January 2025
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem...................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the study........................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General objective of the study.....................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the study..................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questions............................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of the Study.............................................................................................................................3
1.6 Significance of the study....................................................................................................................3
1.6 Limitations of the study.........................................................................................................................4
1.8 Organization of the STUDY..............................................................................................................4
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...................................................................................................5
2.1 Theoretical Reviews..........................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Service........................................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Service Characteristics................................................................................................................5
2 4.6. Network quality.........................................................................................................................8
2.4.7. Convenience..............................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................9
3.1 Description of study area.......................................................................................................................9
3.2 Study Design......................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Research Method...............................................................................................................................9
3.4 Population..........................................................................................................................................9
3.5 Sampling Size and Techniques........................................................................................................10
3.6 Data Collection Method...................................................................................................................10
3.7 Data Analysis and Interpretation......................................................................................................10
3.8 Ethical consideration...........................................................................................................................11
4. TIME SCHEDULE AND BUDGET PLAN..........................................................................................11
4.1 Time Schedule.................................................................................................................................11
4.2. Budget Breakdown.........................................................................................................................12
The research was conducted to assess students‟ perception towards the mobile service quality of
Ethio Telecom (ET) in the case of Wolaita Sodo university students. And the size of the study
would be 165 and a questionnaire was administered to students of Wolaita Sodo University at
college of Business and Economics personally to evaluate their perception towards the mobile
service quality of the company. Both descriptive and inferential statistics was used to find mean
score and to test hypothesis and to investigate research problem, objectives and questions
Currently, customers are complaining about the mobile network that is becoming worse as time
goes on and being charged for service provision which did not take place for cell phones.
According to industry observers, Ethio Telecom has started a systematic marketing strategy to
maximize its profit margin. It is known as a „give-and- take approach‟ because it puts the burden
of expenses on the consumer.
This study will assess the students‟ perception towards service quality provided by Ethio
Telecom by using SERVQUAL Dimension. The SERVQUAL dimension comprises of 5
dimensions which are the reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible. In
addition, network quality and service convenience dimensions have been included as dependent
variables because of its importance and validation in earlier studies and service quality as
independent variable.
To identify the service quality dimensions as perceived by mobile service users/ students
To ascertain which aspect of service quality, have significant impact on students‟
To identify the least and most important service quality dimensions as perceived by
mobile service users/ students in the Ethiopian mobile communications market.
To find the relationship between independent variable (reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empathy and tangible and network quality and service convenience) and
students‟ perception towards service quality provided by Ethio Telecom
1. What is the level of Wolaita Sodo University students‟ perception towards service quality
provided by Ethio Telecom?
2. What are the most influential mobile service quality dimensions, in achieving a high level
of overall service quality as perceived by mobile service customers/ students?
3. What do mobile service customers/ students perceive to be the key dimensions of service
quality in mobile service?
4. Is there any relationship between independent variable (reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empathy and tangible and network quality and service convenience) and
students‟ perception towards service quality provided by Ethio Telecom
The research takes only wolaita sodo University launches because it was limited by financial problem and
lack of time
General objective and specific objective, research hypothesis, scope of the study, importance of
the study and their limitation and chapter two was focused on literature part and third chapter are
their methodological part and presentation part would be included in chapter four and finally,
conclusion and discussion parts were included in the last chapters
Services are not tangible; when you buy a service there is nothing to be shown as tangible.
Services are not things, but they are deeds or efforts. In essence the performances of most
services are supported by tangibles. In general, companies offer a combination of tangible and
intangible elements; the product is in many cases associated with service delivery.
Another characteristic of services is that production is inseparable from consumption.
Inseparability is taken to reflect the simultaneous delivery and consumption of services.
Customers participate in the production process or delivery process; there is an interaction
between the service provider, the service environment and the customer. This enables consumers
to affect or shape the performance and quality of the service (Gronroos, 1978).
Services are not homogeneous and are less standardized and uniform. Heterogeneity reflects the
potential for high variability in service delivery. For example: the quality and essence of service
can vary from producer to producer, from customer to customer, and from day to day, and
people's performance fluctuates up and down. Service industries tend to differ regarding the
extent to which they “people based” or “equipment based” (Thomas, 1978).
Service Quality
The service quality from the customer‟s perspective means how well the service meets or
exceeds expectations. Because of the customer-oriented market, service quality is generally
defined from the customer‟s perspective, which is usually termed as perceived service quality
(Fisk, Grove & John 2004:153).
The term perceived service quality has been frequently used by practitioners and academicians in
the past few decades, whereas there has not been any generally accepted definition yet. The
consensus about perceived service quality is that it is a consumer‟s evaluative judgment or
impression regarding a service provider‟s overall performance or excellence (Parasuraman et al.,
1985, 1988; Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Boulding et al., 1993). The theoretical conceptualization of
perceived service quality indicates that it is a multidimensional, higher‐ order construct and can‟t
be measured in a single dimension (e.g., Brady & Cronin, 2001; Parasuraman et al., 1988).
Assurance is defined as “the employees‟ knowledge and courtesy and the service provider‟s
ability to inspire trust and confidence” (Zeithamletal.,2006, p.119). According to Andaleeb and
Conway (2006), assurance may not be so important relative to other industries where the risk is
higher and the outcome of using the service is uncertain.
Empathy is defined as the “caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customer
(Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 120). The customer is treated as if he is unique and special.
Reliability is defined as “the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately”
or “delivering on its promises” (Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 117). This dimension is critical as all
customers want to deal with firms that keep their promises and this is generally implicitly
communicated to the firm‟s customers.
Responsiveness “is the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service” (Zeithaml et
al., 2006, p. 117). This dimension is concerned with dealing with the customer‟s requests,
questions and complaints promptly and attentively.
This dimension is defined as the physical appearance of facilities, equipment, staff, and written
materials. It translates to the restaurant‟ interiors, the appearance and condition of the cutlery,
table ware, and uniform of the staff, the appearance and design of the menu, restaurant signage
and advertisements (Zeithamaletal.,2006). Tangibles are used by firms to convey image and
signal quality (Zeithaml et al., 2006).
2 4.6. Network quality
The ability of service provider to have wider network coverage, excellent voice quality and no
(minimum) call drops. (Rakshit Negi, 2009; Yonggui Wand and Hing- PoLo, 2002)
2.4.7. Convenience
The availability of offices near to customer, toll-free numbers, websites, easy to get cards and so
on (Fujun Lai and Joe Hutchinson, 2007 and Rakshit Negi, 2009)
3.4 Population
The target population of this study is both graduate and undergraduate students of Wolaita Sodo
University college of business and economics. The reasons why students are selected for this
study are: First, they come from different social group, income level and have good
educational background. Second, students are among the most active mobile users.
3.5 Sampling Size and Techniques
The researcher will be uses random sampling method to select respondents. The size of the study
will be 165
n= sample size
Descriptive statistics has been used to interpreted Demographic variables of the respondents and
to find the mean sores of service quality dimensions whereas inferential statistics was used for
hypothesis testing such as correlation, regression and variance analysis.
time and place. To make familiarization about the purpose of study necessary data are collected from the
respective respondents and kept confidentially.
Item Quantity Per unit (Birr) Total Cost (Birr)
ArasliH, KatirciogluST, Mehtap- SmadiS (2005). A comparison of service quality in the banking
industry. Inter. J. Bank Market., 23(7): 508 - 526.
Buttle F (1996). SERVQUAL. review, critique, research agenda. Europ. J. Market. 30(1): 8 - 32.
Dukta,S., &Frankel,L.(1993).Measurementerrorsinorganizationalsurveys.TheAmerican
Behavioral Scientist, 36, 472-81.
Fisk, R.P., Grove, S.J. & John, J. 2008. Interactive services marketing (3rd ed.). New York:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
George, R. 2004. Marketing South African tourism (2nd ed.). Cape Town:
Oxford.HeskettJL(2002). BeyondCustomerLoyalty.MeasuringServiceQuality,12(6):355-
Johns, N. (1992). Quality Management in the Hospital Industry: Part 1. Definition and
Specification. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, l.4(3), 14-
Krejcie & Morgan in their 1970 article “Determining sample size for Research Activities”
(Educational and psychological Measurement, # 30, Pp. 607-610).
Oliver, Richard L (1997), Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on The Consumer. New York:
Stafford, M.R., Stafford, T.F., & Wells, B.P. (1998). Determinants of service quality and
satisfaction in the auto casualty claims process. Journal of Services Marketing, 12(6),
Tyran, C.K., & Ross, S.C. (2006). Service quality expectations and perceptions: use of the
SERVQUAL instrument for requirements analysis. Issues in Information Systems, 7(1),
Williams, C. & Buswell, J. 2003. Service quality in leisure and tourism. Oxon: CABI Publishing.
Yonggui, W. and H. Polo. (2002). Service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral
intentions, Evidence from China‟s telecommunication industry. Info 4, 6 2002, pp50- 60,
Questionnaire: Assessment of Students’ Perception Towards the Mobile
Service Quality of Ethio Telecom
Please answer the following questions based on your personal experience with Ethio Telecom’s
mobile services. Your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for research
o Under 18
o 18-22
o 23-27
o 28 and above
2. Gender:
o Male
o Female
o Other
3. Year of Study:
o 1st Year
o 2nd Year
o 3rd Year
o 4th Year
4. Faculty/College:
Please rate the following statements based on your experience with Ethio Telecom's mobile
services using the scale below:
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree
1. Reliability
The mobile service of Ethio Telecom is consistently available when I need it.
o 1[]2[]3[]4[]5
I am satisfied with the quality of the mobile network coverage in my area.
o 1[]2[]3[]4[]5
Ethio Telecom provides reliable mobile internet services.
o 1[]2[]3[]4[]5
2. Responsiveness
o 1[]2[]3[]4[]5
When I have a problem with my mobile service, I can quickly reach an Ethio Telecom
o 1[]2[]3[]4[]5
The staff of Ethio Telecom is willing to help me when I have a problem with my mobile
o 1[]2[]3[]4[]5
6. How satisfied are you with the overall mobile service quality provided by Ethio
o Very Dissatisfied
o Dissatisfied
o Neutral
o Satisfied
o Very Satisfied
7. Would you recommend Ethio Telecom to others based on your experience with their
mobile services?
o Yes
o No
o Maybe
8. What improvements would you suggest for Ethio Telecom's mobile service?
(Open-ended response)
9. Do you think the mobile services provided by Ethio Telecom meet the specific needs
of university students?
o Yes
o No
o Partially
10. In your opinion, how does Ethio Telecom compare with other mobile service
providers in Ethiopia in terms of service quality?
o Much Better
o Better
o Worse
o Much Worse
Section D: Additional Comments
11. Please share any additional comments or suggestions regarding Ethio Telecom’s
mobile services.
(Open-ended response)