 2014 together (consider enrollment is cancelled when a
student fails in exam)

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 55

1) 15 thousand 2) 18 thousand 3) 20 thousand 4) 15 on Sunday by both trains is what percent of total people
thousand 5) 25 thousand who travel on Monday by both trains?

Directions (86-90): Given below is the graph which shows 1) 37 2 % 2) 72 7 % 3) 7123% 4) 485% 5) None of these
35 68 67 6
the number of people who travelled from Delhi to
Dehradun by two trains Yoga exp. and Ujjaini exp. on six 90. If fare per person of Ujjaini exp. is 90% of fare per
different days. person of Yoga exp.on all days and difference between total
fare of Yoga exp. and Ujjaini exp. on Monday is 1240 then
find the total fare of both trains on Friday.

1) 2025 2) 5550 3) 4960 4) 5354 5) 3885

Directions (91-95): Study the line graph carefully and

answer the questions:

The following line graph gives the profit percentage

earned by two companies named TATA and HONDA
during 2010 to 2015–

86. The number of people who travelled by Ujjaini exp. on

Sunday of the same week are 20% more than those of who
travelled by the same train on Saturday. What is the ratio of
the number of people who travelled on Sunday to those of
who travelled on Tuesday by the same train.

1) 24 : 31 2) 23 : 32 3) 33 : 41 4) 11 : 19 5) 5 : 7

87. What is the difference between total people who

travelled on Monday and Tuesday together by Yoga exp.
and total people who travelled on Friday and Saturday by
Ujjaini exp.

1) 250 2) 300 3) 350 4) 200 5) 400 91. If the expenditure of company TATA in the year 2012
88. What is the difference between average of people who was Rs. 50 lakh then what is the income of company TATA
travelled by Yoga exp. on Tuesday, Wednesday and in this particular year ?
Thursday and average of people travelled by Ujjaini exp. on 1) 125 lakh 2) 75 lakh 3) 75 thousand 4) 80 lakh 5) 125
Wednesday, Monday and Friday?
2 1 2 2 1
1) 26 % 2) 33 % 3) 14 % 4) 66 % 5) 28 % 92. If the expenditure of HONDA company in 2016 is equal
3 3 7 3 3
to the income of TATA company in the year 2011, which
89. If on Sunday people who travel by Yoga exp. and who expenditure in 2011 is 80 lakhs, then find the expenditure of
travelled by Ujjaini exp. are increased by 10% and 12.5% Honda company in 2016.
respectively over Saturday, then the total people travelling

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 56

1) Rs. 1,05,00,000 2) Rs. 1,10,00,000 3) Rs. 10,00,000 4) 97. What is the ratio of number of students who joined live
Rs. 1,25,00,000 5) Rs. 1,12,00,000 discussion with Grade up at Ghaziabad and Mathura
together to that with Test book at same centers together ?
93. The income of the two companies TATA and HONDA
in 2014 were in the ratio 5 : 2 respectively. What was the 1) 3 : 5 2) 5 : 3 3) 4 : 5 4) 5 : 4 5) 3 : 4
ratio of their expenditure in 2014 respectively?
98. What is the average number of students who joined live
1) 75 : 31 2) 75 : 37 3) 50 : 31 4) 55 : 31 5) 25 : 33 discussion with Adda 247 at all the centers together ?

94. The expenditure of Honda company and TATA 1) 21,800 2) 25,400 3) 23,400 4) 23,800 5) 27,200
company in year 2010 were equal. If the total income in
2010 was Rs. 1525 cr. What was the total profit in 2010 ? 99. What is the difference between total number of students
who joined live discussion with Adda 247 and Testbook at
1) Rs. 500 cr 2) Rs. 630 cr 3) Rs. 600 cr 4) Rs. 525 cr 5) Ghaziabad and Delhi together ?
Rs. 420 cr
1) 13500 2) 12000 3) 15000 4) 13000 5) 11000
95. If the income of two companies were equal in 2015.
Then what was the ratio of their expenditure of Honda & 100. If there are 40% girls in total students who joined live
TATA in the same year? discussion with Gradeup at Mathura, then number of boys
who joined live discussion with Gradeup at same center is
1) 25 : 32 2) 33 : 29 3) 33 : 32 4) 11 : 5 5) 11 : 16 what percent of total students who joined live discussion
with all the three companies at same center?
Directions (96-100): The following line graph shows the
total number of students who joined live discussion of 1) 10% 2) 18% 3) 20% 4) 25% 5) 15%
IBPS PO Prelims test held at different centers by three
different education companies. Study the graph carefully Directions (101-105): The following line graph shows the
and answer the following questions. total no. of deer and bear in six different states of India.
Study the graph carefully and answer the following

96. Total students who joined live discussion with Adda

247 at Noida is what percent more than the total number of 101. Total no. of deer in Assam is what percent more/ less
students who joined live discussion with Gradeup at than total no. of deer in Gujarat ?
Ghaziabad ? 13 11 9
1) 18 % 2) 17 % 3) 19% 4) 21 % 5) None of these
17 17 17
1) 150% 2) 200% 3) 250% 4) 300% 5) 100%
102. What is the average no. of total bear in all the six states

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 57

1) 825 2) 950 3) 850 4) 770 5) None of these 107. Anurag and Nitin together can complete work ‘Z’ in
(A + 42) days while Bhawesh and Swati together can
103. What is the difference between total no. of bear and complete work ‘Z’ in (A + 15) days. All start the work Z
total no. of deer in all the states together? such that ratio between work done by Anurag, Bhawesh and
1) 850 2) 800 3) 750 4) 725 5) None of these Vivek is 1 : 2 : 3, while ratio between days, Nitin, Swati and
Vivek worked is 2 : 2 : 1. Find how many days ‘Bhawesh’
104. The no. of deer in MP and Gujrat together is worked.
approximate what percent more or less than the no. of bear
in the same states together? 1) 10 days 2) 15 days 3) 20 days 4) 30 days 5) 40 days

1) 4% more 2) 12% less 3) 10% less 4) 8% less 5) 14% 108. All five persons started together to complete work ‘Y’.
less Vivek worked for starting 6 days and left the work. After 3
days more both Bhawesh and Swati left too. Remaining
105. If number Of deer in Maharashtra is 10% more than 40% work should be completed by Anurag and Nitin
that in Himanchal Pradesh, then what will be the ratio of no. together but ‘Anurag’ left after ‘x’ days. Remaining work is
of deer in Maharashtra to that of the deer in Gujrat? completed by ‘Nitin’ in ‘z’ days. If ‘z – x = 3’, then number
of days for which ‘Nitin’ worked is what percent more than
1) 99 : 170 2) 170 : 99 3) 133 : 140 4) 211 : 95 5) None number of days for which ‘Anurag’ worked.
of these
100 200
1) % 2) 50% 3) % 4) 75% 5) 100%
Direction (106-110): - Line chart given below shows time 3 3

taken by five different students to complete an assignment 109. Anurag, Bhawesh and Nitin together starts to do work
‘M’ alone. Ratio of efficiency of all five students remain ‘M’. After 7 days ‘Nitin’ left and after 3 days more
same throughout any work. Study the data carefully and ‘Anurag’ and ‘Bhawesh’ left. Remaining work is completed
answer the following questions. by Swati and Vivek working alternatively in ‘y’ days. If ‘y’
is integer, then find ‘Vivek’ worked for how many days?

1) 3 days 2) 5 days 3) 4 days 4) 6 days 5) Cannot be


110. Anurag, Bhawesh and Swati starts working together to

complete work ‘M’. After 5 days, Bhawesh and Swati
replaced by Nitin and Vivek. After 5 more days Anurag left
the work. After 1 more day Vivek left too. Nitin worked for
total ‘x’ days. In other case Anurag and Bhawesh starts
working together to complete ‘M’. After 4 days both are
106. All five starts working together to complete work ‘X’. replaced by Vivek. Vivek worked for 5 days and replaced
‘Vivek’ left after 8 days. Work done by ‘Bhawesh’ is same by Swati who worked for 8 days. Remaining work is
as work done by ‘Nitin’ while ‘Anurag’ and ‘Nitin’ worked completed by Nitin in ‘y’ days. Find (y - x)2 ?
for same time. ‘Swati’ worked for ‘y’ days. If ‘Bhawesh’,
‘Nitin’ and ‘Swati’ together can complete work ‘X’ in 24 1) 25 2) 36 3) 49 4) 64 5) 81
days then find the value of ‘y’ if Bhawesh worked for
starting 10 days. Directions (111-115): The following line graph shows the
no. of foreigners (in thousand) from three different
1) 7 days 2) 9 days 3) 11 days 4) 13 days 5) 15 days countries who visited India Gate over 6 different years.

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 58

Study the chart carefully and answer the following 1) 2008, UK 2) 2011, UK 3) 2009, USA 4) 2010,
questions. Thailand 5) 2012, USA

Directions (116-120): Study the given line graph carefully

and answer the following questions.

Given graph shows the total number of males and

females working in six different companies in year 2016

111. Find the average no. of foreigners who visited India

gate from Thailand over all the years?

1) 44.16 thousand 2) 48 thousand 3) 37.4 thousand 4) 32.5

thousand 5) 33 thousand

112. The foreigners who visited India gate from USA in 116. Average no. of female employees in company X, Y
year 2010 are what percent more or less than the no. of and K are how much more/less than average no. of male
foreigners who visited India gate from UK in the same employees in company X, Y and L?
1) 350 2) 400 3) 200 4) 300 5) 250
1) 25% less 2) 20% more 3) 20% less 4) 25% more 5)
117. No. of female employees in company L is what percent
None of these
of the total no. of employees in company K and L together?
113. If 10% more foreigners visited India gate from UK in 1 2 2 2 1
year 2014 than that in 2013, then find the average no. of 1) 483% 2) 287% 3) 313% 4) 397% 5) 457%
foreigners who visited India gate from UK in the years
118. If the no. of male employees in company Y and Z are
2012, 2013 and 2014 together. (approximately)
increased by 10% and 20% respectively in year 2017 as
1) 20000 2) 25000 3) 45000 4) 36000 5) 51000 compared to 2016 and no. of female employees in company
Y and Z are decreased by 30% & 40% respectively in 2017
114. What is the difference between total no. of foreigners as compared to 2016. Then find ratio of total no. of
who visited India gate from Thailand and total no. of employees in company Y to company Z in year 2017 ?
foreigners who visited India gate from USA overall the
years? 1) 97 : 112 2) 91 : 112 3) 113 : 83 4) 112 : 97 5) 83 : 113

1) 50,000 2) 60,000 3) 55,000 4) 65,000 5) None of these 119. If 25% of the female employees in company L are
illiterate and ratio of male literate to (male)illiterate in same
115. From which country, maximum no. of foreigners company is 4 : 5 then find total illiterate employees in
visited India gate in which year? company L is what percent of the total employees of
company K?

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 59

1) 48% 2) 52% 3) 32% 4) 36% 5) 42% 124. Find the difference between the total sales of company
G-Shock from 2012 to 2014 and that of company Casio
120. If there is another company A in which no. of male from 2013 to 2015?
employees are 40% of the total employees in company M
and female employees are half of the total employees in 1) 7500 2) 5500 3) 6000 4) 5000 5) None of these
company X then find total employees in company A?
125. If the sales of company G-Shock increased by 25 % in
1) 2250 2) 2850 3) 3250 4) 3600 5) 2640 2012 over its sales in 2011, then find the percent increase in
the sales of company G-Shock in 2015 with respect to the
Directions (121-125): Read the following line graph and sales in 2011?
answer the following questions given below it.
1) 65% 2) 75% 3) 55% 4) 60% 5) None of these
There are two watch manufacturing companies G-Shock
and Casio. The sale of watches by these two different Directions (126-130): Study the following graph carefully
companies in different years is given in the graph below. to answer the questions that follow:

Number of Girls and Boys participating in a rally from

five different schools.

121. What is the ratio of total sales of company G-Shock in

2012 and that of company Casio in 2014 together to the
total sales of company Casio in 2012 and that of company 126. What is the total number of girls participating in the
G-Shock in 2015 together? rally from schools A and C together?
1) 8:7 2) 11:9 3) 9:7 4) 13:10 5) None of these 1) 825 2) 875 3) 950 4) 975 5) 925
122. What is the difference between the sales of company 127. The number of boys participating in the rally from
G-Shock in 2017 and that of company Casio in 2017 if the school B is what percent of the total number of children
sales of company G-Shock and Casio increase by 20% and participating in the rally from that school? (Rounded off to
10% respectively in 2017 as compared to 2016? two digits after decimal.)
1) 1340 2) 1050 3) 1080 4) 1300 5) None of these 1) 48.84% 2) 47.37% 3) 49.28% 4) 46.46% 5) None of
123. The total sales of both companies in 2015 is what
percent more than the total sales of both the companies in 128. The number of girls participating in the rally from
2013? School E is approximately what percent of the number of
1) 650% 2) 80% 3) 70% 4) 55% 5) None of these boys participating in the rally from the same school?

1) 81% 2) 106% 3) 122% 4) 98% 5) 114%

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 60

129. What is the respective ratio of total number of girls 1) 1440 km 2) 1728 km 3) 1628 km 4) 1640 km 5) 1240
participating in the rally from schools D and C together to km
the total number of boys participating in the rally from
schools A and B together? 134. What is the difference between average speed of
Kolkata Rajdhani on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
1) 23 : 18 2) 43 : 35 3) 41 : 38 4) 21 : 20 5) 39 : 40 together and average speed of Sealdah Rajdhani express on
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday together (in km/hr)?
130. What is the average number of girls participating in the
rally from all schools together? 1) 9 2) 12 3) 5 4) 18 5) 36

1) 500 2) 460 3) 525 4) 505 5) 650 135. What is the average speed of Sealdah Rajdhani express
on Monday, Tuesday and Friday together (in km/hr)?
Directions (131-135): The following line graph shows the
average speed (m/sec) of two trains Kolkata Rajdhani and 1) 72 2) 85 3) 126 4) 75 5) 90
Sealdah Rajdhani Exp. during six different days of a week
between New Delhi to Kolkata. Study the graph carefully Directions (136-140): Study the following line graph and
to answer the following questions. answer the related question given below.

The given graph shows the railway time schedule of an

express train X running between city A and city H. A, B,
C, D, E, F, G and H are the cities through which train

a-d→indicates arrival/departure of the train at the city


131. What is the average speed of Kolkata Rajdhani express

during all the six days? (in km/hr)

1) 102 2) 105 3) 90 4) 108 5) 112

132. The average speed of Kolkata Rajdhani on Tuesday

and Wednesday together is how much percent more than the
average speed of Sealdah Rajdhani on Monday and
Wednesday together?
136. The train begins its onward journey from city A and it
1) 30% 2) 50% 3) 45% 4) 40% 5) 25% is extended to beyond city H to a city M with a speed of 90
km/h due to some unavoidable reason. The train starts its
133. If both trains start from New Delhi to Kolkata at same
return journey immediately after it reached city M. The train
time on Wednesday, then Kolkata Rajdhani reaches Kolkata
returns with a speed of 90 km/h without any stoppage in
4 hours before than Sealdah Rajdhani express. Find distance
between and reaches city A at 2 : 25 am. Find the distance
between New Delhi and Kolkata.
between city H and city M (in km).

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 61

1) 40 km 2) 70 km 3) 90 km 4) 80 km 5) 20 km 1) Rs 325 lakhs 2) Rs 350 lakhs 3) Rs 300 lakhs 4) Can’t
be determined 5) None of these
137. The average speed of the train maintained between two
successive stations was maximum between 142. In which of the following years is the ratio of
expenditure to income for company Q the least (It is
1) A-B 2) F-E 3) G-H 4) F-G 5) Both (3) and (4) assumed that income of company Q is same in each year)?
138. Find the ratio of total stoppage time at the cities in the 1) 2006 2) 2003 3) 2008 4) 2005 5) 2007
first half to second half of the total distance of journey.
143. If the income of company P in 2007 was equal to the
1) 35 : 17 2) 17 : 35 3) 15 : 17 4) 45 :17 5) 17 : 45 expenditure of company Q in 2004, find the ratio of the
139. Between how many pairs of consecutive stations the income of company Q in 2004 to expenditure of company P
in 2007.
speed of train is below the overall average speed of the
entire trip? 1) 8 : 15 2) 5 : 6 3) 6 : 5 4) 15 : 8 5) 3 : 5
1) 4 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2 5) 5 144. If the income of company P in 2009 was Rs 660 lakhs,
find the expenditure of company P in the same year.
140. If the train stops for 30% more time than allotted
stoppage time at each city, then approximately at what time 1) Rs 600 lakhs 2) Rs 450 lakhs 3) Rs 400 lakhs 4) Data
it will reach the city H after departing from city A as per inadequate 5) None of these
145. If the income of company Q in 2005 was Rs 450 lakhs,
1) 16 : 41 2) 17 : 03 3) 16 : 58 4) 20 : 07 5) Data find the expenditure of company Q in 2007.
1) Rs 300 lakhs 2) Rs 400 lakhs 3) Rs 675 lakhs 4) Can’t
Directions (141-145): Study the following graph carefully be determined 5) None of these
and answer accordingly:
Directions (146-150): Study the following line graph and
The following graph shows the percentage profit of two answer the questions based on it.
companies over the years.

141. The difference between the income of company Q in

2009 and that of P in 2004 was Rs. 405 lakhs, what was the 146. What is the difference between the number of watches
difference in expenditure of Q in 2009 and that of P in sold by HMT company in 2004 and 2005?
1) 50,000 2) 42,000 3) 33,000 4) 28,000 5) 27,000

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 62

147. What is the difference between the total watches sold 1) 165 thousand 2) 170 thousand 3) 185 thousand 4) 155
by these two companies in all the given years? thousand 5) None of these

1) 19,000 2) 22,000 3) 26,000 4) 28,000 5) 23,000 153. What is the ratio of Ferrari cars produced in the years
2008 and 2010 together to the Toyota cars produced in the
148. What is the average number of watches sold by Titan years 2009 and 2011 together?
company over the given period?
1) 11 : 15 2) 15 : 14 3) 14 : 15 4) 15 : 13 5) None of these
1 2 1 2
1) 1193333 2) 1136663 3) 1127783 4) 1112233 5) None
154. The production of Toyota cars is what percent less than
of these
the production of Ferrari cars in the year 2012?
149. In which of the following year, the difference between
1) 35% 2) 33.43% 3) 21.21% 4) 27.27% 5) 19.72%
the number of watches sold by Titan company and HMT is
the maximum in the given years? 155. In 2013, if production of Toyota cars is increased by
20% from 2012 while production of Ferrari cars remains
1) 2002 2) 2003 3) 2004 4) 2005 5) 2006
constant then what is difference between Ferrari cars and
150. The number of watches sold by company HMT in Toyota cars for last three years including 2013 also?
2004 was approximately what percent of the number of
1) 60 thousand 2) 70 thousand 3) 65 thousand 4) 50
watches sold by Titan company in the same year?
thousand 5) 80 thousand
1) 175% 2) 110% 3) 132% 4) 80% 5) 72%
Directions (156-160): Study the following graph carefully
Directions (151-155): The following line graph shows the to answer the questions that follow:
total production of Ferrari and Toyota cars over five
Given below is the graph showing the Cost of three
different years. Study the graph carefully and answer the
different fruits (in rupees per kg.) in five different cities.
related questions to the graph given below:

156. In which city difference between cost of one kg of

151. In which year production of Toyota cars is more than
apple and cost of one kg of Grapes is second lowest
the production of Ferrari car?
1) Delhi 2) Chandigarh 3) Jalandhar 4) Ropar 5)
1) 2010 2) 2011 3) 2009 4) 2012 5) 2008
152. What is the average production of Toyota cars over all
157. Average of cost of all three fruit in Ropar is what
the years?
percent of average of all three fruits is Jalandhar.

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 63

1 2 1 5 1 1 5 4
1) 33 % 2) 66 % 3) 62.5% 4) 20 % 5) 54% 1) 58% 2) 69% 3) 58% 4) 59% 5) 59%
3 3 4

158. What is the ratio of sum of cost price of apple in Delhi, 163. Find ratio between income and expenditure of
Chandigarh and Ropar together to the sum of cost price of company A in 2018 if profit percent of company A in 2018
Guava in Jalandhar, Delhi and Hoshiarpur together. is 25% more than profit percent of company B in 2017?

1) 35 : 18 2) 23 : 19 3) 27 : 14 4) 36 : 29 5) 24 : 17 1) 5 : 2 2) 3 : 2 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 1 5) 4 : 3

159. A shopkeeper from Jalandhar purchases apple and 164. If expenditure of company B in 2017 was 20% less
Guava at the rate given in table. At what price should he sell than expenditure of company A in 2013, then find income
2 kg of apple and 3 kg of Guava so, that on selling all of company B in 2017 was what percent of income of
quantity he gains overall profit of 35% percent company A in 2013?

1) 625 2) 575 3) 600 4) 620 5) 675 1) 80% 2) 75% 3) 60% 4) 100% 5) 125%

160. Cost of Guava in Jalandhar and Ropar together are 165. Profit earned by company A in 2017 is how much
what percent more or less than cost of Grapes from Delhi more/less than profit earned by company B in 2015 if
and Chandigarh together. income of both in given years were equal to 8.99 lakh?
3 5 3 5 5 1) 1.2 lakh 2) 1 lakh 3) 80 thousand 4) 50 thousand 5) 40
1) 69 % 2) 72 % 3) 67 % 4) 70 % 5) 78 %
13 7 13 7 7
Direction (161-165): The line graph given below shows
Directions (166-170): Study the following line graph and
profit percentage of two companies A and B in five years.
answer the questions based on it.
Study the data carefully and answer the following

161. If profit earned by company B in 2016 was 6 lakh and 166. What is the difference between the number of cycles
by company A in 2015 was 7 lakh, find difference between sold by company Atlas in 2004 and 2005?
their expenditures? 1) 50000 2) 42000 3) 33000 4) 28000 5) 27000
1) 3 lakh 2) 2 lakh 3) 4 lakh 4) 1.5 lakh 5) 2.5 lakh 167. What is the difference between the total cycles sold by
162. Income of company A in 2016 is what percent the two companies in the given years?
more/less than income of company B in 2017 if expenditure 1) 19000 2) 22000 3) 26000 4) 28000 5) 23000
of company A in 2016 and company B in 2017 was equal?

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 64

168. What is the average numbers of cycles sold by Hero 173. What will be the difference between average cost of
company over the given period? (rounded off to nearest all candies in Chennai and average cost of all candies in
integer) Lucknow?

1) 119333 2) 113666 3) 112778 4) 111223 5) 111833 1) Rs 50 2) Rs 40 3) Rs 20 4) Rs 60 5) Rs 30

169. In which of the following year, the difference between 174. Ravinder had to purchase 45 kg of pulse from
the number of cycles sold by Hero company and Atlas is the Hashimpur. Shopkeeper gave him discount of 4% per kg.
maximum in the given years? What amount did he pay to the shopkeeper after the
1) 2002 2) 2003 3) 2004 4) 2005 5) 2007
1) Rs 8,208 2) Rs 8,104 3) Rs 8340 4) Rs 8,550 5) Rs
170. The number of cycles sold by company Atlas in 2004 8,410
was approximately what percent of the number of cycles
sold by Hero company in the same year? 5
175. What is the respective ratio between the cost of kg.
1) 73% 2) 111% 3) 132% 4) 80% 5) 71% of pulse from Raipur to the cost of 2
kg. of melody from
Directions (171-175): Study the following graph carefully
to answer the questions that follow: 1) 3 : 2 2) 2 : 3 3) 5 : 11 4) 4 : 9 5) 5 : 3

Cost of three different candies (in rupees per kg.) in five Directions (176-180): The following line graph shows the
different cities. production of pencils of two companies HB and Class
mate during five different years. Study the graph carefully
and answer the related questions.

171. In which city is the difference between the cost of one

kg. of melody and cost of one kg. of eclairs second lowest?
176. What is the average no. of HB pencils produced
1) Lucknow 2) Hashimpur or Chennai 3) Agra 4) Raipur
throughout all the years?
5) None of these
1) 48,900 2) 44,800 3) 46,800 4) 46,200 5) 44,650
172. Cost of one kg. of eclairs in Lucknow is
approximately what percent of the cost of two kg of pulse in 177. If cost price of one class mate pencil in 2011 is Rs. 8
Chennai? and class mate company made 75% profit as a whole in the
same year then find the selling price of one class mate
1) 66 2) 24 3) 28 4) 33 5) 58

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 65

1) Rs. 16 2) Rs. 14 3) Rs. 12 4) Rs. 10 5) Rs. 18 total income of Company Honor in 2013 and 2014 together
(in lakh rupees)?
178. The production of HB pencils in the years 2010, 2012
and 2014 together is approximately what percent of total 1) 35 lac 2) 37.65 lac 3) 40 lac 4) 37.95 lac 5) None of
classmate pencils produced in the years 2011, 2013 and these
2014 together?
182. Ratio of expenditure of companies Xiomi and Honor
1) 92% 2) 72% 3) 86% 4) 80% 5) Can’t be determined in 2016 was 3 : 4 respectively. What was the respective
ratio of their incomes in 2016?
179. If 10% class mate pencils out of total class mate
pencils produced during all the years together found to be 1) 2 : 3 2) 23 : 37 3) 43 : 56 4) 29 : 46 5) 39 : 56
defective and company made a net profit of 20% on each
pencil of the remaining non-defective pencils by selling at 183. Total expenditure of Company Xiomi in all the years
the rate of Rs.12 per piece then find overall profit/loss to the together was 82.5 lakhs. What was the total income of the
classmate company. (Production cost of pencil in every year Company in all the years together?
is same)
1) 38 lac 2) 40 lac 3) 45 lac 4) Cannot determined 5)
1) Rs. 1,98,400 2) Rs. 1,94,400 3) Rs. 1,89,400 4) Rs. None of these
1,96,400 5) Rs. 1,94,800 184. If the expenditures of Companies Xiomi and Honor in
180. What is the difference between total pencils produced 2017 were equal and the total income of the two companies
by the two companies throughout all the years together? was Rs. 5.7 lakh, What was the total expenditure of the two
companies in 2017?
1) 16,000 2) 14,000 3) 12,500 4) 14,400 5) 16,600
1) 4 lac 2) 5 lac 3) 6 lac 4) 8 lac 5) 10 lac
Directions (181-185): Study the following graph carefully
and answer the questions given below it. 185. If the income of Company Honor in 2014 and 2015
were in the ratio of 2 : 3 respectively. What was the
Percentage of profit earned by two companies Xiomi respective ratio of expenditure of that Company in these
and Honor over the given years two years?

1) 2 : 3 2) 4 : 5 3) 29 : 45 4) 39 : 55 5) None of these

Directions (186-190): Study the graph carefully to answer

the questions that follow:

181. Expenditure of Company Honor in 2013 and 2014 are

Rs. 12 lakhs and Rs. 14.5 lakh respectively. What was the

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 66

186. What was the approximate per cent increase in profit
of company Y in the year 2008 from the previous year?

1) 2 2) 10 3) 20 4) 14 5) 24

187. What was the approximate percent increase in the

profit of company Z in the year 2005 from the previous

1) 14 2) 21 3) 8 4) 26 5) 19

188. If the profit earned by company X in the year 2004 was

Rs. 2,65,000, what was its profit in the year 2006?

1) Rs. 6,21,560 2) Rs 4,68,290 3) Rs 7,05,211 4) Rs

5,00,850 5) None of these

189. What is the average percent increase in profit of 191. What was the average profit earned by all the three
company Z over the years? companies in the year 2008?

5 2 1 1 1) Rs. 300 crore 2) Rs. 400 crore 3) Rs. 350 crore 4) Rs.
1) 406% 2) 413% 3) 286% 4) 233% 5) 25%
520 crore 5) None of these
190. Which of the following statements is TRUE with 192. In which of the following years was the difference
respect to the graph? between the profits earned by company B and company A
the minimum?
1) Company X incurred a loss in the year 2004
1) 2003 2) 2004 3) 2005 4) 2008 5) 2007
2) The amount of profit earned by company Y in the years
2006 and 2007 is the same 193. In which of the following years was the total profit
earned by all three companies together the highest?
3) Company Z earned the highest profit in the year 2008 as
compared to the other years 1) 2004 2) 2007 3) 2008 4) 2009 5) 2005
4) Profit earned by company X in the year 2004 is lesser 194. What was the percentage increase in the profit earned
than the profit earned by company Z in that year by Company A from 2006 to 2007?
5) None of these 4 4 4 7 6
1) 3611% 2) 2411% 3) 4011% 4) 2011% 5) 5411%
Directions (191-195): Study the following graph carefully
and answer the questions given below: 195. What was the difference between the profit earned by
company A in 2004 and the profit earned by company C in

1) Rs. 50 crores 2) Rs. 1 crores 3) Rs. 100 crores 4) Rs.

200 crores 5) None of these

Directions (196-200) Study the following graph carefully

& answer accordingly.

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 67

The following graph shows the percentage of number of Directions (201-205): Given below is the line graph
girls born in three different states of India for the years showing percentage of students taking Hindi, Sociology or
2005-2010 Psychological education as their optional subject in class
12th in different years. Study the graph carefully and
answer the following questions:

196. If the total no. of girls born in Keral were 70,000 in

2007, then find the total number of girls born in Rajsthan in
the same year 2007.

1) 85,000 2) 80,000 3) 84,000 4) 1,30,000 5) 1,02,000 201. In 2013, number of Sociology students is 272 but it
increases in 2016 by 238. Find the ratio of number of Hindi
197. The average value of percentage of girls born in students in 2013 and 2016.
Rajsthan throughout the six years together is approximately
how many times the average value of percentage of girls 1) 17 : 16 2) 16 : 17 3) 15 : 17 4) 13 : 14 5) 11 : 16
born in Keral over all the years together?
202. In 2011, total number of students is 1000, and it
1) 3 2) 1.5 3) 2.5 4) 2 5) 1.16 increase and decrease by 10% in every successive years
respectively. Find the difference in total number of students
198. From 2008 to 2009, there was increment of 20% in in 2012 and 2014.
total no. of girls born in all three states. If no. of girls born
in Bihar in 2009 was 60,000 then find the total no. of girls 1) 111 2) 11 3) 121 4) 19 5) 107
born in Rajsthan in 2008.
203. If the total number of students in 2013 is 30% less than
1) 90,000 2) 1,00,000 3) 95,000 4) 85,000 5) 1,05,000 that in 2016, then the number of Sociology students in 2016
are what percent of number of Hindi students in 2013?
199. If number of girls born in Rajsthan in 2006 was
80,000, then find the average number of girls born in Bihar 1) 72% 2) 55% 3) 58% 4) 60% 5) 65%
and Keral together in 2006.
204. Find the average percentage of Psychological
1) 1,21,000 2) 1,15,000 3) 1,25,000 4) 1,20,000 5) education students over the years (approximate).
1) 38% 2) 32% 3) 34% 4) 42% 5) 27%
200. If in 2008, there were 30,000 girls born in Bihar then
find the ratio of no. of girls born in Keral and Rajsthan in 205. Number of Sociology students in 2012 is 434 and that
that year. of Psychological Education students in 2014 is 520. Find
the percentage by which number of Hindi students in 2012
1) 2 : 3 2) 9 : 5 3) 5 : 9 4) 6 : 5 5) 3 : 2 are more or less than that in 2014. (approximate)

1) 5% 2) 8% 3) 12% 4) 14% 5) 18%

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 68

Directions (206-210): The graph shows the no. of students
in two classes A and B in five different years. Read the
following graph and answer accordingly.

206. What is the sum of differences between the number of

students through all these years in school A and school B?

1) 120 2) 130 3) 125 4) 110 5) 140

207. The total number of students in 2012 and 2015 is what

percent of the total number of student from A in all these

1) 63.6% 2) 65% 3) 70% 4) 59% 5) 60%

208. What is the ratio between total Number of students

Class B for all the years to the total number of student in
class A for all the years?

1) 31 : 33 2) 32 : 35 3) 32 : 33 4) 29 : 33 5) 33 : 35

209. What is the sum total of the student for class A in

2011, 2013 and total number of students in 2015 & 2016 for
class B?

1) 1560 2) 1400 3) 1500 4) 1460 5) None of these

210. Total students in class B for all the years is

approximately what percent less than total no of students in
both schools for all these years?

1) 55% 2) 58% 3) 60 % 4) 50.8% 5) 62.2%

Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 69


Subir Sir- (9155052550/7277931931) 70

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